Patents by Inventor Ryan Johns

Ryan Johns has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20160233733
    Abstract: A reduced weight rotor design for use in an electric motor where the reduced weight rotor maintains its structural integrity. The reduced weight rotor includes a center hub, an outer ring having lobed portions extending inwardly towards the hub and located adjacent to each location of a magnetic pole pairing, and spokes connecting the hub to the outer ring where the spokes are arranged in a number of pairs equal to the total number of the magnetic pole pairings and wherein each spoke of a given pair does not cross each other spoke of the given pair but does cross a spoke of an adjacent pair thereby forming a one cross spoke pattern.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 10, 2015
    Publication date: August 11, 2016
    Inventors: Ryan John Biffard, Abraham Askenazi
  • Publication number: 20160228133
    Abstract: A patient-specific acetabular guide can be used for preparing an acetabulum of a patient to receive an acetabular implant. The acetabular guide includes a patient-specific engagement surface designed to be complementary and mateable with a corresponding surface of the patient's pelvic anatomy. The acetabular guide is designed during a pre-operative plan for the patient by a three-dimensional reconstruction of the anatomy of the patient using two-dimensional medical images. The patient-specific engagement surface has a first portion mateable with a portion of the acetabulum of the patient. The acetabular guide includes a guiding element that extends from the acetabular guide opposite to the first portion of engagement surface. The guiding element defines a bore designed to be oriented along an alignment axis for an acetabular implant when the acetabular guide is engaged to the acetabulum.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 15, 2016
    Publication date: August 11, 2016
    Inventors: Jason D. Meridew, Tyler D. Witt, Ryan John Schoenefeld, William Jason Slone, Robert Metzger, Adolph V. Lombardi, Jeffrey H. Nycz, Matthew D. Munsterman, Alexander P. Wolfe, Tamon Kabata, James Nairus, John C. Clohisy
  • Publication number: 20160213491
    Abstract: A method for pre-operative orthopedic planning includes obtaining only a high-resolution knee-joint scan of a patient, determining hip rotation center and ankle rotation center from anthropometric data based on personal data of the patient, and determining a mechanical axis of the knee joint based on the anthropometric data. The method also includes preparing at least a two-dimensional image model of the knee joint using the knee-joint scan and the determined mechanical axis, and preparing a pre-operative surgical plan based on the image of the knee joint.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 7, 2016
    Publication date: July 28, 2016
    Inventors: Ryan John Schoenefeld, Brian Uthgenannt, Bryan Morrison, Robert Metzger
  • Publication number: 20160203314
    Abstract: Methods and devices for searching are described. In one aspect, the method includes: receiving a search query; identifying a search data file associated with a third party application, the search data file being prepared according to predetermined format rules by the third party application, and stored, prior to receiving the search query; searching, at least a portion of the search data file using the search query to identify information that matches the search query; using the predetermined format rules to identify associated information in the search data file, the associated information being related to the information that matches the search query; obtaining search results from at least one other source; and generating a display of search results based on both the information matching the search query and the associated information, the display including the search results from the at least one other source.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 21, 2016
    Publication date: July 14, 2016
    Applicants: BlackBerry Limited, QNX Software Systems Limited
    Inventors: Ryan John WATERS, Sivakumar NAGARAJAN, Martello Michealangelo JONES
  • Patent number: 9385019
    Abstract: A material handling system includes an overhead rack defining a plurality of storage positions. The overhead rack defines at least one interior window devoid of storage locations. First and second side rails are disposed above the overhead rack. A first cross rail is movably coupled to the first and second side rails. A first transport vehicle movably is coupled to the first cross rail and operable to descend below the overhead rack through the at least one interior window.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Assignee: GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.
    Inventors: William J. Fosnight, Eric Christensen, Leslie Marshall, Ryan John Gallagher, Stephanie Waite, Gabriel Gaxiola
  • Publication number: 20160161193
    Abstract: Embodiments described herein relate to the concept and designs of a polymer-based thermal ground plane. In accordance with one embodiment, a polymer is utilized as the material to fabricate the thermal ground plane. Other embodiments include am optimized wicking structure design utilizing two arrays of micropillars, use of lithography-based microfabrication of the TGP using copper/polymer processing, micro-posts, throttled releasing holes embedded in the micro-posts, atomic layer deposition (ALD) hydrophilic coating, throttled fluid charging structure and sealing method, defect-free ALD hermetic coating, and compliant structural design.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 28, 2015
    Publication date: June 9, 2016
    Inventors: Ryan John Lewis, Yung-Cheng Lee, Li-Anne Liew, Yunda Wang
  • Publication number: 20160160211
    Abstract: The present disclosure describes an apparatus for identifying a polynucleotide capable of binding a target. The apparatus comprises a first, second, and third high voltage power supply; a first, second, and third capillary tube; a first, second, and third buffer reservoir; a fraction collector, and at least one collection vessel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 2, 2015
    Publication date: June 9, 2016
    Inventors: Bonnie Jaskowski Huge, Ryan John Flaherty, Oluwatosin O. Dada, Norman J. Dovichi
  • Patent number: 9359665
    Abstract: A swage mount is manufactured for attaching a head suspension assembly to a head actuator arm for a hard disk drive. A conductive material is deposited on a predetermined part of the swage mount. A coating material is deposited on the swage mount including the predetermined part. Heat is applied to the swage mount, forming a mixture of the conductive material and the coating material. The mixture is conductive and supports a reliable connection between the swage mount and other disk drive components. Furthermore, the mixture enhances cleanliness by reducing particles shed from the swage mount. The conductive material is preferably gold, and the coating material is preferably nickel-based.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 2015
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2016
    Inventors: David Django Dexter, Ryan John Schmidt, Paul Wesley Smith
  • Patent number: 9361917
    Abstract: In certain embodiments, a method of fabricating a base plate for piezoelectric actuation, comprises providing a plate having a major surface; striking a first removable portion of the plate in a first direction substantially normal to the major surface to shear the first removable portion relative to the plate by a shear distance that is less than the plate thickness; striking the first removable portion in a second direction substantially opposite the first direction to reduce the shear distance by a reduction in shear that is less than the plate thickness; and leaving the first removable portion in place rather than removing the first removable portion. In other embodiments, the removable portion may be created by lancing one or more portions spanning at least one opening through a base plate adjacent a first side of at least one opening and adjacent a second side of the at least one opening.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 19, 2011
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2016
    Inventors: David Django Dexter, Damon Douglas Brink, Ryan John Schmidt
  • Publication number: 20160140996
    Abstract: A hard disk drive with a multiple disk stack normally utilizes disk separator plates near the disk surfaces to reduce wind induced vibrations in the disks and the read/write heads. The manufacturing methods currently used to make these separator plates, metal casting and machining, or injection molded plastic, or extruding and machining, or cold forging tends to be expensive and creates unwanted weight and bulk without the desired precision. Stamping disk separator plates from metal provides exceptional dimensional control at reduced cost, but cannot readily provide the thicknesses required. Stamping and extruding the offsets, or stamping and folding the offsets, is a manufacturing process that provides the required dimensions for the offsets, and dimensional control and reduced cost.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 27, 2016
    Publication date: May 19, 2016
    Inventors: Leong Weng How, Ryan John Schmidt, Michael John Stromberg, Damon Douglas Brink
  • Patent number: 9292525
    Abstract: Methods and devices for searching are described. In one aspect, the method includes: receiving a search query; identifying a search data file associated with a third party application, the search data file being prepared according to predetermined format rules by the third party application, and stored, prior to receiving the search query; searching, at least a portion of the search data file using the search query to identify information that matches the search query; using the predetermined format rules to identify associated information in the search data file, the associated information being related to the information that matches the search query; obtaining search results from at least one other source; and generating a display of search results based on both the information matching the search query and the associated information, the display including the search results from the at least one other source.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 19, 2013
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2016
    Assignee: BlackBerry Limited; 2236008 Ontario Inc.
    Inventors: Ryan John Waters, Martello Michealangelo Jones, Sivakumar Nagarajan
  • Publication number: 20160081227
    Abstract: Embodiments described in this disclosure include a heat spreader. The heat spreader may include a first layer having a thickness less than about 300 microns; a plurality of pillars disposed on the first layer and arrayed in a pattern, wherein each of the plurality of pillars have a height of less than 100 microns; a second layer having a thickness of less than 200 microns, wherein a portion of the first layer and a portion of the second layer are sealed together; and a vacuum chamber formed between the first layer and the second layer and within which the plurality of pillars are disposed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 14, 2015
    Publication date: March 17, 2016
    Inventors: Yung-Cheng Lee, Shanshan Xu, Ronggui Yang, Collin Jennings Coolidge, Ryan John Lewis, Li-Anne Liew, Ching-Yi Lin
  • Publication number: 20160076820
    Abstract: A thermal ground plane (TGP) is disclosed. A TGP may include a first planar substrate member configured to enclose a working fluid; a second planar substrate member configured to enclose the working fluid; a plurality of wicking structures disposed on the first planar substrate; and one or more planar spacers disposed on the second planar substrate. The first planar substrate and the second planar substrate are may be hermetically sealed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 17, 2015
    Publication date: March 17, 2016
    Inventors: Ryan John Lewis, Li-Anne Liew, Ching-Yi Lin, Collin Jennings Coolidge, Shanshan Xu, Ronggui Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee
  • Patent number: 9283608
    Abstract: A hard disk drive with a multiple disk stack normally utilizes disk separator plates near the disk surfaces to reduce wind induced vibrations in the disks and the read/write heads. The manufacturing methods currently used to make these separator plates, metal casting and machining, or injection molded plastic, or extruding and machining, or cold forging tends to be expensive and creates unwanted weight and bulk without the desired precision. Stamping disk separator plates from metal provides exceptional dimensional control at reduced cost, but cannot readily provide the thicknesses required. Stamping and extruding the offsets, or stamping and folding the offsets, is a manufacturing process that provides the required dimensions for the offsets, and dimensional control and reduced cost.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 2013
    Date of Patent: March 15, 2016
    Inventors: Leong Weng How, Ryan John Schmidt, Michael John Stromberg, Damon Douglas Brink
  • Patent number: 9261563
    Abstract: Improved battery charge state determination. The estimated charge state of a battery comprising a plurality of series connected cells is updated using Coulomb counting during battery operation, for example, while operating an electric vehicle motor. The estimated charge state may be coupled to a fuel gauge. When the battery is in a no load state, a no load voltage measurement is made. During testing, a set of relationships between battery no load voltages and associated known good charge states have been determined. The measured no load voltage is compared to the set of no load voltages associated with known good charge states. A known good charge state associated with the measured no load voltage is used to update the estimated charge state, thereby providing a more accurate indication of the actual battery charge state, thus providing a more robust and accurate fuel gauge.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 2012
    Date of Patent: February 16, 2016
    Assignee: Zero Motorcycles, Inc.
    Inventors: Nathan Glenn Knight, Kenyon Michael Kluge, Ryan John Biffard, Lucas Remington Workman
  • Publication number: 20160024991
    Abstract: A fan assembly may include an input shaft, first and second belts, first and second pulleys engaged by the first belt, third and fourth pulleys engaged by the second belt, output shaft rotationally coupled to a fan, and a clutch assembly. The second pulley may be rotationally coupled to the first pulley via the first belt so as to rotate in the same direction as the first pulley. The fourth pulley may be rotationally coupled to the third pulley via the second belt so as to rotate in the opposite direction of the third pulley. The clutch assembly may be configured to selectively rotationally couple the output shaft to the input shaft via the first pulley, first belt, and second pulley. The clutch assembly may also be configured to selectively rotationally couple the output shaft to the input shaft via the third pulley, second belt, and fourth pulley.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 22, 2014
    Publication date: January 28, 2016
    Inventors: Alfred Sigmund Smemo, Steven Ryan Whiteman, Ryan John Kruse
  • Publication number: 20160010357
    Abstract: A portable shelter including a base, a collapsible support member that is projectable substantially diagonally upward and rearward from the portion of the base, a collapsible base support member that is projectable first diagonally downward to a bend and then forward from the portion of the base, and another collapsible support member or a spreader bar that is attachable to an end portion of the collapsible base support member, wherein the collapsible support member, the another collapsible support member or the spreader bar, and the collapsible base support member comprise a frame.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 24, 2015
    Publication date: January 14, 2016
    Inventors: Timothy S. Makos, Ryan John Kleckner
  • Publication number: 20160008013
    Abstract: A patient-specific guiding system for guiding an instrument relative to a portion of an anatomical feature of a patient. The patient-specific guiding system includes a patient-specific guide. The guide includes a first portion having a first patient-specific inner surface that conforms to a first surface of the anatomical feature and an outer surface opposite the first patient-specific inner surface. The first portion also includes a guide surface for use in guiding the instrument relative to the anatomical feature. The guide also includes a second portion having a second patient-specific inner surface that conforms to a second surface of the anatomical feature and an outer surface opposite the second patient-specific inner surface. The second portion is removably connected to the first portion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 25, 2015
    Publication date: January 14, 2016
    Inventors: Robert Metzger, Ryan John Schoenefeld, Nathan Emick Belcher, Brian Uthgenannt
  • Publication number: 20150361537
    Abstract: A swage mount is manufactured for attaching a head suspension assembly to a head actuator arm for a hard disk drive. A conductive material is deposited on a predetermined part of the swage mount. A coating material is deposited on the swage mount including the predetermined part. Heat is applied to the swage mount, forming a mixture of the conductive material and the coating material. The mixture is conductive and supports a reliable connection between the swage mount and other disk drive components. Furthermore, the mixture enhances cleanliness by reducing particles shed from the swage mount. The conductive material is preferably gold, and the coating material is preferably nickel-based.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 22, 2015
    Publication date: December 17, 2015
    Inventors: DAVID DJANGO DEXTER, Ryan John Schmidt, Paul Wesley Smith
  • Patent number: 9212510
    Abstract: Systems, devices and components for the sealing of doors, including overhead doors at loading docks, and associated methods of manufacture and use are disclosed herein. A door sealing system configured in accordance with one embodiment of the disclosure includes a seal extension having a body with a first edge and a second edge. The seal extension can include a bulb seal portion extending from the first edge to form a first seal between the door and a first surface extending adjacent to a side edge of the door. The seal extension can also include a blade seal portion extending from the second edge to form a second seal between the door and a second surface extending adjacent to an upper edge of the door.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 24, 2013
    Date of Patent: December 15, 2015
    Assignee: 4Front Engineered Solutions, Inc.
    Inventors: William C. Eungard, Joshua James Brown, Ryan John Talbot