Patents by Inventor Sergey CHERNOGORODSKIY

Sergey CHERNOGORODSKIY has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20170116627
    Abstract: Techniques for including and sharing crowd-sourced questions in online polls include a method with the steps of, in response to a client request for content, selecting from a repository of poll questions at least one poll question associated with the requested content and providing to the requesting client the requested content and a poll allowing a user to respond to the at least one selected question; receiving from the client a poll question generated by the user, the poll question including at least a question associated with the content and a plurality of answers responsive to the question; storing the received user-generated question in the repository of poll questions; and, in response to a subsequent request by a different client for the same content, selecting the user-generated question and providing to the different requesting client the requested content and a poll including the user-generated question.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 22, 2015
    Publication date: April 27, 2017
    Inventors: Alexei FEDOSSEEV, Sergey CHERNOGORODSKIY, Damien LEOSTIC