Patents by Inventor Seyed Hossein Mortazavi

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230336470
    Abstract: The present disclosure describes methods and systems for proactively managing a distributed computer network based on learned relationships between state changes and network events. During an initial identification phase, information representing state changes occurring at host nodes, and network events occurring at network nodes, is collected and processed to generate a database of event probability signatures, each event probability signature indicating a respective probability that a specified event type will occur at a specified network node given a specified type of state change at one of the hosts. During a subsequent action phase, a smart network engine can interact with software drivers installed on each host node to actively monitor for state changes, and when a state change is detected, compare the type of state change with the types of state changes specified in the plurality of event probability signatures to select a matching event probability signature.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 14, 2022
    Publication date: October 19, 2023
    Inventors: Ali MUNIR, Amir BANIAMERIAN, Mahmoud Mohamed BAHNASY, Seyed Hossein MORTAZAVI, Yashar GANJALI
  • Patent number: 11775530
    Abstract: Methods and systems for data management are described, particularly for processing global queries. Each global query includes a user-defined query constraint value, such as laxity or query response time limit. The query receiving node maintains a copy of the previously updated data from all of its children node. The query receiving node first searches for the requested query data in its local data storage to minimize children node query. If any portion of the requested data in the local data storage fails to meet the query constraint value, then the child node from which the data came from is tasked with recursively executing the global query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 2020
    Date of Patent: October 3, 2023
    Assignees: Huawei Technologies Canada Co., Ltd., The Governing Council of the University of Toronto
    Inventors: Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara, Zhenhua Hu, Chung-Man Abelard Chow
  • Publication number: 20220179868
    Abstract: Methods and systems for data management are described, particularly for processing global queries. Each global query includes a user-defined query constraint value, such as laxity or query response time limit. The query receiving node maintains a copy of the previously updated data from all of its children node. The query receiving node first searches for the requested query data in its local data storage to minimize children node query. If any portion of the requested data in the local data storage fails to meet the query constraint value, then the child node from which the data came from is tasked with recursively executing the global query.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 8, 2020
    Publication date: June 9, 2022
    Inventors: Seyed Hossein MORTAZAVI, Mohammad SALEHE, Moshe GABEL, Eyal de Lara, Zhenhua HU, Chung-Man Abelard CHOW
  • Publication number: 20210012025
    Abstract: A method includes creating a session token including a session identifier and a current node, capturing a set of queries in a cache from a client device at the current node associated with the session identification, receiving a request from the client for data access at a second node wherein the request includes the session token, transferring a subset of data records from the current node to the second node, wherein the subset of data records is selected based on the session identifier and the set of queries; and granting access to the client to the second node.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 10, 2019
    Publication date: January 14, 2021
    Inventors: Bharath Balasubramanian, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan, Eyal De Lara, Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Mohammad Saleheh