Patents by Inventor Shaozhuang Liu

Shaozhuang Liu has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20210126879
    Abstract: A plurality of outbound instant message invitations that are not connected to sessions can be sent to a plurality of end-users. When an end-user interacts with the invitation, a session is created with the responding user on one end and an agent on the other. The agent can use a virtual identifier that remains the same when the agent transfers the session to other agents.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 28, 2017
    Publication date: April 29, 2021
    Inventors: Shaozhuang Liu, Qian Huang, Junyan Liu, Cui Jianxun, Sheng Xi, Cui Kaizin
  • Publication number: 20210058493
    Abstract: Multiple input items from extensions of listened-to sites are received and stored in a common format for a given user. Compound conditions that are linked to the commonly formatted data can be analyzed and one or more mapped requests can be constructed from mappings. The mapped requests can then be transmitted to external sites for processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 30, 2018
    Publication date: February 25, 2021
    Inventors: Qian Huang, Shaozhuang Liu, Junyan Liu, Yongsheng Yang, Zicheng Wang