Patents by Inventor Sreekanth Sreedhararaj

Sreekanth Sreedhararaj has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 10902017
    Abstract: A system to perform certain acts to indicate when an order state within an order database has been modified. The acts can include determining that an order lookup comprises an intent to cancel an order line item. The acts can also include running rules to determine whether the order line item is authorized to be cancelled by synchronizing the cancellation and pushing a cancel state asynchronously to the order database cache. When the order line item is not authorized to be cancelled, the acts can detect that the order state has not been modified. The acts can call to a caching interface to asynchronously push a not cancel state to the order state in the order database cache. The acts can publish the not cancel order state from the order database to the order database cache. The acts can display a message that the order state cannot be modified.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 2018
    Date of Patent: January 26, 2021
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10825078
    Abstract: The present invention is generally directed to methods, systems, and computer program products for routing order lookups from retail systems. Order data can be synchronized from the order database cache to the order database. The order database can modify an order state of one or more customer orders from the order database. An order lookup can be received from an in-store retail system channel of one or more in-store retail system channels and can indicate a database command type. A database command type can impact a state of the order database when the order data is modified. A data source can service the order lookup based on at least a timestamp of the order data associated with a customer order. A data indicator of the order data in the order lookup can be modified when the database command type impacts the state of the order database.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 2018
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2020
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10552790
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database and order management application is provided. The method may include a computer router associated with a store receiving, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order. The router may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order and which is part of a store order database having multiple database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and which implements an order management system application layer. The database server may process information regarding the order and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 14, 2017
    Date of Patent: February 4, 2020
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10410169
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store inventory database is provided. The method may include separating a store inventory database into a first inventory database shard in a first inventory database server which has inventory data for a first group of items sold by a store and into a second inventory database shard in a second inventory database server which has inventory data for a second group of items sold by the store which are different than the first group of items. The method may also include associating a router with the sharded store inventory database, the router housing resident shard determination logic which comprises information which, for an item sold by the store, identifies an inventory database shard on which inventory data for the item is stored.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 10, 2019
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10346897
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database and order management application is provided. The method may include a computer router associated with a store receiving, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order. The router may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order and which is part of a store order database having multiple database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and which implements an order management system application layer. The database server may process information regarding the order and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 9, 2019
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Publication number: 20190065572
    Abstract: A system to perform certain acts to indicate when an order state within an order database has been modified. The acts can include determining that an order lookup comprises an intent to cancel an order line item. The acts can also include running rules to determine whether the order line item is authorized to be cancelled by synchronizing the cancellation and pushing a cancel state asynchronously to the order database cache. When the order line item is not authorized to be cancelled, the acts can detect that the order state has not been modified. The acts can call to a caching interface to asynchronously push a not cancel state to the order state in the order database cache. The acts can publish the not cancel order state from the order database to the order database cache. The acts can display a message that the order state cannot be modified.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 29, 2018
    Publication date: February 28, 2019
    Applicant: Walmart Apollo, LLC
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10217082
    Abstract: In some embodiments, a system can comprise one or more processing modules and one or more non-transitory storage modules storing computing instructions configured to run on the one or more processing modules and perform acts. In some embodiments, the acts can comprise receiving a first item inventory level quantity for an item, storing the first item inventory level quantity at an inventory database, and comparing the first item inventory level quantity with a predetermined high threshold. In many embodiments, the acts further can comprise, when the first item inventory level quantity is less than the predetermined high threshold, transmitting a first Limited Stock Alert to an inventory cache, and at the inventory cache, storing a first inventory status corresponding to the first item inventory level quantity. Other embodiments of related methods and systems are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2016
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2019
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj, Vikrant Tare
  • Publication number: 20190019241
    Abstract: The present invention is generally directed to methods, systems, and computer program products for routing order lookups from retail systems. Order data can be synchronized from the order database cache to the order database. The order database can modify an order state of one or more customer orders from the order database. An order lookup can be received from an in-store retail system channel of one or more in-store retail system channels and can indicate a database command type. A database command type can impact a state of the order database when the order data is modified. A data source can service the order lookup based on at least a timestamp of the order data associated with a customer order. A data indicator of the order data in the order lookup can be modified when the database command type impacts the state of the order database.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 4, 2018
    Publication date: January 17, 2019
    Applicant: Walmart Apollo, LLC
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10114880
    Abstract: The present invention is generally directed to methods, systems, and computer program products for synchronizing database data to a database cache. Embodiments of the invention facilitate synchronizing order data from an order management system database to an order cache. When order data is synchronized, more efficient order lookups of the order data can occur. In some embodiments, the order management system database feeds the order cache with the latest updates as relevant state for orders is modified. A trigger within the order management system database can indicate when order state is modified. The trigger is monitored. When the trigger indicates modified order state, a caching interface (e.g., a caching API) can be called to publish the modified order state to the order cache.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 30, 2018
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10068281
    Abstract: The present invention is generally directed to methods, systems, and computer program products for routing order lookups from retail systems. Order data from order management system database is synchronized to an order cache. When an order lookup is received (e.g., from a retail kiosk or POS terminal), a business layer determines if the cache can appropriately service the order lookup. If so (e.g., if the order lookup does not change order state), the business layer routes the order lookup to the cache. Otherwise (e.g., if the order lookup does change order state), the business layer routes the order lookup to the order management system database. In-store retail systems can be used to lookup orders previously submitted through other channels, such as, a website or mobile application. Knowing order details for other orders can assist the customer with in-store purchasing decisions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 4, 2018
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 10043208
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database is provided. The method may include a store order management server operating an order management system application layer to facilitate online order management. The store order management server may receive, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order to purchase items from the store. The store order management server may transmit the customer query regarding the order to a router which may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order. The database shard may be part of a store order database having a plurality of database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and the database server may process the information and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 7, 2018
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 9773223
    Abstract: The present disclosure extends to maintaining an item inventory status at an inventory cache management system. The inventory cache may be refreshed regularly by a threshold-based triggering mechanism. In embodiments, as item inventory breaches certain thresholds, the inventory cache may be refreshed with increased frequency to mitigate overselling or underselling scenarios and reduce overall network traffic for items having relatively high inventory levels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2017
    Assignee: WAL-MART STORES, INC.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj, Mahesh Tyagarajan
  • Publication number: 20170220991
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database and order management application is provided. The method may include a computer router associated with a store receiving, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order. The router may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order and which is part of a store order database having multiple database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and which implements an order management system application layer. The database server may process information regarding the order and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 14, 2017
    Publication date: August 3, 2017
    Applicant: WAL-MART STORES, INC.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 9659079
    Abstract: A store computer system is provided. The computer system includes a sharded store transactional database such as an order or inventory database. The database may include a first database shard which stores a first group of order or inventory data and a second database shard which stores a second group of order or inventory data which is different than the first group of data. The computer system may include a store order management computer system that implements a shard determination module which is programmed to receive a query regarding an order or item associated with the store, identify a database shard associated with the order or item from data in the query, and communicate data regarding the order or item to or from the identified database shard.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2014
    Date of Patent: May 23, 2017
    Assignee: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Publication number: 20160342940
    Abstract: In some embodiments, a system can comprise one or more processing modules and one or more non-transitory storage modules storing computing instructions configured to run on the one or more processing modules and perform acts. In some embodiments, the acts can comprise receiving a first item inventory level quantity for an item, storing the first item inventory level quantity at an inventory database, and comparing the first item inventory level quantity with a predetermined high threshold. In many embodiments, the acts further can comprise, when the first item inventory level quantity is less than the predetermined high threshold, transmitting a first Limited Stock Alert to an inventory cache, and at the inventory cache, storing a first inventory status corresponding to the first item inventory level quantity. Other embodiments of related methods and systems are also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 5, 2016
    Publication date: November 24, 2016
    Applicant: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj, Vikrant Tare
  • Patent number: 9489425
    Abstract: The present invention is generally directed to methods, systems, and computer program products for routing order lookups. Order data from order management system database is synchronized to an order cache. When an order lookup is received, a business layer determines if the cache can appropriately service the order lookup. If so, the business layer routes the order lookup to the cache. Otherwise, the business layer routes the order lookup to the order management system database. In some embodiments, order lookups configured to impact state of the order management system database (e.g., that write or change order data) are routed to the order management system database. In these same embodiments, order lookups configured to not impact state of the order management system database (e.g., that read order data) are routed to the cache.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2014
    Date of Patent: November 8, 2016
    Assignee: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Mahesh Tyagarajan, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Patent number: 9430753
    Abstract: The present disclosure extends to maintaining an item inventory status at an inventory cache management system. The inventory cache may be refreshed regularly by a threshold-based triggering mechanism. In embodiments, as item inventory breaches certain thresholds, the inventory cache may be refreshed with increased frequency to mitigate overselling or underselling scenarios and reduce overall network traffic for items having relatively high inventory levels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2016
    Assignee: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj, Vikrant Tare
  • Publication number: 20150347957
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store inventory database is provided. The method may include separating a store inventory database into a first inventory database shard in a first inventory database server which has inventory data for a first group of items sold by a store and into a second inventory database shard in a second inventory database server which has inventory data for a second group of items sold by the store which are different than the first group of items. The method may also include associating a router with the sharded store inventory database, the router housing resident shard determination logic which comprises information which, for an item sold by the store, identifies an inventory database shard on which inventory data for the item is stored.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Publication date: December 3, 2015
    Applicant: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Publication number: 20150348172
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database is provided. The method may include a store order management server operating an order management system application layer to facilitate online order management. The store order management server may receive, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order to purchase items from the store. The store order management server may transmit the customer query regarding the order to a router which may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order. The database shard may be part of a store order database having a plurality of database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and the database server may process the information and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Publication date: December 3, 2015
    Applicant: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj
  • Publication number: 20150348171
    Abstract: A method for sharding a store order database and order management application is provided. The method may include a computer router associated with a store receiving, from a customer computer, a query regarding an order. The router may use resident shard determination logic to identify a database shard which pertains to the order and which is part of a store order database having multiple database shards. The router may transmit information regarding the order to a database server which implements the identified database shard and which implements an order management system application layer. The database server may process information regarding the order and transmit information regarding the order to the customer computer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 30, 2014
    Publication date: December 3, 2015
    Applicant: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    Inventors: Madhavan Kandhadai Vasantham, Sreekanth Sreedhararaj