Patents by Inventor Staffan Sjodal

Staffan Sjodal has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6333448
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a novel plant enzyme called delta 12 fatty acid acetylenase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of fatty acids to acetylenic acids and the invention relates to production of such acids. The invention also relates to use of cDNA encoding acetylenase, preferably Crepis alpina delta 12 acetylenase, for transforming organisms such as oil accumulating organisms selected from the group consisting of oil crops, oleogeneous yeasts and moulds. Furthermore, the invention relates to organisms such as oil accumulating organisms transformed with acetylenase cDNA, and to oils and other acetylenic compounds from said organisms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1998
    Date of Patent: December 25, 2001
    Inventors: Maureen Bafor, Antoni Banas, Anders Dahlqvist, Per-Olov Gummeson, Michael Lee, Staffan Sjodal, Sten Stymne, Marit Lenman