Patents by Inventor Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy

Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20220398348
    Abstract: A method of object authentication based on digital blueprints and physical fingerprints comprising the steps of acquiring a set of training blueprints and fingerprints, training, object enrollment and object authentication. The method uses a pair of a mapper realized as an encoder and a decoder and a set of multi-metric scores originating from the decomposition of mutual information and applied to both the output of the encoder and decoder and producing a feature vector for a one-class classifier. The method is trained only on the original physical objects and does not use any fakes for reliable authentication.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 8, 2022
    Publication date: December 15, 2022
    Inventors: Svyatoslav VOLOSHYNOVSKIY, Olga TARAN, Joakim TUTT, Taras HOLOTYAK
  • Patent number: 10019646
    Abstract: A method for recognition and/or verification of authenticity of digital, and/or physical objects, comprising the steps of codebook training, object enrollment, and object verification, the latter consisting in object recognition and/or object authentication. The method uses two types of features, of codebooks, and of databases, which are specifically designed for identification, respectively authentication, the identification database and authentication database having different organizations. The invention is also directed to corresponding computer program means adapted to implement the proposed method, devices adapted for implementation of a method, as well as to applications which are particularly adapted for use of the proposed method.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 2015
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2018
    Assignee: Université de Genève
    Inventors: Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Maurits Diephuis
  • Patent number: 9794067
    Abstract: A method of providing robust and secure fingerprints including, at an enrollment stage, the steps of providing a content x for which a fingerprint is to be provided, assigning an ID number to the content x, providing a secret key k, generating a fingerprint bx based on content x and secret key k, storing the generated fingerprint bx together with the assigned ID in a database, as well as, at an identification stage, the steps of extracting, for a given query content y which might result either from the enrolled content x or an unrelated content x?, an estimate fingerprint by based on content y, and secret key k, producing an estimated I{hacek over (D)} number based on the estimate fingerprint by for identifying the content x using said ID number stored in the database, or else rejecting the query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 2013
    Date of Patent: October 17, 2017
    Assignee: Université de Genève
    Inventor: Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy
  • Publication number: 20170109600
    Abstract: A method for recognition and/or verification of authenticity of digital, and/or physical objects, comprising the steps of codebook training, object enrollment, and object verification, the latter consisting in object recognition and/or object authentication. The method uses two types of features, of codebooks, and of databases, which are specifically designed for identification, respectively authentication, the identification database and authentication database having different organizations. The invention is also directed to corresponding computer program means adapted to implement the proposed method, devices adapted for implementation of a method, as well as to applications which are particularly adapted for use of the proposed method.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 9, 2015
    Publication date: April 20, 2017
    Inventors: Svyatoslav VOLOSHYNOVSKIY, Maurits DIEPHUIS
  • Publication number: 20150256339
    Abstract: A method of providing robust and secure fingerprints including, at an enrollment stage, the steps of providing a content x for which a fingerprint is to be provided, assigning an ID number to the content x, providing a secret key k, generating a fingerprint bx based on content x and secret key k, storing the generated fingerprint bx together with the assigned ID in a database, as well as, at an identification stage, the steps of extracting, for a given query content y which might result either from the enrolled content x or an unrelated content x?, an estimate fingerprint by based on content y, and secret key k, producing an estimated I{hacek over (D)} number based on the estimate fingerprint by for identifying the content x using said ID number stored in the database, or else rejecting the query.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 18, 2013
    Publication date: September 10, 2015
    Inventor: Svyatoslav Voloshynovskiy