Patents by Inventor Terrance Taraschuk

Terrance Taraschuk has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6781537
    Abstract: A high speed D/A converter includes a phase aligner, and a vector summation block. The phase aligner operates to ensure precise phase alignment between corresponding bits of a parallel N-bit digital signal having a data rate of at least 2 GHz. The vector addition block performs a vector addition of the phase-aligned bits of the parallel N-bit digital signal. Each bit of the parallel N-bit digital signal can be weighted to ensure a correct additive contribution to the analog signal level appearing at the output of the D/A converter. Vector addition of the weighted bits can be accomplished using a microwave signal combiner network in the form of either a multistage parallel cascade of impedance matched junctions, or a linear cascade of junctions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 24, 2004
    Assignee: Nortel Networks Limited
    Inventors: Terrance Taraschuk, Kim B. Roberts, Leo L. Strawczynski