Patents by Inventor Teruo Kozono

Teruo Kozono has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: PP12373
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of russet type Japanese pear tree that has strong tree vigor and a strong resistance to black spot disease. This pear tree bears large size fruit, the harvesting stage of the fruit being mid to late in season after the ‘Hosui’ cultivar. This pear tree bears large size fruit having excellent quality, such as being highly sweet and weakly acidic.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 29, 2002
    Assignee: National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Yutaka Machida, Kazuo Kotobuki, Yoshihiko Sato, Kazuyuki Abe, Akio Kurihara, Tatsushi Ogata, Toshihiro Saito, Osami Terai, Toyohide Nishibata, Teruo Kozono, Hiroyuki Fukuda, Takeshi Kihara, Katsuyuki Suzuki
  • Patent number: PP6540
    Abstract: Disclosed herein is a peach tree of an early ripening cultivar which is self-fertile and productive with a low physiological fruit drop. The tree has showy and pink flowers with abundant pollen, and can produce a round elliptic, clingstone fruit with a good keeping quality, suitable for dessert. The fruit has a sturdy and attractive skin with a white ground color and a bright red blush, a melting flesh having a white color with some red pigment, a moderate firmness, moderate sweetness and a low acidity, giving a good taste.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1987
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1989
    Assignee: Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Teruo Nishida, Masao Yoshida, Hidetoshi Kyotani, Masami Yamaguchi, Teruo Kozono
  • Patent number: PP6726
    Abstract: Disclosed herein is a Japanese pear tree which has a moderate vigor and an easily maintained moderate spur development, is resistant to black spot disease, and as productive as `Hosui`. The tree is cross-incompatible with `Kosui` and is assumed to have an S.sub.4 S.sub.5 genotype, and has brown young leaves and white large flowers which have a pale red color at the pit at fat bud and bloom middle to late in the season and at almost the same time as `Nijisseiki`. The tree can produce an oblate-shaped fruit which matures early in the season, earlier than `Nijisseiki`, and has a normal keeping quality. The fruit has a large size which is larger than that of `Nijisseiki`, a skin which is covered partly with russet when cultivated without bagging, is at early maturity of the yellowish green color identified in the Munsel.RTM. Book of Color as follows:Hue symbol: 2.5 gyChroma: 6Value: 9,and is at full maturity of the yellow color identified in the Munsel.RTM.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1987
    Date of Patent: April 11, 1989
    Assignee: Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Kitsuo Kanato, Yutaka Machida, Itaru Kozaki, Tsutomu Chiba, Osamu Kishimoto, Kanetsugu Seike, Isao Shimura, Kazuo Kotobuji, Mitsuo Omura, Ichiro Kajiura, Yoshihiko Sato, Teruo Kozono
  • Patent number: PP7758
    Abstract: Disclosed herein is a Japanese pear tree having a moderate vigor and an easily maintained moderate spur development, a high resistance to black spot disease and a high productivity. This tree produces an oblate-shaped fruit which matures early in the season, i.e., from the start to the middle of August, in the central part of the Kanto district, Japan. The fruit has a medium size and the same weight as `Kosui`, i.e., 250 to 300 g, a yellowish brown skin, and a white flesh which is soft, crisp and very juicy with a high Brix the pH of the juice being about 5.2, a particular smell without aromatic flavor, giving an excellent dessert quality.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 31, 1991
    Assignee: Fruit Tree Research Station Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Yutaka Machida, Kazuo Kotobuki, Ichiro Kajiura, Yoshihiko Sato, Teruo Kozono, Kitsuo Kanato, Kanetsugu Seike, Isao Shimura, Mitsuo Omura, Kazuyuki Abe, Akio Kurihara, Osamu Kishimoto
  • Patent number: PP8115
    Abstract: Disclosed is a Japanese pear tree bearing fruit with light green yellow skin, having a strong vigor, a stout shoot and a long internode, a high resistance to scab, and a high productivity. This tree produces a circular-ellipse-shaped fruit which matures early in the season, i.e., from the middle to the end of August, in the central part of the Kanto district, Japan. The fruit has a medium size and the same weight as "Chikusui", i.e., 250 to 300 g, and a yellowish white flesh which is soft, crisp and very juicy with a high Brix, the pH of the juicy being about 4.7-4.8, and little aromatic flavor, thus having an excellent dessert quality.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 26, 1993
    Assignee: Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Kitsuo Kanato, Yutaka Machida, Akio Kurihara, Yoshihiko Sato, Kazuyuki Abe, Ichiro Kajiura, Kanetsugu Seike, Kazuo Kotobuki, Isao Shimura, Teruo Kozono, Tatsushi Ogata, Mitsuo Omura
  • Patent number: PP8116
    Abstract: Disclosed is a nectarine (Prunus persia) tree of a medium vigor and spreading, foliated with large elongated leaves, and producing uniform, medium size, round to round-elliptic shaped clingstone fruit having a yellow ground color and deep red overcolor skin, and a yellow flesh which is slightly red near the pit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 26, 1993
    Assignee: Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Masao Yoshida, Hidetoshi Kyotani, Masami Yamaguchi, Teruo Kozono, Teruo Nishida, Yuri Ishizawa, Kitsuo Kanato, Koichi Nishimura
  • Patent number: PP9179
    Abstract: Disclosed is a Japanese pear tree bearing fruit with yellow-reddish-brown skin; having good vigor, a stout shoot, high resistance to black spot disease, and high productivity. This tree produces circular-shaped fruit which mature late in the season (i.e., from the middle to end of October), in the central part of the Kanto district of Japan. This fruit is large, with an average weight of 607 g. The white flesh is soft, crisp, and very juicy. This flesh has a moderate Brix (the pH of the juice being about 4.32) and no aromatic flavor: thus, it possesses excellent dessert quality.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 27, 1995
    Assignees: Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Inventors: Kazuo Kotobuki, Yoshihiko Sato, Kazuyuki Abe, Toshihiro Saito, Isao Shimura, Kanetsugu Seiko, Mitsuo Omura, Ichiro Kajiura, Yutaka Machida, Akio Kurihara, Tatsushi Ogata, Teruo Kozono