Patents by Inventor Thomas Doerr

Thomas Doerr has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7654089
    Abstract: This invention relates to a gas-turbine combustion chamber with at least one pilot burner (2) and at least one main burner (3) which are axially and radially offset relative to each other, said combustion chamber (1) comprising an outer flame-tube wall (4) and an inner flame-tube wall (5) each provided with ports for the introduction of air, and said main burner (3) being located at the outer flame-tube wall (4) and said pilot burner (2) being located at the inner flame-tube wall (5), characterized in that the outer flame-tube wall (4) is provided with a first arrangement (6) of ports and in that the inner flame-tube wall (5) is provided with a second arrangement (7) of ports.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 2, 2010
    Assignee: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
    Inventors: Thomas Schilling, Thomas Dörr
  • Publication number: 20100016924
    Abstract: A medical implant has at least one interface for bidirectional wireless data exchange, a data memory, and a controller. The controller and interface perform a wireless data exchange with at least two different external devices, resulting in at least two different data communication channels, one channel being assigned to data communication with the programming device and a second channel being assigned to data communication with a central service center. The medical implant is also designed to receive control commands and/or messages over the second channel while the second channel is active, and to recognize received control commands and/or messages intended for a programming device, store them temporarily in a memory (if necessary), and forward them to a programming device via the first channel when the first channel is active.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 16, 2009
    Publication date: January 21, 2010
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20100005867
    Abstract: A temperature control unit (216) for a column (201) of a fluidic device (200) for analyzing a fluidic sample, wherein the fluidic device (200) is adapted to conduct the fluidic sample through the column (201), the temperature control unit (216) being arranged to adjust a temperature of the fluidic sample in a flow path between an inlet 5 (207) of the column (201) and an outlet (208) of the column (201) so that a temperature adjustment effect occurs selectively in an interior of the column (201).
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 17, 2006
    Publication date: January 14, 2010
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20100010607
    Abstract: An implantable line, in particular an electrode line and/or sensor line and/or medicine supply line for implantation in the left ventricle of the heart with perforation of the atrial or ventricular septum, includes an elongated flexible line body, an electrode and/or a sensor and/or a medicine administering device at or near the distal end of the line body, and a closure element integrally molded on the line body or connected thereto for sealing the perforation site in the septum.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 29, 2009
    Publication date: January 14, 2010
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090312812
    Abstract: An implantable antitachycardiac cardiac stimulator has at least one right-ventricular sensing unit, a defibrillation shock generator and a control unit, as well as an additional detection unit for detecting ventricular events which operates independently of the right-ventricular detection electrode, and an evaluation unit (e.g., as an additional component of the control unit) which suppresses the delivery of a defibrillation shock on reliable detection of the normal rhythm via the additional detection unit.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 10, 2009
    Publication date: December 17, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090312821
    Abstract: Implantable medical device (10) having control unit (20) connected to bidirectional wireless interface (18) and magnetic interface (16). Bidirectional wireless interface configured for bidirectional wireless data transmission via alternating electric field between medical device and an external device and may assume at least one OFF and one ON state, whereby wireless data transmission is possible only in ON state and function interface requires little or no energy in OFF state. Magnetic interface configured to constantly receive control signals transmitted via an alternating magnetic field from the external device. Magnetic interface configured to receive/process a data transmission start signal, such that magnetic interface or control unit generates a wireless interface activation. The bidirectional wireless interface is at least indirectly connected to the magnetic interface and is configured to switch from OFF to ON state in response to the wireless interface activation signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2009
    Publication date: December 17, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas DOERR
  • Publication number: 20090306731
    Abstract: An implantable cardiac stimulator includes a cardioversion/defibrillation unit connected to at least one electrode pair for generation and delivery of cardioversion or defibrillation shocks; an atrial sensing unit detecting atrial contraction, and outputting an atrial sensing signal indicating a atrial event when an atrial contraction is detected; a ventricular sensing unit detecting ventricular contraction, and outputting a ventricular sensing signal when a ventricular contraction is detected; a tachycardia detection unit connected to the atrial and ventricular sensing units and detecting a tachycardia, and classifying it as a ventricular tachycardia (VT) or as a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT); and a treatment control unit designed to trigger at least one atrial cardioversion shock when a ventricular rhythm detected by the ventricular sensing unit is faster than a programmed frequency limit, and the tachycardia detection unit classifies an SVT as an atrial fibrillation (AFib).
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 1, 2009
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090306738
    Abstract: Electrotherapeutic implant for stimulation of body tissue, comprising at least two electrode poles (14) which are connected to electric feeder lines, a demodulation unit (22), at least one electric feeder line (20), which is designed as an antenna and contacts the demodulation unit (22), wherein the implant (10) is fabricated from one piece, has means (16) for affixing same at the treatment site and is equipped with a biocompatible insulation, whereby the components of the implant (10) are designed so that a therapeutic energy which can be injected from the outside over the antenna (20) during the treatment is delivered to the therapeutic target region without intermediate storage.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 18, 2009
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventors: Ingo WEISS, Thomas Doerr, Andreas Neumann, Erhard Flach, Andre Burch
  • Publication number: 20090306729
    Abstract: An electrotherapy system, particularly an implantable heart stimulator, is configured as an electronic implant for electrical anti-tachycardia therapy of the heart, and includes at least one programmable therapy sequence (i.e. a sequence of several therapies that are delivered, one after the other, to treat a VT/VF episode). The implant has a therapy success memory for storing therapy success statistics for each therapy, as well as a therapy control unit that is configured to automatically undertake adaptation of the order of the therapies within a therapy sequence as a function of currently stored therapy success statistics.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 8, 2009
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090292330
    Abstract: An implantable shock electrode line having a proximal terminal for connection to an implantable defibrillator, an elongated flexible line body, and a shock electrode and a drug delivery device arranged at or near the distal end of the line body. A drug depot connected to the drug delivery device is provided in the shock electrode line, and the terminal is designed as a purely electric standard terminal. The drug delivery device is designed for control by an electric pulse transmitted over the electric terminal to the shock electrode line.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 22, 2009
    Publication date: November 26, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090264817
    Abstract: Controllable catheter (10) having an elongated shaft (13) which is subdivided into multiple shaft segments, at least two of which are designed as tilt segments (12) and are each connected to at least one adjustment device, so that they can be tilted about a desired tilt angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the shaft (13), wherein each of the at least one adjustment device is individually controllable and allows individual tilting of a corresponding tilt segment about a desired tilt angle.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2009
    Publication date: October 22, 2009
    Inventors: Erhard Flach, Thomas Doerr
  • Publication number: 20090264953
    Abstract: Neurostimulator (20) comprising a signal generator (40) for generating stimulation pulses, connected or connectable to at least one electrode (10) implantable in the brain of a patient, comprising a signal generator control unit (36) connected to the signal generator (40) and designed to control the delivery of stimulation pulses and to make adjustments in signal generator settings as needed, comprising a device connected to the signal generator control unit (36) for determination and analysis of the heart rate of a patient (30, 32, 34), characterized in that the signal generator control unit (36) is designed to check on the health status of a patient and/or the success of a treatment using at least one heart-rate-dependent characteristic quantity determined by the device for determination and analysis of the heart rate (30, 32, 34) and to make an adjustment in the signal generator settings if necessary.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 12, 2009
    Publication date: October 22, 2009
    Inventors: Thomas DOERR, Ingo WEISS, Andreas NEUMANN
  • Publication number: 20090264947
    Abstract: Implantable cardiac stimulator, with chamber stimulation unit connectable to left/right ventricular stimulation electrode to generate/deliver chamber stimulation pulses for stimulation of ventricle; ventricular sensing unit (VSU) to detect respective chamber contraction and deliver ventricular sensing signal when chamber contraction detected; optional atrial stimulation unit, connectable to atrial stimulation electrode to generate atrial stimulation pulses to stimulate atrium; atrial sensing unit, to detect atrial contraction, deliver atrial sensing signal indicating respective atrial event; tachycardia detection unit, connected to VSU to detect and categorize ventricular/supraventricular tachycardia; treatment control unit (TCU), triggers chamber stimulation unit to deliver antitachycardiac stimulation (ATP); analyzer unit, connected to atrial sensing unit and TCU.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 20, 2009
    Publication date: October 22, 2009
    Inventors: Thomas DOERR, Peter Schneider, Torsten Lang
  • Publication number: 20090264945
    Abstract: An implantable cardiac stimulator having an at least partially electrically conductive housing, a ventricular stimulation unit connectable to left ventricular or right ventricular stimulation electrode and designed to generate ventricular stimulation pulses for stimulation of heart ventricle, having terminal for right ventricular defibrillation electrode. Has far-field electrogram detection unit (FFEDU) and stimulation success detecting unit (SSDU), of which FFEDU has first input connected to the terminal for right ventricular defibrillation electrode and second input connected to housing. FFEDU detects far-field electrocardiogram based on electric potentials applied to inputs and deliver these potentials to SSDU.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 12, 2009
    Publication date: October 22, 2009
    Inventors: Thomas Doerr, Frank Tscherch, Ulrich Tietze
  • Publication number: 20090264946
    Abstract: The invention relates to an implantable ventricular heart stimulator (10), comprising an at least partially electrically conductive housing (12), an electrode line terminal for connection of a ventricular defibrillation electrode line (20) and a terminal for a defibrillation electrode (26). According to the invention, the heart stimulator has a far-field electrocardiogram detection unit (70) which has a first input connected to the terminal for the ventricular defibrillation electrode and has a second input connected to the electrically conductive housing and designed or configured to generate a far-field electrocardiogram on the basis of the electric potentials applied to the two inputs during operation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 19, 2009
    Publication date: October 22, 2009
    Inventors: Thomas Doerr, Frank Tscherch, Ulrich Tietze
  • Publication number: 20090255263
    Abstract: A gas-turbine burner for a gas turbine includes a fuel nozzle 1 having several fuel exit holes 23, which are each connected to a fuel line 5, 7, 29, 30, through which fuel can be passed selectively Between individual fuel exit holes 23, different static pressures of the airflow are provided between fuel lines flown by fuel and fuel lines not flown by fuel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 18, 2009
    Publication date: October 15, 2009
    Inventors: Thomas Doerr, Leif Rackwitz, Waldemar Lazik
  • Publication number: 20090240147
    Abstract: The invention relates to a brain stimulation electrode line (10) for electric stimulation of the brain areas with an elongated flexible electrode line body (12) having on or near its distal end at least one stimulation electrode (18) designed for delivering electric pulses to surrounding body tissue in the event of use. The brain stimulation electrode line (10) is characterized in that the electrode line body has on its distal end at least one ultrasonic transducer (20), which is arranged so that it can detect reflected ultrasound in a detection range aligned distally along the longitudinal direction of the electrode line body (12).
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 18, 2009
    Publication date: September 24, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas DOERR
  • Publication number: 20090198313
    Abstract: Electrode arrangement for an electrical stimulation device, having electrode line (10) with electrical connection at proximal end of electrode line and with plurality of conductive surface areas (14, 16) in region of distal end of electrode line for emitting electrical pulses to a heart or for receiving electrical signals from the heart. Electrically conductive surface areas are at least partly electrically connected with the electrical connection at the proximal end of the electrode line. Uses switch or switching means (100), arranged within the electrical connection or within the electrode line, electrically arranged between at least one connection contact of the electrical connection and at least some of the electrically conductive surface areas (14b, 16), and which has an initially electrically conductive or non-conductive component (52), configured via a permanent configuration process by an electrical switching pulse to make permanently electrically non-conductive or conductive.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 16, 2009
    Publication date: August 6, 2009
    Inventor: Thomas Doerr
  • Patent number: 7546734
    Abstract: A fuel injection device for a gas turbine includes an airflow passage 1 whose walls 2 are provided with at least one fuel opening 3 for the injection of fuel into the airflow, with the center axes 4 of the fuel openings 3 being inclined at least in a circumferential direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 3, 2004
    Date of Patent: June 16, 2009
    Assignee: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
    Inventors: Thomas Dörr, Leif Rackwitz
  • Publication number: 20090139240
    Abstract: A gas-turbine lean combustor includes a combustion chamber (2) and a fuel nozzle (1) which includes a pilot fuel injection (17) and a main fuel injection (18). The main fuel injection (18) includes central recesses (23) for a controlled inhomogeneous fuel injection, the number of said recesses on the circumference ranging from 8 to 40 and said recesses having an angle of inclination ?2 in circumferential direction of 10°??2?60° and an axial angle of inclination ?1 relative to the combustor axis (4) between ?10°??1?90°.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 15, 2008
    Publication date: June 4, 2009
    Inventors: Leif Rackwitz, Imon-Kalyan Bagchi, Thomas Doerr