Patents by Inventor Thomas G. Rice

Thomas G. Rice has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5565980
    Abstract: An apparatus for the detection of surface defects on cylindrical objects which includes means for conveying the objects to be inspected one-by-one each on its end to a first inspection station, means for inspecting the free end of each object as it passes through the first inspection station, means for conveying the objects one-by-one each on its side to a second inspection station the means for tipping the objects from their ends to their sides, means for rotating each object whilst passing it on its side through the second inspection station, means for inspecting the curved surface of each object as it passes through the second inspection station, means for conveying the objects one-by-one to a third inspection station the said means including means for tipping the objects onto their end inspected at the first inspection station and means for inspecting the free end of each object as it passes through the third inspection station.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1995
    Date of Patent: October 15, 1996
    Assignee: British Nuclear Fuels plc
    Inventors: Iain S. Davidson, Thomas G. Rice, Mark Hague
  • Patent number: 5426309
    Abstract: Apparatus for the inspection of the surface of a cylindrical object which comprises a rotator for rotating the object to be inspected about its axis, a projector for projecting an incident beam of radiation to form a spot on the surface of the object whilst the object is rotating, a device for providing, relative to the object when being rotated, translation of the spot formed by the projection means, a detector for detecting a scattered beam of radiation which comprises radiation of the incident beam after scattering by the surface of the object and a processor for deriving from the detection by the detector of the scattered beam information about the depth of the surface of the inspected object in the region where the incident beam spot is applied.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 20, 1995
    Assignee: British Nuclear Fuels plc
    Inventors: Iain S. Davidson, Alan Higson, Thomas G. Rice, Graeme M. Wigg
  • Patent number: 4762665
    Abstract: Bodies such as nuclear fuel pellets are formed into a stack in a stacking lane (34) and the length of the stack is measured at intervals by device (40) to determine if the partly-formed stack is drifting away from a target length. Pellets are issued into the stacking zone (34) by a selector mechanism (32), the input of which receives pellets from three lanes (24, 26, 28) containing oversize, undersize and intermediate size pellets and the pellets issued to the stacking lane (34) are selected under the control of microprocessor-based unit (18) according to the extent of any drift from the target value. The pellets in lanes (24, 26, 28) are derived from a common supply (12) following segregation by a diverter mechanism (22) controlled by unit (18) in accordance with length measurements made by measuring device (16).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1986
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1988
    Assignee: British Nuclear Fuels plc
    Inventors: Alan J. Billington, Thomas G. Rice
  • Patent number: 4754866
    Abstract: A selector mechanism for controlling transfer of articles from a plurality of upstream feed lines to at least one downstream feed line (104) comprises a plurality of transfer passages (114) each provided with a gate (106) and at least one stop (108). The gates (106) are operable to block the leading article in the respective transfer passages while the stops (108) are operable to arrest movement of a trailing article and hence the articles that follow it. Operation of the gates (106) and stops (108) is co-ordinated so that the stops are operative when the gates are operated to unblock the leading article. In this way, the number of articles freed for onward movement each time the gates are operated to unblock the path of conveyance can be controlled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1986
    Date of Patent: July 5, 1988
    Assignee: British Nuclear Fuels plc
    Inventors: Alan J. Billington, Thomas G. Rice