Patents by Inventor Timothy NORTON

Timothy NORTON has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 12073353
    Abstract: An article tracking system including: a plurality of tags, each tag being attached to a respective article in use and including: a power supply; a tag transceiver that transmits or receives messages; and a tag processing device; a number of tag readers, each tag reader including: at least one reader transceiver that transmits or receives messages; and, a reader processing device in communication with the at least one tag reader; and, at least one processing system in communication with the number of tag readers, and wherein in use each tag reader: generates a message; and, transmits the message to one or more tags within an operating range of the reader, wherein ones of the one or more tags in a passive operating mode are responsive to the message to: receive the message; selectively change a tag operating mode; and, if the message is a broadcast message, transmit a tag message at least partially indicative of an identity of the tag; receives any tag messages; generates location data at least partially indica
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 19, 2017
    Date of Patent: August 27, 2024
    Inventors: Maria Veronica Vivas Suarez, Samuel Gene Bower Wilkinson, Timothy Martin Craig, Annette Joan Schleiss, Ian Norton Craig, David Clive Hutchinson, Dylan Alister Winter, Jose Alejandro Isea Alvarez, Craig David Shannon, Jason Narayan, Daniel William Willdridge
  • Publication number: 20210201137
    Abstract: A system for inspecting items in transit through a transit facility, wherein the system comprises a plurality of data collection units located at a plurality of transit facilities; a decision entity, in connection with the data collection unit at a selected one of the transit facilities; and a server connectable to each of the data collection units. The server comprising a data store storing inspection data, obtained from the data collection units, indicative of instances of item inspection at the plurality of transit facilities; and a processor coupled to the data store and operable to update the data store based on data gathered at the data collection units.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 21, 2018
    Publication date: July 1, 2021
    Inventor: Timothy NORTON
  • Publication number: 20210090192
    Abstract: The present disclosure relates to the field of security systems for transit facilities. Disclosed herein is a security system (90) to assist in identifying material of interest in articles in transit through a transit facility. The system (90) comprises: a first detection device (11) for obtaining detection data; a data store (20) configured to store an association between case identifiers and a corresponding in case data; and a server (100) comprising: a plurality of application programming interfaces, APIs, (111, 112, 113) configured to communicate between software applications (121, 122, 123) of the server (100), the first detection device (11), and the data store(20); a message bus (130) configured to provide a communication path between the APIs; and a listener (140) coupled to the message bus (130) to obtain messages sent between the APIs (111, 112, 113) carrying a case identifier, and to modify the stored association based on the case identifier and case data carried by said messages.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 31, 2018
    Publication date: March 25, 2021
    Inventor: Timothy NORTON
  • Patent number: 9775367
    Abstract: The application describes comestible products comprising a water-in-oil emulsion, the water-in-oil emulsion comprising cocoa butter and a fat-crystal stabilised aqueous phase dispersed substantially through the cocoa butter continuous phase and optionally one or more additional ingredients of chocolate. Hydrocolloids, such as gelative or carrageenan are typically used to stabilise the aqueous phase. Methods of making comestible products are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 15, 2010
    Date of Patent: October 3, 2017
    Assignee: The University of Birmingham
    Inventors: Ian Timothy Norton, Philip William Cox, Benjamin Jean Didier Le Reverend, Jennifer Elizabeth Norton
  • Publication number: 20160037791
    Abstract: A process for the production of a stable water-in-oil emulsion comprising a fat phase and an aqueous phase, wherein the process comprises: an emulsification step wherein the aqueous phase and fat phase are mixed under high shear, characterized in that the obtained emulsion is not subsequently subjected to any further high shear mixing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 28, 2014
    Publication date: February 11, 2016
    Inventors: Vincenzo DE BARI, Ian Timothy NORTON, JENNIFER ELIZABETH NORTON, Paul Raymond Smith
  • Publication number: 20160026991
    Abstract: In a wireless communications network, a system is provided for securely executing the transfer of rights between holders of accounts. The secure transfer of messages may represent the exchange of title to monetary assets. Each title holder is provided with a SIM card containing a transaction application that can interpret menu messages, accept user inputs and generate transaction messages for processing by the system. Each of the menu and transaction messages is delivered as a short messaging service message. The holder inserts his SIM into a mobile handset, and (after authentication with the system) is permitted to interact with the system to conduct rights transfer transactions. Since the transactions are in the form of simple text messages, the mobile handset need not conform to a high specification (i.e. may not support GPRS).
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2010
    Publication date: January 28, 2016
    Inventors: Timothy Norton Sherard MURDOCH, Christopher BOWLEY, Lesley-Ann VAUGHAN, Warren Douglas CAREW, Nick HUGHES, Susie LONIE
  • Patent number: 8647696
    Abstract: The invention discloses a shelf stable food product. The product comprises a continuous aqueous phase, liquid oil droplets dispersed in the continuous aqueous phase, and protein coated gas bubbles. The continuous aqueous phase constitutes from 20% to 80% by volume (or weight) of the food product and the liquid oil droplets and protein coated gas bubbles are from 0.5 ?m to 10 ?m in diameter. The protein comprises cysteine amino acid residues, but is not a hydrophobin. The invention also discloses a method of forming an aqueous dispersion of protein coated gas bubbles suitable for forming the above food product. The method comprises dissolving a protein capable of forming coated gas bubbles in water with stirring, sonicating the protein solution at a temperature below but within 6° C. of the protein's denaturation temperature in the presence of oxygen, and controlling the temperature within these limits. Any protein debris from the resultant dispersion of protein coated gas bubbles is separated out.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 9, 2009
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2014
    Assignee: The University of Birmingham
    Inventors: Ian Timothy Norton, Philip William Cox, Fideline Laure Tchuenbou-Magaia
  • Publication number: 20130295231
    Abstract: The application relates to comestible products comprising acid gellable hydrocolloids, such as low acyl gellan gum. These are used for appetite suppression. On ingesting the product the hydrocolloid gels in the stomach. Mixed hydrocolloids, such as pectin and gellan gums are also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 19, 2011
    Publication date: November 7, 2013
    Applicant: The University of Birmingham
    Inventors: Fotis Spyropoulos, Abigail Belinda Norton, Ian Timothy Norton
  • Publication number: 20120177801
    Abstract: The application describes comestible products comprising a water-in-oil emulsion, the water-in-oil emulsion comprising cocoa butter and a fat-crystal stabilised aqueous phase dispersed substantially through the cocoa butter continuous phase and optionally one or more additional ingredients of chocolate. Hydrocolloids, such as gelative or carrageenan are typically used to stabilise the aqueous phase. Methods of making comestible products are also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 15, 2010
    Publication date: July 12, 2012
    Inventors: Ian Timothy Norton, Philip William Cox, Benjamin Jean Didier Le Reverend, Jennifer Elizabeth Norton
  • Publication number: 20110287150
    Abstract: The invention discloses a shelf stable food product. The product comprises a continuous aqueous phase, liquid oil droplets dispersed in the continuous aqueous phase, and protein coated gas bubbles. The continuous aqueous phase constitutes from 20% to 80% by volume (or weight) of the food product and the liquid oil droplets and protein coated gas bubbles are from 0.5 ?m to 10 ?m in diameter. The protein comprises cysteine amino acid residues, but is not a hydrophobin. The invention also discloses a method of forming an aqueous dispersion of protein coated gas bubbles suitable for forming the above food product. The method comprises dissolving a protein capable of forming coated gas bubbles in water with stirring, sonicating the protein solution at a temperature below but within 6° C. of the protein's denaturation temperature in the presence of oxygen, and controlling the temperature within these limits. Any protein debris from the resultant dispersion of protein coated gas bubbles is separated out.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 9, 2009
    Publication date: November 24, 2011
    Inventors: Ian Timothy Norton, Philip William Cox, Fideline Laure Tchuenbou-Magaia
  • Patent number: 7169427
    Abstract: Compositions of a water in water emulsion having a first phase of gelled particles with specific aspect ratio and width, are suitable for application in products. The compositions impart a creamy impression to the final product.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 6, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 30, 2007
    Assignee: Unilever Bestfoods, North America, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: William James Frith, Ian Timothy Norton, Bettina Wolf
  • Publication number: 20040241305
    Abstract: A gelled food product is prepared by opening a closed container of thermo-reversible gel (A) that is based on polysaccharide gelling agent, heating gel (A) to a temperature of at least 60° C., combining the gel (A) with at least one taste or flavour imparting food component before, during or after the heating, to provide a combined gel composition (B) that comprises at least 1 wt % protein, such that the gel (A) constitutes 50-98 wt % of the composition (B), and allowing the combined gel composition (B) to set in a mould.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 16, 2003
    Publication date: December 2, 2004
    Applicant: Unilever Home & Personal Care USA, Division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Renoo Avinash Blindt, Allan Hugh Clark, Bronwyn Elliott, Timothy John Foster, Ian Timothy Norton
  • Patent number: 6730347
    Abstract: Frozen aerated confection, containing no orchid product, but containing an effective amount of certain polysaccharides are prepared which exhibit at least the same extensibility as the one exhibited when orchid derived products are added.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2000
    Date of Patent: May 4, 2004
    Assignee: Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Adrian Daniel, Timothy John Foster, Leif Orjan Lundin, Ian Timothy Norton, Robin Sutton
  • Patent number: 6703062
    Abstract: Low-fat food emulsions comprise a continuous aqueous phase and a dispersed phase which comprises fat particles, gel particles and fat-soluble flavor molecules; substantially all of the fat particles are located within the gel particles, and at least 35 w. % of the flavor molecules are located in a plurality of the gel particles. The rate of release of the flavor molecules from the emulsion is delayed and controlled following the gradual break down of the particles, thereby imparting the taste and mouthfeel of a full-fat emulsion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 9, 2004
    Assignee: Lipton, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Ingrid Anne Appleqvist, Charles Rupert Brown, Jennifer Elizabeth Homan, Malcolm Glyn Jones, Mark Emmett Malone, Ian Timothy Norton
  • Patent number: 6607775
    Abstract: Frozen low-fat food emulsions comprise a continuous aqueous phase and a dispersed phase which comprises fat particles, gel particles and fat-soluble flavour molecules; substantially all of the fat particles are located within the gel particles, and at least 35% of the flavour molecules are located in a plurality of the gel particles. The rate of release of the flavour molecules from the frozen emulsion is delayed, thereby imparting the taste of a full-fat emulsion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: August 19, 2003
    Assignee: Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Alex Aldred, Ingrid Anne Appelqvist, Charles Rupert Brown, Jennifer Elizabeth Homan, Malcolm Glyn Jones, Mark Emmett Malone, Ian Timothy Norton, Jeffrey Underdown
  • Publication number: 20030099751
    Abstract: Frozen low-fat food emulsions comprise a continuous aqueous phase and a dispersed phase which comprises fat particles, gel particles and fat-soluble flavour molecules; substantially all of the fat particles are located within the gel particles, and at least 35% of the flavour molecules are located in a plurality of the gel particles. The rate of release of the flavour molecules from the frozen emulsion is delayed, thereby imparting the taste of a full-fat emulsion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 26, 1999
    Publication date: May 29, 2003
  • Publication number: 20030031774
    Abstract: Compositions of a water in water emulsion having a first phase of gelled particles with specific aspect ratio and width, are suitable for application in products. Said compositions impart a creamy impression to the final product.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 6, 2002
    Publication date: February 13, 2003
    Applicant: Unilever Bestfoods North America, Division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: William James Frith, Ian Timothy Norton, Bettina Wolf
  • Patent number: 6447831
    Abstract: Firm food products that are suitable for cold use as a spreadable product and for hot use as a frying medium, can be obtained if the products comprise 20 to 80 wt % fat, whereby the fat is present as a clumped fat network. A hydrophilic emulsifier is also present. These products do not show severe spattering when used as a frying medium and are preferably high temperature ambient stable (at temperatures greater than or equal to 25° C.).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 10, 2002
    Assignee: Lipton, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Stephen Charles Daniels, Ian Timothy Norton, Edward G Pelan, Andrea Williams
  • Publication number: 20010056049
    Abstract: An aqueous detergent composition, which is in the form of a thickened, mobile fluid, comprising foaming detergent and a polymer or polymer mixture which is capable of forming a reversible gel, which polymer or mixture is present in the composition as a multiplicity of individual gel particles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 1999
    Publication date: December 27, 2001
  • Patent number: 6329331
    Abstract: An aqueous detergent composition, which is in the form of a thickened, mobile fluid, comprising foaming detergent and a polymer or polymer mixture which is capable of forming a reversible gel, which polymer or mixture is present in the composition as a multiplicity of individual gel particles.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2001
    Assignee: Unilever Home & Personal Care USA, division of Conopco, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Paul Aronson, Charles Rupert Brown, Robert James Chatfield, Peter Fairley, Ian Timothy Norton, Jason Richard Williams