Patents by Inventor Tomohiro MORISAWA

Tomohiro MORISAWA has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 12012836
    Abstract: A mining riser pipe is extended from above water toward a water bottom containing water bottom resources, and a lower portion of an insertion pipe connected to a lower portion of the mining riser pipe is inserted into the water bottom. A liquid is supplied into the insertion pipe and a rotation shaft extends axially inside both of pipes is rotated to rotate stirring blades attached to a lower portion of the rotation shaft inside the insertion pipe, thereby drilling and dissolving mud S inside the insertion pipe into a slurry form by is raised to an upper portion of the insertion pipe by a stirring flow generated by the rotation of the stirring blades, and the raised mud is lifted above the water through the mining riser pipe by a lifting force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 8, 2022
    Date of Patent: June 18, 2024
    Assignees: TOA Corporation, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
    Inventors: Tomohiro Morisawa, Shinya Omori, Ryutaro Murakami, Hiroshi Iida, Eigo Miyazaki, Keita Akiyama, Masanori Kyo, Ikuo Sawada, Yoshihisa Kawamura
  • Publication number: 20240141769
    Abstract: A mining riser pipe is extended from above water toward a water bottom containing water bottom resources, and a lower portion of an insertion pipe connected to a lower portion of the mining riser pipe is inserted into the water bottom. A liquid is supplied into the insertion pipe and a rotation shaft extends axially inside both of pipes is rotated to rotate stirring blades attached to a lower portion of the rotation shaft inside the insertion pipe, thereby drilling and dissolving mud S inside the insertion pipe into a slurry form is raised to an upper portion of the insertion pipe by a stirring flow generated by the rotation of the stirring blades, and the raised mud is lifted above the water through the mining riser pipe by lifting force.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 8, 2022
    Publication date: May 2, 2024
    Inventors: Tomohiro MORISAWA, Shinya OMORI, Ryutaro MURAKAMI, Hiroshi IIDA, Eigo MIYAZAKI, Keita AKIYAMA, Masanori KYO, Ikuo SAWADA, Yoshihisa KAWAMURA
  • Publication number: 20240003253
    Abstract: A mining riser pipe is extended toward a water bottom, and a lower portion of an insertion pipe connected to a lower portion of the mining riser pipe is inserted into the water bottom. A liquid is supplied into the insertion pipe, and a rotation shaft extends inside both pipes and stirring blades attached to a lower portion of the rotation shaft are rotated inside the insertion pipe, thereby drilling and dissolving mud inside the insertion pipe into a slurry. Then, the mud S is raised to an upper portion of the insertion pipe by a stirring flow generated by the stirring blades, and the raised mud slurry is lifted above the water through the mining riser pipe 2, and a rotation speed of the stirring blades is lower in an initial process at an early stage of the drilling than in a subsequent process.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 8, 2022
    Publication date: January 4, 2024
    Inventors: Tomohiro MORISAWA, Shinya OMORI, Yosuke TANAKA, Eigo MIYAZAKI, Keita AKIYAMA, Masanori KYO, Ikuo SAWADA, Yoshihisa KAWAMURA