Patents by Inventor Tony Tung-Yu Yang

Tony Tung-Yu Yang has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20130046671
    Abstract: A website serves for accumulating orders of financial commodities and instruments. By order accumulation of financial commodities and instruments, a large amount of orders from the investors are accumulated and then by these orders, the investors have the right to negotiate with the financial institutions. Since the amount of the orders is large, the financial institution must increase its services and reduce the fees. The order accumulation of financial commodities and instruments is deemed as a fixed business model with a great coverage. The great amount of the orders will cause the investors to have more profits. The investors of the orders could contract with several financial institutions so as to have joint services from the financial institution. Moreover concept of network center bank currency is disclosed for unifying different kinds of currencies. Thus, the cost for currency exchanging of international business can be reduced.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 16, 2011
    Publication date: February 21, 2013
    Inventors: Billson Yang, Simon Shan-Ho Yang, Tony Tung-Yu Yang
  • Publication number: 20130018743
    Abstract: A order accumulation website includes a pre-order unit for receiving orders of a transaction from buying at least one commodity from consumers by a name or a keyword of the commodity; other consumers can also join the transaction so as to form an accumulation of orders; a commodity database recording names, prices, qualities and packaging of the commodities; a seller bidding unit receiving a price list based on the pre-ordering good provided by the consumers; the price list being called out from the database or from a seller real time to respond the orders of the transaction; the price list being provided by default sellers firstly; wherein the pre-order is provided before the provision of the price list; and the price list lists a plurality of prices for a commodity; the prices are descended with an increment of the order quantity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 14, 2011
    Publication date: January 17, 2013
    Inventors: Billson Yang, Tony Tung-Yu Yang