Patents by Inventor Walter A. Meyers

Walter A. Meyers has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 12094842
    Abstract: A semiconductor device includes a semiconductor die having an active main surface and an opposite main surface opposite the active main surface. The semiconductor device further includes an antenna arranged on the active main surface of the semiconductor die and a recess arranged on the opposite main surface of the semiconductor die. The recess is arranged over the antenna.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 21, 2019
    Date of Patent: September 17, 2024
    Assignee: Infineon Technologies AG
    Inventors: Thorsten Meyer, Walter Hartner, Maciej Wojnowski
  • Publication number: 20170181921
    Abstract: An apparatus 40 for enhancing venous blood flow through a limb of a subject includes a detachable compression sleeve 41 extendable around the subject's limb and having a plurality of compressors 43-48 situated next to one another along the sleeve 41. In use, the compressors 43-48 substantially encircle the limb and compress the limb in a continuous cyclical compression sequence to move blood within the limb from the distal end of the sleeve 41 to the proximal end to replicate venous blood flow and to prevent backflow. In particular, as a said first compressor begins to compress the limb, a said second compressor preceding the first compressor in sequence already compresses the limb and continues to compress the limb at least until the first compressor compresses the limb to substantially the same extent as the second compressor, and a said third compressor which precedes the second compressor in sequence ceases to compress the limb.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 13, 2017
    Publication date: June 29, 2017
    Inventors: Gregory Allan Wren, Walter Meyer, Wayne Bennett
  • Patent number: 9649245
    Abstract: An apparatus 40 for enhancing venous blood flow through a limb of a subject includes a detachable compression sleeve 41 extendable around the subject's limb and having a plurality of compressors 43-48 situated next to one another along the sleeve 41. In use, the compressors 43-48 substantially encircle the limb and compress the limb in a continuous cyclical compression sequence to move blood within the limb from the distal end of the sleeve 41 to the proximal end to replicate venous blood flow and to prevent backflow. In particular, as a said first compressor begins to compress the limb, a said second compressor preceding the first compressor in sequence already compresses the limb and continues to compress the limb at least until the first compressor compresses the limb to substantially the same extent as the second compressor, and a said third compressor which precedes the second compressor in sequence ceases to compress the limb.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 16, 2017
    Assignee: New Tec Pty Ltd
    Inventors: Walter Meyer, Gregory Allan Wren, Wayne Bennett
  • Publication number: 20120263470
    Abstract: A method for processing traffic in an optical network. The optical network includes a transport network with a first fiber and a second fiber, wherein traffic over the first and second fibers is conveyed in opposite directions. A first traffic is branched off from the first fiber towards an optical entity and the first traffic is processed at the optical entity. A second traffic is fed from the optical entity onto the second fiber. There is also described a corresponding optical network.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 2, 2010
    Publication date: October 18, 2012
    Inventors: Ernst-Dieter Schmidt, Erich Gottwald, Walter Meyer, Hans-Jochen Morper
  • Publication number: 20090302166
    Abstract: A launch vehicle for a space station includes a crew transport vehicle having an orbiter, a cylindrical cargo module separable from the orbiter when in low earth orbit, and a first liquid fuel rocket engine section coupled to the cargo module operable to assist in placement of the launch vehicle in low earth orbit. The first engine section is separable from the cargo module in low earth orbit. The launch vehicle also includes booster rockets operable to place the launch vehicle in low earth orbit, and a liquid fuel tank, which is convertible to form living and working spaces for the space station. The space station includes rentable space that is used to recover launch and assembly costs associated with the space station.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 6, 2008
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventor: Eugene Walter Meyers
  • Publication number: 20090299239
    Abstract: An apparatus for enhancing blood flow through a limb of a subject includes a compression sleeve extendable around the subject's limb and having a plurality of compressors situated next to one another along the sleeve. In use, the compressors compress the limb in sequence to move blood within the limb from one end of the sleeve to the other. In particular, as a said compressor begins to compress the limb, the compressor preceding it in sequence already compresses the limb, and the next preceding compressor in sequence ceases to compress the limb.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 11, 2006
    Publication date: December 3, 2009
    Inventors: Walter Meyer, Gregory Allan Wren, Wayne Bennett
  • Publication number: 20050255330
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to water soluble or dispersible polyester compositions, comprising a polyalkylene glycol monoalkyl ether, having mixed nonionic and ionic stabilization prepared in a conventional single step random condensation polymerization. The present invention is also directed to aqueous coating compositions, useful for finishing automobile and truck exteriors, containing a polyester resin with mixed ionic and nonionic stabilization. The coating is especially useful for forming metallic glamour latex based finishes on automobile and truck exteriors that have excellent chip resistance and appearance.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2004
    Publication date: November 17, 2005
    Inventor: Walter Meyer
  • Patent number: 6394652
    Abstract: The present invention provides a flexible bag comprising at least one sheet of flexible sheet material assembled to form a semi-enclosed container having an opening defined by a periphery. The opening defines an opening plane, and bag is expandable in response to forces exerted by contents within the bag to provide an increase in volume of the bag such that said the accommodates the contents placed therein.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 28, 2002
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventors: Eric Walter Meyer, John Thomas Cooper, Daniel Raymond Cerone, Charles John Berg, Jr., Barry Jay Anderson, Beverly Julian Jackson
  • Patent number: 5976341
    Abstract: A process and apparatus for electrolytically depositing a uniform metal layer onto a workpiece is provided. The workpiece, for example a circuit board, serves as a cathode. The anode is insoluble and dimensionally stable. Both anode and cathode are immersed in a plating solution contained in an electrolytic container. The solution includes (a) ions of the metal to be deposited on the workpiece, (b) an additive substance for controlling physical-mechanical properties of the metal to be deposited, such as brightness, and (c) an electro-chemically reversible redox couple forming oxidizing compounds when contacting the anode. A metal-ion generator is provided, supplying metal parts of the metal to be deposited onto the workpiece; The plating solution is circulated between the container and the ion generator for maintaining a reaction between the oxidizing compounds and the metal parts for forming metal ions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 2, 1999
    Inventors: Rolf Schumacher, Wolfgang Dahms, Reinhard Schneider, Walter Meyer, deceased, Helga Meyer, Silke Kaftanski, Petra Fromme
  • Patent number: 5693209
    Abstract: The process for directly metallizing a circuit board having nonconductor surfaces, includes reacting the nonconductor surface with an alkaline permanganate solution to form manganese dioxide chemically adsorbed on the nonconductor surface; forming an aqueous solution of a weak acid and of pyrrole or a pyrrole derivative and soluble oligomers thereof; contacting the aqueous solution containing the pyrrole monomer and its oligomers with the nonconductor surface having the manganese dioxide adsorbed chemically thereon to deposit an adherent, electrically conducting, insoluble polymer product on the nonconductor surface; and directly electrodepositing metal on the nonconductor surface having the insoluble adherent polymer product formed thereon. The oligomers are advantageously formed in aqueous solution containing 0.1 to 200 g/l of the pyrrole monomer at a temperature between room temperature and the freezing point of the solution.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1995
    Date of Patent: December 2, 1997
    Assignee: Atotech Deutschland GmbH
    Inventors: Burkhard Bressel, Heinrich Meyer, Walter Meyer, Klaus Gedrat
  • Patent number: 5684955
    Abstract: In an object-oriented application, a preparation process is used when compiling the sources of the application, a configuration process is used when link-editing, and a communication process is used during execution to call up methods for objects. No adaptation of sources is necessary when a system configuration is changed. This also applied to an extension of the object-oriented application.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 1994
    Date of Patent: November 4, 1997
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Walter Meyer, Oliver Rothe, Franz Kneissl, Hans-Jurgen Hubmann, Rudiger Bess
  • Patent number: 5183552
    Abstract: The process for directly metallizing a circuit board having nonconductor surfaces, includes reacting the nonconductor surface with an alkaline permanganate solution to form manganese dioxide chemically adsorbed on the nonconductor surface; forming an aqueous solution of a weak acid having an acid dissociation constant, for loss of a proton in aqueous solution, between 0.1 and 0.01, and of pyrrole or a pyrrole derivative and soluble oligomers thereof; contacting the aqueous solution containing the pyrrole monomer and its oligomers with the nonconductor surface having the manganese dioxide adsorbed chemically thereon to deposit an adherent, electrically conducting, insoluble polymer product on the nonconductor surface; and directly electrodepositing metal on the nonconductor surface having the insoluble adherent polymer product formed thereon. The oligomers are advantageously formed in aqueous solution containing 0.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1991
    Date of Patent: February 2, 1993
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Burkhard Bressel, Heinrich Meyer, Walter Meyer, Klaus Gedrat
  • Patent number: 5132802
    Abstract: To obtain high contrast images of objects which are in an area covered with rich vegetation and which additionally are given a camouflage coating, the wavelength specific differences in reflection behavior of the clutter and of the camouflage coating of the object are utilized. For this purpose, the apparatus according to the invention includes at least two image pick-up elements, particularly CCD cameras, whose output signals are fed to a signal processing arrangement whereby are combined. On the side of the object, respective optical filters are disposed in front of the image pick-up elements so as to cause each image pick-up element to have its maximum sensitivity in a different spectral range.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1990
    Date of Patent: July 21, 1992
    Assignees: TZN Forschungs-und Entwicklungszentrum Unterluss GmbH, Rheinmetall GmbH of Dusseldorf
    Inventors: Josef Osthues, Helmut F. Neff, Walter Meyer, Klaus Klameth, Brigitte Nitsche, Peter Haberacker
  • Patent number: 5092661
    Abstract: A rim bead flange of a ground surface vehicle, pneumatic tire wheel is effectively, and in one embodiment actually, extended radially outward to an extent whereby the extension covers 1/8 to 1/3 of the area of the adjacent sidewall of the tire in order to provide lateral support against sheer deformation for said sidewall. The extension is accomplished by retrofittable ring plates or by an integral extension of the rim bead flange.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 1989
    Date of Patent: March 3, 1992
    Inventor: Walter A. Meyers
  • Patent number: 4944070
    Abstract: Cotton fibers are wet finished in a simpler and quicker manner by forming the loose cotton fibers into an integral batt by needling utilizing a needling machine, or air laying equipment. After formation of an integral batt having a weight in the range of 10-32 ounces per square yard, the cotton fibers in the integral batt form are fed to a wet finishing range for effecting scouring, bleaching, steaming, finish application, washing, and/or drying thereof. Subsequently, the finished integral batt will be passed to a conventional fiber opener to break it back into fibers, or it may be taken up into a package for further processing. 100% cotton fibers, or cotton blends having at least 60% cotton fibers, can be processed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1989
    Date of Patent: July 31, 1990
    Assignee: Greenville Machinery Coropration
    Inventors: Lawrence Girard, E. Walter Meyer
  • Patent number: 4828878
    Abstract: Objects such as for example printed circuit boards are transported for treating through a treatment container which accommodates a treating medium in a lower plane being supported by clamps of object supports, and then the object supports with the clamps are returned to a starting position in an upper plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 1986
    Date of Patent: May 9, 1989
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Ludwig Mankut, Horst Blaesing, Thomas Kosikowski, Walter Meyer, Rudolf Kreisel
  • Patent number: 4789405
    Abstract: Cleaning, activating and metallizing of bore holes in conductor boards is performed by supplying a liquid treatment medium in form a standing wave onto a lower side of the conductor board by a surge line which is formed as a nozzle arranged under a transporting path and substantially normal to a transporting direction of the horizontally guided conductor board.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 1986
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1988
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Horst Blasing, Walter Meyer
  • Patent number: 4786339
    Abstract: In a method for continuously jacketing steel objects particularly tubing including the steps of cleaning the object by means of blasting its surface; chromatizing the cleaned surface by exposing the surface to a silicate containing watery solution of 3 and/or 6 valued chromium compound or compounds, drying the object at a temperature preferably between 105 degrees C. and 130 degrees C. which is well below the temperature necessary either for an application of a bonding and cover layer and/or for curing of the epoxy resin; a blend being applied prior to conversion of the chromatizing medium and any chromium iron compounds into a thermally stable intermediate layer including a chromium iron silicate oxide layer, the application of epoxy resin curing agent is carried out in two steps to obtain at least two sublayers, the first one of the layer being more reactive than the second one at temperature below 170 degrees C.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 22, 1988
    Assignee: Mannesmann AG
    Inventors: Walter Meyer, Walter Stucke
  • Patent number: 4783244
    Abstract: A device for guiding plate-shaped objects to be electro-plated through an electro-plating bath in a container, includes a device transporting said objects to the container in a horizontal position, a device for pivoting the objects in the bath from a horizontal position about a horizontal axis so that the objects assume a position below the mirror of the bath. The pivoting device guides the objects through the container and, at the outlet thereof, pivots the objects back to the horizontal position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 22, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 8, 1988
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Horst Blasing, Thomas Kosikowski, Ludwig Mankut, Walter Meyer
  • Patent number: 4776939
    Abstract: A device for electroplating electric circuit boards includes an electroplating bath and a plurality of transporting organs which hold objects to be treated when they path the electroplating bath. The transporting organs are pairs of clamping yokes arranged on a common endless rotating belt and positionable from a clamping position in which they engage the object being treated and a release position in which they release said object.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 20, 1987
    Date of Patent: October 11, 1988
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Horst Blasing, Thomas Kosikowski, Ludwig Mankut, Walter Meyer