Patents by Inventor William R. Gray

William R. Gray has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20030116477
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower by fabricating weldment modules and preassembling them with aggregate processing equipment internal within the weldment modules, transporting the preassembled weldment modules to a field work site where the tower is to be erected on a foundation, aligning the modules and stacking the modules in layers and then bolting adjacent modules together. The stacked-up modules are adapted to receive aggregate at the top uppermost module and permit the aggregate to be processed by screening, blending, and sizing into aggregate product as it moves downwardly by gravity through the modules and their processing equipment for final collection of the product at the ground level. A large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower has weldment modules preassembled with aggregate processing equipment internal within the modules.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 24, 2003
    Publication date: June 26, 2003
    Applicant: ASTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. (a Tennessee corporation)
    Inventors: J. Don Brock, William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 6540089
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower by fabricating weldment modules and preassembling them with aggregate processing equipment internal within the weldment modules, transporting the preassembled weldment modules to a field work site where the tower is to be erected on a foundation, aligning the modules and stacking the modules in layers and then bolting adjacent modules together. A large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower has weldment modules preassembled with aggregate processing equipment internal within the modules. The preassembled modules are stacked up on one another and secured together and can receive aggregate product at the top module and the product is processed by screening and sizing as it moves downwardly by gravity through the modules and their processing equipment for final clarification and collection of the product.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 1, 2003
    Assignee: Astec Industries Inc.
    Inventors: J. Don Brock, William R. Gray
  • Publication number: 20020148760
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower by fabricating weldment modules and preassembling them with aggregate processing equipment internal within the weldment modules, transporting the preassembled weldment modules to a field work site where the tower is to be erected on a foundation, aligning the modules and stacking the modules in layers and then bolting adjacent modules together. A large stationary, aggregate processing screening tower has weldment modules preassembled with aggregate processing equipment internal within the modules. The preassembled modules are stacked up on one another and secured together and can receive aggregate product at the top module and the product is processed by screening and sizing as it moves downwardly by gravity through the modules and their processing equipment for final clarification and collection of the product.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 17, 2001
    Publication date: October 17, 2002
    Applicant: Astec Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: J. Don Brock, William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 6441132
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having 6-12 amino acids, preferably including one or more D-tryptophan residues. More specifically, the present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having the general formula Xaa1-Cys-Xaa2-Xaa3-Glu-Pro-Trp-Cys (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein Xaa1 is Gly or des-Xaa1, Xaa2 is Pro or 4-trans-hydroxyproline and Xaa3 is D-Trp or L-Trp, preferably D-Trp. The present invention is further directed to the peptides contryphan R and des-Gly1 contryphan R. In contryphan R, Xaa1 is Gly and Xaa3 is D-Trp. These contryphans are useful as anticonvulsant or neuroprotective agents.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1999
    Date of Patent: August 27, 2002
    Assignee: University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Elsie C. Jimenez, Baldomero M. Olivera, William R. Gray, Lourdes Cruz
  • Patent number: 6361433
    Abstract: An air permeable grate or screen for selectively precluding passage of items, such as birds and rodents, through a duct is disclosed. The screen has a pivot mount on one end for pivotally mounting the screen to the exit of a hood opening to allow easy access into the hood for cleaning the hood and screen as desired. A retaining device for retaining the screen in a closed position is provided on the hood. The screen may be provided with aerodynamically designed bars for preventing lint build up. The invention further includes a method for using the vent screen within the hood.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 1998
    Date of Patent: March 26, 2002
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 6153738
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having 6-12 amino acids, preferably including one or more D-tryptophan or D-leucine residues. The peptides of the present invention are generically termed "contryphans," although the D-leucine containing contryphans are sometimes referred to as leu-contryphans. More specifically, the present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having the general formula Xaa.sub.1 -Cys-Xaa.sub.2 -Xaa.sub.3 -Xaa.sub.4 -Pro-Xaa.sub.5 -Cys (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein Xaa.sub.1 is any amino acid or des-Xaa.sub.1, Xaa.sub.2 is Pro, 4-trans-hydroxyproline or Val, Xaa.sub.3 is D-Trp, L-Trp, D-Leu or L-Leu, preferably D-Trp or D-Leu, Xaa.sub.4 is any amino acid and Xaa.sub.5 is Trp or Tyr. When the peptide contains Xaa.sub.1, it is preferably Gly, Glu, or Lys, most preferably Gly. When Xaa.sub.3 is D- or L-Trp, Xaa.sub.2 is preferably Pro or 4-trans-hydroxyproline. When Xaa.sub.3 is D- or L-Leu, Xaa.sub.2 is preferably Val.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 1999
    Date of Patent: November 28, 2000
    Assignee: University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Richard Jacobsen, Elsie Jimenez, Lourdes J. Cruz, Baldomero M. Olivera, William R. Gray, Michelle Grilley, Maren Watkins, David R. Hillyard
  • Patent number: 6123279
    Abstract: A rock crusher such as a cone or jaw crusher incorporates hardened tapered inserts in the manganese or other wear liner of at least one of its crushing elements. The inserts extend outwardly from the crushing surface of the crushing element towards the facing crushing surface so as, in use, to act as pick axes that shatter rock primarily by impact rather than pulverizing the rock by compression. The inserts are fixed in a heat treated manganese wear liner either by bonding or by press-fitting. The inserts substantially improve the life of the wear liner and, unexpectedly, 1) produce product of a highly uniform gradation in the desired ranges, 2) consistently produce product with a very high cubicity, 3) dramatically reduce the crusher's power requirements, and 4) significantly increase the crusher's capacity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 1999
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2000
    Assignee: Astec Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert G. Stafford, J. Don Brock, William R. Gray, Herbert E. Jakob
  • Patent number: 6077934
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having 6-12 amino acids, preferably including one or more D-tryptophan or D-leucine residues. The peptides of the present invention are generically termed "contryphans," although the D-leucine containing contryphans are sometimes referred to as leu-contryphans. More specifically, the present invention is directed to contryphan peptides having the general formula Xaa.sub.1 -Cys-Xaa.sub.2 -Xaa.sub.3 -Xaa.sub.4 -Pro-Xaa.sub.5 -Cys (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein Xaa.sub.1, is any amino acid or des-Xaa.sub.1, Xaa.sub.2 is Pro, 4-trans-hydroxyproline or Val, Xaa.sub.3 is D-Trp, L-Trp, D-Leu or L-Leu, preferably D-Trp or D-Leu, Xaa.sub.4 is any amino acid and Xaa.sub.5 is Trp or Tyr. When the peptide contains Xaa.sub.1, it is preferably Gly, Glu, or Lys, most preferably Gly. When Xaa.sub.3 is D- or L-Trp, Xaa.sub.2 is preferably Pro or 4-trans-hydroxyproline. When Xaa.sub.3 is D- or L-Leu, Xaa.sub.2 is preferably Val.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 16, 1998
    Date of Patent: June 20, 2000
    Assignee: University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Richard Jacobsen, Elsie Jimenez, Lourdes J. Cruz, Baldomero M. Olivera, William R. Gray, Michelle Grilley, Maren Watkins, David R. Hillyard
  • Patent number: 6034594
    Abstract: A warning device to warn drivers of two wheeled vehicles of an approaching critical angle is disclosed. The warning device may include a sensing device and a separate signaling device. The sensing device may be a pendulum, bubble within a tube of fluid, a proximity sensor, or a mechanical whisker. The signaling device may be a buzzer, beeper, or lighted bulb. The sensing device sends a signal to the signaling device when a predetermined angle, greater than the critical angle, is reached so that the operator has time to react to the information prior to the vehicle tipping or contacting the ground. The warning device may be attachable to a bar of the vehicle or placed atop the vehicle and Is preferably easily installed by the motorcycle owner/driver. A method for warning a driver is also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 1998
    Date of Patent: March 7, 2000
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 6019686
    Abstract: A golf putter with a face of light weight construction, such as aluminum, and perimeter, heel-toe, weights, such as brass, attached above the striking area of the putter face on stilts that extend upward on the heel and toe of the putter face. The weights constitute the majority of the weight of the putter head. Slots in the stilts through which the weights are attached make the height of the center of gravity of the putter adjustable. When a ball is stroked with the putter with an ascending blow, to diminish the effect of the loft, the friction with the ball and the putter face allows the vertically high moment of inertia to impart overspin to the ball because the putter head rotates as such slightly at the moment of impact. When a ball is stroked with the putter with a descending blow, the putter head rotates slightly causing the friction of impact to break which allows the balls contact and friction with the putting green to have a greater effect on how the ball starts rolling.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 1, 2000
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 5967431
    Abstract: A rock crusher such as a cone or jaw crusher incorporates hardened tapered inserts in the manganese or other wear liner of at least one of its crushing elements. The inserts extend outwardly from the crushing surface of the crushing element towards the facing crushing surface so as, in use, to act as pick axes that shatter rock primarily by impact rather than pulverizing the rock by compression. The inserts are fixed in a heat treated manganese wear liner either by bonding or by press-fitting. The inserts substantially improve the life of the wear liner and, unexpectedly, 1) produce product of a highly uniform gradation in the desired ranges, 2) consistently produce product with a very high cubicity, 3) dramatically reduce the crusher's power requirements, and 4) significantly increase the crusher's capacity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1997
    Date of Patent: October 19, 1999
    Assignee: Astec Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert G. Stafford, J. Don Brock, William R. Gray, Herbert E. Jakob
  • Patent number: 5969096
    Abstract: Substantially pure conotoxin peptides are provided which inhibit synaptic transmissions at the neuromuscular junctions and which are useful both in vivo and in assays because they specifically target particular skeletal nAChRs to the exclusion of neuronal nAChRs. The peptides are of such length that they can be made by chemical synthesis, and the preferred peptides have formula: H-His-4Hyp-4Hyp-Cys-Cys-Leu-Tyr-Gly-Lys-Cys-Arg-Arg-Tyr-4Hyp-Gly-Cys-Ser-S er-Ala-Ser-Cys-Cys-Gln-Xaa.sub.24 -NH.sub.2 wherein Xaa.sub.24 is Arg or Gly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 26, 1998
    Date of Patent: October 19, 1999
    Assignees: The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Ki-Joon Shon, William R. Gray, John Dykert, Doju Yoshikami, Maren Watkins, David R. Hillyard, Jean E. F. Rivier, Baldomero M. Olivera
  • Patent number: 5526849
    Abstract: A flexible duct and method for making the duct are disclosed. The duct includes an inner wall bonded to an outer wall, so as to sandwich a wire resilient helix and a yarn helix therebetween. The yarn helix is axially displaced from the wire helix so that the turns of the yarn helix are intermediate of the turns of the wire helix. The method of manufacturing the duct includes forming the wire and yarn helix about the inner wall and bonding the outer wall to the inner wall so as to sandwich the helix between the inner and outer walls.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 24, 1992
    Date of Patent: June 18, 1996
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 5490635
    Abstract: A portable mineral processing machine has a chassis, a mineral processing device mounted on the chassis, and a control cab support mechanism operative to vertically raise the control cab from a lowered in pit transport position in which it is supported on the chassis to a raised operative position in which it is supported on the ground and elevated to a designated height above the chassis. The control cab support mechanism preferably comprises a scissor lift mechanism including upper and lower scissor mechanisms which are independently operated by respective upper and lower double-acting hydraulic cylinders or the like. The upper scissor mechanism is operative to raise an upper platform with respect to an intermediate support platform, and the lower scissor mechanism is operative to first lower a lower platform with respect to the intermediate support platform, and then to raise the intermediate support platform, upper scissor mechanism, and upper platform with respect to the lower platform.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 13, 1996
    Assignee: Astec Industries, Inc.
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 4987401
    Abstract: A panel having an array of backlighted windows for displaying a change in a process variable from a nominal condition to a changed condition comprising a thin, sealed frame and a circuit board with an array of LEDs interconnected for each window and a binary switch coupled to the LED array that energizes the LEDs on receipt of a binary logic signal. The panel can be operated in a stand-alone unit or be backfitted to an existing data recorder, tapping into the incoming or internal logic variable signals and power supply without disturbing the underlying function of the recorder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: January 22, 1991
    Inventor: William R. Gray, III
  • Patent number: 4483397
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for monitoring tubing fluid downhole in an oil or gas well. A side pocket mandrel is installed in the well tubing string at a depth at which monitoring is desired. The outer surface of the mandrel is free of apertures. Coupons of a selected material are mounted in a carrier, which is placed in the side pocket of the mandrel. Ports and passages allow tubing fluid to communicate with the coupons. The carrier is then removed from the well and the coupons are inspected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1982
    Date of Patent: November 20, 1984
    Assignee: Hughes Tool Company
    Inventor: William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 4447356
    Abstract: The present invention provides bioactive peptides of generic formula ##STR1## These peptides are extremely potent inhibitors of synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction, while at the same time lacing demonstrable inhibition of either nerve or muscle action potential propagation. The peptides are termed conotoxins herein. Naturally occurring conotoxins include conotoxin GI, GIA and GII. In conotoxin GI, U is Glu, V.sub.4 is Asn, V.sub.5 is Pro, V.sub.6 is Ala, W is Gly, X is Arg, Y is His, Z is Tyr, V.sub.12 is Ser and R is --NH.sub.2. Conotoxin GIA is identical to GI except R is --Gly--Lys--NH.sub.2. Conotoxin GII is identical to GI except that V.sub.4 is His, Z is Phe, and X is Lys. Conotoxin MI is identical to GI except that U is Gly-Arg, X is Lys and Y is Asn.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1982
    Date of Patent: May 8, 1984
    Inventors: Baldomero M. Olivera, Lourdes J. Cruz, William R. Gray, Jean E. F. Rivier
  • Patent number: 4120459
    Abstract: An impact crusher is disclosed having a rotor carrying hammers arranged to strike and throw material against target members, and a material feed assembly. The feed assembly includes a downwardly inclined chute having depending cam followers which ride upon a cam surface having a horizontal portion and a downwardly curved portion at the end of the horizontal portion remote from the rotor. An actuating device is connected to the chute to move the chute and cam followers along the cam surface and down the curved portion thereof. Thus when a large rock bridges the space between the feed chute and the target members, and fails to drop into the range of the hammers, the chute is simultaneously retracted away from the rock as the upper end is tilted downwardly toward a horizontal position, to lower or drop the rock into the range of the whirling hammers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 3, 1975
    Date of Patent: October 17, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: Keith B. Lowe, William R. Gray
  • Patent number: 3931534
    Abstract: A vibrating motor comprising a main frame and a center clamp between which the vibrator bars are secured for relative vibration of the main frame and the center clamp. Each of the main frame and the center clamp are formed as a fabricated construction of metal plate elements that are secured to each other in the respective assemblies by welding. Each of the main frame and the center clamp that is constructed in this manner is sufficiently rigid to securely hold the vibrator bars and their spacers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 1974
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1976
    Assignee: Dresser Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: William R. Gray, Henry A. Kahrmann, Jr., Ming K. Shieh