Patents by Inventor Yung Hwang

Yung Hwang has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20190358295
    Abstract: In certain aspects, disclosed herein are novel compositions and methods related to either the enhancement or inhibition of erythropoiesis that are useful, for example, in the treatment of anemia or erythrocytosis.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 14, 2017
    Publication date: November 28, 2019
    Inventors: Merav Socolovsky, Allon M. Klein, Samuel Wolock, Betsabeh K. Tusi, Yung Hwang, Caleb Weinreb
  • Publication number: 20190348323
    Abstract: A first metallization layer comprising a set of first conductive lines that extend along a first direction on a first insulating layer on a substrate. A second insulating layer is on the first insulating layer. A second metallization layer comprises a set of second conductive lines on a third insulating layer and on the second insulating layer above the first metallization layer. The set of second conductive lines extend along a second direction that crosses the first direction at an angle. A via between the first metallization layer and the second metallization layer. The via is self-aligned along the second direction to one of the first conductive lines.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 24, 2019
    Publication date: November 14, 2019
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Abhijit Basu Mallick, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Uday Mitra, Ho-yung Hwang
  • Patent number: 10424507
    Abstract: A first metallization layer comprising a set of first conductive lines that extend along a first direction on a first insulating layer on a substrate. A second insulating layer is on the first insulating layer. A second metallization layer comprises a set of second conductive lines on a third insulating layer and on the second insulating layer above the first metallization layer. The set of second conductive lines extend along a second direction that crosses the first direction at an angle. A via between the first metallization layer and the second metallization layer. The via is self-aligned along the second direction to one of the first conductive lines.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 17, 2017
    Date of Patent: September 24, 2019
    Assignee: Mirocmaterials LLC
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Abhijit Basu Mallick, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Uday Mitra, Ho-yung Hwang
  • Publication number: 20190279901
    Abstract: Methods of forming and processing semiconductor devices which utilize the selective etching of aluminum oxide over silicon oxide, silicon nitride, aluminum oxide or zirconium oxide are described. Certain embodiments relate to the formation of self-aligned contacts for metal gate applications.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 12, 2019
    Publication date: September 12, 2019
    Inventors: Yung-Chen Lin, Qingjun Zhou, Ying Zhang, Ho-yung Hwang
  • Publication number: 20190088543
    Abstract: Processing methods may be performed to expose a contact region on a semiconductor substrate. The methods may include selectively recessing a first metal on a semiconductor substrate with respect to an exposed first dielectric material. The methods may include forming a liner over the recessed first metal and the exposed first dielectric material. The methods may include forming a second dielectric material over the liner. The methods may include forming a hard mask over selected regions of the second dielectric material. The methods may also include selectively removing the second dielectric material to expose a portion of the liner overlying the recessed first metal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 17, 2018
    Publication date: March 21, 2019
    Applicant: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Yung-Chen Lin, Qingjun Zhou, Ying Zhang, Ho-yung Hwang
  • Publication number: 20190074219
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus to form fully self-aligned vias are described. A seed gapfill layer is formed on a recessed first insulating layers positioned between first conductive lines. Pillars are formed from the seed gapfill layer and a second insulating layer is deposited in the gaps between pillars. The pillars are removed and a third insulating layer is deposited in the gaps in the second insulating layer to form an overburden of third insulating layer. A portion of the overburden of the third insulating layer is removed to expose the first conductive lines and form vias.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 29, 2018
    Publication date: March 7, 2019
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Ho-yung Hwang, Uday Mitra
  • Publication number: 20190067103
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus to form fully self-aligned vias are described. Portions of first conductive lines are recessed in a first insulating layer on a substrate. A first metal film is formed in the recessed portions of the first conductive lines and pillars are formed from the first metal film. A second insulating layer is deposited around the pillars. The pillars are removed to form vias in the second insulating layer. A third insulating layer is deposited in the vias and an overburden is formed on the second insulating layer. Portions of the overburden are selectively etched from the second insulating layer to expose the second insulating layer and the filled vias and leaving portions of the third insulating layer on the second insulating layer. The third insulating layer is etched from the filled vias to form a via opening to the first conductive line.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 29, 2018
    Publication date: February 28, 2019
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Ho-yung Hwang, Uday Mitra, Abhijit Basu Mallick
  • Publication number: 20190019676
    Abstract: Methods of forming semiconductor devices comprising etching a hardmask and spin-on-carbon layer through an opening in a photoresist to expose a gapfill material. The photoresist, spin-on-carbon layer and gapfill material are removed. A new spin-on-carbon layer, hardmask and photoresist are formed with an opening over a spacer mandrel. The hardmask, spin-on-carbon layer are etched through the opening and the layers and spacer mandrel are removed. An etch stop layer and oxide layer are removed and a height of the spacer mandrel and gapfill material are reduced exposing portions of the substrate. The exposed portions of the substrate are fin etched and the layers removed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2018
    Publication date: January 17, 2019
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Qingjun Zhou, Yung-Chen Lin, Ho-yung Hwang
  • Publication number: 20180374750
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus to form fully self-aligned vias are described. First conductive lines are recessed in a first insulating layer on a substrate. A first metal film is formed in the recessed first conductive lines and pillars are formed from the first metal film. Some of the pillars are selectively removed and a second insulating layer is deposited around the remaining pillar. The remaining pillars are removed to form vias in the second insulating layer. A third insulating layer is deposited in the vias and an overburden is formed on the second insulating layer. Portions of the overburden are selectively etched from the second insulating layer to expose the second insulating layer and the filled vias and leaving portions of the third insulating layer on the second insulating layer. The third insulating layer is etched from the filled vias to form a via opening to the first conductive line.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 22, 2018
    Publication date: December 27, 2018
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Ho-yung Hwang, Uday Mitra, Abhijit Basu Mallick, Sanjay Natarajan
  • Publication number: 20180340148
    Abstract: Methods for using cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors to enhance growth and self-renewal of progenitor cells, in vitro and in vivo.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2018
    Publication date: November 29, 2018
    Inventors: Merav Socolovsky, Ralph Scully, Yung Hwang
  • Publication number: 20180286749
    Abstract: A first metallization layer comprising a set of first conductive lines that extend along a first direction on a first insulating layer on a substrate. A second insulating layer is on the first insulating layer. A second metallization layer comprises a set of second conductive lines on a third insulating layer and on the second insulating layer above the first metallization layer. The set of second conductive lines extend along a second direction that crosses the first direction at an angle. A via between the first metallization layer and the second metallization layer. The via is self-aligned along the second direction to one of the first conductive lines.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 17, 2017
    Publication date: October 4, 2018
    Inventors: Ying Zhang, Abhijit Basu Mallick, Regina Freed, Nitin K. Ingle, Uday Mitra, Ho-Yung Hwang
  • Patent number: 4838825
    Abstract: A toy assembly utilizing the force produced by magnets to move models for the user's enjoyment. The toy has a base with a motor and magnets as a power source. A rotary plate with shafts freely disposed through the plate for upward and downward movement, the shafts are provided with magnets for altering the field of magnetism when the rotary plate is rotated. A shell covers the rotary plate and is provided with a display disk having implements and human models that move in response to the fields of magnetism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 1988
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1989
    Inventors: Chi Yung Hwang, Liu Ping Chih