Patents by Inventor Ziad Nassar

Ziad Nassar has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20060287871
    Abstract: A server has a processor, an operating system (OS), a database, a tracking module, a crediting module, and a delivering module. The database includes a user's information, revenue statistics, and revenue allocation for at least one organization selected by a user. The tracking module includes tracking relevant user activities with a user ID. The crediting module includes crediting to at least one organization selected by the user in response to the tracking. The delivering module includes delivering information to the user in real-time. The information includes a total contribution made to at least one organization selected by the user and a total contribution made to at least one organization by a community.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 9, 2005
    Publication date: December 21, 2006
    Inventors: Brian Carrozzi, Ziad Nassar