Water and space conservation toilet/bidet combination
A dual purpose toilet bowl which consists water conservation system which also consists a built in bidet, and this water conservation system is functioning by two stages of the toilet flushing, the first state it is by pressurized water and by gravity simultaneously whereby the gravity tradition flushing method is incorporating a water pressure method being controlled by a proportion valve. The second stage, most of the water will come from the gravity dumping valve. The proportion valve will control the amount of water that will be injected to the toilet bowl relative to the amount of water that will be dumped from the tank by the gravity. The pressurized water is aiming to the bottom of said toilet bowl where the waste is being accumulated whereby the flushing cycle based on water injection into the bottom of said bowl for few seconds in order to create the first push of the waste and simultaneously water dumping until the water will be diverted from the bottom of the toilet to the toilet tank, and said toilet bowl will also consist a bidet apparatus in order to save water on toilet flushing. This bidet apparatus consists safety valves and drainage to ensure that the waste will not go backwards to the fresh water. This bidet nozzle can wash itself and also this nozzle can rinse with soap and also this nozzle can dry the user by warm air.
This invention is related to devices being adapted to existing toilets in order to use said toilet bowl for dual purposes. First to use it as toilet, and than, use same as a bidet. This invention is also related to toilet bowls which has an ability to save water by combination of using water to flush the toilet by gravity and by water pressure and to save space by accomplishing the functions of the toilet and bidet as well.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONAll the toilet bowl manufacturers are doing the outmost they can to come out with very saving toilet bowls. Lately the federal government mendatoried 1.6 gallon of water to be used for flushing the toilet but it happened very often that this new toilet required to be flushed more then once since that the amount of water is not sufficient maybe the need is 2 gallon that should make it because 1.6 gallon is a little bit too short. So in reality the idea of saving water is defeated since instead of 2 gallons which we may need we will use now 3.2 gallons for two flushings. Every toilet consists a siphon at the bottom which is always the tradition method of toilet flushing which is based on the idea of siphoning the waste out. But in order for the siphon to work the level of the water in the toilet should be raised and it will result in dumping the water and the waste from the toilet to the sewer by the connected vessels equations. But there is a need for sudden water level rising with large given quantity of water in order start the siphoning process and to push the waste to the sewer since the human being waste is light and it floats on the water.
Therefore, there is a need for a strong wave from the top along with a sacking force from the bottom in order to eliminate waste out, therefore there are two basic methods to flush the toilet. The very known sudden water dumping in a big mass from the water tank by the gravity valve which is situated in said tank, or by second known method which is a hole in lower part of the toilet bowl which is connected to the main valve of the toilet which will supply direct pressurized water from the city supply line to said hole which will create a strong wave at the bottom of the toilet in the direction of the siphon. This wave will push the dirt by force and not only by the siphon rising the toilet which will rise the water level at the toilet. This method is wonderful solution it can save a lot of water versus the first mentioned float method, the problem is that such toilet cannot be used at places like high rise buildings since the water pressure is not always accessible. Therefore such toilet being used at low level buildings, and the traditional old method with the float being used in the high-rise buildings.
My new idea is to combine the bidet and the toilet together which in a way will save a lot of water, since every time the bidet is being used, water will be dumped into the toilet and that water will rise the water level in the toilet bowl, and such water level rising will be used later for flushing the toilet at the flushing point. Therefore this additional amount of water will help to push the dirt at one shot of flushing instead of two flushings and less water will be needed in the toilet tank since we have it already in the toilet bowl after using the bidet. So my idea is to use three methods, first the bidet, second water pressure, and third water from the tank.
So my idea is to use water pressure as well at the bottom of the toilet on the top of using water from the tank which will save a lot of water.
It was found from experience that even a little pressure which we have in high-rise building will do the work since the combination of using the water from the bidet and the water pressure at the bottom in addition to some water coming from the tank will do the work, since every time somebody that is using the toilet for elimination he must also use the bidet so this additional water will help of course.
It should be noted that it is not a must to use said bidet since the combination of blowing water from the bottom and simultaneously dumping water from the tank will do the work as well as it will be explained later.
Looking at the material from all existing inventions that are related to bidet adapters that are installed on toilet bowls, none of them comply with the federal rule which related to bidet whereby it must to have a water circuit breaker between the water supply line and to the nozzle that sprays the same water to the user bottom body parts. This rule intends to disconnect the germs or waste from human being to the fresh water system going backwards, so that the water will be able to run only one direction, out.
None of all existing inventions/patents are satisfying this rule. None of them has a check valve or some kind of internal water drainage or vent to drain the contaminated water if it will penetrate the nozzle. My new invention is designed to address and satisfy this exact rule as well as other innovations.
It is very known that existing bidet is not secure from burning the user, with hot burning water.
Although there are some patents which offer “anti scalding valve” which are described in patent document 5572748 which was made by Mr. Nee. This method that Nee offers cannot be accomplished and it is a wishful thinking. Nee suggested in his description of the summary of the invention he stated in his papers that his valve incorporates some kind of cold water bypass conduits which being connected to hot water line. He just forgot that in order to move or circulate water from one line to another in the same closed water loop system he must incorporate some kind of a pump otherwise the water will not be able to be mixed. We do not see any pump what so ever to do exactly that so therefore, his invention cannot work. Beside the point that to maintain a pump in such hot water environment is very costly from wear and tear point of view.
Another inventor which being described in patent 6477720 by Tomita et el. This inventor describes in his summary of the invention the following: “Any driving power source can be used for moving the nozzle pipe out. For instance a type using the pressure of the washing water . . . ” My reaction is as follows: if the water pressure is applied to push the nozzle out by using the change over valve which Tomita suggested in his description in his abstract he must incorporated some kind of a vent to release that pressure which is being locked between the piston and cylinder which move the nozzle back and forth, otherwise the nozzle will not go back to its starting position and it will stay outside, therefore, his invention as is cannot work unless some kind of a selector type of valve must be incorporated in the system to drain the pressure from the nozzle once the pressure being stopped by the user. This selector valve is very costly versus the ordinary valve. It should be stated that these two inventors do not incorporated any water circuit breaker in their systems as is being required by law.
The main aim of this invention is to built the toilet bowl which will be very much into the water conservation and it will be the combination of the toilet bowl and bidet apparatus built in therefore it will save space and more comfort ability to use same.
Since a bidet apparatus by itself takes space and this space being occupied by such apparatus is a luxury these days since every square foot in the house is very costly, so the aim of this invention to eliminate the need of a separate bidet unit. So far there are some kinds of bidet adapters that can be mounted as after market devices, which are mounted on the toilet bowl underneath of the toilet seat. All of those suffer from few setbacks and none of them is either safe from burning water and none of them is complying with the law whereby a “water circuit breaker” is built-in in order to eliminate dirty water being in contact with fresh water which is connected to said bidet adapter. Beside none of them has cold water drainage from said bidet nozzle apparatus in order to not let the cold water touch the user therefore the user is exposing his very gentle body parts to very freezing water.
So the aim of this invention is to build an adapter which is mounted on an existing toilet which is in use already, or built into the design of a toilet bowl, but at the very same time to let the user to use warm water but not to be exposed to very hot water which can burn and wound the user in the very gentile parts of his body.
So it is also, the aim of this invention is to drain the cold water from the line until warm water will arrive to the injection nozzle of this bidet part so that the user will not suffer from cold or freezing water that will be sprayed on his body.
One of the problems that the existing bidet apparatus are facing that the nozzle which is being exposed to the dirt and waste of the human being must be cleaned since that nozzle is located in the toilet bowl itself and there is always a need to clean those bidet apparatus. So the known ways to do it is by the brush that the person has to use it in order to clean it or there are some inventions that suggested a separate mechanism which will have a different support and which will hold a separate moveable nozzle to do same. My invention actually is using no moveable parts but from the same support water will be sprayed from a different nozzle to clean same.
So it is further the aim of this invention to have an automatic nozzle and support cleaning as a self-cleaning apparatus so, both parts would be washed, the nozzle and the support from outside, every time that this bidet apparatus will be activated in order to make sure that human being waste will not get stuck on those bidet apparatus parts.
Another aim of this invention is to solve a problem that the bidet adapters manufacturers are facing, since the shape of the toilet bowl was changed.
For many years the toilet bowls were used and consist of two major parts. A toilet bowl, and toilet tank, the new toilets are made from one piece and with the roundish shape. The surface where the seat is bolted to the toilet is not 100% flat but it is some kind of a moon shape, the same thing is the connection between said surface and the tank which makes the seat to be bolted to a place where the tank actually is raised and pulled both sides toward the front of the toilet bowl, and each bowl is in the different shape and surface. That means that the old toilet adapters which were long and straight are facing a problem since there are straight pieces and they cannot sit on that new bend surface of the new toilets. Therefore it must be made in a different method whereby it needs huge mold to make such an adapter since it consists the faucet/valve on the same adapter and the nozzle supposed to be at the very same adapter.
In order to overcome this problem my invention finds a solution to exactly same problem and my apparatus will be made of two separate parts, one part that will be installed on the toilet itself underneath the seat and the other part will be installed adjacent to the toilet and there will be connection with water line between those two parts so it can be made relative from two small plastic parts instead of one large piece which is very costly to manufacture and very costly to pack it and to deliver it in a big box is costly as well. My new design of two pieces will overcome the obstacle of production and installation which will allow to use two small single molds that fit all shapes of toilet bowls.
So it is very important aim of this invention to make one unit fits all, versus the existing unit on the market.
One of the problems that a conventional bidet experiences is that into such a bidet is connected hot and cold water lines. Those lines are connected to 2 separate valves—one for hot water and one for cold water. The user of said bidet is using this bidet by sitting on it and once he sits on it, he opens those valves, which start to spray water on his genitals and the surrounding areas. So it is not so comfortable to adjust hot burning or very freezing water while they hit your body while the user both hands are occupied to adjust water temperature. Of course even considering not burning the body with very hot water. So it is not a simple task to accomplish although a mixer is a known method in bidet adapters but it has setback which will be explained later. My invention comes to solve among other things this problem, by freeing one hand to cover the body while adjusting the water temperature by the second one. It will let the user to control this problem easier in a case of burning water they will never get to the user's body if hot water gets to the mixer outlet it will be cut at once. Another problem that my invention takes care of is; once a person uses this bidet after adjusting the temperature of the water that the user needs, there is a problem that this user faces which is in case another resident in the house opens a water faucet in the house, like watering the garden for example. The other user watering the garden creates a significant water pressure drop in the cold lines. This leaves the user using the bidet, exposed to the very hot water in the line, which can burn him.
It is another aim of this invention to solve the problem that can occur in the existing bidet apparatus whereby the nozzle that sprays the water in order to rinse the user is not accessible for cleaning since that nozzle has a small tiny hole which can be clogged internally. My inventions solves this problem. The other problem that exists in the art that the user needs to spray the water and rinse different parts of its body without to use dual nozzle mechanism. My invention solves such problem as well.
So it is another aim of this invention to have flexible nozzle holder in order to be able to rinse both parts of user lower body with one nozzle.
And also it is another aim of this invention to have hot air to dry the wet place of the user body after rinsing it, using the same nozzle being used first to spray water and then to blow hot air.
It is further the aim of this invention to eliminate contaminated water from the toilet from entering back into the supply line, once the user would stop flushing his anus.
It is even further the aim of this invention to cover and not to expose the nozzle that sprays water to the anus, once the user is using the toilet for regular use.
It is even more further desired from this invention to let the user to mount longer adapter to the nozzle in order to let the user to penetrate this extra adapter to its body, specifically for woman which want to avoid pregnancy by flushing her internal vagina. It is even more further desired and also to ensure the user that he will not burn while using this bidet if somebody else will use another faucet simultaneously and will drain cold water from the system and thus will expose the user to hot burning water.
The existing art teaches us about bidet apparatuses that are connected to an existing toilet bowl, or as built in bidet. But some of them is connected to the hot water line, which said hot water is temperature controlled by an overheating thermostat sensor, which will not close the water flow at once, since ordinary thermostats are slow in reaction because of the way they are built, and a very sudden hot water may reach the user's body before it will be cut by such thermostat once it is too hot. All the existing bidet consists of 2 separate valves, one for cold and one for hot water. My invention will let the user use only one hand to control the water temperature and cut hot water supply at once if it is too hot.
It is even further the aim of this invention to open the water supply to the bidet nozzle adapter automatically once the user flushes the toilet only, and to keep it running as long as the user sits on the toilet seat whereby the nozzle sprays warm water automatically without the user using a faucet or devices of that nature and the water supply will stop once the user leaves the toilet seat.
And it is even further the aim of this invention to have the user to aim the water spraying direction on his body parts to his own convenience.
The center hole in the snap disk has a very important role, since it is exposed to water stream and pressure, if the stream is too strong it will push the ball to the seat to close the flow at once in order not to expose the gentle body parts to a jet stream.
This illustration of the snap disk is only one way of blocking hot water passage in case of water overheating which gets to the outlet. There are few companies that manufacture thermal safety valves. One of those manufacturers manufactures a valve that blocks burning water from running in the shower or in the sink. This manufacturer uses a special metal spring that expands once it gets very hot water. This spring closes water passage with a valve. Another method being used to control hot water flow passage being used in vehicles' engines, this is called a thermostat, which opens or closes the water flow between the engine and the radiator. This method of the thermostat can be used here also. Part of the idea of my invention is to put some kind of a safety valve with a known technique. Another method for this purpose is to install an automatic temperature control water valve. This valve exists in showers whereby the user sets the water temperature up front.
Note: Those 2 little springs that keeps the piston centered is not a must, since the piston can center itself by the pressure.
Note: This weight alone will not be sufficient to overcome the spring 5 resistance and will not be able to press the pin down. Since the spring 5 keeps Valve 6 in-closed position if there is no water flow through. Even in the event that water pressure will be applied to inlet 13, this pressure will act on the upper surface cone part of Valve 6. The calculation in the valve surface design which is exposed to hydraulic pressure is such that the dimensions of the surface of Valve 6 is such that the water pressure that will be applied on this surface will not be able to overcome the force of the spring 5 which acting in the direction against the water pressure which comes from the top. So that Valve 6 will stay close even the water pressure is acting on that. So there is a need to help to open said Valve 6 against the force of the spring 5. The help will come only if some kind of force will be applied on pin 1 going downwards. pin 1 is exposed upwards to touch the toilet seat and it keeps said toilet seat little bit away from the toilet bowl. Since this toilet seat is distanced from the toilet bowl and it can be pressed down and that gap can be closed only if somebody will sit on that toilet seat. The weight of said toilet seat is not sufficient to overcome the force of spring 5. Only if the user sits on said seat it will press down pin 1, which will open Valve 6 and let the water flow right down.
The aim of this construction is to make sure that the water will flow to the bidet device only if the user sits on it. This is a safety measure that kids will not be able to open the water stream via this bidet.
The house cold water line 9 is connected to float valve 4 which is in the toilet tank 2. The outlet 13 of that valve 4 is connected to the left side of said valve assembly A which is shown in
So in a way there is a need for a very small tank which will consists less amount of water and said water will be used to wash and rinse the internal toilet walls only, and not to use this gravity water fall to push the dirt out. So with such a method of a combination of a float valve and a tank with pressurized water there will be significant water saving. In a regular toilet with tank sudden water flow makes to lift the water level in the toilet bowl and such weight of water pushes the dirt from the toilet bowl. Here is the need for a lot of more water that being used to flush the toilet.
At the bottom of the valve housing 1 is located plug 16, this plug can be unscrewed in order to adjust the location of bolt 12 relative to the membrane assembly which can bring the cone valve 18 either higher or lower relative to its seat at boar 17. The higher the cone valve will start less movement it will have to travel while less water get through jet 6 before said flow will stop. In a way this arrangement being used to determine how much water will go via jet 6 and how much water will go via the gravity valve in the tank. It should be noted that another adjustable screw can be placed on the cover 2 of the device which is described in
Looking at the tube inside surface there are two moonlike shapes connected. Since we have dual diameters in that flat tube, the inner one has less surface which is being exposed to pressure versus the outer one. Therefore, once the pressure would be applied to this tube, that pressure has the ability to bend this flat tube. The higher the pressure, the higher the bend. Therefore, if the user will apply more pressure by opening the faucet a little bit more, more pressure will act in this flat tube. So it will bend this flat tube stronger therefore it will bend the angle of the nozzle which in return will spray the water further and vice versa. Less pressure, the water will spray in the sharper angle to more vertical direction. So the user has the ability to control the water flow direction by opening or closing the faucet, so it is not only getting more or less water stream but getting it in different directions. It should be noted that flexible part that was described here before was the nozzle support, it could also be in another way whereby the nozzle support can be made from firm material and the nozzle itself could be made from the flexible material which could give and bend under certain water pressure.
It should be noted that the ball can have some kind of a tail in order to have the user move the tail and the water will go through such tail instead of going via the ball itself.
It should be noted that the one way valve to block the water going backwards that was described in the previous figures can be installed in the support part member number 3 of the present device since it was moved away from the flexible nozzle holder.
It is very important for public places to eliminate the use of paper in order to wipe the anuses since people are using too much paper and eventually are clogging the sewer. This new described method will allow the bidet user to dry the body parts with warm air after rinsing.
There is a way to dry the user's bottom body parts by air via the same nozzle 4 this nozzle that sprays the water to rinse the body, by integrating diverter valve 1 which will blow warm air from a pressurized air tank 2, which could be always under pressure. This diverter valve will always be in a close status so the air from the pressurized tank will not blow air via the nozzle only. Once the user will enter to the toilet room and sit on the toilet seat he can activate the water/air system by a valve under the seat, and by a motion sensor he will activate the electric part of this system, the motion sensor 6 will activate 110 Volts relay 9 that may also consist a timer which will activate a heating coil 8 this activation can be done also manually by a different or same actuator which will also activate the compressor to fill up the air tank, another manual valve 7 will make sure that the air will not vent out and it will only by user command. A diverter valve 1 will open the air pressure to go to nozzle 4 and close the passage of air going to the mixer 3 backwards once the user stops rinsing his body. The air vent will remain open to dry the user for certain time as long as the user activates said manual valve. The time can be controlled by means like an electric timer which is given here for example only. The combination of the actuators for the water and air can be used via several known methods and techniques. The above described technique is only one of them. The idea is to use the same nozzle for dual purpose which also will clean and dry the line by pressurized air from contamination water and germs in said harsh environment. It should be noted that the manual valve 7 can be controlled electrically or by a pneumatic activation valve as well.
1. A water conservation toilet bowl assembly that consists:
- A toilet bowl and
- A toilet bowl tank and
- A float mechanism and
- A float valve assembly and
- A gravity dumping valve and
- A mechanism to open said gravity valve and
- A mechanism to close said gravity valve and
- A proportion valve and
- A port at the bottom of the toilet bowl and
- A water line between said port and said proportion valve and
- A water pressurized supply line
- And that water conservation toilet bowl assembly is using two methods of flushing in two stages first by water pressure and by gravity simultaneously and at the second stage almost by gravity only and said bowl consists water tank with float valve assembly that controls the water level in said tank that indirectly leads pressurized water via a proportion valve and via said water line to a port at the bottom of its toilet bowl and said port aimed for dumping water to flush the waste to the sewer from said toilet bowl and said float valve assembly simultaneously dumping water via the tank dumping gravity valve which is located at said toilet tank in order to rinse said toilet internal walls and said pressurized water is being fed by a proportion valve means which gets its water from said float valve assembly and said proportion valve spits water to the bottom of the toilet bowl via said water line with conjunction of the toilet flushing and into said water tank is mounted said float valve assembly which controls the water proportion valve and refilling said toilet tank and
- said toilet tank consists of gravity dumping valve which consists a handle for activation said dumping assembly valve and as a result the float valve assembly will open a water flow in a way that every said handle activation will dump the water from the tank to the toilet bowl via said gravity valve and also via the proportion valve and said float valve assembly has two ports the first port is connected to the city water supply line or other supply line and the second port is connected to the inlet of the proportion valve hereby defined as a first port of said proportion valve and said proportion valve has at least three ports at its valve assembly whereby the first port of said proportion valve is connected to the second port of the float valve assembly and the second port of said proportion valve is connected to the supply of the pressurized water line to said port which is at the bottom of said toilet bowl and the third port of said proportion valve is open to dump water to said toilet tank and said gravity dumping valve will open water to be dumped to rinse the toilet walls in the duration of the toilet flushing and the float valve will transfer water to the toilet tank via said proportion valve in relative proportion in a way that at the beginning of the flushing process most of the water from said float valve assembly will be directed to the bottom of the toilet bowl by pressure and as the flushing process will proceed the water supply to the bottom of the toilet will subside gradually to the point that it will be reduced or stopped and simultaneously the water which was supplied by the float valve to the bottom of the toilet via said proportion valve will be redirected and transferred to be dumped to the toilet tank which will dump that water on the toilet walls or and eventually that water will accumulate in the tank once said gravity valve will be closed ready for the next flushing cycle.
2 A water conservation toilet bowl assembly as in claim 1 that consists:
- A water proportion valve as claimed in claim 1 which consists a valve housing and housing cover a valve assembly a spring and a membrane means whereby said valve assembly is situated between said valve housing and said housing cover and said valve housing consists two boars which are divided by a valve seat in a way that if said valve assembly engages said seat the communication between said two boars will be cut and vice versa and said membrane means is mounted on said valve means water tight and said membrane is situated between the valve housing and said housing cover to define three chambers the inlet chamber the outlet chamber and the chamber above said membrane means and said housing cover consists a boar which ends with a valve seat at one end and an outlet on the other side of said boar and said valve assembly consists a second valve means disposed adjacent to the seat of said valve housing cover in a way that if said second valve means engages said valve cover housing seat the communication between the boar of said housing cover and the boar of said inlet chamber at said valve housing will be cut and said spring is biased between said valve housing cover and said valve assembly in order to keep said valve assembly to sit on the valve housing seat and to keep communication between the outlet chamber and said chamber above the membrane and at the very same time to cut the communication between the inlet chamber and the outlet to the bottom of the toilet bowl.
3 A water conservation toilet bowl assembly as claim 1, 2 whereby said proportion valve consists means to adjust and restrict the water venting from the chamber above the membrane whereby to control the amount of water that will be injected to the bottom of the toilet before the proportion valve will change its function to open water flow to the toilet tank as well or stopping the water to the toilet bowl.
4 A bidet apparatus mounted to the toilet bowl and that toilet bowl consists two bolts which connect the toilet seat and said bidet apparatus that consists of two components a first component to be installed on the toilet bowl and the second one to be installed next to the toilet bowl whereby the first component being situated on said toilet bowl underneath of the toilet seat and it is connected to the said toilet bowl by said two bolts and said first bidet apparatus consists a water connection between said second bidet adapter and said first apparatus and
- said first apparatus consists a boar a two way nozzle and one way valve which is mounted in said boar whereby said one way valve will let the communication from one side of said boar to the second side of said boar and will block said communication the other way around in order to block germs to go into the fresh water and said boar will lead communication to said nozzle which will let the water go both ways simultaneously up to spray the user and down to the toilet bowl and
- said second component will consist hot and cold water mixer and said mixer will consist three ports for hot and cold water connections and a port as an outlet which will lead the water from said outlet to said nozzle.
5 A bidet apparatus as claimed in claim 4 whereby said mixer also consists a one way valve means which will block said outlet once said water will be behind a certain temperature set.
6 A bidet apparatus as claimed in claim 4 further consists a selector type means which will function in two stages of water spitting in order to drain the cold water from said nozzle in stage one and to spray water to the user thereafter which is in the second stage of water spitting whereby once the water pressure will be applied to said apparatus said selector means will move by said water pressure increase to close the cold water from going downwards and to open and to keep water going upwards.
7 A toilet bowl that consists a bidet apparatus which consists of:
- A pressurized water connection A cylinder means a piston selector means A one way valve means A spring A vent whereby whenever said cylinder gets water pressure said vent will spit the water downwards to the toilet and to the user simultaneously
8 A toilet bowl that consists a bidet apparatus means as claimed in claim 7 which is connected to a pressurized water supply line and said water pressure line is connected to said cylinder and said piston via the one way valve which is mounted at said cylinder and said apparatus is built in and mounted water tight into said toilet bowl and that bidet apparatus consists of an injector means and said injector means is a hollow piston type that is mounted in said cylinder whereby said piston transmits said water via an elongated hole which is in said piston in order to spray the water in the direction of the user's bottom body parts and said piston means consists two round surfaces one at each end the first surface is at the end that is exposed into the toilet bowl and the second surface end is exposed into said cylinder and
- said cylinder means wall consists a vent orifice which is located in said toilet bowl and faced downwards and said piston consist sidewind groove in its parameter and into said groove there is a boar which is connected to said elongated boar and said groove makes selective communication between said bottom vent and the user's bottom body parts via water spraying and said vent keeps constant communication between the second surface of said piston and the atmospheric air whenever there is no water pressure applied to said cylinder and said piston is being exposed to water pressure and to the atmospheric air whereby once the supply water will stop all the pressurized water between said piston second surface and said one way valve can be vented in order not to block the retreat of said injector whereby said injector will be able to hide and to be buried into the toilet bowl body as long as no water pressure is applied to said injector means and once water pressure will be applied to said cylinder said initial pressure will be vented via said vent and if said water pressure will be increased said piston will be ejected forward and said water pressure will be transmitted to said user's body parts and as said piston will be ejected from its cylinder once the water pressure will be applied to it and it will retreat back to its hidden position since the pressurized water will be able to vent via said vent once the pressurized water stop and said one way valve will close in order to block dirty water and stuff to go backwards.
9 A toilet bowl that consists a bidet apparatus as in claim 7, 8 whereby whenever said piston selector means will move forward in said cylinder by said pressurized water and said selector means movement will cut said water venting to the bottom of the toilet and it will open water to be sprayed upwards.
10 A toilet bowl that consists a bidet apparatus as in claim 4, 5, 6 further consists of a second jet to spray water on the nozzle itself and on the nozzle support in order to keep them clean from human waste.
11 A bidet apparatus as in claim 4 whereby the nozzle or the support made by flexible materials in order to let this support to be bend upon water pressure which will be applied to said nozzle to the extend that it will change the nozzle aiming relative to the user body parts upon the water pressure changes in order to let this nozzle spray water on the rear end or to the front of the human being which will be using said apparatus upon the water pressure differential that said nozzle support is exposed to.
12 A water temperature equalizer means to be installed and interrupt between the cold and hot water lines whereby if the cold water stream will be suddenly increased it will result at the very same time that the hot water stream at the hot water line will automatically be reduced to the point that the people that are using the hot water would not be burned.
13 A water temperature equalizer means as in claim 12 that consists:
- A valve housing which consists a cylinder and into said cylinder wall being attached a wedge and into that cylinder is mounted a piston means and that piston's means consists a groove in a triangle shape and said piston means is constructed to leave space between the triangle and the wedge of said cylinder and said piston can rotate as a partial movement clock and counter clock wise to the extend that only some rotating movement can be allowed and said piston movement will be blocked by said wedge after certain rotation movement and
- at said cylinder between the triangle walls of said piston and the wedge there are two sets of boars one on each side of said wedge and a second set of boars at said cylinder which can be covered or partially covered by said piston rotations and into said piston means there is one boar at its parameter wall and a second boar at said piston triangle wall and those two boars are connected among them and same said construction on the other side of said piston and those said boars are being connected one to the cold line and the other one to the hot line and said piston being kept with equal distance between the triangle walls and the wedge as long as the stream of water of both two lines are more or less equal but once the stream of the cold water will be increased extremely it will create a pressure differential between both sides of the wedge and the triangle of the piston and said pressure differential will rotate said piston and said piston movement will cover the boar of the hot water line which is at the other side of said cylinder wedge in order to reduce the size of the boar in order to let less hot water from going through thereby less hot water will be mixed with less cold water for the safety of the user and
- said water temperature equalizer means further consists means to keep said piston centralized relative to said wedge once there is no water movement which goes through.
14 A bidet adapter as in claim 4 further consists a safety valve mounted to said bidet support which will be extended underneath the toilet seat and said valve will control the water automatically flow to said nozzle whereby said valve will open or close the water flow by being depressed or released by the toilet seat
15 A bidet adapter as in claim 4, 5 further consists a diverter valve means and a water temperature control valve whereby said diverter valve means will open the water flow in conjunction of the toilet flushing and with conjunction of sitting on said toilet seat Whereby in every flushing of the toilet seat and by sitting on the toilet seat said nozzle will get water flow with the preset temperature as long as the user sits on said seat.
16 A bidet apparatus as in claim 4, 5
- And said bidet apparatus is connected to hot pressurized air whereby the same nozzle that jets water on the user will also being used for blowing warm air on the user.
17 A bidet apparatus as claimed in claim 16 that consists
- A pressurized air source an air heating source a diverter valve a control air valve a motion detector whereby whenever said motion detector will sense a movement in a toilet room the heating source will warm the air of said pressurized source and said diverter valve will close the water circuit to said bidet nozzle apparatus and open simultaneously said circuit to be connected the air to said nozzle.
18 A bidet apparatus as in claim 4, 5 further consists a soap dispenser.
19 A water conservation toilet bowl as in claim 1 which consists a built-in a bidet apparatus that consists one-way valve and a vent.
20- A fluid/air temperature controlled valve, which consists of the following:
- A valve housing, a valve means, temperature influenced snap disk, where by said valve housing consists a bore and said bore has at least 2 ports. First port here defined as an inlet and the second port as an outlet. And in said bore is located a seat and a valve were by whenever said valve is adjacent to said seat the communication between said inlet and said outlet will be interrupted to a stage that less fluid or air can pass thru and flowing thru and said disk are made of materials that are being influenced by temperature changes were by the shape of the said disk will deform by said temperature changes to a status that it can push said valve toward said seat once the temperature will increase or vice versa.
21- A fluid/air temperature controlled valve as in claim 20, which further consists of the following:
- A valve return spring and perforated disk, where by said spring force can be adjusted by adjustable means and said disk can let the fluid/air go thru via passages which said disk consist.
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 8, 2003
Publication Date: Feb 10, 2005
Inventor: Josef Wodeslavsky (Tenafly, NJ)
Application Number: 10/636,889