Sphere factor
Sphere Factor is a piece of exercise equipment designed to target differen areas from different positions, it gives new variations for the abdomimal and lower body exercises. Sphere Factor allow its user to control their body weight with the strongest parts of the body arms and legs, while the user remains in one of the most comfortable positions other then laying down. The user is able to work the inner thigh, outer thigh, abdominal muscles, front thigh, hips, obliques and joints. Sphere Factor allows you to wear your equipment for convinience, so where ever the body can go Sphere Factor can follow.
Sphere Factor is a design that is based on exercising from a four point position-hands and knees, from this position you are resting upon two well cushioned arm rest and two well cushioned knee pads. The significance of the kneee pads are they are supported by one large size ball in the middle of the knee, one small size ball at the bottom of the knee, one small size ball on both sides of the knee and one small size ball at the top of the knee. The arm support will include a handle grip for hands and a rouund soft cushion for the elbow rest, this elbow support will be adjustable for length and traction to remain stable. There will be a foot prop that is mobile and also able to be motionless with the adjustment of the ball between the inside of the feet, it will also include foot traction and foot straps for both feet. We are in a time now that has most americans health conscious to look better and feel better about themselves and appeal to others, I have taken notice of many pieces of exercise equipment developed and most of it is either for more advanced looking to make good into great or it really has no effect at all.
Sphere Factor is designed to accomodate any individual that has the ability and are willing to move their legs, and target those hard to get area's or possible rehalbilitation. Sphere Factor allows you to rest on the bottom part of you fore arms with the elbows being supported with round comfortable cushions, and hands attatch to firm hand grips. The knee pads are supported with 5 balls that will be durable for most surfaces but light in weight, and able to support the weight of most human beings. The ball at the center of the knee will be the standard area for starting or resting at any time, the balls at the top sides and the lower part of the knee allow the kneed pad to work the proper areas. With this range of motion it will allow you to move in any direction you prefer and concentrate on any targeted area, and while the area's are being targeted it will have a direct effect on cardio vascular. Torso Track for example targets the abdominal muscle, but you can get started when you are comfronted with a dilemma of supporting your weight and that can be a task for some individuals. Torso Track is also convinient by fitting under your bed but not very mobile, Sphere Factor fits very easy into a carry on bag and very capable of any surroundings for the human body. Knee pads that are durable for most areas make it very Hotel friendy while on trips or just another home during vacation, with the arm rest being adjustable and compact makes it very easy also for travel and packing. Torso Track puts alot of strain on the shoulders and arms, unlike Sphere Factor that allows you to use the strongest part of your body which are your legs. I think this piece of equipment far exceed the benefits of its competition with all the options and different variations it allows, and I dont know of any that offers the rewrds when done properly The UFO is the only pice that has the range of motion but not the different variations for targeting the inside of legs and running motion for cardio. Sphere Factor is also very flexible for dancers and other type of peformers who do different acts while on stage, this piece of equipment was designed to cover a broad spectum but mainly exercise.
1. Knee pads with 5 built in motion balls allowing knee pads to move in all directions.
2. A foot prop with foot straps and built in motion adjustable ball at the bottom allowing it to move in all directions.
3 Adjustable fore arm, elbow, an hand support stand
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 25, 2003
Publication Date: Mar 3, 2005
Inventor: Bennett Green (Mullica-Hill, NJ)
Application Number: 10/647,626