Primary-geodesic least surface shapes for predetermined ground plots and functions
A means to create the shape for a structure that holds the most space under the least area for any predetermined polygonal ground plot. The ground plot is cut into a sheet material as an open window, called a plot-frame 2. The plot-frame 2 could also be created on the ground itself. A membrane 1 is placed over the plot-frame 2 and a pressure differential is created on both sides of the membrane 1. Functions that take on polygonal shapes are placed on the membrane 1 that would be entryways; connection planes and other flat polygons are achieved by means of constraints 4. The final static display shape of the membrane 1 shows the shape of the intended structure above ground.
This invention is based on my provisional application No. 60/528158, dated Dec. 9, 2003
TECHNICAL FIELDThis artwork relates to all least surface space enclosing structures over predetermined ground plots with functions placed on the surface such as entryways, connection planes, solar panels and the like. Such artwork is called geodesic domes and space enclosing structures. There is an infinite set of shapes other than the sphere that holds space as least surface shape, that was said could be geodesic.
BACKGROUND ARTWithin the history of man the first geodesic-like sphere has been under the paws of the Guardian Lions that have been placed outside the temples and gates of China at least 400 years ago. Like all of the current geodesic structures, it seems to resemble a polyhedral made of triangles that resemble a sphere. However, having a geodesic like sphere is not the same as a space enclosing structure.
Next there is a true geodesic dome created by Dr. Walter Bauersfeld in 1922 in Jena, Germany, used for a planetarium-roof that was the embodiment of his work. This structure was made from a divided icsoahedron cast to a sphere to allow his projection devices to remain in focus. It can be assumed he projected rays to the junctures of the material he used as spherical chords that was his framework for this, from a central point. It could also be assumed he didn't see the dome structure which he created, as the roof of the Carl Zeiss optical works, as a single structure. His concern may have just been to have a proper surface for his projectors to function correctly, and the dome itself was perhaps overlooked as a single work.
Richard Buckminster Fuller's first artwork on this subject in 1954, U.S. Pat. No. 2,682,235 made it singular and useful unto itself. It is what Fuller said a geodesic dome could be after this artwork, which matters most of all. Published within Synergetics in 1975, in section 703.01 he says “Geodesic domes can be either symmetrically spherical, like a billiard ball, or asymmetrically spherical, like pears, caterpillars, or elephants.” He said also in section 703.03 “All geodesic domes are tensegrity structures whether or not the tension-compression differentiations are visible to the observer”. “Tensegrity” is a short form of the term “tensional integrity”. Within section 702.01 he also said; “We have a mathematical phenomenon known as a geodesic. A geodesic is the most economical relationship between any two events”. If Fuller is to be given credit for the geodesic dome, the statements should be combined. To me they mean that it is the shape, and not the polyhedral surface that represents what is a geodesic. I call such shapes “primary geodesic surfaces” and the polyhedral representation of them as a “secondary geodesic” no matter the pattern of polygons. He removed the commonly assumed mathematical rules that govern the current geodesic domes and the polyhedral surface. There are no mathematical rules that could be applied to the surface of an elephant Fuller never explained how to create such geodesic surfaces, only that they would be geodesic domes. This current artwork covers the creation of them.
Still looking at Fuller and the bulk of the remaining artwork, most show the polyhedral representation of the sphere as a structure that is called a geodesic dome. Hannula with his U.S. Pat. No. 3,955,329 in 1974 titled as “Hollow Structure” gives a curved set of lines to become a geodesic-like on the surface of the sphere. Also Herrmann U.S. Pat. No. 6,295,785 with a pattern based on the octahedron and not the icsoahedron of Fullers first work U.S. Pat. No. 2,682,235. Within Herrmann's work comes the voice of Yacoe U.S. Pat. No. 4,679,361 saying a geodesic is a representation of a sphere. Leonard Spunt U.S. Pat. No. 3,959,937, “Modular dome structure” in 1976, shows a sphere dome done in circles that is also a polygon much like the triangle, depending on your schooling in geometry. Spunt shows us that the circles could be from cones, all with the tips concentric to the sphere and the axis of each a ray from that center. Circles would come from the intersection of the cones and the sphere. All the commonalities of each of the many geodesic and space-enclosing artworks show a polyhedral representation of the surface of the sphere as a shell of polygons. This leads us to think that there could be more geodesic patents than anyone might care to guess at, that could be copied to a sphere. Also some that look very geodesic seem to just be called “structures”, making the line between the two types very blurred. For all the effort placed into finding common sets of points between the sphere and some solids, rays and cones cast from the center of the sphere, none are able to explain the elephant or caterpillar. Maybe it's time to stop finding all the mathematical sets of points common to the sphere and whatever method or solid, used to divide a sphere into a geodesic. Fuller told us that the sphere is a geodesic if one can see a polygonal pattern or not. Perhaps defining the geodesic dome as a polyhedral representation of just a surface is incorrect. Maybe it should be looked at as least surface relationships that nature can produce as geodesic structures, and what Fuller said they can be. This current artwork shows us how to do just that. It is also able to reproduce with this current artwork, many past geodesic polyhedral surfaces with just 3 parts.
Of all the works remaining on space enclosing structures there are three people that need to be noted. The first is Helmut Bergman U.S. Pat. No. 4,258,513 showing that a structure can have rectangles providing a function on the surface for solar collectors by providing a place to mount them. Also from Helmut Bergman there is U.S. Pat. No. 4,364,207 that can allow for a changing ground plot titled “Extended Space Enclosing Structure”; it shows a somewhat variable ground plot. His works are creative because they show that such structures can be close to the geodesic sphere and have the surface changed to also include rectangles, for some required function such as for solar-panels, doors or clustering. His creations are also based on the icsoahedron as are many others, but one has to look closely. However creative this falls short of showing a least surface over any ground plot. The extended structure is limited to an elongated circle only. However it is the idea of polygons other than triangles as an intended function that makes my current artwork more valuable. I have to extend a full measure of credit to Bergman for showing us this. I hope to have fully exploited his teaching with this present artwork.
The last two remaining artworks worth mentioning starts with David B South U.S. Pat. No. 4,155,967 in 1979 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,324,074 in 1982. He inflates an inelastic membrane that is formed to be spherical-like; because of the manner in which it was made and used. His system relies on the pneumatic pressure within it to become stiff. Later in 1999 with U.S. Pat. No. 5,918,438 he told us this again, when he found the need to place a net over the membrane to help it retain that shape. Because this is a sphere based structure, I consider it a primary geodesic, because there can be seen no “tension-compression differentiations” as noted by Fuller above. Unfortunately, with the work of David South, the shape of the structure is predetermined at the time of manufacture of that membrane. It only becomes rigid under pressure and is unable to produce a least surface area for the space it binds between it and the ground when inflated. It is unable to conform to any ground plot. Making a membrane in that manner for a different ground plot, as a least surface above that ground, would require a guess at best. He has not been able to teach us the means to find the other shapes Fuller talked about. This current artwork has no such short comings.
Along side and before David South there is the work that can be seen on the internet at Here Dante N Bini shows us a system much like that used by David South, but the membrane has the ability to be elastic and can be stopped at any level of inflation. However as the video shows within that web page, connections to the planes are made by cutting away the surface of one dome to come into contact with the next. The perimeter of the second dome has to encroach into the perimeter of the first. This tends to limit when and where such a system can be employed, and requires virgin ground. This system would be unable to maintain the least surface with the connection plane in place as a flat polygon. Such would be the case if the dome had to connect to a flat surface from an existing structure. Even if this lesson from Dante Bini is most close to this current artwork, it can't show us how to implement the polygonal functions that Helmut Bergman has given us. He did not explain how to produce the other asymmetrically spherical shapes Fuller told us about. This current artwork takes care of the need for virgin ground and cutting away sections to connect the dome to other structures, and any encroachments into that structure.
To account for the geodesic dome as to what Fuller said it can be it may be time to let go of the idea of projecting points, lines and circles to the sphere. The sphere is only a mathematical real world model of a least surface shape for the volume it holds, and the best at that. It may be that the sphere has been used almost exclusively until now, because its math is relatively easy to work, the points easy to produce. This current artwork removes the math of the surface and allows us to use a simpler means to create even more complex geodesic surfaces with functions on its surface.
BRIEF SUMMERYThis current artwork was created to confirm an equation I found for a geodesic dome with a square foot print to the ground. The shape that the membrane 1 displayed, matched the equation well. It did show a square geodesic dome can have an area only 3.0-4.5 percent above the area of a sphere that holds twice the volume that is displaced by the membrane 1. In other words twice the area of the displaced membrane 1, is only 3.0-4.5 percent above the area of a sphere that can hold twice the space displaced by the membrane 1. Also I didn't know that Fuller had said they could be anything but spherical at that time. After it came to my attention what Fuller said geodesic domes could be, it was still many weeks later that I realized what I had on my desk. I also have to credit a math book that was resting on the surface of the membrane 1, for showing me the membrane 1 is self-correcting.
The system works because of the nature of the membrane 1 and the pressure across its two surfaces. The tension in the membrane 1 caused by making it larger in area by that force, will act to return it to a least area. In turn the pressure that caused the change in area wants to expand in all directions. The net result is that the membrane 1 shows a static display of the two opposing forces in balance. The membrane 1 shows the least area for the amount of space it has displaced. If the pattern cut into the plot-frame 2 happens to be the similar polygonal shape of some predetermined ground plot; the membrane 1 shows all least surface areas for any amount of space that could be above that ground-plot, regardless of target height or the amount of space within the final structure. If the amount of space that is bound by the membrane 1 and the membrane 1 itself become very large, it also becomes very spherical. Because of this action when made massive in size, it shows clearly that the membrane 1 is spherically packing the pressure agent. That tells us the membrane 1 is always seeking a least area. Much as a small drop of water free from outside forces would. The reduction in area is a natural event for such systems.
With the complexity of the math I used to create this shape, the membrane 1 shows the more correct result. It shows surfaces for equations that may never be found. The membrane 1 allows us to map and collect data for the shape it shows, so it can be reproduced in scale, or as the final size of the structure. All solutions that the membrane 1 shows are least surface shapes. I would call such shapes “primary-geodesic” shapes. Expanding the membrane 1 from the open window of the plot-frame 2 shows one side of the asymmetrically spherical shapes that Fuller said are geodesic. The second half would be the mirror reflection of the membrane 1 past the edge of the window cut into the plot-frame 2. The primary shape maybe represented as a polyhedral, and than becomes what I call a secondary geodesic. The math of the surface is no longer required. The collection of data points that make up the surface is all that is necessary, or as already noted, the surface itself.
It has to be the nature of that surface that the membrane 1 shows, which bonds any amount of space, how that surface is shaped, and the functions each surface has imposed on itself; that makes something geodesic. Just as it is the surface of the pear, elephant, and sphere, that allows them to be geodesic. All self seeking least areas are therefore geodesic. The mathematical rules used to explain the geodesic sphere will not work for all the other asymmetrically spherical cases. As nature shows us the most well-fed elephant is the most spherical, that too is a least surface seeking system.
Most of all the past artwork on geodesic structures can be reproduced with this current one by making use of an appropriate plot-frame 2 and a single constraint 4. The constraint 4 might look something like a sea-urchin, with its tips in all the right places. With the membrane 1 over this and the correct pressure differential across its face, even the polygonal surfaces that comprise the polyhedral geodesic dome can be recreated. By adding/removing, or deflecting the end point of any arm on the constraint, any number of geodesic surfaces can be produced with one plot-frame 2. Considering that there can be an infinite number of constraints and plot-frames 2, in any combination; the practical use of this invention comes clear.
Looking at the membrane 1 and its reflected surface and area past the plot-frame 2 there are some things worth noting. All secondary-geodesic surfaces that are polyhedral representations of the primary-geodesic surface presented by the membrane 1 have a higher surface/volume ratio than the primary shape. All non hemispherical shapes produced by the membrane 1 have a higher surface/volume ratio than the sphere that holds the same volume as twice the one displaced by the membrane 1. As I have found with a square window within the plot-frame 2 the amount that its surface area to volume relationship is higher than the sphere, becomes unimportant when the functionally functionalism of the structure is considered. Each plot-frame has a null or dip in the surface area to volume relationship as the amount of space displaced by the membrane moves from zero to infinity. Each different or geometric none-similar polygon, cut into the plot-frame 2, has a different null number. Only a circle cut into a plot-frame 2 and a good quality membrane 1 will produce a null value of zero. This happens only when the height of the displaced membrane 1 from the plot-frame 2 is equal to the radius of the circle cut into the plot-frame 2. That is because one would have to compare the S/V of the membrane to the S/V of the sphere as noted above. This is true for all none-constrained membranes 1. There can be no negative null numbers. All constrained membranes 1 should have an S/V ratio above the null for that plot-frame 2.
Constraints only hold the membrane 1 to points/lines/planes that the membrane 1 may or may not reach on its own. These constraints may hold the membrane 1 to a needed door frame size on the edge of a ground-plot. The remaining free area of the membrane 1 will still show the least area for its displaced space no matter the amount. The only problems that can occur come from the failure to make precise parts and the ability of the membrane 1 to maintain an even surface tension.
A good test for the quality of the membrane 1 is when it is expanded from a circular plot-frame 2 and how close it comes to a hemisphere when the height is equal to the radius of the circle. Because the shape of the sphere is known so well, the surface of the membrane 1 would be mapped and compared to that of a true hemisphere.
The square in the plot-frame 2 of
At this stage all the details have been covered to produce the elephant or any other object Fuller talked about. The only change is to the window cut into the plot-frame 2. In
I have allowed the ones in
The idea of primary-geodesic shapes allows a structure to take advantage of the functions that people require and the cost of maintaining controlled environments. The advantage of having the most volume of space inside a structure could come in handy when the outside environment would tend to “bleed away” the air inside; such as would be found on Mars or the Moon. This system however is most creative when used to cover the foundation or pad left behind from a structure that was removed by wind, fire, or water. Than edge of the pad or foundation would than act as the plot-frame 2, and the base 3, with constraints 4 in place at the required time during the final display of the membrane 1. This would allow one to at least create a solid temporary cover in times of need. There are a number of means to fabricate both the primary and secondary geodesic surfaces found with this system. This artwork is not intended to cover such assembly of the structure as there is already many means available.
I. I claim a least surface geodesic shaped structure that matches up to any ground-plot and has the required polygonal functions such as connection-planes, entryways, view-ports and other flat or curved predetermined surfaces that could be demanded upon its surface by,
- fixing the shape of any plot of ground that the structure is required to cover to an open window within a plot-frame (2);
- expanding the membrane (1) from the open window within the plot-frame (2) with a even pressure force between the plot-frame and the base (3);
- while creating functions on the membrane (1) as polygonal surfaces whereby, constraints (4) hold the membrane (1) to points/lines/planes by fixing the surface of the membrane (1) to the places that it needs to be for the polygonal shapes that it is required to have, so that the membrane (1) shows the least surface above the plot-frame (2) with the proper shapes for the functions that the structure is required to have.
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 3, 2004
Publication Date: Jun 9, 2005
Inventor: Robert Siedentopf (Colorado Springs, CO)
Application Number: 11/002,939