Apparatus for and method of playing a game

Apparatus for a game comprises a set of at least three identical standardly numbered dice, and a betting device (10) comprising a grid (16) marking out a plurality of discrete regions, wherein each region bears an individual number selected between the lowest and the highest combined scores of a throw of the set of dice, inclusive, and wherein each region is associated with pre-valued odds, the odds being paid to any player who has placed a stake on that region of the plurality identified by the combined score of a throw of the set of dice. The betting device can be one of a mat, a board or a table.

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The present invention relates to a game, suitable particularly (but not exclusively) to use in a casino.


In most jurisdictions, casino games are highly regulated with the aim of protecting players from unscrupulous casino owners and of limiting the incidence of disputes between players and casinos. Only games meeting with the approval of the relevant regulator may be offered to players.

This means that the available supply of games is limited, with most casinos offering roulette and craps. Roulette is well known but offers only a limited level of player interaction. Craps offers greater involvement and thus excitement.


The present invention therefore provides an apparatus for a game comprising a set of at least three identical standardly numbered dice, and a betting device comprising a grid marking out a plurality of discrete regions, wherein each region bears an individual number selected between the lowest and the highest combined scores of a throw of the set of dice, inclusive, and wherein each region is associated with pre-valued odds, the odds being paid to any player who has placed a stake on that region of the plurality identified by the combined score of a throw of the set of dice.

The betting device can be one of a mat, a board or a table. It can also include regions corresponding to a plurality of numbers. The apparatus can comprise discrete regions for placing stakes to cover the throwing of combined scores that represent defined subsets of the possible combined scores. The subsets can include one or more selected from even scores, odd scores and selected numerical sub-ranges within the complete range.

In general, higher odds can be associated with regions corresponding to numbers less likely to be the result of the combined score per throw of the set of dice. The highest sets of odds are generally associated with scores corresponding to those in which all the dice have the same score, particularly outcomes in which all three dice in fact have the same score. The highest odds possible can be associated with the lowest and highest possible combined scores of a throw of the set of dice.

It is further preferred that the set of dice has three dice, and that the dice have six sides.

Markers can be provided for marking each player's ongoing winnings.

In a further aspect, the present invention also provides a method of playing a game, comprising;

a) providing a set of at least three identical standardly numbered dice,

b) providing a betting device comprising a grid marking out a plurality of discrete regions, wherein each region bears an individual number selected between the lowest and the highest combined scores of a throw of the set of dice, inclusive;

c) associating each region with pre-valued odds;

d) arranging for the dice to be thrown;

e) paying the odds to any player who has placed a stake on that region of the plurality identified by the combined score of a throw of the set of dice.

The preferred aspects of the apparatus as set out above can also be applied advantageously to the above-defined method.

In a still further aspect, the present invention proposes the use of the above-defined apparatus and/or method as a commercial game for long-term profit of the banker.


An embodiment of the present invention will now be described by way of example, with reference to the accompanying figures in which;

FIG. 1 shows a plan view of a first design of gaming table embodying the present invention;

FIG. 2 shows the betting grid of the table of FIG. 1

FIG. 3 shows a first odds card for the game;

FIG. 4 shows a second odds card for the game;

FIG. 5 shows a dice shaker for use in the game;

FIG. 6 shows a puck for marking the active player;

FIGS. 7a and 7b show side and plan views respectively of a betting chip for use in the game;

FIG. 8 shows a plan view of the bank area of the table of FIG. 1, and FIGS. 8a, 8b and 8c show perspective views of the areas marked A, B and C respectively;

FIG. 9 shows a plan view of the bank area in a ready for play state; and

FIG. 10 shows a second design of table for use in the present invention.


This embodiment of the game is based on the combined score of a throw of three dice, and (to an extent) the Individual scores which lead to that combined score. The name chosen for the game is “Latrey” and in the following description this name will be used both to denote the game and to denote the specific outcome of a throw in which all three dice show the same number. This outcome is special to the game and is thus referred to as a “Latrey”.

FIG. 1 shows a gaming table 10 for the game of Latrey. It consists of a gaming area 12 and a bank area 14. In the gaming area, a betting grid 16 (shown In FIG. 2) is provided, generally to the centre. The grid comprises a series of squares on which players may place chips to denote a bet. As is commonplace in the field, the chips are allocated a monetary equivalent value and thus the number of chips indicates the value of the bet. Likewise, the location of the chips on the grid provides a visual indication of the nature of the bet, i.e. the outcome that is being bet on.

Players can take up positions around two sides of the table in front of markers such as that at 18. A rail 20 is provided along these two edges to prevent spillage of a player's chips and to provide a soft surface on which to lean.

The dealer can take up position on a third edge adjacent the bank area 14. This edge is also provided with a rail 22. From this position the dealer is able to control play around the grid 16 and also access the bank 14. A money slot 24 is provided in the table surface within reach of the dealer, to allow the dealer to deposit funds paid by a player in return for play chips removed from the bank 14.

In the game, the number total for three dice is described as either “Easy Way”, in which the three dice do not show the same top number, or “Latrey Way”, in which the three dice all show the same top number. The Latrey Way is less probable and therefore attracts higher odds, but it will be apparent that the some numerical outcomes can be obtained via either way. Equally, some numerical outcomes can only be reached by one way.

FIG. 2 shows a 42 position Latrey grid. The numbered regions in the central area 26 of the table denote bets on that numerical outcome via either way (Easy or Latrey). Numbers 3 and 18 can only be obtained the Latrey way. Certain pairs of numbers have a “SPLIT PAIR BET” area 28 marked between them, which denotes a bet on either of the numbers adjacent thereto. Thus, a bet placed on the split pair bet area 28 between the 4 and 8 regions is a bet that the combined score of the dice will be 4 or 8.

To one side of the central area 26 are four regions 30 which refer to a range of numbers, being 3 to 6, 7 to 10, 11 to 14 and 15 to 18. These denote bets that the combined score will fall within these ranges. The central area 26 has 16 regions arranged in a 4×4 square, and the regions 30 are located such that each such region is at the end of the line of numbered squares that they cover. Thus, the location is intuitive for the player.

Likewise, there are four regions 32 marked 1st 4, 2nd 4, 3rd 4 and 4th 4 which are located at the end of the perpendicular rows or the central area 26. thus, the 1st 4 region denotes a bet of 3, 7, 11 or 15, the 2nd 4 region denotes a bet of 4, 8, 12 or 16, etc.

Regions are also provided for bets that the numerical outcome will be odd 34, even 36, 11 or above (“high”) 38 or 10 or less (“low”) 40.

With the exception of the 3 and 18 regions, all of the above regions correspond to outcomes that can be reached via the easy way, i.e. not all dice showing the same number. If all three show the same number, i.e. the Latrey way, then the low, high, even and odd bets do not pay out, to ensure that the probabilities of these bets is less than 50%.

The grid also shows areas that are specific to Latrey outcomes. Two squares 42 are provided marked “Latrey” to denote an outcome of any Latrey, i.e. any specific number shown on the dice provided that all three show the same. Regions marked 6, 9, 12 and 15 are shown to denote a bet of a total score of that figure obtained the Latrey way only. Regions need not be provided for 3 and 18 as these cannot be obtained the easy way and thus correspond to the numbered regions in the central area 26.

The split pair bets can be omitted if desired to obtain a simpler 34 position grid.

Odds card shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 are provided for inspection by the players, showing the total payouts if a bet is successful. FIG. 3 shows the odds card for an “easy way” outcome whilst FIG. 4 shows the odds for a Latrey way outcome.

FIG. 5 shows a dice tumbler device 46, operated manually. This is available on the table and is used to tumble the three standard dice sealed within its glass dome 28. The device has a removable dome cover 50, used to conceal the dice during the tumbling process.

FIG. 6 shows a puck 52, used when players use the dice tumbler. The puck is moved around player's mat positions 18 to indicate the player who has the next turn to use the tumbler. The puck is marked with suitable indicia 54 in an appropriate language meaningful to the players.

Prior to the start of gaming, a supervisor will ensure that there is a set of three dice. To satisfy present gaming regulations, the dice must be numbered 1 to 6, opposite sides of the dice must equal 7; the dice must be in good condition and secured inside the dice tumbler. The dice tumbler must have the proper cover fitted.

The casino house rules will generally dictate who operates the dice tumbler. The possibilities are;

Dealer operated: Only the dealer may handle and operate the dice tumbler, the dealers mat is the only mat used to place the dice tumbler.

Dealer-Player operated: A player may at the management's discretion make a shake of the dice; the dice tumbler would be placed on the players mat by the dealer.

Player operated: The dealer offers the dice tumbler to each player in turn

Wagers in the game of Latrey are placed using Latrey or House Color chips (that is, non-value chips denoted by an emblem or mark specific to the table of issue)

Using Color Chips

Where cash or cheque plaques are offered by a player for a buy in, they must be exchanged for Color chips (at an agreed value) as soon as possible. This should be controlled by rules as follows:

Only one person may play Color chips of a particular color;

A player buying in for Color chips should agree the value of each chip with the dealer at the time of exchange;

The value of the Color must be indicated by a marker button placed in a marker rack or tree displayed in a prominent position on the table, prior to the color chip being passed to the player;

When the player cashes in their Color chips, the dealer must confirm that all chips of that color have been returned and then remove the marker button indicating the value in accordance with Section 1.28;

If a color is not currently being used, there should be no marker in place for that color.

Using Cash Chips

If a player places cash chips on the layout, the dealer should announce, for example, “cash chips play Any Latrey”. A Supervisor should decide the value of cash chips to ensure the bet does not exceed the table limits. The dealer, to avoid disputes during a winning payout, should identify the player. After the decision the player should be offered a colour marked up as required.

Using Cash

If a player offers cash to cover a wager, it should not be placed on the layout.

The dealer will announce, for example, “Cash plays Number Seven” to confirm the Player's Wager request. They will then count the cash in the working area and announce the value. A Supervisor must confirm the amount, before the dealer exchanges the cash for cash chips or color chips to the same value and places the chips on the number. The cash will then be dropped through the cash slot 24.

The types of available bet can be summarised as follows. There are 42 possible betting options on a Latrey table, or if Split Pair Betting (SPB) is not available there are 34 betting positions available.

The type of bets available and the odds that are paid are as follows:

EASY LATREY WAY WAY BET Description of Bet Pays Pays Specific Wins if the total is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 0 200 Latrey and achieved the Latrey Way Nos LATREY Wins if any Number is achieved the 0 32 Latrey Way LOW Wins if the total is 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 1 0 via the Easy Way only HIGH Wins if the total is 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1 0 16, or 17 via the Easy Way only ODD Wins if the total is 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 or 1 0 17 via the Easy Way only EVEN Wins if the total is 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 1 0 16 via the Easy Way only

of cash chips to ensure the bet does not exceed the table limits. The dealer, to avoid disputes during a winning payout, should identify the player. After the decision the player should be offered a colour marked up as required.

Using Cash

If a player offers cash to cover a wager, it should not be placed on the layout.

The dealer will announce, for example, “Cash plays Number Seven” to confirm the Player's Wager request. They will then count the cash in the working area and announce the value. A Supervisor must confirm the amount, before the dealer exchanges the cash for cash chips or color chips to the same value and places the chips on the number. The cash will then be dropped through the cash slot 24.

The types of available bet can be summarised as follows. There are 42 possible betting options on a Latrey table, or if Split Pair Betting (SPB) is not available there are 34 betting positions available.

The type of bets available and the odds that are paid are as follows:

EASY WAY LATREY WAY BET Description of Bet Pays Pays Specific Wins if the total is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 and 0 200 Latrey Nos achieved the Latrey Way LATREY Wins if any Number is achieved the Latrey Way 0 32 LOW Wins if the total is 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 via the 1 0 Easy Way only HIGH Wins if the total is 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 0 or 17 via the Easy Way only ODD Wins if the total is 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 or 1 0 17 via the Easy Way only EVEN Wins if the total is 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16 1 0 via the Easy Way only Single No 4 Wins if the total is 4 the Easy Way 65 0 Single No 5 Wins if the total is 5 the Easy Way 32 0 Single No 6 Wins if the total is 6 the Easy Way or 18 35 the Latrey Way Single No 7 Wins if the total is 7 the Easy Way or 13 0 the Latrey Way Single No 8 Wins if the total is 8 the Easy Way 9 0 Single No 9 Wins if the total is 9 the Easy Way or 6 40 the Latrey Way Single No 10 Wins if the total is 10 the Easy Way 6 0 Single No 11 Wins if the total is 11 the Easy Way 6 0 Single No 12 Wins if the total is 12 the Easy Way 6 40 or the Latrey Way Single No 13 Wins if the total is 13 the Easy Way 9 0 Single No 14 Wins if the total is 14 the Easy Way 13 0 Single No 15 Wins if the total is 15 the Easy Way 18 35 or the Latrey Way Single No 16 Wins if the total is 16 the Easy Way 32 0 Single No 17 Wins if the total is 17 the Easy Way 65 0  1st 4 Wins if the total is 15, 11, 7 or 3 the Easy 2 25 Way or Latrey Way  2nd 4 Wins if the total is 16, 12, 8 or 4 the Easy 2 40 Way or Latrey Way  3rd 4 Wins if the total is 17, 13, 9 or 5 the Easy 2 40 Way or Latrey Way  4th 4 Wins if the total is 18, 14, 10 or 6 Easy 2 25 Way or Latrey Way  3 to 6 Wins if the total is 3, 4, 5 or 6 the Easy 8 20 Way or Latrey Way  7 to 10 Wins if the total is 7, 8, 9 or 10 the Easy 1 30 Way or Latrey Way 11 to 14 Wins if the total is 11, 12, 13 or 14 Easy 1 30 Way or Latrey Way 15 to 18 Wins if the total is 15, 16, 17 or 18 Easy 8 20 Way or Latrey Way SPB 3 or 7 Wins if the total is 3 Latrey Way or 7 Easy Way 0 or 6 100 or 0  SPB 4 or 8 Wins if the total is 4 or 8 the Easy Way 25 or 5  0 or 0 SPB 5 or 9 Wins if the total is 5 Easy Way or 9 15 or 3   0 or 15 Easy or Latrey Way SPB 6 or 10 Wins if the total is 6 Easy or Latrey Way 6 or 3 35 or 0  or 10 Easy Way SPB 11 or 15 Wins if the total is 11 Easy Way or 3 or 6  0 or 35 15 Easy or Latrey Way SPB 12 or 16 Wins if the total is 12 Easy or Latrey Way  3 or 15 15 or 0  or 16 Easy Way SPB 13 or 17 Wins if the total is 13 or 17 the Easy Way  5 or 25 0 or 0 SPB 14 or 18 Wins if the total is 14 Easy Way or 6 or 0  0 or 100 18 Latrey Way

For the split pair bets, the payout odds are shown respective of the outcome. Thus, is a bet is placed In SPB 4 or 8 then an outcome of 4 will lead to a 25:1 payout whilst an outcome of 8 will lead to a 5:1 payout.

The payout odds and the associated house margin are shown in the following table:

Easy Way Latrey Way Probability House Table Bet Pays Pays of Win Edge 6 0 200 0.46% 6.94% 9 0 200 0.46% 6.94% 12 0 200 0.46% 6.94% 15 0 200 0.46% 6.94% LATREY 0 32 2.78% 8.33% LOW 1 0 48.61% 2.78% HIGH 1 0 48.61% 2.78% 3 0 200 0.46% 6.94% 4 65 0 1.39% 8.33% 5 32 0 2.78% 8.33% 6 18 35 4.63% 4.17% 3 OR 7 0 or 6 100 or 0  7.41% 4.63% 4 OR 8 25 or 5  0 or 0 11.11% 5.56% 5 OR 9 15 or 3   0 or 15 14.35% 3.70%  6 OR 10 6 or 3 35 or 0  17.13% 4.17% 7 13 0 6.94% 2.78% 8 9 0 9.72% 2.78% 9 6 40 11.57% 3.24% 10 6 0 12.50% 12.50% 11 6 0 12.50% 12.50% 12 6 40 11.57% 3.24% 13 9 0 9.72% 2.78% 14 13 0 6.94% 2.78% 11 OR 15 3 or 6  0 or 35 17.13% 4.17% 12 OR 16  3 or 15 15 or 0  14.35% 3.70% 13 OR 17  5 or 25 0 or 0 11.11% 5.56% 14 OR 18 6 or 0  0 or 100 7.41% 4.63% 15 18 35 4.63% 4.17% 16 32 0 2.78% 8.33% 17 65 0 1.39% 8.33% 18 0 200 0.46% 6.94% 1ST 4 2 25 24.54% 5.09% 2ND 4 2 40 25.46% 6.02% 3RD 4 2 40 25.46% 6.02% 4TH 4 2 25 24.54% 5.09% 3 TO 6 8 20 9.26% 5.56%  7 TO 10 1 30 40.74% 5.09% 11 TO 14 1 30 40.74% 5.09% 15 TO 18 8 20 9.26% 5.56% LATREY 0 32 2.78% 8.33% ODD 1 0 48.61% 2.78% EVEN 1 0 48.61% 2.78%

Other payout odds could of course be offered, but the inventor has found the above odds to be both acceptable and able to provide an adequate margin to the house.

FIGS. 7a and 7b show the gaming chips 56. These are marked with the game name on one face to identify the table or group of tables to which they belong. To identify which table and which player (or player position), a range of indicia can be used. This includes the color of the chip 56, the color of an encircling band 58 placed on the chip surface, the extent of the band 58, such as complete (as shown), divided into two, three of four segments, etc, and the orientation and shape of logo devices 60 on the edge (FIG. 7a).

FIG. 8 shows the bank area 14 in which unallocated chips are stored. First, second and third regions 62, 64 and 66 are defined by a side wall 68 and by appropriately positioned spacers 70. Within the regions thus defined, chips can be stored in stacks as shown in FIGS. 8a, 8b and 8c.

FIG. 9 shows the bank area 14 in an open state ready to play. This state offers easy access to stacks of chips during use, whereas the state shown in FIG. 8 allows a compact storage of the chips, dice shaker etc, which can then be covered with a suitably shaped locking lid.

FIG. 10 shows a table 100 according to a second design. The same grid 102 is provided in the centre, but players are arranged around three sides 104, 106, 108. A rail 110 is provided for players to rest against. The dealer stands behind the fourth edge 112 which has a wall 114 against which the chips 116 can be stacked. A cash slot 118 is provided in front of the dealer. Thus, suitable designs of table can be adopted as desired according to the available space, the desired number of players, and applicable regulations.

It will of course be understood that many variations may be made to the above-described embodiment without departing from the scope of the present invention. Likewise, the above description includes a range of concepts and suggestions that are novel to the field of betting and gaming, and these concepts may be applicable outside the game of Latrey. Protection for such concepts in respect of other games may be sought.


1. An apparatus for a game, comprising;

a set of at least three identical standardly numbered dice; and
a betting device comprising a grid marking out a plurality of discrete regions, wherein each region bears an individual number selected between the lowest and the highest combined scores of a throw of the set of dice, inclusive, and wherein each region is associated with pre-valued odds, the pre-valued odds being paid to any player who has placed a stake on that region of the plurality identified by the combined score of a throw of the set of dice.

2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the betting device is one of a mat, a board or a table.

3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the betting device also includes regions corresponding to a plurality of numbers.

4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 3, wherein the pre-valued odds are higher for the regions corresponding to a plurality of numbers less likely to be the result of the combined score per throw of the set of dice.

5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4, wherein a score corresponding to all the dice having the same score is associated to a highest set of pre-valued odds.

6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the set of dice comprises three dice.

7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 5, wherein the highest set of pre-valued odds possible are associated with the lowest and highest possible combined scores of a throw of the set of dice.

8. The apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein the pre-valued odds are higher when all three dice have the same score.

9. The apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein the dice have six sides.

10. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the discrete regions are on the grid for placing bets to cover the throwing of combined scores that represented defined subsets of the possible combined scores.

11. The apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein the subsets include one or more selected from even scores, odd scores and selected numerical sub-ranges within the complete range.

12. The apparatus as claimed in any claim 1, further comprising markers for marking the ongoing winnings for each player.

13. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the game is used as a commercial game for long-term profit of a banker.

14. A method of playing a game, comprising;

providing a set of at least three identical standardly numbered dice,
providing a betting device comprising a grid marking out a plurality of discrete regions, wherein each region bears an individual number selected between a lowest and a highest combined score of a throw of the set of dice, inclusive;
associating each region with pre-valued odds;
arranging for the dice to be thrown;
paying the pre-valued odds to any player who has placed a stake on that region of the plurality identified by the combined score of a throw of the set of dice.

15. A method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the betting device is one of a mat, a board or a table.

16. A method as claimed in claim 14, further comprising regions corresponding to a plurality of numbers.

17. (canceled)

18. A method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the pre-valued odds are at their highest when the scores correspond to all the dice having the same score.

19. A method as claimed in claim 18 in which the pre-valued odds are higher when all three dice in fact have the same score.

20. A method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the pre-valued odds are at their highest possible value when a throw of the set of dice is at the lowest and the highest possible combined score.

21. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the set of dice has three dice.

22. A method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the dice have six sides.

23. A method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the discrete regions are on the grid for placing bets to cover the throwing of combined scores that represent defined subsets of the possible combined scores.

24. A method as claimed in claim 23 in which the subsets include one or more selected from even scores, odd scores and selected numerical sub-ranges within the complete range.

25. A method as claimed in claim 14, further comprising markers for marking each player's ongoing winnings.

26. The method of claim 14 wherein the method is used to play a commercial game for long-term profit of a banker.

27. (canceled)

28. (canceled)

Patent History
Publication number: 20050146092
Type: Application
Filed: Apr 17, 2003
Publication Date: Jul 7, 2005
Inventor: John Knight (Oxon)
Application Number: 10/512,246
Current U.S. Class: 273/145.00R; 273/146.000; 273/145.00A