Transonic hull and hydrofield (part III-A)
A transonic hull having a bow, a stern, a longitudinal length therebetween, side surfaces extending from the bow to outboard portions of the stern, a lower surface extending between the side surfaces, the transonic hull having a submerged volume with an approximately triangular shape in planview with apex adjacent the bow and a base adjacent the stern, and an approximately triangular shape in side view when in motion with a base adjacent the bow and an apex adjacent the stern.
The present invention specifies new unique design shapes, features, and methods of operation which qualitatively improve and extend the scope of the transonic hull TH and the transonic hydrofield TH inventions of patent application Ser. Nos. 08/814,418 and 08/814,017. The scope of the present invention is summarized below:
- 1. An extension of the operational speed envelope of TH over a very broad speed range increase by means of new design characteristics and new hydrodynamic regimes beyond the previous subcritical and supercritical regimes in the displacement modes, namely: the hypercritical, the transplanar, and the x-regimes. With these improvements, a single TH hull can operate with good efficiency over a large speed spectrum which otherwise would require two or three ships with different conventional hulls; for example, a conventional displacement ship at lower range of speed and a vee-bottom or semi-planing hull for higher speeds.
- 2. Another important feature of the invention pertains to hull characteristics and shapes above and below calm-water waterplane which are critical to permit successful operation over the broad speed regime in adverse seas, preferably also in optional combination with special longitudinal distribution of heavy mass components inside the hull, such as engines, fuel, and weapons.
- 3. A third feature of the invention pertains to special shapes, trim, balance, center of gravity location, location of longitudinal center of flotation, and various kinds of flaps and streaks needed to make feasible and enhance and improve the performance and maneuverability of the transonic hull in calm water and adverse seas.
- 4. Additionally, other important features of the invention are its hull shapes which have inherent low detectability by radar and other sensors, as well as a wake of low visibility and thermal content, which yields stealth properties to the hull which are nevertheless compatible with efficient hydrodynamics and good behavior in adverse seas.
Thus, the new invention is an all weather stealth transonic hull capable of operating in new high speed hydrofield regimes of the transonic hull, which now includes the hypercritical, transplanar, and X regimes. For simplicity, the hull of the present invention is also referred to in certain important cases as TH-II, and its broadened hydrofield is TH-II. Other embodiments of the present invention are improvements applicable to TH and TH-II.
Because the invention is broad and powerful, it is not necessary to incorporate in a single vessel each and all features and methods of the inventions and improvements, nor is it necessary to incorporate each of them in all claims.
The nature and scope of the present invention can be better understood by reviewing the principal characteristics of conventional hulls, which have certain serious inherent problems in calm water and in an adverse sea, and examining also the limits and potential of transonic hulls TH and their hydrofields in patent application Ser. Nos. 08/814.418 and 08/814.417, all which sets the conceptual inquiry solved by the present invention.
1. Characteristics and Problems of Conventional Hulls.
It is necessary for this review to separate the conventional hull designs by hull types in accordance to their operational speed envelopes. The envelopes are expressed for each hull type in terms of weight-to-drag ratios as function of speed-to-length ratios, best considered together with their corresponding volumetric coefficients, which are indicative of longitudinal surface and volume distributions responsive to their speed envelopes.
1a. Displacement Hulls.
Displacement hulls sustain boat weight by buoyant lift. As designed in the past and present, they have an upper speed limit called “hull speed,” near and above which hydrodynamic resistance (drag) grows at a high exponential rate, for example, as in
Displacement hulls are very efficient well below hull speeds with weight-to-drag ratio of over 100. At extremely low speeds, the efficiency ratio increases to much higher values, because drag approaches zero but weight remains constant. However, near or above hull speed, their weight-to-drag ratio decreases rapidly and becomes physically and economically unacceptable. Therefore, higher speeds of displacement hulls is attainable principally by increasing hull length. Unfortunately, the speed advantage of length is not large. For example, the nominal “hull speed” of a 50 foot hull is 9.5 knots, but for 300 foot hull speed, it is only 23 knots.
The “hull speed” limit is intrinsic of displacement hulls, because of their wave generation properties as they translate in the water, i.e., “wave making.” When the length of waves generated by the hull exceed the geometric length of the hull, as shown in
The high drag due to wave-making adds to and can exceed friction drag, and is a very serious problem in the economics of maritime transportation. Accordingly, considerable research has been done in various ways to overcome it, unfortunately with only minor improvements. For example, a bulbous bow may slightly decrease drag at certain speeds. Also, long slender hulls are less sensitive than beamy hulls, but carry less cargo, and have other problems, as will be reviewed later on.
The principal characteristics of displacement hulls which cause and determine their maximum operational speed envelopes are available in various sources (for example, “A Comparative Evaluation of Novel Ship Types,” by MIT's Professor Philip Mandel) and is summarized on the left side of
Accordingly, there remains an urgent need for improving the high speed efficiency and range of displacement hulls, at least within their current speed limits and preferably in a breakout above those limits. A practical solution is needed, especially if it is able to eliminate wave-making drag of the type which limits conventional hulls, without recourse to conventional hydrodynamic planing.
1b. Planing Hull.
There is a widely held view that a different type of hull, called planing hull, in which weight is supported by a hydrodynamic lift force from momentum change (as distinct from buoyant lift), can overcome the speed limits of displacement hulls, and furthermore that they are efficient at high speed. Actually, while planing permits high boat speed, it does so only for boats with an approximately flat underbody having relatively light weight and equipped with large propulsive thrust. The limiting characteristics of this hull is the presence of dynamic drag due to momentum change, shown in
When viscous drag is added to dynamic drag, the fact is that planing is a grossly inefficient hydrodynamic regime, since the best ratio of boat weight to resistance is in the order of 6 to 9, as shown on the right sides of
Although the decrease of weight-to-drag ratio with speed in
As reviewed above, the displacement hull has a wave-making drag component which increases strongly with speed near and above hull speed, in addition to an approximately constant wetted area generating friction drag which increases roughly with square of speed. These drag sources combine into a high total exponential drag growth near and above “hull speed” which was shown in
The percent distribution of frictional resistance and wave-making resistance, often referred to as residuary resistance because it may include other minor resistance components, is shown in
In hydrodynamic contrast, pure planing hulls, having a dynamic lift roughly equal to weight, and a high dynamic drag component dependent on a significant angle of attack required for vertical equilibrium, and hopefully a decreasing friction drag percentage with speed, operate at speed-to-length of order of 3.5 or more, with low weight-to-drag ratio of the order of 8 or less, with operations at lower speed-to-length ratios being an inefficient transient condition, which also have very poor weight-to-drag ratio.
Various hybrid vessels attempting to mix displacement and planing hull characteristics of monohulls have been proposed in the past in an attempt to arrive at a single ship type capable of operating efficiently over speed envelope, unfortunately without much success, as is reviewed below.
1c. Semi-Planing Hulls.
Unlike displacement hulls which have upwardly curved sterns and curvatures at the bow, causing suction which sinks their center of gravity with forward speed (increasing their apparent weight), and unlike planing hulls having mostly flat undersurfaces and a CG which tends to rise with forward speed, the semi-planing hull usually has a Vee bottom and, for practical reasons, is heavier than a pure planing hull. Although the semi-planing hulls can generate the appearance of a “flat” wake at high speeds, their lift is generated by a combination of buoyancy and dynamic forces, which is inherently inefficient. These hybrids are longer and have lower volumetric coefficient compared to those of planing hulls, but are nevertheless much higher than for displacement hulls, as shown, for example, at the middle of
The borders of the wakes of semi-planing hulls, as seen from an aerial view, appear flat and join together at some distance behind the stern, generating a trailing “hollow” on the water's surface, which can be interpreted, from the viewpoint of a fish trained in hydrodynamics, as an virtual displacement hull of larger length than that of the dynamic waterplane of the operational semi-planing hull. The conventional semi-planing hull is an inefficient hybrid: at slow speeds, it has excessive drag compared to a good displacement hull. It requires very large power to reach semi-planing speed, at which regime it is not as fast and is less efficient than a pure planing hull. On the other hand, a deep-vee semi-planing hull provides smoother ride for a greater payload in a rough sea, and is more seaworthy than a planing hull. However, it has a rougher ride than a displacement hull, with less favorable sea keeping characteristics, and is commercially not viable for most large maritime applications.
1d. Semi-Displacement Hulls.
As length-to-beam ratio is increased in slender hulls, wave-making drag decreases. According to Saunders, slender displacement power boats were common in the 1910s. Later on, the German Schnell Boote (fast boat), having a round-bottom hull, was successfully developed as an S-boat for WWII, performing well at high speeds in the rough North Sea. However, as the length-beam slenderness ratio of semi-displacement boats is further increased, the lateral stability and payload capacity is further decreased. In the extreme, an 8-man rowing shell relies on oars for lateral stability. With a length-to-beam ratio of about 30, its wave-making resistance is only 5% of the total at 10 knots, but its weight-to-drag ratio is only 20, approximately. An appropriate comparison in aircraft is the modern sailplane with a wing span-to-chord ratio of 25. It can operate at weight-to-drag ratio of 40, at 6 times the speed.
In the limit as the beam of slender hull approaches zero, wave-drag tends towards zero, but viscous drag subsists and payload capacity vanishes. Accordingly, recent development of high speed semi-displacement boats have proposed a mixed lift mode, using complex lateral or other additions to the slender hull, to generate a hydrodynamic lift component at higher speeds, in order to decrease buoyant lift component and its wave-making drag, and to compensate other shortcomings of the slender hull at high speeds, for example, lateral instability and/or a tendency for nose high attitude and its high drag due to lift. As is the case for semi-planing hulls, their speed potential is less than planing hulls, and their ratio of weight-to-drag is not very satisfactory, and in consequence, payload is not large. Although they appear to have performance advantages over semi-planing near or above “hull speeds” and are less sensitive in pitch, their complex shapes appear to have an inherent size limit, as well as a lower speed potential.
1e. Additional Resistance of Monohulls Due In Adverse Sea Conditions.
The various types of monohulls reviewed above have different responses to sea conditions, which sets crucial additional limits to their efficiencies in most practical operations. This is an important subject, since it can and does set crucial limits of operational speed envelopes and impose structural weight and power penalties which are different and significantly lower than would be the case for designs of the same hulls operating only for calm water.
In this writer's view, the drag and structural penalties in an adverse sea for displacement and semi-displacement hulls originate in their inherently unfavorable longitudinal distribution of volume and of their buoyancy reserves, which are traditional and perhaps applicable at slower speed envelopes for ships designed to climb waves and which have inadequate speed margins relative to the propagation speed of ocean waves. Moreover, the inertia values of conventional ships would penalize their performance in respect to the higher speed envelopes, if such higher speeds were otherwise attainable with conventional displacement and semi-displacement hulls. Obviously, a breakthrough to decrease the added drag and weight penalties of displacement-related hulls in a sea is highly desirable, particularly if it does not incur into the even worse penalties which planing-related hulls encounter in an adverse sea, such as their well-known “slamming” in an opposing sea. Slamming occurs when quasi-instantaneous, large increases of angle of attack relative to an oncoming wave are encountered, reaching off-design, very large transient angles, which blunt speed and enormously increases the structural loads and weight of the hull.
1f. Multi-Hulls.
The wave-making and other adverse drag problems of the various types of monohulls reviewed above—including added resistance in a sea—are so serious that considerable recent efforts have been applied for the development of new multihulls. Although this field is outside the scope of this document on monohulls, a few remarks are in order. A pair of very narrow slender displacement hulls of a catamaran, widely spaced laterally for stability, have been successfully developed and are being used at high speed for various commercial applications, especially in Asia. The calculation of their volumetric coefficients can be deceptive, since there are two hulls, each with half the weight but of full length. Hence, each hull has a more favorable volumetric coefficient than a monohull, but has two such hulls. Published information on lift-to-drag ratios of modern catamarans are not readily available. Nevertheless, drag estimates based on installed power and operating weight indicate that weight/drag ratios of the order of 10 are feasible for large semi-planing light catamarans at speeds of 50 knots and ratios of 16 for 25 knots, but with very small payloads relative to their overall length and overall weight. These weight/drag ratios are not high and are close to those of planing hulls, but are achieved at higher speeds than for conventional monohull displacement hulls.
Trimarans may have similar characteristics with some structural gains, and they also have large traditional buoyancy reserves forward, but only on the center hull. Recent multihull trends are exploring trimarans with a very long displacement center hull to retain a low speed-to-length ratio of the center hull, with small, narrow, lateral hulls at high speed-to-length ratio for roll stability, and to support a wide deck. Wave-piercing multihulls may have a center body which has water contact only in swells, providing the usual large buoyancy reserves in adverse seas, but permitting wave piercing in middle seas. SWATHS are also multihulls which rely on totally submerged primary displacement for smooth riding, with penalties in wetted area and speed.
These multihull developments and other high speed hull developments (see, for example, Jane's High Speed Marine Craft) have so far been restricted to special commercial or military applications, highlighting the need for ship manufacturers for a new monohull design. Such has been specified in my Transonic Hydrofield TH and Transonic Hull TH invention of patent application Ser. Nos. 08/814.418 and 08/814.417, capable of efficient operation in subcritical and supercritical speeds as defined therein, with drawings in which the water level is shown in calm conditions.
2. Transonic Hull Characteristics, application Ser. Nos. 814,418 and 814,417.
As stated earlier, to understand the nature and scope of present invention, it is also necessary to review, in addition to the problems of conventional hulls, the limits and potential of the transonic hull TH and its hydrofield TH of patent application Ser. Nos. 08/814.418 and 08/814.417, which precede the present Application in filing date, including a review of results of tow tank tests.
2a. Characteristics and Features of TH and TH.
The TH is characterized in having a submerged portion with a triangular waterplane shape with apex forward in static and in dynamic conditions, a triangular profile, or modified triangular profile in side view with maximum draft forward and minimum draft aft, and planar lateral surfaces at large inclination or vertical to the water. Thus, the submerged portion has a double-wedge volume distribution with a fine narrow entry angle in planview and a fine exit angle aft in profile view. Thus, the shape of TH, and its associated hydrofield TH, is characterized in absence of surface wave-making sources such as shoulder, midbody, or quarter curvatures in planview; they have a narrow entry forward which minimizes the water volume displaced per unit of time, and induces special inboard underbody flow, favoring flow subduction which eliminates the conventional wave-making pattern of displacement hulls, and allows for new types of hydrodyamic ray phenomenon of very reduced size and an absence of midbody trough. TH has a favorable anti-planing propulsive pressure component at its undersurface; favorable contracting streamline on the sides; favorable gravitational pressure gradients on the hull's lower surface; broad stern underflow which prevents pitch up and eliminate stern wave, and favors the recovery of underbody energy as well as that from following seas.
Accordingly, a very important feature of TH and TH as specified in my prior patent application Ser. No. 08/814,418 is the elimination of the below-water wave-making sources for high speed operation in calm water within its displacement mode, thus preventing or reducing the high exponential rise of wave-making drag which characterizes conventional hulls near and above their “hull speed.” As explained previously, nominal “hull speed” is 1.34 when expressed with speeds in knots divided by square root of boat length in feet. In this speed range, for example as in
Hence, if the principal sources of wave-making drag growth with speed are removed, as is the case of TH and of TH's archetype shape of my patent application Ser. No. 08/814.418, then TH's principal remaining source of drag growth with speed is that due to friction, it being noted that (a) TH has no pressure drag problems at the stern since it has a clean water exit, and (b) TH has greatly reduced form drag, because it has no curved surface to significantly increase local and therefore average dynamic pressure along its wetted surfaces.
Summarizing, it is the objective and feature of TH's archetype that near and above its “hull speed” while in the displacement mode, its total drag grows with only the second power of speed. The displacement operational mode is characterized in patent application Ser. No. 08/814.418 and 08/814.417 in its figures related to the supercritical and subcritical speeds. For example, in TH:
- The wetted surface remains approximately constant for a given weight;
- The water flow on the hull's sides continue as small rays, and the lateral wetted surface remains approximately constant, as is shown in
FIGS. 13 and 14 of original application Ser. No. 08/814,418; and - The undersurface of the hull has an approximately constant negative angle of attack to the water surface, and actually contributes a forward propulsive pressure force component, which is opposing the retarding pressure components of the water acting on the submerged sides of TH, as is shown in
FIG. 13 of original application Ser. No. 08/814,418 and inFIG. 7 of the present Application.
2b. Tank Test Data of TH and TH.
Curves from tow tank test of a TH archetype model (no appendages) are shown in
By way of comparison, the drag behavior of a refined International America's Cup Class hull (canoe only; no appendages) tested in same tank at equal length, beam and weight as TH is also shown in
The test data of
The initial design speed to be selected for the square speed growth of TH's total drag depends on TH's shape and on its ratio of boat weight to cube of hull length, and can be lower than the 1.35 shown in
2c. Characteristics of TH as to Shapes and Propulsion.
patent application Ser. No. 08/814,417 as originally filed included several drawings of critical alternative shapes of the lower surface of TH below water and the shape of TH above water surfaces, which were not shown in Ser. No. 08/814,418, and which are important in relation to the stealth characteristics of the present invention, and of the hull shape of the present invention in relation to TH's ability to negotiate and successfully operate in adverse seas. The review of these previous features and their extension and improvements under the present invention will be made in a later part of the present specification.
3. Conceptual Inquiry on Conventual Hulls Leading To Present Invention.
The above review on the speed envelopes and limiting characteristics of the various types of conventional hulls covered in Sections 1-6 of the present Application, and of the transonic hull covered its Section 7, leads to the following conceptual inquiries, to which the present invention responds.
3a. Considering
3b. If the answer to 3a is positive, would one expect that the weight-to-drag ratios of the three types of hull types optimized separately, efficiently, and covering by segments the total breadth of speed-to-length ratios of
3c. If the single new hull type is established, for example, as in the present TH-II and TH-II invention, capable of operating over the broad speed range currently requiring two or three different hull types, each optimized in over 100 years of development, could that new hull type have penalties in speed and weight in an adverse sea which are larger than the penalties suffered by the three types of hulls optimized also for adverse seas in their respective speed envelopes, or could the penalties for the new hull be less severe, or perhaps mostly eliminated?
3d. Assuming that a revolutionary new hull type achieves the favorable characteristics described in 3a and/or 3b or to 3c above, how should it be trimmed and controlled, and by what methods driven and steered in a calm sea and in an adverse sea?
The above conceptual inquiry is ambitious, and it has been focused and investigated, with the transonic hull TH of patent application Ser. No. 08/814.418 as a starting reference point, as reviewed below.
A reformulation of the conceptual inquiries of 3a to 3c is focused below in more concrete terms:
3e. Is there an upper speed range in which practical operation of TH patent application Ser. No. 08/814,418 in the displacement mode encounters diminishing efficiency returns?
3f. If 3e is the case, qualitative changes or improvements or methods or discoveries needed and feasible for TH and TH of application Ser. No. 08/814,418.
In respect to 3e, the writer first considers the supercritical regime with absence of wave-making drag growth with speed. There has to remain drag growth with speed of viscous origin, imperfectly referred to as friction drag, which for a given hull size grows necessarily with the second power of speed. Hence, there could be encountered practical limits due to due to powerplant size requirements, weight and costs which occur because power is a cube function of speed growth, even if drag growth of TH is a second power of speed, since power equals drag times velocity.
Moreover, there could be a performance limits as speed increases, because TH archetype's propulsive pressure force component in its lower surface shown in
3g. Diminishing Benefits of TH's Propulsive Pressure Force With Speed Increase
The quasi-constant magnitude of propulsive pressure force component of TH is a problem of significance for TH's overall power requirement, which is illustrated below with a specific example:
Assume a reasonable weight-to-drag ratio of 100 for a 700 foot long TH ship in displacement mode at a speed-to-length ratio of 1.2 with a weight of 30,000 tons. According to
The total drag for the example above is evidently 30,000/100=300 tons at a reference speed of 1.2{square root}700=31.75 knots. The dynamic pressure based on remote speed is 2,879 lb/ft2. The gross propulsive pressure force, GPF, on undersurface is −N sin β, according to
- We assume in this example that total drag growth with speed for the TH archetype corresponds to that of an optimum TH hydrofield; namely, drag growth is only that due to friction above “hull speed,” and that it increases only with square of speed. This assumption has been verified by test data ad shown in
FIG. 8 up to a speed-to-length ratio of 2, and is extrapolated beyond that ratio in this example, in order to determine the effects of increase of speed in the relative impotence of propulsive pressure force on the weight-to-friction drag ratio of TH. - If we double the initial speed to 63.5 knots, the drag would be four times, i.e., 1,200 tons, the weight-drag ratio decreases to 50 without accounting for changes in propulsive pressure force, and the speed-to-length ratio increases to 63.5{square root}700=63.5/26.45=2.40. The corresponding dynamic pressure is 11,516 lb/ft2. However, the NPF, which remains a constant function of weight at constant angle of attach of the hull, is now diminished from 20% to 10% of total drag.
- If we triple the speed to 92.25 knots, the drag would go up by a factor of (92.25/31.75)2=9, reaching 2,700 tons, and the weight-drag ratio is lowered substantially to 11.1, with a speed-to-length ratio 92.25/26.45=3.48. The corresponding remote dynamic pressure is 25,911 lb/ft2, and the contribution of NPF becomes negligible percentage of the total propulsive force needed.
- If we quadruple speed to 127 knots, the drag would be (127/31.75)2 higher, i.e., 16 times higher, yielding 4,800 tons, and the weight-to-drag ratio would decrease to 30,000/4,800=6.25 at a speed-to-length ratio of 127/{square root}700=4.80. The remote dynamic pressure is now 46,064 lb/ft2, and the percentile NPF contribution is virtually zero.
- We assume in this example that total drag growth with speed for the TH archetype corresponds to that of an optimum TH hydrofield; namely, drag growth is only that due to friction above “hull speed,” and that it increases only with square of speed. This assumption has been verified by test data ad shown in
The above analysis permits the determination of the following limiting characteristics of the TH archetype of patent application Ser. No. 08/814,418, answering part of the conceptual inquiry of 3a and 3e of the present application:
3h. The friction drag term D for the weight-to-total-drag ratio at higher speed-to-length ratio reaches very high values under enormous remote dynamic pressure q. The viscous drag Df is governed by the equation Df=KCfqA, in which A is wetted area, Cf is a viscous coefficient dependent on Reynolds number, and K is a factor to account for form drag and pressure drag. At speeds-to-length ratios of the order of two to four times higher than “hull speed,” the weight-to-drag ratio of the assumed TH archetype decreases and could be as low as that of a planing hull, about 8 or less for the example analyzed.
3i. The propulsive pressure force on the lower surface of TH, which is important in the displacement mode near “hull speed” and necessarily a function of the apparent weight of TH and the sine of the negative angle β of TH's lower surface, becomes less and less significant as percentage of total propulsive thrust needed to overcome drag as speed increases, since the viscous drag, which total thrust must overcome, continues to grow with the square of speed at constant wetted area, whereas changes of weight with speed, even considering apparent weight increases under subduction flows at high dynamic pressure, and therefore of net propulsive underbody pressure forces, are obviously not as significant.
3j. The subduction flows—for example, flows f in
3k. Benefits of TH With Diminishing Percentile Propulsive Pressure Force.
Notwithstanding the diminishing percent of propulsive pressure force with increasing speed, reviewed under ______ above, if it were possible to reach high speeds for TH under a displacement mode with reasonable powerplant cost and weight, it would have the very important benefit that even if the weight-to-drag of TH were to be as unfavorable at high speeds as that of a planing hull, TH, unlike planing hulls, has a very favorable weight-to-drag ratio at lower speeds, including the “hull speed” range; and
- Also, a broad speed envelope with comparable efficiencies could be attainable with a single TH hull instead of two or three types of conventional hulls, provided trim and control were adequate for the TH case, and behavior in an adverse sea acceptable.
3l. Summary of Results of Conceptual Inquiries Above.
- Also, a broad speed envelope with comparable efficiencies could be attainable with a single TH hull instead of two or three types of conventional hulls, provided trim and control were adequate for the TH case, and behavior in an adverse sea acceptable.
The answer to the conceptual inquiry of section 3e is, yes, there are improvements needed in TH and TH of application Ser. No. 08/814.418 to overcome problems of increasing viscous drag with speed (causing diminishing results of propulsive pressure force components. And in respect to inquiry 3d, the answer is also yes, in respect to trim, control, and effect of adverse seas. The solutions to these problems, though difficult in the extreme, has been attained theoretically and experimentally and is covered by the teachings and embodiments of the present invention described in the following section.
4. OBJECTIVES OF PRESENT INVENTIONThe objectives of the TH-II and TH-II invention follow from the need of a solution of the conceptual inquiries, namely:
4a. Establish new hydrodynamic conditions and speed regimes for TH in which weight-to-drag ratio for increasing speed-to-length ratio beyond 2 have improved efficiency.
4b. Achieve objective 5a in a manner that does not deteriorate the favorable results already achieved for TH under application Ser. No. 08/814,418 at speed-to-length ratio below 2.
4c. Consequent to 5a and 5b extend the speed regimes of operation of a single transonic hull TH-II, as may be needed with special shapes, features, powered propulsive means, and various design devices, to cover, with acceptable efficiency, a broad speed range normally requiring more than one type of conventional hulls; for example, the speed-to-length range of a. conventional efficient displacement hull under 1.35 plus that of a conventional planing hull above 3.
4d. Achieve favorable objectives 5a, 5b and 5c in a manner and with design characteristics that do not deteriorate in presence of adverse seas any more than, and preferably less than, conventional hulls.
4e. Achieves most or all objectives above in a TH-II configuration that is stealthy in respect to radar and other sensing methods.
4f. Achieve the above objectives, or a combination of these objectives, with hull shapes, trim features, control devices, and power arrangements that permit favorable operation and maneuvers of TH-II under various sea conditions, including adverse seas and winds, to achieve an all weather operational capability.
5. SUBSTANCE AND DETAILS OF THE PRESENT INVENTION In order to specify the new speed regimes which extends TH hydrofield to TH-II, and the innovative improvements, refinements, and certain crucial characteristics of TH-II, which have been developed by R&D work of this writer, there is first reviewed the hydrodynamics and speed regimes of TH of application Ser. No. 08/814,418 shown in
5a. Review of Supercritical Regime within TH application Ser. No. 08/814.418.
This is the preferred hydrodynamic design condition of the submerged transonic hydrofield for speed-to-length ratio near and above hull speed under application Ser. No. 08/814,418. Its surface appearance is shown in
5b. Review of Subcritical Regime Within Scope of application Ser. No. 08/814,418.
This speed regime is shown in
In both the supercritical and subcritical speeds, the undersurface of TH in application Ser. No. 08/814,418 is at a substantial negative angle to the remote flow and experience a significant propulsive force.
5c. Development of Hypercritical Regime for TH-II and TH-II.
To achieve operational capabilities of TH beyond the supercritical range tested, new tests were necessary beyond speed/length ratio of 2 to verify the theoretical view that the underbody angle of TH should be governed to change from its initial large negative angle to the surface, towards a much smaller negative angle in order to generate a new hydrodynamic characteristics in which, at constant weight, it was nevertheless estimated that the lateral wetted surface of TH should be greatly decreased in the presence of a decreased flow subduction. This would lead to a more efficient, different 3-D flow behavior with increasing speeds and dynamic pressures, since there was retained, with a decreased lateral wetted area, the following:
- A hydrofield and hull without shoulders, midbody or quarter curvatures;
- Lack of lateral outward flow and spray.
These characteristics were achieved with new and improved hydrodynamic characteristics in the tow tank, trading off a diminishing percentage of propulsive underbody pressure force, for a significantly reduced drag from reduced lateral wetted surface, resulting in a higher weight-to-drag ratios than otherwise for speed-to-length ratios beyond 2 and of the order of 3. This special different regime is called hypercritical to mark the fact in that (a) no dynamic lift is possible since the undersurface of TH remains at a greatly reduced but still negative angle, but (b) nevertheless there occurs a decrease of lateral wetted surface. The regime is uniquely efficient and to a critical measure a unique property of the special triangular planform of TH, and its profile, under effect of higher levels to achieve the higher dynamic pressure in hypercritical regime, as will be described later on in greater detail with aid of
5.d Development of the Transplanar Regime for TH-II and TH-II.
In the new model tests, as speed was further increased beyond the hypercritical with the underbody governed to attain a very small and critical positive angle which nevertheless provides significant dynamic lift due to the very the high dynamic pressure acting on a very large wetted planform, i.e., a low planform loading, there resulted a fourth hydrodynamic condition and speed regime, which nevertheless has a substantial decrease of wetted length of the lower surface of the TH-II hull, compared to the hypercritical case. I call this regime “transplanar” in that it retains some lateral in-flow characteristic of the supercritical regime of the transonic hull; that is, the flow direction does not generate the predominantly outward flows typical of planing, which are shown in
Summarizing, in this writer's R&D on transonic hulls, the operational regimes, which in patent application Ser. No. 08/814,418 were established to cover subcritical and supercritical cases, are now extended and specified to much higher speed ranges, named hypercritical and transplanar, which have weight-to-drag ratios substantially more favorable and require less power than would be the case if the TH of Ser. No. 08/814,418 were powered to achieve, in the displacement mode, the same speed/length ratio range.
5e. The Supercritical Regime as a Preamble to Hypercritical Case.
In dynamic condition above “hull speed,” the side elevation in respect to remote waterplane of TH in supercritical regime changes to that shown in
5f. Specification of (for) TH-II Body and TH-II Flow in Hypercritical Regime
To increase speed beyond speed/length ratio of 2, this writer theorized that the higher momentum content of the wake of TH-II permitted and justified a rearward shift of the center of gravity, shown in
The specifications for
The above description of
A word of caution in respect to
5g. Specification of TH Body and Flow in Transplanar Regime for TH-II and TH-II.
When speed of TH is further increased beyond the hypercritical regime of
- A planing hull below the planing speed sinks at the stern, increasing angle of attack due to large bow and shoulder waves as shown on bottom of
FIG. 2 . - If the boat's underbody has suitable surfaces and there is sufficient power, the planing boat climbs over its bow and shoulder wave and enters the planing regime of
FIG. 14 f. - Outward flow 41 in
FIG. 14 f with lateral spray is a consequence of lift requirement by momentum change of conventional planing shapes. - Minimal planing area Ap shown as 43 in
FIG. 14 f in contact with water provides lift with minimum wetted area, resulting in high area loading, a quotient made by dividing boat weight W by planing area Ap. - Relatively high planing angle of attack caused by small area Ap; results in high momentum drag component due to lift, as was explained already with the aid of
FIG. 5 . - Small planing area Ap, 43, compared to overall area of hull's planform 43+45, results in high slamming loads in an adverse sea on area 45, causing high pitch oscillations, amplified by large hull volume above area 45.
- High beam loading at stern, a quotient obtained by dividing weight W by beam 47, results in a deep wake and high angle of attack.
- A disturbed wake comprising, in cross-section view, hollows 49 and protrusions 51, are symptoms of high momentum drag in addition to lateral flow losses.
- A wake planform that, unless disturbed by propeller slipstream, has a hollow which usually closes downstream of the stern with a large hump 53, a symptom of drag.
- As explained earlier, the large area portion 45 and associated volume above it, which is dry only in calm water but becomes engaged repeatedly in waves, causes high slamming loads plus large change of buoyant forces, leading to excessive cyclic structural loads, severe pitch and heave accelerations which can be intolerable for occupants and cargo, and require slowing the operational speed of conventional planing hulls in adverse sea.
- A planing hull below the planing speed sinks at the stern, increasing angle of attack due to large bow and shoulder waves as shown on bottom of
Overcoming all of the above problems of conventional planing hulls, TH-II of
- There is no shoulder wave on TH over which TH must climb to enter a transplanar regime.
- Large planing area Ap, 61, compared to small dry planform area 63, permits the generation of adequate momentum lift with a small positive angle α, which cannot become large because of the location of max beam at stern of TH-II.
- Low transplanar area loading, W/Ap, because Ap 61 is large.
- Inherent low angle of attack α of the hull, feasible for adequate lift with low area loading, W/Ap.
- Low momentum drag with adequate momentum lift, due to inherent small value of α.
- Lack of lateral energy dissipating flows from TH-II in the transplanar regime, in favor of typical TH's side rays, not withstanding adequate momentum lift, a unique advantage of the TH-II planform in transplanar flow.
- Low beam loading at stern, achieved by placing a large maximum beam at stern, allowing also low area loading.
- Superior low energy wake achieved with low α, low W/Ap ;low W/B1, lack of outward flow, with low energy rays instead, and absence of outward lateral spray flows, as is pointed out in pertinent transplanar claims.
- Excellent behavior in adverse sea because the ratio of dry planform area 63, to wetted planing area 61, and to total area 63+61, is small in smooth seas, whence the dry volume corresponding to area 61 is also small, whereby slamming loads and added buoyant lift in adverse seas produce minimal effects in pitch, thereby avoiding high structural loads and accelerations, as is pointed out in pertinent transplanar claims.
Certain critical geometric relations leading to the unique hydrodynamics and superior sea keeping of TH-II, which apply to the hypercritical and transplanar regimes, and the x-regime (see later on), are illustrated in the following example, specified not by way of limitation. In the example, the numerals pertain to
LWL=LOA=numerals 67+69=70 units
B, beam numeral 62=16 units
Entry planform angle 60=13 degrees
Planing length, numeral 67=35 units
Dry length in FIG. 14, numeral 69=35 units
Hull's total planform area=560 units squared
Waterplane area wetted, subcritical, supercritical, hypercritical=560 units squared
Dry planform forward transplanar, calm water=140 units squared
Wetted planform transplanar, calm water, 560−140=420 units squared
% waterplane area loaded hypercritical=100%
% waterplane area with additional load in adverse seas=0%
% waterplane area loaded calm water, transplanar, 420/560=75%, transplanar
% area with transient additional load transplanar in adverse seas=140/560=25%
Weight of boat=W
Planform loading=W/420, calm water, transplanar
Planform loading=W/560, hypercritical
Beam loading all conditions W/16
Average free board height, numeral 64=5 units
Volume above waterplane, transplanar=2100 units cubed
Volume above forward dry planform, transplanar=700 units cubed, partially engaged only in rough water
Ratio of volume forward to volume above waterplane 700/2100=0.33
The above design criteria and characteristics of TH, though not limiting, are unique. Moreover, they require, for safe transplanar operation, a proper location of center of gravity (CG), longitudinal center of flotation (LCF), and thrust line, such that the behavior in calm and adverse seas are adequate. The center of gravity needed to meet the required conditions in transplanar flow depend on hull shape in planform in profile, and thrust line location. A good value for CG location for the above example is 28 units measured forward from the stern, i.e., 40% of LWL, with the thrust line approximately parallel to the undersurface and 1.25 units below it, i.e., 2.85% LWL below it. The above unique features are characteristics for claims.
Furthermore, to achieve a transition from hypercritical to transplanar regimes on TH-II with a stable CG, the corresponding aft profile shape is shown as 71 in
The critical importance of hull shape, CG, and control flaps to be specified in next sections can be better understood by recognizing the variables involved in pitch equilibrium as hydrodynamic regimes change from zero speed to transplanar in calm water and in a sea. Consideration has to be given to hydrostatic center of buoyancy, hydrodynamic center of buoyancy during hull motion, longitudinal center of flotation (LCF, area centroid of waterplane) which changes radically in transplanar regime, center of dynamic pressure forces due to momentum change, effect of change of hull's angle of attack on hydrodynamic subduction, the respective interaction of all the above in calm water and in an adverse sea.
For example, in the example reviewed above in which the CG is 28 units from stern, i.e., 40% LWL, the center of longitudinal flotation (waterplane area centroid) varies from 23.3 units from stern (33% of LWL) in supercritical regime, to roughly 15 units from stern (21% of LWL) in transplanar regime. Accordingly, the critical distance between CG and LCF vary from (28−23.3) units=4.7 units for supercritical and hypercritical regimes, which is 6.7% LOA, to (28−15) units=13 units, which is 18.5% of LOA, in the transplanar regime. An approximate position is shown as numeral 70 in
These important parameters and relationships pertaining to longitudinal trim, stability, and control have been exemplified for the transonic hull of the proportions reviewed, with a trailing flap of the type shown in
Variations of the hull's geometry in the example above will alter somewhat the parameters and relations of longitudinal trim, stability, and control. They are also dependent on ratio of weight to volume, for example, weight in tons to cube of length in feet/100. The example given is a guide for ratios in the order of 50 to 85. By way of reference, a ship of 30,000 tons and 750 feet LWL has a weight-to-volume ratio of 71.1. In this respect, it is important to distribute the loading of transonic hull to cause a much greater hydrostatic draft at bow than at stern.
To realize the unusual features of TH and TH-II if flotation with a static waterplane were made such that TH's undersurface were parallel to the waterplane, as is usual for conventional ships, the center of buoyancy would fall at about 33% LOA, requiring the same position of CG, it would cause excessive drag in displacement supercritical regime, and would negate the large distances between CG and LCF of transonic hull in its various regimes, and would cause an unstable pitch situation at higher speeds. Also, TH's stern's wake in supercritical regime would be destroyed. With such parallel flotation, the remedy to move CG forward for pitch stability would require a submerged nose bulb on a transonic hull, which would impair drag and be undesirable in an adverse sea, resulting in slamming loads and large variations of structural bending moments at midbody.
5h. Stern Devices to Make a Single TH Operational in Various Speed Regimes.
To make feasible a flexible and efficient use of the single transonic hull TH over its entire broad speed range—i.e., subcritical, supercritical, hypercritical, and transplanar regimes—variable geometry stern profile is of critical and optimum results, for example, with a trailing edge flap at the stern, but used in a qualitatively different critical and opposite way than stern tabs on conventional planing or semi-planing boats.
I have reviewed with the aid of
5i. Additional X-Speed Regime of TH
5j. Roll Control for TH with Stern and Lateral Flaps and Bottom Streaks.
An alternative turning method is shown in
Another detail of
The mode of usage of stern flaps of
Transplanar and supercritical use of stern flaps for right turns is similar to hypercritical.
The regimes of use of lateral flaps of
5k. Lateral Flaps for Hydrodynamic Functions.
- a. Dry deck function: the lateral flaps on TH 120 are deployed when operating in adverse waters, for example, in presence of wave 122, compared to calm water level 121. Under these conditions, a properly designed TH will penetrate the swells with minimal loss of speed, but there may be some water from the swells reaching the top of the freeboard during the penetration. This situation is minimized by right and left lateral flaps 123 forward, 124 at midbody, and 125 aft. The flaps may be similar to flaps 108 in
FIG. 16 . - b. Pitch control function. In high speed regimes in chopped water or in swells, or even in calm water, selective use of lateral flaps can be used for pitch control; for example, deploying the forward lateral flap pair 123 only for pitch up, or the aft lateral flap pair 125 for nose down pitch of the hull.
- c. Lateral control function. Only one flap of midbody flap pair 124 can be used for roll of the hull without pitch effects, or only one flap of pair 125 can be deployed for roll towards the opposite side, which would not have its flaps deployed, and nose down pitch.
- d. Heave control. In the high speed range, the deployments of the entire flap set will generate some heave, or the deployment of midbody flap pair 124 will generate midbody heave adjacent CG with minimal pitch effects.
- e. Fixed lateral flaps as walking paths: As an alternative (of lower cost), and at some loss of calm water performance, permanent lateral flaps can be used for operation in normal and adverse seas, and also to serve as paths to have crew walk on them in the fore and aft direction for inspection of window seals for forward anchor manipulations forward, etc.
5l. Roll Control with Vertical Undersurface Fences.
- a. Dry deck function: the lateral flaps on TH 120 are deployed when operating in adverse waters, for example, in presence of wave 122, compared to calm water level 121. Under these conditions, a properly designed TH will penetrate the swells with minimal loss of speed, but there may be some water from the swells reaching the top of the freeboard during the penetration. This situation is minimized by right and left lateral flaps 123 forward, 124 at midbody, and 125 aft. The flaps may be similar to flaps 108 in
5m. Unique Size Effect on Efficiency of Full Size TH Vessels.
My analysis of my tests, I further discovered a very subtle but very important advantage in estimating the weight-to-drag ratio of a TH ship applicable to certain hydrodynamic regimes of TH, as determined in model tests. The advantage is a unique function of size increases for TH's hull, which is not present in the increase of size for conventional hulls. Since the drag growth with speed of TH in displacement supercritical, hypercritical, and hydrofield regimes is principally of viscous origin and wave-making phenomena or drag of momentum change is much less significant over these speed ranges compared to conventional displacement or planing hulls in the same speed range, TH's weight-to-drag ratio improves with increasing size for various reasons; one important reason is that viscous drag decreases strongly with Reynolds number as size increase at constant Froude number. For example, if drag coefficient with increasing scale from model to ship decreases 50%, and if, for simplicity, the viscous drag were estimated with the cube of the scale, it would be diminished by 50%, but he wave-making drag and the weight would be calculated with the cube of the scale. Moreover, since a wetted area increases with the square of the scale, there would be a further reduction of viscous drag. The practical consequences of TH's reduction of wave-making drag in displacement mode in model tests is that the W/D ratio of a TH ship predicted from model tests can be estimated to be 20% or more than that predicted from model tests of a conventional displacement ship at same speed, size, and weight.
5n. TH Shapes for Solving General Problems in Adverse Seas.
Ships and displacement boats have been designed in the past and present with substantial buoyancy reserves, and these are larger from about midbody up to the bow, which reserves are transiently engaged in adverse seas, to raise the ship's bow when encountering waves. Even displacement ships such as destroyers having a sharp entry at the bow at waterplane level and narrow waterplanes are nevertheless flared outwards and forward above waterplane to provide buoyancy reserves, as well as permit open decks forward protected from adverse seas by fences above deck level.
Monohulls with vee bottoms and planing boats also have substantial buoyancy reserves and planing type surface reserves from midbody to the bow, for the same purposes.
It has also been the practice of conventional ships and boats to place heavy components amid-ships, to reduce pitch inertia.
The TH design departs from, and is contrary to, these traditional monohull approaches in respect to shapes and volumes for adverse seas, with several important departing TH design features, exemplified in
- A very sharp total entry angle in planform into waves at all levels above and below waterplane as shown in
FIG. 18 a, and confirmed by cross-section 18c, 18d, 18e. - A reduced free-board and profile height above static waterplane in the forward third of hull as shown in
FIG. 18 b. - A greatly reduced volume in forward region of the hull above static waterplane, evident in the transverse cross-section
FIGS. 18 c to 18f. - A traverse cross-sectional shape distribution above static waterplane in the forward region of the hull that has falling shoulders or an inverted vee shape to dissipate vertical loads from waves being pierced, as shown in
FIGS. 18 c to 18f. - An enclosed habitable volume in the forward portion of the hull to permit piercing of waves as shown in
FIGS. 18 c to 18f, instead of conventional designs taking in water on top of an open forward deck.
- A very sharp total entry angle in planform into waves at all levels above and below waterplane as shown in
The specific shapes of TH successfully tested in adverse seas are shown in FIGS. 18 reviewed above, characterized further in the following:
- In
FIG. 18 a, an entry angle extending to the sides of hull below and above waterplane at total angle 138 of approximately 13°, over the entire length of the hull - Low profile with vertical freeboard forward of approximately 4.2% of the length of hull at 80% station from stern, as in
FIGS. 18 b and 18d - Cross-section of hull above waterplane with inverted vee as in
FIGS. 18 d and e, or inverted U as inFIG. 18 f, with a smooth low overall profile with a maximum height above waterplane of approximately 7% of overall length.
- In
A critical parameter is the resulting volume of buoyancy reserve in the forward region of the hull above calm waterplane 134 which can be displaced as a transient condition, for example, during a transient diving encounter into a large wave, such as wave 131 in
Referring bag to the TH-II planform and profile in
- At high speed, TH has near-zero or a very small angle of attack such as in
FIGS. 13 and 14 , and therefore the change of vertical momentum of TH is much smaller than with very slender hulls having dynamic lift assist and which at speed tend to ride nose high with a large portion of the hull's dry area and volume exposed to wave's impact and therefore capable of generating very large loads. - Furthermore, the planview of TH is much sharper for a given hull beam, because it is triangular with max beam at stern, rather than with lenticular sides with max beam near midship, as is shown in other U.S. patents. Thus, for a given profile, the volume of buoyancy reserves of TH is less in forward region.
- Cross-section forward has an inverted vee shape to prevent extremely high local loads under dynamic water impact when piercing a wave or from waves breaking on top of the hull such as would be in the case if, instead of having an inverted vee, there would be an inverted cup.
- At high speed, TH has near-zero or a very small angle of attack such as in
With TH geometric properties, it becomes especially advantageous to distribute the heavy components of the ship to maximize the longitudinal moment of inertia, i.e., that about a transverse axis through the center of gravity at 40% station in
5o. Weight Distribution of TH.
5p. Stealth and Low Observable Characteristics of TH
Returning to
5q. Center of Gravity and Waterplane Centroid of TH
Other important details in
5r. Undersurface Shape and Construction Methods for TH
As specified in original patent application Ser. No. 08/814,417, modern construction methods using composite, or stamped metal sheet and/or welded plates can be used for TH; also wood can be utilized.
However, TH can be designed for low cost fabrication methods, taking advantage of its unique simplicity of shape, especially with the use of prefabricated composite sheets, marine plywood or sheet metal, which can be used in flat elements, and/or with gentle single curvature panels, to obtain hydrodynamically smooth surfaces.
Original patent application Ser. No. 08/814,417 also specified
Specifically, in
A special feature for TH shown in
It is noted that in FIGS. 20 to 23 the submerged undersurface have been flat or nearly flat, guided by surface elements and hydrodynamic waterplanes having triangular features, with decreasing draft and increasing beam as the water moves towards the rear, setting a favorable gravitational hydrostatic pressure gradient for the flow which remains active in hydrodynamic condition.
The development of shapes using flat surface components reduces fabrication costs and helps illustrate design features. Penalties are small by reason of unique cooperation between the simple shapes of the TH archetype permitting use of flat and/or single curvature elements to attain a reasonably smooth double wedge TH body.
5s. Some Special TH Shapes for Sailboats
The hull (canoe) of
In respect to
In respect to
I refer now to
Lc, length of center hull=350 feet
Bc, beam center hull=50 feet
{square root}Lc=18.70
Speed/length ratio, V/{square root}L=4.27
Speed=80 knots
Lo, length of outboard hulls=125 feet
Bo, beam of outboard hulls=25 feet
Speed=80 knots, same as center hull
V/{square root}Lo=80/{square root}125=80/11.18=7.15
Ratio of lengths Lc/Lo=350/125=2.8
Ratio of speed/length ratios, center/outboard=4.27/7.15=0.60
Lc/Boa=350/175=2, where Boa is overall beam
Important hydrodynamic characteristics of
The importance of the latter feature is indirectly exemplified in
A different and less favorable situation is shown on the left side of trimaran of
A quantified example of
Length of conventional center hull=350 feet and its square root is 18.7
Speed/length ratio, V/{square root}L=3
V=3×18.7=56 knots
Beam of center hull=30 feet
Length/beam ratio 350/30=11.7
The outboard hull of conventional design has a very different hydrodynamic situation:
Length=125 feet; its square root is 11.8
Length/beam remains same as center hull 11.7
V=56 knots, as in center hull
However, speed/length=56/11.18=5.0
Its drag level at speed/length ratio of 5, for hull 373 is therefore very high along curve (c) of
In theory, a conventional planning hull, such as 375 shown in dash lines in
A more favorable situation applies for a trimaran hull using a slender central displacement hull such as 371 in
As stated earlier, the drag curves of
In the prior review of problems of trimarans, the effect of rough ocean conditions has been mentioned in respect to wave piercing and structural loads, which in case of planning outboard hulls could be of the “slam load” type. This problem is alleviated if the wings supporting the outboard hulls are hinged at their root, for example by hinge 368 with toe in
The prior
Moreover, TH multihulls are not size dependent, and can also be applied to small boats and man powered craft with or without auxiliary or emergency power devices. This is exemplified in a kayak type craft specified first as a monohull, with additions of lateral hulls thereafter.
length overall=162
water line length=162
maximum beam at stern=35
The flat sides of
Returning to
Prior discussion of manpowered TH type kayak has mentioned lateral stability issues and auxiliary or emergency propulsion.
Lateral stability can be improved for a TH kayak, or any type of kayaks, by means of an asymmetric auxiliary hull, or “proa” configuration, such as shown in
The coordinates and sections of lateral TH body 406 are shown in
The use of air propellers, ducted propellers, and air fans for moving water craft is known, but has been restricted to special fields, for example boats for use in swamps and shallow waters, usually with hulls having rectangular planforms and large beams, with length to beam ratios of approximately four. Air propellers have also been used on ground effect machines, also of similar rectangular planforms, capable of operating over the water or land, such as Hovercraft. Moreover, air propellers have been proposed and used for propulsion of hulls of seaplanes, which are slender but have wing aerodynamic lift at high speeds.
On the other hand, manned powered watercraft such as rowing shells, kayaks, and similar boats have used oars, paddles, and even the interesting moving fins as used in the very efficient propulsion unit of Hobie Mirage kayaks. All these boats are slender.
Kayaks and similar boats have also considered the use of marine propellers powered by leg motion, as shown in the internet under various names, and even the use of electric driven marine propellers as auxiliary power plants, or as emergency power plant, or as alternative power plant, requiring batteries to drive the electric motors which drive marine propellers. One serious impediment is encountered when beaching such manpowered craft with marine propellers protruding below the surface of the water, normally requiring that they be retractable, which adds complexity and cost to such craft. They also add drag when motion is restricted to oars or paddles, and batteries of standard type, though low in cost are very heavy, and can reach the weight of an entire single place kayak. However, air propellers to provide auxiliary driving thrust with battery power of slender craft is unprecedented, until the present invention.
Hence the present invention pertains to the use of aerodynamic propellers, or ducted propellers, or fans, hereafter referred to as aerodynamic impellers, in an unprecedented and unique application for slender manpowered vessels, as alternative, auxiliary, or emergency powerplants, using batteries which can be charged on shore, or charged/recharged with solar panels on the surface of the manpowered craft.
Special slender TH boat configuration which provides new unique features are specified in
The large upper surface area of the TH trimaran should be used for solar panels in the figured shaded area 416 (top of forward deck), 417 (top of wings), and 418 (top of rear deck), to charge batteries when on route on top of a car or on a trailer, when stationary on a beach, or when rowing. The inclined panels 416 and 418 have a shallow angle, up to 45°, to optimize capture of solar energy early morning or late afternoon.
Also, the wings can be folded upwards for transportation about hinge 419, or downwards relative to hull 409, to catch afternoon rays of the sun, for example by tilting hull 409 on the beach, or by heeling the hull in the water.
Because air propeller 415 could create problems for persons not used to propeller driven vehicles, it is preferred, and recommended by this writer, that aerodynamic propulsion should use a shroud or duct. Small light electric motor 420 is powered by batteries 421 mounted at a low position inside the hull, thus avoiding need to have a transmission. A brushless motor is preferred for greater efficiency and cool running temperature. Light weight batteries such as nickel-metal hydride, or even better, expensive ion-lithium batteries, would minimize vehicle weight. High efficiency of battery and electric motor will be key for light weight needed in a man powered craft, because it needs to be carried, often by hand from shore to a car. Added cost provides added safety, and with the propeller as in
Moreover, unique added features are needed surrounding the propeller's disc, to prevent accident. A safe alternative is the use of a ducted propeller shown in
The folding feature of the wings supporting the lateral hulls is shown, by way of example, in
The numerical values of the design criteria mentioned above are representative for the hull characteristics reviewed, and may be adjusted for specific TH hull shapes with full size weights, corresponding thrust line positions, and other design features within the spirit of the invention and its claims.
The specifications and drawings pertain to hydrodynamics and TH shapes and does not cover structural details of mechanisms, and because model tests are not sufficient for determining stability of full size manned TH of unknown weight, or other safety related matter, these matters should be investigated and determined solely by licensed manufacturers, who have the sole responsibility in such matters.
Changes can be made on the drawings and specifications without departing from the teachings as covered in the claims of the invention.
1. A multihull craft comprising a principal hull of displacement type and a lateral hull of semi-planning type.
2. The craft of claim 1 in which said lateral hull is of the semi displacement type.
3. The craft of claim 1 in which said lateral hull is of the transonic hull type.
4. The craft of claim 1 in which all hulls are of the transonic hull type.
5. The craft of claim 1 in which lateral wing support extends between said lateral hull and said principal hull.
6. A multihull configuration comprising a principal hull, a lateral hull, and a supporting structure therebetween, with hydrodynamic impellers mounted on said supporting structure to capture the rearward flow between said principal and lateral hulls and impel said rearward flow in a rearward direction at a higher speed.
7. A man powered craft having a principal body and a lateral elongated body articulated on a side of said principal body, said elongated body adapted to be moved between an upper level disposition, and a lower level disposition in which the volume of said lateral body can generate a lateral change of buoyant forces when said principal body is heeled.
8. A slender man-powered craft having an aerodynamic impeller driven by an electric motor powered by batteries for selective use by said man.
9. The craft of claim 8 having solar cells to recharge said batteries.
10. The craft of claim 9 in which said craft has a wing of large chord and large area supporting a lateral hull with said area providing substantial additional area for increased number of solar cells.
11. A multihull having a principal displacement type hull and a lateral hull of transonic hull shape, with the speed/length ratios of outer hull being larger than that of principal hull by a factor greater than approximately 1.5.
12. The multihull of claim 11 in which said multihull is of a man-powered type.
13. A multihull having a principal hull and a lateral hull connected to said principal hull by an approximately horizontal structure when operating in the water, said structure being articulated at its root at an approximately longitudinal articulation which permits change of inclination of said structure in front view.
14. A multihull having a principal hull, and a lateral hull with each of said hulls having similar triangular waterplane planform shapes with narrow end forward and broad end rearwards, and with each said multihulls having, at any given speed, a speed/length ratio of said outer hull no less than approximately 1.5 times that of the principal hull.
15. A vessel having a body with a bow, a stern, a longitudinal length, and a waterplane in hydrostatic condition, said water plane having a substantially triangular shape with a pointed end adjacent said bow and a broad end adjacent said stern, said vessel further characterized in that the waterplane of said broad end has outboard ends and a center region, with said center region being upstream of said outboard ends, forming in planform a shallow Vee therebetween.
Type: Application
Filed: Feb 9, 2004
Publication Date: Aug 11, 2005
Inventor: Alberto Alvarez-Calderon F. (La Jolla, CA)
Application Number: 10/774,728