Piston rotary pump of variable flow

This invention called PISTON ROTARY PUMP OF VARIABLE FLOW. Is a mechanical device destined to impel and/or to compress fluids through the action of a piston guided by driven rotary parts, delineating a rotary movement and at the same time a king pin or pendulum movement within a stator contention case, arranging the chambers that compress and expand during its performance. The pump flow vary thru a simple movement of the device that support the rotation axle of one of the rotary parts.

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This invention is called PISTON ROTARY PUMP OF VARIABLE FLOW. Is a mechanical device destined to impel and/or to compress fluids through the action of a piston guided by driven rotary parts, delineating a rotary movement and at the same time a king pin or pendulum within a stator contention case, arranging the chambers that compress and expand during its performance.


FIG. 1: Lay out view of the pump in its two models or construction varying.

FIG. 1Y: Model or varying Y

FIG. 2X: Model or varying X

FIG. 2: Cross-section in front and back of the pump in its two varying or constructions models.

FIG. 2Y: Varying Y

FIG. 2X: Varying X

FIG. 3: View of the working development of the pump in its two varying or construction models:

FIG. 3Y (AY, BY, CY): Varying Y

FIG. 3X (AX, BX, CX): Varying X

FIG. 4: Cross-Section in front A and side B of the transference device from the cneter or rotation point of the secondary conductor rotor part.


This invention represent a PISTON ROTARY PUMP OF VARIABLE FLOW, is submitted in two models or construction varying: Y and X, FIG. 1(FIG. 1Y, FIG. 1X), FIG. 2 (FIG. 2Y, FIG. 2X), FIG. 3(FIG. 3Y, FIG. 3X). Said pump is composed by a case 5Y (FIG. 1Y) or 5X (FIG. 1X) of cylindrical hole 8Y (FIG. 1Y) or 8X (FIG. 1X), with an internal circular stator wall HY (FIG. 1Y) or HX (FIG. 1X), where a piston runs inside, 11Y (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y, 3Y) or 11X (FIGS. 1X, 2X, 3X) showing a rotation movement and at the same time a king pin or pendulum movement, due that is driven by two conducting rotary parts, one is the principal conducting rotary part 12Y (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y, 3Y) or 12X (FIGS. 1X, 2X) which has a rotary center that coincides with the center of the internal hole of the case and takes the piston in a coupling or junction point movable or articulated, UY (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y, 3Y), or UX (FIGS. 1X, 2X, 3X), and a secondary conducting rotary part 10Y (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y, 3Y) or 10X (FIGS. 1X, 2X) that has a rotation center 9Y (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y,) or 9X (1X, 2X) exocentric with the case hole center, taking the piston in a coupling or junction point movable or articulated SY (FIGS. 1Y, 2Y, 3Y) or SX (FIGS. 1X, 2X, 3X).

The pump, in its two models or construction varying, keeps always the same functioning concept, which is the characteristics of the invention that covers a piston with rotary movement together with a king pin or pendulum within the stator contention case driven by the two rotary parts, one part rotates with the rotation center of the circumference of the case hole and the other rotates keeping an exocentric rotation center with the center of the circumference of the case hole. Being, said center, variable in its location, which allows modifying the volume of flow of the fluid that impels the pump.

Therefore, the constructive difference between the two models or varying the pump do not affect the performance, basic characteristics or fundamentals of the invention, which are only secondary and minor modifications in the structure of some of the pump components.

In the model or varying Y of the pump, the principal rotor conducting part 12Y has a bell shape which in its cross-section or outside shape coincides exactly with the cylindrical hole of the case 8Y, and in the cross-section or perimeter inside the section of its internal hole, is located the piston 11Y, which has the shape of an irregular circumference that follows the running of the king pin or pendulum of said piston.

The par 12Y has ports 14Y that allow the flow of the fluid, because this part acts as a rotary valve, which is clearly appreciated in FIG. 3.

In the case of the varying or model X, the principal rotary conducting part 10X has the shape of a lever that fits in a hole or depression, adequately, that has one side of the piston 11X dividing said hole in two independent chambers between them, RX and PX (FIG. 3X) that compress and expands during the running of the piston and interact with the principal chambers LX and MX (FIG. 3X), arranged between the piston and the stator case hole, allowing the flow of fluid of the principal chambers to the port of exit 15X (FIG. 1X) or entry port 15BX (FIG. 1X) to the corresponding principal chamber, whichever the case, through the ports 14X (FIG. 1X) located at both sides of the piston 11X. In this case the rotor part 11X, has the function of a rotary valve, opening and closing the entrance and exit ports 15BX and 15X of the pump. The piston 11X requires sealing parts 16X and 16BX (FIGS. 1X, 2X, 3X) that are set up in grooves in both ends of the piston 11X and using springs 17X and 17BX (FIG. 1X), allow the proper adjustment of the piston with the inside walls of the stator HX of the case, covering the separation produced between both, during pendulum displacement or king pin of the piston, reaching this way to divide the hole of the case in two independent chambers between them LX and MX (FIG. 3X).

The pump has a device to move the rotation center of the secondary conductor rotor part 10Y or 10X (FIG. 4) composed of a body 3 that bears the rotor shaft of the secondary conductor rotor part E, which runs in a contention groove K moved by a threaded shaft 1 which is inserted in a port 5 with female thread located in body 3, being the threaded shaft 1 fasten by a contention part 7 with a steering wheel 2 at one end to transmit movement through an outside gear.


The pump works as follows: the piston inside the stator case is driven by the principal conductor rotor part that rotates within the case, coinciding its rotation center with the center of the circumference of the case hole, therefore, the piston makes a revolving movement within the case, but as is connected to a secondary conductor rotor part, that has an exocentric rotation center with respect to the center of the circumference related to the cylindrical hole of the case, the piston moves as well in a king pin or pendulum at the same time, being the center or partial rotation of the pendulum movement of the piston, the coupling of the piston with the principal conductor part UY or UX. Said king pin movement, added to the rotation movement, is due to the fact that the piston works as a bond between the principal rotor part and secondary rotor part, because when the principal conductor rotor part pulls through the piston the secondary rotor part, however, as the secondary rotor part has a different rotation center than the principal rotor part and is exocentric with respect to the case hole, moves in its end where the piston is fasten, a variation in the approach to the stator wall HY or HX of the inside hole of the case, displacing from a minimum to a maximum distance and vice versa in the rotation of the parts, unlike of the principal conductor rotor part that has a centralized rotation center with the circumference of the case hole, its end fasten to the piston keeps always the same distance of approach with the stator inside wall of the case, there is a variation in the angle between the imaginary axis that divides symmetrically the piston all along, and the imaginary axis that joints the coupling point of the principal rotor part with the piston and the rotary axis of the same, as if the secondary rotor part virtually pull and push the piston, which results in the king pin or pendulum movement of the piston.

As the piston divides the hole of the case in two chambers, GX and FX, or LX and MX (FIG. 3), when tilt to the right due to the king pin movement, close or compress the chamber located to the rigth GY (FIG. 3Y (AY)) or LX (FIG. 3X (AX)) and expands the one to its left FY (FIG. 3Y (AY)) or MX (FIG. 3X (AX)), and when changing to the contrary, that is to say tilt to the left, compress the chamber to the left FY (Fig. CY) or MX (Fig. CX) and expands to the right GY (Fig. CY) or LX (Fig. CX) Therefore, in a rotation of the principal conductor rotor part driving the piston, it expands and compress the two chambers LX, and MX or GY and FX, each at its respective time.

The pump has at the entrance and exit of the fluid of the respective ports of entry and exits 15BY and 15Y (FIG. 1Y) or 15BX and 15X (FIG. 1X), wich can be opened and closed alternatively by the principal conductor rotor part which has also the function rotary valve, when rotating.

Other component parts of the pump indicated in the drawings are: the cover 4Y or 4X (FIG. 1) and the entrance and exit ducts of the fluid 7BY and 7X, or 7BX and 7X (FIG. 1).

In all drawings is used the same code for the same part or component.


1. The rotary piston pump of variable flow protected hereunder consists of a case with an inner cylindrical hole inside which rotation takes place around a rotation center coinciding with the center of the circumference that said cylindrical hole forms within the case. It has a main rotor driving or pulling a piston taken by the end at a coupling or junction point, movable or articulated, which provides the piston with a rotation or pivoting axis in relation to the rotor driving it. At the same time, this piston is connected to or engaged by a secondary rotor at a coupling or junction point, movable or articulated, located at a different place from the one of the coupling point between the piston and the main rotor. This secondary rotor has an eccentric rotation center in relation to the center of the circumference of the cylindrical hole of the case.

2. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by its structure that has the necessary means (holes and/or conduits and/or valves) required for fluid inlet to and outlet from the pertinent pump chambers.

3. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by a main rotor driving a piston, the rotor being shaped or composed so as to operate as a rotary valve, alternately opening and closing fluid inlet to and outlet from pump chambers.

4. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by a secondary rotor that has a movable rotation center allowing pump flow variation.

5. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 4, is characterized by a secondary rotor that revolves mounted on a movable device intended to vary the location of the rotation center of said rotor.

6. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by pump components provided with different sealing means to improve its watertightness.

7. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by components shaped or composed with the necessary characteristics to improve their operation, thus reducing wear, compensating forces, lowering vibration levels, and increasing performance.

8. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by a pump that is able to contain more than one piston and more than one main and/or secondary rotor.

9. The rotary piston pump of variable flow, as described under claim 1, is characterized by having the necessary means to reduce friction and wear in its movable parts (e.g. ball bearings, lubrication channels, etc.).

Patent History
Publication number: 20050249624
Type: Application
Filed: May 7, 2004
Publication Date: Nov 10, 2005
Inventor: Omar Guerrico (Miami, FL)
Application Number: 10/840,595
Current U.S. Class: 418/113.000; 418/59.000