Lost ball in the weeds
A two deck card game with baseball type scenarios, including nine non playable cards, each having a different scenario in each deck, as the game progresses none playable cards maybe thrown randomly as do the actual game cards, strike, ball, hit and so on. Non playable cards focuses each players Imagination, on the subject on the card, it may say, Someone you no passes, players use their imagination, on who they may have scene pass, Game can be played buy a number of people or in solitude. The game may end by the number of innings decided on before play our abruptly if the ball is lost in the weeds or if a thunder lighting card is thrown. Included are two decks of cards, cards to keep track of balls, outs, strikes, and base runners, players imagine their backyard our neighborhood field, Near weeds on a cloudy may storm day.
“Lost ball the weeds” is a two-deck card game, which can be played by a number of people or in solitude. Nine scenario cards are included in each of the HIT and THROW decks. 56 cards make up each deck. Also included are cards to keep track of balls, strikes and outs. Base runner cards are used to keep track of runners on the field.
OBJECTTo have the most points by the end of a set number of innings decided before the game starts. The game may end abruptly if the ball is lost in the weeds, or if it is thundering and lighting out, game over. When a game over card is flipped, the one with the most points wins. The game may also become delayed if there is a sudden downpour ‘take a break’ players take five. The game continues if a ‘found ball’ card is thrown before the ball is lost in the weeds.
GAME LAYOUTPosition the ball, strike, and out cards on a flat surface between each player in sequence. Place base runner cards in front of the hit-card holder we'll call this home plate, and then envision a diamond shaped field.
GAME PLAYDecide who will throw and who will hit. The player with the throw cards initiates the start of the game by flipping a card; follow the direction on the card. When the thrower flips a card that reads ‘hit’ the player with the hit cards then flips a card, and again follows the direction. When the player using the deck of hit cards flips a safe play he or she would advance the base runners on you imaginary field. For every base runner that makes it home one point is scored. Use the numbered ball, strike and out cards provided to keep track of balls, strikes and outs. During the flipping of both throw and hit cards a scenario card may come up. Use your imagination to elaborate on the scenario, for example: a fire truck passes, imagine you hear sirens and see flashing lights.
DISCLOSURE“Lost Ball in the Weeds” is not intended to represent any team or organization! There are no team numbers, team color or mascots mentioned in the game.
Hit Deck {56 Cards}14 out cards
- 1. Line drive to 3rd caught
- 2. High fly lucky catch
- 3. Smack a hard hit grounder to right field caught ya Throw out, advance. {Runners if on base}
- 4. High fly to left field caught.
- 5. Grounder scoops, the throw.
- 6. Crack down the first base line grounder the catch, the Throw out, advance.
- 7. Crack down the first base line grounder the catch the Throw out advance
- 8. Crack to right field gets under it a nice catch out
- 9. Smack a hard hit grounder that amazing catch throw out
- 10. Grounder in fielder scoops the throw, out.
- 11 Smack a hard hit grounder to right field caught, ya throw, out advance
- 12. Pop up to right field it's caught, out.
- 13. Smack a hard hit grounder to right field, caught, ya throw, out.
10 safe cards
- 1. ‘Smack’ to right field no one there safe.
- 2. ‘Smack’ a hard hit grounder to right field caught ya throw, safe.
- 3. ‘Smack’ to left field short one its in there bounced caught, the throw to first, safe.
- 4. ‘Smack’ a hard hit grounder to right field no one there, safe.
- 5 ‘Smack’ to left field short one its in there bounced caught the throw to first, safe.
- 6 ‘Smack’ to center field it blooped in there, take safe.
- 7 Grounder ‘fumble’ the throw, safe
- 8 ‘Crack’ a hard hit grounder between 1st and 2nd none there, safe.
- 9 ‘Bunt’, safe
- 10. Pop up to right field trips take two, safe
4 Double play cards
2 Home run cards
- 1. Fly its Gone Home run.
- 1. Hum-Dinger, Home run.
1 card, Found old ball. Keep.
1 card, Sudden down pure,Take break.
1 card, Lighting Thunder seek shelter, Game over.
1 card, Lost ball in the weeds, Game over.
10 cards, may say,
- 1. Some one flying kite.
- 2. Traffic passes near by.
- 3. Hot rod passes.
- 4. Hear a honk.
- 5. Jogger
- 6. Noisy biker passes near.
- 7. Ambulance passes
- 8. Black cat crosses field
- 9. There goes recycling truck
- 10. Some one sees some thing our someone.
12 foul cards
- 1. Crack wow1 . . . a hard hit grounder up 1st base line ooh foul.
- 2. Fly ball,up first base line foul {2 cards}
- 3. up first base line.
- 4 Fly ball up third base line.
- 5. Fly in the Ditch snake foul.
- 6. ‘Smack’ a good one to left field. foul. {2 cards}
- 7. a good one to left field.
- 8. Nipped ‘Duck’ foul ball.
- 9. Nipped Look out
- 10. Pop up up third base line.
- 11. Pop up to first base line.
- 12. Fly ball in the Ditch, mud
13 ball cards {May say}
- High to right,
- High to left
- Low to left
- Low to right
16 hit cards
- Hit
2 wild throw
- Wild throw
1 wild throw
- Wild throw hits batter take base.
9 strike cards
- 5 Down the middle strike.
- 4 It curved its fast strike.
6 swing strike cards
- 2 its fast swing
- 2 down the middle swing, strike.
- 2 swing to high strike.
8 Scenario cards may say.
- 1. Police pass
- 2. Someone you no passes
- 3. Big dog passes
- 4. Party next store getting loud
- 5. Some one calls someone chicken
- 6. Fire truck passes
- 7. Jets pass over head
- 8. Someone gives the old peace sign
1 steal card
- The catcher misses Steal if runner on base
1. A game that is unlike any other game.
2. A card game utilizing a baseball type of play that comprises of two decks, which consist of a deck of “HIT” cards and deck of “THROW” cards. Both decks contain different sets of non playable incident cards.
Type: Application
Filed: May 20, 2004
Publication Date: Nov 24, 2005
Inventors: Gary Smidga (Homer City, PA), Gary Smidga (Nanty -Glo, PA), Brian Yeomans (Chambersburg, PA)
Application Number: 10/849,123