Trading Card Game using Historical Figures from World History
Included herein are the methods of playing a card game and the card layout concept of each card. A plurality of standard size playing cards is explained. Each card is based off of a figure, event or thing found in true world history. Each card presenting one historical subject, the types include one of the following: people, places, things, events, countries, and documents. Each card contains a summary of facts from the history of the historical subject. Cards contain many of a plurality of categories within the listed subject types. Each of the plurality of the players' decks contains a plurality of different historical subjects. Cards are to be use to obtain the one of the plurality of the objectives offered. Each of the plurality of the cards contains an illustration of a historical figure or subject and ability made for that character or subject. Each card contains a summary of the historical subject. Warriors as well as Leaders, Conquerors, and other figures make up the historical characters used for this card game. This game is based on the fight for world domination or peace and is used for entertainment or education. Country cards are displayed at all times during the game and character cards are played in those country cards. Countries fight against the same countries in order to force the opponent out of their land and capture all lands throughout the world.
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Trading Playing Card Games have been in use for many years as a form of entertainment for youth. This form of entertainment has been known to be all imagination and fantasy without the use of facts or history.
Board games use to be very particular between youth and their free time, and then came the role-playing game, which brought fantasy to a new level. After that became the norm of fantasy games, the trading card game was started and it has continued ever since.
The time line of fantasy card games that have actually become famous between players was first Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh, others have made it only half way and Pokemon has begun to decrease its popularity. Now there is need of a new popular game to take the place of Pokemon as well as other card games
A youth that can learn to play a card game of fantasy can easily switch to play a game that is played with Historical Figures and can even read the facts and make believed abilities that are on a historical trading card game.
Figurative Past, the host company, was formed after the idea of Historical Conquest started to be developed. It is documented to have been originally invented with the use of Historical Figures back almost one year from today on May 1, 2004 and has grown to what it is today.
BRIEF SUMMARY Disclosed herein are methods of playing a card game, as well as a plurality of cards and their layout of how each of them are designed, wherein the object of the game is for one of a plurality of players to do one of many objectives. The two main objectives are to gather the most “morale” points or capture all of the plurality of player's country cards. One method to be discussed is the method of organizing your deck, all cards are played in front of you, each of the plurality of players cards in their deck are separated into two decks, countries and everything else. The deck of everything else, called the “Players Deck,” is closest to your body but set to the right of your line of sight and played upside down. The country cards are placed in front of the Players Deck, so that the Players Deck is set between you and the country cards, both being to the right and upside down. At the beginning of the game you pick one country from the top and place them level, in front of you just an inch to the left of the players deck. You draw five cards and look at these cards, at your turn, you play people cards in front of the country card you desire to have them defend, as the game continues you will gather more Country Cards with the help of Explorer cards and Event Cards, to place level and to the left of the first country card. Technology goes to the far left of your cards. Event cards, while usually played only once and then discarded, can be played and placed with the Technology Cards to the left. All other cards played that are not Country or Character Cards are placed to the left with the Technology Cards or discarded after use. The discard pile is just right of, level with, the Player's Deck. For layout, refer to Image
This new game is in the form cards of 3.5″×2.4″ (length×width), 10-point printing paper, playing cards. On the back is a uniform logo of which is shown a hand reaching out of nowhere with the worlds displayed, “Historical Conquest: The Journey through time . . . ” refer to
It is emphasized that each card is unique but there is a similarity found in similar types of cards in this game. These unique illustrations will not all be displayed due to the lack of space available and the creation of more cards every day. The cards types though will be displayed to show the uniform features of the layout and color scheme. These illustrations include:
This new game is in the form of 3.5″×2.4″ (length×width) 10-point printing paper. The unique identifier of this card set is the use of figures throughout history used to play a game. The action of the game is to battle figure against figure in order to rule the world. For image verification, refer to
The card layout shows an illustration on the left of the card covering 90% of the width and 38% of the length (1.4″×2.1″ (l×w)) of the card. To the left are four blocks of text, enclosed by an image of borders in the background size of 0.01″:1) the top block of text is 1.75″×0.25″ in size and contains the historical figure's name, the role in history he held, and the year he lived, (Ex: George Washington Leader 1732-1799); 2) the second block of text from the top is 1.75″×0.8″ in size and contains a summary of that figures actual life, defined according to reliable sources, (Ex: In 1754, Washington was called to be a Lieutenant Colonel during the French and Indian War . . . ); the second block of text from the bottom of the bottom is 1.75″×0.6″ in size and contains the figures abilities according to acts throughout their life, made up by writers, and abilities to be used in this game (Ex: With Washington on your side, Washington doubles you army's defense points . . . ); the bottom block of text is 1.75″×0.2″ in size and contains related subjects in history and strength/defense points, which vary between figures (Ex: President of United States 400/500). There is spacing from the edge of the card to the illustration and blocks of text of 0.15″ encircling the card. The image changes according to the type of historical object that is found on the card (Ex: Leader Cards' background contains the resemblance of wood, with a 0.01″ border, which is a distorted line of the background). With the background change according to the historical subject on the card, the color scheme of the card also changes according to the background change.
There are multiple historical subject types found in this card set including: Leaders, Artists, Writers, Conquerors, Athletes, Explorers, Spiritual Leaders, Politicians, Inventors, Philosophers, Musicians, Assassins, Economists, Entertainers, Scientists, Army, Events, Technology, Countries, and many other types of cards. All types of cards contain illustrations of that historical subject at some point in time during its occurrence or the life of the figure.
An Indepth Description of the GameYou begin the game with 50 cards; customize your deck to fit your objective. You will receive 50 cards in a starter set, but with every booster set you get, the more chances you have to own the cards you need to win. Take all the cards that you have collected from these sets and create a playing deck of your favorite cards.
You must have a minimum of 50 cards; there is no limit to how many more you can have in your deck. Take all land cards out of your deck and place them to the side. Shuffle the remainder of the cards and place them upside down in front and to the right of you, this deck of cards is called your Playing Deck. The space directly in front of you is called the Battlefield, this is where your land will go; your Playing Deck is to the right of this space. Refer to
Take one Land card, of you choice, out of your Land Deck, and place it right side up on the Battlefield. There will be other land cards that will join this country, but these will be gained later. This is the country where your civilization begins. Turn the remainder of your Land Deck upside down and place it above your Players Deck, so that the Players Deck is between you and the Land Cards. Draw five cards from the top of your Players Deck and look at them. You can only look at the cards in your hands and the cards that have already played. Make sure no others are in sight.
For the first two rounds of the game, no one can attack his or her opponent. This is the time to set up your civilization and prepare for battle. You can play Event cards, which may hurt your opponent, but no one is allowed to call for an attack on another person's countries.
To set up your first country, pick Character and Army Cards to protect your land and lead your troops. There is a maximum of 4 characters on a continent at one time and a maximum of 2 armies on a continent at one time. You can also provide transportation to another continent with help from certain characters. (See Transporting Cards)
If you do not have a character guarding your land, it becomes forfeit and your opponent only needs to ask for the card, place a character on it, and then they have claimed it.
When you pick up a card, such as an Explorer Card, it will tell you that you have found a new land. Pick the top card off of your land deck. Find the continent where it is from and place that card with all other cards from that continent. If you do not have a card from that continent, place that new card on your Battlefield next to the other land cards and it is now your land. Remember to place a character on that country to protect it. You may need to put down more than one character to make sure your opponent doesn't attack and win it from you.
When you want to play a card from the cards in your hand, tell your opponent the character's name and which continent he will be playing on, then place your character on that continent, and he is ready to defend your land.
When you play an event card, call out it's name and read the ability plate. Then follow its directions; these will either affect you or your opponent. When you are finished playing the card, place the card in the discard pile.
When you are finished with a card or if a character is killed, hurt, or lost, place these cards right side up to the right of you Playing Deck.
If you pull a card out of your deck that you would not like to use, simply slip it into the discard pile and pick up a replacement at the end of your turn.
Your Character Cards can transfer anywhere in the continent, they are living, at any time without any actions on your part; they can switch countries and prepare attacks, but they cannot move to another continent. Each Country Card is connected to a certain continent. Each Continent's name is located at the bottom and middle of your Country Cards (See Country Card). To transport characters to another continent you must have another card to assist you, such as Explorer Cards. You can also use technology that can transport a character. All transports have to be done at the end of your turn. If you transporter is located in another continent you must move them to the needed continent and then wait for your next turn to transfer someone.
Not all Explorer Cards are the same, but all of them have abilities that are not listed on their card. The Explorer Card is unique, all Explorer Cards can transport your characters to any other continent, but both the Explorer and the Character Cards you wish to move must be on the same continent at the beginning of the turn. You can move an Explorer to another continent during the turn, but you must wait till the your next turn to move the Character to another continent. They also have the ability to transport an Army.
At the End of your turn you must replace the cards you used during your turn. Pick up enough cards from the Playing Deck to have five cards in your hand. You should always have 5 cards in your hand. If you do not pick up the cards, you need, at the end of your turn; you cannot pick up any replacements until the end of your next turn.
Characters and Armies may only attack within the continent where they have been placed. Explorer cards will transport your characters to another continent to attack your opponent and return to their Continent at the end of the turn. Remember, each continent must have at least one character living in that continent to defend your land.
When you attack, you must state the characters that are attacking, the country in which the army is attacking from, and the country that the Army is attacking. An Army card cannot be added to other Armies cards in an attack, unless a card gives the Army the ability to unite, such as Treaty Cards. Two Armies can defend together when your opponent attacks your land. When attacking, you have the opportunity to pick the country you are attacking, but your opponent may pick the Army living in that country that will defend their country (multiple Armies can live in and defend the same continent).
Look at each card, in the bottom right side of the card and you will find two numbers. The first number tells you the characters attack strength, the second number tells you the defense strength.
Add all the attack strength of each character attacking in this battle and that is the strength that you are attacking with.
Both sides can roll one dice for extra strength, which comes with a good strategy. You will take the number rolled and multiply it by 100 (number 3 on the dice will give you 300 extra points person with the most points wins the battle.). Add your Attack Strength and the extra strength you just added up and at them together.
Tell you opponent how much strength you have, (with or without the use of dice) and the one with the most strength wins that battle.
When you win in a battle, one of your opponent's characters dies and are discarded, you choose which character of your opponent's dies. Character cards die first and then when there are no characters left the armies then begin to be discarded, still your choice of which one goes first. You may need to attack multiple times to claim a continent. You can only attack inside a continent twice each turn. You can claim the country when there are no character cards or army cards inhabiting the land.
He will lose a character card for every lost battle. He will lose up to two character cards per turn in any continent. Each time you win, you can pick the order that the characters die.
Your characters in that continent will not allow you to attack again for the rest of that turn. When you lose, you will also drop 100 Morale points (See Morale Points, pg 8).
Armies will not team up with other Armies unless it is stated on the card. Some cards, such as a Treaty card, can bring two Armies together to fight your opponent. Leaders and Conquerors can join Armies with no problem, unless it is stated on the card. Other Character Cards with a Strength Label (bottom right corner) are permitted to team up with an Army. Multiple Armies may live on the same continent but cannot attack together. Characters can attack without the help of Leader, Conqueror, and Army cards.
When you are defending, add up the defense points (at the bottom right side of the card, right number) for all your characters defending that country inside their continent. This number will be used to fight against your opponent's attack. Other cards can be added to your defense; in the ability plate area, it will tell you that this is an interrupt card, which means you can use it as soon as your opponent has declared his attack. After you pull this card your opponent cannot withdraw his attack unless all players agree on it.
When you begin the game, the people that live in you civilization are happy as much as 500 points. There are things you can do that will bring down your civilization's Morale points and make them mad at you as their leader. If you reach a negative Morale, you will lose 100 points toward attacks and defense every turn, this will accumulate until your Morale increases above 0.
Note: You decide whether you want to conquer the world or have a happy civilization, or how you can balance both of them.
You decide the objective of the game. You have one goal and your opponent has one and they can be the same. You can choose from one of the following or create your own:
Objective #1: You have 25 turns to win this game; your goal is to claim as many Morale points as possible. Each land obtained during those turns will increase your Morale by 200 points. Who ever obtains the most Morale points at the end of the 25 turns wins.
Objective #2: You are trying to create a Utopia, which means you need to gather 4000. Civilization Morale Points or more.
Objective #3: You are fighting to take away any strength found in your opponent's army. You must defeat your opponent to the point that all of his armies and military leaders are discarded and only non-military characters are left behind.
Objective #4: You are fighting for total world domination. Which means, you need to take over 30 countries, including your own.
Objective #5: Choose your own ending . . .
While there are many ways of playing this game, these are the basic rules found in Historical Conquest and are described to give the plurality of players the ability to reach objectives and learn while they play this card game. Moreover, the above rules and features are provided in describing embodiments, but shall not limit the application of the claims to processes, structures, and additional cards accomplishing any or all of the above features and rules.
1. A card game that is played with historical figures as the characters found on the cards used in the game. These characters consist of Warriors, Conquerors, Leaders, Countries, Technology, Events, Artists, Musicians, and any characters and subjects found in history. The strength and defense marked on the cards will indicate how much strength or defense will be used against another player at a time.
2. A method according to claim 1, for playing a card game where historical character can fight against each other from different countries and with different objects, technology.
3. A method according to claim 1, for playing a card game where Events are used in a game by one players against another player or plurality of players.
4. A method according to claim 1, which each of the plurality of players begin by displaying cards in front of them to display what historical subjects are in play, with the rest of the plurality of cards in a deck, and the playing side is facing down.
5. A method according to claim 4, there are two sides to each card, on which the uniform image of the companies logo on the back and the unique historical illustration.
6. A method according to claim 1, where the characters found on the card have a certain amount of strength as well as a certain amount of defense for fighting against their opponent.
7. A method according to claim 1, where the player provides his own deck of historical figure cards in order to battle his opponent.
8. A method according to claim 1, have trading historical figures and having their names displayed on the card.
9. A method according to claim 8, of trading historical figures and having the information/history of their lives displayed on the card, short summaries.
10. A method according to claim 1, where the decks of cards that the plurality of players play this game with includes, cards of all types, including Army, Leader, Warrior, Conqueror, Event, Technology, Country Cards, and any other types of cards available in this game.
Type: Application
Filed: Mar 31, 2005
Publication Date: Oct 5, 2006
Applicant: (Rexburg, ID)
Inventor: Zachariah Edwards (Rexburg, ID)
Application Number: 10/907,422
International Classification: A63F 1/00 (20060101);