Steam engine with convection boiler

A STEAM ENGINE WITH CONVECTION BOILER is provided and is formed by an assembly in which there is present a compressor whose product is mixed with fuel, generating a flame that heats the water that is offered and producing steam. This steam is then transferred to a piston, transforming en in this way the thermal energy into mechanical energy.

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This current invention is related to an ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, of the type which includes in its assembly a compressor mechanism that send the compressed air to a chamber. In this chamber, the compressed air and the fuel (feed throughout a conventional injector) are mixed. When this mix gets in touch with a an incandescent object a combustion is produced, generating a flame which is send towards either the chamber or the boiler, at which point it get in touch with the water, emitted throughout a conventional injector, producing in this way the transport of the heat by convection and generating the steam that will push the piston, placed under the mentioned boiler. In this way, the thermal energy is transformed in mechanical energy.


In the current situation are known a great quantity of modes and systems used to transform different forms of energy into mechanical energy. These systems use conventional pistons, luminary (portholes) and/or valves of different types, fuels, electricity, or steam.

This invention offers a complete novelty in comparison with the existing systems, due that the cylinder cover is replaced in the compressor by the action of a flat or plain valve, reducing in this way the total weigh and the quantity of pieces that form the dispositive, and this allows that the same can have a smaller size, and due to its simplicity the possibility of failures is also reduced. Besides, in the case of failures, it is a lot easier to repair the same and also to get access to the different parts of the mechanism.

Also, the dispositive utilize a chamber or boiler in which, contrary to others, the energy is transferred by convection instead of by conduction, as is the case for example in the small steam engines used in some modeling boats, which are copies of the real thing, or in some modeling trains in which the realism is such that the boiler is imitated to the last detail.

Having into account all the things mentioned above, we could verify the importance and simplicity of this invention.


The objective of the current invention, called ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, is the integral assembly, composed by: a compressor mechanism, in which its exit of compressed air is connected to a combustion chamber, in which the compressed air is mixed with the fuel emitted by a conventional injector, and this two elements form a combustion when they get in touch with an incandescent element, generating a flame which is directed to the other extreme of the combustion chamber. In this extreme, there is another exit toward another chamber or boiler, to which the flame arrives and acts upon the water emitted by an injector inside the boiler, producing steam this way. This steam then exerts pressure upon the piston placed under the boiler, generating mechanical energy in this way.

All this assembly works in the following way: initially, a conventional starter engine (which has not been presented in the squematic drawings, nor will be explained any further, due that its use is very common), move the crankshaft in such a way that the conventional piston of the compressor mechanism start going down, forcing the air situated in the inferior holding chamber of the crankshaft, to freely pass throughout the internal conducts of the piston toward the upper valve, which is placed on the surface of its head (which functions due to difference in pressures). This head opens up, allowing the passage of the air toward the interior of the cylinder of the piston, placed above the same piston.

Due to the fact that during the descending phase, the piston exerts a pressure upon the air situated under it, this produces the closing of the valve that allows the entrance of the air throughout the conduct that goes outside, avoiding that way the exit of the air. Then, when the piston start ascending, it exert pressure upon the enclosed air in the interior of the cylinder of the piston, and this forces the closing of the valve placed at the surface of the head of the piston, producing an effect of suction upon the air placed below it, and this produces the opening of the valve that allows the entrance of the air, from the outside toward the chamber of the crankshaft.

When this piston is ascending, it compress the air above it, till the point that the same is only a very fine and compressed sheet, and at this moment such pressure lifts the flat valve that blocks all the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, and, with an effect similar to an air cushion that gets deflate, it goes to the point in which the surface of the head of the piston has solidarity with the inferior surface of the flat valve, passing all compressed air to the chamber in which the flat valve is located.

Then, the piston start again its descending course, allowing the descending of the flat valve and the closing of the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, starting again the mentioned cycle. We have to take into account that the mentioned parts (piston, cylinder of the piston, crankshaft, connecting-rod, and holding chamber of the crankshaft) are pieces widely known and used, both in compressors and in piston engines, and therefore is not necessary to explain its characteristics and operation. All this compressing mechanism is commonly used, with the difference being that the flat valve satisfy the function of the cover of the cylinder of the piston, and that it is lifted by that action and by the contact of the piston.

The compressed air generated this way pass to a superior chamber (which will be called the chamber of the valve) and in it is placed the flat valve. This valve is pushed downward by the action of a spring placed in its top end in the mass of the structure of the compressor and in the other end by a catch that is fixed at the stem of the valve. Such spring is situated in a different chamber and is isolated from the chamber in which it is situated the head of the flat valve.

The compressed air continue its exit throughout the only opening existing in the chamber of the valve and which is communicated with the extreme of a combustion chamber. In such extreme of the combustion chamber there is also a conventional fuel injector, in such a way that both this injector as well as the exit of the compressed air are oriented toward the other extreme or end of the combustion chamber, which allows the mixing of the compressed air with the fuel, at the same time as it approaches the opposite end of the combustion chamber.

At a point during this journey there is a filament of a material that becomes incandescent (initially by the action of the electricity that pass through the filament when the engine starts) and which it produces the combustion of the compressed air and the fuel (this same combustion then keeps it incandescent in constant form). Such combustion produces a flame that is directed towards the exit of the chamber placed in the opposite end of the entrance of the compressed air. The combustion chamber has the appearance of a drop, since the exit of the flame is realized throughout the finer end.

Such exit is connected to a circular chamber or boiler, in such a way that, due to its tangential position it made possible that the incandescent gases are introduced to the same, rubbing at high speed the interior of the lateral walls, and this made possible the production of a turbulence effect inside the boiler, which allows that when a conventional water injector, which also has a tangential position with respect to the boiler, but with the difference that its exit is at the opposite end of the incoming gases and it is placed at the opposite end of the same, emitting water. This water is carried away by the turbulence effect, mixing the water with the high temperature gases, and obtaining on this way the immediate production of steam, with the instantaneous increase of the pressure inside of the boiler.

The rotation of the gases inside the boiler made that the biggest drops of steam, by centrifugal effect, be placed against the lateral walls; and that the smaller drops, also called dry steam, be placed closer to the center. In the center of the inferior face of the boiler there is a circular opening which communicates the same with the internal part of the cylinder of the piston. This opening is closed by the action of other flat valve, similar to the one utilized in the compressor, and that it is formed by the same elements of such valve described earlier. The piston that is placed under the boiler is also actuated by the action of the crankshaft. Such piston is a conventional piston in all regards, but it has a cylindrical protuberance placed back to back or supporting it, in the center of the superior surface of its head.

Such cylindrical protuberance has a smaller diameter than the central opening of the boiler, and this allows it to be inserted inside the same without any problems, allowing the free pass of the steam, from the boiler to the interior of the cylinder of the piston. The height of the cylindrical protuberance is such that it allows it to lift the flat valve placed above the same, avoiding that the surface of the head of the piston get in touch with the top surface of the internal face of the cylinder of the piston.

So, when in its ascending movement the piston lifts the flat valve (at this moment the piston of the compressor starts the compression), the steam pass from the boiler to the interior of the cylinder of the piston, exercising the sufficient pressure to push the piston downward, till the point when, in its descent, the piston free the entrances of the conducts or portholes by which the steam is liberated. Due to the action of the inertia of the flywheel (used commonly in engines), and which is fixed to an extreme of the crankshaft, the rotating movement of the shaft keeps going, starting again the process with the ascending of the piston.

The starting system, the refrigeration, the filtration and lubrication of the air, as well as the valve system for the introduction of the air from the exterior, and the flywheel with the starting crown of this assembly, are the same as the ones used in conventional form in compressors and engines, and its operation are on the public domain, and for this reason it is not necessary to include their explanation in this patent.


With the end that the objective of this invention be better explained, this has been illustrated with several squematic figures, in one of the preferred modes required, which take the character of demonstrative sample although not limited, in such a way that:

FIG. 1 is a view of the longitudinal cross section of the assembly, parallel to the shaft of the crankshaft, with the pistons in a determined point in its journey.

FIG. 2 is a view of a longitudinal cross section of the section in which the boiler can be appreciating it with the flat valve closed.

FIG. 3 is a view of the superior plan of the inside of the boiler with the flat valve closed.

FIG. 4 is a view of the longitudinal cross section of the part in which the boiler can be seen appreciating it with the flat valve open.

FIG. 5 is a view of the superior plan of the inside of the boiler with the flat valve open.

FIGS. 6 and 7 are a longitudinal cross section of the head of the piston of the compressor.


With the objective that this invention can be understood with clarity and it can be easily carried to the practical realization in its fundamental ideal, we will present now a detailed description of its preferred way of realization, making reference to the same in relation to the squematic drawings included here, taking into account that in all the drawings the same reference numbers indicate similar or correspondent elements. All this is done with the purpose of being an illustrative example and in no way is a limitation of the invention, since:

    • FIG. 1 is a view of a longitudinal cross section parallel to the shaft of the crankshaft, with the pistons at a determined point in its journey, in which it can be clearly appreciated that the assembly is integrated with a crankshaft (1) with the corresponding connecting-rods (2 and 3), the piston of the compressor (4) with its corresponding internal conducts that allows the passage of the air to the superior valve (5) localized on the surface of its head. The valve opens allowing the pass of the air to the interior of the cylinder of the piston (6) localized above the piston (4), since in its downward direction, the piston (4) exerts a pressure upon the air situated under it, and this takes to the closing of the valve (7), which allows the entrance of air throughout the conduct (8) which has communication with the exterior, avoiding the exit of air.

Then, when the piston (4) starts ascending, the same exerts pressure upon the trapped air in the interior of the cylinder of the piston (6), and this force the valve (5), localized on the surface of the head of the piston (5) to be closed. The ascending of the piston (4) produces an effect of suction upon the air placed under it, and this force the opening of the valve (7), which allows the entrance of air from the exterior to the chamber of the crankshaft (9). When the piston (4) starts ascending, it compress the air situated above it till the point that is only a very fine and compressed sheet, at which moment such pressure lifts the flat valve (10) which blocks all the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, and with an effect similar to an air cushion that is deflating, it reaches the point in which the surface of the head of the piston becomes in solidarity with the inferior surface of the flat valve (10), passing all the compressed air to the chamber (11) which contains the flat valve (10).

Then, the piston (4) starts again its downward journey allowing the descend of the flat valve (10) and the closing of the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, starting anew the described cycle. The compressed air generated in this way pass to a superior chamber (11) in which is located the flat valve (10), and this is pushed downward by the action of a spring (12), supported in its top end to the mass of the structure of the compressor and on the other end by a catch (13) which is fixed to a stem (14) of the valve. Such spring is localized in a different chamber and it is isolated from the chamber in which it is situated the head of the flat valve. The compressed air continues its journey throughout the only exit available in the valve's chamber (15).

In such extreme of the combustion chamber (15) there is also a conventional fuel injector (16), in such a way that both this injector (16) as well as the exit of the compressed air (17) are oriented in such a way to the opposite extreme of the combustion chamber, which allows the mixing of the compressed air with the fuel at the same time that they approach the opposite extreme of the combustion chamber. At a point during its journey there is a filament (18) made of a material which become incandescent and which causes that the mixing enters into combustion, producing a flame which is directed towards the exit (19) of the combustion chamber localized in the opposite extreme of the entrance of the compressed air (17).

The combustion chamber (15) has a shape similar to a drop. Such exit (19) is connected to a circular chamber or boiler (20) and the same have available a conventional water injector (21) whose exit is in opposite direction to the entrance of the gases. In the center of the inferior face there is a circular opening (22) communicated with the internal part of the cylinder of a piston (23). Such opening is closed by the action of another flat valve (24) similar to the one used in the compressor and that it is composed by the same elements of the valve mentioned earlier. The piston (25) localized under the boiler (20) it has the support of a cylindrical protuberance (26) localized in the center of the surface of its head. We can also appreciate the conducts or portholes (27 and 27′) by which the steam and the gases are liberated. By the action of the inertia of the flywheel (28), which is fixed to the extreme of the shaft of the crankshaft (1), the rotation movement of the shaft continues, starting the process again.

The FIG. 2 is a view of a longitudinal cross section in which the boiler (20) can be appreciated, along with the flat valve (24) closing the central orifice (22) which connect with the interior of the cylinder of the piston (23).

The FIG. 3 is a view of a superior plan of the inside of the boiler (20) with the closed flat valve, and by the same it can be appreciated, to give a biggest clarity, the entrance of the high temperature gases (19), the boiler (20), the water injector (21) and the central orifice (22). It has been represented with arrows the journey of the gases and the steam at the same time that the flat valve stays closed.

The FIG. 4 is a view of a longitudinal cross section in which it can be appreciated the boiler (20) with the flat valve (24) lifted by the action of the protuberance (26), which allows the passing of the steam throughout the central orifice (22) to the interior of the cylinder of the piston (23).

The FIG. 5 is a view of a superior plan of the interior of the boiler (20) with the open flat valve, on which it can be appreciated, for a biggest clarity, the entrance of the high temperature gases (19). It has been represented with arrows the journey of the gases and the steam at the same time that the flat valve stays lifted.

The FIGS. 6 and 7 are a longitudinal cross sections of the head of the piston of the compressor, showing the conformation and the acting of the valve (5). It is logic to suppose that when this invention will be put into practice, it is possible the introduction of modifications in relation to construction, material and shape, but always without being taken away from the fundamental principles that are clearly specified in the replevisable (or recoverable) clauses that are described here.

Replevisables (Recoveries)

Having described and determined the nature and reach of this invention and the way that the same must be put into practice, we declare replevisable or recoverable as my exclusive right and property:

1—An ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, of the type that includes an assembly composed by a compressor mechanism whose exit of compressed air is connected to a combustion chamber, in which such compressed air is mixed with the fuel emitted by a conventional injector, and that when they mix they create a combustion and this get in touch with an incandescent element, generating a flame oriented toward the other end of the combustion chamber, in which point there is an exit toward another chamber or boiler, in such a point it exerts an action upon water emitted by a conventional injector, generating steam by this way. This steam exert a pressure upon the piston situated under the boiler, generating in this way mechanical energy, which is characterized because the assembly is formed by a mixture of elements composed by a crankshaft of common use, and when this is put into action it moves downward the conventional piston of the compressor mechanism, forcing the air present in the holding inferior chamber of the crankshaft to pass freely throughout the internal conducts of the piston toward the superior valve, that the same has on the surface of its head (which operates due to a difference in pressures), opening it and allowing the pass of air toward the interior of the cylinder of the piston, which is localized above the piston. Since in its downward movement the piston exerts a pressure upon the air situated below it, this promotes the closing of the valve and this allows the entrance of air throughout the conduct facing the exterior, avoiding the exit of the same air.

Then, when the piston moves upward it exerts a pressure upon the trapped air in the interior of the cylinder of the piston, and this forces the closing of the valve situated on the surface of the head of the piston, and this produce an effect of suction upon the air that is below it, promoting the opening of the valve that allows the entrance of air from the exterior toward the chamber of the crankshaft. At the same time that the piston moves upward, it compress the air that is situated above it till the point that the same air becomes a very fine and compressed sheet, and at that moment such pressure lifts the flat valve that blocks all the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, and with an effect similar to that of an air cushion that is deflated, it reaches the point in which the surface on the head of the piston becomes in solidarity with the inferior surface of the flat valve, passing all compressed air to the chamber in which the flat valve is placed. We have to take into account that the piston lifts the flat valve very little, leaving a sufficient margin between the superior limit of the cylinder of the piston and the hoops of the piston, avoiding in this way the connecting of the same.

Then, the piston start again its downward journey, allowing the descending of the flat valve and the closing of the superior opening of the cylinder of the piston, starting in this way again the cycle here described. We have to take into account that the mentioned parts (piston, cylinder of the piston, crankshaft, connecting-rod, and the holding chamber of the crankshaft) are parts widely known and utilized, both in compressors and in piston engines.

All this compression process is of common use, and the difference is the use of the valve as a cover of the cylinder of the piston and also that the same piston is the one that lifts the valve. The compressed air generated in this way pass to a superior chamber or chamber of the valve in which it is situated the flat valve, and this is pushed downward by the action of a spring supported in its top end in the mass of the structure of the compressor and in the other end is supported by a catch that is fixed to the stem of the valve. Such spring is situated in a different chamber and it is isolated from the chamber in which it is situated the head of the flat valve. The compressed air continues its journey for the only exit that exist in the chamber of the valve and which it is communicated with the extreme of a combustion chamber. In such extreme of the combustion chamber there is also a conventional fuel injector, in such a way that both of these injectors and also the exit of the compressed air are oriented in such a way towards the other extreme of the combustion chamber as to allow the mixing of the compressed air with the fuel in the appropriated measure that both (air and fuel) are approaching the opposite extremes of the combustion chamber.

At a point during their journey there is a filament made of a material that becomes incandescent (initially by the action of electricity that pass through the same when the engine start working) and this produces the combustion of the mix of the compressed air and the fuel (this same combustion is then kept incandescent in a constant way). Such combustion produces a flame that is directed toward the exit of the combustion chamber that is situated in the opposite extreme of the entrance of the compressed air. The combustion chamber has a shape similar to a drop, since the exit of the flame is realized throughout the finest extreme. Such exit is connected to a circular chamber or boiler in such a way that, due to its tangential position the incandescent gases enter to the same, rubbing at great speed the interior lateral walls and producing a turbulence effect inside the boiler, and this made possible that when a conventional water injector, that also has a tangential position with respect to the boiler, but whose exit has an opposite sense to that of the entrance of the gases and is situated in the opposite extreme of the same, produces the emission of water.

This water is carried away by the turbulence effect and the water is mixed with the high temperature gases, obtaining in this way the immediate production of steam with the instantaneous increase of the pressure inside the boiler. The rotation of the gases inside the boiler has the effect that the biggest drops, due to the centrifugal effect, are placed against the lateral walls, whereas the smaller drops, also named dry steam, are placed closer to the center. In the center of the inferior face of the boiler there is a circular opening that acts as a communication with the internal part of the cylinder of the piston. Such opening is closed by the action of another flat valve similar to the one utilized in the compressor and that it is composed by the same elements that the valve mentioned earlier. The piston that is situated below the boiler is also actuated initially by the action of the crankshaft mentioned earlier.

Such piston is of the conventional type and it has been embedded by a cylindrical protuberance in the center of the surface of its head. Such cylindrical protuberance has a smaller diameter than the central opening of the boiler, and this allows the easier insertion in the same, allowing the free pass of the steam from the boiler toward the interior of the cylinder of the piston at the point when the piston reaches its highest trajectory. The height of the cylindrical protuberance is such that it allows the lifting of the flat valve that is situated above the same, always avoiding that the surface of the head of the piston get in touch with the superior surface of the internal face of the cylinder of the piston. So, when in its ascendant movement the piston lifts the flat valve, the steam pass from the boiler toward the interior of the cylinder of the piston, exerting the necessary pressure to push the piston downward, to the point in which, in its descent when it reaches the lowest point of its journey, the piston free the exits of the conducts (used commonly for this purpose), and by means of this the gases are liberated. By the action of the inertia of a conventional flywheel, which is fixed in an extreme of a shaft of the crankshaft, the rotating movement of the shaft continues, starting in this way again the process with the upward movement of the piston.

2—An ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, which is characterized because the boiler is circular, and because the direction of the entrance of the flame and of the water are placed in such a way that are tangential to the boiler but they are opposite to each other in its direction of exit, since they are situated in opposite extremes one from the other, and this makes that the high temperature gases and the water enter to the same, rubbing at a great speed the interior lateral walls and producing a turbulence effect inside the boiler, and this allows the mixing of the water with the high temperature gases, obtaining in this way the immediate production of steam, by the transmission of heat by convection, with the instantaneous increase of the pressure inside of the boiler. This rotation of the gases inside the boiler has the effect of making that the biggest water drops, due to the centrifugal effect, are placed against the lateral walls, whereas the smaller drops, also called dry steam, are placed closer to the center.

3—An ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, which is characterized because the piston that is situated below the boiler has a cylindrical protuberance of smaller diameter than the inferior opening that it is present in the boiler.

4—An ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, which is characterized because the flat valve that is situated in the boiler blocks the pass of the steam to the interior of the cylinder of the piston, since the same is lifted by the action of the protuberance that is present in the piston and that is situated below the same, when this is in the highest position of its journey.


ENGINE WITH STEAM-BOILER BY CONVECTION, formed by an assembly in which there is present a compressor whose product is mixed with fuel, generating a flame that heats the water that is offered and producing steam. This steam is then transferred to a piston, transforming on this way the thermal energy into mechanical energy.


1. (canceled)

2. (canceled)

3. (canceled)

4. (canceled)

5. (canceled)

6. A steam engine, comprising:

a piston cylinder;
a piston at least partially disposed in said piston cylinder, wherein at least at some point during a stroke of said piston air is compressed in said piston cylinder; and
a combustion chamber configured for receiving air from said piston cylinder, wherein fuel is introduced into said combustion chamber and mixes with air in said combustion chamber.

7. The steam engine as set forth in claim 6, further comprising a valve carried by said piston, wherein said valve has an open position that allows air to flow through said piston and said valve, and wherein said valve has a closed position to prevent air flow therethrough.

8. The steam engine as set forth in claim 7, wherein in said closed position of said valve an upper surface of said valve aligns with a top surface of said piston to form a flat surface, and wherein said valve is spring biased to said closed position.

9. The steam engine as set forth in claim 7, wherein said valve is in said closed position during at least a part of an up stroke of said piston, and wherein said valve is in said open position during at least a part of a down stroke of said piston.

10. The steam engine as set forth in claim 6, further comprising a flat valve positioned proximate to an end of said piston cylinder, wherein said flat valve has a closed position that prevents air in said piston cylinder from exiting an end of said piston cylinder, wherein said flat valve is spring biased to said closed position, and wherein air compressed in said piston cylinder by said piston during a stroke of said piston forces said flat valve to open to allow air in said piston cylinder to flow therefrom.

11. The steam engine as set forth in claim 6, further comprising a chamber in fluid communication with said combustion chamber, wherein said chamber is capable of being placed into fluid communication with said piston cylinder in order to allow air in said piston cylinder to flow from said piston cylinder into said chamber and into said combustion chamber, and wherein said combustion chamber is tear drop shaped.

12. The steam engine as set forth in claim 6, further comprising:

a boiler in fluid communication with said combustion chamber, wherein fuel in said combustion chamber is ignited and is transferred to said boiler; and
a water injector in fluid communication with said boiler, wherein said water injector injects water into said boiler that is heated by ignited fuel in said boiler in order to produce steam.

13. The steam engine as set forth in claim 12, wherein said boiler has a generally round wall, and wherein the ignited fuel is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the ignited fuel is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler, and wherein the water is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the water is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler.

14. The steam engine as set forth in claim 12, further comprising:

a boiler flat valve at least partially located in said boiler, said boiler flat valve has a closed position to prevent steam in said boiler from exiting said boiler through a circular opening, wherein said boiler flat valve has an open position to allow steam in said boiler to exit said boiler through said circular opening, wherein said boiler flat valve is spring biased to said closed position;
a boiler piston cylinder defining said circular opening; and
a boiler piston at least partially disposed in said boiler piston cylinder, wherein said boiler piston has a protuberance configured to be disposed through said circular opening to engage said boiler flat valve to move said boiler flat valve to said open position in order to allow steam in said boiler to flow through said circular opening and into said boiler piston cylinder to urge said boiler piston to move.

15. A steam engine, comprising:

a boiler configured for receiving fuel and water, wherein the fuel is ignited and is mixed with the water in said boiler in order to heat the water and form steam in said boiler; and
a boiler piston configured for movement with respect to said boiler, wherein said boiler piston is exposed to the steam of said boiler at least at one point in the stroke of said boiler piston in order to urge said boiler piston to move.

16. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, further comprising a combustion chamber that receives compressed air and the fuel, wherein said combustion chamber has a filament capable of becoming incandescent in order to ignite the fuel, wherein the compressed air and ignited fuel are transferred from said combustion chamber to said boiler.

17. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, wherein said boiler has a generally round wall, and wherein the ignited fuel is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the ignited fuel is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler, and wherein the water is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the water is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler.

18. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, wherein the fuel is ignited before entering said boiler and contacts a wall of said boiler upon entering said boiler to assume a turbulent flow in said boiler, and wherein the water mixes with the ignited fuel and is rotated such that larger drops of water are urged against said wall of said boiler and smaller drops of water are urged towards the center of said boiler.

19. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, further comprising a boiler flat valve at least partially located in said boiler, said boiler flat valve has a closed position to prevent steam in said boiler from exiting said boiler through an opening of said boiler, wherein said boiler flat valve has an open position to allow steam in said boiler to exit said boiler through said opening, wherein said boiler flat valve is spring biased to said closed position.

20. The steam engine as set forth in claim 19, wherein said boiler piston has a cylindrical protuberance located on one end thereof, and wherein said opening of said boiler is a circular opening located at the center of said boiler, wherein at a point in the stroke of said boiler piston said cylindrical protuberance is disposed through said opening of said boiler and engages said boiler flat valve and moves said boiler flat valve from said closed position to said open position to allow steam in said boiler to flow through said opening of said boiler such that said boiler piston is exposed to the steam to be urged to move.

21. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, wherein the fuel is a type selected from the group consisting of gasoline, kerosene, and diesel.

22. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, further comprising a boiler piston cylinder, wherein said boiler piston is disposed in said boiler piston cylinder at least at some point during a stroke of said boiler piston, and wherein said boiler piston cylinder defines at least one porthole to allow steam in said boiler piston cylinder to be vented therefrom.

23. The steam engine as set forth in claim 15, further comprising:

a piston cylinder;
a piston at least partially disposed in said piston cylinder, wherein at least at some point during a stroke of said piston air is compressed in said piston cylinder; and
a flat valve positioned proximate to an end of said piston cylinder, wherein said flat valve has a closed position that prevents air in said piston cylinder from exiting an end of said piston cylinder, wherein said flat valve is spring biased to said closed position, and wherein air compressed in said piston cylinder by said piston during a stroke of said piston forces said flat valve to open to allow air in said piston cylinder to flow therefrom;
wherein the compressed air flows from said piston cylinder and mixes with the fuel and both subsequently flow into said boiler.

24. The steam engine as set forth in claim 23, further comprising a valve carried by said piston, wherein said valve has an open position that allows air to flow through said piston and said valve, and wherein said valve has a closed position to prevent air flow therethrough;

wherein said valve is in said closed position during at least a part of an up stroke of said piston, and wherein said valve is in said open position during at least a part of a down stroke of said piston;
wherein in said closed position of said valve an upper surface of said valve aligns with a top surface of said piston to form a flat surface, and wherein said valve is spring biased to said closed position.

25. A steam engine, comprising:

a piston cylinder;
a piston at least partially disposed in said piston cylinder, wherein at least at some point during a stroke of said piston air is compressed in said piston cylinder;
a combustion chamber configured for receiving air from said piston cylinder, wherein fuel is introduced into said combustion chamber and mixes with air in said combustion chamber, and wherein the fuel is ignited in said combustion chamber;
a boiler in fluid communication with said combustion chamber so as to receive the combined air and ignited fuel mixture therefrom, wherein said boiler has a generally round wall and wherein the ignited fuel is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the ignited fuel is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler, wherein water is injected into said boiler at an orientation that is generally tangential to said generally round wall of said boiler such that the water is initially directed along said generally round wall of said boiler upon first entering said boiler, wherein the ignited fuel and the water mix in said boiler in order to heat the water and form steam in said boiler; and
a boiler piston configured for movement with respect to said boiler, wherein said boiler piston is exposed to the steam of said boiler at least at one point in the stroke of said boiler piston in order to urge said boiler piston to move.
Patent History
Publication number: 20070151247
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 12, 2006
Publication Date: Jul 5, 2007
Inventor: Juan Kippes (San Isidro)
Application Number: 11/637,451
Current U.S. Class: 60/645.000; 60/516.000; 60/650.000; 60/670.000
International Classification: F01B 29/08 (20060101); F01K 13/00 (20060101); F01K 25/02 (20060101); F01K 23/06 (20060101);