Fluid Container

A storage device for liquid and other substances made as a closed body with empty space for storage, including a base and upper part placed at a distance one opposite the other joined to each other by means of a thin and flexible envelope connected to the whole circumferences of them and wherein a stretching means are located on them force in opposite directions and generates a continuous tension on the envelope and prevent its collapsing, and wherein removal of the stretching means enables collapsing of the storage device envelope and reduction its volume.

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The present invention relates to storage device generally and more particularly to a storage device for liquids, i.e., a bottle or bag.


One of the most severe ever-growing problems in recent years has been related to garbage and waste. The world literally fills up and becomes congested with mounds of waste.

Part of the waste, primarily organic waste, disintegrates and adversely affects the environment by polluting it; however, its effect is only temporary. On the other hand, a large amount of the waste includes non-degradable and non-disintegrating substances, mainly plastics and its by-products. These non-disintegrating substances take up a great deal of space and volume, thus constituting a real serious problem.

The use of the disposable products made of plastics, aluminum, cardboard, etc., has been greatly accelerated in recent years, due to the cheap price of raw materials as well as the convenience of using plastics and their easy workability, and also the inexpensive final price of the products.

Accelerating the use of disposable packing has greatly increased the waste accumulation problem, and in the future will become one of the largest problems with which the world will have to deal.

The use of disposable products constitutes a real ecological crime, in general, especially wherever disposable packing is concerned.

A disposable bottle of plastics, which had served as beverage storage for a short period of time until it was consumed, will roll around and be in the way till the end of days, or almost that long, unless it is collected and recycled.

In recent years a great deal of effort has been invested in raising the matter of recycling to the public awareness, including charging a deposit for the packing. It may take years before recycling is a success, if at all. Even if it yields partial success, still, the problem of the products that have already been dispersed will remain.

Many plastic products, especially bottles, take up large volume, although they are hollow, and despite the fact that their physical material is minimal. A plastic bottle of 2000 cc does not consist of more than 8-10 cc of material.

Once there is no longer any use for the bottle's contents, its packing becomes a continuous nuisance. Even at home the bottle is discarded in the dustbin and occupies a significant part of its volume, which requires frequent emptying. Moreover, the local refuse container fills up with many empty bottles and requires frequent emptying as well. The waste truck also fills up much faster due to the empty bottles, thus more drives to the local dump sites are needed. At the end of the process the mounds of wastes that are accumulated in the local dump site are higher and of a larger volume.

Even in areas of high recycling awareness the bottles constitute a continuous problem, since their large volume already poses a problem at the domestic stage, subsequently in the bottle collecting containers and finally in the carrying truck.

If it were possible to melt or crush the bottles already at the domestic stage, a great deal of the problems described above could be solved and avoided. However, domestic melting or crushing devices are only dreams that are far from reality.

One of the main objects of the present invention is to minimize, as much as possible, the volume of the empty bottles avoiding the need for the expensive devices that are intended for this purpose only, without any costs to the consumer. The French patents 2668732, 2550102, 2780912 as well as patent EP0554646 offers methods and empty bottle crushing devices when no longer in use. The ideas are tempting, but the thought that the consumer will purchase a device, install it in his home and invest real efforts in decreasing the volume of the empty bottles is unrealistic, as far as most consumers are concerned.

Another problem associated with the bottles and other storage devices is related to the thickness and strength of the material from which the bottles are made. For the purpose of liquid storage of a small quantity, such as a few liters only, a bag or a bottle with a similar thickness of a plastic bag could suffice. Indeed, there are drinks such as milk and cacao etc., which are sold when they are packed in bags and take up far less space in the waste disposal system. However, the use of bags for liquid storage is not convenient, since we expect the storage device to be placed firmly after opening it without collapsing, and spilling its contents, and without the need for accessories that will hold the bags and prevent their collapsing and spilling. In order to attribute more rigidity and convenience of pouring and use to the disposable storage device, the strength of the bottle material has been increased by enlarging the wall thickness, though for the purpose of storage only a significantly smaller wall thickness would have been sufficient. In other words, the desire to produce a disposable packing that would be convenient for use has forced the manufacturers to increase the strength of the bottle material, consequently creating the chain of problems as already described, associated with disposing the waste accumulation.

Therefore, another object of the present invention, which is no less important, is to allow the production of bottles and devices of a significantly thinner wall than the existing bottles that will not affect their external strength and the ease of their use and stability after opening them.

another object of the present invention is to provide a device that will give the bag-like packing, such as the milk bag etc., strength and stability while using it. A milk bag or a liquid soap bag, after being opened, cannot “stand on its own”, since without an accessory that will hold it and prevent it from collapsing, the whole contents will spill. An accessory device for a milk bag, or any other bag, has many drawbacks, as the storage device tends to accumulate fluids that can condense on the external side of the cold milk bag and slide to the bottom of the device, thus becoming a nursery of bacteria accumulation, etc. it should also be noted that the accumulated fluids at the bottom of the bag storage device tend to mix with the milk of the bag contents while diverting the storage device with the bag in it, beyond the horizontal line, and by that “enrich it” with bacteria and dirt.

another object of the present invention is a solution to the intensity of crushing or folding bottles storing devices, many inventions have been developed in an attempt to handle the serious problems as described, especially to reduce the volume of the empty bottles. Many hundreds of inventions suggested producing crushing or folding bottles and storing devices whose volume would be reduced, or such that would be folded or crushed when no longer in use. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,224,613, 4,898,306, 5,392,941 offer bottles or storage devices upon which termination of use, by pushing or squeezing them, they will crush, fold or collapse, thus reducing their volume. The main disadvantage of those inventions lies in the fact that the crushable devices are not stable and they tend to collapse or fold involuntarily; furthermore, their production is too costly and complex. Finally, they were not able to penetrate the market, and the disposable strong, comfortable and stable bottles could not be replaced.

This invention enables a voluntary crushing or collapsing operation by the user, thus reducing the volume, and so involuntary crushing or collapsing is prevented.


There is thus provided in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention, an internal “stretching” device is offered. In a bottle, related to the present invention, the thickness of the bottle's envelope was reduced to the most feasible minimum, the base of the bottle and its upper part, which includes the neck and cup, are made of a thicker and more solid material, the result of such a structure is a type of bag being solid at its base as well as at its upper part, In order to make the walls of the bottle strong and stable enough, a hollow pipe-like sleeve is inserted through the bottle neck, reaching its base, joins the base of the bottle and its upper part and exerts a strong stretching force between the base of the bottle and its upper part, creates a continuous tension of the bottle's envelope and prevents its collapsing, and also offers stability and convenience of use, The hollow sleeve has bores along its length, especially in the part closest to the bottle neck, thus allowing passage of the bottle contents into the sleeve, from where it proceeds outside the bottle, when the bottle or the storage device is no longer in use, all the consumer needs to do is a simple operation of separating the sleeve from the bottle, Once the sleeve has been extracted from the bottle, the tension ceases to exist in the envelope, and the bottle can be crushed or folded, thus its volume can significantly be reduced.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the stretching means are fixed feature permanently joined to the base and to the upper part of the storage device.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the extractable hollow pipe-like sleeve is provided with attachments means intended to allow it's attachment to the inner perimeter of the cup's aperture.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the storage device's base includes a depression or protrusion that is intended to contain the inner part of the extractable pipe-like sleeve.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the extractable sleeve is inserted into the space of the storage device through an opening especially produced for that purpose on the upper part of the device which is not the cup's aperture.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the storage device is provided with more than one internal sleeve.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the extractable sleeve includes protruding flexible spring ribs applied in chosen points along the length of the sleeve perpendicular to the longitudinal line of the sleeve, supporting the device's envelope.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the envelope of the storage device includes reinforcing ribs.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the upper part of the extractable sleeve adjacent and faces the device's cup includes seizure and/or rotation means.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the cup provided with opposite suitable clutching means on it upper external surface for cooperation with the seizure and/or rotation means of the extractable sleeve.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the base and the upper part of the storage device includes external linking or connection means for mounting the storage device on external stretching and stabilizing device.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the storage device has the shape of elongated sleeve-like plastic bag.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the linking or connection means of the elongated sleeve-like plastic bag are made as hollow sleeves.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the linking or connection means of the elongated sleeve-like plastic bag are made as protruding bars.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the linking or connection means of the elongated sleeve-like plastic bag are made as shaped holes.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the shaped holes of the plastic bag include reinforcement means.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the linking or connection means are made as protruding shaped buttons.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the linking or connection means provided on the base and the upper part includes additional external Shaped accessories partially protrude outside the linking or connection means.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the additional external accessories are closed ring shaped.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the additional external accessories are open ring shaped.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the additional external accessories are hooked shaped.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the external stretching and stabilizing device is provided as flexible bar includes stable base and wherein the upper and the bottom parts of the flexible bar includes joining means allows joining of the storage device to the stretching and stabilizing device.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the flexible bar includes a handle.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the joining means are provided as two fingers-like pins standing perpendicular to the flexible bar.

Furthermore, in accordance with some preferred embodiments of the present invention the fingers-like joining pins provided as hollow pipe or sleeve.


FIG. 1 is a section view of a bottle-like storage device as exists today.

FIG. 2 is a section view of s a bottle-like storage device which includes a thin envelope and a fixed hollow sleeve which joins the base of the bottle to its upper part.

FIG. 3 is a section view of a bottle-like storage device with screwing at the bottle's neck area and an extractable hollow sleeve with screwing on it upper part.

FIG. 4 is a section view of the bottle like storage device illustrates in FIG. 3 when a simple operation of threading the sleeve in the opening direction it separate and extracted from the bottle.

FIG. 5 is a section view of the bottle like storage device illustrates in FIG. 4 illustrates how, when the sleeve has been extracted from the bottle the tension in the bottle's envelope no longer exists, and so the bottle can be crushed or folded, thus its volume can significantly be reduced.

FIG. 6a is a front section view of a bottle-like storage device which includes attachments means of the extractable pipe-like sleeve includes teeth intended to be caught in suitable grooves which are provided around the internal perimeter of the cup's aperture.

FIG. 6b is a top elevation section view of the storage device illustrates in FIG. 6a

FIG. 7 is a section view of a bottle-like storage device, in which the sleeves constitutes a fixed feature of the bottle and are non-extractable.

FIG. 8 is a front section view of a bottle-like storage device which includes attachments means of the extractable pipe-like sleeve includes flexible teeth intended to be caught in suitable grooves provided below the internal perimeter of the cup's aperture or in other chosen point along the cup's aperture.

FIG. 9 is a section view of a bottle-like storage device with a thin envelope that includes reinforcing ribs.

FIG. 10 is a front section view of a bottle-like storage device in which the extractable sleeve includes reinforcing ribs intended to add strength to the envelope.

FIG. 11a is a top view of the upper part of the extractable screwing sleeve includes internal wall that traverse it and are intended to allow gripping of the sleeve and rotating it in order to release its attachment to the bottle's neck and its subsequent extraction.

FIG. 11b is a front section view of the extractable screwing sleeve illustrates in FIG. 11a.

FIG. 12a is a front section view of a bottle's cup according to the present invention including shaped nodes which are adapted for insertion into the sleeve's internal walls and allow the seizure of the sleeve and its rotation.

FIG. 12b is a top view of the bottle's cup illustrates in FIG. 12a.

FIG. 13 is a front view of a plastic bag structure which serves, for example, for the storage of milk.

FIG. 14a is a front view of an improved storage bag illustrates in FIG. 13 includes additional hollow sleeves on the base and on the upper part.

FIG. 14b is a side view of the storage bag illustrates in FIG. 14a.

FIG. 15A is a front view illustrates an external stretching and stabilizing device intended to attribute stability to the storage bag illustrates in FIGS. 14a & 14b.

FIG. 15B is a side section cut view illustrates the cross section of the two fingers-like pins used as joining means for the storage bag.

FIG. 15c is a front section view illustrates improved storage bag as illustrates in FIG. 14 mounted on the external stretching and stabilizing device illustrates in FIGS. 15a &15b

FIG. 16a is a side view illustrates an improved storage bag with fixed gripping means intended to allow its attachment and stretching to the external stretching and stabilizing device. A side cross section of the stretching and stabilizing device illustrates in FIG. 16b also appears in this figure.

FIG. 16b is a front view of the stretching and stabilizing device suitable to the storage bag illustrates in FIG. 16a.

FIG. 17a is a side section view illustrates an improved storage bag with protruded fixed linking or connecting means, intended to allow the attachment and stretching of the bag to the external stretching and stabilizing device. A side cross section of the stretching and stabilizing device illustrates in FIG. 17b also appears in this figure.

FIG. 17b is a front view of the stretching and stabilizing device suitable to the storage bag illustrates in FIG. 17a.

FIG. 18 is a front view of an improved bottle-like storage device which includes fixed gripping means intended to allow the attachment and stretching of the bottle-like storage device to the external stretching and stabilizing device.

FIGS. 19a&19b are front and side views of improved storage bag includes holes as linking or connecting means on it's base and on the upper part

FIGS. 20a&20b are front and side views of improved storage bag includes reinforced holes as linking or connecting means on it's base and on the upper part.

FIGS. 21a&21b are front and side views of improved storage bag includes upper shaped reinforced hole and base holes as linking or connecting means.

FIG. 22 is a front view of additional external connection accessories in close ring shaped.

FIG. 23 is a front view of additional external connection accessories in open ring shaped.

FIG. 24 is a front view of additional external connection accessories hook shaped.


FIG. 1 illustrates the structure of an ordinary bottle 1 which already exists today. The bottle includes base 2, envelope 3, an upper part 4 with a neck 5, threading 6 and a cup 7.

FIG. 2 is a section view of s a bottle-like storage device 1, includes a thin envelope 3, a fixed hollow sleeve 8 which joins the base of the bottle 2 and its upper part 4. The sleeve 8 includes bores 9 along its length, mainly at the part that is closer to the bottle's neck 4, thus allowing the passage of the bottle's contents into sleeve 8 and subsequently outside the bottle. In bottle 1 the thickness of bottle's envelope 3 has been reduced to a feasible minimum, similar to the thickness of a milk bag. The bottle base 2 and the upper part 4, which includes neck 5 and cup 7, are made of a thicker and more solid substance. The result of such a structure is a kind of bag having a stable base and a stable upper part. In order to give strength and stability to the bottle's wall, i.e. envelope 3, a hollow pipe-like sleeve 8 has been added, joins the bottle base 2 and its upper part 4, and exerts a strong stretching force between the bottle base 2 and its upper part 4. This strong stretching force creates a continuous tension of the bottle's envelope 3 and prevents its collapse, thus attributing stability and convenience of use to the bottle. Hollow sleeve 8 contains bores 9 along its length, mainly at the part closer to the bottle's neck 5 which allow passage of the bottle's contents to the sleeve 8 and subsequently outside the bottle. Such a bottle structure saves material by decreasing the envelope's wall thickness and reduces the weight of the empty bottle.

FIG. 3 is a section view of the bottle like storage device illustrates a preferred embodiment of the present invention. in a bottle 1 the thickness of its envelope 3 has been reduced to the feasible minimum, similarly for example to the thickness of a milk bag. The bottle base 2 and its upper part 4, which includes neck 5 and cup 7 are made of a more thick and solid material. The result of this structure is a kind of a developed bag with a solid base and solid upper part. In order to attribute strength and stability to the bottle's wall, i.e., to envelope 3, a hollow extractable pipe-like sleeve 10 is inserted through the bottle's neck 5 and reaches the bottle's base 2. This hollow sleeve 10, includes on its external circumference on it's upper part an external threading 11, which is intended to be threaded to the internal threading 12, created inside the bottle's neck 5. The hollow sleeve 10 with its threading 11 is inserted into the bottle's neck until its internal end 13, arrives nearer to the bottle's base 2. In this situation the beginning of the external threading 11 of sleeve 10 comes in contact with the beginning of the internal threading 12 in the bottle's neck 5. Rotation of the hollow sleeve 10 drives the external threading 11 with it external circumference of the upper part of the hollow sleeve 10 into the internal threading 12 in the bottle's neck. Threading of the hollow sleeve 10 causes the internal part 13 to get closer to the bottle base 2 and further come in contact with it and enter the suitable depression 14 which is created in base 2. The continuation of the hollow sleeve 10 threading into bottle neck 5 causes exertion of strong tension force between the bottle's base 2 and its upper part 4. This strong tension force creates continuous tension of the bottles' envelope 3 and prevents its collapse and attributes stability and convenience of use to the bottle. In the hollow sleeve 10 there are bores 9 along its length, primarily at the part adjacent to the bottle's neck 5 which allow the passage of the bottle's contents into sleeve 10, and subsequently outside the bottle.

FIG. 4 is a section view of the bottle like storage device illustrates in FIG. 3 illustrates how upon termination of use of the bottle or the storage device, in simple operation of threading sleeve 10 in the direction of the opening, it is possible to separate sleeve 10 from the bottle and extract it out.

FIG. 5 is a section view of the bottle like storage device illustrates how once sleeve 10 has been extracted from bottle 1, the tension of the bottle's envelope 3 no longer exists, and it is possible to crush or fold it thus considerably reduce its volume.

FIGS. 6a & 6b are section view and top view illustrates another preferred embodiment of the present invention in which the bottle-like storage device is similar to the one described in FIG. 3, which includes a thin envelope 3 and an extractable hollow sleeve 15 with grip teeth 16 to the bottle's neck 5. Instead of internal threading in the bottle's neck 5 and external threading on the upper part of the sleeve, two protruding teeth 16 or more are provided on the external circumference on the upper part of sleeve 15. At the bottle's neck 5, commencing the upper open part through the bottle's neck up to a chosen point in its depth, a conveyor groove 17 or grooves are created, as their shape is compatible with the shape of the teeth 16 on the perimeter of sleeve 15. These conveyor grooves 17 can be created as they continue parallel to the longitudinal line of the bottle, and include at their end point, at the depth of the bottle's neck 5, locking grooves 18, which continue perpendicular to the conveyor grooves, so inserting sleeve 15 to the bottle's neck 5 forces teeth 16 into the conveyor grooves 17 Forcefully pushing sleeve 15 into the bottle's body against the bottle base 2 renders deeper penetration of sleeve 15 into the bottle's neck 5 and the proximity of teeth 16 on the external perimeter of sleeve 15 towards the locking grooves 18. Once teeth 16 are located against the locking grooves 18, sleeve 15 is rotated so that teeth 16 penetrate the locking grooves 18 and are latched in them. In this situation sleeve 15 is secured in its place and exerts a strong tension force between the bottle base 2 and its upper part 4. This strong stretching force creates a continuous tension of the bottle's envelope 3, prevents its collapse, and attributes stability and convenience of use to the bottle. There are bores 9 along the length of the hollow sleeve 15, especially at the part adjacent to the bottle's neck 5, which allow passage of the bottle's contents into sleeve 15 and subsequently outside the bottle. Obviously, instead of creating longitudinal conveyor grooves and vertical locking grooves for the conveyor grooves, threading-like diagonal grooves can be created, when their first part will lead and the rest will create locking teeth 16 in them, thus preventing extraction of sleeve 15 from the bottle. Upon termination of use of the bottle or the storage device, with a simple operation of rotating sleeve 15 in the opening direction, teeth 16 can be made to be extracted from locking grooves 18, and sleeve 15 can be separated from bottle 1, and then crush it or fold it, thus significantly reduce its volume.

FIG. 7 is a section view of the bottle like storage device, in which the stretching and stabilizing means constitute a fixed part of the bottle and are non-extractable, but placed in other chosen location, rather than in the bottle's neck. This option of the invention allows maximum flexibility in choosing the location of the storage device's aperture and neutralizes the link between the location of the aperture and the stabilizing means. Such a structure of a bottle saves material by minimizing the envelope wall, thus reducing the weight of the empty bottle.

FIG. 8 is a section view of the bottle like storage device, in which sleeve 19 includes spring attachment means 20 to the bottle's neck. In FIGS. 3 and 6 extractable sleeves with threading or fixed teeth were described. In this embodiment of the invention, sleeve 19 includes spring attachment means 20, which allow locking the sleeve to the bottle's neck, or at any other chosen point, by inserting sleeve 19 into the bottle's neck or to another bore that is created at the upper part of the bottle. The spring means are designed in such a way that while inserting sleeve 19 into the bottle's neck or into any other bore, they withdrawn into matching grooves provided under then in the sleeve's body and allow the penetration of the sleeve into the intended bore. As soon as the spring facilities have passed through the bottle's wall, they expand again and penetrate into the intended bore, and so prevent the extraction of the sleeve from the bottle. In this situation sleeve 19 is secured in its place and exerts a strong stretching force between the bottle base 2 and the upper part 4. This strong stretching force creates a continuous tension of the bottle's envelope 3 and prevents its collapse and attributes stability and convenience of use to the bottle. In the hollow sleeve 19 bores 9 exist along its length, especially at the part adjacent to the bottle's neck 5 which allow passage of the bottle's contents into sleeve 19, and from there outside the bottle. Of course, during use of the sleeve with the spring attachment facilities, in the bore which is not the bottle's neck, it is possible to waive bores 9, since emptying the bottle is not performed through them.

FIG. 9 is a section view of the bottle like storage device, in which reinforcing ribs 47 have been added to the thin envelope 3 for the purpose of enhancing the durability of the device; for example, for the purpose of using it for carbonated beverages, in which the internal pressure inside the bottle, is large. The reinforcing ribs can be found throughout the whole length of the envelope from the device's base up to its upper part, and may include instead or in addition ribs on the circumference of the envelope.

FIG. 10 is a section view of the bottle like storage device, in which sleeve 21 includes reinforcing ribs 22 that are intended to add strength to the bottle's envelope 3. Sleeve 21 includes flexible spring ribs 22 which are created in chosen points along the length of sleeve 21. These flexible spring ribs are made in such a way that in their natural state, they are more or less perpendicular to the longitudinal line of the sleeve and protrude from its body towards the bottle's envelope. While inserting the sleeve into the bottle, the same flexible spring ribs bend and attach to the sleeve body, thus allowing penetration to the bottle's space. Once these ribs passed the bottle's neck, they spring and expand and resume their original state and are in contact with the bottle's envelope, and so prevent the collapse of the envelope inwardly into the bottle. Upon termination of use of the bottle, while extracting the sleeve, the reinforcing ribs bend again and allow extraction of the sleeve from the bottle.

FIGS. 11a & b are section view and top view illustrates another preferred embodiment of the present invention in which sleeve 23, in its upper part adjacent to the bottle's cup, includes internal walls 24 which traverse it and are intended to seize the sleeve and rotate it for the purpose of closing it and releasing its attachment to the bottle's neck and its extraction.

FIGS. 12a & b are section view and top view illustrates cup 25 of the bottle, which is related to another preferred embodiment of the present invention and includes in its upper part shaped protrusions 26, which are suitable to be inserted into sleeve 23, as described in FIG. 11, and allow the seizure of the sleeve and its rotation for the purpose of closing it or releasing it from its attachment to the bottle's neck and its extraction.

FIG. 13 is a section view illustrates the structure of an ordinary plastic bag 27 which serves for storage of liquids, e.g., for storage of milk. The bag is build like an elongated sleeve sealed by soldering 28 on both ends. Puncturing a hole in the bag enables the use of its contents. After puncturing a hole in the bag it is necessary to use its contents immediately, or use a storage device to hold the open bag. The disadvantages of the existing storage devices have already been discussed in the introduction.

FIGS. 14a & b are section view and side view illustrates an improved storage bag 29. bag 27 that was illustrates on FIG. 13 has gained by extending the bag and adding of two more soldering strips 30 on both sides of the bag near the two original edges of the bag. The result of this stricture is a bag with two open sleeves 31 at both ends at the bottom part of the bag and its upper opposite side used as linking or connection means. These open sleeves 31 are intended to allow mounting the storage bag on top of a suitable storage device with finger-like protruding pins.

FIGS. 15a & b are section view and partially side cut view illustrate an external stretching and stabilizing device 32 The stretching and stabilizing device 32 includes on its bottom par a base 34 which is intended to allow stable and secured placing of the stretching and stabilizing device. The storage device includes on its bottom part and upper part two finger-like upright pins 35, protruding from bar 33, more or less perpendicular to it, and more or less perpendicular to base 34 of the storage device used for mounting the storage bag. For the purpose of easy grip of the storage device, the flexible bar 33 includes a handle 36, which allows the device maximum convenience during use. The device base can include a special depression which is intended to collect the fluids that are condensed on the walls of the storage bag.

FIG. 15c is section view illustrate an external stretching and stabilizing device 32 as illustrates on FIGS. 15a & b and an improved storage bag 29 as illustrates on FIG. 14, which is mounted on the external stretching and stabilizing device 32. The stretching and stabilizing device 32 includes a bar 33 that crosses from the bottom part of the storage bag up to its upper part. Bar 33 includes on its bottom part base 34 which is intended to allow stable and secured placing of the stretching and stabilizing device 32 and the storage bag 29 which is attached to it. The storage device includes on its bottom part and upper part two finger-like upright pins 35, protruding from bar 33, more or less perpendicular to it, and more or less perpendicular to base 34 of the storage device. Mounting the storage bag on the storage device is most simple and performed via inserting the two pins 35 into the two sleeves 31 used as linking or connection means, which are located on the two ends at the upper and bottom part of the storage bag. The distance between the two finger-like pins 35 of the storage device is a little greater than the distance between the two sleeves 32 of the storage bag, so that in order to insert pins 35 into sleeves 31 in the bag it is necessary to bend a little bar 33, which is built in a strong and flexible manner, so that the two pins 35 get a bit closer to each other. After mounting the storage bag on the storage device, and after eliminating the pressure that caused the bending of the flexible bar 33, the flexible bar 33 straightens, and by means of the finger-like pins 35, which are located in sleeves 31 of the storage device, exerts a permanent stretching pressure between the base of the storage bag and its upper part. This permanent stretching pressure consistently stretches the walls of the storage bag on the storage device, and allows convenient use of its contents. After the bag has been emptied, it's removed from the stretching and stabilizing device and is discarded.

FIGS. 16a & b are section view and side cut view illustrates an improved storage bag 37 with a fixed linking or connection means 38 protruding on the bottom and upper part of the storage bag, intended to allow its attaching and stretching to the improved storage device 39. The principle of the operation is identical to the one described in drawing No. 15c, except the fact that the protruding pins 40 include one long groove 41, almost throughout their whole length.

FIGS. 17a & b are section view and partially side cut view illustrates an improved storage bag 37 with fixed linking or connection means 38 which protrude on the bottom and upper side of the storage bag, intended to allow its attaching and stretching to the improved storage device 42. The principle of the operation is identical to that described in drawing No. 15, except the fact that the protruding pins 43 are made as a hollow pipe that includes a long groove 44 almost throughout their whole length. The fixed linking or connection means 38, which protrude from storage bag 37, are inserted inside the spaces in the protruding pins 43.

FIG. 18 is a section view illustrates an improved storage bag 45 with an external shape similar to the bottle, with fixed linking or connection means 46, protruding on the bottom and upper side of the bottle-like storage device, intended to enable attaching and stretching to the external stretching and stabilizing device. The principle of the operation is identical to the one described in the above mentioned Figs.

FIGS. 19a & b are section view and side view illustrates an improved storage bag 48 includes linking or connection means 49 shaped as holes made on the bottom and upper side of the bottle-like storage device intended to enable attaching and stretching to matching external stretching and stabilizing device provided based on the principles above mentioned.

FIGS. 20a & b are section view and side view illustrates an improved storage bag 50 similar to storage bag illustrates in FIGS. 19a & b includes reinforced holes 51 as linking or connection means.

FIGS. 21a & b are section view and side view illustrates an improved storage bag 52 similar to storage bag illustrates in FIGS. 19a & b includes upper shaped reinforced hole 53 and base holes 54 as linking or connection means.

FIG. 22 is a section view illustrates an improved storage bag 55 similar to storage bag illustrates in FIGS. 19a & b includes upper additional external connection accessory in close ring shape 56 and base holes 57 as linking or connection means.

FIG. 23 is a section view illustrates an improved storage bag 55 similar to storage bag illustrates in FIG. 22 includes upper additional external connection accessory in open ring shape 58 and base holes 57 as linking or connection means.

FIG. 24 is a section view illustrates an improved storage bag 55 similar to storage bag illustrates in FIG. 22 includes upper additional external connection accessory in hook shape 59 and base holes 57 as linking or connection means.

It is hereby stated and clarified that in the detailed descriptions and drawings the use of the words “bottle, storage bag and storage device” etc., refer in general to “storage device” of liquids and other materials which can be replaced between the words, and in any place where a “bottle” is described, it can be called “a bag” and vice versa, and also refer to it in a general way as “storage device”.

It is hereby stated and clarified that the descriptions and drawings which have been used here serve for the purpose of better understanding of the invention and do not limit the innovations presented in this invention to those alone, but to the basic principles of the operation, as described in the following claims.

It is also stated and clarified that an expert in this area, after reading this detailed description, will be able to suggest changes and many other options which are related to the implementation of this invention, but covered in the following


1. A storage device for liquids and other substances made as a closed body with empty space for storage, including a base and upper part placed at a distance one opposite the other joined to each other by means of a thin and flexible envelope connected to the whole circumferences of them and wherein a stretching means are located between the upper part and the base touches both of them and exerts on them force in opposite directions and generates a continuous tension on the envelope and prevent it's collapsing, and wherein removal the stretching means enables collapsing of the storage device envelope and reduction its volume.

2. A storage device as described in claim 1, wherein the stretching means are located inside the inner space of the storage device

3. A storage device as described in claim 1, wherein the stretching means are located outside the storage device body.

4. A storage device as described in claim 2 includes a stable base and a reinforced upper part.

5. A storage device as described in claim 3 includes a stable base and a reinforced upper part.

6. A storage device as described in claim 4, wherein the upper part of the storage device includes an aperture that can be opened and closed with a cup.

7. A storage device as described in claim 5, wherein the upper part of the storage device includes an aperture that can be opened and closed with a cup.

8. A storage device as described in claim 2, wherein the stretching means are fixed feature permanently joined to the base and to the upper part.

9. A storage device as described in claim 3, wherein the stretching means are fixed feature permanently joined to the base and to the upper part.

10. A storage device as described in claim 8, wherein the stretching mean passes through the storage device cup aperture and part of it, especially the upper part, is hollow pipe-like sleeve includes apertures allows emptying the contents of the device through the stretching means.

11. A storage device as described in claim 6, wherein the stretching means includes a hollow extractable pipe-like sleeve which is inserted into the inner space of the storage device through the cup's aperture and wherein the extractable sleeve contains attachments means intended to allow it's attachment to the inner perimeter of the cup's aperture, and wherein the hollow pipe-like sleeve includes apertures allows emptying the contents of the device through the extractable sleeve.

12. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the attachments means of the extractable pipe-like sleeve includes external screwing on it's upper external perimeter and suitable opposite screwing provided on the inner perimeter of the cup's aperture.

13. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the attachments means of the extractable pipe-like sleeve includes teeth intended to be caught in suitable grooves which are provided around the internal perimeter of the cup's aperture.

14. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the attachments means of the extractable pipe-like sleeve includes flexible teeth or teeth intended to be caught in suitable grooves which are produced around the internal perimeter of the cup's aperture.

15. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the base of the storage device includes a depression that is intended to contain the inner part of the extractable pipe-like sleeve.

16. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the base of the storage device includes a protrusion that is intended to contain the inner part of the extractable pipe-like sleeve.

17. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the extractable sleeve is inserted into the space of the storage device through an opening especially produced for that purpose on the upper part of the device which is not the cup's aperture.

18. A storage device as described in claim 11 while more than one sleeve are provided.

19. A storage device as described in claim 11, wherein the extractable sleeve includes protruding flexible spring ribs applied in chosen points along the length of the sleeve, perpendicular to the longitudinal line of the sleeve, supporting the device's envelope.

20. A storage device as described in claim 1 wherein the envelope of the storage device includes reinforcing ribs.

21. A storage device as described in claim 11 wherein the upper part of the extractable sleeve adjacent and faces the device's cup includes seizure and/or rotation means.

22. A storage device as described in claim 21 wherein the seizure and/or the rotation means includes inner walls that traverse the internal space of the extractable sleeve.

23. A storage device as described in claim 21 including a cup provided with opposite suitable clutching means on it upper external surface for cooperation with the seizure and/or rotation means of the extractable sleeve.

24. A storage device as described in claim 23 wherein the clutching means of the cup includes shaped protrusions.

25. A storage device as described in claim 3 wherein the base and the upper part of the storage device includes external linking or connection means for mounting the storage device on external stretching and stabilizing device.

26. A storage device as described in claim 25 made as an elongated sleeve-like plastic bag.

27. A storage device as described in claim 26 wherein the linking or connection means are made as hollow sleeves.

28. A storage device as described in claim 26 wherein the linking or connection means are made as protruding bars.

29. A storage device as described in claim 26 wherein the linking or connection means are made as shaped holes.

30. A storage device as described in claim 29 wherein the shaped holes includes reinforcement means.

31. A storage device as described in claim 26 wherein the linking or connection means are made as protruding shaped buttons.

32. A storage device as described in claim 26 wherein the linking or connection means provided on the base and the upper part includes additional external Shaped accessories partially protrude outside the linking or connection means.

33. A storage device as described in claim 32 wherein the additional external accessories are hook shaped.

34. A storage device as described in claim 32 wherein the additional external accessories are closed ring shaped.

35. A storage device as described in claim 32 wherein the additional external accessories are open ring shaped.

36. A storage device as described in claim 25 wherein the external stretching and stabilizing device is provided as flexible bar including stable base and wherein the upper and the bottom parts of the flexible bar includes joining means allows joining of the storage device to the stretching and stabilizing device.

37. A storage device as described in claim 36 wherein the flexible bar includes a handle.

38. A storage device as described in claim 36 wherein the joining means are provided as two fingers-like pins standing perpendicular to the flexible bar.

39. A storage device as described in claim 38 wherein the fingers-like pins provided as hollow pipe or sleeve.

Patent History
Publication number: 20080245804
Type: Application
Filed: Jun 21, 2004
Publication Date: Oct 9, 2008
Inventor: Yoav Weinberger (Haifa)
Application Number: 11/630,275
Current U.S. Class: Contoured End Wall (e.g., Curved, Corrugated, Ribbed, Etc.) (220/608)
International Classification: B65D 8/04 (20060101);