Loopie ball
What is new in the art to which our invention pertains is that this is a game which utilizes a combination of materials and game pieces that are unique in design with the use of balls attached together and a vertical “Loopie Ladder”. This game requires no batteries, electricity or fuel other than the energy of humans. This is a unique game and contributes to the art and science of games and physical activity. The game has universal appeal for either gender. It may be played individually or in groups of two or more. If played alone, the object is to score the highest point value rung or outrigger with each toss.
“Loopie Ball” is a game that can be played by one, or multiple players. The game parts consist of four (4) sets of three (3) [total of twelve (12)] two (2) ball “Loopie Balls”. Each set of balls is a different color. The balls are the size and weight of golf balls. In fact, the prototype of “Loopie Ball” will utilize golf balls for game parts. Manufacturing specifications for the balls will be essentially the same as for golf balls without the “dimples” that are on the cover of golf balls.
The balls will be attached by a rawhide tether that will be strung through a ⅛th inch hole through the center of the ball. The balls will be colored white, yellow, orange and pink. The rawhide tether will be ten (10) inches between the balls from inner circumference to inner circumference. The use of rawhide for the tether material insures years of rough play with no breakage. It is also easy to replace with a rawhide tether if it does happen to break. Each player will have three (3) sets of “Loopie Balls” of the same color.
In addition to the four (4) sets of three (3) same-colored “Loopie Balls”, there are two “Loopie Ladders” made of white ¾ inch PVC pipe and various ¾ inch connectors such as would commonly be found in the plumbing supply section of any hardware store. Each “Loopie Ladder” is assembled in such a fashion that the “Loopie Ladder” resembles a three (3) rung ladder with two short “outriggers” extending from the bottom rung, capped by a “T” joint connector. The cap connectors are assembled so that the hollow is facing the up-down direction. The rungs and outriggers are given respective scoring values (foot) based on the relative difficulty of having the “Loopie Balls” catch on the rungs.
The three horizontal rungs are made of pipe twenty-four (26) inches long. The vertical support pipes are each eighteen (14) inches long. The “Loopie Ladder” will therefore be eighteen (14) inches off the ground and roughly eighteen (18) inches spaced between the middle and top rungs. The two (2) outriggers will be at the eighteen (14) inch level measured from the feet of the support legs on the same plane as the lower rung. The structure will be connected with a series of ¾ inch plastic pipe connectors. Starting at the top rung: The top rung is connected by two (2) 90 degree elbow joints to two (2) vertical eighteen (14) inch pipe, which is connected to a “T” joint that also supports the middle rung. Below this joint are vertical eighteen (14) inch pieces that lead down to a four (4) way or “X” joint, joining the bottom legs to the (foot) base and allowing the “outrigger” rungs to extend to the outside of the “Loopie Ladder” structure. The lower legs are slipped into closed “cap” type joiners that are bolted to the (foot) base. The cap joints will not be glued so that the (foot) base may be removed. In addition, the leg that inserts into the top of the four (4)-way joint will also not be glued to facilitate the break-down of the “Loopie Ladder” for easy storage and transport. While being played these joints will be slip joints that are held together by friction and gravity.
When the game is played on a soft surface such as grass, soil or sand, there is a provided anchoring system that will give stability to the ladder structure when the ball game pieces impact the structure when tossed. The anchor will be a twenty-four (24) inch dowel that will be inserted through the “T” joint that is attached to the end of the “outriggers”. This joint will be situated on a vertical plane so that the dowels may slip through the hole and be pounded into the ground.
When the game is played on a hard surface, there is also a provided anchoring system that consists of weighted collars that can be placed on top of the feet that will provide stability to the ladder structure when it is impacted by the balls when tossed by a player. This collar will be made of a bladder filled with sand or metal bearings that will provide sufficient weight so that the ladder will not be knocked over on impact.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe field of endeavor to which this invention pertains to is the toy and game industry.
The “Loopie Ball” invention is a game to be played on the beach, in the backyard or on the driveway or sidewalk. It can be played in urban, suburban or rural settings. The game is intended to be played by people of all ages from children through senior adults.
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BRIEF SUMMARYThis invention is a simple game that is played by a player or players tossing a game piece called a “Gauntlet” consisting of two (2) colored balls connected by a rawhide tether toward a “Loopie Ladder” made of three horizontal rungs (picture a short, three rung ladder made of ¾ inch PVC piping) that are designed to catch the tether and cause the balls to loop around the “Loopie Ladder” rung. Each player gets three “Gauntlets”.
Game Pieces and Parts:
(2) “Loopie Ladders” (4) Sets of “Gauntlets”(2) Poles to secure game into ground or sand
(2) Sandbag sleeves (for use on concrete, blacktop or pavement)
Rules for Individual Play
The “Loopie Ladders” are placed at fourteen (14) feet (this distance may be adjusted depending upon age and skill level of players) apart. The ladders are anchored with either the provided poles or the weighted sleeves. The poles would be utilized for lawn, dirt or sand and the weighted sleeves would be used for hard surfaces. Spacing the “Loopie Ladders” closer together or further apart is permitted by unanimous decision and will make the game either easier for closer spacing or more difficult as the distance increases. The “Gauntlets” are divided among the players with each participant having three. The “Gauntlets” are tossed, in turn by each player until each has tossed all three toward the “Loopie Ladder” with an objective of catching the tether that holds the balls together and looping it around one of the scoring rungs on the “Loopie Ladder” fourteen (14) feet distant. The scoring is as follows: A loop around the middle rung scores ten (10) points. A loop around the upper rung scores twenty (20) points. Looping the lower rung will score thirty (30) points. The short outriggers outboard of the lower rung will earn a score of forty (40) points if looped. The first player to reach two-hundred (200) points wins the game. There are some variations that may be introduced with the consent of the players. First, the distance between the “Loopie Ladders” may be increased or decreased to vary the difficulty of the game. The further apart they are spaced, the more difficult the game becomes. When younger players are participants, the spacing may be closer, thereby making looping the “Loopie Ladders” with the “Gauntlets” easier. Other variations involve the number of players. There are enough “Gauntlets” to provide enough for four (4) players to have three (3) each. This game, therefore, can be played by one-to-four players or teams. A single player may want to play for practice or to see how many throws may be necessary to reach a particular score goal.
Rules for Team Play
Rules may be modified for team scores. Even numbers of players or teams may participate and add points to compile team scores.
Object of the Game
The object of the game is for individuals or teams to reach two-hundred (200) points. The suggested points are two-hundred (200), although that number may be modified for team play to be three-hundred (300) or more points. By agreement, the players may vary the points to shorten or lengthen the game duration.
Note concerning safe play: All participants should stand on the same side of the playing field when “Gauntlets” are being tossed. “Gauntlets” should never be tossed when participants and/or spectators are within the playing field down range of the tossing participants.
This figure shows the front and back of the “Loopie Ladder”, both views identical. The views show the assembled structure that is comprised of ¾ inch PVC piping, joined by plastic joints manufactured to receive the PVC pipe. The views show the pipe joined in such a way that the assembly resembles a short ladder with three (3) rungs. The rungs of the assembly measure 26 inches in length. The spacing between the rungs is 14 inches. The legs of the ladder are anchored by planting them in closed-ended slip joints that are anchored by bolts to a round base also referred to as a foot, the size of which may vary.
This figure shows a side view of the “Loopie Ladder”. The side view shows the vertical support of the “Loopie Ladder” structure. The vertical legs of the “Loopie Ladder” are slipped into an unglued cap joint secured to the (foot) base by a #10, 1½ inch bolt with (2) #10 washers and a #10 bolt. The (foot) base is a round or square nylon grated device sometimes used as a drain cap for underground drainage pipes.
The top view shows the view of the “Loopie Ladder” ladder showing the outriggers to the outboard of the vertical supports. The plastic joint to the outboard of the outrigger is rotated so that the ¾ inch hole in the “T” is aligned vertically so that a stake can be inserted through the hole and driven or pushed into the earth to support the “Loopie Ladder” as the “Loopie Balls” are tossed at and hit the “Loopie Ladder”.
The “Gauntlet” game pieces are shown as a pair of balls the size and weight of golf balls that are joined together by rawhide tethers. The distance between the balls is approximately ten (10) inches.
For games played on soft surfaces like grass, soil or sand, there are two stakes measuring 24 inches. These stakes have one pointed end so that they may be hammered into the ground through the holes in the ends of the outriggers, formed by turning a “T” joint in such a way that the open end in vertical to the surface of the ground.
When played on hard surfaces, the (foot) (foot) base is weighted by a heavy collar filled with heavy material like sand or metal bearings weighting five pounds. The collars will be placed over the feet around the bottom legs in such a way that the impact from a “Gauntlet” hitting the rung of the ladder will not cause the ladder to topple over.
The playing field may be varied in several ways. The “Loopie Ladders” may be set at the recommended fourteen (14) feet or they may be moved closer or further away depending on the desired degree of difficulty.
“Loopie Ball” is an outdoor (sometimes possible indoor use) game consisting of two (2) “Loopie Ladders” consisting of PVC pipe configured as “ladders” with rungs that act as scoring points for the game. The object of the game is for players to toss two (2) balls tethered by rawhide, called “Gauntlets”, toward the “Loopie Ladder” causing the rawhide tether to wrap around one of the rungs of the ladder. There are two (2) six (6) inch “outriggers” that serve the dual purpose of helping stabilize the ladder structure and also as scoring posts. A score is achieved by noting which rung or outrigger has been wrapped. The scoring is as follows: The middle rung is easiest to hit and thereby is scored lowest at 10 points. The lowest rung is the hardest rung to hit and is scored 30. The upper rung is scored 20 points. The outriggers are the most difficult to hit and therefore earn a score of 40 points.
“Loopie Ball” is unique in that there are no other games that the inventors are aware of that resemble it. The game parts are simple, yet provide a challenging and fun activity for children and adults alike.
The “Loopie Ladder” portion of this invention is made by assembling various lengths of ¾ inch PVC pipe joined by plastic joints to form a “ladder” type structure. There are three rungs of the ladder with the uppermost rung approximately 54 inches in height. The distance between the rungs is 18 inches. The fitting and pipe length count is as follows: two (2) 90 degree elbows; four (4) “T” joints; two (2) four-way joints; two (2) closed-end cap joints. There are six (6) 12 inch; three (3) 24 inch; two (2) 6 inch lengths of ¾ inch PVC pipes joined by the aforementioned joints.
The “Gauntlet” portion of the invention consists of two (2) balls, approximately the size and weight of golf balls attached by a ten (10) inch long tether consisting of rawhide.
For the (foot) base of the prototype “Loopie Ladder” game piece, the inventor will use a drainage grate made of fiberglass of a type typically purchased in a hardware store that would be used to cap an underground drainage pipe. To this grate will be attached a closed-end ¾ inch plastic joint by a #10×1.25 inch bolt with two (2) #10 washers and a #10 nut holding the joint to the grate. The open end will receive the lower legs of the “Loopie Ladder” game piece. This (foot) base will give the structure stability.
The “Loopie Ball” game is made up of two (2) previously described “Loopie Ladders” and four (4) sets of three (3) same-colored “Gauntlets”. The “Gauntlets” will come in four (4) different colors. The original four (4) colors will be: white, yellow, orange and pink. The ball part of the “Loopie Balls” will be the same size and weight of golf balls, in fact, the prototype “Loopie Balls” will utilize golf balls.
In assembling the “Loopie Ladder” structures, the ¾ inch PVC will be pre-cut into specified lengths for easy assembly as specified above. All materials should be assembled in according to simple instructions provided in the game box.
The invention claim is a game that is unique in that no other similar game is on the market today. The game consists of four (4) sets of three (3) “Loopie Balls” and two (2) “Loopie Ladders”. The object of the game is to toss the “Loopie Balls” toward the “Loopie Ladder” and trying to loop the balls around one of the rungs of the “Loopie Ladder”. The “Loopie Ladder” consists of ¾ inch PVC piping configured in a “ladder” type arrangement that is held together with ¾ inch plastic joints. The support legs are anchored to a base or “feet” made of fiberglass drainage grates that have closed-ended slip joints that are bolted to the feet by a 1½ inch, #10 bolt with a #10 nut and two (2) #10 washers for support and rigidity. The game is unique in that it may be played indoors or outdoors. It can be played on grass, dirt or hard top driveways or walkways.
When the “Loopie Balls” are tossed to the “Loopie Ladder”, the object is to hit the “rung” with the highest score assigned to it. The balls will “loop” their rawhide tether around the rung to score the appropriate points. A miss will score no points. The middle rung is considered to be the easiest to hit with the “Loopie Balls” so it scores the lowest.
The lowest rung is more difficult and scores higher than the middle rung. The top rung is the hardest to loop so it is scored the higher. The outriggers are the highest scoring. The points are assigned as follows: Top, 20; middle, 10; bottom, 30 and outriggers, 40 points.
The requested scope of protection is that the patent protect the inventors against other game makers copying the “Loopie Ladder” structure, “Loopie Balls” the tethered balls also known as “Gauntlets” and the object of the game which is to score points by looping the balls.
The scoring object is for the first player to reach 200 points wins the game. The total game points needed to proclaim the winner may be altered with unanimous consent of all players.
1): The inventor claims the idea of a game played by one to four players or teams in which two balls connected by a tether of any type or material are manually tossed toward a vertical “Loopie Ladder” made out of any material or any size and the object of the game is to loop two (2) tethered together balls around a pole, post, ladder or rung device.
1a): That the inventor is to be protected from similar inventions using different materials. For example, if the balls are made of rubber, plastic or wood and connected by string, rope, plastic rawhide or other attachment, the inventor claims non-provisional domain. In addition the “Loopie Ladders” made out of materials other than PVC but resembling the inventors “Loopie Ladder” in structure are claimed to be protected by this patent.
Type: Application
Filed: Oct 31, 2007
Publication Date: Apr 30, 2009
Inventors: Glenn Sudeck (Mullica Hill, NJ), Maria Sudeck
Application Number: 11/980,333
International Classification: A63B 67/00 (20060101);