Obesity Systems Placed Between the Abdominal Wall and Stomach
Disclosed are methods and apparatus for implantation into the walls of an organ such as the stomach. Deformable or inflatable anchors with a connector between are used to pull the walls of the organ together, or to implant devices in the wall of the organ. Also disclosed are surgical instruments useful in practicing the disclosed methods.
The present application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 11/125,547 which is a continuation-in-part of International Patent Application No. PCT/US05/09322, filed Mar. 19, 2005, designating the United States, entitled “DEVICE AND METHODS TO TREAT A PATIENT,” which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 10/974,248 filed Oct. 27, 2004, entitled “DEVICES AND METHODS TO TREAT A PATIENT,” which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/556,004 filed Mar. 23, 2004 by Michael Gertner, M.D., entitled “BARIATRIC DEVICES AND IMPLANTATION METHODS,” to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/584,219 filed Jul. 1, 2004 by Michael Gertner, M.D., entitled “DEVICES AND METHODS FOR PERCUTANEOUS GASTROPLASTY,” to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/603,944 filed Aug. 23, 2004 by Michael Gertner, M.D., entitled “DEVICES AND METHODS TO TREAT MORBID OBESITY,” all of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for implanting devices in the walls of organs or vessels, including devices to appose the walls of the stomach and blood vessels.
2. Description of the Related Art
Obesity is a public health problem of extreme national and international importance. There are an estimated 60 million obese adults and 2 million obese adolescents in the United States as of 2004. By some estimates, there are 1 billion obese individuals worldwide. Indeed, recent reports estimate that over there are over 60 million obese individuals in China, a 10-fold increase since 2000. Obesity affects the life quality and productivity of those effected and leads to long-term health related complications such as diabetes and heart disease. Some researchers estimate that if the obesity epidemic is not brought under control, it could quickly overwhelm societal resources.
To date, surgery is the only proven method for inducing substantial weight loss. The mechanism behind the success of surgery is, in many cases, not known because obesity is such a complex, multifactorial disease. Some researchers propose that surgery does no more than provide biofeedback for appetite retraining. Other researchers maintain that surgery alters the physiology of the patient such that satiety is induced earlier or fewer nutrients are absorbed. Nonetheless, all researchers agree that long-term weight loss is only possible by surgical means.
Over the past four decades, there have been numerous surgical procedures and devices developed to those who suffer from morbid obesity. In general, there are two physiologic components of all past and current procedures: malabsorption and mechanical restriction/volume reduction.
Many of the procedures performed in the past have proven to be impractical, dangerous, and/or detrimental to patient health and are now of historical importance only. One example of a failed procedure is the jejuno-ileo bypass in which a malabsorptive state was created through the bypass of a large portion of the intestine through the creation of a surgical anastomosis between the jejunum and the ileum. While patients initially lost a great deal of weight, liver failure or liver damage occurred in over one-third of the patients which necessitated reversal of the surgical procedure.
One of the first restrictive type surgical procedures was the so-called “stomach stapling” operation in which a row of horizontal staples was placed across the upper stomach and then several staples were removed from the staple line to create an opening, the “os” for a small amount of food, but not too much food. This procedure was mostly restrictive, leading to an early feeling of satiety. This surgery was abandoned because 70%-80% of patients had inadequate weight loss due to staple line dehiscence (i.e. the staples pulled through the stomach wall). A procedure to stabilize the staple line was performed by Smith et. al. (Lindsay B. Smith; Modification of the Gastric Partitioning Operation For Morbid Obesity. Am. J. Surgery 142, December 1981) in which the staple line was buttressed in the region where the staples were removed using teflon pledgets with sutures passing through the middle of the pledgets. The purpose of the pledgets was to buttress the suture and distribute the load across the suture to the pledget, thereby preventing the suture from pulling through the stomach and therefore stabilizing the os. The outcomes showed that the suture buttress was able to prevent the suture from tearing through the stomach wall.
The Roux-en-Y (The Roux) bypass operation has become the most commonly performed surgical procedure to treat the morbidly obese in the United States. It combines a small degree of malabsorption with a 90% reduction in the volume of the stomach. In the United States, 150,000 Roux procedures were performed in the year 2004. This number is expected to rise to 500,000 procedures by 2007. The procedure actually has been performed since the late 1970's but has evolved substantially over the past three decades into a relatively safe and effective procedure; indeed, the long-term data is very good. The advent of laparoscopic surgery and hence the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y bypass in combination with excellent follow-up results from the open procedure are reasons for the proliferation of the Roux procedure.
Despite the efficacy of the Roux procedure and the recent laparoscopic improvements, it remains a highly invasive procedure with substantial morbidity, including a 1-2% surgical mortality, a 20-30% incidence of pulmonary morbidity such as pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, etc., and a 1-4% chance of leak at the anastomotic site which can result in a spectrum of consequences ranging from an extended hospital stay to death. Furthermore, it is not a good option for adolescents in whom the long-term consequences of malabsorption are not known. In addition, many patients resist such an irreversible, life altering procedure.
The Roux procedure requires general anesthesia and muscle paralysis which, in the morbidly obese population, is not of small consequence. There is also a substantial rate of anastomotic stricture which results in severe lifestyle changes for patients. As an example, many patients are forced to vomit after meals. Furthermore, although minor when compared to previous malabsorptive (e.g. jejuno-ileal bypass) procedures, the malabsorption created by the Roux-en-Y can dramatically affect the quality of life of patients who undergo the procedure.
Recently, minimally invasive procedures and devices which create a feeling of early satiety have been introduced into the marketplace in an attempt to address some of the issues above. The LAP-BAND™ is a band which encircles the stomach at the region of the fundus-cardia junction; it is a restrictive procedure similar to stomach stapling. It requires general anesthesia, a pneumoperitoneum, muscle paralysis, and extensive dissection of the stomach at the level the gastroesophageal junction. Although less invasive than the Roux procedure and potentially reversible, the LAP-BAND™ is nonetheless quite invasive. It also does not reduce the volume of the stomach and some patients report a feeling of hunger much of the time. In addition, long-term follow-up reveals that the banding procedure results in many complications. In a recently published article (Camerini et. al. Thirteen Years of Follow-up in Patients with Adjustable Silicone Gastric Banding for Obesity: Weight Loss and Constant Rate of Late Specific Complications. Obesity Surgery, 14, 1343-1348), the authors reported a 60% prevalence of late band removal secondary to complications such as erosion, slippage of the band, infection, or lack of effectiveness. Nonetheless, the LAP-BAND™ as a procedure is becoming very popular across the world as it is perceived to be a less invasive and reversible procedure. The weight loss in long-term trials is considered adequate by some and inadequate by many; across the various studies, the average weight loss is approximately 40% of excess body weight (see below).
Other procedures which have been tried in the past and which offer varying degrees of weight loss include several variations of the original “gastroplasty” procedures. These procedures represent an evolution of the so-called “stomach stapling” procedure discussed above. These procedures were attempted prior to and concomitant with the evolution of the Roux-en-Y. They became popular (despite potentially offering less weight loss than the Roux) because of their substantially less invasive nature and possible reversibility.
One such example is called the vertical banded gastroplasty, or VBG, which again, created a restricting “os” for food. In the VBG, the border of the “os” is the lesser curvature of the stomach which is less apt to dilate than the fundus region of the stomach. Furthermore, the procedure completely excludes the fundus which is thought to easily dilate and in fact, is physiologically “programmed” to dilate during meals . . . so-called “receptive relaxation.” One issue with the VBG is that, as practiced today, it is not reversible, nor is it adjustable, and it is difficult to perform laparoscopically. As in the horizontal gastroplasty, the VBG utilizes standard staplers which, as in the horizontal gastroplasty, are unreliable when applied to the stomach. In the case of the VBG, the row of staples runs parallel to the lesser curvature of the stomach.
A recent, prospective, randomized trial, compared the VBG to the adjustable banding procedure and found that the VBG was overwhelmingly superior to the banding procedure (Morino et. al. Laparoscopic Adjustable Silicone Gastric Banding Versus Vertical Banded Gastroplasty in Morbidly Obese Patients. Annals of Surgery. Vol. 238 (6) pps. 835-842). Twenty five percent of the patients in the banding group returned to the operating room whereas there were no returns to the operating room in the gastroplasty group. The degree of weight loss was close to 60% of excess body weight after three years in the gastroplasty group and closer to 40% of excess body weight in the banding group. Although in this study, the VBG was successfully performed laparoscopically, the laparoscopic VBG procedure is in fact, difficult to perform, because the procedure is not standardized and a “tool box” does not exist for the surgeon to carry out the procedure; furthermore, the procedure is not a reversible one and relies on the inherently unreliable stapler systems. A recent meta-analysis and systematic review (Buchwald et. al. Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis; JAMA vol. 292, no 14. pps 1724-1737) indicated that vertical gastroplasty (avg. excess weight loss of 68.2%) is superior to adjustable banding (avg excess weight loss of 47.5%) and gastric bypass (avg excess weight loss of 61.6%).
The Magenstrasse and Mill (M&M) procedure is an evolving gastroplasty technique wherein the greater curvature of the stomach is separated (stapled and cut) from the path of food, leaving a tube of stomach, the Magenstrasse, or “street of the stomach,” which is comprised of the lesser curvature. This procedure is similar to the VBG except that the longitudinal staple line of the stomach extends further along the lesser curvature and into the antrum. The theory behind leaving the antral “mill” is that it will continue to serve its normal function of mixing, grinding, retropulsion, and well-orchestrated expulsion of chyme into the duodenum. An authoritative study on the operation is incorporated herein by reference (Johnston et. al. The Magenstrasse and Mill Operation for Morbid Obesity; Obesity Surgery 13, 10-16).
In summary, the vertical gastroplasty procedure appears to be superior to the banding procedure. However, the vertical gastroplasty procedure is not easily performed laparoscopically and furthermore, it is not reversible. Therefore, a need exists to standardize the vertical banded gastroplasty and create a safer procedure which is also easy to perform, is durable and is reversible.
The intragastric balloon is not a new concept. The intragastric balloon is meant to displace volume within the stomach such that a smaller volume of food leads to an earlier feeling of satiety. Currently, intragastric balloons on the market are not fixed to the stomach. As a consequence, the intragastric balloons lead to complications such as obstruction and mucosal erosion. As a consequence, the balloons are removed after a maximum of six months. In a prospective, non-randomized, unblinded study (Sallet et. al. Brazilian Multicenter Study of the Intragastric Balloon; Obesity Surgery, 14, 991-998), the average excess weight loss was 48.3% after 1 year. However, the incidence of nausea and vomiting was 40% and epigastric pain was 20%; balloon impaction occurred in 0.6% of patients. A balloon which is fixed to the wall of the stomach could potentially improve the intragastric balloon device and allow longer-term implantation.
More recently, there has been an effort to develop even less invasive devices and procedures which do not involve incisions at all. For the most part, these procedures are performed from within the stomach with an endoscope and by a physician with a high degree of endoscopic skill. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,558,400 describes methods and devices to create partitions in the stomach. Anchors or staplers applied through an endoscope from within the stomach are used to accomplish the partitions. Similarly, U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2004/0122456 describes another set of methods and devices to reduce the volume of the stomach. Expandable anchors are deployed both on the anterior and posterior wall of the stomach using an endoscope. Flexible sutures are brought out of the patient's mouth and the sutures are crimped together within the stomach in order to bring the walls of the stomach closer together. Patent application WO2004/004542 describes a device which is advanced through an endoscope and grasps or applies suction to a fold of mucosa to apply anchors through the mucosal and serosal layers of the stomach.
Endoscopic procedures to manipulate the stomach are time consuming because of the technical difficulty of the endoscopy; they also require a large endoscope through which many instruments need to be placed for these complex procedures. Due to the large size of the endoscope, patients typically will require general anesthesia, which limits the “non-invasive” aspects of the procedure. Furthermore, the procedures require advanced endoscopic skill which would need to be acquired by most endoscopic practitioners. Such skill adaptation can take a significant amount of time, which will limit adoption of the procedure by the physician community. A further issue is that there is a limitation on the size of the anchors and devices which can be placed because the endoscope has a maximum size.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) refers to a procedure in which a gastrocutaneous tract is created using a percutaneous procedure (see below for definition). A recent update of the procedure can be found on the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) website, and is incorporated herein by reference. Briefly, the procedure involves insufflation of the stomach with and under visualization with an endoscope. A small incision is made in the skin and a needle is advanced into the stomach (the stomach sits just under the abdominal wall when insufflated) under endoscopic visualization. A feeding tube is then placed over the needle to create a gastrocutaneous tract with the feeding tube inside the tract. The feeding tube is secured with an external bolster to creates a tubular tract from outside the patient through the skin of the abdominal wall and residing inside the stomach. Over the ensuing weeks, a permanent tract evolves between the stomach mucosa and epithelium of the skin, after which, the bolster can be removed without consequence. When the feeding tube is to be removed, the gastrocutaneous tract will close on its own as food will preferentially be delivered antegrade (the path of least resistance) to the duodenum, thereby allowing the tract to heal.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONIn one embodiment, the current invention expands the scope of percutaneous gastrostomy in order to reduce the volume of the stomach, implant devices, and otherwise manipulate the stomach. Such procedures can be easily adopted by the surgical community.
In one embodiment, a method for implanting an organ traversing device in a patient is disclosed. A first surgical instrument is placed adjacent to a second exterior surface of an organ. A first end of a second surgical instrument is passed through a patient's skin, through a first exterior surface of the organ, through the interior of the organ, and thence through a second exterior surface of the organ, so that the surgical instrument traverses the organ. The first surgical instrument then contacts the second surgical instrument and a first anchor is deployed from the first surgical instrument wherein the first anchor is located adjacent to the second exterior surface of the organ. Subsequently, a second anchor is deployed within the patient. At least one connector is provided wherein the at least one connector contacts the first anchor. The first and second anchors are stabilized by engaging the at least one connector with the first and second anchors. The anterior and posterior anchors can further be urged toward each other such that a tensile stress then exists in the at least one connector. The second anchor can contact the second exterior surface of an organ of a patient or it can contact one of the abdominal wall layers. The organ can be the stomach of a patient and the skin can overlie the patient's stomach. The first exterior surface can be the anterior wall of the stomach and the second exterior surface of the organ can be the posterior wall of the stomach.
The anterior and posterior walls of the stomach can be urged closer together by shortening the length of the at least one connector. The first or second surgical instrument can be inserted into the patient's abdomen by directly penetrating the patient's skin and abdominal wall or by passing the surgical instrument through a laparoscopic port or by passing the surgical instrument through an incision in the patient's skin and abdominal wall.
In another embodiment, a method for treating a patient involves passing a first anchor through the skin of a patient and positioning the first anchor adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach and then passing at least one connector through the patient's skin and thence through the patient's anterior and posterior stomach walls to contact the first anchor and the at least one connector, then passing a second anchor through the skin of a patient's abdominal wall. The first and second anchors are linked by means of the at least one connector. The first and second anchors are urged toward each other and fixed to the connector either reversibly or irreversibly, thereby fixing the anterior and posterior walls of the stomach in the urged position with said first and second anchors.
In another embodiment, the second anchor is deployed within the peritoneal cavity and in yet another embodiment, the second anchor is deployed between the abdominal skin and the outermost peritoneum of the abdominal cavity. In one embodiment, the first anchor passes through the patient's abdominal skin while the first anchor is in a reduced profile configuration; subsequently the first anchor is expanded to reside in a deployed configuration.
The reduced profile configuration of the first anchor in some embodiments is substantially folded, and/or compressed, and/or uninflated, and said deployed configuration is substantially unfolded and/or uncompressed and/or inflated.
The reduced profile configuration of the second anchor in some embodiments is substantially folded, and/or compressed, and/or uninflated, and said deployed configuration is substantially unfolded and/or uncompressed and/or inflated.
In some embodiments, the anchor implantation method is repeated for additional anchors. In some embodiments, the mucosa of said anterior and posterior walls of the stomach do not contact one another (or when they do contact one another, food can continue to pass through even though at a slower rate) when said first and said second anchors are fixed in their urged positions. In other embodiments, the mucosa of said anterior and posterior walls contact one another tightly (prevent food from passing) when said first anchor and said second anchor are fixed in their urged positions. In some embodiments, an electrical signal is delivered to the anterior stomach wall through the second anchor. In some embodiments, an electrical signal is delivered to the posterior stomach wall through a first anchor. In some or all embodiments, an endoscope is not used to grasp the stomach.
In another embodiment, a method for fastening or otherwise applying or implanting a therapeutic device to a wall of a gastrointestinal organ is described. The therapy device is passed through a patient's abdominal skin and into or close to the serosa of a gastrointestinal organ. In some embodiments, the therapy device is in an undeployed configuration and is subsequently deployed in the serosa or muscular layers of the gastrointestinal organ. In some embodiments, a connector is also provided for attachment to the therapy device. In some embodiments, an anchor is further placed through the abdominal skin of a patient while the anchor is in an undeployed configuration. The anchor is subsequently deployed in the serosal or muscular layers of the organ or in the abdominal wall; in this embodiment, pneumoperitoneum is not necessary nor is penetration of the mucosal layer of the organ. In some embodiments, the anchor is connected to the therapy device by means of the connector. The method of this embodiment can also be applied to non-permanent (non-implantable) devices; for example, a temporary or permanent therapeutic energy source can also be applied to the gastrointestinal organ without a generalized pneumoperitoneum. Examples of temporary energy sources in this embodiment include but are not limited to radiofrequency generators, microwave generators, laser generators, or ultrasound generators.
In one embodiment, a method of treating a patient is described in which a surgical device having a reversibly engaged first anchor is positioned near an organ or organ-organ connection or anastomosis of a patient. An elongate member, which has a proximal end, a distal end, and a circumferential wall sized to receive at least one connector, is positioned or formed in a patient. The distal end of the connector is then engaged by the first anchor after the distal end of the connector is advanced through the lumen of the elongate member, through a first portion of the organ and thence through a second portion of the organ. The first anchor is then released from the surgical device such that the first anchor remains engaged with the connector. Subsequently, a second anchor is advanced over the connector while tracking along the connector. The first and second anchors are then urged together, the second anchor is released such that it engages the connector. The connector is then cut such that its length defines the distance between the first and second anchors.
The organ, or organ-organ anastomosis of treatment can be one of: the stomach, lung, colon, intestine, liver, spleen, a vein, an artery, the small intestine, a gastroenterostomy, a gastrojejunostomy, a colo-colostomy, or a colo-enterostomy.
In another embodiment, a method for creating a feeling of fullness in a patient involves passing a volume displacing device through the skin of a patient and into the space between the abdominal musculature and the anterior wall of the stomach. The volume displacing device has an expandable portion and a connector portion. The expandable portion is then expanded. The volume displacing device is then secured to the abdominal wall by tracking a anchor over the connector portion of the volume displacing device and deploying the anchor. When the anchor is deployed on the connector, the anchor is prevented from moving further along the connector. In some embodiments, the volume expandable portion of the volume displacing device is fixed to the serosa of the stomach and does not penetrate the mucosal layer. In some embodiments, the connector is cut at the level of the anchor.
In some embodiments, the anchor connector system or systems in any of the embodiments of the invention is adjusted from within the stomach after the fastening system is placed and after the connector is cut. Adjustability of the transgastric fastening system is advantageous over the prior art.
The region behind the stomach is referred to as the lesser peritoneal sac. It is a potential space between the retroperitoneum and the posterior wall of the stomach. To the left of the midline, the posterior wall of the stomach is generally free from the peritoneal surface of the retroperitoneum. To the right of the midline, the posterior wall of the stomach is more adherent to the retroperitoneum although the adherence is generally loose and the adhesions can be broken up rather easily with gentle dissection.
The stomach is comprised of several layers. The inner layer is the mucosa. The next layer is the submucosa followed by the outer muscular layers. Surrounding the muscular layers is the serosal layer. This layer is important with regard to implants and healing because it is the adhesive layer of the stomach; that is, it is the layer which, when breached, heals with scar tissue formation. Implants adhering to this layer are less likely to migrate into the stomach. Reference to “stomach wall” or “wall of the stomach” as used herein include the entire thickness of the stomach, including the mucosa, submucosa, muscular layers, and serosa. The “anterior wall of the stomach” is the portion of the stomach closest to the muscular abdominal wall and the “posterior wall of the stomach” is the part of the stomach closest to the retroperitoneum.
“Transgastric fastening assembly” or “fastening system” refers to a permanent or semi-permanent implant and comprises at least one posterior anchor, at least one anterior anchor, and a connector to couple the posterior and anterior anchors. The “connector” can refer to any means of connection including but not limited to a material connection, an electromagnetic connection, or a chemical connection. As used herein, a “connector” is a coupler or linker used to materially connect the anterior and posterior anchors. As used herein, the “posterior anchor” is the anchor in a preferred embodiment which is adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach when deployed. The “anterior anchor” is the anchor in a preferred embodiment which is approximated to the anterior wall of the stomach when deployed.
As used herein and when referring to portions of a surgical instrument, “proximal” refers to the end of the instrument which is closest to the surgeon when the instrument is used for its intended purpose, and “distal” refers to the end of the instrument which is closest to the patient when the instrument is used for its intended purpose. When used to refer to the gastrointestinal tract, “proximal” is toward the mouth and “distal” is toward the anus.
“Laparoscopic procedure” broadly refers to procedures which require pneumoperitoneum and general anesthesia. “Percutaneous procedure” broadly refers to surgeries which do not require general anesthesia or pneumoperitoneum. These broad terms are mutually exclusive for the purposes of the ensuing invention because the respective procedures require different levels of patient preparation and peri-operative treatments. In some descriptions, the terminology “percutaneous means” is used which generically refers to placing a surgical instrument through the skin of a patient and using the surgical instrument to accomplish a surgical task; in this more generic case, “percutaneous means” can be used with or without laparoscopy. Similarly, “laparoscopic means” generically refers to procedures performed under the guidance of an internal camera; in this more generic sense, laparoscopy can be used with or without percutaneous methodology though in most cases percutaneous methodology is preferred.
Structures Transgastric Fastening AssemblyReferring to
In a preferred embodiment, the posterior anchor 14 is made from a biocompatible, radio-opaque or magneto-opaque semi-rigid polymer; it can also be made from various kinds of suitable materials known to those of skill in the art including metals, metal alloys, plastics, natural materials or combinations thereof as discussed above in relation to the connector 12. In some embodiments, the anchor is made from a conductive material and in other embodiments, the anchor is made from a combination of conducting, non-conducting, and/or semi-conducting materials. The posterior anchor 14 can be solid, or alternatively, can be porous, mesh-like, lattice-like, or umbrella-like. In some embodiments, the anchor contains a potential space on the inside which can be expanded by a fluid (e.g. gas or liquid). In a preferred embodiment, the posterior anchor is porous or has a porous mesh attached to it to encourage fibrous ingrowth such that it becomes permanently attached to the stomach or intestinal wall. Coatings can be added to the anchor to encourage tissue ingrowth; of course, such coatings do not limit the ability for the interior of the anchor to be a potential space for expansion by a fluid. In other embodiments, the posterior anchor is solid and/or treated to discourage tissue ingrowth (e.g. with a silicone coating). In other embodiments, the posterior anchor has a xenograft or allograft material attached to the anchor. In a preferred embodiment, the posterior anchor 14 is disc-shaped, but those of skill in the art will recognize that other embodiments are possible, such as those shown in FIGS. 1C and 1D, or disclosed in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2004/0122456 which is herein incorporated by reference; note particularly the description of anchor structures. The posterior anchor, in other embodiments, can be rectangular or diamond shaped. The posterior anchor can also be bioabsorbable in whole or in part in some embodiments. The largest dimension of the posterior anchor can range from about 5 mm to about 10 cm depending on the application and the manner in which it is implanted (see below). In the case where the posterior anchor is a disc shape, the diameter is considered the largest dimension.
In the embodiment shown in
Other suitable means of fastening the connector to the posterior anchor are also contemplated and do not necessarily result in a connector and posterior anchor becoming permanently attached. For example, in one embodiment shown in
In the embodiment shown in
In a preferred embodiment, shown in
The inflatable posterior anchor can have a valve 38 located between the anchor body 34 and the connector 35. Alternatively, the valve is located in the portion of the connector located outside the patient, the valve (e.g. stopcock type valve) being controlled by the operator until the anterior anchor is placed (see below). In this alternative embodiment, the filling substance is trapped in the posterior anchor after the anterior anchor is deployed and the connector is cut and sealed, preferably flush with the anterior anchor (see below). The filling substance can be a gas, liquid, or material which changes phase with time (i.e. it may harden, cure, polymerize, or become a gel with time). Preferably, the surface of the posterior anchor adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach has a mesh fixed to it to encourage tissue ingrowth. In some embodiments, part, or all of the anchor material is comprised of a biodegradable material.
In an alternative embodiment, it is contemplated that the connector 12 can have notches 51, which interact with gripping elements 46 in a ratchet-and-pawl mechanism similar to that used in cable ties, providing a one-way adjustability, in which the posterior and anterior anchors can be moved toward each other, but not away from each other.
An inflation tube 63 is used to inflate and deflate the anterior anchor. This inflation tube may or may not have a valve. In one preferred embodiment, the anterior anchor is filled with gas or fluid through the inflation tube and the fluid is held inside the anchor through an external (e.g. stopcock) valve controlled by the operator. When the inflation tube is cut at the end of the procedure, the inflation line is crimped closed thereby locking the inflating substance inside the anchor. Alternatively, the shears used to cut the inflation line can be metal and an electrocautery current can be applied through the shears and to the inflation line to weld it closed.
In a preferred embodiment, the anterior anchor is made from a biocompatible, radio- or magneto-opaque polymer, but it can also be made from various kinds of suitable materials known to those of skill in the art including metals, metal alloys, plastics, natural materials or combinations thereof as disclosed above. The anterior anchor can be solid, or alternatively, can be porous, mesh-like, umbrella-like or lattice-like. In a preferred embodiment, the anterior anchor is porous, mesh-like, umbrella-like or lattice-like to encourage fibrous ingrowth such that it becomes permanently attached to the stomach wall. Coatings can be added to the anchor, or a mesh material such as polypropylene can be fixed to the anchor surface, such that it touches the anterior stomach wall and encourages tissue ingrowth. In other embodiments, the anterior anchor is solid and treated to discourage tissue ingrowth with materials such as silicone, PTFE, or FEP which are generally hydrophobic and non-reactive. In other embodiments, the anterior anchor has a xenograft or allograft material attached to the anchor which ensures tissue ingrowth. In a preferred embodiment, the anterior anchor is disc-shaped and substantially flat, but those of skill in the art will recognize that other embodiments are possible.
Surgical InstrumentsThe distal end of the grasping instrument 200 is configured to cut, puncture, or dilate tissue when the jaws 220 are in the closed position. In one embodiment shown in
It also should be realized to one skilled in the art that the closed end of the grasping device does not have to be the only instrument responsible for cutting through the tissue; the central lumen 230 of the device can be utilized to assist in tissue penetration. For example, a needle (e.g. a Veres needle) 232 can be passed through the lumen and the needle 232 can make the initial puncture through the tissue. The configuration of the distal end of the grasper is meant to be a tissue dilator and facilitator of the entry into the stomach after the needle makes the initial puncture. For safety, the needle can be retracted as the tissue grasper dilates the tissue.
In the embodiment of the tissue grasper 200 illustrated in
The tubular middle sleeve 260 of the anchor grasping instrument has a portion of a handle 262 attached at the proximal end 261 of the instrument. Disposed within the middle sleeve 260 is a tubular inner member 264 which has an outer diameter such that it can slide within the middle sleeve 260 in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the middle sleeve 260 but cannot move substantially in transverse to the longitudinal axis of the middle sleeve 260. At the proximal end of the inner member, a second portion of a handle 266 is attached.
The distal tip 263 of the instrument is illustrated in more detail in
The instrument is designed such that the anterior anchor is easily manipulated. When the anterior anchor is in its substantially folded or compressed configuration as in
If the surgeon wants to readjust the anterior anchor, connector 12 is manipulated so that the hooks 52 of the anterior anchor are brought into contact with hooking members 270; middle sleeve 260 is advanced distally from the operator, permitting hooking members 270 to engage the hooks 52; such contact is facilitated by pulling back (proximally) on the connector 12. By manipulating the middle sleeve 260 over the hooking members 270, the hooks 274 on the ends of the hooking members 270 can engage the hooks 52 on the anterior anchor 40. The outer sheath 252 is then slid over the anterior anchor 40 (or the anchor-middle sleeve complex is withdrawn into the outer sheath 252), until it is compressed into an undeployed configuration as shown in
In an embodiment where an inflatable anterior anchor such as the one illustrated in
A particularly advantageous port is one which allows visualization (with a laparoscope) of the individual abdominal layers as it is being pushed through the abdominal wall (well known to those skilled in the art). Use of such a port allows the surgeon to “see” the different layers of the abdominal wall from within the trocar (using a standard laparoscopic camera) as the trocar is advanced through the abdominal wall. The endoscopic light inside the stomach will be “seen” by the surgeon as the port approaches the inner layers of the abdominal wall because the endoscopic light source transilluminates through the layers of the stomach wall and inner layers of the abdominal wall. Such visualization is advantageous if the patient has a very thick abdominal wall (e.g. in a morbidly obese patient) because the surgeon needs to ensure that another organ (e.g. the colon) is not positioned between the stomach and the posterior wall of the abdomen. Once the transillumination of the stomach is visible through the transparent port, the port 306 can be slipped in the abdomen between the abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the stomach. This portion of the procedure can be done without pneumoperitoneum and without general anesthesia. At this point, a camera can be placed inside the laparoscopic port to visualize the anterior wall of the stomach. Visualization of the surface of the stomach can also be achieved with this method and does not require general pneumoperitoneum. The camera can be slid along the stomach to reach virtually any portion of the anterior stomach or duodenal wall. Additional ports can also be placed in the space between the abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the stomach. At this point in the procedure, a therapeutic energy device can be applied to the stomach. For example, a laser, a radiofrequency device, a microwave device, or an ultrasound device can be applied to the stomach. Furthermore, electrical or nervous mapping can be performed with the surgical device in the position between the anterior wall of the stomach and the abdominal wall. In the embodiment where an extragastric balloon is being deployed (see below), such deployment proceeds at this step. Furthermore, in the embodiment where balloons are placed inside the stomach or neuro- or muscular stimulators or other devices are placed, they are implanted at this step and do note require general anesthesia and do not require general anesthesia.
In an alternative embodiment, “the laparoscopic procedure,” a pneumoperitoneum is created through a separate incision in the skin. A veres needle, or other standard method to create a pneumoperitoneum (as is well-known to surgical practitioners) is used to insufflate the abdominal cavity.
In the percutaneous procedure, the tissue grasping instrument 200 of
In an alternative embodiment, the space is not expanded before the posterior anchor is placed. For example, in an embodiment where an inflatable posterior anchor is used, the potential space can be expanded by the anchor itself as it is inflated to its deployed configuration.
In the “laparoscopic embodiment,” after insufflation of the abdominal cavity with a Veres needle, a retrogastric tunnel is created as is well known in the surgical art and is shown in
When the connector 332 reaches the posterior anchor 510, gripping elements 520 are released by the surgeon through a mechanism which is integrated into the laparoscopic tool 500. Connector 332 is fixed to posterior anchor 510 through a locking mechanism. Mechanisms of locking connector 332 to posterior anchor 510 are well-known to those skilled in the art of mechanical fixturing. Some or all of the fixturing mechanisms may reside on the connector or on the anchor. In another embodiment, the gripping force of the grippers 520 can be overcome by force applied by the surgeon on connector 332. Mechanisms of locking other than mechanical also exist and include magnetic, electromagnetic, and adhesive means.
An anterior anchor 550 (
In a preferred embodiment, the inflatable anterior anchor of
With the transgastric fastening assembly complete, the surgeon can examine the resulting configuration of the stomach using an endoscope. If the anterior anchor is not in the desired location, its placement along the connector can be adjusted as described above. Alternatively, in another embodiment, the anterior anchor can be urged closer to the posterior anchor simply by pushing it along the connector without using the implantation device to capture the anchor and deform it into its reduced profile configuration.
In another embodiment, the anterior anchor can be deflated, allowing the anterior anchor to be repositioned, and then reinflated to engage the connector.
When more than one transgastric fastening assembly is to be implanted, it is sometimes preferred to insert all of the posterior anchors and connectors before attaching any or all anterior anchors; in some embodiments, an instrument to measure tension is used to measure the compression of the stomach mucosa prior to the operation. This is in contrast to attempting to place one complete transgastric fastening assembly and then subsequent assemblies. While possible, if one were to place entire fastening assemblies in series, each successive assembly would be more difficult to place because the volume of the stomach would be progressively reduced resulting in more difficult visualization each time.
When it is desired to place more than one set of transgastric assemblies and in particular when the assemblies are placed concurrently rather than sequentially, the surgeon is afforded the opportunity to test (e.g measuring stomach volume, resistance to flow, assessing mucosal integrity, etc.) varying tensions on one or more of the fastening assemblies, all under endoscopic inspection. After the desired number of posterior anchors and connectors are deployed in the patient, the configuration of the stomach can be tested by applying tension to the connectors.
In an alternative embodiment, the stomach is fastened to the abdominal wall rather than there being a free space between the anterior gastric wall and the peritoneum of the abdominal wall (not shown). The initial steps are as discussed above. After the posterior anchors are placed, their position can be tested as depicted in
The connector of a preferred embodiment of the deployed transgastric fastening assembly, as illustrated in
Even if there is some degree of fusion between the mucosa around the connector at the region of the assembly, once the connector is cut or absorbed, the walls will tend to move apart over time. Alternatively, a balloon or other dissection device is introduced through an endoscope and used to separate the walls of the stomach at the point of fusion.
Treatment of Disease ConditionsThe devices, methods and instruments disclosed above can be used to treat obesity and other diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Food ingested by the patient follows a physiologic pathway for digestion depicted by the arrow in
In another embodiment, a transgastric fastening assembly is placed in the antrum 408 or the region just proximal to the pyloric sphincter 410 if deemed necessary by the gastroenterologist and/or surgeon. Such a configuration would not reduce the volume of the stomach but would cause a feeling of fullness similar to a gastric outlet obstruction, leading to decreased food intake and weight loss. The anchors in this region can also conduct a current to electrically stimulate the stomach to simulate satiety.
In another embodiment, a transgastric fastening assembly may be required at the region of the cardia 402 to treat morbid obesity in a similar manner to that utilized with the LAP-BAND™ (Inamed Corp., Santa Barbara, Calif.). In this embodiment, the transgastric fastening assembly is not utilized to reduce the volume of the stomach, but to create a restriction to the inflow of food. In this embodiment, the fastening system can traverse the cardia but will not completely oppose (or at least will not prevent the flow of food through the fastening system) the mucosal surfaces of the anterior and posterior walls of the stomach.
In another embodiment, the surgeon or gastroenterologist may choose to treat a disease such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with a transgastric fastening assembly in the cardia region. Such a configuration would maintain the position of the GE junction in the abdomen and potentially create a barrier to reflux contents.
In another embodiment, the disclosed method in combination with the transgastric fastening assemblies can be adapted to attach a gastrointestinal organ to the abdominal wall which in addition to reducing volume can also create a kink in the organ. The kink would cause a resistance barrier (in addition to volume reduction) to gastrointestinal contents, and can be useful to treat reflux disease or morbid obesity.
Such a kink would also fix the gastrointestinal region to the abdominal wall can also maintain the reduction of a hiatal hernia in the abdominal compartment (e.g. in reflux disease). A major component of reflux disease is a hiatal hernia in which the gastroesophageal junction freely slides from the abdomen to the mediastinum. A percutaneously placed suture or anchor in the region of the gastric cardia and/or fundus can tether the junction to the abdominal wall and confine the junction to the abdomen.
In other embodiments, the devices and methods of this invention can assist in the implantation of devices such as stents, meshes, stitches, or tubes in the gastrointestinal tract. The major technical difficulty encountered in placing stents, tubes, balloons, stimulators, and meshes inside the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract is that they tend to migrate because the walls of such devices do not adhere to slippery mucosa. A transgastric or transintestinal anchor, implanted with the current instrumentation could solve this problem. Such a method would be particularly useful in the attachment of the stent part of the stent-sleeve system outlined in patent application WO 04049982, or the mesh of patent application WO03086247A1. In another example, devices such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,773,441 attempt to place an endoscopic stitch to tether the cardia of the stomach to the fundus to treat reflux disease. Such stitches are tenuous in the long term because they do not necessarily penetrate the serosa. Even if the stitches penetrate the serosa, they tend to erode through the wall with time because of their thin profile and an inability of the endoscopic operator to control tension on the suture when it is placed. With the methods and devices of this invention, such an endoscopic suture can be buttressed with a percutaneously placed anchor.
Other Embodiments of the Disclosed Devices, Instruments, and MethodsAlthough the described methods are focused on the implantation of transgastric fastening assemblies to reduce the volume of the stomach or to increase the resistance to the flow of food in the stomach, the methods and devices can easily be expanded to the placement of other types of devices such as neurostimulators, gastric muscle stimulators, gastric balloons, and bulking devices inside the wall of a gastrointestinal organ using the percutaneous methods and devices described herein.
The methods can further be used to apply an energy source to an internal organ. For example, the methods and devices of the current invention can be used to apply radiofrequency probes, microwave probes, ultrasound probes, and radioactive probes in similar ways as disclosed in PCT WO 00/69376. The methods can further be used for diagnostic purposes prior to performing a surgical therapy. In one example, the methods and devices are used to identify specific nerves or nerve plexuses prior to a delivering a specific therapy. In another example, specific hormone producing, such as ghrelin are identified prior to delivering a specific therapy.
In one embodiment of the current invention, a neurostimulator or neurostimulator lead is placed in the serosal layer of the stomach or small intestine to stimulate the muscular or nervous portion of the stomach or small intestine (e.g. the duodenum). In some embodiments, the stimulator contacts and acts on the parasympathetic, the enteric, or the sympathetic nervous system; in other embodiments, the stimulator acts on the muscular portion of the stomach. The stimulator can be placed anywhere along the stomach including the anterior and/or posterior walls of the stomach. In some embodiments, the stimulator contacts the mucosa and in other embodiments, the stimulator does not contact the mucosa. In some embodiments, a sensor is placed as a component of the stimulator or as a separate device. In some embodiments, the stimulator further communicates with a second or third stimulator. In one embodiment, a sensor is implanted using the methods and devices described herein; the sensor can communicate with the stimulator. In one example, the sensor is placed in the stomach wall and senses stretch in the stomach. This sensor communicates with the stimulator device to create a feedback loop in which stretch is sensed (the sensor) and then a signal is sent to the stimulator portion of the system (the effecter) wherein a nerve (for example, the vagus nerve or sympathetic plexus) is stimulated to prompt the patient to slow their food intake. The effecter of the feedback loop does not have to be a nervous structure and in some embodiments is a muscular portion of the stomach or duodenum such as the pyloric channel, the antrum, the cardia, or the fundus. In some embodiments, the effecter is a patient stimulus such as a small electrical current under the skin to inform the patient, that the stomach is full. The current or effecter portion of the feedback loop can increase in intensity if the patient ignores the signal and continues to push food into the stomach cavity.
In some embodiments, the methods and devices described herein to place devices inside or outside the stomach; inside or outside the lesser sac of the peritoneum; inside or beside a structure within the retroperitoneum; inside, beside, or outside the duodenum, pylorus, or gastroesophageal junction. Implanted devices include but are not limited to the anchor devices and transgastric fastening assemblies described above, stents, meshes, stent-grafts, stitches, and bulk forming agents can be placed as well.
In one embodiment, a transgastric fastening assembly serves to reduce the volume of the stomach as well as provide for electrical stimulation. In this embodiment, an electrical signal runs through electrodes in the transgastric fastener assembly to alter the contraction patterns of the stomach or to electrically create a feeling of satiety in addition to reducing the volume of the stomach and creating a restriction to flow in the stomach. Thus, fastener assemblies of the present invention can become electrodes which are useful, for example, for gastric electrical stimulation. Methods and devices of this invention can also be used to place sutures in the stomach or pylorus to treat reflux disease or obesity. Such suturing would be facilitated by the placement of multiple ports through the walls of the stomach. Any of these methods and devices could be used in combination with or in place of the transgastric fastening assemblies to induce weight loss in a patient.
In another embodiment, the novel methods, implantation devices, and anchors of this invention are used to implant devices in one wall of a gastrointestinal organ without volume reduction. One example of such an embodiment is illustrated in
In another embodiment, an extragastric balloon is used to reduce the volume of the stomach and/or create a barrier to the flow of food and a restrictor to the flow of food.
In another embodiment, a surgical anastomosis is surrounded with the organ spanning anchors and anchor assemblies of the current invention. In this embodiment, the anchors can buttress the anastomosis to protect the integrity of the anastomosis. The buttresses support both the hand-sewn and the stapler anastomotic techniques. To prevent or support leaks, the anchors are placed around or through the anastomosis.
The anchors can also be used to control the flow of material through the anastomosis. Flow control is attainable when two anchors are applied across an anastomosis and are linked by means of a connector through the anastomosis. The distance between the anchors determines the amount of flow through the anastomosis and therefore, the flow rate can be adjusted quite readily with the device of the current invention. The flow rate is adjustable at anytime during or after the operation. Luminal devices to control the flow rate through an anastomosis can be found in patent application number 20050022827. The devices of the current invention can be used to accomplish the goal of controlling flow through an anastomosis by placing anchors that traverse the anastomosis. In other embodiments, the anchors of the current invention can be used to secure the luminal devices in patent application number 20050022827.
In another embodiment, the anchor assemblies are applied to the lung to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) via functional lung reduction. Rather than removing a portion of the lung (the surgical procedure), the anchors of the current invention are placed through the diseased portion of the lung to close off or at least create a large resistance in one portion of the lung and broncheoalveolar tree so that inspired air does not reach a malfunctioning portion of the lung.
Similarly, the anchor assemblies and anchors are applied to other solid organs such as the spleen, kidney, liver, and pancreas to urge the edges of a defect together to promote healing.
In other embodiments of the current invention, the fastening systems and tools to implant the fastening systems are used to secure closure or repair of blood vessels. The blood vessels can be named vessels such as the aorta, vena cava, pulmonary veins, pulmonary arteries, renal vein, renal artery, inferior mesenteric vein and/or artery, splenic vein and/or artery, portal vein and/or hepatic artery. Alternatively, the vessels are unnamed such as in the case of the mesentery of the colon or small bowel. Vessel closure with the current system is possibly more efficient than current laparoscopic means of vessel closure which involve staple or clip occlusion of the vessels; however, staples and clips are often inadequate because they do not penetrate the vessel to create occlusion and therefore are often inadequate, or at least do not replicate what a surgeon would do in an open procedure.
It is also possible that a part of, or any or all of the devices and methods described above are performed with an alternative imaging means; for example, fluoroscope, MRI, CAT scan.
Although the present invention has been described in the context of certain preferred or illustrative embodiments, it should be understood that the scope of the exclusive right granted by this patent is not limited to those embodiments, but instead is the full lawful scope of the appended claims.
1. A system for treatment of obesity, said system comprising:
- An expandable main body member configured to be positioned adjacent a portion of a stomach of a patient, within the abdominal cavity of the patient;
- An anchor on the expandable main body member configured to fix a portion of said main body member to and in contact with a portion of at least one internal body structure, without piercing through a wall of the stomach;
- A removable, elongate delivery instrument having a handle to guide the expandable main body member to a target location then be removed;
- An adjustment member having a port that is accessible by an instrument to effect expansion or contraction of said main body, said adjustment member configured to be anchored to an abdominal wall or subcutaneously external to the abdominal wall; and
- A conduit connecting said main body with said adjustment member, wherein said expandable main body member is configured to be implanted without piercing through the stomach wall.
2. The system of claim 1, wherein said expandable main body member comprises an inflatable body member.
3. The system of claim 1, wherein said expandable member has only one expandable chamber.
4. The system of claims 1 wherein said expandable member comprises at least two independent expandable chambers.
5. The system of claim 1 wherein said anchor is configure to fix a portion of said main body member to an internal body structure other than the stomach or abdominal wall.
6. The system of claim 1 wherein said expandable body member, when inflated to an expanded configuration, is non-spherical.
7. The system of claim 2, wherein said inflatable body member, when inflated to an expanded configuration, comprises a convex surface adapted to spread expansion forces over a surface on the internal body structure to which said main body member is anchored; and a concave surface configured to abut a surface of the stomach.
8. The system of claim 7, wherein said concave surface is configured and dimensioned to receive the stomach and envelope superior and inferior end portions of the stomach.
9. The system of claim 7, further comprising a notch formed in an end region of said inflatable body member, said notch configured for receiving the esophagus where it joins the stomach.
10. The system of claim 1, wherein said expandable body member is kidney-shaped and generally follows a contour of the shape of the stomach, wherein, when compressed against the stomach, said expandable body member is configured to reduce the interior space within the stomach to a narrow channel running the length of the stomach.
11. The system of claim 2 wherein said inflatable body member has a length dimension and a width dimension, said length dimension being greater than said width dimension when said inflatable body member is in a deflated state.
12. The system of claim 11, wherein first and second end portions of said inflatable body member, along said length dimension, expand less than expansion of a portion between said first and second end portions when said inflatable body member is inflated.
13. The system of claim 12, wherein said first and second ends bend inward toward said portion between said first and second end portions.
14. The system of claim 1, wherein said expandable main body member comprises an inflatable body member with end portions extending therefrom, said end portions configured to engage the stomach at locations peripherally from where said inflatable body member engages the stomach.
15. The system of claim 2, wherein a side of said inflatable member adapted to abut the stomach has an undulating surface, and wherein an opposite surface of said inflatable member is non-undulating, when inflated.
16. The system of claim 2, wherein expansion characteristics of said inflatable member vary over different portions thereof.
17. The system of claim 2, wherein said inflatable member comprises two different materials at two different portions thereof, wherein a first of said materials is more compliant than a second of said materials.
18. The system of claim 2, comprising a substantially non-expanding backing member on one surface of said inflatable body member, wherein, upon inflation of said inflatable body member, said inflatable body member expands predominantly in a direction away from said backing member.
19. The system of claim 2, wherein said inflatable body member comprises two different materials at two different portions thereof, wherein a first of said materials is more compliant than a second of said materials, and wherein a surface of said inflatable body member adapted to expand toward the stomach when said inflatable body member is positioned toward the stomach comprises said second material, wherein, upon inflation of said inflatable body member, said inflatable body member expands predominantly in a direction away from said surface comprising said second material.
20. A system for treatment of obesity, said system comprising:
- An expandable main body member configured to be positioned adjacent a portion of a stomach of a patient, within the abdominal cavity of the patient;
- An anchor on the expandable main body member configured to fix a portion of said main body member to and in contact with a portion of at least one internal body structure, without piercing through a wall of the stomach;
- A removable, elongate delivery instrument having a handle to guide the expandable main body member to a target location then be removed;
- An adjustment member having a port that is accessible by an instrument to effect expansion or contraction of said main body, said adjustment member located in the expandable main body member; and
- A removable conduit having an expandable tip wherein upon implantation of the expandable main body the removable conduit is attached to the adjustment member add after expansion of the expandable main body the expandable tip is retracted and the removable conduit is removed.
Type: Application
Filed: Mar 1, 2010
Publication Date: Aug 12, 2010
Inventor: Michael Gertner (Menlo Park, CA)
Application Number: 12/714,926
International Classification: A61M 29/02 (20060101);