Reverse P golf club putter face
All Possibility Characters and Backgrounds—a process for creating computer generated movies, using a library of pre-recorded characters (actors performing roles of characters), personalities, actions and dialogue along with settings, backgrounds and scenery, and sounds, etc. which are retrieved from the library by computer commands and added and deleted and adjusted as appropriate and required, entering the appropriate dialogue and emotions, etc. and then pieced together to create the movie.
This applies to the face of the putter, with the top third to seven eighths having a bulge like a half circle (like a reversed letter ‘P’, or like a bubble on the top part of the face (
EFS ID 3179790
Application Number 61046441
Confirmation Number 7526
First Named Inventor Barry William Ceminchuk
Box 51047 RPO Highlands
Edmonton Alberta T5W 5G5 Canada
(780) 952-1792 (changed)
Receipt Date 20-APR-2008
Search results of patents in the same category:
U.S. Pat. No. 6,951,517
U.S. Pat. No. 7,134,970
U.S. Pat. No. 7,294,066
U.S. Pat. No. 7,485,051
U.S. Pat. No. 4,529,202
I have also seen an antique putter that has a moveable cylinder attached on the bottom of the putter (like a roller), so the putter will roll along the ground.
None of the above are the same invention.
Reference to a “Sequence Listing,” a table, or a computer program listing appendix submitted on a compact disc and an incorporation by reference of the material on the compact disc. The total number of compact disc including duplicates and the files on each compact disc shall be specified.
Not applicable.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThis putter face is designed to impart top spin or no spin on the golf ball when the golf ball is hit with a proper stroke.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONGolf club, putter head, reverse P shaped putter face (when viewed from the heel of the putter) and P shaped putter face (when viewed from the toe of the putter).
There are two drawings:
I will explain the invention in simple terms. Having read other patent applications they are too detailed and have information that is extraneous and in some, confusing.
This invention relates to the face of the putter. The invention is, when played with an optimal stroke, designed to hit the golf ball at or above the equator of the ball imparting a top/over spin on the ball or no spin.
The putter face can be used on putters for both right hand or left hand players.
The face of the putter will, assuming a putter for a right hand player, when viewed from the toe of the putter, appear to be similar to the letter “P” (
The extended curvature will have a roll (the amount of curve) which can vary from very little to a complete semi-circle extending x inches out from the face.
Typically the roll of the face (curvature) is the vertical curvature and can be measured by the radius of the circle it is cut to. An example would be a curve of 12 inches or in other words a face shaped to the radius of a 12 inch circle. The curve may also be more severe than a circle.
The roll can vary from the top one third of the face to the top seven eighths of the face, and again vary in the amount of roll.
The putter face height can vary from 1 inch to 3 inches or more. The putter face length can also vary from 2 inches to 10 inches or more.
When the phrase “or more” is used this indicates that the dimension may extended beyond the quoted measurements.
The material may be any of the available materials, and with or without an insert.
The weighting may vary in any possible combination both vertically and horizontally and not necessarily equally across the face or equally on each side of the face (there may or may not be more weight on the toe end of the face, or the heel, or in the center or off-centre).
There are many possible methods of manufacturing the face, including machining metal, milling, forging, casting using moulds or any process yet to be invented.
A claim or claims CLAIM The Invention Claimed isGolf club, putter-head, putter-face, Reverse P Putter, new putter face design where the top portion (⅓ to ⅞ths) of the face has an outward curve, the amount of curve varies from minimal to significant. The face is designed to strike the golf ball at or above the equator of the ball (
Golf club, putter-head, putter-face, new putter face design where the top portion (⅓ to ⅞ths) of the face has an outward curve, the amount of curve varies from minimal to significant (
Roll (extended curved area) may be from ⅓ to ⅞ths of the face and on the upper part of the face.
Real Computer Game Builder Process for Creating Computer GamesCategory, Field of the Invention:
Utility Patent: Process for creating computer games.
SPECIFICATION (1) Title of the InventionReal Computer Game Builder, a process for creating computer games using actual movies of actual swings with appropriate golf clubs and appropriate shots, and with actual pictures of appropriate golf courses.
(2) Cross Reference to Related Applications Provisional Patent ApplicationEFS ID: 3179488
Application Number: 61046406
Confirmation Number: 7422
First Named Inventor/Applicant Name: Barry William Ceminchuk
Barry Ceminchuk
Box 51047 RPO Highlands
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada—T5W 5G5
(780) 952-1792 (changed)
Receipt Date: 19-APR-2008
Patents in the Same Category:
This invention uses existing technologies in a new way. The technology to use a computer to overlay images in a picture or a movie onto a background is currently in use and generally available through many commercial software products.
(3) Statement of Federally Sponsored Research/DevelopmentNot applicable.
(4) Reference to a “Sequence Listing,” a Table, or a Computer Program Listing Appendix Submitted on a Compact DiscNot applicable.
(5) Background of the InventionThe inventor has designed and developed computer systems.
(6) Brief Summary of the InventionReal Computer Game Builder, a process for creating computer games uusing actual movies of characters with actual pictures and movies of objects. Not computer generated characters and terrain.
(7) Brief Description of the Several Views of the DrawingNot applicable.
(8) Detailed Description of the InventionI will explain the invention in simple terms. Having read other patent applications they are too detailed and have information that is extraneous and in some, confusing.
Process for creating computer games using actual movies of characters with actual pictures and movies of objects.
This invention is titled “Real Computer Game Builder” and involves:
Using actual movies of characters with actual pictures and movies of objects. Example: with computer golf game, use movies of actual swings with appropriate golf clubs and appropriate shots, with actual pictures of appropriate golf courses. Not computer generated characters and terrain.
This would require taking photographs at every possible location a golf ball could land (including panorama photos) and then having a golf swing for every possible shot that could be taken from every position (normal shots (i.e. a full 8 iron) and trouble shots (high or low shots, hook or slice and severity of hook or slice, partial shots (i.e. soft 8 iron or hard 3 iron), etc.)). The terrain and obstructions would also have to be included in the game programming (for example, hills, trees, bridges, etc.—such terrain capability already exists and is in use in golf games).
This invention could also be used to build other computer games.
Again, this invention uses existing technologies in a new way. The technology to use a computer to overlay images in a picture or a movie onto a background is currently in use and generally available through many commercial software products. This invention uses actual pictures of golf courses (or playing surfaces) and when playing the game the computer inserts the appropriate film of an actual player playing the appropriate shot (or player performing the appropriate action).
(9) A Claim or ClaimsThe Invention Claimed is:
Real Computer Game Builder, a process for creating computer games using actual movies of actual players performing appropriate actions with actual pictures of appropriate playing surfaces or settings.
Example: with computer golf game, use movies of actual swings with appropriate golf clubs and appropriate shots, with actual pictures of appropriate golf courses. Not computer generated characters and terrain. This invention could also be used to build other computer games.
This would require taking photographs at every possible location a golf ball could land (including panorama photos) and then having a golf swing for every possible shot that could be taken from every position (normal shots (i.e. a full 8 iron) and trouble shots (high or low shots, hook or slice and severity of hook or slice, partial shots (i.e. soft 8 iron or hard 3 iron), etc.)). The terrain and obstructions would also have to be included in the game programming (for example, hills, trees, bridges, etc.—such terrain capability already exists and is in use in golf games).
(10) Abstract of the DisclosureReal Computer Game Builder, a process for creating computer games using actual movies of actual players performing appropriate actions with actual pictures of appropriate playing surfaces or settings. For example with golf games, the new part of this invention is using actual pictures of golf courses and actual films of golf clubs being swung to make the appropriate shot (not computer animated terrain and players).
All Possibility Characters and Backgrounds (APCAB) Process for Creating Computer Generated MoviesCategory, Field of the Invention:
Utility Patent: Process for creating computer generated movies.
SPECIFICATION (1) Title of the InventionAll Possibility Characters and Backgrounds (APCAB)—a process for creating computer generated movies.
(2) Cross Reference to Related Applications Provisional Patent ApplicationEFS ID: 3179488
Application Number: 61046406
Confirmation Number: 7422
First Named Inventor/Applicant Name: Barry William Ceminchuk
Barry Ceminchuk
Box 51047 RPO Highlands
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada—T5W 5G5
(780) 952-1792 (changed)
Receipt Date: 19-APR-2008
Patents in the Same Category:
This invention uses existing technologies in a new way. The technology to use a computer to overlay images in a picture or a movie onto a background is currently in use and generally available through many commercial software products.
(3) Statement of Federally Sponsored Research/DevelopmentNot applicable.
(4) Reference to a “Sequence Listing,” a Table, or a Computer Program Listing Appendix Submitted on a Compact DiscNot applicable.
(5) Background of the InventionThe inventor has designed and developed computer systems.
(6) Brief Summary of the InventionA process for creating computer generated movies, using a library of pre-recorded characters (actors performing roles of characters), personalities, actions and dialogue along with settings, backgrounds and scenery, and sounds, etc. which are retrieved from the library by computer commands and added and deleted and adjusted as appropriate and required, entering the appropriate dialogue and emotions, etc. and then pieced together to create the movie.
(7) Brief Description of the Several Views of the DrawingNot applicable.
(8) Detailed Description of the InventionI will explain the invention in simple terms. Having read other patent applications they are too detailed and have information that is extraneous and in some, confusing.
All Possibility Characters and Backgrounds—a process for creating computer generated movies, using a library of pre-recorded characters (actors performing roles of characters), personalities, actions and dialogue along with settings, backgrounds and scenery, and sounds, etc. which are retrieved from the library by computer commands and added and deleted and adjusted as appropriate and required, entering the appropriate dialogue and emotions, etc. and then pieced together to create the movie.
This invention is titled “All Possibility Characters and Backgrounds” and involves:
Using a pre-recorded library of actions, characters, personalities and dialogue (actors performing roles of characters) and backgrounds and scenery and sounds, then use a computer program to piece together the movie or game.
This also includes, but is not limited to, creating an electronic library of all possible situations, and all possible dialogues with all possible personalities and emotions and the capability to adjust all the variable situations (e.g. electronically adjust the presentation of the emotions between recorded emotions (for example if the recording includes a character expressing anger and another character expressing rage, the capability to adjust in between)).
This invention would also include developing the computer program(s) to handle the processes of this invention:
- This would include the ability to isolate a character or even a section of a frame, an arm of the character for example, and then move the character or arm based on commands given to the computer (either by word commands or click on icons or drop down menus or verbal spoken commands) and which could be accomplished using, in computer programming language (for example Fortran programming language), a single or multiple 3 dimensional array(s) that would use variables to move the selected section in the direction required and at the speed required and to the position required, as directed by the command given to the program.
- This also includes the capability to adjust all the variable situations (e.g. electronically adjust the presentation of the emotions between recorded emotions (for example if the recording includes a character expressing anger and another character expressing rage, the capability to adjust in between) or facial expressions, or adjust images, etc.) both manually and automatically by the computer by either a small amount of large amount of adjustment.
- This also includes the ability to enter specific words and phrases (i.e. dialogues) which the computer retrieves from the library. The library, besides common words and phrases, will also contain single words that can be retrieved and used to build dialogues.
- The dialogues will be capable of being adjusted at the syllable level to allow for accents, inflection, etc. and other languages, dialects, etc.
- Also, have a feature to insert another language sub-titles and/or voice over.
As for backgrounds and scenery and sounds, these can be filmed and recorded and stored in the library. For example Google is filming street views of many cities, perhaps this data can be bought from them or even done by myself.
For non-existent backgrounds (for example a future city or an ancient city) these can be created and stored in the library or an existing setting can be used and adjusted. For time difference (for example a city in the 18th century) these can be adjusted from existing library images, both manually and by the computer (for example replace paved roads with dirt, remove modern metals, etc.).
The adjusting will require some computer algorithms and the capability for the computer to automatically adjust the variables will exist.
With costumes for the characters, when originally filming the images and sounds for the library, the actors will wear special clothing that can be easily replaced by the appropriate costume when generating the movie. This would be unusually colored clothing on both the upper and lower parts of the actors bodies, and would include some flesh shots. The unusual color will be a color chosen that can be easily isolated by computer technology and does not frequently occur in backgrounds and scenery, this could change but at this moment I am considering a shade of pale purple (not a frequently used color) or a distinctive color and pattern. The costumes can be changed as required, by scene or multiple scenes.
In other words, create a library of all possible characters, with personalities, actions, emotions and movement and dialogue and backgrounds and scenery and sounds and then piece together using a computer program to generate the movie from the characters, etc. in the library. The capability would exist to adjust movements and variables like emotions and dialogue and costumes, etc. as required and add and delete as required.
Again, this invention uses existing technologies in a new way. The technology to use a computer to overlay images in a picture or a movie onto a background is currently in use and generally available through many commercial software products. This invention is creating a library of all possible characters (actors performing roles of characters), personalities, actions and dialogue along with settings, backgrounds and scenery, and sounds, which are retrieved from the library by computer commands and added and deleted and adjusted as appropriate and required, entering the appropriate dialogue and emotions, etc. and then pieced together to create the movie.
An example would be, Commands:
- Setting—Front of Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., USA, white male character, age early 30's, dressed in summer golf shirt (navy blue) and blue jean pants, and white sneakers.
- Action—Walk up stairs of Memorial at normal speed, at top of stairs turn and face away from Memorial (180 degrees) and say some dialogue (words to be said are entered and any emotion, accent, etc.).
- The background, character, actions, etc. will be retrieved from the library and adjusted as appropriate.
- When complete, next scene commands are entered and the process is repeated.
Similar settings and angles (overhead, street level, various angles) could be offered for the builder to choose if what is initially presented is not what wanted. This would be achieved by retrieving settings with similar criteria and location.
The nearest thing to this concept I have seen is on the television show Star Trek Voyageur, using Star Trek terminology, one episode discussed the creating of holo-novels for the holo-deck. The actor mentioned a location (somewhere in Ireland if I remember correctly) and the computer generated a holo-deck image of a town in Ireland. And the actor mentioned a character and the computer generated a holo-image of a character and the actor tweaked the characteristics of the character and the personality. This is a similar concept, generate settings and characters from a computer library.
Included is automatic (or default) actions for a character or multiple characters (for example a background crowd) or so multiple characters can interract with each other.
1. All Possibility Characters and Backgrounds—a process for creating computer generated movies, using a library of pre-recorded characters (actors performing roles of characters), personalities, actions and dialogue along with settings, backgrounds and scenery, and sounds, etc. which are retrieved from the library by computer commands and added and deleted and adjusted as appropriate and required, entering the appropriate dialogue and emotions, etc. and then pieced together to create the movie. This also includes, but is not limited to, creating an electronic library of the above characters, scenery, etc. This invention is creating a library of all possible characters with dialogue, moods and actions and backgrounds and using the library images and sounds to generate a movie using computer commands and computer technology. This invention would also include developing the computer program(s) to handle the adjusting and movement aspects of this invention.
Type: Application
Filed: Jun 15, 2009
Publication Date: Dec 23, 2010
Inventor: Barry Ceminchuk (Edmonton Alberta)
Application Number: 12/484,519
International Classification: A63B 53/04 (20060101);