CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/231,138 filed Aug. 4, 2009, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the module showing: a wall 104, which all four walls are equal in size and have rounded corners; a built-in handle 101, with one handle on each of the four sides; an interconnection hole 106, with two on each of the four sides; a reservoir cup 102, with thirty six total; and a drainage slot 103, with 70 total, that run partially up the side of the reservoir cups 102 and partially into the module floor 105. All of the above mentioned components that make up the module are molded into a single piece unit. I contemplate that the material for the embodiment of this module be made from 100% recycled high density polypropylene plastic, and is black in color with UV additives.
FIG. 2 is a top view of the module looking down into the module. This view offers a better look at the reservoir cups 102, the drainage slots 103 and the floor 105. The configuration of said components allows for the maximum amount of needed drainage, in an evenly dispersed fashion, with the ability to store water for later uptake by the soil media and corresponding vegetation. From this view, the approximate thickness of the wall sections 104 and the depth of handles 101 can be viewed. The design and placement of the handles 101 give the module walls 104 the maximum amount of rigidity and support, to better resist the outward pressures from the added green roof contents (soil & vegetation). Another reason for the design and placement of the handles 101 near the top of the module is for better weight distribution and easier carrying. The dimensions labeled on FIG. 2 are the preferred dimensions for this embodiment, but can be altered depending on the module use.
FIG. 3A is a side view of the module, where the wall 104 section can be viewed in relation to the reservoir cups 102, the drain slots 103 that are cut into the top one-third of the reservoir cups 102, and the handle 101 location. Note the large amount of surface area on the bottom of the reservoir cups 102 in relation to the module. This amount of surface area allows better weight distribution from the module to the roof's surface, which lowers the impact on the roof's surface. The drainage channels that are created in the module floor 105 by the reservoir cups, allows water to freely flow and drain underneath the modules. The location of the interconnection holes 106 can also be better viewed in FIG. 3A. The modules will be lined up side-by-side, in some configuration to create the green roof system. When lined up together, the interconnecting holes 106 will match up from one module to the next, and can be connected by a number of fasteners. The recommended fastener type is a black plastic push pin, commonly known as a Pine Tree push pin, that has fins that catch when pushed into a hole, and will secure the two corresponding modules together. The dimensions labeled in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3A are the preferred dimensions for this embodiment, but can be altered depending on the module use (ie. extensive green roofs vs. intensive green roofs, herb & vegetable planting, & etc).
FIG. 3B is an exploded cross-section view taken from FIG. 3A, showing a detail of the reservoir cup 102, the drainage slot 103 and the module floor 105. Note that the bottom surface of the reservoir cup 102 is designed with rounded edges, to lessen any chance of tearing or damaging the roof surface/membrane when installing the modules. The dimensions labeled on FIG. 3B are the preferred dimensions, but can be altered depending on the module use.
FIG. 4 is a side view of a solid model 3-D image of the module. This is a realistic view of what the actual module will look like from the side.
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a solid model 3-D image of the module. This is a realistic view of what the actual module will look like if one was elevated above and to the side of the module.
FIG. 6 is a bottom view of a solid model 3-D image of the module. This is a realistic view of what the actual module will look like from the bottom.
FIG. 7 is a top view of a solid model 3-D image of the module. This is a realistic view of what the actual module will look like from the top.
FIG. 8 is showing the module with the typical components that would accompany the module 110 in making a modular green roof. The module 110 is shown at the bottom and will contain all of the other components of the green roof for an all-in-one modular green roof system. The filter fabric 111 layer should be a non-woven geotextile fabric with good drainage characteristics. The soil media 112 should be appropriate for the planted vegetation, and if used for green roof purposes, should be tested based on ASTM and German FLL Green Roof Soil Guidelines. The vegetation 113, if used for green roof purposes, should be a variety of hardy plants that are able to thrive in the local climate.
In operation, one fills the module 110 with the other components of a green roof system, including a filter fabric layer 111, the soil media layer 112 and the vegetation layer 113.
When it is time for installation, the modules are transported to the roof, and are set side-by-side on the roof surface, to create a continuous area as large or small as the user desires. If wanted or needed, as in high wind or steep sloping situations, the modules 110 can be arranged so that the interconnection holes 106 from one module wall 104, line up with the interconnection holes 106 from the adjacent module wall 110, and a connecting push pin/zip-tie can be used to connect one module 110 to the next.
The above described operation would likely be the primary use of the module 110, but an alternative use for the module 110 would be as a water collection/detainment system. This would be accomplished by sealing the drainage slots with some sort of impermeable material, such as a piece of plastic or tape, and letting the module 110 be used for the sole purpose of collecting and storing the maximum, and predetermined, amount of water. This alternative operation would be useful in the detention of excess stormwater, for a number of benefits (ie: relieving demand on the stormwater drainage system, keeping excess polluted stormwater runoff out of the natural water systems, aiding onsite erosion control measures, and etc.).