Novel Compositions Against Alkyl-Acyl GPC, The Derivatives And Products Thereof

The invention refers to novel compositions with at least one prehormone, hormone from group consisting of mevalonate derivatives or from the group consisting of peptides and/or proteo-hormones and at least one mineral, one constituent by preference from the group consisting of iodine, selen and at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl-acyl-GPC (AAGPC), its derivatives (alkyl-lipis) and/or products (e.g. acetylacyl-CoA). In addition, the invention also refers to the manufacture of novel compositions with at least one Ginkgoloide and/or acetylcysteine for oral, dietary, oily or local, cosmetic administration. Novel local preparations without ether/volatile oils contain Ginkgoloides with at least one sun screening agent against impairments of pigmentation. The compositions of the invention are used for the manufacture of compounds to protect against alkylacyl-like destabilized cells by preference under the conditions of critical lifestyle. Persons are clinically treated who have problems concerning body weight, critical morning urine samples, tendency to diabetes and hypersensitivity syndromes and/or desequilibration of mentality and mind.

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The compositions are novel, fresh and inventive comprising at least one prehormone, peptide-proteo-hormone, Ginkgoloide, mineral and constituent. Hormonal and/or dietary compositions are used for the first time for a hormonal, determinative equilibration. For the first time, a prehormone, hormone selected out of mevalonates, cholecalciferol-, calcitriol-group and/or the peptide-proteo-hormone group is adjusted with Ginkgoloides. Precursors of hormones (prehormones) by preference out of the “ergocalciferol-(D2), cholecalciferol (D3) group” are mixed for the first time with at least one constituent (e.g. iodide, selen, zinc). Thus, the invention refers to novel compositions for surprising hormonal methods of use against alkyl-, acyl-like destabilisations of cells. The novel compositions contain for the first time a mixture of Ginkgoloides with minerals and/or essential constituents.

In addition, a second use surprises which is directed against alkyl-acyl-GPC (AAGPC) its derivatives (alkyl-lipids) and/or products (e.g. acetylacyl-coenzyme A, CoA) to protect also acetylcholine(re)synthesis and the (central) hormones. Ginkgoloides inhibit here the binding of the alkyl-group which mediates enrichment of cellular AAGPC by intermediate of LDL. AAGPC is the mother compound of alkyl lipids and of the acyl-, choline groups determinating/impressing therewith the energy balance of all cells. It was developped here for the first time how AAGPC determines e.g. the synthesis of mevalonates and/or inhibits Acetyl-CoA by formation of acetylacyl-coenzyme A (CoA) competing for the substrate with acetylcholine(re)synthesis and/or impairing the decline of hormones. The unexpected alkyl-, acyl-like hypersensitivity syndromes of cells, organs, glands, tissue were clinically treated. In addition, the cellular oganelles such as cytosol, microsomes, lysosomes, peroxysomes are disturbed and exhausted. Ginkgoloides are combined here for the first time with acetylcysteine to antagonize the hypersensitivity syndromes.

The novel compositions comprising at least one prehormone, hormone and at least one mineral, constituent with Ginkgoloides are used for the manufacture of compounds for oral, dietary and/or local, cosmetic use. The (semi-) synthetic, manufactured components are antioxidatively stabilized and are offered in a united outer form.

The alkyl lipids are stable and determine/impress in a hormonal manner the carrier proteins and cells in the entire organism. Those alcohol metabolites show unexpected early, significant impairments, as free albumin declines and e.g. hormones and/or lipids become more and more injurious, nearly toxique. Clinically, the alkyl-related impairments are shown for example using significant associations of alcohol and/or nicotine use with albuminuria, hematuria, diabetic risk, rise of blood pressure and those are even aggravated by hormones. In contrast, the novel compositions equilibrate and determine in a hormonal manner the entire body. To promote health, the alkyl-like destabilisations were not antagonized, repaired in a “forte . . . intens” manner while clinical impairments were equilibrated, transposed including the way of better quality of lifestyle lowering noxious compounds. Even severe kidney impairments were successfully treated here with an abstinent patient and/or there was healing of a nicotine-mediated hematuria, diabetic risk (Pre-diabetes).

The ratio of albumin to triglycerides significantly declines during alcohol problems or obesity indicating that albumin is carried form inside the vessels out in parallel with rise of blood pressure and decline of skin-subcutaneous and connective tissue. Albumin of healthy persons represent 60% of all plasma peptides wherein only 40% of the total albumin remains in the plasma and only free albumin is protective. The compositions protect against unclean albumin carrying alkyl lipids and calcium into the tissue, into the brain. Impairments of pigmentations are recognized as an unexpected problem of the entire organism and those were treated in a local, hormonal and entire manner. Ginkgoloides with sunscreening agents strengthen all cells and tissues. Only antioxidatively stabilized oils are topically used without ether/volatile oils (e.g. purified olive oils, soja products etc). The central melanotropic peptide hormones are modulated here and declined by acetylation for example using acetylcysteine, amino acids, peptides, multivitamin compounds. The novel methods of manufacture, screening and administration of Ginkgoloides were revealed for the first time in P34669914 wherein novel compositions are enriched and adapted for persons in need using e.g. sunscreening agents, minerals, folic acid, proteoglycans, vitamins, constituents for example selen and/or peptides, amino acids, antioxidatively stabilized lipids, phospholipids, lecithin, ceramides, unsaturated fatty acids.

2) THE COMPONENTS 2.1 Adjusting of the Mineral Metabolism

The hormonal compositions equilibrate the whole organism. A secret loss of calcium has been recognized here for the first time using albuminuria to be antagonized in a hormonal manner. The compositions mediate the healing of albuminuria and thus antagonize the secret loss of bone mass by equilibration of the calcium-dependent parathomorn (peptide hormone) resulting in binding of phosphor to bones and teeth.

The loss of calcium is calculated here for the first time using albuminuria to be supplemented (0.8 mg calcium per mg albumin pro liter urine). The need of light-dependent hormones, prehormones D2/D3 is about 1000 IU per day and of calcium 600 mg per day. The daily need of iodide is about 150 μg per day which lowers lipids and protects the nervous system. Intake of water and food cannot always cover the surprisingly elevated need of minerals and iodide which is supplemented here, for example vegetarian persons need more vitamin B12 supplementation. Calcium (calciumcarbonate, calciumcitrate etc), phosphor (phosphate etc), constituents (iodine, iodide, zinc, selen) are combined with Ginkgoloides for the first time.

The hormones are also adapted for the need and selected out of the group consisting of peptide-proteo-hormones or out of the group comprising dihydroxy-cholecalciferol, calcitriols. The prehormones, phytohormones are selected out of the group comprising dolicholes, mevalonates, isoprenoides, squalens, chinoness, farnesyles, cholestanes, sterines and those are stabled, enriched. Those known precursors and/or light-dependent prehormones D2 originate by preference from plants, for example the ergocalciferoles are composed here with prehormone D3 originating by preference out of the animal-derived group of choleclaciferols (see Harper's Biochemistry, 24th Edition, page 617). Antioxidatively stabilized fish oils and/or plant oils are composed to reach the best, by preference oily dilution of phytohormones, prehormones, vitamins out of the group A, B, C, E, lecithins, unsaturated fatty acids and ceramides, minerals, calcium, iodide, selen, zinc. The plant oils which are protected against light further contain phytosterines, cholestanes that means the basic carbohydrates of all sterines, ubiquinones (protection of mitochondria), squalenes etc as precursors of hormones (phytohormones, prehormones). Free e.g. bovine albumin is added also to supplement vitamin B12. The (semi-)synthetic and/or natural hormones, constituents, Ginkgoloides are composed with compounds, oils prepared for the special purpose with antioxidatively stabilized, natural, (semi-) synthetic products form animals and plants, oils.

For example, an antioxidatively stabilized, concentrated oil from salt water fishes is composed with pumpkin kernel oil and (semi-)synthetic folic acid (e.g. 24 mg/ml, 1/1, vol/vol). The fish oil product contains 35% omega-3-fatty acids with 18% eicosapentaen acids (EPA) and 12% docohexaen acids stabilized using vitamin E (10 mg/1 g, 14.9 I.E.) that means protection against oxidation. The fishoil is selected regarding the portion of prehormones D2+D3 by preference 16 μg/100 g, phosphor e.g. 300 mg/100 g, iodine by preference 8.4 μg per g fishoil. Fish oils also contain unsaturated lecithins (Korth et al. Chem. Phys. Lipids 36, p. 209, 1985), which are also stabilized here in accordance with the present invention for example using selen and/or vitamin E. Prepared, purified, antioxidatively stabilized, unsaturated plant oils are by preference suitable as carriers and contain pre(phyto)hormones, calcium, phosphor, phosphate, unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenoles, lecithin, iodide (e.g. 100 μg).

2.2. Ginkgoloide

Ginkgoloides share the classical pharmacological regession line for inhibition of the alkyl lipids. The selection of Ginkgoloides e.g. the “manufacturing of gingkolides as mixture” was adapted here for the unexpected clinical use (adapted for medical use). Nevertheless, the “chemically defined extract of Ginkgo biloba” is the pharmacological guidance (Korth et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol. 152, S. 101, 1988; EP 0312913), so that BN 52021 is tested here as representative for all natural Ginkgoloides while WEB2086 was tested as representative for all synthetic Ginkgoloides in examples.

The Ginkgoloides were successfully tested here using novel methods, to be subsequently composed, adjusted, diluted using surprising components (e.g. 1/3, vol/vol) using by preference dry substance diluted with oils or with solutions without alcohol which are commercially available (2:1, v/v) adapted to persons who are often at risk for alcohol problems. The idea to compose for example Ginkgoloides with iodide and/or sun screening agents has not been proposed in non of many preparation procedures which are published before (see P344669914). Ginkgoloides are composed here for the first time e.g. with acetylcysteines, alkali-earthalkali-carbonate, citrate (citrone-wine-acidic acids), leading to a novel composition for sparkling liquids in accordance with the invention. Also a composition of Ginkgoloides with inorganic constituents is novel and inventive.

Furthermore, novel methods of manufacturing and novel screening procedures are specified which are included by citation of P34669914. The novel compositions were developped with novel screening procedures using for the first time fixed cells, cell lines. Also cell organelles interact with various alkyl-acyl-lipids originating from AAGPC. A quantified extract was used here for the first time obtained from whole blood namely “biological paf” which is a mixture of all alkyl ligands competing with Ginkgoloides for the same binding sites. Thus, Ginkgoloides are further selected in a novel manner out of the group comprising analogous and homologous compounds as well as natural and/or synthetic derivatives and/or out of the group comprising the known paf antagonists (Hwang, J. Llpid med. 2, page 123-158, 1990). In addition, the Ginkgoloides are selected using novel methods out of the great group of natural antagonists including the ginkgolides with mixtures thereof/therewith, the ginkgolide derivatives, the synthetic ginkgolides, the Ginkgo-extracts (EGB761, EGB etc), the phospholipids including paf analogues, the synthetic substances out of the group comprising triazolames, brotizolames, thiodiazepines, the thioetherbenzodiazepines (e.g. BN 50739), the etherbenzozepines, the chlorophenylbenzo(dia)zepines or out of the group comprising tetrahydrofuranes, cyclopentanes and/or of the group comprising endogeneous modulating compounds, the proteo-, peptid hormones etc.

The novel methods using fixed cells are also suitable to select novel Ginkgoloides, mixtures thereof/therewith, synthetic ginkgolides, Ginkgo extracts which are more suitable. EGB761 (EP 0312913) or EGB etc are further antioxidatively stabilized using selen, vitamin E wherein ether/volatile oils are excluded by purification for the local administration for the first time. The Ginkgo-compositions are not offered as pharmaceutical agents “forte . . . intens” because those have side effects which are not desired by healthy persons. Too high dosages of the components must be avoided leading e.g. to hypervitaminoses, hypercalcinosis (nephrolithiasis), bleeding problems.

2.2. Repairing Compositions and Deficiency Syndromes

Amino acids and glucose solutions with antioxidatively stabilized lecithins, peptides, (phyto)hormones, vitamins are suitable to repair/build up deficiency wherein free albumin can be added. Eating disorders, alcohol problems, disturbed alcohol catabolism, alkylacyl-like destabilisations (“AHA”-syndromes) lead to loss of appetite, malnutrition, deficient nutrition, intolerance of lipids and deficiency of albumin. Milk- or soda-products were enriched with vitamins and/or amino acids, acetylcysteines to repair deficiency of albumin, acetyl CoA, minerals etc. for example against hepatorenal problems, dialysis, renal anemia. Milk is enriched here as repairing composition with vitamins out of the B group and also with fruits with benefit e.g. for seniors. Stem cells can be stimulated using erythropoietin (petide hormone) against severe renal anemia. All palliative compounds (mistel etc), analgetics are used for patients at the highest need, in palliative units.

2.3. Syndromes Related with Raised Body Weight

The compositions of the invention contain prepared, semi-synthetic and/or purified compositions. Those adjust/complete healthy nutrionals of own choice without claiming food and are offered as whole in an entire outer form. The before mentioned novel compositions are further completed by iodide. Dietary fibers such as plantago ovata or wheat cereals, constituents, selenium are added to the compositions.

The compositions are adapted for persons with overweight and iodide is adjusted for example in the presence of critical thyroidea situation (thyroid gland enlargement, hypothyroidism, post-infectious thyroid problems etc) and/or critical lipid profiles. The undesirous side effects of hormones e.g. of thyroid hormones are equilibrated in accordance with the invention. The “OMIH”-overweight-syndromes are treated using the compositions of the invention by preference in the presence of alcohol and/or nicotine consumption or after periods of deficiency or dietary periods as alkyl lipids increase therewith. The alkyl-like destabilisation of cells is treated here wherein the symptoms, hematuria, diabetic risk and/or rise of blood pressure are the early predictors for disturbed vascular smooth muscle cells and/or impaired glandular cells as well as impairments in general of cells, tissue, organs. First, the decline of cells is indicated with albuminuria and/or rise of blood pressure as indicators and later those tended also to diabetes, impaired blood cells and decline of the skin, the bones, the brain etc. When albumin is consumed during “OMIH”-syndrome, albumin and LDL synergistally damage with intermediate of AAGPC, its derivatives, products (e.g. acetylacylCoA) the cells in the entire organism including those of the skin, the subcutanous-, adipose tissue, glands, neuronal cells and brain. The novel compositions healed with a surprising success.

2.4. Transposition of Hormones, Pharmaceutical Compounds

The equilibration of hormones has been reached by preference by inhibition of AAGPC with products, derivatives in order to promote beauty, energy, wellness of mind and soul. An equilibaration of the hormonal metabolism improves the critical lifestyle and inverse. Ginkgoloides mediate for the first time also a hormonal equlibration and further promote the healing of early clinical impairments. Hormones are better tolerated and those are suitable to treat hormonal problems to meet e.g. borderline hypothyroidism, menopause/hormonal dysfunction, loss of energy, sleeping problems, loss of bone mass. It is known that peptide hormones such as thyroid hormones determine the expression of genes but an undesirous risk for diabetes with hematuria was observed here during treatment with thyroid hormones which was successfully treated also by reducing nicotine consumption. Hematuria, diabetic risk subsequently healed completely after those years of hematuria of a smoking women with overweight indicating an alkyl-related cell destabilisation of renal cells which was rather aggravated by hormones. A hypersensitivity syndrome of cells e.g. to hormones, lipids was not recognized up to now to be developped and treated here for the first time. For pregnant women (and their children) who are at risk for intolerance to glucose, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, weakening of children's health, adolescent obesity etc. by preference antioxidatively stabilized plant and fish oils are prepared which are rich of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithins, iodine, folic acid, selen, iodide, flavone glycosides, lecithins, vitamins, constituents and minerals. Milk-, vegetable-, fish products are recommended. Components are used here for the first time to purify endogenous albumin which is carried through the placenta barrier (using e.g. stabilized fatty acids, lecithins, selen). Light-related exercises are also recommended to, pregnant women rather than paf antagonists, as those might impair the birth-related uterus contractions. Iodide, hydrophilic folic acid are always added adapting for reproductiv-aged women who want to be pregnant, during anemia and/or to promote the aging brain, against hypothyroidism or homocysteines. The known successful strategy for health promotion is described with a follow-up of pregnant women in the priority document P 34669914.

Hydrophilic ginkgolides which were considered up to now as being inefficient and/or lipids, antioxidatively stabilized phospholipids, peptides, synthetic substances can replace the alkyl glycerol, alkyl LPA, lyso paf in/on albumin while lipophilic ginkgolides and iodide show here benefit in/on cells, brain, lipoproteins. Iodide equilibrates the thyroidea gland and lowers blood lipids. The compositions of the invention comprising Ginkgoloides and/or acetylcysteines are supplementary and equilibrate all hormones and antagonize hypersensitivity syndromes also during intake of the classical hormone replacement therapy. The Ginkgoloides antagonize an undesirous proliferative effect of hormones and/or acetylcysteine makes them less potent by intermediate of acetylation. Alkyl lipids, alkyl-like lipids and acyl groups accumulate in cells in the presence of critical lifestyle wherein alkyl-acyl-GPC (AAGPC) destabilize the cells in the alkyl-like manner with intermediate of derivatives. The means that alkyl lipids and products, namely acetylacylCoA impair e.g. the (re-)synthesis of acetylcholine out of choline and acetyl CoA. Acetylating compounds antagonize here for the first time the hypersensitive imbalance and prevent activation, differentiation (apoptose), exhaustion (degeneration) of cells. The exhausted glandular and neuronal tissue are tired out in a similar manner and accumulate undesirous endogenous compounds. Alkyl-acyl GPC with derivatives, products destabilize the cells which become too sensitive to hormones. Hormones, phytohormones, prehormones in a more precise, lower dosage are used here adusted by constituents, minerals, amino acids in accordance with the invention. Acetylcystein provides substrate as e.g. pigment-promoting peptide hormones are lowered by acetylation and Acetyl CoA is ready for acetylcholin(re-)synthesis. Acetylcysteines and/or selen are further suitable against inflammations, tendency to infections. Promotion of the young brain and/or adjusting genetic problems are reached with adapted and enriched compositions using by preference acetylcysteines and/or iodide, selen (e.g. in the presence of trisomie, isoforms of lipoproteins, acetylhydrolases, alcohol reductases, connexines etc).

The compositions with Ginkgoloides causatively antagonize the mental, neuronal, cerebral, attack-related, cardial, cerebral eplileptic impairments e.g. of the brain or of the heart and show an analgetic benefit. The side effects of hormones, medicaments are reduced by the composition. Drugs, peptide hormones such as thyroid-parat-hormones, cholestan derivatives, anitepileptic drugs or marcumar etc. trigger the loss of bone mass while the composition equilibrate in a determinative manner.

2.5. Skin

The skin problems begin early and indicate the alkyl-related impairment of cells wherein also the dietary compositions protect against skin wrinkles and strengthen the endogenous sun protection system. Sun screening agents and ginkgolides are combined here for the first time with all known locally caring application forms. Local preparations composing free albumin, antioxidatively stabilized lecithins, ceramides, unsaturated fatty acids, plant and honey products are suitable to take care of the skin, the connective tissue. The novel composition is required in the presence of eating problems, weight problems, hormonal problems, hormonal transposition periods, malnutrition, intake of hormones and/or during aging. The benefit is shown with entire healing of disturbed connective tissue (striae) and/or impaired pigmentations by preference vitiligo, age-related pigmentations, chloasmen, melasmen, melanosis, light-sensitive dermatosis using percutanous applications and/or by modulation of the (central) hormones. A cosmetic, dietary, protective composition against impaired pigmentation comprising Ginkgoloid directed against alkyl-acyl-GPC with derivatives, products and at least one sun screening agent or an acetylating substance is used to protect similar cells of the skin, skin-connective tissue and the nervous tissue in a local and central manner. A combination of specific and non-specific antagonists further protects against alkyl-lipids.

The compositions of the invention are novel and surprisingly fresh, as Ginkgoloides are combined for the first time with constituents and/or light-dependent prehormones, with lecithins and/or Ginkgoloides are composed with sun screening agents.


Up to now the surprising target problem could not be recognized and was not obvious. The priority document P34669914 allows for the first time to see the unexpected clinical risk constellations including follow-up studies so that the novel compositions can antagonize for the first time those previously unrecognized problems, namely the critical lifestyle with (1) nicotine consumption (2) hypersensitivity against hormones, lipids and (3) hematuria, tendency to diabetes and/or (4) alcohol problems and significantly associated damages (5). That means early kidney problems, albuminuria, hematuria, proteinuria, (6) hypersensitive vascular smooth muscle cells, rise of blood pressure and/or albuminuria with (7) loss of calcium as onset of loss of bone mass, decaying teeth and (8) the disturbed relationship between albumin and lipids, altogether indicating the damaging transport of albumin from inside the vessels out related to damages of tissue and skin (alb/trig), namely the borderline “OMIH” syndromes. The early damages includes also reproductive-aged women with weight problems (e.g. aged 36±14 years) and significant gender differences led to the hormonal, dietary, protective compositions which successfully reached (10) unexpected equilibration of mental, affective, sensitive problems. A better quality of lifestyle, namely (11) reduced risk factors showed here benefit in the presence of problems related with weight, energy, beauty, nutrition, alcohol, nicotine and (12) led to (12) an unexpected clinical healing.

The long term clinical follow-up studies (Bayerische Landesärztekammer, Ethik-Kommission Nr. 02088) showed after years the surprisingly early risk prediction. The fatty, alkyl-like destabilization of cells was recognized for the first time using “OMIH”-cells as a problem of the entire organism and even kidney damages and tendency to diabetes healed using the inventive compositions. The causal noxious compounds were reduced as necessary because the stable alkyl-lipids are formed in peroxysomes from fatty alcohols. In addition, nicotine mediates an alkyl-like effect by intermediate of lipid oxidation. The cells thus destabilize and become too sensitive in response to alcohol, nicotine wherein this risk combination is decisive. AAGPC and its derivatives (alkyl-lipids), products (acetylacyl CoA) accumulate inside of the cells and transpose the energy sources of cells by forming e.g. mevalonates that means more precursors of cholesterol are formed inside of all cells, cellular organelles, in the cytosol, endoplasmatic reticulum, in the nucleus (DNA) etc. resulting in a fatty cell degeneration. The compositions of the invention inhibit the formation of alkyl-acyl-products. The “OMIH” syndrome is a borderline syndrome with alkyl-acyl-like cell destabilization of cells and mental desequilibration. Those cells are now too sensitive to all those differentiation agents (hormones, lipids etc) wherein exhausted renal cells explain hematuria, glandular cells which are tired out indicating diabetic risk, disturbed skin cells explain impaired pigmentation. Clinically, benefit was shown against rise of blood pressure, prediabetes, albuminuria, hematuria, proteinuria (“OMIH”-syndrome). For example, persons with alcohol problems showed here raised blood pressure which was lowered from 145±22/89±13 mmHg to 123±12/82±10 mmHg. Those persons also showed early albuminuria (≧20 mg/l) which was lowered from 50% to 20% in unpublished data with the first higher-risk subgroup (AHA, n=5, ±1 S.D.).

The compositions protect the whole organism in a longlasting manner using low dosages to reduce the now predictable risk and damages that means decline of vascular, neurovascular, cerebral functions wherein alcohol and nicotine are reduced. The compositions antagonize the now predictable degenerative, cerebral suffering before e.g. risk for stroke can be recognized and before irreversible impairments are detectable for example of the organs, brain and vasular perfusion. The cerebral, efficient use protects against fit-related suffering, headache, cramps, epilepsia. The nonsteroidal antirheumatic drugs are replaced here as far as possible by the compositions as hypertension, bleeding problems and impaired cognitive functions increase under non-steroidal drugs.

Rise of blood pressure and prediabetes clinically indicate the unexpected damages of differentiated cells such as smooth muscle cells of small vessel (arterioles, capillaries, venoles) or of the insulin-forming glandular cells in the pankreas. Prediabetes and hematuria are fully healed for the first time wherein the compositions comprising hormones, Ginkgoloides and at least one mineral, one constituent protect also large vessels whose intima are protected by nutritional vasi vasorum.

The transport of albumin and calcium into the tissue is antagonized in an wholy early manner to protect all tissues including the brain against the damaging ligands of abumin. Venous and lymphatic vessels are further strengthened so that the emigration of disturbing albumin-ligands is reduced. Only free (pure) albumin can protect by uptake of alkyl ligands but only low amount of free albumin is still present during “OMIH”-syndromes. Albuminuria with rise of blood pressure show the danger which is aggravated by LDL and critical lifestyle with intermediate of alkyl, alkyl-like lipids. The significant, early rise of blood pressure is improved by the inventive composition. The energy balance (mitochondria, peroxysomes, smooth muscle cells) with neurovascular regulation (endothelial pericytes, smooth muscles) were cared, equilibrated wherein the long lasting successful therapy support the hormonal, genetic, regenerating transposition.

The “OMIH” syndrome was recognized by skilled persons as self-governing syndrome while the early begin of damages in the presence of borderline syndromes caused much surprise (“so early!!”). Those unexpected borderline syndromes were characterized by “overweight, mixed hyperlipidemia and/or intolerance to glucose (borderline) hypertension and critical morning urine samples. Especially damaging was raised LA-paf in/on LDL in the presence of nicotine- and alcohol consumption which was significantly associated with rise of blood pressure, diabetic risk and albuminuria (Table 2). Thus, the therapeutical approach is the begin of a healthy life of middle-aged persons and not the sad end after manifest diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity that means of metabolic syndrome with secundary dementia etc. The immunological response, health, wellness, beauty, joy, equilibration, the psychological, intellectual health are promoted in an early adjusting manner using an wholy strategy including light and exercises. The repair of raised blood pressure, diabetic risk, hematuria and disturbed skin meets aging (“happy aging”).

The causative treatment meets the decline of vascular, cardial, neurovascular functions, (secondary) dementia, decline of tissue, organs, problems of aging, beauty, immunology, metabolism. An endocrinological equilibration is reached including soul, intelligence, mentality, the brain. There is a protection against attack-related suffering by preference against alcohol-related, cardial, cerebral, psychological, intellectual, neuronal, mental problems, against attack-related pain and/or against psychotic and/or paranoide phases. Even the severe alcohol-mediated damages of “Rosenkavalier” healed and/or the nicotine-mediated damages of “Saturn”

Another variation of the invention is the equilibration of side effects of hormones or drugs. Hormones protect against premature aging and benefit lifestyle but mediate loss of bone mass (parat-thyroid-steroid-hormones) and/or melanosis and can trigger vascular degeneration and mental crises (depression, psychosis) so that the inventive composition has to causatively antagonize those hypersensitivity to hormones by preference with persons at risk which was mentioned before. In addition, the compositions reduce cognitive problems which are rather aggravated e.g. by psychopharmacological agents (e.g. by tricyclic antidepressive drugs). Albuminuria is used to recognize the early silent loss of calcium which is antagonized by repairing the calcium-phosphate metabolism. All cells are protected including cells of the bone, tooth against decline of muscle, nerves and/or organs. The emigration of calcium out of bone mass and tooth matrix is inhibited and the calcification of the intima frequently increase with loss of bone mass in a parallel manner. The degenerative, calcium-, amyloid-dependent damages of neuronal cells are known and those are especially dramatic with/in the presence of pre-injured nervous cells. In addition, adipose tissue is reduced, purified here and thus its hypertensive inflammatory substance are also lowered (e.g. CRP etc.). Hypertension, diabetic risk and/or amyloide raised during chronic infections whereas the novel compositions are especially important also for aging persons, or for those with critical alimentation and/or at genetic risk or for persons who are risk for degenerative disorders and/or for those with hypersensitivity syndromes. The novel compositions bind calcium and phosphor to the bone mass, hormones and Ginkgoloides equilibrate and acetylcysteines lower the potency of hormones and provide substrate for AcetylCoA. Altogether this is the way to causatively protect the brain over a long time period.

The albuminuria, proteinuria, hematuria in first morning urine samples also indicate a risk for carcinogenesis as well as genetic, neoplastic impairments or late renal urological problems which are antagonized in time. Nephropatic, neoplastic and carcinogenetic problems are treatable using the early improved diagnostic methods including first morning urine samples (porteinuria, hematuria, albuminuria, protein, profiles, urine microscopy, antibodies, proteomics, clinical chemistry, genes, genetic mapping etc.).

For younger persons at risk lower dosages are by preference suitable to protect the young brain wherein the brain is also promoted during the early childhood especially in the presence of a genetic risk profile. Quite surprisingly, acetylcysteine is used here repairing acetyl-CoA e.g. in the presence of genetic isoformes of acetylhydrolases. Acetylcysteines antagonize inflammations and promote the infant brain e.g. during pregnancy. Those inventive compositions complete here a healthy nutrition e.g. in the presence of inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders and/or loss of appetite after/during deficiency, need (compositions adapted for medical use). Especially women have a great need of health-promoting compositions comprising light-dependent hormones against loss of bone mass. The novel compositions are thus developped for a gender wholy concept regarding by preference the differences of men and women. Novel methods of manufacturing are specified in P3466914 and are included here by citation for the local compositions comprising hormones. Men more often report here alcohol problems and react more sensitive with rise of systolic, diastolic blood pressure and lowering of HDL. Women rather tend to have overweight with critical LDL-levels. Those often smoke against overweight and/or to repair psychological, social, mental problems. Men and women with critical lifestyle, alcohol, nicotine, weight problems show a significantly declined ratio of albumin to triglycerides “alb/trig” wherein the disturbed relationship was repaired with the inventive composition. The plasmatic, extravascular, cellulare carriers (alb/trig etc) were purified and the hormonal metabolism was normalized. The compositions of the invention improve the lifestyle and furthermore overweight, mixed hyperlipidemia, rise of blood pressure. The hypersensitive vascular smooth muscle cells of arterioles, venoles can recreate. Intolerance to glucose with albuminuria, proteinuria, hematuria, namely the “QMIH”-syndrome was healed.

The compositions of the invention protect here in a wholy manner by preference all cells of the entire organism and penetrate cartilage, bones, muscles, tissues, sinews with cleaner free albumin. Also persons at risk are protected by preference women, adolescents, persons with addictive problems and/or aging, invalide persons and/or persons with problems concerning body weight, metabolism, alcohol and/or nicotine (“AHA” syndromes, “OMIH”-syndrome), as there was a healing of early and late impairments. Building up body and mentality improves also the lifestyle.


Novel compositions are developped for the skin to protect skin cell (ceratinocytes and melanocytes) by preference against pigmentation problems. An accumulation of alkyl lipids (AAGPC/LA-paf) in the entire organism mediate impaired pigmentation of the skin to be antagonized by sun screening agents. Locally, cleaner compositions without ether/volatile oils are used by preference in the presence of critical lifestyle, higher age and/or critical hormonal transposition periods, during pregnancy etc. The sun protection of the skin is strengthened by psychological, intellectual, mental recreation leading also to better lifestyle reducing problems of body weight, addiction and declined tissue. Those problems led to the preparation of a risk-related cosmetic strategy using the dietary and/or local compositions of the invention. The unexpected pigmentation problems of the skin mediated by ether/volatile oils led to the inventive compositions with Ginkgoloides and sun screening agents.

The local and dietary compositions are convenient to each other. Light-dependent hormones, prehormones are suitable in the presence of intensive sun protection by externa or clothing. On the other hand sun protection is desirable. Light-dependent hormones must supplemented at exceptional risk, namely women, malnutrition, culture barriers, enhanced need, aging, genetic risk, unorderly lifestyle and/or in the presence of extremely intensive sun protection. The potency of the melanotropic hormones of the pituitary gland are lowered by acetylation.

Sun screening agents are added to the local composition in accordance with the invention when locally applicated compounds with Ginkgoloides are prepared for skin care. Appropriate local compositions comprising sun-screening agents, Ginkgoloides, antioxidatively stabilized lecithins and ceramides protect the skin by preference against pigmentation problems e.g. mediated by ether/volatile oils. The compositions of the invention are suitable for oral and/or for cosmetic applications, adjust hormones and strengthen the cells of the entire organism including those of the skin scalp, adipose tissue, brain, organs, overall of the tissue.


The compositions of the invention are manufactured using isolated, worked up, prepared and/or (semi-)synthetic components wherein all components are antioxidatively stabilized adapted regarding the before mentioned risk profiles. Analogous, homologous, synthetic derivatives are products e.g. from plants, animals, micro-organisms, fungal products and products from cell lines and bacterials.

The galenic preparations are included by citation of P34669914. The oral and/or local, percutaneous administrations are used by preference while subcutaneous, intramuscle, transdermal, intravenous, trans-, intranasal, rectal, inhalation forms of administrations are possible etc. Tablets, coated pills, capsules, elixirs, liquids/solutions, suspensions, gases/air like substances, syrups etc can be manufactured with all appropriate non-toxique adjuvant agents.

For example, antioxidatively stabled compositions are mixed here in a sterile container indicated by a list of ingredients, date of manufacturing, date of abondance (about 6 months) and are offered in a united outer form indicated by a trademark of the applicant. The container is given away in the inner side of a second light-protected container. The composition adjust here for example low fat milk (1:9, vol/vol) without claiming milk.

5.1. Adjusting Compounds

The compositions of the invention affect in a hormonal manner and adjust hormones, nutrition components, drugs. Thyroid hormones are commercially available wherein iodide is enriched here for the first time with the compositions of the invention. The hormone replacement therapy is commercially available and offered as combined package (kits) for oral-dermal, vaginal, rectal administration wherein the compositions of the invention are composed here for the first time together with (phyto-) hormones. There are commercially available combined packages comprising drugs against/in the presence of loss of bone mass (e.g. biphosphonates) for a dual timed administration of vitamin D and calcium wherein the composition of the invention is manufactured here for the first time with Ginkgoloides, constituents, prehormones. The calcium-complexes are prepared as classical preparations for sparkling liquids also with Ginkgoloides.

The compositions operate synergistically with antihypertensive drugs for example with Betablockers and aldosterone antagonists, so that combined containers (kit) are suitable (e.g. also with angiotensine antagonists) or with diuretics as shown during the onset of the treatment. Combined packages/container are by preference suitable to complete lipid lowering compounds (e.g. statins, fibrates, benzodiazepines etc) and/or all antidiabetic compounds (e.g. Cannaboid receptor antagonists, insulin sensitizer). Combined packages/container (kits) are suitable to administer the compositions using a simultaneous or dual timed use for local percuatenous and/or oral administration, given away in united outer form. In addition, persons at risk can adapt their combined packages for their need regarding their elected nutrition, their light-, exercise-deficiencies, their life crisis and their beauty problems. Combinations are more suitable here compared to highly concentrated drugs such as “special Ginkgo extracts . . . forte intens” because the persons in need are at higher risk for bleeding (e.g. hypertensive persons or those with liver cirrhosis, nephrosis).

5.2. Novel Methods of Manufacturing

In accordance with the invention, cleaner efficiency compounds are prepared here for the first time using oily preparations, which are antioxidatively stabilized and purified in an appropriate manner. Lipophilic properties are used for the first time. The novel methods of manufacturing and screening are included here by citation of the priority document P34669914. For example, the lipophilic t-butyl groups determine the efficiency of ginkgolides and thus of Ginkgo biloba extracts so that trilactones comprising only one butyl group (bilobalide etc) cannot be considered here as being a Ginkgoloide. Each additional polar group or even the opening of only one of the lactone rings dramatically impairs the efficiency (R. Korth, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 152, S. 101, 1988). The peripheric cells are by preference protected against alkyl lipids using peripheric benzodiazepines as those share the appropriate pharmacological regression lines.

The anitoxidatively stabilized, enriched carrier oils are adminstered inside of light-protected ampoules (2-10 ml) or with capsules (e.g. 1-2 ml). The material of the capsules allows therewith release in form of retardation, nanotechnological, dual timed or continous release of the compositions and/or components. Adjusted, light-protected plant oils (e.g. pumpkin kernel oil, olive oil, soja) are mixed with anitoxidatively stabilized fish oils which are further enriched with Ginkgoloides, dietary fibers, iodide without problems e.g against overweight. Selected stabilized plant oils and fish oils are elected regarding their most favourable ingredients so that amino acids, peptides, phytohormones, hormones, prehormones, chinones, enzymes (e.g. biotine), proteins, peptides, sterines, minerals, e.g. calcium, phosphor, magnesium and vitamin A, B, C, E, K, iodide, selen are contained in a diluted form. Lecithins and unsaturated fatty acids are further antioxidatively stabilized (selen, vitamin E), so that an excess of antioxidative compounds is present. Those oils incorporate lipophilic and hydrophilic Ginkgoloides without further problems of taste or of solvents.

The dietary by preference oily compositions contain phospholipids which can solubilize/dilute polar and unpolar substances as known (see lipoproteins), while the phospholipids must be further antioxidatively stabilized in order to avoid headaches, attacks (such as migraine, epilepsy, arrythmias etc). Lipophilic components penetrate membranes and accumulate in cells, cell compartments, tissues, in the brain with cellular and central effects. Ginkgoloides can be selected out of specific, anitoxidatively stabilized lecithins using novel methods which are suitable as non-specific alkyl antagonists and those include a great group of hydrophlic and/or lipophilic, synthetic, semi-synthetic substances. The additional antioxidative stabilisation is important because the oily carriers are used to increase efficient elevated levels of the compounds in the entire organism also in the brain. Novel oily compositions are clinically developped using non-specific and specific alkyl antagonists which heal, regenerate in a representative manner without side effects.

5.3. Preparations of Sparkling Liquids

By preference the combination with acetylcysteines and/or calciumcarbonate, calcium citrate is suitable for preparations of sparkling liquids. Classical methods are preferred here as gingkolides are not weakened by moderate changes of the pH values contrary to statements of third parties which might be guided by profits. Compositions suitable for sparkling liquids (powder, granules, tablets) are diluted with water just before intake to be subsequently taken without problems. The compositions of the invention contain stable Ginkgoloides and are furthermore carefully antioxidatively stabilized (e.g. with selen, vitamin E). The loss of instable trilaktones, namely of bilobalid is expressively desired here (Oschmann DE 19509856, filed Mar. 17, 1995). The free classical methods used for manufacturing preparations for sparkling liquids since decades using e.g acetylcysteines and/or calcium are suitable for the compositions of the invention using the “preparation of ginkgolides as mixture” (R.-M. Korth EP 0312913; Schmidt et al., Die Pharmazie, February 1990, vol. 45, p. 89-101).

5.4. Protectives

The locally acting preparations are manufactured without ether/volatile substances or perfumes to avoid pigmentation problems. Ether/volatile oils are cleaned out, more pure substances are composed and only antioxidatively stabilized lecithins, ceramides, unsaturated fatty acids are used for the locally acting preparations of the invention. With those high quality carriers Ginkgoloides are administered also with sun screening agents and or offered in a united outer form.

The local, percutaneous, cosmetic compositions of the invention are administered in a simultaneous, multi-timed, local and/or oral form e.g. using combination packages. Cures/recreation packages, enriched compounds for the skin, scalp, teeth, plasters, jellies, emoliant/creme-lotions are suitable and all commonly employed galenic preparations.

In the presence of disturbed connective tissue e.g. oleaginous substances penetrate by massage and those subsequently get a more efficient long term outcome using a second more fatty creme e.g. during pregnancy or overweight as representative problems related with hormones, alcohol, aging. The plasters and jellies etc. reach similar long term effects.

In the presence of beauty and/or connective tissue problems, packages, laying-on materials, masks promote the cosmetic effects forming intertriginous zones as explained before. Fatty preparations increase the penetration into deeper skin regions using by preference dual-timed physical applications with perfusion effects and by supporting the connective tissue (hot and cold showers etc).

Against scalp problems overnight cures/treatment are suitable comprising Ginkgo-, oils, hormones, vitamins especially of the A,B,C-groups, siliciumdioxides, wheat membranes with selen better penetrate the skin using massage. Those cures protect against hormonal scalp problems using natural, synthetic, semi-synthetic hormones and antagonize e.g. the bald forehead of women together with the inventive compositions for oral use e.g. as combined packages. The scalp is purified in the morning by preference with products comprising lecithin which can also contain Ginkgoloides. This recreation treatment show benefit against pruritus and scales also of men. Against dermatological skin and/or scalp problems by preference those with pruritus cooled jellies especially show benefit and/or high fat compositions comprising Ginkgoloides with vitamins of the B group. The jellies penetrate overnight by dual timed manner using also massages. The skin is equlibrated, antinflammatory protected and perfusion is promoted therewith. Children and adults with neurodermitis, sunburn, insect stings etc. are carefully treated repairing the painful irritations.

5.4 Liposomes

Liposomes are by preference suitable (e.g. R. Korth, EP 0648 488, 1994) for the compositions in accordance with the invention. Ginkgoloides, prehormones, hormones, minerals and constituents are taken up in an equable manner using liposomes and can e.g. simultaneously work inside of cells. Liposomes carry components with different solubility including the hydrophilic folic acid. Difficult localisations of efficacy are reached for an intra-, extracerebral, intradermal, percutaneous, extradermal, simultanous and/or multi-timed effect within perfused and penetrated tissues including a protective purifying outcome regarding also lipids, peptides, proteins, lipoproteins etc.

Liposomes are as galenic form free state of the art so that prepublished mixtures and administrations can be adjusted here in accordance with the invention as those compositions are novel and unexpected. The compositions of the invention for skin care or scalp care protect for the first time using Ginkgoloides together with sun screening agents in a simultaneous or dual timed use including all known galenic preparations, also liposomes. In addition, antioxidatively stabilized lecithins are desired as non-specific alkyl-antagonists and antioxidatively stabilized long-chain ceramide care (e.g. out of soja). Removing ether/volatile oils is very important to avoid pigmentation problems which are aggravated by hormones, alkyl lipids and/or ether/volatile oils and/or by the harmful non-specific uptake of alkyl lipids (impairments of pigmentation, vitiligo, melanosis etc.). The adjusting oral compositions inhibit the central melanotropic peptide hormones e.g. by acetylation.

5.5. Compounds against Impairments of Pigmentation

Stabilized cosmetic carriers worked up to high quality without ether/volatile oils, perfumes are selected. Galenic preparations are adapted to the specific character of the skin, the target and/or the hormone type. An unexpected pigment-disturbing effect was recognized for example with special Ginkgo biloba extracts (EGB, EGB761) with testified selftreatment wherein the novel compositions repaired those pigmentation problems. The priority document P3466914 reveals for the first time the combination of Ginkgoloides with sun-screening agents in a united outer form. The carrier oils, Ginkgoloides and/or Ginkgo extracts are made free from ether/volatile oils for the first time.

Special Ginkgo extracts “forte . . . intens etc.” which mediated the pigmentation problems were avoided. Food products, herbal mixtures, “overall drugs” for inside and outside of the body are not suitable for/against the novel hypersensitivity syndromes. Symptomatic therapeutic approaches using “forte . . . intens for inside and outside” without precise effective mechanisms have been left behind regarding the surprisingly precise wholy therapeutical methods.

Lower dosages (diluted), high quality, cleaner components are offered here as united outer form to equilibrate the hypersensitivity syndromes with benefit on skin tissue and the hormone turnover. Lipophilic and hydrophilic, specific and non-specific antagonists meet here the long term damages mediated by alkyl lipids in the whole organism an efficient manner for the first time.


The FIG. 1 shows the composition of the invention, which was developped to antagonize the unexpected risk profiles. The composition are indicated by the trademark FIDA®. The composition comprises 3 ml pumpkin kernel oil, 1 ml folic acid, 2 ml fish oil wherein vitamin E antioxidatively stabilize here and 3 ml diluted gingkolides. The composition of the invention supplements food products (2 ml per day) and is used here for example with lipid-poor milk (unclaimed).

The following experiments show how alkyl-acyl-GPC is accumulated by its alkyl-acyl-choline groups with an allosteric outcome. The alkylacyl-like destabilisations were not mediated by apoproteins (ApoB) and not by cholesterol and/or triglycerides (VLDL) while the allosteric alkyl-mediated effect is shown here with fixed cells. The methods are extensively specified for the first time in P346609914 and included here by citation.

5.1. Fatty Alkyl-Related Cellular Destabilisation of Differentiated Cells

The accumulation of AAGPC is invented here wherein AAGPC and derivatives are inhibited by Ginkgoloides and free albumin. Human platelets are examined and treated as model for differentiated cells e.g. nerve cells, cells of the heart, skin, bone, smooth, striated muscles, organs, glands such as betacells of the pankreas, those of the pituitary gland etc. The cells in the presence of the “OMIH”-syndrome were in vivo determined in a negative manner as those bind more alkyl lipids and form more alkyl-acyl-GPC with derivatives, products. Cells, cell organelles (peroxysomes, mitochondria, DNA) destabilize wherein the compositions of the invention healed here the clinical impairments.

The FIG. 2 shows an increased non-specific binding of alkyl lipids (such as [3H]alkyl-paf) to washed aspirinated platelets in the presence of “OMIH”-syndrome (A). These washed aspirinated “OMIH” cells bind more [3H]alkyl-paf compared to normolipidemic platelets (B) which do nearly not incorporate [3H]alkyl-lyso paf and thus do not form AAGPC and LA-paf (C). Those women with “OMIH”-syndrome show overweight (aged 34±11 years, BMI: 25±5 kg/m2), raised LDL (167±15 mg/dl, HDL: 76±41 mg/dl) and triglyceride levels (206±27 mg/dl) borderline hypertension (1.25±13/88±10 mmHg) and disturbed glucose tolerance (1 h: 170±61 mg/dl). Three of those four women drank alcohol and two of those showed hematuria and/or proteinuria. Ginkgoloides with free albumin (BSA) inhibited here the binding of [3H]alkyl-paf to “OMIH”-plateles after three washes (FIG. 2 A+B). The high non-specific binding showed the alkyl-related binding of [3H]alkyl-paf thus the alkyl-mediated determination (A), which is also supported by the following shown allosteric alkyl effects. Normolipidemic platelets do nearly not incorporate [3H]alkyl-paf or [3H]alkyl-lyso paf and form nearly no AAGPC and LA-paf in the presence of Ginkgoloides and free albumin (FIG. 2C).

The FIG. 3 shows the mechanism of the AAGPC production wherein LA-paf in/on LDL makes differentiated cells ready to incorporate (FIG. 3E versus 3A-C). Only LDL but not ApoB and not VLDL overcome the protection by albumin (FIG. 3E versus 3D). ApoB or VLDL form lyso paf without cellular uptake (FIG. 3 C+D) while free delipidated albumin or HDL incorporate [3H]alkyl-paf which then remains stable with or without cells. In the presence (A+C) or absence (B) of washed platelets nearly no AAGPC with derivatives and products is formed. Die acetylhydrolases of LDL, of apoB and VLDL form lyso paf while the uptake is triggered by LDL.

The FIGS. 2 and 3 enclose the clear therapeutical instruction to lower the damaging AAGPC with its derivatives and products (FIGS. 2 A-C, FIGS. 3C+F) in order to antagonize the LDL-mediated scavenger condition of cells. Otherwise, alkyl-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phophocholines (AAGPC) accumulate inside of cells and is substrate for lipases, hydrolases, transferases etc as known. Following formation, release of alkyl-glycerols, alkyl-phosphoglyceroles (LPA), alkyl-phospholipids, alkyl-ethanolamines, alkyl-lipids, alkyl-cannaboices are also known. Also acyl products of AAGPC are inhibited here in accordance with the invention to antagonize the novel hypersensitivity syndromes.

5.2. Fatty Alkyl-Like Cellular Destabilization of Non-Differentiated Cells

The FIG. 4 shows the saturated unspecific uptake of alkyl lipids by non-differentiated cells. The non-differentiated washed blood leukocytes incorporate here [3H]alkyl-paf with intermediate of [3H]alkyl-lyso paf and form alkyl lipids (AAGPC+LA paf) in a saturated manner (A: 0.65 nM vs. B: 6.5 nM) wherein unlabelled paf fails to be replaced (B, 5 nM). Thus, at least one non-specific transport protein is indicated (e.g. acetylhydrolase) on undifferentiated cells. The less differentiated cells are invented here as a model for monocytes, endothelial cells, glia cells, cartilage cells, adipocytes, body-derived stem cells etc. The leukocytes remove alkyl lipids using their acetylhydrolases on plasmamembranes while those cells are preactivated, differentiated and ready to emigrate. Non-specific antagonists e.g. free albumin protect against alkyl ligands and compete with cells for binding of alkyl lipids. The fatty decline of cells in the entire organisms is clinically healed here. A lower amount of AAGPC is formed in the presence of Ginkgoloides and free albumin causatively antagonize the fatty alkylacyl-related destabilization of cells in accordance with the invention and with experiments.

5.3. Binding of Alkyl-Lipids to Fixed Cells

The FIG. 5 shows that fixed platelets bind [3H]alkyl-paf at 20° C. The FIGS. 6 and 7 show that Ginkgoloides inhibit in a concentration dependent manner the binding of [3H]alkyl-paf to fixed platelets wherein the classical representative guiding substances are used namely BN 52021 as example for the original “chemically defined extracts of Ginkgo biloba” and WEB 2086 for known chlorophenylbenzo(dia)zepines.

The FIG. 5 shows that fixed platelets bind labeled alkyl lipids only at 20° C. but not at 4° C. (FIG. 5D versus 5C). The allosteric alkyl effects are inhibited by stiffening of the membrane so that the scavenger-like allosteric configuration change of cells is shown as mentioned before. In contrast, the [3H]acetyl group of paf binds at 4° C. to fixed cells treated prior to the last wash with formaldehyde to be subsequently cooled and stiffened (1%, 30 min A+B). The acetyl group binds and cover paf receptors without allosteric upregulation so that acetylating compounds are using this effect in accordance with the invention.

The FIG. 6 shows the screening procedure selecting Ginkgoloides, using fixed cells, fixed cell lines, testing BN 52021 as guiding compound, showing a dose-dependent inhibition of [3H]alkyl-paf binding.

The FIG. 7 shows for the first time the binding to fixed platelets of a non-separated alkyl ligand mixture extracted out of the whole blood (“biological paf”). An extract of whole blood, namely “biological paf” replaces [3H]alkyl-paf out of the binding and bind to similar alkyl receptors: This competitive inhibition is paralleled with similar effects of synthetic paf and with Ginkgoloides wherein WEB 2086 is used here as the known guiding substance for chlorobenzo(dia)zepines.

“Biological paf” is used here for the first time as non-separated ethanol extract of whole blood (without HPLC). This dry extract is diluted before it is quantified using aggregation of rabbit platelets in the presence of aspirin and CP/CPK. The novel methods allow for the first time testings without albumin so that alkyl ligands with lower cell affinity compared to albumin can bind in a detectable manner. For example, alkyl lipids without the choline group (alkyl-LPA) bind otherwise in deeper regions of the membranes of untreated cells and/or are rapidly incorporated into free albumin. In addition, the method is independent from calcium so that also calcium-independent alkyl ligands can be inhibited here (e.g. lyso paf). The clinical success against alkyl ligands is thus supported and can be carried out by skilled persons.

The FIGS. 5 to 7 thus show the novel screening procedure solving a novel technical problem, namely the variety of damaging alkyl lipids. The quantification is facsilitated using fixed cells as the difficult acetylation step of alkyl lipids is removed which is required for calcium dependent quantification methods. Using fixed cells, cell lines also labelled antibodies and/or soluble transport-binding proteins can be tested and produced.


The successful clinical administration of the novel compositions was described here for the first time. Overweight, malnutrition with rise of blood pressure, diabetic risk, critical morning urine samples (“OMIH”-syndrome) were healed and also an alcohol-mediated hepatorenal syndrome was repaired (“AHA”-syndrome) wherein the long regeneration periods indicated a genetic regeneration.

7.1. Example 1

The Table 1 shows the successful treatment of a patient “Rosenkavalier” wherein his alcohol syndrome was initially defined elsewhere (“AHA”-syndrome) and was healed here 2002/2004. Next, he came into a phase as characterized by the “OMIH”-syndrome. Nephrosis, albumin levels, thrombocytosis, risk of bleeding (esophagel varices) had been successfully treated 2003/2004 (Quick 100%). Hypertension was further treated with Betablockers subsequently to diuretics which had been finished. First, full milk was given to him which was enriched with vitamins of the B-group, oats and fruits (namely iron in strawberries and raspberries) representative for patients at highest need (e.g. hospice, dialysis).

Since 2002 the before mentioned composition of the invention were gifted to the “Rosenkavalier” (FIDA®, FIG. 1) to antagonize also his unexpected “OMIH”-syndrome in the years 2005/2006 which was successfully treated here in accordance with the invention. Overweight remained but the mixed hyperlipidemia was repaired by the composition (Table 1). Lipid lowering drugs were not administered regarding the liver cirrhosis and also regarding his good lipoprotein isoforms (apo E alleles 3/3, no allele E4). The plasma albumin-level recovered so that it was also not likely any more that he'll come into the phase of the dangerous encephalopathy (secondary dementia). A psychological, mental equilibration was reached using the inventive compositions which is documented here by five years of abstinence after alcohol withdrawal without help of third parties as confirmed by indicated laboratory values (Table 1).

Hematuria and albuminuria showed long term healing repaired by the treatment. The renal loss of calcium decreased from 38 mg/l to 18 mg/l per litre of urine and lyso paf decreased from 52 pg/1 to 25 pg/l in parallel with repaired declined albumin. These calculated data show the calcium-repairing and cell-protecting benefit of the inventive compositions, wherein it was possible to successfully treat the “OMIH”-syndrome in the years 2005/2006 (Table 1). The renal anemia remained and was repaired with erythropoietin. The ultrasound of the abdomen was performed each year and confirmed a liver cirrhosis without carcinogenesis. The carious resting teeth could be treated but the “Rosenkavalier” began another life elsewhere in a katholic residence for homeless men.

The final testing of the first morning urine samples excluded severe nephropathic disorders (e.g. on Oct. 28, 2005), microalbuminuria (22 mg/g creatinine <20) and proteinuria (129 mg/g creatinine <120) confirming borderline values while hematuria and pathological casts disappeared. The Table 1 shows normal blood pressure in the presence of the remaining basic treatment (Propanolol as Betablocker and Spironolactone as aldosterone antagonist). Blood pressure was tested 24 h elsewhere showing a normal night-long decrease so that the renal endothelial dysfunction was repaired. The vascular smooth muscle cells remained hypersensitive during the years 2005/2006 as blood pressure suddenly increased during stress or during periods without intake of the compositions (e.g. 180/100 mmH). The unexpected “OMIH”-syndrome of the years 2005/2006 was healed as far as possible. A survival time of five years after an acute hepatorenal failure/insufficiency was a surprise for persons skilled in the biomedical field. The composition of the invention showed thus an unexpected healing. Urological, nephrological, hepatic, neurovascular, vascular, neurological, neoplastic, cardiological, cellular disorders, stroke, bleeding, secundary vascular dementia, carcinogenesis, nephrosis, hepathic and/or renal encephalopathy and also the otherwise so typical broken bones and wound healing problems were prevented (subsequently to open legs). The heavy alkyl-related destabilisation of cells was repaired while some impairments remained for example the raised Gamma-GT, the renal anemia, the hypersensitive vascular smooth muscle cells. The microvasculare problems and also the addictive problems were repaired without help of third parties, as the “Rosenkavalier” remained abstinent and took the compositions of the invention. Giving him the composition the benefit of body, mind, spirit and mentality was reached including benefit of the lifestyle and the entire organism.

7.2. Example 2

The statistically significant “OMIH”-syndrome is characterized in the Table 2 including clear therapeutical instructions. The critical lifestyle with additive harmful effects must be improved with still healthy persons at risk.

The Table 2 shows the significant associations of the “OMIH”-related overweight (BMI1+2) with raised blood pressure (RR) mixed hyperlipidemia (LDL-TRig, Trigl) (p<0.05), LDL-related intolerance to glucose (LDL-IGTT) by preference in the presence of alcohol use (AHA, p=0.011) and/or nicotine problems. Alcohol consumption was associated with rise of body weight and microcirculatory injury (p<0.05). Hormones did not mediate direct impairments.

The Table 3 shows the follow-up. Abstinent obese women do not show renal problems (BMI2) but blood pressure raised so that Table 3 shows the hypertensive effect of the adipose tissue. The direct renal damages remain in the presence of alcohol misuse (AHA), but the blood pressure showed benefit in parallel with lowering of blood lipids. Women with overweight (BMI1) were older and more often smoked (57%) against overweight. The clinical follow-up studies are more extensively described in the priority document P 3466914 and are included here by citation.

In the presence of critical morning urine samples by preference with alcohol and/or nicotine problems urological infections and/or carcinogenesis were excluded (sticks, protein profiles, urine microscopy, labelled proteins, lipids, alkyl lipids, matrix proteins, protemonics etc.). A diagnostic value of alkyl lipids is used e.g. against neoplastic cells, carcinogenesis for example urological, nephrological neoplastic disorders using also imaging procedures (e.g. NMR, PET-Scan etc).

7.3. Example 3

The Table 4 shows the time course of healing hematuria and prediabetes as indicators of hormonal hypersensitivity. A case of hypothyroidism was continuously treated here with thyroxin and iodide while hematuria with diabetic risk remained. Hematuria and prediabetes showed a long term healing just after reaching an equilibration of psychology and mind, namely by better lifestyle with reduced nicotine consumption (from 20 to 6 cigarettes per day) because the alkyl-like cellular destabilisation was inhibited.

Overweight, rise of blood pressure, critical lipid profiles, albuminuria, proteinuria, hematuria, nicotine problems were treated in accordance with the invention including homornal compositions. The beauty and vitality were promoted, the connective tissue was strengthened. Problems of mentality and psychology were solved in parallel with increased quality of lifestyle without help of third parties so that the hormonal therapy was well tolerated here.


The research report of the German Patent Office dated Sep. 28, 2006 (No. 102005062417.0) cites the below mentioned valid US patents against applicant's P34669914 (filed Dec. 27, 2005) and those are summarized in the published patent application No. 2002/0127287 (publ. Sep. 12, 2002). Applicant's utility model DE 29700734 U1 and the foreign OS DE3929763 are also enclosed here by citations.

Non of the objections shows the hormonal compositions or render obvious the methods of use as claimed. The US Patent Office confirmed in the Office Action dated Jun. 19, 2003 that the published US Patent No. 2002/0127287 (publ. Sep. 9, 2002) is double claimed matter regarding the mother applications, namely U.S. Pat. No. 5,346,894, U.S. Pat. No. 5,605,927 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,852,052. In addition, the valid U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,480,881 and 530,033 were cited as objections as the methods of the claimed use against LA-paf are shown and the matter is also included here by citation of EP 0459432. The cited U.S. Pat. No. 5,696,114 is also explained/included here by citation. Applicant's valid U.S. Pat. No. 5,895,785 is also included by citation. Applicant showed in time many mixtures and methods of use with the utility model 29700734 U1 (publ. Jun. 26, 1997) for local and dietary use including the special Ginkgo extract EGB761 with food ingredients, milk products, unsaturated fatty acids and/or vitamins (without hormones, minerals, constituents).

Applicant claimed before many methods of use for paf antagonists and/or ether phospholipid inhibitors against mental, cerebral disorders, impairments of the blood brain barriers, sclerotic skin problems, metabolic syndrome and addictive disorders using in time original methods, pathomechanisms by preference binding assays and turnover of ether-(alkyl-)phospholipids by preference lyso paf and/or LA-paf. The original mixtures of paf antagonists were shown and claimed before in time (Ginkgoloides etc) for example triazolothienodiazepines, ginkgolides, Ginkgoloides with or without fish oils, vitamins, antioxidant compounds, steroids, cAMP-modulators, albumin, prostaglandin antagonists including oral, dietary, local, cosmetic administrations liposomes and also food, beauty products (Kits).

Next, valid European patent specifications are discussed as priority documents of the objections Paf antagonists are shown with garlic oils, glucosteroids, vitamins and/or fatty acids in EP 0540766 (publ. May 12, 1993). EP 0540766 or the EP 0459432 show the protection of platelets and also the differentiation of monocytic cells by cholesterol and LDL including modulation of cAMP. In addition, the saturated kinetics of cellular acetylhydrolases (phospholipases) are shown with EP 540766 as well as the LDL-mediated increase of acetylhydrolases synthesis. The valid EP 0459432 (publ. Dec. 4, 1991) covers e.g. paf antagonists during/against lipoprotein-mediated disorders including platelet aggregation mediated by LDL and LA-paf (DE403-4090, publ. Apr. 30, 1992; Korth et al. Chem. Phys. Lipids 70, p. 109, 1994).

The successful treatment of “Metabolic Syndrome” that means of hyperinsulinemia is based on the differentiation data with endothelial cells in response to insulin (EP 0604830, DE 4244265, publ. Jul. 6, 1994; Korth et al. Biochem. Pharmacol. 49, 1793, 1995). Metabolic syndrome mediated by LA-paf with thickening of the intima and borderline hypertension are then successfully treated using the paf antagonist WEB 2086 (Wu et al. J. Int. Med. 246, S. 389, 1999).

The protection with Ginkgoloides is shown using endothelial barriers in the presence of metabolic syndromes and/or alcohol-related hyperlipidemia (R.-M. Korth, Rec. Res. Devel. Lipids, p. 61, 2001, Journal of men's health and gender, vol. 3, p, 279-289, 2006). The clinical studies confirm the before mentioned property rights which are included by citations. However, the present invention clinically surprised with novel syndromes, the hypersensitivity syndromes and/or with the before unrecognized loss of calcium, the impairments of pigmentation.

Applicant shows with the valid EP 0540767 (publ. May 12, 1993) for the first time the mental and cerebral disorders which are accompanied by an elevated level of lyso paf (“lyso paf syndromes”) and showed for the first time a clear pathomechanism causing psychosis for example during S.D.A.T. Lyso paf binds to specific receptors with upregulatory outcome wherein the protein kinases C (PKC,PMA) also triggers the effects of other cerebral neurotransmitters (EP 0540767, publ. May 12, 1993). Paf antagonists (also EGB 761 etc.) antagonize mental and cerebral disorders for the first time by inhibition of upregulatory lyso paf receptors so that their methods of use were claimed before in the valid EP 0540767 against psychosis, paranoid, affective, sensitive, desequilibrated, different minded, impaired characters, reactive disorders and mental borderline syndromes, which are summarized now as paranoid syndromes. The juvenile (hebe) brain (phrenia) is at especially high risk. EP 0540767 does not render obvious renal problems and alkyl-like lipids.

The applicant revealed and claimed “preparations of Ginkgoloides as mixtures” in EP0312913 (publ. Apr. 26, 1989) to protect endotheial cells. The valid EP 0312913 (publ. Apr. 26, 1989) manifests also EGB761 with percutaneous applications. Paf analogues were also revealed (R. Korth et al., Chem. Phys. Lipis 36, S. 209, 1985, R. Korth et al. Eur. J. Phamrcol. 152, S. 101, 1988, R. Korth, Vascular Endothelium Nato, Asi, Plenum Press, eds. Catravas et al., S. 89-98, 1989). The inhibition of Paf receptors is published on high level including the biological active ether-phospho(ryl)cholines PAF-Acether, LA-paf or lyso paf (R.-M. Korth: EP 0312913, EP 0540767, Korth et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 152, 101-110, 1988; Chem. Phys. Lipids 70, p. 109, 1994; R.-M. Korth et al. Biochem. Pharmacol. 49, p. 1793, 1995; R.-M. Korth, Int. Arch. All. Imm. 113, p. 460, 1997; Meade et al. Biochem. Pharmacol. 41, p. 657-668, 1991; Hwang et al. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1085, 91-105, 1991).

In contrast, novel screening procedures led here to surprising components such as acetylating substances and to novel compositions. Novel screening procedures are specified here for the first time to select novel compositions and/or novel components in order to inhibit the unexpected harm of AAGPC including its derivatives, products (e.g. alkyl-glycerols, alkyl LPA, cannaboids, acetylacyl-CoA etc.).

The instable inflammatory mediator PAF is known as hypotensive phospholipid in other words as a negative inotropic mediator so that the objection OS DE 3929763 leads away from the present invention. PAF is negative inotrop in the objection OS DE 3929763 (publ. Mar. 14, 1991) so that paf antagonists (and magnesium) are used in the presence of “low contractile outcome of the heart . . . myocardial insufficiency . . . for treatment of the lowered adrenergic stimulation of betareceptors of the heart” just because PAF is negative inotrope (OSDE3929763, p. 2, line 18-42). As PAF is negative inotrop it is hypotensive so that antagonists against PAF should have a positive inotropic outcome. The blood pressure should be raised in the presence of myocaridal insufficiency whereas the blood pressure has to be lowered here in accordance with the present invention for example during the hypersensitivity syndromes. In addition, a synergistic effect with Betablockers is desired here but not antagonistic hypertensive effect with Betablockers. Many antidementiva (e.g. cholineesterase inhibitors) cannot be combined with Betablockers so that an important different use of Ginkgoloides is shown here for the first time which is suitable for older persons who have an healthy heart with correctly treated hypertension.

The hormonal composition is novel and surprising. Non of the cited foreign patents which are postpublished made the composition and/or their use methods obvious. The claimed matter of third parties is left behind regarding all aspects of the inventive matter. Those clean the cleaned extracts (see EP 360556, filed Sep. 19, 1989 vs. EP 1037646, filed Dec. 19, 1997), but those extracts are not purified regarding etheric/volatile oils and no antioxidatively stabilized oils are used. Novelty is affirmed by third parties revealing series of rather known handicraft steps to win some more percentage of ginkgolides in “special extrakts” of Ginkgo biloba (product by process: purification/limitation etc.). The before published methods of use are final/late vascular disorders, organic cerebral disorders and/or manifest decline of cerebral outcomes while those do not propose any therapeutical instructions for otherwise healthy persons at risk. Those manufacturing methods are not decisive here as novel screening procedures can select out of various extracts, (EGB, EGB761 etc.). In addition, novel manufacturing methods are extensively specified in the priority document P34669914 which are more suitable for oily preparations, for more reasonable preparations of the novel dietary compositions or the novel local compositions without ether/volatile oils.

Synthetic compounds such as e.g. chlorophenyl-ether-benzodiazepine derivatives are suitable here for a novel second use directed against AAGPC, including derivatives, products as the alkylacyl-like decline of cells is clinically documented here by the additive harm of alcohol and/or nicotine consumption which was firstly treated in time. The published risk factors for example elevated levels of LDL, cholesterol and/or triglycerides (e.g. EP 751774) are not significant and do not directly induce early “OMIH”-syndrome.

Food is recommended (but not claimed) using dietary recommendation lists and self control documentations for example fish, potatoes, low fat milk-, whey products, cabbages, fennel, leek, berries, spices, herbs and the calcium-rich parsley. An especially high amount of prehormones is present e.g. in cress (Herba Nasturitii, phytosterines, alkaloide, aminoacids). Milk-, whey-products contain light-dependent hormones as known. The albumin carries about 1.2 g/l calcium which is especially important for children and adolescents in the time period of growing bones. Low fat milk-, whey-products are adjusted for example with oats comprising high amounts of amino acids, vitamins by preference vitamin K and E and provitamin A (carotine), minerals such as phosphor, iron, cobalt, zinc, aluminum, potassium and the constituents, boric acid, selen, iodide. Cellulose, corn-products containing selen are known to inhibit the reabsorbation of lipids. Also flavonoids, garlic products (Allium sativum) are widely free background art such as phytohormones, vitamins, allicin, cholines, iodide and many lipid lowering compounds. Genetical risk profiles, smoking, alcohol, coffee are the known reasons to get hypovitaminosis and also the free vitamin D is include here by citation (Jacobus et al., N Engl J Med 1992, 326, 1173-7). The free state of the art e.g. vitamin D in milk products is included by citation (Holick et al. N Eng. J Med 1992; 326, 1178-81). Milk contain large amounts of peptides (e.g. albumin) and enzymes (e.g. biotine) as known.

For the first time, a psychological and intellectual equilibration of persons was related with improved lifestyle and evidence was provided. A long term healing was shown for the first time regarding impairments of soul, mind, body. Also a loss of calcium during/by albuminuria is recognized and treated here for the first time.

Also novel dietary fibers (e.g. Plantago Ovata) are added to the novel compositions against the surprising “OMIH”-syndrome. The noval local and/or dietary compositions protect for the first time against alkyl-acyl-GPC its derivatives, products against cellular hypersensitivity syndromes and decline of cells in the entire organism (e.g. AAGPC, acetylacyl-CoA, alkyl-LPA, alkyl-cannaboides, alkyl-ethanolamine etc.). Novel compositions were clinically developped consisting purified, prepared, stabilized and/or semi-synthetic components. The compositions comprise for the first time also a mixture of Ginkgoloides with calcium (or phosphor) while up to now only antagonists against calcium were used as antihypertensiva and antidementiva and those led away from the calcium and phosphat supplements.

The psychological and inellectual conditions of human individuals are improved here for the first time by the compositions also in a hormonal manner including improved life style in accordance with the invention. There is for the first time an effect of Ginkgoloides, hormones, prehormones, minerals, constituents and/or acetylcysteines against overweight-related, hypersensitivity syndromes and/or impaired pigmentations wherein the many years of therapeutical care document here for the first time a (genetic) regeneration of all cells in the entire organism.

TABLE 1 The long term healing is shown with the compositions of the invention. An abstinent “Rosenkavalier” was repaired subsequently to heptorenal insufficiency, alcohol abuse, liver cirrhosis, ascites, esophagus varices before/until July 2001. Krankheitszeichen: 2001 (Juli) “AHA” 2002/2004 2004/2005 Body weight kg/m2  21 ± 2  28 ± 0.2  31 ± 1 Blood pressure, mmHg, n = 1 148 ± 10/  >130/  130 ± 8/  130 ± 7/ 92 ± 6 85  84 ± 6  83 ± 4 Urine testings, n = 3 Albuminuria mg/l  47 ± 9 <20  23 ± 12  23 ± 6 mg/l Proteinuria + + (+) Hematuria + excluded excluded Pathol. Casts + excluded excluded Edema, Ascites + excluded excluded Clinical Chemistry, 12 h Fasting Erythrocyts/μl ×10 <4.5   3.6 ± 0.4   3.8 ± 0.5   4 ± 0.5 Hemoglobin g/l,  11.5 ± 1.2  <14  13.5 ± 0.9  15 ± 0 Hematocrit % HK  34.8 ± 3.8  <42  37.5 ± 4  44 ± 0 Corp. Vol., MCV, fl  96.9 ± 1.3  >95  100.1 ± 3.9  102 ± 2 Corp. HK, MCH, pg  32.1 ± 0.4  >32  34.7 ± 1.2  35 ± 1 Thrombocytes/μl ×100 475 ± 83  >440  307 ± 59  177 ± 164 Albumin g/l   3.5 ± 0.1   <4.0   4.4 ± 1   4 ± 1 Cholinesterase U/l 1657 ± 235 <5320 9278 ± 1138 8061 ± 211 Gamma-GT U/l  39.6 ± 6.6  >28  56 ± 4  107 ± 25 Triglycerides mg/dl  129 ± 45  178 ± 36  166 ± 20 Albumin/Triglyceriden  21 ± 3  25 ± 1 LDL mg/dl  155 ± 10  194 ± 31  181 ± 4 HDL mg/dl  26 ± 5  <35  60.3 ± 11.7  74 ± 8 Blood glucose mg/dl  88 ± 12  80 ± 19  97 ± 0 C-react. Prot, CRP mg/dl   4.5 ± 0.9   >0.5   1.0 ± 0.1   0.3 ± 0 Plasmacreatinine mg/dl   0.9 ± 0.1   1.3 ± 0.3   0.8 ± 3

TABLE 2 Risk prediction of “OMIH”-syndrome. Overweighted persons show significant (*p ≦ 0.05) or relevant (p > 0.1) impairments using multivariate modelling especially during critical lipid profiles and critical lifestyle (n = 68, ±1 S.D.) Variablen: 1) Glukose- 2) LDL- 1 + 2 3) Triglyceride 2 + 3 4) pathol. Urin 5) Hormone2 6) Alkohol Symptoms intolerance Rise LDL-IGTT Rise LDL-Trig. u.a. Albuminuria p < 0.1, n.s. LDL-IGTT p = 0.081 Raised systol. RR p = 0.09 *p = 0.047 p = 0.054 Raised diastol. RR p = 0.044 *p = 0.011 Smoking p = 0.14 Alcohol problems p = 0.13 *p = 0.044 Fastin glucose p = 0.08 p = 0.069 p = 0.064 High Cholesterol *p = 0.005 p = 0.064 Aging *p = 0.028 Raised BMI p = 0.066 *p = 0.011 Pathol. Urines p = 0.069 p = 0.069

TABLE 3 Follow-up of “OMIH”-syndromes. Initially stated weight problems (BMI1 + BMI2), critical lipid profiles, critical lifestyle were significantly associated with impairments, namely with albuminuria and/or raised blood pressure (*P ≦ 0.05, ±1 S.D). Study groups: BMI1 “OMIH” BMI2 AHA1 Cases: 99/n = 153, 04/n = 112 bis 99, n = 17 bis 04, n = 14 bis 99, n = 16 bis 04, n = 10 bis 99, n = 21 bis 04, n = 14 BMI kg/m2: 27 ± 1  27 ± 1  33 ± 3  32 ± 2  27 ± 5  26 ± 4  Alcohol, % 29 29  56 10 100 100 LDL mg/dl: 139 ± 5  166 ± 58  154 ± 53  151 ± 65  160 ± 61  131 ± 32  Triglycerides mg/dl: 123 ± 51  166 ± 114 179 ± 109 145 ± 61  157 ± 95  124 ± 45  Age, years 31 ± 13  50 ± 19* 35 ± 15 36 ± 11 35 ± 14 42 ± 11 Systol. RR, mmHg: 124 ± 24* 142 ± 24* 142 ± 20* 135 ± 20* 137 ± 22* 127 ± 15  Diastol. RR mmHg: 82 ± 14  92 ± 11*  96 ± 14*  91 ± 16* 92 ± 11 88 ± 11 e.g. Albuminuria, % 29 50* 31  0  52*  50*

TABLE 4 Hypersensitivity syndrome during nicotine consumption, borderline-LDL, overweight, intake of hormones (thyroid hormones, ±1 S.D.). Hematuria and tendency to diabetes healed after equilibration of mentality and mind, improved lifestyle. Follow-up: Stumekt. 1992 post op 1992 1993-1995 1996-2000 2001-2006 TSH, μU/ml 0.27 ± 0.04 8.73 > 3.5  1.43 ± 0.3  1.56 ± 0.7  1.0 ± 0.13 Cholesterol mg/dl 217 240 233 ± 7 243 ± 26 249 ± 13 LDL, mg/dl 155 177 155 ± 5 144 ± 27 163 ± 13 HDL, mg/dl  64  64  64 ± 7  68 ± 5  61 ± 7 LDL/HDL 2.4 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1  2.5 ± 0.1  2.3 ± 0.3  2.7 ± 0.2 Triglycerides mg/dl  92 131 117 ± 20  90 ± 13 133 ± 38 Fasting Glucose, mg/dl  94 103  99 ± 64  86 ± 2  85 ± 11 RR, mmHg 120/80 120/80 120/80 110/70 120/80 Hematuria: 50 Ery/μl 50 Ery/μl 50 Ery/μl, n = 3 20 ± 26 Ery/μl 0 Ery, n = 8 Cigarettes: 20/Tag 20/Tag 20/Tag 20/Tag 6/Tag


1) A hormonal composition characterized by at least one

a) hormone, prehormone selected from the group consisting of peptide-, proteohormones, the mevalonates, cholecalciferoles, calcitrioles and
b) at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives products and
c) at least one mineral out of the phosphor-, calcium-group,
d) at least one constituent.

2) An oily composition wherein the oils are antioxidatively stabilized and contain at least one hormone, prehormone, phytohormone and at least one mineral out of the calcium-, phosphor-group, at least one constituent out of the group iodine, selen, zinc and are combined with at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products.

3) A composition with acetylcysteine wherein acetylcysteine is combined with at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products.

4) The use of the composition according to one of the claims 1 or 3 for the manufacture of a sparkling preparation against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products characterized by one acetylcysteine or one mineral and at least one Ginkgoloide.

5) A cosmetic, dietary, protective composition against impairments of pigmentation wherein the composition contains at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products and is combined with at least one sun screening agent or one acetylation agent to protect the skin, the skin tissue, the connective tissue and the nervous tissue in a local and central manner against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products.

6) A method for the manufacture of compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 5 wherein at least one Ginkgoloide against alkyl lipids is selected using fixed cells, fixed cell lines

7) The method of claim 6 wherein at least one Ginkgoloide can be selected from the group consisting of natural antagonists, the ginkgolides including mixtures thereof, therewith, the synthetic Ginkgoloides, the ginkgolide derivatives, phospholipids including paf analogues, from the group consisting of triazolames, brotizolames, thienodiazepines, the thioetherbenzodiazepines, the etherbenzozepines, the chlorophenylbenzo(dia)zepines, from the group consisting of tetrahydrofuranes, cyclopentanes, from the group of endogenous modulators consisting of the proteohormone, peptide group.

8) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 7 for the manufacture of compounds against alkyl-like destabilized cells, clinically characterized with hematuria, tendency to diabetes, rise of blood pressure also in the presence of hormone transposition, hormonal problems, intake of hormones, critical lifestyle including problems concerning body weight, energy, nutrition, alcohol, nicotine to prevent, to treat, to determine in a health-promoting manner, to equilibrate in a hormonal, psychological, intellectual manner and to improve lifestyle.

9) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 8 for the manufacture of compounds for adjusting, protecting the mineral balance, against enhanced risk for loss of bone mass, decay of teeth, clinically characterized with albuminuria, declined albumin, loss of calcium, proteinuria, hematuria, to antagonize the loss of bone mass, teeth substance, bone aging, osteomalacia, osteoporosis.

10) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 9 for the manufacture of compounds wherein dietary fibers and iodide are added to protect against hormonal problems, overweight, hyperlipidemia, intolerance to glucose, critical lifestyle, declined energy balance, critical morning urine samples (“OMIH”-syndrome) and against consumption of nicotine, hormonal transposition, during intake of hormones, against alkylacyl-like destabilisations.

11) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 10 for the manufacture of compounds for health-promotion, to strengthen, caring, cosmetic, purifying penetration of cells, cell organelles, skin, tissue, cartilage, sinews, muscles, organs, neuronal tissue, peptides, lipids, to antagonize declined albumin, beauty problems, hormonal dysfunction including women's bald forehead, attack-related, psychological, mental suffering, hypersensitivity syndromes, alkylacyl-like destabilisations.

12) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 11 for the manufacture of compounds to protect the vascular smooth muscles clinically characterized by rise of blood pressure, albuminuria, critical lifestyle, tendency to diabetes, critical lipid profiles including genetic isoforms, disturbed albumin emigration, declined alcohol catabolism, malnutrition, to antagonize alkylacyl-like destabilisations

13) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 12 for the manufacture of compounds for oral, dietary, local, cosmetic administration under conditions of hormonal transpositions, hormonal problems, intake of hormones, against hormonal or local dysfunction of the connective tissue, the skin, impairments of pigmentation including melasma, melanosis, vitiligo, scalp problems including pruritus, bald forehead, against decline of albumin, loss of bone mass, cartilage, teeth substance, bone aging (osteomalacia, osteoporosis) to strengthen the liquid penetration of the skin, tissues, cartilage, nails or against attack-related neurological, vascular, cerebral, cardial impairments, against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives (alkyl lipids), products (acetylacyl-coenzyme A) to protect the energy balance of cells, cell organelles and against disturbed differentiation (apopoptosis), proliferation, carcinogenesis.

14) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 13 for the manufacture of compounds for oral administration wherein

a) the compositions are combined with dietary fibers, iodide against the “OMIH” syndrome;
b) that acetylcysteine is combined with mineral water or milk-, whey-products to protect the young brain and/or against disturbed acetylcholine(re)synthesis;
c) that repairing compounds, amino acid solutions, glucose solutions are enriched with free albumin, selen, vitamins, analgetic compounds against loss of appetite, malnutrition, cerebral dysfunction, kidney problems, dialysis, for seniors and patients at highest need, hospice.
d) that the compositions are combined with erythropoietin und the condition of severe renal anemia.

15) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 14 for the manufacture of compounds with at least one Ginkgoloide and at least one acetylcysteine, an acetylating agent to early antagonize inflammatory, mental, neuronal, cerebral, impaired cognitive functions, for the protection of the brain.

16) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 15 for the manufacture of compounds against local and central impairments of pigmentation and to promote hormonal equilibration of mentality and mind.

17) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 16 for the manufacture of local, caring, cosmetic compounds wherein the ether/volatile oils are excluded by purification, the antioxidatively stabilized lecithins, the antioxidatively stabilized ceramides, the antioxidatively stabilized unsaturated fatty acids are used and that at least one Ginkgoloide is contained including mixtures thereof/therewith directed against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products.

18) The use of the compositions according to one of the claims 1 to 17 for the manufacture of hormonal compounds for protective, cosmetic use against impairments of the skin (melasma, melanosis, vitiligo, impaired pigmentation), of the subskin tissue, the connective tissue (striae), in the presence of problems concerning body weight, lifestyle, nutrition, adipose tissue, hormonal problems, hormonal transposition, hormonal medication, pregnancy, peripheric, central pigmentation impairments, against female bald forhead, hypersensitivity syndromes, critical lifestyle, nicotine consumption, hormonal transposition including pregnancy, energy balance, to protect the whole organism against alkyl-acyl-GPC, its derivatives, products.

Patent History
Publication number: 20110038813
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 21, 2006
Publication Date: Feb 17, 2011
Patent Grant number: 10517838
Inventor: Ruth-Maria Korth (Munich)
Application Number: 12/085,468
Current U.S. Class: 424/59.000; 424/601.000; 424/641.000; 424/667.000; 424/682.000; 514/9.700; 424/752.000
International Classification: A61K 8/18 (20060101); A61K 33/42 (20060101); A61K 33/30 (20060101); A61K 33/36 (20060101); A61K 33/06 (20060101); A61K 38/22 (20060101); A61Q 17/04 (20060101); A61K 36/16 (20060101);