Method for producing clothing

A process to produce clothing for a male and clothing for a female that is different than the clothing for the male includes the steps of providing at least first and second pieces of like clothing; forming apertures in each piece of clothing by shooting the clothing with a firearm; marking the first piece of clothing at a first location to indicate the first piece of clothing is for males; and, marking the second piece of clothing at a second location different from the first location to indicate the second piece of clothing is for females.

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This application claims priority based on provisional application Ser. No. 61/274,740, filed Aug. 20, 2009.

Shot up clothing is not new. For as long as fire arms have been around, there were wars and confrontations in which individuals have been shot which resulted in their clothing being damaged and shot up. Often times these individuals continued to wear the clothing in battle or deadly force confrontations for economical purposes.

This has also occurred during the old west when an individual would own only one or two pair of jeans, shirts or other clothing apparel which he or she would either sew up or simply wear shot, worn or ripped up.

During the civil war for example it was not uncommon for opposing armies to strip off the shoes and shot up tattered clothing and apparel of dead soldiers to use for themselves or to sell and trade compensation.

A continuation of that practice has on occasion occurred as small numbers of individuals have on occasion offered clothing for sale which had simply been shot yet with no enhancing improvements in relation to branding the end user utility as an improved and unique gender based identification process and personal identification method.

Clothing and clothing apparel has been around since as far as history can even record. It has been, sold, exchanged or bartered for centuries in open markets, retail stores, wholesale outlets, or by private parties.

It is well known fact for example that males, females, and presently gender neuter, alternative or transsexual individuals naturally or by medical enhancing procedures enjoy differentiating normality's or abnormalities in body structure. For this reason clothing is typically specifically designed for wear on either male or female although on occasion, as cited for gender alternative or transsexual individuals, which group has gained some legal ground concerning certain rights or privileges through judicial notice and statutory legislation.

As a result in the public's recent fundamental differences in the interpretation of opinions involving gender in the clerical, medical, and political arena, divisional concessions have been made but which have also been the cause of wide spread controversy in the media.

Because of this controversy, statutory regulation as well as private establishment policy towards these individuals has deviated from past policy procedures and practices, where it is now not uncommon to see male, female and transgender restrooms in public and private establishments throughout the United States and around the world.

Some of these individuals may have no specific medically enhanced procedures performed on their bodies however still yet claim party to an opposite gender from which they were born or simply self proclaim a non-gender despite the gender they were at birth.

Thus there is a need for a ballistic, non-ballistic and ballistic simulated apparel identification process as a means to promote and increase the utility and public use of fashion in the clothing apparel industry.

Briefly, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention, I provide an improved process to produce clothing for a male and clothing for a female that is different than the clothing for the male. The process includes the steps of providing at least first and second pieces of like clothing; forming apertures in each piece of clothing by shooting the clothing with a firearm; marking the first piece of clothing at a first location to indicate the first piece of clothing is for males; and, marking the second piece of clothing at a location different from said first location of clothing to indicate the second piece of clothing is for females. The pieces of like clothing can each comprise a shirt. The pieces of like clothing can each comprise pants. The marking on the shirt can be on the right arm for male clothing. The marking on the shirt can be on the left arm for female clothing.

I have discovered a new method and process of purposefully designing clothing and clothing apparel with patterns for consumer sale with ballistic and non-ballistic projectiles, laundered from firearms and age restricted or restricted firearm replicas such as BB Guns, Pellet Guns, dart guns and paint-ball guns by means of an explosive powder charge, combustive liquid ignition or exploding gas propellant process, in order to expel, export, or transport a single or multiple projectiles at a minimum velocity of 20 feet per second, to maximum velocity of 100,000 feet per second at target clothing apparel for the purpose of design patters into said target clothing apparel by puncturing, punching through, ripping or tearing the material fabric in order to authenticate an artistic design impression for leisure, sport, or fashion wear purposes, and marking for sale said fabric designs with specific identifying physical evidence of the design process, unique to the ballistic or non-ballistic projectile/projectiles/casting, cartridges, tags or written signatures in order to identify the fabrics cause of design pattern unique to the projectile utilized on said fabric material.

This process also specifically relates to a method and process of designing clothing and clothing apparel with ballistic and non-ballistic projectiles launches from firearms and/or age restricted or restricted firearm replicas in furtherance of designing and marketing clothing and clothing accessories such as pants, shirts, jacks, underwear, shoes, hats, gloves, handbags, gym bags, back packs, golf bags, luggage, purses, scarves and wristbands.

This method of design includes a process by which selected clothing or apparel is placed in or an on a designated range or safe area for target acquisition to initiate the design process. A method of either temporarily removing protected areas of the apparel or placing a ballistic or non-ballistic covering device over the protected areas is used to deflect projectiles away from said protected areas of the apparel such as decals, buckles, clips, zippers, buttons, metals, straps, etc. and then removing said ballistic or non-non-ballistic covering device after the designing process is completed.

In one embodiment of the invention, a firearm or age restricted or restricted firearm replicas is directed at clothing or apparel in order to example, export, or transport a single or multiple projectiles at a minimum velocity of 20 feet per second, to maximum velocity of 100,000 feet per second at target clothing apparel for the purpose of designing patters into said target clothing apparel by puncturing, punching through, ripping or treating the material fabric in order to authenticate an artistic design impression to compliment a fashion display for the purpose of marketing and/or wearing said designs for leisure, sport, utility, or fashion wear purposes. The selected clothing or apparel is removed from the target area and appropriately marking and/or attaching it with the designated caliber or projectile utilized to authenticate the design fabric as identifiably unique to hat apparel, for example: .45 Cal's/AK/s/357, etc. The apparel can be privately offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark or logo in a manufacturing or retail environment. The apparel can be privately offered for sale to customers under a specific trademark and logo in a manufacturing or retail setting. The apparel can be (1) commercially offered for sale to customers under a specific trademark and logo in a manufacturing environment, (2) commercially offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark and logo in a retail environment, (3) commercially offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark and logo on the internet.

In another embodiment of the invention, offered is an Improved method and process of purposefully designing clothing and clothing apparel with patterns for consumer sale with ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated projectiles, launched from firearms and age restricted or restricted firearm replicas such as BB Guns, Pellet Guns, dart guns, and paint-ball guns by means of an explosive powder charge, combustive liquid ignition or exploding gas propellant process, in order to expel, export, or transport a single or multiple projectiles at a minimum velocity of 20 feet per second, to maximum velocity of 100,000 feet per second at target clothing apparel for the purpose of designing patterns into said target clothing apparel by puncturing, punching through, ripping or tearing the material fabric in order to authenticate an artistic design impression to compliment a fashion display utility for the purpose of marketing and wearing said designs for leisure, sport, or fashion wear purposes, and marking for sale said fabric designs with specific identifying physical evidence of the design process, castings/cartridges/tags or written signatures in order to identify the fabrics cause of design pattern unique to the projectile utilized on said fabric material.

This new and improved process additionally relates to an improved ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated GENDER IDENTIFICATION method and process of designing clothing and clothing apparel launched from firearms and/or age restricted or restricted firearm replicas in furtherance of manufacturing and marketing clothing utilities and clothing accessories such as pants, shirts, jackets, underwear, shoes, hats, gloves, handbags, gym bags, back packs, golf bags, luggage, purses, scarf's and wristbands.

In a further embodiment of the invention, provided is an improve advertising method and personal identification process by the manufacturer and seller by means of an improved utility of clothing and clothing apparel thru the application of ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated apparel design identifications, whereby an unrelated third party, by identifying clothing apparel being worn which has been intentionally shot or is marked in relation to simulating that an individual has been shot, can gain confidential information or personal knowledge of the wearer which the wearer allows to be reflected by the manufacturer/seller of the apparel utility based on a single number or letter or a group of numbers and letters used in conjunction to complete a which reveal said confidential or personal information about the wearer which the wearer allows to be posted by the manufacture or seller of the utility, according to a universal identification chart or visible standard specific to the ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated utility design.

In another embodiment of the invention, provided is a gender based ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated apparel identification process for increasing sales thru an improved method of utility design including a process by which selected clothing or apparel is placed in or on a designated range or safe area for target acquisition to initiate the utility design process and either temporarily removing protected areas of the apparel or placing a ballistic or non-ballistic covering device over protected area used to deflect projectiles away from said protected areas of the apparel such as decals, buckles, clips, zippers, buttons, metals, straps etc. and then removing said ballistic or non-non-ballistic covering device after the designing process is completed.

In still a further embodiment of the invention, provided is a method of directing a firearm or age restricted or restricted firearm replicas at the clothing or apparel in order to expel, export, or transport a single or multiple projectiles at a minimum velocity of 20 feet per second, to maximum velocity of 100,000 feet per second at target clothing apparel for the purpose of designing patterns into said target clothing apparel by puncturing, punching through, ripping or tearing the material fabric in order to authenticate an artistic design impression to compliment a fashion display for the purpose of marketing and/or wearing said designs for leisure, sport, utility, or fashion wear purposes. The selected clothing or apparel is removed from the target area and appropriately marked with the designated caliber or projectile utilized to authenticate the design fabric as identifiably unique to that apparel. Examples: marking with the alphanumeric characters .45 Cal's or AK'S or 357' etc. The apparel can be (1) privately offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark and logo in a manufacturing or retail environment, (2) privately offered for sale to customers under a specific trademark and logo in a manufacturing or retail setting, (3) commercially offered for sale to customers under a specific trademark and logo in a manufacturing environment, (4) commercially offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark and logo in a retail environment, (5) commercially offered for sale to customers not under a specific trademark and logo on the internet, (6) commercially offering for sale to customers under a specific trademark and logo on the internet.

In yet another embodiment of the invention, provided is a new and improved ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated clothing apparel identification process and method using any of the processes set forth above and relating to a new and improved gender identification and POSITIONAL marking PROCESS whereby said markings identify and complete the END USER utility of the ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated process for the benefit of increased sales to individuals based on gender or gender preference to acquire said clothing, clothing apparel or clothing accessories for wear or fashion identification and display purposes. The gender identification and POSITIONAL marking PROCESS identification method in conjunction with any of the ballistic non-ballistic and ballistic simulated process set forth above includes markings which include but are not limited to writing, screening, painting, Photographic, embroidering, etching, printing, laser marking, pressing or imprinting clothing or related apparel with evidence sufficient to identify the wearer, whereby the wearer requests and claims from the manufacturer or seller a common identifying relation to the markings cited by the manufacturer or seller for the purposes of increasing a new and improved method of distribution process unique to the manufacturer and seller for the purpose of creating increased sales of a ballistic or non-ballistic process. The markings can be displayed on a specific side of such garment to identify a male or a female. The female garment can be marked on one side and the male garment marked on the other side.

The marking can be displayed on a neutral side of such garment to identify neuter alternative or transgender individuals.

In another embodiment of the invention, an unrelated third party, by identifying clothing apparel being worn which has been intentionally shot or is marked in relation to simulating that an individual has been shot can gain personal knowledge of the wearer which the wearer knows will be reflected by the manufacturer/seller of the apparel utility based on a single number or letter, a group of numbers and or letters used in conjunction together as a utility designed impression or various fabric design impressions which reveal personal information about the wearer according to a universal identification chart specific to the gender based utility and improved identification process

In still a further embodiment of the invention, marking is preferentially displayed on a specific side such as the right side of garments such as shirts, jackets, sweaters, pants, shorts or underwear apparel of the male gender, or, on a specific side such as the left side of garments such as shirts, jackets, sweaters, pants, shorts or underwear apparel of the female gender, or, such as the back side of garments such as shirts, jackets, sweaters, pants, shorts or underwear apparel of the male or female gender claiming Neuter or alternative gender.

In another embodiment of the invention, a male individual is wearing a pair of jeans with a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on his right thigh, which then identifies the wearer as male in gender (EXAMPLE .45 cal. wounded) The number designation identifies the caliber used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an improved marketing method, whereby the word indicates a personal relevance of meaning consistent with the personal experience of the wearer, either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other.

In a further embodiment of the invention, the manufacturer, purchaser or wearer may choose to not have the clothing shot for concerns such as to not unduly influence an impressionable individual under 8 years of age. In this case, the visual replication without the actual ballistic or non-ballistic damage perforations identification business method would be sufficient to promote this new and improved identification process.

In still another embodiment of the invention, a female individual wears a pair of jeans with a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on her left thigh, which then identifies the wearer as female in gender (EXAMPLE .9 mm grazed) The number designation identifies the caliber used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an improved marketing method, whereby the word indicates a personal relevance or meaning consistent with the personal experience of the wearer, either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other. Again, the wearer may choose to not have the clothing shot for personal reasons, or because the clothing is being purchased for a minor.

In yet still a further embodiment of the invention, a neuter or alternative gender individual is wearing a pair of jeans with a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on the back of the right thigh below the buttocks, which then identifies the wearer as not claiming a specific gender (EXAMPLE AK fatal) The number designation identifies the caliber used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an improved marketing method, whereby the word indicates a personal relevance of meaning consistent with the personal experience of the wearer, either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other. Again, the wearer may choose to not have the clothing shot for personal reasons, or because the clothing is being purchased for a minor.

In yet still another embodiment of the invention, a male individual wears a shirt with a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on the left rib-cage area of the shirt, which then identifies the wearer as male in gender (EXAMPLE .223 Lethal). The number designation identifies the caliber used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other. Again, the wearer may choose to not have the clothing shot for personal reasons, or because the clothing is being purchased for a minor.

In a further embodiment of the invention, a female individual is wearing a shirt a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on the right rib-cage area of the shirt, which then identifies the wearer as female in gender (EXAMPLE .223 Lethal) The number designation identifies the caliber used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an improved marketing method, whereby the word indicates a personal relevance of meaning consistent with the personal experience of the wearer, either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other.

In another embodiment of the invention, a neuter or alternative gender individual is wearing a shirt a numerical ballistic projectile caliber identification in conjunction with a word association impressed on the backside left upper shoulder of the shirt, which then identifies the wearer as a neuter or alternative gender individual (EXAMPLE .12 Ga. Blasted) The number designation identifies the caliber or gauge used to authenticate the fabric design, while the corresponding word, relates to an improved marketing method, whereby the word indicates a personal relevance of meaning consistent with the personal experience of the wearer, either of which may be used separately or in conjunction with the other. The wearer may choose to not have the clothing shot for personal reasons, or because the clothing is being purchased or manufactured for a minor.

In still a further embodiment of the invention:

1. Male shirts and upper body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the left portion of the portion of the clothing covering the ribcage or other area of the left portion of the body.

2. Female shirts and upper body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the right portion of the portion of the clothing covering the rib cage or other area of the left portion of the body.

3. Male jeans and lower body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the right portion of a leg or on the right leg.

4. Female jeans and lower body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the left portion of a leg or on the right leg.

5. Alternative female shirts and upper body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the back left upper shoulder.

6. Alternative male shirts and upper body wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the back right upper shoulder.

7. Male and female head wear include symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters displayed anywhere on the head wear.

8. Children's clothing is interchangeable, i.e., the same for boys and girls, taking into account the safety and well being of impressionable children and to protect them from social or psychological persecution.

9. Males who wish to show they are married or dedicated to a specific female may wear selected symbols, designs, or alphanumeric characters on the left portion of the leg of jeans or on the left leg of jeans.


1. A process to produce clothing for a male and clothing for a female that is different than the clothing for the male, comprising the steps of

(a) providing at least first and second pieces of like clothing;
(b) forming apertures in each of said pieces of clothing by shooting the clothing with a firearm;
(c) marking said first piece of clothing at a first location to indicate said first piece of clothing is for males; and,
(d) marking said second piece of clothing at a second location different from said first location to indicate said second piece of clothing is for females.

2. The process of claim 1 wherein said pieces of like clothing each comprise a shirt.

3. The process of claim 1 wherein said pieces of like clothing each comprise pants.

4. The process of claim 2 wherein said first piece of clothing is marked on the right arm and said second piece of clothing is marked on the left arm.

Patent History
Publication number: 20110099683
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 17, 2010
Publication Date: May 5, 2011
Inventor: Fredrick T. Howard (Surprise, AZ)
Application Number: 12/806,635
Current U.S. Class: Men's Outer Garments (2/115); Trousers Or Overalls (2/227); Body Garments (2/69)
International Classification: A41B 1/00 (20060101); A41D 1/06 (20060101); A41D 13/00 (20060101);