Smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation aid

This invention provides an aid for smokers to reduce the risk from and/or reduce to quit smoking cigarettes. It comprises a reduced-sized (by length and/or width) cigarette pack that contains reduced-size (by length and/or width) cigarettes. Unlike other smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation aids, smokers can use this invention as a means to cut down their per-cigarette consumption of the harmful ingredients in cigarettes. It can be used in addition to or independent of another risk reduction, reduction to quit, or smoking cessation method; it can also be used in studies of smoking reduction, reduction to quit, and cessation methods and be included in smoking reduction, reduction to quit, and cessation programs.

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Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


The present invention relates, in general, to a smoking cessation aid. More particularly, it comprises a smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation aid. To facilitate smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation, it provides a reduced-sized (by length and/or width) cigarette pack that contains reduced-size (by length and/or width) cigarettes.

Numerous smoking-related inventions have been provided in prior art. For instance, U.S. Pat. No. 4,667,688 provides for a cigarette pack specifically to accommodate a smoking accessory, however, not for the purposes of the present invention. U.S. Pat. No. 7,614,402 provides a non-nicotine smoking cessation aid that simulates a cigarette. U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,893,371 and 5,880,164 provide non-nicotine cessation aids. In addition, prior patents also provide a variety of reduction/cessation methods: for instance, U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,028,693, 6,300,343, 5,965,567, ,5,721,257, 5,662,920, 5,596,007, 5,593,684, 5,549,906, 5,362,496, 5,135,753. U.S. Patents for various cigarette packs include U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,273,145, 6,736,262, 6,595,353, 5,996,784, 5,965,227, 5,564,563, 5,366,077, 5,097,948, 4,961,496, 4,923,059, 4,836,366, 4,789,060, 4,586,605, 4,508,218, 4,164,999, 4,046,252, 7,377,384, 6,681,927, 5,586,648, 5,236,084, 5,178,272, 4,303,155, 3,976,194, D606244, D606243, D603092, D603091, D602631, D441497, and 4942961. The majority of this art concerns cigarette pack construction. Some of the rest of these patents provide for coupons (U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,736,262, 6,681,927, and 5,236,084). A number provide for attached matches (U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,836,366, 4,164,999, and 4,046,252) or a disposable lighter (U.S. Pat. No. 3,976,194). U.S. Pat. No. 4,303,155 provides for an impermeable cuboid cigarette pack. U.S. Pat. No. 4,961,496 provides for a cigarette pack with a waste compartment. U.S. Pat. No. 7,377,384 provides for two attached packs containing ten cigarettes each for the purposes of easy transport and retaining freshness. U.S. Pat. Nos. D606244, D606243, D603092, D603091, D602631, and D441497 provide for ornamental cigarette pack designs. This previous art suits the purposes the prior inventors address, but they do not suit the purposes or the spirit of the present invention.

It is difficult to quit smoking. However, it is important that smokers quit since they face numerous health consequences from continued smoking, and their second hand smoke puts others at risk for developing health complications. Many smokers who are seriously motivated to quit and who seek out cessation programs or nicotine addiction counseling, take prescription medicines or use over the counter quit smoking aids, do not successfully quit the first time they set out to do so.

Smokers who are ultimately successful experience quitting as a process; along the way to quitting they oftentimes seek out ways to gradually reduce their consumption. The present invention addresses the needs of this population of smokers. It provides a nicotine-delivery system that smokers can easily adapt to on the way to quitting since a reduced-size pack containing reduced-size cigarettes would be similar to the pack/cigarettes smokers previously smoked, and would provide some nicotine. However, the invention provides for a reduced-size pack containing reduced-size cigarettes that because of the reduced-size would deliver less nicotine per-cigarette than conventional packs/cigarettes delivered.

This invention would offer the large population of smokers who relapse in between attempts to quit a form of pack/cigarettes specifically intended to aid reduction. At present, a smoker has no option but to take up this challenge while smoking conventional cigarettes. Many resume their previous smoking levels as a result, which makes the risk reduction/reduction to quit process actually take longer than it might if smokers had the benefit of this invention.

In addition to delivering less nicotine than conventional cigarettes, the form of this invention, its reduced-size, keeps reduction/quitting on the smoker's mind. It is important that smokers who relapse keep focused on this goal and continue to work toward cessation; the present invention provides smokers with a means to do that.

Some smokers can reduce their nicotine consumption by decreasing the number of times they smoke during the day; others are not able to do this as successfully, especially if they are early on in their reduction to quit process. This invention would make it possible for the former to reduce their consumption even further than they are able to do presently; this invention would make it possible for the latter, though, to practice reduction while continuing, at first, to smoke less throughout the day by smoking a reduced-size cigarette at each of their usual smoking times. Later on in their reduction to quit process, this latter population could use this invention to work toward the lower reduction levels of the former group.

Secondary populations that could benefit from this invention are comprised of smokers who have always only smoked occasionally and smokers who have effectively quit but who might smoke very infrequently. The present invention could provide these populations of smokers with an alternative to the conventional packs/cigarettes currently available. Since these groups of smokers only smoke from time to time and do not have a daily habit, this invention could offer them a satisfactory level of nicotine per cigarette, a level that might be preferable to that delivered in conventional packs/cigarettes.

Some non-cigarette cessation aids also deliver nicotine; however not all smokers who want to quit can tolerate these forms of nicotine replacement, some cannot afford them, and others might choose not to pursue them. Smokers in these populations might design their own risk reduction/reduction to quit plans. The current invention could aid them in their efforts. In addition to the fact that this invention delivers less nicotine per cigarette than conventional packs/cigarettes, this invention could further serve to motivate smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit because the per pack cost could be less than the cost of a conventional pack of cigarettes since the present invention provides for a reduced-size pack containing reduced-size cigarettes.

At present, individual smokers might use a variety of methods to cut down. They might attempt to cut down as a result of their doctor's advice or in the context of counseling. This invention provides an aid not currently available that health care workers can recommend to patients/clients for whom gradual reduction/reduction to quit might be the most reasonable cessation method and/or might be effectively coupled with another reduction/cessation aid.

The number of smokers who choose to reduce cigarette consumption on their own, outside of a medical, counseling, or substance abuse treatment contexts, is unknown. Although it is well-known that a large population of smokers who eventually quit used this method, risk reduction and reduction to quit practices have not been adequately studied. If this invention was included in studies as an option for risk reduction or reduction to quit, it could be compared with other methods. The results of such studies, then, could lead risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation programs to incorporate reduced-size cigarette packs containing reduced-size cigarettes and to adequately monitor the reduction practices of smokers who choose to use this invention to gradually smoke less, and to eventually quit.


This invention provides an aid for smokers to modify the risk from, reduce the risk from, and/or reduce to quit smoking cigarettes. It comprises a reduced-sized (by length and/or width) cigarette pack that contains reduced-size (by length and/or width) cigarettes. Unlike other smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation aids, smokers can use this invention as a means to cut down per-cigarette nicotine consumption. It can be used in addition to or independent of another risk reduction, reduction to quit, or smoking cessation method; it can also be used in studies of smoking reduction, risk modification, reduction to quit, and cessation methods and be included in smoking reduction, risk modification, reduction to quit, and cessation programs. When compared to other smoking modification/reduction/cessation aids, this invention has the following advantages: it addresses the needs of a population of smokers in the process of reducing to quit smoking whose needs are not met by cessation aids currently available; it provides nicotine delivery in a way familiar to smokers, but yet delivers less nicotine than conventional cigarettes; it provides an aid for that large number of smokers who practice smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation outside of medical, counseling, or substance abuse treatment programs; it provides for embodiments that can be studied and incorporated into smoking modification/cessation methods/programs, thereby making it possible to measure the effectiveness of smoking reduction practices for smokers in relapse periods and/or in the process of quitting. Finally, because this invention provides a cessation aid that could cost less to consumers than conventional cigarettes (since consumers are purchasing a reduced-size cigarette pack containing reduced-size cigarettes) and that might also cost less than some other cessation aids on the market, the lower cost of this invention could enhance motivation for modification/reduction/cessation beyond that provided by the reduced level of nicotine it delivers.


A principle object of the present invention is to provide a reduced-size cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes for smokers to use in their efforts to reduce risk, reduce to quit, or to entirely quit smoking cigarettes.

Another object is to provide an optional nicotine delivery method (to those currently on the market) for health care workers/counselors to recommend to patient/clients for who risk reduction/reduction to quit might be the most appropriate cessation method.

An additional object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes, which can be used in studies of smoking reduction/reduction to quit/cessation methods.

A second additional object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes that smokers motivated to decrease their nicotine consumption can use during a relapse and/or in between treatment/cessation programs.

A further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes, which can be used in conjunction with other cessation protocols and included in stop-smoking programs.

A still further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes which is easy for consumers to use.

A second still further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes which is economical to manufacture.

A third still further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes, which can be easily adopted by consumers motivated to decrease their consumption.

A fourth still further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes, which have filters that are as effective as filters on conventional cigarettes, but that are appropriately calibrated for the dimensions of the reduced-size cigarettes.

A fifth still further object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes which can be added to any other brand line (as varieties such as 100s and lights currently are) or that can become a new, independent brand.

A final object is to provide a cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes, which could cost less for consumers since they will be purchasing less.

To accomplish the above objects and objects related to those objects described above, this invention may be embodied in the forms illustrated in the accompanying drawings. However, the drawings are only illustrative; changes may be made in specific construction and manufacturing to accomplish the objects, and related objects, and/or the uses, and related uses, set forth above.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view comparing one reduced-size cigarette pack 1A to a conventional-size cigarette pack 1B.

FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of a reduced-size cigarette pack.

FIG. 3 is a perspective view comparing one reduced-size cigarette 3A to a conventional-size cigarette 3B.

FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of a reduced-size cigarette.

FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a second alternative embodiment of a reduced-size cigarette pack.


FIG. 1 and FIG. 3 respectively offer a schematic comparison of a conventional-size cigarette pack FIG. 1B to a reduced-size cigarette pack FIG. 1A and a conventional-size cigarette FIG. 3B to a reduced-size cigarette FIG. 3A. The pack orientation in FIG. 1A depicts a rectangular pack with shorter sides 2 at the top and bottom. One alternative embodiment is shown in FIG. 2. The pack in FIG. 2 is also rectangular; however, the longer sides 3 are at the top and bottom. FIG. 5 shows a second alternative embodiment of a reduced-size cigarette pack. This embodiment is also rectangular, with longer sides 3 at the top and bottom; however, the flip-top lid 1 opens from the side of the pack rather than the front, as is the case in FIG. 1, 1 and FIG. 2, 1. FIG. 1, FIG. 2, and FIG. 5 show hard packs with flip-top lids 1; however, soft pack embodiments would be possible and would not depart from the spirit of this invention.

Each reduced-size cigarette pack in FIG. 1A, FIG. 2, and FIG. 5 contains a predetermined number of reduced-size cigarettes. FIG. 3A shows one embodiment of a reduced-size cigarette, a cigarette that approximates the width of a conventional cigarette but that has reduced length. FIG. 4 depicts an alternative embodiment, a reduced-size cigarette that is shorter than a conventional cigarette and not as wide as a conventional cigarette. One reduced-size cigarette pack, FIG. 1A, FIG. 2, and FIG. 5 contains a plurality of reduced-size cigarettes, FIG. 3A or FIG. 4. FIG. 3A and FIG. 4 show filters 4 at the top of the cigarettes. As represented in these drawings the length of the filters of the reduced-size cigarettes in FIG. 3A and FIG. 4 approximates the length of the filter of the conventional cigarette 3B; however, actual filter length for any embodiment of reduced-size cigarettes will be that necessary to provide standard filter effectiveness for the dimensions of the reduced-sized cigarette.

There are numerous examples to illustrate the uses of reduced-size cigarette packs containing reduced-size cigarettes in the context of a smoking risk reduction/reduction to quit/cessation process; the following is only one possible scenario for the use of this invention. A pack-a-day smoker who decides to quit smoking and who believes that cutting down is the most appropriate method could purchase a reduced-size cigarette pack containing reduced-size cigarettes instead of purchasing a pack of conventional cigarettes. When the smoker feels the urge to smoke, the smoker would, then, reach for a reduced-size cigarette.

By doing so, the smoker would be able to smoke less per cigarette than if the smoker had purchased a pack of conventional cigarettes. If the embodiment of the reduced-size cigarette was approximately half the size of a conventional cigarette, the smoker would reduce per-cigarette and per-pack consumption by approximately half. The smoker would cut down consumption while still being able to smoke at usual times during the day. This is advantageous for a smoker in the process of reducing to quit since the smoker would not only reduce nicotine consumption over the course of the day by smoking reduced-size cigarettes but would also get used to smoking less at each smoking time.

In addition, the smoker might experience less severe withdrawal symptoms by using this invention, which would deliver reduced amounts of nicotine more often than would be the case if the smoker cut down to half a pack of conventional cigarettes, which would deliver greater amounts of nicotine less often. The smoker who purchases a conventional pack of cigarettes and cuts down to smoking half a pack would have longer periods of time in between cigarettes, a plan that might result in more severe symptoms of withdrawal and that might lead the smoker to resume a previous habit of smoking a pack a day as a way simply to avoid experiencing them. Reduced-size cigarettes, which deliver a smaller amount of nicotine, when smoked at the smoker's usual intervals would be preferable option for a smoker easily deterred from a reduction to quit plan for reasons related to withdrawal.

The form of the present invention also offers a means to modulate consumption that is not offered by the form of conventional packs of cigarettes. For instance, a smoker who purchases a reduced-size cigarette pack containing reduced-size cigarettes can cut down consumption by approximately half by smoking one pack of reduced-size cigarettes. A smoker who intends to accomplish the same goal by purchasing a conventional pack of cigarettes would be left with half a pack at the end of the day. For a smoker experiencing withdrawal, that remaining half a pack provides temptation that might be difficult to resist.

Over the course of the reduction to quit process, a smoker who purchases reduced-size cigarette packs containing reduced-size cigarettes could reach the goal of quitting more quickly than a smoker who purchases conventional packs of cigarettes. The present invention would provide the smoker who used reduced-size cigarettes with a means to achieve nicotine satisfaction by consuming less and less nicotine over time. Even in the case of relapses, this smoker could turn to reduced-size cigarettes, which means that this smoker need not ever return to consuming a pack of conventional cigarettes a day. Each attempt to quit, then, might be preceded by a period of relapse during which the smoker consumes less than the smoker did during a previous relapse. For the smoker who purchases reduced-size cigarette packs containing reduced-size cigarettes, even relapses can serve the purposes of reduction to quit. Because this smoker can practice reduction throughout the reduction to quit process even during relapses, by not resuming a habit of smoking a pack of conventional cigarettes a day, this smoker could eventually quit smoking quicker than a smoker who attempts to reduce to quit while smoking conventional cigarettes.

The smoker who has no option but to purchase conventional cigarettes and who must cut down consumption by decreasing the number of conventional cigarettes smoked each day would have more difficulty reducing to quit. In the event of relapses, this smoker might more likely resume a previous habit, smoke a previous number of conventional cigarettes, and, therefore, return to a previous level of nicotine consumption. During the relapse period, this smoker would experience a spike in nicotine, perhaps a spike to pre-reduction levels of nicotine, that would ultimately make each reduction to quit episode equivalent to a first attempt to quit smoking. Withdrawal symptoms for this smoker might be just as severe each time the smoker embarks on a reduction to quit plan, an unfortunate result of a reduction to quit regimen using conventional cigarettes that could extend the length of the reduction to quit process for this smoker.

Each drawing provides an illustration that is intended to represent novel features of the present invention. The drawings depict relative dimensions, as opposed to actual dimensions of conventional pack/cigarettes and reduced-size pack/cigarettes. The drawings do not depict the true sizes of cigarette packs or cigarettes, or true sizes of any parts of cigarette packs or cigarettes; they are sketches meant to render a comparison in the spirit of this invention. In addition, these drawings present only two possible ways to embody the present invention and to affect the stated objects and the intended uses. The features of this invention have been shown in the drawings and the Detailed Description of the Invention. These features have also been pointed to in the Specifications. It will be understood, therefore, that omissions, substitutions, and/or changes in the form, details, materials, relative size, pack shape or orientation, and/or any other aspect of a reduced-size cigarette pack that contains reduced-size cigarettes for the above stated purposes can be made by those skilled in such work without departing from the spirit of this invention.


1. The present invention provides for:

1. a reduced-size (by length and/or width) cigarette pack, and
2. reduced-size (by length and/or width) cigarettes.
Patent History
Publication number: 20110186062
Type: Application
Filed: Feb 1, 2010
Publication Date: Aug 4, 2011
Inventor: Carra Leah Hood (Absecon, NJ)
Application Number: 12/697,817
Current U.S. Class: Antismoking Product Or Device, I.e., Deterent (131/270)
International Classification: A24F 47/00 (20060101);