Modular windmill

The wind turbine is the best clean energy technology on land. The prior art of the wind powered turbine involves large towers and access to high winds and open land. Those blades require technological maintenance, sometimes of a high order. Large turbines serve well the purpose to provide whole communities of people with electric power. However, he wind turbine here provided needs no tower, high winds nor open acres. The appliance adapts to vertical or horizontal placement. It can be located on or near the ground on any surface stable enough to hold it. Its unique sail design takes advantage of small winds. The maintenance can be done by any competent mechanic. In the long run, the windmill turbine may pay for itself with electric economy and may begin to pay the owner from the grid.

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‘Windmill’ is a general term that includes this Electricity Generating Turbine. The term ‘windmill’ can include the little toy windmill with many sails on a stick and the giant technological towers having three blades apiece, mounted on towers, that serve entire communities and have technological marvels for the control of them; the Triple Green Hometown Windmill is a synthesis of both to produce something new; its blades or vanes or impellers resemble sails in full wind; the blades of the Triple Green Windmill are called sails; what they most resemble among the descriptions of blades or vanes or impellers is sails; in the preferred embodiment the sails are durable material including but not limited to solid forms. The Triple Green Windmill is bolted inside its enclosure for safety on or near the ground; to distribute the wind more evenly the blades are rounded with projections that meet the attack angle of the wind with a point that distributes the wind to the other sails. The openings and positioning of the sails also distribute wind to the next sail. The planetary gears increase the power of the turning shaft. Needle bearings and a quieting support are included for sound abatement. The Triple Green Windmill lends itself to being individually bought and even to gaining a profit after a time for the individual who purchased it. It is self braking and restarting at variable winds.

The manner of making the Windmill is mostly to add unique sails that seat their bases into curved slits in the hubs; assemble with the hub purchased parts from venders that have already included their patent costs in the price. For a one-blade turbine embodiment, one sail is elongated and wrapped around so that two bases fit into one slit; or place one blade on the hub and add a counterweight on the other side. Eyeball the multiple blade positions; this informal process of eyeballing it is sufficient for these particular blades that are self balancing enough not to require a higher technological science for placement; the informal process of locating the positions of the slits involves having marked two circumferences at two equal distances near the edges of the hub, matching the center spots of the bases to the center spots of the slits on the hub, then using a flexible sail, mark the left base position and the curved crease in the sail. Fold the two sides of the sail base together to find the center spot and locate the center spots of the curved slits according to the number of end bases which is half the number of sail end bases marked in even increments on each circumference; place the left and right sail bases inside the circumferences of the hub one length apart, then one increment on the circumference to the side of the length; match the centers of base and hub and draw the curves for the bases on the hub for curved slits. Open the slits and insert the bases. Replace the flexible sail with a more durable one and turn the ends of the blades under the inside of the hub; then bolt together the sail base and the hub. There is room under the hub for both the end of a bolt and the (keyed) splined shaft. The sails are equal in size and shape and have at least one base on each end of the sail; the sails are going to balance on the hub; insert the bases into the curving slits and bolt them together, using welding or adhesive to decreases vibration if necessary; replace the plastic with a solid formed sail; A vender of molds and formed metals can help you form the solid sail. Use of materials depends on current manufacturing processes and developed quality, price and availability for materials such as aluminum, fiberglass, stress resistant hydrocarbon fibers molded or forged. Materials used except for the sail and hub are purchased from venders who pass the price of patents on to the buyer.

The Triple Green Hometown Windmill is for ordinary use; it's for electrical economy and a cleaner air, cleaner water, and less noise. The Triple Green Hometown Windmill efficiently uses a free self-renewing resource, the moderate winds closer to earth.

Using the invention consists of the following method: remove it from a shipping or mailing box; decide whether to seat the windmill upright or horizontally; affix it facing into the prevailing winds on a stable surface and plug something into it. The grid may be


Not Applicable


Not Applicable


The field of endeavor to which this invention pertains is the harnessing of input wind power to generate electrical power output.


Sails and Hub of the Invention 416/120/124, 227/223 The fluid motion of wind pushes the impeller (sail) surfaces. Two or more impellers (sails) rotate around the hub that supports them and their rotational motion.

Further, the sails are held at evenly spaced intervals on the hub, the sails partly enclosing the incoming wind, each sail able to catch the wind in at least one direction.

In all plural embodiments two or more sails are supported by a common hub for rotation; the embodiment of one-sail-only wrapped around the hub uses double input wind power making one sail do the work of two impeller surfaces; the embodiment of one sail only with a balancing weight as inertial impeller works like two impellers.

Known Facts

Large Windmills on towers are regulated in Moscow, Id. for vibrations and noise. Moscow, Idaho has ordinances against large windmill noise: City of Moscow, Id. USA Community Development Regulations for stand-alone structures, typically 35-40 feet structures, is 40 Decibels maximum from 11:30 PM to 6:00 AM.

Background Patent Search

This invention is drawn toward the prior art's energy supply problems with getting energy by way of accepting the dangers of radiation and overheated outfall water pollution, depletion of natural resources by way of resorting to shale oil for example, depending on foreign oil, unsightly worn out facilities, mounting expense, noise and air pollution; having to select remote sites to avoid city ordinances, to place windmills on large permanent towers where there is more wind and to need select technicians to monitor the towers and maintain them, needing more management and costing more money every year. Some locations have medium sized towers which are conspicuous and make noise. The usual choice is between getting electricity from the grid at a price the grid managers decide, or buying an unwieldy rather expensive wind turbine to sit conspicuously at one's place, the tower also being a necessary safety feature when the blades spin quickly in complete open wind.

Patent Search Results (Prior Art)

Two advanced patent searches were conducted as outlined below:

1. An advanced patent search was conducted using the following criteria:

    • “ACLM/(wind and (blade or shape))”, the following actions resulted:
      • a) It produced 3,117 patents to review.
      • b) Approximately 750 were considered based on the title listed and were opened if considered germane.
      • c) Of the 750 listed patents 139 were opened and reviewed.
      • d) One patent was identified as being relevant. It is in Appendix A

2. It was determined that a better search criterion was needed to obtain better results. The 2nd advanced search was conducted using the following criteria:

    • “aclm/(windmill and (blade or sail))”. This search gave the following results:
      • a) It listed 125 patents, all of which were opened and reviewed.
      • The list of these patents is in appendix B.
      • b) There were 9 patents that had similar characteristic but not exactly the same as the invention outlined in our current patent application outlined in this paper. The patents are identified in appendix C.


The hometown windmill can cut down the cost of electricity in the long run. It can cut back on the use of the health pollution of radiation and fossil fuels by air, water and land, the sight pollution of used up facilities sitting around, the sound pollution of most windmills, the monetary cost of energy and the depletion caused by cleaning up after those pollutions. Aside from thrifty initial prices and maintenance of the windmill, in the long run the nice thing is one can own your own power free and clear.


Two Equally Efficient Placements of The Same Appliance FIG. 1(a), and FIG. 1 (b)

FIG. 1(a) Side View, The appliance in horizontal placement, vertical sail, two sail embodiment.

FIG. 1(b)Side View The appliance of 1(a) in vertical placement, horizontal sails, two sail embodiment.

FIG. 2(a) Front View Detail, the Sails with ends of two but not limited to two Bases inserted into the Hub slits curved to receive the Ends of the Bases.

FIG. 2(b) Front View of rounded Sail with projected tip, two bases showing Bolt Sites.

FIG. 2(c) Side View of Sails positioned through curved slits in the hub and Bolt Sites on the hub.

FIG. 3(a) PREFERRED EMBODIMENT, SIX SAILS, Front View of Sails in hub with bolt into (keyed) splined shaft (not shown).

FIG. 3(b) Side View of Hub, two curved slits for two sail embodiment. Bolt and washer for bolt.

FIG. 4, Hub with sails showing one curved opening but not limited to one curved opening, the splined shaft cut off before Housing, cut in after Housing to go into Generator, brackets at the side of the Housing showing Needle Bearings and Gear and Brake Box, Bolts to connect Housing to Generator emerging from Housing.

FIG. 5 Cutout Side View, Splined Shaft from front bolt to Generator going through 2 Needle Bearings, the Brake and Gear Box, a 3rd Needle Bearing at the entrance to the Generator, the Generator ending at a Circuit Breaker and the Control Panel of On-Off, Place, Grid.

FIG. 6 Exploded Side View of Mandatory Enclosure, framework able to be bolted to another enclosure either vertically or horizontally, Meshwork Screens for all sides, the control panel, supporting structures to keep the appliance firmly inside and cushion against vibration, the generator, housing, hub with two sails and Mesh Gate on Hinges bolted on and automatically locking.


The windmill uses input of lower winds and breezes to produce higher output of available electricity .

Other wind turbines are on towers or in places where stray people or creatures can't get at them; this wind turbine appliance seats on stable ground or is attached to a reliable surface (e.g. not aquatic nor in risk of falling). Other windmills are conspicuous; this one has a better way of blending in. It's smaller and lower to the ground. Other windmills vibrate audibly creating noise; at least five features of this appliance quiet the vibrations. Other windmills are farther out of the thrifty reach of the general person; this one may end up paying the owner from the grid.

Old water-pumping windmills slowly biodegrade into the ground around farms. Installation and removal are big jobs for those old windmills. Four foot cubes are feasible of this appliance, making the triple green windmill appliance easier to discard or take along to a new place.

The improvements of uses and purposes does not match the purposes of the present blades of wind turbines. The invented appliance adapts for more particular use in moderate winds and acceptance by neighbors. Improvements show up in the sail-like blades of the triple green invention. At present most blades are flat and allow wind spillage. The sails of the triple green are curved around all edges with curved openings to gather the wind and distribute it to the next sail. There are small projections of the sail itself curving out in opposite directions than the curve of the sail, the projections joining together away from the sail: they distribute the wind for less vibration as do the sails and the openings in the sails. Purchased parts to dampen vibrations include needle bearings rather than ball bearings and a supporting structure that stills the rotating parts.

The inventor and her Chief Engineer tTechnical Advisor arrange for the fabrication of the sails. The rest of the parts are purchased where the cost for the use of their patent rights is paid by the vendor and passed on to the buyers. Less vibration may be standard in present turbines through ball bearings; this windmill uses pencil-like needle ball bearings that steady vibrations along the shaft that goes from nose to generator: the shaft is keyed that is splined fitting into the front and the retainer box for brake and planetary gear, and the generator.

The construction method follows. Bolt and put a washer into the splined shaft inside the front of the hub. Place curved slits in the hub. Place the sail bases into the hub and/or bolt and/or weld and/or glue the bases onto the inner sides of the hub. The hub goes around the shaft. The splined shaft slides into the parts of the hub that fit the keys of the shaft. The shaft is connected to the brake and gear box. The shaft is connected to the generator. The first of three needle bearings steadies where the shaft slides into the housing for the brakes and the planetary gear. The second needle bearing is at the brake and the third is where the shaft leaves the housing and goes into the generator. Lastly, the shaft slides into the generator. The generator connects to electrical wiring connected to a circuit breaker connected to the control panel connected to electrical wiring that furnishes on/off, place, or grid. The outlet for Place is the electricity outlet for most use of electricity or for optional electrical storage by battery. The housing is held with bolts and/or adhesive by supporting members that bolt to the enclosure frame of hardwood or something stronger, the frame bolted together. Two gates attach by bolts into the enclosure to permit vertical or horizontal placement of the appliance. Strong mesh panels cover all sides and the gates. The mesh may be doubled, spaced ¼ inch apart and shifted over one pattern to allow more breeze in and nothing larger than ¼ inch diameter.

The improvement must have the enclosure affixed to the housing of rotating parts for safety; and the invented sail for efficiency in capturing breezes; the improvement needs its brakes that slow down and stop the windmill at high winds; and a splined shaft to turn the generator and to turn the planetary gears to increase the efficiency with low winds; and it needs the hub and the housing bolted together; with the supporting structure itself bolted to the enclosure which needs its two gates for maintenance; and it even needs the bolts to hold the appliance together.

Description of the Preferred Embodiment of Six Sails

Within a category of curvature of all edges, the sizes, shapes and configuration of the sail vary based on performance parameters such as wind levels, noise levels, and performance in varying wind vectors. The blade curvature, the blade tip projections, and the curvature of the openings varies with fine tuning to obtain reduced noise, and enable more power output at lower wind speeds. Wind, the flowing working fluid that is the energy input, drives the wind turbine system of unconfined blades that drives a generator producing electricity.

Detailed Description of the Safety Enclosure

A mandatory enclosure is provided, including but not limited to rectangular or cubic, bolted together with a support structure for the wind turbine. The modular enclosure may be matched vertically or horizontally and bolted with another such enclosure.

Either Horizontal or Vertical Placements are Effective for the Enclosure with its Turbine

FIG. 1(a) The wind turbine in its enclosure, the turbine horizontal, the sail rotating in the vertical axis, two sail embodiment.

FIG. 1(b) The wind turbine in its enclosure, the turbine vertical, the sail rotating in the horizontal axis, two sail embodiment.

FIG. 2(a) Side view of the sail and the curved attachment slits in the hub to receive the bases of the sails, and a projecting tip of the edge of the sails, two sail embodiment.

FIG. 2 (b) The rounded ends of the sail bases.

FIG. 2 (c) Expanded side view of the sails and the sail attachment points into the curved slits in the hub at the base of the sail, and the projecting tips of the edges of the sails, the sail bases bolted to the hub, two sails embodiment

FIG. 3 (a) Front view of the six sail preferred embodiment on the hub and its bolt to fasten the cap and hub to the splined shaft.

FIG. 3(b) Detail of the hub showing the curved slits where the base of a sail would fasten into the hub.

FIG. 4 Expanded view, rotating group consisting of the sail, hub, splined shaft, brake and gear housing, the generator, bolts holding housing to generator, the two sail embodiment.

FIG. 5 Exploded view of the rotating group consisting of the sails, hub, splined shaft, brake and gear housing, and the generator, of the two sail embodiment.

FIG. 6 Exploded view of the safety enclosure with its rotating group and the support structure inside the enclosure, of the two sail embodiment.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS AND PARTS LIST 1. Bolt FIG. 3(a), 3(b) 2. Washer FIG. 3(b) 3. HUB FIG. 2(a) 4. SAILS or blades, Curved FIG. 1(a) 5. Sail Projection point FIG. 1(a) 6. Curved Opening on Sail FIG. 1(b) 7. Base of Sail Rounded Ends, Bolts FIG. 2(b) 8. Bolts for Sail Base FIG. 2(c) 9. Curved Slits in Hub FIG. 3(b) 10. SPLINED SHAFT FIG. 4 11. Bolts, Housing to Generator FIG. 4 12. GENERATOR FIG. 5 13. Rotating Group Support Structure FIG. 6 14. Brake and Gear HOUSING FIG. 5 15. Gear Box FIG. 5 16. Brake FIG. 5 17. Needle Bearings (3) FIG. 5 18. Bolts to Generator (4) FIG. 5 19. Electrical Outlet FIG. 5 20. ENCLOSURE FIG. 6 21. Control Panel On/off, Circuit Breaker FIG. 6 22. Framework FIG. 6 23. Mesh Work: top, bottom, four sides FIG. 6 24. Mesh Work GATES FIG. 6 25. Hinge, Hinge Plate with Bolts, FIG. 6 26. Automatic Lock FIG. 6

Sequence Listing (When Necessary)

Not Applicable

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1. A Safety Enclosure of Bolted Rectangular or Cubical construction with Mesh Covering that structurally holds and contains and supports the rotating group of the windmill appliance so that said mesh covered enclosure acts as a safety enclosure with supports for angular placement of the axis of the front of the sails ranging from the horizontal to the vertical with the enclosure having hinged locking gates to prevent unauthorized entry.

2. All Edges of the Sail or Sails are Curved including the projecting reverse curved tip or tips and at least two curved sail bases that end in curves to distribute stress around the bases' bolts so that the said sails capture or collect and efficiently use energy from a breeze or wind and are configured to distribute the breeze or wind with quiet balance and less turbulence around the sails to make a smoother rotation of the splined shaft and thus to smooth the rotation of the generator.

3. All openings in the Sails mentioned here in no. 2. are Curved and so configured to distribute the breeze or wind to the next opening and sail so as to produce a substantially more even distribution of wind energy; further the openings are configured to adjust the line of attack by the breeze or wind through the shared dynamics of the said openings and the sails as mentioned here in no. 2)

Patent History
Publication number: 20110274558
Type: Application
Filed: Jan 6, 2011
Publication Date: Nov 10, 2011
Inventor: Kathryn Chase (Moscow, ID)
Application Number: 12/930,396
Current U.S. Class: 416/247.0R
International Classification: F01D 25/00 (20060101);