Noble's - bid wiss
The object of the game is to Bid aggressively enough to discourage others from bidding while avoiding bidding so high that you get SET. Your aim should be to bid 10 or more, even with what might seam to be a poor hand with the hope that the kitty will bail you out. It goes against reason, I know, but to be successful in this game you must bid aggressively. Plus the bonus points don't begin until you bid 10 or more. The higher you bid, the more bonus points you can potentially make with a successful bid. Conversely the higher you bid the more difficult it will be to make your bid. Not to worry, the only penalty on a failed bid is you don't get any points, you can't loose any points so bid aggressively! Once a bid is secured, the other players combine against the Bidder, in an attempt to set him. Once it is clear that the Bidder is SET then the other players turn to an every man for himself strategy and begin competing for books. The Kitty does count as a book for the bidder. So on a 10 bid he really only has 9 more to get. The winner is the first player to reach 1000 points!
(The 2 of Hearts and Clubs are removed and are not used)
The Pack. The standard 52-card pack is used. Along with the Big Joker.
You don't use the two of Hearts or the two of Clubs removed those two cards before play begins.
The hands do have to come out even. Each player should have 16 cards at the end of the deal. And three cards should remain as a Kitty.
Object of the Game: To be the first one to reach 1000 pts. by bidding aggressively to take control of the bid. The more aggressive the bid the more points you make. However, if you are too aggressive you could end up with no points only to feed the other two players. Therefore you decide whether you want to take out another persons bid depending on where you are point-wise in the game. Someone can have a hand dealt that is a sure 13, but bids only 10, the next player bids 11 and takes him out and the hand is wasted since the bonus points generally go to the bidder.
High Bid—The cards in each suit rank: (high), Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
Low Bid—Joker, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K
The Deal. Only three players participate in each hand. Beginning with the player on his left, the dealer deals out 16 rounds, randomly placing (3) cards face down in a separate pile for a Kitty, so that once the cards are dealt there should be for a total of Sixteen (16) cards dealt to each player, with a 3 card kitty left over in the middle. No one can look at the kitty, only the winning bidder!
The Bid. The player on the dealer's left makes the first bid or passes. Once he bids the next player has the option to either pass or take out his bid, if the second player takes out the first it now falls to the dealer to determine if he will take out the second player with a more challenging bid or pass. Once a player passes, that player is out of the bidding. The player who wins the bidding is called the Bidder. If all three players pass, the hand is played out and each book won is scored at 10 points each. This rarely happens. But strategically it could, depending on the score.
There are many possible bids, ranking as follows: Bids of 1 to 9 are rare, since no bonus points are involved. When a bid under 10 is taken and accepted every book each player makes only counts as 10 points each. Still the bidder has the advantage since he gets to determine Trumps. He also decides if there will be no Trump. No trump simply mean just that the hand is played and the Highest or lowest card, depending on the bid, wins.
Bonus Points: 10 bid begins the bonus points. A made bid of ten earns the bidder 200 points. There are no bags so if the bidder bids 10 but gets 12. He simply gets 10 points for each book over his bid. So then by bidding 10 but making 12, his score would be 220 pts. (200 bonus points for making his 10 bid plus 10 pt. for each of the two extra books he made.
Scoring: Bid 10=200, Bid 11=310, Bid 12=420, Bid 13=530, Bid 14=640, Bid 15=750, Bid 16=1000
Take out a bid: example Straight High Bid of 10 can be taken out by a High bid of any number higher than 10. If you want to take out the 10 HIGH bid without going up in number you can bid a 10 LOW, or a 10 NO trump.
Keep in mind that when bidding, a LOW can take out a HIGH, and a NO can take them both out.
HIGH—All high cards win.
Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
LOW All low cards win.
Joker, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K (Just remember there are no 2s in the suit of Hearts or clubs)
The Joker. Always the top card except when a NO is called.
NO—No simply means there are no trump. This call nullifies the Joker. So the player that has it must blindly select a card from the Bidders cast off once he has selected his cards from the kitty. The Joker is then placed in among the bidders cast off cards before play begins.
3 Card Kitty. The Winning Bidder takes the three card kitty, using it to strengthen his hand by exchanging them as desired with 3 cards of lesser value, casting these off from his hand. This could drastically improve the bidders hand if the kitty is good. Before the opening lead, the Bidder must place 3 cards down as discard. In a NO bid, the holder of the Joker card must give it to the Bidder; he then blindly selects any one of the three cards that the Bidder discarded. He is not allowed to see the Bidders entire cast off as it would give him an unfair advantage.
On any bid other than the NO bid the Bidder names the suit that will be trumps. Only the winning Bidder gets to name the suit that will be trump or determine if there will be no trump.
The Play. The opening lead is always made by the player on the dealer's left. Each player must follow suit if possible; if he cannot follow suit, he may trump if he can. Depending on the Bidder the Trump can be High or low. The object, if there is a trump, is to win by over powering the two other players with your trump. Ultimately the object of the game is to avoid bidding so high that you get SET. The two other players combine against the Bidder, in an attempt to set him. Once it is clear that the Bidder is SET then the two other players turn to every man for himself strategy and begin competing for books. The Kitty does count as a book for the bidder. So on a 10 bid he really only has nine more to get.
Renig Penalty; Don't Cheat, this is a game of honor. You must follow suit! If it is suspected that a player failed to follow suit and is challenged and Substantiated, then the bidder automatically makes his bid and any points won by the cheater gets divided up equally between the two non-bidders. After a second offense in the same game, (a game is not over until such as one person reaches 1000 pts.) the player is to be disqualified.
Getting SET. A failed bid.
Scoring. Note the Bidding. The bidder only scores points on a made bid. If he bids 11 and gets only 10, he gets no points. The non-bidders score ten points for every book made off the bidder whether he makes his bid or not . . . . However they can double their score to 20 points each book by Setting the Bidder. They can triple their score by holding the bidder to less than half his bid. For example the bidder bids 11 but gets only 5, the two non-bidders triple their score. They can also triple their score by shutting out one of the other non-bidders, even if the bidder makes his bid. For example the bidder bids 13 and makes it! There are 16 books. But player number 2 gets all the rest of the books. He gets 30×3 or 90 points. Player number 3 gets no points. The Bidder gets 530 points on a made 13 bid. It pays to win the bid and make it!
The first player to reach 1000 points wins the game!
Las Vegas—Bid WissNumber of Players 5, Number of Cards 53
The Pack. The standard 52-card pack is used, along with the Big Joker.
The hands do have to come out even. Each player should have 10 cards at the end of the deal, with three cards remaining in the middle face down, as a Kitty.
Object of the Game: To be the first one to reach 1000 pts. by bidding aggressively to take control of the bid. The more aggressive the bid the more points you can make. However if you are too aggressive you could end up with no points only to feed the other players. Therefore you decide if you want to take out another person's bid depending on where you are, point-wise in the game. Someone can have a hand dealt that is a sure 9, but bids only 6, the next player bids 7 and takes him out and the hand is wasted since the bonus points go to the bidder.
High Bid—The cards in each suit rank: (high), Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
Low Bid—Joker, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K The Deal. Only five players participate in each hand. Beginning with the player on his left, the dealer deals out 10 rounds, randomly placing (3) cards face down in the middle of the table for a Kitty, so that once the cards are dealt there should be a total of ten (10) cards dealt to each player, with a 3 card kitty left over in the middle. (For Las Vegas There should be a TV camera with access to the content of the kitty for the TV audience to see but not the players.) No one can look at the kitty, only the winning bidder!
The Bid. The player on the dealer's left makes the first bid or passes. (The TV Audience should be able to see each players hand as he sizes it up to make his bid, that way they, the TV Audience can be involved in the process, this will elicit a range of emotions from the TV audience who already know what's in the kitty.) Once a bid is made the next player has the option to either pass or take out his bid, if all of the other three players fail to takes out the bid it ultimately falls to the dealer to determine if he will take out the bid with a more challenging bid or pass. Once a player passes, that player is out of the bidding. The player who wins the bidding is called the Bidder. If all five players pass, (an unusual occurrence) then the hand is played out and High cards win, NO Trumps and each book won is scored at 20 points each. Again this rarely happens, but strategically it could, depending on the score.
There are many possible bids, ranking as follows:
Bids of 1 to 3 are rare, since no bonus points are involved. When a bid under 4 is taken and accepted every book each player makes only counts as 20 points each. Still the bidder has the advantage since he gets to determine Trumps. He also decides if there will be No Trump. No trump simply mean just that, the hand is played and the Highest or lowest card, depending on the bid, wins.
Bonus Points: 4 bid begins the bonus points. A made bid of four earns the bidder 200 points. There are no bags so if the bidder bids 5 but gets 7. He simply gets 10 points for each book over his bid. So then by bidding 5 but making 7, his score would be 220 pts. (200 bonus points for making his 5 bid plus 10 pt. for each of the two extra books he made.)
Scoring: Bid 4=200, Bid 5=310, Bid 6=420, Bid 7=530, Bid 8=640, Bid 9=750, Bid 10=860, Bid 11=1000
Take out a bid: example Straight High Bid of 5 can be taken out by a High bid of any number higher than 5. If you want to take out the 5 HIGH bid without going up in number you can bid a 5 LOW, or a 5 NO trump.
Keep in mind that when bidding, a LOW can take out a HIGH, and a NO can take them both out.
HIGH—All high cards win.
Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
LOW All low cards win.
Joker, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K
The Joker. Always the top card except when a NO is called.
NO—No simply means there are no trump. This call nullifies the Joker. So the player that has it must blindly select a card from the Bidders cast off, once he has selected his cards from the kitty. The Joker is then placed in among the bidders cast off cards before play begins.
3 Card Kitty. The Winning Bidder takes the three card kitty, using it to strengthen his hand by exchanging them as desired with 3 cards of lesser value, casting these off from his hand. This could drastically improve the bidders hand if the kitty is good. Before the opening lead, the Bidder must place 3 cards down as discard. In a NO bid, the holder of the Joker card must give it to the Bidder; he then blindly selects any one of the three cards that the Bidder discarded. He is not allowed to see the Bidders entire cast off as it would give him an unfair advantage. On any bid other than the NO bid the Bidder names the suit that will be trumps. Only the winning Bidder gets to name the suit that will be trump or determines if there will be no trump. Be Careful with the NO bid; unless you lead you must have all suits covered so you begin winning right away. Also the Kitty counts as your first book.
The Play. The opening lead is always made by the player on the dealer's left. Each player must follow suit if possible; if he cannot follow suit, he may trump if he wishes. Depending on the Bidder, the Trump can be High or low. The object, if there is a trump, is to win by over powering the other players with your trump. Ultimately the object of the game is to Bid aggressively enough to discourage others from bidding while avoiding bidding so high that you get SET. The four other players combine against the Bidder, in an attempt to set him. Once it is clear that the Bidder is SET then the four other players turn to an every man for himself strategy and begin competing for books. The Kitty does count as a book for the bidder. So on a 5 bid he really only has four more to get.
Renig Penalty; Don't Cheat, this is a game of honor. You must follow suit! If it is suspected that a player failed to follow suit and is challenged and Substantiated, then the bidder automatically makes his bid and any points won by the cheater gets divided up between the three non-bidders. After a second offense in the same game, (a game is not over until such as one person reaches 1000 pts.) the player is to be disqualified.
Getting SET. A failed bid.
Scoring. Note the Bidding. The bidder only scores points on a made bid. If he bids 7 and gets only 6, he gets no points. The non-bidders score 10 points for every book made off the bidder whether he makes his bid or not. However they can double their score to 20 points each book by setting the Bidder. They can triple their score to 30 points each book, by holding the bidder to less than half his bid. For example the bidder bids 8 but gets only 4, everyone that took books would triple their scores. (Each book counts for 30 points). They can also triple their score by shutting out the other three, of the other non-bidders, even if the bidder makes his bid. For example the bidder bids 8 and makes it! There are 11 books (remember the Kitty counts as the first book) but player number 2 gets all the rest of the books. He gets 120 points. (30×3 or 90 points!) The other 3 Players get no points. The Bidder gets 640 points on a made 8 bid. It pays to win the bid and make it! So, it may be in the best interest of prolonging the game to take the bid even though you know you have no chance of making it, thereby taking the bonus points away from the bidder if you feel he will make his bid. This gesture is referred to as “taking one for the team!” The dealer is always in the drivers' seat since he gets last say!
how to Play Noble's Bid Wiss;Take a deck of cards. Remove the small Joker and the two of hearts and the two of clubs. You won't need these. However, keep the big Joker. You should have 51 cards. Deal out three hands each player getting 16 cards. There should be three cards left over and this will be the Kitty. Place it in the middle of the players. Once the cards have been dealt the bidding begins with the player to the dealers left. I've done according to the instructions above and so have three hands dealt with a three card kitty left in the middle. I will now examine the player's hand to the left of the dealer to see what he will bid or if he will pass. (See
1. The bonus points begin at 10. All bids under 10, if accepted, allow for only 10 points per made book!
2. He also realizes that if he does not bid 10 someone else most probably will, and as you begin to learn to play this game you'll come to know that you must bid aggressively. The score has a way of putting pressure on the players to bid more aggressively as it changes from game to game!
3. Also, he wants the next guy to have a more difficult bid should they want the Bid. So to “take him out”, he'd have to go up to 11, or bid a 10 Low or 10 No. So bidding is also strategic, for that reason some make a bid with no intention of actually getting it.
So we've visited player 1 and have reviewed his hand and now know his bid and why he bid so. Personally, I think he's being over cautious! But that's me, I invented the game! I really would have bid more aggressively, and I haven't seen the other hands yet at this point.
Let's move on to player 2. (See
Wow! Player 2 does not hesitate He quickly jumps on the opportunity to take out the 10 bid with a 10 Low.
Looking at his hand, it's easy to see why. Look at that string of low Diamonds. Of course he's counting on the Kitty to improve his hand. But he thinks this is a good bid because he did not have to go up in number in order to steal the bid. But he should beware that not having to go up in bid and intentionally going up in bid is also strategic! Not going up could come back to haunt him! “10 Low”! Player 2 shouts with exuberance feeling like he got a steal!
Now it falls to the dealer, Player 3, to either pass or “take out” player 2 with a more challenging bid. To stay at 10 he'd have to bid a “No” since “Low” is now spoken for. “NO” means there are no trump. That simply means the highest card in any suit (or in the case of a no low, the lowest card of any suit) played wins. Let's take a look at Player 3's hand now to see what he will do. (See
Yikes! Look at that hand! He definitely does not want to bid a “NO trump”, so he must go up in Bid. He is all smiles however, as he quickly bids 11 with no hesitation at all, because he knows he'll make that easily. What Player 3 does not know is that the Joker is among the three-card Kitty! That will be a pleasant surprise for him. But we know that the joker is in the kitty ahead of him, because we've seen the other hands already and have seen that they don't have it. “Not so fast!” he tells player 2. So, Player 3 bids 11 and announces his trumps to be Hearts. The other two players are kicking themselves, both now wishing that they had bid more aggressively. But they did not! So the Dealer, Player 3, after announcing what will be trump is allowed to take the Kitty and use it to further strengthen his hand. Let's look at it together with him to see how it improves his hand! (See
Anyway, back to live action, Player 3 decided to get rid of the 3 and 4 of clubs and the 10 of diamonds. These three cards are now placed in front of him as his first of the eleven books! (This is noteworthy; he has his first book without even playing a hand! That's because the cast off from the kitty becomes his first book.) More reason to bid aggressively, go for it! Now let me explain the strategy of deciding which cards he kept from the Kitty . . . . He keeps the spade and adds it to what he already has because even if the spades are low they are his second suit, and the other players may run out before him. However, he wants to get rid of those give-away clubs. And he wants to “short suit” himself where ever he can. Since the King of Clubs can win once the ace is gone, he keeps one club to “throw off” on the Ace along with the king of Clubs. If he gets rid of all low clubs and keeps the king alone, it dies with the ace for certain, rendering it useless. The 10 and Jack of Diamonds are both goners to the King and Queen. That's why he gets rid of one of them plus you can now be short suited in diamonds and get some easy books by cutting these almost immediately as they are played. Now let's see what his hand looks like after the kitty effect because this is the hand he'll play; (See
Ready? Now let's play this hand out! The Player to the left of the dealer (remember we named him Player 1) begins. Player 1 (
The play now falls to player 3 who just won with his King of clubs! He starts the onslaught beginning with the Joker. Player 1 plays his 4 of Hearts; he has to because the joker is wild and becomes the most powerful trump card. In this case it is a Heart, so player 2 plays his 3 of Hearts. Both Player 1 and Player 2 sight “Uh-oh, here we go!” And they are right! After winning with the Joker which is the biggest trump, he now plays the Ace of Hearts, Player 1 plays his last heart, the Jack, and player 2 plays the 7 of hearts. The Dealer, Player 3, now has 4 books, next plays the king of hearts, Player 1 now faces a dilemma, he's out of trump he does not know what suit to begin throwing away if he chooses wrong, valuable books will be lost, (imagine a studio or TV audience sharing in this moment as he faces this dilemma) They watch as he decides to throw off a 5 of diamonds, they groan sympathetically as player 2, who at this point still has trumps, plays the 8 of Hearts. Not willing to reveal his second suit yet and desiring to remove all potential threat of being cut himself once the suit is revealed, the Dealer, Player 3, continues to play his trump, he leads with his Queen of hearts, Player 1 plays 7 of diamonds, and Player 2 plays his last heart, the 9. (The TV Audience can read the writing on the wall. Player 3 may now seam like a bully to them.) After winning the last book, player 3 plays the 10 of hearts, Player 1 plays the 8 of clubs, and player 2 plays a 2 of diamonds. Recognizing that the opposition is out of trump, and that he has seven of his eleven books already, Player 3 “calls off the dogs!” Player 3, now plays the Ace of diamonds, player 1 plays his 8 of diamonds and is feeling encouraged that he kept his King and Queen of Diamonds. Player 2 plays his 3 of diamonds. Player 3 now leads with the Ace of spades, Player 1 follows suit with the 8 of spades. He believes he will start winning soon because he has a lot of strong face cards, but does he have enough firepower to prevent player 3 from getting the rest of his books? Player 2 follows suit with the 3 of spades. OK, player 3 now has 9 books he still has two trumps. Player 3 knows that this spells bonus points and that he can relax, so he plays the jack of diamonds. Player 1 sees an opening and you know he's going to take it! He slaps the King of Diamonds atop the Dealers Jack of diamonds with authority. Player 2 follows suit with a 4 of diamonds! Defiantly, Player 1 slams down his next card, he has chosen the king of spades, Player 2 weakly flips his offering; a 4 of spades. The dealer, Player 3 calmly throws down his 2 of spades and smiles.
Feeling pretty powerful, player 1 now plays his queen of clubs and hopes the dealer still has some of these. Player 2 throws out his 6 of clubs, the dealer pauses; the suspense is killing player 1. The dealer smiles and throws off a 5 of spades! Player 1 is elated! Has he stopped the dealer in his tracks? Is he out of trump, did he count correctly? “Lets' try that again” he thinks! Player 1 throws out his Jack of Clubs expecting the same results his queen got! Poor Player 2 can't follow suit so he plays the 6 of diamonds. All eyes are on Player 3, who pauses again, this is the moment of truth; this time he elects to throw a trump on the defiant player 2's Jack of Clubs. Thus out comes the 5 of hearts! Player 3 also known as the dealer, also known as the bidder, is now known as a winner, at least of this hand, he now leads with the Queen of spades, Player 1, now deflated somewhat follows with the 10 of spades and wonders what if. Player 2, poor player 2 at least follows suit with a 6 of spades. Now player 3, the dealer, the bidder, has his eleven bid, with 2 cards to play, he elects to play a sure winner, his last trump, the 6 of hearts, this puts player 1 in a bit of a dilemma again. He has two winners in his hand the Jack of spades and the queen of diamonds, which should he throw off on that trump card, he opts to keep the jack of spade since the queen of spades was the last card played by player 3. Player 1 plays the Queen of diamonds. Player 2 plays the 9 of diamonds, keeping his 9 of spades he also having a hunch the last card may be a spade. Player 3 plays his last card, 7 of spades. Yes shouts player 1 having picked the right card to keep, “Yes” he says again as he slaps his jack down on top of the dealers defenseless 7 of spades. Even poor player 2, who you may remember, won the very first book of this hand feels a sense of moral victory in that he at least chose the correct card to keep. He throw down his 9 of spades, and realizes except for the fact that player 1 actually guessed right he could well have won that last book beating that defenseless 7 with his own 9 of spades. So now let's count up the books and access a score to everyone.
Player 1 made 4 books he get 40 points
Player 2 made 1 book he gets 10 points
Player 3 made 12 books he gets 310 points for the successful 11 bid plus additional 10 points for the extra book. So he ends up with 320 points total on the first hand. The game is to 1000. Players' one and two must get busy!
That's what this game is all about!
You are never out of it no matter how far behind you are because you can shut another player down and you can score points in bunches! I want this game to be more popular than poker, imagine Bid Wiss tournaments in casinos with a TV audience, this could also be played on the internet and it is a game with universal appeal like spades only much more exciting! Imagine a game requiring tremendous strategy, teamwork, and rivalry all in one! That's Noble's Bid Wiss.
1. A method for playing a game, comprising: providing a standard deck of cards, the deck of cards comprising use of big joker less the 2 of clubs and the 2 of hearts; dealing to at three players sixteen cards from the deck to make a hand; providing a reward to the player for highest bid; the said reward of winning the kitty and naming trumps; said bid begins with player to the dealers left allowing all three players the opportunity to offer a bid influenced by the following point value system: successfully Bidding 10 equals 200, Bid 11 equals 310, Bid 12 equals 420, Bid 13 equals 530, Bid 14 equals 640, Bid 15 equals 750, Bid 16 equals 1000, each said bid represents said bonus points which begin at 10; repeating said steps of dealing and bidding until the first player to reach 1000 points wins the game.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the deck is reshuffled after every hand; following the deal of each new hand, three cards forming the kitty are placed in a pile at the center of the table; said kitty acts as a reward to the highest bidder as well as an incentive to bid aggressively.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the player is limited to follow suit when said player has said suit in said player's hand, said player can trump if he does not have the suit played or he can throw off.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the score is calculated at the end of the hand determined by success of the dealer to make his bid or for his opponents to set him.
5. The method of claim 1, wherein there are no bags, if the bidder bids 10 but gets 12, said bidder simply gets 10 points for each book over said bid, players are thus encouraged to strive to bid at least 10 since that's where the bonus points begin; all said bids under 10 simply net the said bidder and the other two players 10 points per trick.
6. The method of claim 1, wherein the bidder only scores points on a made bid; non-bidders score ten points for every trick made off the said bidder when said bidder makes a bid.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein said bidder gets set or has a failed bid, said bidder gets no points, while on said failed bids the two said non-bidders can double their score to 20 points each trick; said non-bidders can triple their score by holding the bidder to less than half his bid, said non-bidders quadruple their score by holding the bidder to a quarter or less his bid, said non-bidders can also triple their score by shutting out one of the other said non-bidders, even if the said bidder makes his said bid.
Type: Application
Filed: Jan 3, 2011
Publication Date: Nov 24, 2011
Inventor: Noble Laird (Center Moriches, NY)
Application Number: 12/927,682
International Classification: A63F 1/00 (20060101);