Hair transformational solution, which transforms hair via a physical change, rather than a chemical change, with the unique properties that act like natural human sebum.

A hair transformation agent, useful in transforming hair texture from kinky to curly, by application of this non permanent solution. The solution acts like the sebum of a human. Hair that is naturally rich in sebum is healthy, shiny, strong, nourished. Hair that is lacking is in typically in bad condition. Hair shaft can lack sebum because of chemical use, but seems to be a natural occurrence in kinky hair. Because of this people with kinky hair often seek extreme measures to restore their hair or make it more manageable. Most resort to chemical processing to change the texture look and feel of the hair only this just makes the hair worst. Our formula will give kinky hair the sebum it is lacking and in the process the hair will begin to act, look and feel like another hair texture that has abundant sebum naturally, curly hair, and textural change will occur.

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TABLE 1A The solution gives Kinky hair all the properties of Curly hair, when applied Kinky hair takes on the characteristics of Curly hair. Properties of Kinky Hair Properties of true Curly in natural state with Hair in natural state with no chemicals applied no chemicals applied Incoherent pattern causes tangles Coherent Pattern comb slides through Little to no sebum lacks Has a lot of Sebum to moisturize moisture no protection from and protect hair from harm (sebum harm natural secretion from scalp found on hair) Less cuticle layers thinner hair More cuticle layers, thicker hair strand prone to breakage and strand, strong more resistant to damage in natural state especially breakage even if chemically treated if chemically treated Rough and coarse in texture, Soft and smooth texture, looks looks dull and dry, feels hard moisturized, and shiny, feels silky and brittle Resistance to water/oil based Hair is easily penetrated by products, little to no penetration water/oil based products by water or oil based products, will have little effect or change on texture Light weight floating fly-a-ways Heavy strands are thicker and creates bulky afro, Hair won't heavier as a result they stay down. compact together because of its Hair has a coherent pattern the hair incoherent pattern, hair needs takes up less space and the curls fit more space, as a result hair between one another which saves expands into an afro space Forms a huge afro, individual Hair lays flatter small, medium or hairs form tiny individual large amounts of hair form big ripples and ringlets curls and waves The table 1A points out the key differences between kinky hair and curly hair.

The Relevant Technology

In today's glamour-conscious society, a person's appearance can determine many things, including social status and economic success. Looking one's best is often a top priority. Many beautifying treatments have been developed, and continue to be developed, which are designed to help people change the appearance of their hair. These include hair color or bleaching treatments for people who want a different color hair, hair relaxation treatments for people with curly or kinky hair, each of which alters the chemical structure of hair in some way. In general, the more radical the change in hair appearance, the greater will be the chemical alteration of, and potential damage to, the hair. Those with kinky hair usually have hair that is coarse, unsightly and unmanageable. To solve the problem they resort to using chemicals to make hair look less like an afro and more like other hair textures like curly, wavy, or straight hair.

All hair textures are blessed with a natural God given portion of natural moisture called sebum that is useful in protecting it. Chemicals can strip away this natural moisture as well as it can be naturally unavailable as is the case with kinky hair. Persons with kinky hair seek to make hair look straight or wavy by using chemicals. But these chemicals destroy the hair shaft and further rob it of the little sebum it has. Overtime this chemically treated hair becomes dry, dull, frayed, broken, splitted, and more damaged, and equally unsightly than before. Though, natural kinky hair that is not chemically treated can be described as having properties, dry, dull, easily broken, frayed. So kinky hair and chemical treatment is an absolute disaster almost 99% of the time. To remove the chemical hair has to be cut off, if the user has any left after the chemical has been applied repeatedly or sometimes just once.

As seen in table 1A Hair with natural sebum—curly hair and hair without natural sebum—kinky hair have apposing characteristics. The properties of the curly hair are highly sought out by those with kinky hair which is why they employ the use of chemical, but because the chemicals break down the naturally occurring bond of the hair and strip the hair shaft of its outer cuticle the hair is further dry, dull and damaged. The non permanent solution that is described in this patent seeks to solve the problem that kinky hair has (lack of sebum). This natural formula mimics the naturally occurring sebum found on hair and when applied kinky hair receives all the characteristics and hence all the benefits of curly hair.


The invention pertains to the field of cosmetics, it is a product that induces change to the hair and allows it to take on more beneficial characteristics temporarily, which will allow it to thrive, grow and be healthy. This invention is relatively new, it is a hair cream that changes the texture (the look, feel, and behavior) of the hair without the use of a solution that is permanent or a harsh chemical that changes the composition of the hair. This formula is not permanent it washes out with shampoo and is made of 85-90% plant or animal oil, waxes, and/or other extractions.

The product is classified according to the definitions described by the U.S. patent Classification Definition, class 424, as a body treating composition, generally intended for grooming a body, and is considered a cosmetic item.

Permanent Chemicals

The hair care industry now has a range of chemicals that are used to change the characteristics of kinky hair to make it take on the characteristics of straight, wavy, or curly hair, however these are all chemical based products, which transformational process is via a chemical change, which strips the already fragile kinky hair of it outside cuticle layer. This causes breakage, dryness, damage, the hair becomes weak and it is difficult for it to protect itself while being styled, combed etc. The hair with these chemicals applied to it will shed, and break so often that hair will remain short and permanently damaged. It seems like growth can never be achieved with the continued use of these chemicals. These chemicals are permanent and to remove them, a person would have to cut the hair off and allow it to re-grow in its natural state. These chemicals are harsh and dangerous and very often considered to be carcinogens. Many people are now seeking, natural alternatives to these chemicals out of fear of destroying their hair or simple for health reasons.

Chemicals of this nature can hardly be used in conjunction with hair dye or permanent coloring without causing irreversible harm and damage. Therefore the user of these chemicals are highly restricted to non permanent color or no coloring at all. They are also restricted from washing more than once or twice a week and cannot go swimming because of chlorinated pools or do water sports often. There is currently no non-permanent cream or gel that can change the texture of hair temporarily, and there is no cream or gel that can change hair texture without chemicals. This cream is the first of its kind.

Chemical Treatments To Kinky Hair with Hair Relaxers, Texturizer, or Chemical Curls

Chemically induced damage or damage by natural causes are characterized by unnatural discontinuities in the protein structure of the individual hair strands or shafts. Examples include split ends, dry coarse, hair that is easily broken, and hair that is generally frizzed-out and unmanageable, and because the visible portion of hair is dead, it has no ability to regenerate itself. The only way to naturally regenerate one's hair is to allow healthy hair to grow out and replace the damaged portion. The end result of chemically treating hair to achieve manageability, can be worse than not chemically treating hair at all. Because of this, persons who never chemically alter their hair texture generally have healthier hair over the long run than people who chemically treat their hair. Therefore, while spending a lot of money on expensive hair beautification treatments which yields desirable short-term results, the long-term result is often hair that is damaged and even less attractive than before such treatments were performed. This can pose a dilemma, particularly to people who are required by their profession to have well groomed hair. An afro is often not acceptable in the professional work environment, so a permanent chemical relaxer or permanent waving product is often the only solution for taming unruly kinky hair. Kinky hair in its natural state has the same characteristics as chemically treated hair. Therefore if dry, dull, brittle hair with little or no natural sebum is subjected to treatment with permanent chemicals that deplete sebum from hair and cause hair to be damaged and broken then hair will end up looking like a disaster. Persons with kinky hair have fewer strands of hair than persons with other textures, which is why the side effects of chemicals leaves hair looking thin, limp with no volume or bounce. The affects of chemical treatments on curly, wavy, or straight hair, can also lead to damage. Especially if over processed, hair will take on the properties of kinky hair. It will become dry damages and depleted of natural moisture. The hair will also look and feel like kinky hair. This is because the hair will loose its outer cuticle layer becoming thinner and weak. The natural sebum on the hair also seems to disappear. The porosity of the hair is changed, which allows moisture to pass out of the hair and water and other chemical to come into the hair. Low sebum, thin weak strands, and high porosity are all natural characteristics that describe kinky hair in it natural stage.

Why Regular Hair Creams and Hair Gels Will Not Work On Kinky Hair.

Hair creams and gels are water based and are absorbed by kinky hair and will not create change by being absorbed. If change is to take place the styling product must sit outside the hair cuticle, and coat the shaft of the hair, like a conditioner does. This coating would serve to protect the hair cuticle. Kinky hair has no protection because it lacks sebum so water or other harmful agents are absorbed into the hair quickly and moisture that is put on the hair with oils are also lost quickly. If real sebum were present on the hair it would act like a natural protector and guard hair against absorption of harmful agents as well as protect it from losing moisture. Kinky hair is much like a sponge, capable of absorbing water and other substances from the environment, and is also susceptible to losing precious moisture and lipids to the environment. Porosity is the term used in the science of hair care to describe how easily water and other matter can diffuse back and forth through the cuticle layer and into or out of the cortex. Kinky hair has very high porosity. The other hair textures curly, wavy and straight have lower porosity, creams and gels sit outside their cuticle and coat there outer strands quickly creating change, moisture is easily retained and not quickly lost. The sebum in these hair textures prevents, loss of helpful substance, and prevents gain of harmful substances through the hair cuticle, so the existence of sebum on curly, wavy and straight hair is what allows it to have such low porosity. Water and other styling agents can harm the hair and cause dryness especially if there is no barrier capable of repelling them. Although we are not sure exactly why this happens we can speculate that it is because kinky hair is lacking a natural lubricant called sebum. Sebum is a natural moisturizer secreted from the scalp unto the hair which protects it, strengthens it, coats it, provided smoothness, and makes it look shiny and healthy. Because of this the creams and gels are useful in curly wavy and straight hair, but often useless and pointless in kinky hair. Hair gels are alcohol based and have many other chemicals that will dry hair out even more, causing breakage and split ends.

How Sebum Like Protection Influences the Porosity of the Hair

The solution is not a permanent solution, its sebum like qualities act as a guard that blocks moisture from coming out of hair and blocks some harmful substances from entering the hair. Kinky hair has very high porosity, making it highly permeable. Substances can easily enter into its cuticle and moisture can quickly escape out of its cuticle. While the product is in the hair the cuticle layer is no longer highly permeable, making it difficult for water and other agents such as alcohol to be absorbed into the cuticle layer, which over time causes dryness and damages the hair shaft. The hair will also retain little natural moisture it has or the moisture it's been given by this formula, because changing its porosity also makes it difficult for moisture to escape out of the cuticle layer. The product itself will also not be absorbed into the hair. Curly hair has very low porosity so it less susceptible to being damaged, its sebum acts as its armor against permeability. The formula does not penetrate the cuticle layer it simply lays outside the cuticle layer to act as a coating or armor against damage. Products that permeate the cuticle layer and come inside the hair strand are useless in providing the armor the hair needs to be protected from harm. The sebum like formula provides what can be described as a double wall of protection the inside wall serves as a moisturizing barrier that seals in the hairs new found moisture provided by the formula, and an outside wall that actively blocks foreign agents from entering the hair shaft. This shows yet another way that the absence of sebum is shown to be unfavorable to kinky hair. The outside armor can be seen as a shiny finish, gained after product is applied. The high permeability of kinky hair also play a big role in what little sheen it has. Kinky hair also absorbs light, giving it a dull non shiny finish, while the other hair textures reflect light giving them a shiny glossy look.

Creams largely comprise of mainly petroleum, they are greasy and messy and does not create any change. All you will have is a greasy afro that is just as unruly as a dry afro. In recent years people have been in a frenzy to get their hands on natural products that have little to no chemicals, so creams and gels have gained some popularity among curly haired girls, but there was still no remedy for kinky hair girls or girls in-between kinky and curly. Therefore this product can be considered a revolution in the hair industry. Consumers are being increasingly concerned about the chemicals in products and especially staying away from permanent hair treatments. Therefore this formula avoids all the aforementioned problems associated with chemically processed hair, as it transforms the hair via a physical process not a chemical process.

Heat Styling

Heat styling such as blow-drying, flat ironing, hot combing, and hot curling can allow the hair to become straight temporarily without the use of chemicals. Heat styling if done to kinky and curly hair will only last few days, and if exposed to humidity, rain, a hot shower, or any water based product will only last a few minutes. This can be embarrassing if it happens in public. In addition it causes damage over time, the heat will cause split ends and other damage to the hair shaft so hair will break and look dry. These appliances together can cause hundreds of dollars to purchase, and sometimes 2 or more have to be used together to do the job. And much like permanent strengtheners you would have to spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours in a salon to achieve a desired look by this method.

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION What the Invention Does

Since chemicals are hard on the kinky hair and only causes damage, creams and gels are of no use to help facilitate change, and heat styling can just be awful as chemicals, our product is a perfect alternative. Its properties act like naturally secreted human sebum. When hair is lacking sebum it is not strong, has no protection from the elements, has no protection from styling tools, has no protection from chemicals, it is prone to damage, dullness, and dryness, lacks a uniformed or coherent pattern. The sebum like formula enables the hair to take on a new texture. The uneven incoherent patterns are turned into even coherent patterns. The individually standing strands adhere to one another to eliminate the look of frizz. The kinky shriveled pattern that kept the hairs from showing its true length, become loose, and elongated, to create the look of long hanging curls. The light strands of hair become heavy and weighed down by the formula so hair no longer levitates, it drops and hangs vertically. The hair gets coated by the formula which protects it, and the hair becomes immune to breakage. The dullness of the hair changes to shine, the rigid roughness of the hair turns into flexible, soft hair. The coarseness disappears and hair becomes smooth and pliable.

What is Natural Sebum, What is its Function?

Sebum is a naturally occurring substance made by the body that is secreted through the skin and scalp. It is beneficial to the skin to keep it moisturized and protected from the elements. Individuals with less sebum will tend to have dryer skin. The dry skin type needs intervention, human made moisturizers are needed to prevent cracking, peeling, flaking, and wrinkling of the skin, it also gives it sheen to keep it from looking dull. Individuals with more sebum on the skin enjoy the benefits of healthy glowing skin that is not peeling cracking and shedding. Sebum for the scalp is no different. In order for the hair to be moisturized, free from breakage, strong, protected, smooth, shiny, sleek, and grow it needs sebum and the more it has the better. It is made by our body and secreted through our sebaceous glands beneath our scalp, put there to provide a natural protection for the hair. The sebum will glide from the root and then down the hair shaft all the way to the tip. It is easy to make it way down straight hair, it does so very quickly, which is why this hair type needs to be washed almost every day. Wavy and curly hair sebum takes a little longer because the sebum has to go through several curves to get from one end of the hair to the other but eventually it does get there. Kinky hair gets little or no sebum at all, because it has a difficult time traveling on the hair shaft because of it irregular shape. Lack of sebum is the primary reason why kinky hair is rough, coarse, and unmanageable.

Benefits of Sebum

The presence of sebum seems to be synonymous with texture, the more sebum you have the more straight the hair will be, the more manageable, easy to comb, shiny, healthy looking and strong hair will be. Kinky hair gets the bad end of the stick virtually little to no sebum gets to the shaft or the tip of the strands so it gets very little to none of the benefits that the other hair types have. Even if lots of sebum is created on the scalp because of the zigzag irregular pattern of the hair, the sebum has a difficult time making its way down the hair shaft. So we created a formula that is very close to the body's own sebum. Straight hair has the most sebum of all hair types, which is why it become greasy quickly and has to be washed almost every day, Kinky hair does not have to be washed everyday because it does not get much sebum and because it is so dry it would not benefit from being washed every day, if washed everyday it would get so dry and it would probably all fall out. All the hairs in between such as wavy and true curly hair have a sufficient amount of sebum. The product is also beneficial to curly hair. It will reduce frizz, bulk, provide shine, reduce breakage and make curls bigger to look more like wavy hair. The more sebum hair has the better it behaves, the more it grows, the more shiny it is, the less it breaks, and the more easy it is to style, the less of a curl pattern it seems to have. For example take straight hair vs. curly hair and you can see that straight hair grows more, shines more, untangles easier, styles easier etc, because it has more sebum on it. So it only makes sense that if you use our natural sebum formula in any kinky, curly and even wavy hair type it will improve it substantially. If you add our Sebum formula to wavy hair it will become almost straight, if you add it to true curly hair it will become wavy, if you add it to kinky hair it will become true curly hair. In essence, the more sebum the hair has the better it will behave. Our formula mimics the characteristics of real human sebum.

Benefits of the Invention

The product is beneficial to the user because it gives their kinky hair a whole new texture naturally. The hair is coated with the formula which acts like a natural sebum. Sebum is definitely a necessary component in healthy strong hair. Without it hair is dry, fragile, weak, dull, coarse, etc. The purpose of sebum is to protect the hair from harm and this extra coating adds to the diameter of each hair strand, which results in thicker hair strand that is strong enough to protect itself from harm (example breakage while combing brushing or styling, or weather damage such as cold heat or wind that can dry the hair). While the product is on the hair it provides a layer of protection and the hair sheds 100% less leaving it to grow to its fullest potential.

What Happens When Formula is Applied to Kinky Hair?

When the sebum like formula is applied to kinky hair it is tricked into thinking it has the naturally occurring sebum that the body provides. It begins to take on all of the characteristics of curly hair and even wavy hair. If the most important factor of having great manageable hair is, the amount of sebum on the hair strands then if hair is nurtured with a product that is naturally close to the composition of real human sebum then the hair will become more manageable and healthy. So we want to give kinky hair what it is missing so it too can enjoy the benefits of true curly hair, that our sebum like product provides. The effects of sebum like protection of our formula even go beyond what it was original intended for, since the hair's kinky pattern will be elongated and turned into a curly pattern, a kinky haired person's naturally occurring sebum will have an easier time cascading down its strand from root to tip. So inadvertently, better texture will be achieved by the hair's own natural sebum all because of the application of our formula.

How Kinky Hair is Transformed to Curly Hair

Sometimes kinky hair is regarded as curly hair. Perhaps because both textures have ripples, ringlets and coils. But kinky hair is very different from curly hair, observe the properties of both in table IA. It is not certain how the hair is transformed and what really makes it change when the product is applied. We do know that the formula is a soft, thick, waxy, non greasy cream, with ingredients that laminate the hair. It behaves like real sebum which is thick, waxy with laminating capabilities as well. The product is formulated to change the texture of kinky hair by allowing the hair to acquire all the characteristics or physical properties of true curly hair. There are many key differences between kinky hair and curly hair, it is believed that this is due to the fact that kinky hair lacks sebum. One of the key differences between them are the amount of hair that forms one ripple, ringlet or coil. In curly hair one ringlet or coil is composed of multiple hairs, the more hair involved the bigger the curl, if an abundance of hair become involved the hair curls become so big, that they now fit into the category of wavy. The kinkier the hair the fewer amounts of hairs are involved in one ringlet or coil. The kinkiest of hairs have one hair strand to each ringlet or coil. When hairs stand alone and are not involved in a uniformed pattern called a ringlet or coil it creates the look of frizz. To overcome this ringlets and coils have to be formed by numerous hair strands. When the product is applied multiple strands of the kinky hair (that used to stand alone) become joined together which forms a bigger ringlet or coil than was there before. The product acts as an invisible adhesive which holds the formerly separated hair's together to form one new curl. The incoherent pattern becomes coherent and curls are formed. The hair cuticle is coated by the formula and creates a barrier to protect it from breakage, it adds to the diameter of each strand making it thicker, stronger and less susceptible to breakage the hair then becomes smoother and flexible and less rigid. In addition it adds weight to each strand making them fall down instead of sticking straight up or floating horizontally. It is not completely clear how and why the change in hair pattern takes place. We can only explain the process from what we see while the product is being added and molded into the hair.


Combining liquid starch, beeswax (or soy wax), emulsifying wax, and one main oil of choice (or lubricant like petroleum) (called the main oil of choice because it is the larger quantity of oil in the recipe). Heat the ingredients together, until mixture is thin liquid state and it looks grayish or more like water. Then mix liquid it will become white like liquid milk. Mixture will become thick and homogeneous. Add in 2nd oil of choice if any (The 2nd oil of choice is the oil that is the least amount in the recipe). Add in C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate. At this time add in the mica and Titanium dioxide. Continue to Mix well until completely cool. Add fragrance.

The original formula consist of:
4 parts liquid starch
2 and ½ parts Beeswax (or soy wax vegan)
More or less 1 part oil (any listed oil or liquid wax or lubricant)
More or less 0.5 part of a second chosen oil
0.08 part Emulsifying wax
0.04 part mica and Titanium dioxide
0.04 parts C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate

And Fragrance

The other formulas contain same ingredients as the original but have different quantities of each ingredient. There are currently 18-20 different versions of this formula and more may be developed in the future. Ingredients may also be substituted for example one type of oil may be taken out and another type of oil may be added in.

How to Use Product

Shampoo and condition the hair and detangle, keep hair damp not wet. Split hair in half from forehead to nape of the neck. Do right side first then left side or vice versa. Section hair horizontally from the nape of the neck or vertically from the forehead running alongside the ear all the way to the back of the neck. While hair is damp APPLY cream from root to tip with fingers, layer it lightly on the hair. Cover all ½ of the hair section by section. The product starts to change the hair's texture with the warmth of your hands and the stretching action. Using the warmth of the hands STRETCH the hair by sliding fingers from root to tip. Using the entire hand place around a medium section of hair as if grabbing a pole. Start at root and slide down to tip. Do this several times. The warmth of the hands are allowing the product to be absorbed as well as molding it from curly to kinky. Hair will look straight. After stretching scrunch the hair by gathering the hair tips in palm of hands move hand up grab the roots and close and open fist. Do this several times to form curls. Every time you apply to a small section you stretch then move on. When you are done stretch again. Hair will still be wet, stretch and scrunch section by section. You may stretch hair again until it feels like the water is gone. At this time the strands will become easier to manipulate it becomes stiffer and begins to hold curl better. Now do the same to the other side of the hair. You can also stretch by using a scissor finger motion, using your pointer finger and middle finger, from root to tip hold hair between fingers and run fingers downward. To minimize the time spent stretching do not over wet hair, only slightly damp it enough so the hair is manageable when parting. It should not be dripping wet only damp. If hair dries up you can use a spray bottle to re-damp.

The Invention Distinguished From Other Inventions

The invention changes the texture of the hair without being comprised of harmful chemicals, that change the hair permanently. It will not burn the scalp like permanent waves, hair relaxers and other chemical strengtheners do. The invention does not need any heat to be applied therefore hair will not be exposed to the potential damage that heat can cause. The waxes and oils in the formula will seal the hair and form a barriers around each strand to facilitate change in the hair's texture, unlike traditional hair creams and gels that are absorbed by the hair and causes damage without creating any change in the hair texture. The hair relaxers or permanent waves are chemicals than can burn skin and scalp and cause permanent damage like baldness or third degree burns. A protective gel or thick oil base is always needed to be applied to neck, ears, and forehead, to shield skin from being eaten away by the chemicals in these products. It is generally supposed to be applied by a professional cosmetologist or a person with experience because of the hazards that can occur while using the product.

The invented hair solution doesn't need gloves, or bases to be applied it will not burn or harm skin in any way. The chemical in relaxers change the basic structure of the hair shaft when its chemicals penetrate the cortical layer. The relaxer consist of sodium hydroxide which permeates the protein structure of the hair and weakens its internal bonds, causing the natural kinks or curls to loosen out as the entire fiber swells open. The weakening of these bonds is what will eventually cause the hair to break apart and become damaged. Whilst our invention does not interfere with the chemical bonds of the inner layers of the hair, it simply works outside the hair by coating and protecting it and in the process changing it physically but never chemically.

Sodium Hydroxide the main ingredient in most chemical straighteners is used to dissolve metal such as aluminum so one can imagine what it can do to the hair. It is also used to dissolve oils and grease so even if that person's hair had sebum it would eat it all up making it none existent for the protection of the hair. The permanent wave or curl building chemical products are made with the main ingredient thioglycolic acid. It is used in permanent wave products, hair straightening products and depilatory products, which are used as hair removers. Thioglycolic Acid modifies hair fibers to facilitate changes to the structure of the fibers, such as with permanent waves or with hair straightening. They are also used to chemically break down hair fibers so that unwanted hair can be removed by simply wiping it from the skin. All these chemical breakdown of the hair shaft spells trouble especially for kinky hair. They are completely unnatural and can only do harm to the hair.

Other Uses for the Product

Of course not everyone who has kinky hair will want to keep their hair curly all the time. Those that desire other hair styles such as braids can still use our products to achieve those styles. People with hair chemically straightened or blow-dried can also benefit from our sebum product for straightened hair. Although this patent is geared towards those with kinky hair quite a few of our products are used on people with naturally straight hair, wavy hair and curly hair. There are 18-20 different variations of this product. Each product might have more or less of one ingredient thus providing more or less hold, more or less shine, and different level of weight heavy and light. The different combinations of ingredients change the way the product is used and the type of hair texture it is used on. The product is also an alternative to gel and some of its variations can be used on braids, dreads, slicking afros into ponytails, hair twisting, and in hair de-frizzing and in hair texture changing. The product can be used with many different types of oils and lubricants, mainly essential oils and carrier oils. When mixed with one type of oil or another it provides a different feeling to the hair. For example grape seed oil is very light useful in moisturizing, while castor oil is hard and shiny and is very useful in coating. Some variation can have more or less oil depending on the feel or hold desired. More or less of a wax might be added depending on what type of hold is desire. The formula is adjusted to fit the need of the person's hair texture. The curly hair formulas discussed in this patent application has many different variations because kinky hair has many textures itself. One person may have thicker kinky hair which would need the heavy formula and another person will have thin kinky hair and they would need the light formula. No matter what the variation the formula as far as the type of ingredients stays the same it is only the amount of the specific ingredients that changes.


1. A method of transforming hair texture from kinky to curly, via a physical change, the formula acts like human sebum, a natural oil secreted from the scalp of human being and animals.

To facilitate change a non permanent solution is applied comprising of generous portions of what can be described as (a) a moisturizer, which aids as an anti caking agent, or a lubricant, which allows the hair to stay hydrated for a duration of time, allows waxes within the formula to be pliable, these oils can come in two forms essential oil or a carrier oil; (b) a wetting agent that facilitates holding power, sets in curls, allowing hair to change its texture from kinky to curly, and allows hairs to adhere to one another to form curly pattern and renounce its former afro form temporarily, also allows formula to have a soft, creamy consistency; (c)a plasticizing agent which also acts as an, emollient, gloss agent, feel modifier, degreaser, and a lubricant, which deposits shine on to the hair to give a wet look, also acts as an anti caking, anti freezing to keep waxes in the formula from hardening; (d) a generous amount of emulsifying agent which keeps all waxes, oils and liquid bound together to create a thick butter like homogenous mixture; (e) the coating agent which also acts as a bonding and binding agent, are the combination of two or more waxes derived from plant and or animal, they act as -a coating agent by forming an invisible layer around each hair shaft which serves as its protector it also increases the diameter of each hair strand making it thicker and stronger—a hair shaft binding agent, causing the hairs to adhere to one another to form the curls—a hair shaft bonding agent which bonds the split-ends or any other discontinuities on the hair shaft together temporarily; (f) a holding agent may be used to add color, reflect light and to add shine to strands and also acts as a holding agent to help manipulate hair to stay in a more defined curl pattern, these agents together comprised in this claim 1 combine to make the invention being addressed, the formula will act like the natural human sebum secreted from the sebaceous glands, hence the change in texture and the over-all physical characteristics of the hair, the kinky hair will take on all the properties of curly hair and will begin to mimic its behavior,all because the formula with its natural sebum properties are applied, when natural human sebum is abundant in hair that is not chemically treated, the hair's texture will be soft, manageable, healthy, strong, it can also serve as a natural protector that keeps hair healthy when it is chemically treated, when sebum is lacking hair will be dry, dull, and have no defense against breaking in its natural state or especially if it is chemically treated, kinky hair naturally lacks this special human secretion called sebum, giving it the sebum it needs will not only make it look and feel better but it will begin to take on the properties of hair types that are rich in sebum mainly curly hair.

2. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein said hair shaft bonding agent, hair shaft binding agent, coating agent and emulsifying agent comprise of at least one component consisting of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, alcohols, free acids, and esters as well as other materials.

3. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein said holding agent etc., contain complex silicate of aluminium and alkalies with hydroxyl. They crystallize in monoclinic system. Some varieties may contain iron, magnesium, lithium and rarely fluorine, barium, manganese and vandium.

4. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein said plasticizing agent's etc., chemical makeup is oxygen, carbon, and C12- C15 fatty moiety.

5. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein said wetting agent consist of H2O, amylase and amylopectin, chemical compound, Na 2 B 4 O 7.10H 2 O. Also unknown preserving and processing agents used to stabilize.

6. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein said moisturizing agent consist of any one or more than one essential oil and any or more than one carrier oil. Essential oils are scented and plant-based. While highly favored for their aromatic qualities, the oils are also nutrient-rich. An essential oil carries many of the same vitamins and minerals as the plant it is extracted from. This means the oils provide a powerful dose of nutrients to unhealthy hair. Carrier oils are non-scented and usually vegetable or nut-based. They can be used alone or used as a way to dilute essential oils. The exact proportions used to mix essential and carrier oils depends largely on the characteristic of the specific hair texture being dealt with or what the product seeks to achieve. There are currently about eight different variations of the formula to transform kinky hair to curly hair so types of oil, and the amounts, may be different in each variation, also oils may be used that comes from animal sebum such as lanolin.

7. When the product is applied for the first time, and any time after that the hair's texture will change from kinky to curly and a physical change in texture that is not permanent will be observable even after product is washed out. When the product is removed the hair will return to its natural kinky state. Over time the process of the hair changing from kinky to curly will get easier, the hair will have gotten used to the formula and would have gotten used to being in a curly pattern. Even when the product is washed out of the hair using shampoo the hair will retain some of its curly and wavy_features because it would have gotten used to being in that pattern and will try to revert to it when possible. However this is still not due to a chemical change, it is only due to the fact that hair has memory and will tend to take on any pattern that it is frequently manipulated into. So texture or pattern will become so that it is in-between slightly curly and kinky overtime it will become more curly and less kinky, as it was before the hair was ever introduced to the product. So texture will improve with increased use of the product and will continue to do so overtime. When the user stops using the product entirely, over time the hair will more than likely lose its curly pattern and go back to being entirely kinky as it was before the product was used.

8. The hair especially kinky hair will have split ends or other damage to the hair shaft, from combing, tugging, washing, heat styling, blow drying, dying. Since the hair is dead it is unable to repair itself even if damage becomes apparent. Split ends are characterized by the end of the hair actually being split into 2, 3 and even 4 at the end or anywhere else on the air shaft. This is caused by the hair being weak and becoming frayed at the ends, or the hair becoming damaged anywhere on the shaft. It is caused by chemicals, styling, heating, and is a natural occurrence no one if free from, the hair gets dry, weak and then it splits. When the formula is smoothed onto the hair the split ends seal back together temporarily.

Patent History
Publication number: 20120145175
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 13, 2010
Publication Date: Jun 14, 2012
Inventor: Suddian Samantha Smith (Kissimmee, FL)
Application Number: 12/928,429
Current U.S. Class: For Deformation, Setting Or Holding (e.g., Curling Or Waving) (132/203)
International Classification: A45D 7/04 (20060101);