A system, apparatus, device, tools and method is provided for the insertion of improved anatomically corrected modular design anterior and posterior dental implants, the apparatus including a root component and a head/abutment component, wherein the root component is inserted into the jawbone using precision surgical guide tools in combination with self-limiting surgical templates and a precision adjustable clamping device.
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This application is a divisional patent application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/146,038 filed on Jul. 25, 2011 and claims the benefit of the filing date of PCT Patent Application Serial No. PCT/IB2010/050456 (filed Feb. 2, 2010) (Published as WO 2010/089698), U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/206,733 filed Feb. 4, 2009, entitled “ANATOMICAL THREE-STAGE MODULAR DESIGN SINGLE AND MULTI-ROOTED DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM INCLUDING ARMAMENTARIUM”, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/213,077 filed May 5, 2009, entitled “MODULAR DESIGN THREE-STAGE ANATOMICAL SINGLE AND MULTI-ROOTED DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM AND ARMAMENTARIUM”, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/270,254, filed Jul. 7, 2009, entitled “MODULAR DESIGN THREE-STAGE DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM AND SURGICAL MEANS AND METHOD”, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/283,344 filed Dec. 3, 2009, entitled “MODULAR DESIGN THREE-STAGE ANATOMICAL DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM, SURGICAL TOOLS AND METHOD OF IMPLANTATION” which are each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates generally to dental implants and more particularly to an improved means and method for the preparation and insertion of an improved dental implant.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONA dental implant is an artificial prosthesis normally comprised of a single cylindrical component to replace the missing root structure of a natural tooth that has been lost. This single stage is inserted into a prepared hollowed out site (osteotomy) in the patient's jawbone (endosseous) and typically remains buried there for a period of time to allow for “osseo-integration” or the growth and adhesion of natural bone around the implant “root screw”, securing it in place. This cylindrical implant typically contains down its internal center a machined threaded internal hollow sleeve that allows the dental practitioner upon later surgical exposure of the head or top section of the cylindrical implant to screw into place a machined screw-in abutment (either with an integral screw on its inferior aspect or a separate connector screw which threads through a center hollow sleeve of the abutment) or a transfer abutment screw that is modified and then sent to a dental laboratory for fabrication of the abutment. The head section of the implant is simply the top segment of the cylindrical implant form and is an integral part of it. The abutment (s), which extends into the oral cavity, is then utilized by the dentist to fabricate a single fixed prosthesis (crown), a multiple fixed prosthesis (dental bridges), or can take the form of a fixed prosthesis (over-denture bar prosthesis) to anchor a removable prosthesis such as a permanent denture, using techniques that are widely known in the dental field.
There are several major drawbacks to this standard implant design. These drawbacks are derived from the fact that the standard implant design form is actually in very significant variance to the natural root form of human teeth. There are different types of teeth in the humans, namely, the upper and lower incisors, canines (cuspids), premolars, and molars. These teeth differ to a significant degree in form from each other between the different categories, and they differ as well within each category depending on whether they are in the upper or lower jaws and which position they have in each jaw (a maxillary first molar is significantly different in form from a corresponding mandibular first molar and a maxillary second molar is different in form from a maxillary third molar). These differences in form apply not only to what is termed in dentistry as the crown portion of the teeth (the part of the tooth that is erupted into the mouth and visible to the eye) but extends as well to the forms of the root (s) portion (buried in the alveolar bone socket of the jaws) of these different categories of teeth in both the maxilla and mandible.
The distal aspects of the natural roots of teeth are basically cylindrical or somewhat oval in cross-section. When one though observes in cross-section the natural form of the roots of teeth at the level of the transition of the tooth from its root segment to its crown segment (this level is referred to in dentistry as the CEJ—cemento-enamel junction or the cervix of the tooth) one is immediately struck by the fact that in general most of the root forms in cross-section of the teeth are anything but cylindrical in shape or form (the standard dental implant form is cylindrical in cross-section along its entire length). Depending on the type of tooth in question, the natural root form of the teeth in cross-section are in fact very oval at this level (at the cervix), either in a horizontal axis in relation to the crestal bone ridge of the jaw when one is referring to incisors, or oval in a vertical axis in relation to the crestal ridge when one is referring to the premolars, and quite rhomboid, or kidney shaped when one is referring to the molars. The cross-sectional form at the level of the CEJ and particularly the dimensions of that form of each type of these natural teeth (incisors, cuspids, premolars, and molars) vary as well, depending on the jaw size and genetic variation of each individual patient. In addition, when one is referring to the molars, the natural teeth typically exhibit multiple roots (typically the molars are bi-rooted in the mandible and tri-rooted in the maxilla).
The standard dental implant design being cylindrical in form along its entire length including the head or top segment of the implant, and consisting of a very limited number of different sized single “root screw” cylinder takes none of the above-mentioned natural variation of the roots of the different types of teeth into account, both in the maxilla and the mandible.
Due to its cylindrical form along its entire length, the standard dental implant does not conform at the level of the crest of jawbone (Cervix or CEJ) to the natural oval, rhomboid or kidney-shape form of the roots of the natural teeth (the head of the implant is cylindrical in cross-section). This major discrepancy in the contour or emergence profile, as it is termed in dentistry, of the crown that is fixed upon the implant abutment (which fits into the head of the implant) in relation to the gums results in large gaps or spaces between the implant crown and the teeth on either side of it and prevents the optimal formation of the interdental papilla (gum tissue between the teeth). With the posterior implant, the situation is very much analogous to a large ball sitting on top of a thin stick. These large open areas or gaps allow for food debris, plaque, and pathogenic bacteria to accumulate between the implant crown and the natural teeth adjacent to it, making these areas very difficult for the patient to keep clean and requiring the patient to use special cleaning implements to try and maintain them free of food debris and plaque. In many cases this situation over the long-term results in poor health of the gums, causing periodontal (gum) disease of the adjacent teeth as well as documented cases of implant failure due to crestal bone resorbtion.
Additionally, as was previously mentioned, all standard implants on the market consist of a single cylindrical “root screw” form or stage that is buried into the alveolus (jawbone) to replace the natural root of the missing teeth. A second stage abutment is later screwed into the “root screw” (the abutment sits above the bone in the mouth) and a crown is made to sit on top of the abutment. This represents your typical standard two stage implant (the crown is never considered as a stage of the implant). Recently, one stage implants have been designed where the root screw stage and the abutment stage are all one integral piece. These are almost exclusively being used at present for the replacement of missing anterior teeth only.
This accords to a relatively good degree for the replacement of all the anterior teeth in the mouth but is not at all in accord with the natural state for replacing the posterior teeth, where as was previously mentioned, the upper molars are typically tri-rooted and the lower molars are typically bi-rooted.
The reason why providence formed these molar (posterior) teeth with multiple roots is that these teeth are designed to take on the entire burden of grinding and chewing most of the food we eat and they also are designed to maintain the proper vertical jaw relation between the upper and lower jaws, referred to in the dental field as the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (V.D.O.C.), or maintaining the proper “bite”. Multiple rooted teeth versus single rooted teeth offer the advantages of spreading this intense load more efficiently as well as providing far greater stability from tipping or shifting the position of the teeth under load. They also provide vastly greater anchorage of these posterior teeth in their jawbone sockets as they engage a far greater surface area of bone buried in their multiple bone sockets. Because the load is distributed more efficiently, each singular root of these multi-rooted molars is individually thinner, shorter, and therefore smaller than would be the case if these teeth had instead been formed in the natural state with a longer, thicker and therefore larger single root buried in a single larger bone socket.
Standard implants with their single “root screw” design best tolerate compressive loading forces. Compressive forces are forces that are apically directed along the long axis of the implant. Tensile forces are forces that are coronally directed along the long axis of the implant and are not tolerated well by the implant. Shear forces are off-axis forces or loads on the implant that have the potential to be most destructive to the integrity of the implant-bone complex. Due to their single “root” design, standard implants placed in the molar (posterior) areas of the mouth are most susceptible to the negative effects of shear off-axis forces. Crater-shaped bone defects which are typically found clinically to form around the “heads” (top portion of the implant embedded in the bone) of these implants over time are suspected to be a result of such adverse loading. (G. Bergkvist, DDS. Dept. of Dental Materials Science, Malmo University, Sweden 2007).
Stress forces when an implant is “loaded” are known to be concentrated at the “head” or top part of the implant that is buried in the bone. The relatively narrow cross-sectional diameter of the single “head” of most dental implants does not allow for the proper distribution of this load for molar implants. Between 10-20% of the adult population are bruxers, people who habitually grind or clench their teeth to reduce stress (J. Oral Rehabilitation, 2008).
The average standard implant (two-stage) can take a vertical (compressive) loading force of 450 pounds per square inch or 32 kilos per square centimeter. The average bruxer generates a vertical (compressive) loading force of up to 600 pounds per square inch or 42 kilos per square centimeter, a figure well in excess of what the standard dental implant can comfortably handle over time. As noted above, vertical (compressive) loading forces are the forces best handled by standard dental implants, as opposed to shear (off-axis) loading forces which are much more damaging over the long term to the integrity and viability of the standard dental implants (and particularly standard posterior molar implants) in the mouth.
Splinting (connecting together) implants has been proven to reduce stress over unsplinted implants by a very large factor (Univ. of Malmo, Sweden 2007).
On an evolutionary level, the upper and lower jaws have adapted anatomically over a vast time period to the thinner, shorter and therefore smaller natural root form of the multi-rooted posterior molars by lightening the weight of the human skull and its considerable load on the spinal column in the following manner:
The upper jaw (maxilla) in the molar(s) region contain empty spaces called sinuses immediately above and in many cases actually wrapping around the tips of these multi-rooted teeth. In the lower jaw there is a marked sloping in or reduction in the width of the mandible on both the buccal (cheek-side) and lingual (tongue-side) of the bony plates from the crest of the jawbone to the inferior line of the mandible. Additionally, the inferior alveolar nerve runs in a canal in the mandible in an inferior position to the lower teeth.
All of the above presents significant challenges to the dental practitioner when attempting to replace these missing posterior teeth with the standard dental implant design. Due to their single large cylindrical “root” form, the anatomy of the upper and lower jaws can be particularly unsuitable to accommodate the standard dental implant design in these molar regions. This is because typically the standard posterior implant dimensions are 4.7 millimeters in cross-sectional diameter and 13 millimeters in overall length. These dimensions are necessary in order to place an implant of sufficient size that can reasonably handle some of the forces of the load placed upon it in the posterior upper and lower jaws.
This unsuitability of design is the case even more so in patients who have large maxillary sinuses in the upper jaw or crestal height resorbtion of the maxilla or mandible (a very common finding in patients who have previously lost their molars). These particular cases typically require additional surgical procedures such as maxillary sinus lifts (42% of maxillary posterior implants required sinus lifts in a retrospective seven year study published in the Journal of Periodontology, 2008) or maxillary and mandibular crestal ridge augmentation in order to make these sites better suited to accommodate the physical dimensions of the standard dental implant (provide sufficient depth of bone at the implant site so as not to puncture the sinus). These procedures are costly and are associated with concomitant health risks to the patient. Often these anatomical limitations may force the dentist to place the implants in a non-optimal location or if the limitations are severe, they may totally preclude the patient from receiving this restorative treatment option altogether.
The dentist also runs the general risk in many cases of perforating the maxillary sinus (compromising its health), perforating the lingual or buccal plates of the mandible (causing infection and implant failure), or disturbing or partially severing the inferior alveolar nerve in its canal in the mandible (causing a temporary or permanent parasthesia) when attempting to place a standard posterior dental implant.
Bone quality and volume are of paramount importance to the dental surgeon placing implants. It is important for the dentist to consider bone quality from a biomechanical standpoint. Generally, the anterior mandible has the densest bone followed by the posterior mandible and then the anterior maxilla, with the posterior maxilla being the least dense. Low density bone requires a longer healing period to maximize bony adaptation to the implant surfaces.
The upper and lower jaws are made up of a narrow strip of softer, spongy, alveolar bone sandwiched between two outer thin hard cortical plates of bone. In the posterior regions the entire width of the jawbones is typically 5 to 7 millimeters thick. The average interdental (between the teeth) space remaining when a molar tooth is lost is 10 to 12 millimeters long. The vertical depth of alveolar bone present where the tooth was lost can be as little as 5 to 10 millimeters before one encounters either the maxillary sinus space (in the upper jaw) and the inferior alveolar nerve (in the lower jaw).
Additionally, as was noted above, the loading force on these posterior teeth (molars) is much greater than the loading force placed on the anterior teeth. For this reason the diameter of the standard implant used to replace these missing teeth is significantly larger than the diameter of the implants used to replace missing anterior teeth.
To allow for a proper volume or thickness of jaw bone between the implant and the adjacent teeth so as to allow for a proper blood supply and health of the bone between the implant and the adjacent teeth, it has been accepted in the dental field to maintain a minimum distance of 2 millimeters between the implant and the adjacent teeth on either side of the implant. As noted above, this means that the head of the implant at the height of the crestal bone should not exceed a diameter of 6 to 8 millimeters in a mesio-distal dimension (the distance between the adjacent teeth where the missing tooth used to be), based on the formula: interdental space (space left by the missing tooth) minus 4 millimeters (2 millimeters on each side of the implant)=maximum diameter of implant head. In the particular case of the posterior teeth (molars) it is typically either 10-4=6, or 12-4=8. As mentioned above, the entire width of the jawbones is typically between 5 to 7 millimeters thick (referred to in the dental field as its Bucco-Lingual dimension) in the posterior area. This means that in order to stay within the confines of the jawbone and not puncture the outer cortical plates of the jawbone, the maximum dimension of the head of a standard implant which is round in cross-section should typically not exceed 6 millimeters in diameter.
In addition to the above space requirements and limitations, it is well known in the dental field that a minimum distance must be maintained between multiple implants as well (distance between one implant and the next when placing two implant next to each other) in order to maintain the proper bold supply to the bony tissue between the implants and prevent resorbtion or “die-back” of said bone.
Several systems have been developed to try and mitigate some of the significant drawbacks of the standard “single root” dental implant design described above. To better approximate the natural form of the root of the tooth at the cervical junction, an example of this is a one-piece dental implant as described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,854,972, February 2005, Elian, wherein a flaring cervical portion is incorporated in the proximal (coronal) end of the implant.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,093,023, July 2000, Meseguer, describes an implant with an “external” polygonal “head”. This is a confusion of terminology as what is being described is a polygonal abutment which is external (above the crestal height of the jawbones) to the endosseous implant. The actual “head” of the implant embedded in bone is round in cross-section (not polygonal), and an integral part of the “body” of the “root screw” component. This implant aims to provide a more anatomical shape for the abutment and a better esthetic result for the “peri-implant” (gums) soft tissue.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,291,013 November 2007, Aravena and Kumar, describes a standard single root form implant similar to U.S. Pat. No. 6,854,972, yet with a more pronounced anatomical flaring of its coronal segment or “head” as well as a more flared “abutment” component that closely matches the contour of the “head”. It still maintains a round cross-sectional form of the integral head of the “single-root” implant.
In an attempt to improve soft tissue attachment, U.S. Pat. No. 6,527,554 March 2003, Hurson and Dragoo, describes a roughened zone on the coronal head of a standard single-root form implant to better preserve the “biological width” or “attachment zone” between the implant-abutment interfaces.
U.S. Pat. No. US 2010/0003638, January 2010, Collins, Flynn, and Murray, describes a modular “single-root” implant design which includes a “head” an intermediate part which is porous in an attempt to better engage bone, and on its inferior aspect a short length threaded “screw” segment. While the intermediate (middle) section may possibly enhance bone adhesion over the long term, it does so at the expense of allowing for the initial “bite” into the osteotomy bore shaft and initial fixation of a standard “root screw” which features a threaded screw form down most if not all of its length.
In an attempt to provide for a multi-rooted tooth form implant, WO Pat. App. No. 2006/082610 August 2006, Cito, D'Ambrosio and Vinci, describes a “multiple-root” form dental implant design with a “head” component which it calls a “collar” and a “root screw” component which it calls a “fixture”. For the sake of clarity the terms “head” and “root screw” used by the present invention for these components will be used to describe these components in regards to this prior art.
This prior art is very limited in its design and incorporates as well significant structural defects that could compromise its short and long term viability in the mouth and could actually cause over time a catastrophic failure of the components of its separate stages as will be explained below. Additionally, the tools described in this prior art do not allow for the accurate, precise, and reproducible preparation of the implant site as well as the accurate, precise, and reproducible assembly of the components of the implant within that site in a three-dimensional manner.
This prior art describes a design wherein the “root screw” components are by necessity of smaller diameter or girth than the attachment (connector) holes of the “head” component as they need to be inserted through these holes and then via an extending circumferential lip on its superior aspect of greater circumference (which acts as a limiting stop) engages the smaller circumference of the insertion hole of the “head” component in order to relate these two components to each other.
This is a significant drawback in the structural design of the prior art for the following reasons: As noted above, there are significant limitations on the maximum interdental (mesio-distal distance between the teeth) and bucco-lingual (width of the jawbone) dimensions of the implant site. The diameter of the “head” component that can typically be accommodated in this limited implant site for missing molar teeth without puncturing this three-dimensional volume of the bone in both of the above two dimensions is itself quite limited. Therefore, the attachment (connector) holes contained within it must of necessity be of smaller diameter than the “head” which contains them.
By incorporating in its basic design a “root screw” that must of necessity be of smaller diameter than the retention hole of the “head” component into which it slides through requires the “root screw” component of this prior art to be extremely “thin”, resulting in a critically insufficient diameter or girth for these “root screw” components. As these “root screw” components are the primary structures of the implant that provide the retention, stability and load support for the entire implant, this design flaw is of critical importance and would jeopardize the long term and even short term viability of this implant design in the mouth (as noted above, it is accepted in the dental field to always use larger diameter single “root screws” for posterior implants compared to anterior implants due to the greater forces normally placed on the posterior implants). The inadequate diameter of these “root screws” is even more problematic when one considers the fact that all “root screw (s)” do not have a solid core and in fact must contain an internal hollow shaft to accommodate the connector screw which threads into it. This means that the thickness of the outer walls of the “root screw” design of this prior art must be extremely thin and would be very prone to fracture (resulting in complete failure of the implant) under even a minimal load.
Additionally, the very small diameter of the “root screw” components necessitated by the design of the prior art also necessitates that the single set of “connector screws” provided by the prior art to secure all three components (the “head”, “root screw” and abutment components) to each other to be even thinner than the “root screws” (as they must thread inside them), which, over time, (or even on initial load) could easily lead to their fracture under load. This would cause a separation of these two components within the jawbone, resulting in the complete failure of this implant design and a nightmare scenario for the dental practitioner to have to deal with.
Additionally, the abutment stage design of this prior art describes projecting tubes on the bottom surface of the abutment which extend through the retention holes in the head stage and the center shafts of the “root screw” stages in order to relate these components to each other. This design feature further limits the maximum possible diameter of the connector screws and also necessitates the further thinning of the outer walls (which contain the connector screw) of the “root screw” components. These design features even further increase the likelihood of the fracture and failure of these components, above and beyond what has already been noted, when these components would be placed under load in the posterior sections of the upper and lower jaws.
As mentioned above, the accepted protocol in the dental field is to allow for the endosseous (embedded in bone) elements of the implant to osseointergrate (solidify by allowing for the intimate bone adhesion to their surfaces during the healing process). This protocol of waiting for healing for several months duration is especially applicable to posterior (molar) implants due to the poor bone quality in these posterior regions of the jaws and the greater load these implants must support once they are placed under loading function (chewing on the crown atop their abutments).
In the prior art the “head” and two “root screw” components only passively connect to each other via a small self limiting flange or lip on the superior end of the “root screw” embodiment of the prior art at the time of the initial primary implant surgery procedure and are only secured to each other actively (with the single set of connector screws provided) after the entire healing period has elapsed and the dentist performs a small secondary surgery in order to gain access to the superior aspect of the “head” component so that he can secure the third abutment stage to the implant components that have already been embedded in the jawbone.
This means that during the extensive healing period, shifting is likely to occur between the “head” and two “root screw” components of the prior art (which are only passively connected to each other during this entire healing period) as the bone actively remodels around them and fixes these two components rigidly in their final position in the bone. This shifting and fixing in place of the shifted position of these components within the bone during healing may result, in the prior art, in a loss of parallelism of the “head” and “root screw” components of the prior art and therefore may not allow for the insertion of the two internal sleeves or tube features described on the inferior aspect of the abutment stage of the prior art into the corresponding two retention shafts of the “head” and “root screw” components. This would present an extreme problem for the dental practitioner to properly assemble the components of the prior art's implant and which might even necessitate the surgical removal of the implant, a highly undesirable result. If the shifting is minimal it still may require the dentist to use excessive force in order to screw down one or both of the connector screws through the now non-parallel shafts between these components. The forceful screwing of these two connector screws into the non-parallel shafts may compromise the integrity of the implant of this prior art, as it will place undue stress on the components and surrounding bone, and may result in bone resorbtion (die-back) and long term failure of the prior art's implant.
Drawbacks of the Surgical Tools: While WO Pat. App. No. 2006/082610 does describe a basic template guide for drilling the bore shafts to allow for the placement of the “root screw” components, its surgical template does not allow for preparing an accurate and precise depth and position of the bone preparation of the “head” component, and so does not allow for the accurate and precise insertion of these components in a reproducible fashion by the dental practitioner in the implant site.
This is due to the lack in this prior art of any form of clamping device to accurately and precisely fix the template over the implant site to allow for just such an accurate preparation of the bone at the implant site to receive both the “head” component and “root screw” components of the implant. As noted above, this is an absolutely critical requirement for any implant system to be successfully placed in an accurate and repeatable fashion in relation to the adjacent teeth or specific location in the jawbone deemed most advantageous by the dental practitioner for the insertion of the dental implant based on various diagnostic criteria known in the field. This prior art fails to achieve this basic requirement and so is impractical for the use of the dental practitioner who wishes to place implants with a high success rate.
It is important to note as well the method for preparing the osteotomy and inserting the components of the multi-root three-stage implant described in WO Pat. App. No. 2006/082610 into the osteotomy at the implant site, as there are further significant drawbacks in this method of preparation for receiving in the implant site the design of the multi-root components of this prior art, as well as the actual design form of the multi-root implant components described in this prior art.
WO Pat. No. 2006/082610 allows for the preparation and insertion of one and only one “head” stage form (component) in the implant site, and only for “multiple” rooted implants, a distinct disadvantage. This is due to the fact that this prior art describes only one template form that allows for the creation of bone preparation holes to accommodate this one particular “head” stage form (component).
A further major drawback of the entire prior art (including this particular prior art) is that they do not allow for surgical templates that allow for the placement of different mesio-distal length “heads”. The prior art does describe one other alternate shape (elliptical) for the “head” stage form (component) but provides no means for preparing the implant site to accommodate this other shape, a serious drawback of the prior art. Additionally, the cross-sectional shape of the particular “head” component described in this prior art for which it does provide a basic means for preparing the bone site to accommodate its form, does not conform to the natural cross-sectional form of any of the natural molars at the crestal height of the bone (the level of the implant-abutment interface, known in the dental field as the crucial “biological width” or attachment zone) and is therefore a poor choice of “head” form (component) from a biological perspective to implant into the posterior jawbones.
The above elements described may be critical requirements, as noted above, for the successful implantation of any dental implant and are actually more critical requirements for the successful placement by the dental practitioner and long term viability of a “multi-rooted” posterior (molar) implant due to the larger number of components (compared to a “single-rooted” anterior implant) which must accurately be related to each other and related to the bone preparation fashioned to receive them. Additionally, a posterior molar implant should be able to handle the significantly greater amount of load (stress forces) it must withstand due to its position and normal function requirements (holding up the bite and chewing forces).
U.S. Pat. App. No. US 2010/003635, January 2010, Feith, describes a “multi-root” implant based on a physical composition of zirconium oxide as opposed to the standard titanium or titanium alloy. This is based on a “one-piece” design of the entire implant (roots, and abutment). The multiple “roots” described are not threaded (screws), their “heads” are integral part of their “roots” and their center axes are parallel to each other to allow for a straight path of insertion.
In an attempt to provide for a more anatomically correct abutment form for posterior teeth (molars), U.S. Pat. App. No 2008/0293012, November 2008, de Resende Chaves and Martinez describe a splint abutment component for a single stage “root screw” form of a two stage dental implant. This design in fact results in a biomechanical disadvantage over the previous art as it embodies a wider platform (known in the dental implant field as platform switching) for occlussal loading (chewing) which then narrows to the standard round cross-sectional diameter of a standard “head” of a standard dental implant. This exaggerated platform switching design (compared to the other prior art) may actually lead to increased bone loss, known in the dental filed as “craterization” or “saucerization”, a well known deleterious consequence commonly found in the bone surrounding the “heads” of all the current prior art once the molar implants are placed under occlussal load for a sufficient period of time in the oral cavity. This “craterization” is due to the “overloading” of the “head” of the implant which caused the bone to die back or resorb.
Surgical Guide Clamps: U.S. Pat. App. No. US 2004/0013999, January 2004, Sussman, and U.S. Pat. App. No. US2009/0202959, August 2009, Ajlouni and Adjlouni, both describe a surgical guide clamp to be utilized to guide the bone drills in the preparation of the osteotomy at the implant site. U.S Pat. App. No. US 2004/0013999 describes a basic cylindrical ring form from which projects a horizontal cross-member. From this horizontal cross-member project, at right angles to it, two short bars with “teeth” on their inferior aspect to engage the vestibular regions of the jaw bone. This prior art offers no features to adjust the location of the guide ring in any of the three axes, nor does it take into account the adjacent teeth, which, based on its design dimensions, would interfere with its placement between the adjacent teeth in close proximity to the surface of the intended implant site. The guide ring of this prior art also only allows for the preparation of the standard round cross-sectional form for the entire length of the implant body (standard implant form).
U.S. Patent App. No. US 2009/0202959 is an advancement on the basic design of U.S. Pat. App. No. 2004/0013999, as it does allow for the accurate adjustment of its ring shaped guide form in three axes, and attaches with clamping members to the adjacent teeth on either side of the implant site. This design though, does not allow for the clamping of the device in the very common situation requiring dental implant restorations, of what is termed in the dental field as a “free-end saddle” case. This is a situation where there is a missing tooth or teeth space(s) behind (distal) to whatever is the terminal tooth in that arch or quadrant of teeth of the jawbones (upper and lower). Additionally, the design of this prior art does not contain a swiveling feature as does the present invention in order to rotate its ring guide in an off-axis manner relative to the width and length (bucco-lingual and mesio-distal) dimensions of the alveolar ridge at the proposed implant site. The guide ring of this prior art also only allows for the preparation of the standard round cross-sectional form for the entire length of the implant body (standard implant form).
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONSystems, means and methods for the preparation and insertion of improved anatomically corrected implants that more closely imitate the overall natural form of the root system of human teeth. In some embodiments this system includes two detachable modular stages with customizable features to which a third abutment stage is attached or alternatively, is an integral part of one of the two stages.
Moreover, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a modular design two stage multi-root dental implant system is provided, comprising multiple detachable and modular stages which are placed endosseously, including a first stage including multiple root screw components, and a second stage including a head/abutment stage, where the head and the abutment components are integrated.
According to some embodiments the head component and the abutment component are configured as separate stages. In some embodiments a unified overdenture multi-attachment element is secured to the multi-stage multi-root implant. In further embodiments the modular design dental implant system includes multiple cylindrical root screws that are placed endosseously, where these screws provide a splinting effect when coupled with a second stage. In yet other embodiments the head/abutment stage includes side walls that conform at the level of the cervix to the natural root form of a selected tooth type, and conform to the natural differences in root form of these different types of teeth at the level of the cervix of the upper and/or lower jaws.
In further embodiments the head/abutment stage includes multiple connecting holes for the secure attachment of the first and second stages. In other embodiments the modular multi-stage dental implants are adapted so that a separate abutment stage “sinks” into the separate “head” stage, thereby allowing the abutment to sit below the crestal height of the upper and lower jawbones. In additional embodiments the dimensions and/or placement directions of each of the multiple root screws is parallel or offset from each other, and/or may be attached in parallel and/or otherwise angled to the “head/abutment” stage. In further embodiments the head-abutment stage is split into two stages, and the head component is adapted to allow the intimate fit of the abutment component within the second stage. In other embodiments the head and/or abutment components include micro-grooves and ridges on the external surfaces to enable enhanced retention and/or bone adhesion.
In further embodiments the head stage includes hollowed out internal anti-rotational rings and internal projecting rings, thereby enabling the abutment stage to be coupled to the head stage with anti-rotational features. In yet other embodiments the first stage and second stage can be intimately fitted and attached into each other via fitted sleeves and collars to minimize micro-gapping between the stages. In some embodiments the intimate fitting mechanism includes internal threaded screw retaining components to provide tight sealing. In yet additional embodiments an adjustable over-denture bar assembly is provided with adjustable locking features, adapted to fit into multiple abutment components that have cut out proximal areas for the insertion of multiple rotatable and adjustable length over-denture bar components. In some embodiments multiple separate over-denture attachment elements are secured to the multi-stage stage multi-root implant.
Furthermore, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a modular design two stage single root dental implant system is provided, comprising two detachable and modular stages which are placed endosseously, wherein the first stage includes a single root screw component, and the second stage includes a head/abutment stage, wherein the head/abutment stage integrates a head component and an abutment component. In some embodiments the head/abutment stage includes a single connecting hole for the secure attachment of the first and second stages. In further embodiments the head component and the abutment component are configured as separate stages. In additional embodiments the single root screw stage attaches to an anatomically more correct anterior head stage for anterior dental implants. In other embodiments the single root screw stage attaches to an anatomically more correct head stage for posterior molar implants where the mesio-distal bone volume width of the edentulous implant site does not allow for the placement of multiple root screw components.
According to some embodiments, an implanting apparatus is provided for implementing the preparation of the osteotomy and placement within the osteotomy of modular design multi-stage dental implants, the apparatus including surgical templates and surgical clamps. In some embodiments the surgical templates include self-limiting dental implant drills, implant guide pins, and implant component drivers, where the drills, pins and drivers are designed to be used in conjunction with the surgical templates and the surgical clamps. In still further embodiments the surgical clamps include a precision adjustable clamping device adapted to clamp directly into the concave undercuts of the gingival vestibules of the oral cavity, thereby enabling a temporary rigid fixation of the clamp in the vestibules. In further embodiments the surgical clamps include a precision adjustable clamping device adapted to clamp directly to at least one tooth adjacent to the implant site.
According to some embodiments, a system is provided for implementing over-dentures, comprising an adjustable over-denture bar assembly with adjustable locking features, the bar assembly including multiple adjustable over-denture bar components that can be fitted into multiple stage implants so that the assembly can secure a full denture in an edentulous patient. In further embodiments the multiple stages include a head stage and an abutment stage being separated into two stages.
According to some embodiments, an apparatus for the insertion of improved anatomically corrected dental implants is provided, comprising a root component and a head/abutment component, wherein the root component is inserted into the jawbone using precision surgical guide tools in combination with self-limiting surgical templates and a precision adjustable clamping device.
In some embodiments the head/abutment component includes a separate head component of various geometrical cross-sectional profiles and a separate corresponding abutment component of various cross-sectional profiles. In further embodiments the root component is adapted to be inserted into the bone to an exact proper vertical depth within a bore shaft(s) when utilized in conjunction with a self-limiting “root screw” driver, so that the root component can be accurately and intimately coupled to the head/abutment component. In other embodiments the root component includes multiple root screws, wherein the root screws are splinted together with said head/abutment component, so that said splinting together provides expanded implant to bone interface so that the root component strength is compounded and the entire fully assembled implant strength and durability is compounded. In further embodiments the root component is modified to provide a selected form which is optimized for the target bone area, such that the root component(s) is/are of an optimal size and strength in relation to the available treatment area. In additional embodiments the head component is adapted to be placed in the bone, and has an internal extensive hollowed out area encompassing a large percentage of the inner surface area of the head component, thereby providing for far greater frictional fit, enhanced anti-rotational function, and a wider and more uniform distribution of the forces of mastication over the entire structure of the implant. In still other embodiments the abutment component is adapted to be coupled by its insertion within a “basket” form within the hollowed out area of the head component, so that the frictional surface area of the coupling is maximized, thereby minimizing the micro-spaces and rotational space between the components. This relation of the abutment and head components allows for the transfer of the functional and para-functional loading forces into the surrounding bone in a more biologically healthy manner.
In further embodiments the head/abutment component incorporates on its outer surfaces micro-threads to enhance primary fixation of the implant, thereby allowing for immediate loading of the implant substantially at the time of the primary implant procedure. In other embodiments the head/abutment component includes an underside collar/rings which is/are related in an intimate manner, from below, to the root component(s), thereby preventing the need for the root component to be threaded through the retention holes of the head component, such that the root component(s) is of a significantly greater diameter than the retention hole of the head component. In other embodiments the surgical guide tool is adapted to enable precise depth drilling according to a three dimensional space plan, so that the root bore hole drilled is optimized within the target bone area. In further embodiments the surgical guide tool is adapted to enable precise drilling according to a three dimensional plan, so that the upper portion of the osteotomy can be precisely prepared for the insertion of the variously shaped head/abutment components within the target bone area.
In other embodiments a precision adjustable clamping device is adapted to enable adjustable yet precise drilling into a target bone area, so that the root bore hole drilled is optimized within the target bone area, the clamping device being usable whether the patient has adjacent support teeth or has no adjacent support teeth. In other embodiments the implant apparatus includes locking features to secure the surgical templates to the precision adjustable clamping device at the target bone area. In yet other embodiments the locking features secure the surgical template support platform of the surgical clamp in a fixed position at the target bone area. In further embodiments the self-limiting depth control features of all the surgical bone drills, guide pins, and component drivers are adapted so as to be used in conjunction with the self-limiting design features of the surgical templates secured into a surgical guide clamp at the target bone area. In yet other embodiments the surgical guide clamp incorporates features that allow for the easy and accurate repositioning of the surgical templates over another target bone area while the surgical guide clamp remains clamped over the initial target bone area. In additional embodiments the surgical guide clamp also allows for the securing of the surgical templates over a secondary target bone area.
The principles and operation of the system, apparatus, and method according to the present invention may be better understood with reference to the drawings, and the following description, it being understood that these drawings are given for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to be limiting, wherein:
It will be appreciated that for simplicity and clarity of illustration, elements shown in the drawings have not necessarily been drawn to scale. For example, the dimensions of some of the elements may be exaggerated relative to other elements for clarity. Further, where considered appropriate, reference numerals may be repeated among the drawings to indicate corresponding or analogous elements throughout the serial views.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTIONThe following description is presented to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention as provided in the context of a particular application and its requirements. Various modifications to the described embodiments will be apparent to those with skill in the art, and the general principles defined herein may be applied to other embodiments. Therefore, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the particular embodiments shown and described, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features herein disclosed. In other instances, well-known methods, procedures, and components have not been described in detail so as not to obscure the present invention.
The word “stage” as used herein refers to the different overall types of separate sections of the implant. A “component” is a particular version (size, shape or number) of the parts of that type of distinct “stage” being used to assemble the different types of stages of the implant into one whole implant.
Non-limiting embodiments of the invention include improved systems, means and methods for the preparation and insertion of improved anatomically corrected implants that more closely imitate the overall natural form of the root system of human teeth. In some embodiments this system includes two detachable modular stages with customizable features to which a third abutment stage is attached or alternatively, is an integral part of one of the two stages.
The implant system, apparatus, tools, kit and methods of the present invention substantially solve many of the problems associated with the prior art. For example, a multiple “root screw” implant design would significantly increase the total bone to implant interface surface as compared to the current single “root screw” design, a significant biomechanical advantage as it would allow for vastly greater bone adhesion and “osseo-integration” of the improved implant.
Initial rigid fixation is desirable for osseo-integration to occur. This initial rigid fixation is enhanced by engaging the hard, dense cortical bony plates of the jawbones. An implant that would incorporate in its design a more naturally contoured cross-sectional dimension of the “head” of the implant may allow the dentist upon initial placement of the implant at the implant site to directly engage these cortical bony plates with the “head” segment, allowing for the immediate fixation of the implant in the bony implant site. This would represent a significant advantage over the prior art, both for cases where the dentist plans on “burying” the implant for an extended period of time in order to allow for osseo-integration prior to loading of the implant as well as in cases where the dentist intends to immediately load the implant. Immediate loading is a technique which has become more popular of the past few years as it allows the dentist to restore the missing tooth immediately, allowing for an immediate esthetic solution to the missing tooth.
In order to allow for a stable and durable implant form the diameter of the “root screw” component of the implants along its entire shaft must be of sufficient girth in order to provide the necessary support for the abutment and crown which sit atop it and the forces transmitted through them (when they are placed in function) to the implant “root” buried in the jawbone. Based on the above space limitations, it is determined that in order to accommodate multi-root screws in a healthy long term biological manner, this requires for these multiple “root screws” to be of a smaller diameter than the current single “root screw” design of standard implants.
In order to allow for the placement of a “multi-root” design implant into this very limited bone volume, one must consider all the described above limiting factors and balance them with the desire to place the largest diameter implant “roots” possible given these constraints, so as to allow for the placement of the most stable and durable “multi-root” implant into the implant site.
As noted above, the very limited three-dimensional volume of bone represents the implant site and presents severe challenges for the successful implantation of the standard “single root” implant design within it in a reproducible and safe manner. To achieve this goal successfully in order to provide for a stable and durable “multi-root” form implant for the posterior teeth that is able to withstand the considerable load forces it must endure both in the short and long term, represents an even greater challenge, one which requires the accurate and precise preparation of the implant site in a three-dimensional manner as well as the accurate and precise insertion of the implant components within this site in a three-dimensional manner. Any system, to be successful in achieving this goal, must incorporate features that allow for precisely this result.
The improved multi-root posterior implant of embodiments of the present invention not only splints together multiple implant “root screw” forms but does so endosseously (completely imbedded in bone). This means that the current invention is stronger, more stable and more durable than any of the standard posterior implant designs.
There is provided, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, an apparatus, system, and method for a modular design two or three-stage anatomical dental implant system, for supporting a fixed or fixed/removable dental prosthesis (i.e. individual crowns, multiple crowns, or over-dentures) comprising in the two stage embodiment, modular single and multiple distal “root screw” stage(s) or components which are attached to a modular customizable proximal “head/abutment” stage or; in the three stage embodiment, modular single and multiple distal “root screw” stage (s) or components which intimately fit into a modular customizable proximal “head” stage (component) of the improved dental implant into which in turn intimately fits a third abutment stage (component). These components allow for the assembly of improved single and/or multiple “root” dental implants for anterior and posterior teeth.
When the first two stages of the improved implant have been fixed into the patient's jawbone, this allows the dentist in the three-stage embodiment to intimately fit a third stage ready-made cast or castable abutment utilizing the anatomically formed “head” stage of the implant as its attachment. In the two-stage embodiment the “abutment” is an integral part of the “head/abutment” component. In both embodiments, the proximal “head” or “head/abutment” stage does not extend deeply into the bone, and the distal “root screw” stage (s) or components intimately fit into the “head” or “head/abutment” stage and are smaller or equal in overall dimension to standard dental implants, allowing for conservative bone preparation at the implant site. The “head” or “head/abutment” stage of the implant may also include in both embodiments a ready-made prosthetic crown margin interface extending above the crest of the jawbone at the cervical junction (cemento-enamel junction level) allowing for superior marginal integrity and seal of the fixed prosthesis (crown). In both embodiments, the “head” or “head/abutment” stage and “root screw” stages can be shaped to allow for the “root screw” stages to attach to the “head” or “head/abutment” stage either parallel to or angled in relation to each other. In both embodiments the “head” component or “head/abutment” component may include micro-grooves and ridges on its external surface for enhanced primary retention and subsequent bone adhesion. In the embodiment that is designed for over-dentures, a unique abutment design and unique adjustable over-denture bar design is described.
Furthermore, precision surgical guide tools and methods for the accurate, precise, and reproducible implantation of the two and three-stage improved dental implant system at the implant site designed specifically for the improved two and three-stage dental implant are also disclosed.
Embodiments of the present invention provides for an improved design of several types of dental implants (single-“rooted” anterior implants, and single and multi-“rooted” posterior implants) inserted into the alveolus of the upper and lower jaws as well as a set of precision surgical tools and a method of utilizing them for the accurate, precise and reproducible implantation of the improved dental implants described below. The improved implant(s) is/are comprised of two detachable and modular stages to which a third abutment stage is either connected to as a separate stage or is an integral part of one of these two stages. The first stage, the distal modular stage, is comprised of either single, a pair, or multiple cylindrical “root screw” forms or implant screws that may be tapered or straight along their length and that may have on their exterior surface rod-shaped, screw-shaped, and or having fins to assist in retention to the bony alveolus. These distal “root screw” stages will be made available in a kit of components of varying lengths and diameters, allowing the dentist to choose and “mix and match” on the same dental implant different sized implant “root screw” components for “multi-rooted” implants, and for both single and multi-“rooted” implants to choose from a kit of different sized and different form “head” or “head/abutment” components the one that provides the most advantageous composite of the two separate stages for any particular implant site. These “root screw(s)” components may attach either parallel to or angled to the “head” component and the root screws themselves may be parallel or offset from each other.
Criteria for choosing which composite of components are most advantageous to employ and assemble may include, but not be limited to, among other criteria, a diagnostic consideration of the anatomical limitations of the implant site as well as an evaluation of the requirements for anchorage and stability of the dental implant to be placed, based on the location and anticipated functional load the dental implant will be expected to bear.
The proximal detachable “head” or “head/abutment” stage of the implant in embodiments of the present invention, which is meant to replace the current integral “head” or top section of a standard implant, is shaped to conform more closely than all the previous state of the art to the natural cross-sectional form of the different types of roots of maxillary and mandibular (upper and lower jaw) teeth (incisors, cuspids, premolars and molars) at the level of the crestal ridge (the level of the cervix). The “head” components or “head/abutment” components of this stage are relatively shallow in their overall vertical dimension in order to allow for the conservative bone preparation at the implant site needed to accommodate its more natural cross-sectional form (oval, rhomboid, kidney-shaped, or other custom shape).
The two separate stages (“head” and “root screw”) are intimately fitted and attached into each other via fitted sleeves and collars or other means of coupling including, but not limited to, internal threaded screw retention of the two stages in order to provide a tightly sealed coupling between the two stages and minimize any micro-gapping between them.
The “head” or “head/abutment” components in embodiments of the present invention incorporates single or multiple attachment points on its distal or inferior surface, allowing for the assembly of single, bi and tri-“rooted” implant forms with smaller or equal sized multiple “root screw” forms to replace the missing molar teeth while actually enhancing the stability and ability to withstand the loading force of functional and para-functional chewing or grinding. There is an additional distinct advantage as it allows several embodiments of the improved implants to be placed in locations that would previously not have allowed for the larger sized standard “single root” implant root forms to be placed in the alveolus without first subjecting the patient to additional surgical procedures such as maxillary sinus lifts or maxillary or mandibular ridge augmentation procedures. This saves the patient from the trauma of these surgeries, reduces healing time, and saves the dentist valuable treatment time and overall time required to complete each case. It also provides additional advantage as it allows for more conservative bone drilling at the implant site due to the fact that the dentist may choose to drill smaller sized “root screw” bore shafts in order to insert smaller dimensioned implant “root screw” components.
Additionally, since embodiments of the present invention also include “head” and “head/abutment” stages that allow for the connection of multiple “root screw” stages to the “head” or “connector” stage to form a “multi-rooted” implant, another significant advantage is that it provides enhanced structural advantages both in retention of the implant in the bony socket (s) and greater ability to withstand over time the forces and load of the natural “bite” and chewing, clenching, and grinding loads both in normal use and in patients who grind their teeth or clench their jaws (paranormal function) over the standard “single-root” implant.
Due to the far greater surface area of the improved implant that is buried in bone, the implant to bone interface is far greater than in any standard implant. This may result in improved healing time as well as providing for a greater amount of osseointegration for the implant and therefore greater “loading” capacity of the improved implant of the present invention over any standard “single-rooted” implant once healing is complete. This enhanced loading capacity of the improved implant is especially desirable when the dentist wishes to use several of the improved implants as the fixed support structure for a removable over-denture.
Additionally, embodiments of the present invention contain a three-stage embodiment wherein is incorporated in the inner aspect of the proximal “head” stage an internal connector or connectors, such as but not limited to, an internal threaded shaft machined to accept a separate third stage abutment segment comprising either a screw-in or snap-in abutment whose purpose is to act as the supporting structure for the implant crown to be fabricated by the dental practitioner. The more anatomically correct modified oval, elliptical, or rhomboid cross-sectional shape of the “head” or “head/abutment component as well as the uniquely designed multi-point internal connectors of the “head” or “head/abutment” component to a third “abutment” component that fits precisely into it (hand in glove) and provides for superior anti-rotational features as well. This is due to the intimate frictional contact of the entire internal surface of the “head” or head/abutment” component to a large portion of the external surface of the “abutment” component as well as the frictional fit to significant internal surfaces of the abutment. This secure and completely rotation-free connection between the “head” stage of the improved implant and the “abutment” is a significant advantage of the present invention over the prior state of the art.
Additionally, in embodiments of the three stage design for anterior and posterior single “rooted” and posterior multi-“rooted” implants, a large portion of the abutment “sinks” into the extensive internal hollowed out (“basket”) unique design of the separate “head” component (which is buried in the bone) and so allows for an advantageous distribution of the load forces not found in any of the prior art.
Additionally, embodiments of the present invention may contain an implementation wherein the outer border of the area referred in the dental literature as the “collar” or “margin” of the proximal “head” or “head/abutment” component is machined to provide an ideal 360 degree restorative margin for the dentist to fabricate the crown to be fitted upon the present embodiment implant form. This feature is incorporated to further enhance the seal and marginal integrity (prevent leaking or seepage) of the final restorative crown to the implant. The “head” or “head/abutment” component may also have an embodiment which incorporates “micro-threads” or smaller ridges and grooves on its external surfaces to increase its external surface area and: 1) maximizes bone adhesion to the “head” component; 2) minimize pathogenic microbial infiltration of the peri-implant (bone surrounding the implant) space; and 3) enhance the ability of the implant to achieve primary fixation by engaging the hard bony cortical plates of the jawbones, another distinct advantage of present invention over all the prior state of the art.
As the unique design of the surgical templates provided in embodiments of the present invention can be shaped in an infinite variety of shapes and dimensions, by varying the length of the “head” in this dimension allows for varying the distance between the “root screws” of a “multi-rooted” implant as well. This allows for numerous biomechanical advantages over the known art as it allows for the increased retention, strength, and durability of the multi-root implant of the present invention over all the prior art, especially relevant in supporting an overdenture bar for a full removable denture (in the edentulous patient the mesio-distal dimension of the head can be substantially increased as there are no adjacent teeth to consider). Additionally, this particular design feature of the present invention allows for greater width of bone volume between the “root screw” components of the improved implant, a further biological advantage over the entire prior art.
Embodiments of the present invention also provide for a single “root screw” stage that attaches to an anatomically more correct (oval) anterior “head” or “head/abutment” stage for anterior dental implants as well as a single “root screw” stage that connects to a “head” or “head/abutment” stage for molar teeth where the mesio-distal bone volume width of the edentulous implant site does not allow for the placement of two “root screw” stages.
Embodiments of the present invention also provide for unique “abutment” components for an improved three stage single and multi-root implant shaped to intimately fit into the corresponding “head” components which contain uniquely designed (described in the drawings below) internal hollowed areas for the insertion of a novel new adjustable over-denture bar assembly with locking features. This intimate fit of the present invention's pre-cast overdenture bar assembly components to the abutment components of the implants provides for a more exact fit than the entire prior art, as the entire prior art relies on dental impressions and laboratory castings (which are known in the dental field to be inherently inaccurate due to the expansion and contraction of the materials involved in its fabrication) in order to fabricate the standard over-denture bar framework. When the improved overdenture bar assembly of the present invention is inserted into either the single or multi-root implants of the present invention, a full arch over-denture support may be prepared, assembled and inserted into the edentulous patient's mouth. This new design provides for greater retention, stability, strength, and durability of the implant-prosthesis over the entire prior art.
Embodiments of the present invention also provide for a unique two and three stage improved implant wherein the two stage design allows for the securing of two separate over-denture attachments to the “head/abutment” component or in the three stage design either two separate overdenture attachments to the separate abutment component or a unified double over-denture attachment which has a locking element to secure it to the separate abutment component.
Both the “head”, “head/abutment” and “root screw” stages of embodiments of the present invention may be made of bio-compatible materials including, but not limited to, metal, ceramic, glasses, or any combination thereof, and potentially having various coatings of materials such as titanium beads, titanium plasma spray, hydroxyapetite, or bone growth chemicals or similar coatings to enhance attachment to bone.
To simplify, standardize, and allow for consistent and precise reproducibility of insertion, the following embodiments of novel surgical devices may be employed to prepare the bony alveolus site (osteotomy) to accept the present invention implant forms:
A kit of different sized primary self-limiting (in all three dimensions) surgical templates (either re-usable or one-time use) which are slightly larger in dimension but exactly corresponding to the cross-sectional shape of the different “head” or “head/abutment” stages at the level of the bony crest height (level of the cervix) as will be illustrated in the drawings below. The dental practitioner chooses the most appropriate shape and size template from the kit and secures it in a precise location via the precision adjustable clamping device described below over the implant site to act as a drill guide form for the bone preparation of the “head” component of the three-stage implant design or the “head/abutment” component of the two-stage implant design of the present invention. These self-limiting primary surgical templates allow for the precise shape, depth, levelness of the floor, and accurate location of the top portion of the bone preparation (osteotomy) in relation to the adjacent teeth, or in the edentulous patient, to the exact jaw location deemed most advantageous by the dental practitioner for the placement of the implant.
A kit of different sized self-limiting (in all three dimensions) secondary surgical templates (reusable or one-time use) corresponding in dimension (though possibly slightly larger) to the dimensions of the actual “head” or “head/abutment” stage implant form and corresponding to the primary surgical template form it is designed to be used with. These secondary surgical templates include in their design self-limiting drill guide holes to properly drill the “root screw” bone shafts in the bone at the implant site at the proper angulations, position, and depth in relation to the bone preparation at the implant site for the “head” or “head/abutment” stage that has already been prepared. These secondary surgical templates also act as accurate depth gauges to initially check both the depth and levelness of the floor of the initial bone preparation (osteotomy) of the “head” or “head/abutment” stages. These same surgical templates utilize these self-limiting insertion guide holes to:
a. check for the angulations (parallelism) and location of these bore shafts in relation to the adjacent teeth when utilized in conjunction with the self-limiting surgical guide pins that are specifically designed for use with the secondary surgical template.
b. insert the “root screw” stage components of the improved implant of the current invention in the proper location and to the exact proper vertical depth within the bore shaft(s) when utilized in conjunction with the self-limiting “root screw” driver specifically designed for use with the secondary surgical template.
c. properly relate the “head” stage component of the improved implant of the current invention and allow for the intimate connection of the two stages to each other via either the connector screws provided for the attachment of the two stages to each other or some other means of connection.
A precision adjustable clamping device of various different designs is also provided for in embodiments of the present invention. One embodiment, which may be used even in the completely edentulous patient clamps directly into the concave undercuts of the gingival vestibules of the oral cavity while another variant of this embodiment allows for the temporary rigid fixation of this same clamp in these same vestibules after reflection of the gingival tissue via fixation screws or other fixation elements. An entirely different embodiment of the clamping device clamps directly to a natural tooth or teeth adjacent to the implant site. These clamps act as a fully adjustable (in all three dimensions and is even rotatable) support and fixation platform to secure both the primary and secondary surgical templates described above accurately, precisely and intimately over the implant site of both the upper and lower jaws as will be illustrated in the drawings below. These surgical implant tools both simplify and standardize the bony preparation of the implant site by providing an accurate three dimensional self-limiting guide when used in conjunction with the self-limiting dental implant drills and implant guide pins of the present invention (described below) in order to prepare the implant site in a three dimensional manner to receive the improved implant of the present invention as well as allowing for the accurate and precise assembly of the implant components of the two and three-stage improved implants of the current invention in a three dimensional manner within the limited bone volume of the implant site.
A kit of self-limiting dental implant drills, implant guide pins, implant component and implant screw drivers specifically designed to be used in conjunction with the surgical templates and surgical clamps of embodiments of the present invention in order to properly prepare the alveolus (osteotomy) for the insertion of the improved two and three-stage dental implants of the present invention.
Relation of embodiments of the Present Invention to aspects of known Art:
For example, in relating to U.S. Pat. No. 6,854,972, the cross-sectional form described at the superior aspect of the “head” of the implant remains round in form and so does not reflect the natural more oval cross-sectional form of the natural anterior teeth at this level (CEJ). Since the “head” portion is an integral part of the one piece main body, it offers none of the advantages of the modular separate “head” or “head/abutment” design of the present invention. This modular design of these two stages in the present invention allows the dentist to place a more naturally shaped “head”, a distinct biological advantage, as well as the freedom to assemble the most advantageous composite of these two stages for any particular implant site based on many important criteria, such as, but not limited to the volume of bone present, the quality of bone at the implant site, and esthetic considerations.
Relating to U.S. Pat. No. 6,093,023, the polygonal abutment described contains none of the advantages of the modular natural shaped “head” or “head/abutment” components of the present invention which are placed endosseously (in the bone).
In relating to U.S. Pat. No. 7,291,013, the suggested implant configuration still maintains a round cross-sectional form of the integral head of the “single-root” implant, and therefore does not incorporate the advantages of the present invention's anterior “single-root” improved implant.
Relating to U.S. Pat. No. 6,527,554, the implant type described offers some improvements on prior implants, yet still maintains a round cross-sectional form and offers none of the advantages listed below of the present invention. Additionally, the improved implant of the present invention utilizes micro-threads and grooves to achieve the same result in a more profound way while also significantly enhancing the retentive qualities of the implant to a much greater degree than does this prior art.
In relating to U.S. Pat. App. No. US 2010/0003638 describes an implant design with additional suggested improvements, however this implant maintains the round cross-sectional form of its modular “head” segment, it does not offer the biomechanical, biological and esthetic advantages of form of the more naturally shaped modular “head” design of the “single-root” embodiment of the present invention.
Relating to WO Pat. App. No. 2006/082610 describes an implant design with a “head” component which it calls a “collar” and a “root screw” component which it calls a “fixture”. The multi-root implants it describes are three-stage only in their design and do not include the two-stage design embodiment of the present invention. They are also only designed to replace “multiple-root” posterior teeth, while the design of the present invention also allows for the replacement of “single-root” and “multiple-root” posterior teeth as well as “single-root” anterior teeth.
Relating again to WO Pat. App. No. 2006/082610 further contains a minimal internal hollowed out area in its “head” stage for the intimate insertion of the “abutment” stage. In the present invention, the internal hollowed out area of the “head” component is extensive, encompassing the entire inner surface area of the “head” component. This extensive internal hollowed feature of the present invention, by providing for a more intimate fit of these two components in a “hand in glove” manner, also provides for far greater frictional fit and so greater anti-rotational function as well as wider and more uniform distribution of the forces of mastication or “load” over the entire structure of the improved implant compared to this prior art once the implant is placed in full function with a crown placed on it. Due to the intense load and off-axis (shear) force component of that load (noted above) placed on posterior dental implants in full function during normal chewing and paranormal grinding by the patient, (particularly on the “multi-rooted” posterior molars) an improved implant design, such as is described in the present invention, that allows for just such a wider and more uniform load distribution throughout the structure of the entire implant, represents a major advantage over all the prior art.
Additionally, as opposed to some embodiments of the present invention where a three-stage multi-root embodiment is used, WO Pat. No. 2006/082610 does not contain an internal screw collar or ring feature projecting up from the top surface of its “head” component to further increase the frictional fit between the “head” stage and the “abutment” stage. The prior art thus relies to a much greater degree on the single set of two “connector” screws between all three stages of these components (abutment, head, and two root screws) to achieve a solid and secure connection between all of these components. This design is highly undesirable as it places undo forces on this single pair of “connector” screws which over time may loosen or fracture, causing either failure of the crown, or more seriously, failure of the implant. In the present invention, due to its unique “hand in glove” design of the “head” and “abutment” stages, which, as noted above, also includes a large surface screw collar (s) or ring (s) feature projecting upward from its internal surface of the “head” component as well as the two separate pairs of connector screws as also noted above, there is a much reduced reliance on each individual pair of “connector” screws to achieve an intimate and secure connection between these stages, another significant improvement in design over all the prior art.
Further, as opposed to some embodiments of the present invention, WO Pat. No. 2006/082610 also does not incorporate micro-threads or grooves on the surface of its “head” component for the enhancement of the adhesion of bone to this critically important component, as this component is the most proximal component of the implant and so is closest to the oral cavity and the numerous pathogenic microbes contained within it. By enhancing bone adhesion in the initial stages of healing and subsequently thereafter for the long term, these micro-threads on the “head” stage of the present invention help to prevent the infiltration of these pathogenic bacteria into the coronal segment of the implant, preserving bone and increasing the longevity of the implant in the mouth. These same micro-threads act to enhance primary fixation of the improved implant, a highly desirable result as it may allow for the immediate “loading” of the implant, so that the patient can actually use the temporary crown placed on it immediately.
In further relating to WO Pat. No. 2006/082610, embodiments of the present invention incorporate in their design indented (concave) collars or rings on the underside surface of the “head” or “head/abutment” component to which is related in an intimate manner (from below) the superior aspects of the “root screws”. In the improved implant of the present invention the “root screws” do not need to be threaded through the retention holes of the “head” component in order to engage with the “head” component as in the prior art. This novel design of the present invention allows for the “root screw” components to be of significantly greater diameter than the retention hole of the “head” or “head/abutment” component and of significantly larger diameter than the “root screws” of the prior art.
This design feature of the “head” component of the present invention, apart from providing an intimate and positive seat of the “root screw” components to the underside of the “head” component also acts to prevent “micro-gapping” between these two components and so prevents the possible infiltration of pathogenic bacteria between them, a further advantage of the design of the present invention. As noted above, the novel physical relation and sequence of relation of these components to each other also allows for the use of significantly larger diameter connector screws than the prior art (since the root screws are of greater diameter, the connector screws can be of greater diameter as well). These connector screws are of sufficient diameter (girth) to withstand the load forces (including shear forces) placed upon the improved dental implant for the long term, and so provide for a robust and secure connection of these components over the long term, a major advantage over the prior art, and an absolute requirement that allows the dentist to place with confidence the improved multi-root implants of the present invention in the posterior areas of the jawbones without fear of these implants fracturing under long term loading.
Another major drawback in the design of the prior art relates to the fact that as mentioned above, it employs only one set of two connector screws to secure all three stages of its components (abutment, head and two root screws) to each other with no stress breaking feature between them.
The improved implant of the present invention both in its two and three-stage embodiments solves all of the above drawbacks in design of the prior art by allowing for the placement of two sets of two connector screws (in the bi-rooted embodiment). One set of two connector screws of sufficient diameters actively secure the “head” or “head/abutment” component to the two “root screw” components of sufficient diameters at the initial insertion of these components into the implant site. This prevents the possibility of any shifting between these components during the extensive healing phase. The other set of two connector screws actively secure the “abutment” to the “head” component after healing in the three-stage embodiment of the present invention or simply secure the access shaft of the “head/abutment” component in the two-stage embodiment of the present invention.
By utilizing two sets of two connector screws, a stress breaker feature is thereby incorporated into the structural design, another advantage of embodiments of the present invention over the know art.
In relating to U.S. Pat. App. No. US 2010/003635, the implant design described contains none of the modular design advantages of embodiments of the present invention, and utilizes a non-standard material composition that is less retentive as it contains no threads in its “root” design to bite into the surrounding jawbone or allow for the intimate adhesion of the surrounding bone during the osseointegration phase of healing.
Relating to U.S. Pat. App. No 2008/0293012, the splint abutment component described offers none of the biomechanical advantages of present invention as it utilizes the standard cylindrical “root” form of standard two stage dental implants implanted in the jawbone into which it connects a wide platform abutment component which sits above the height of the crestal jawbone in the mouth and to which is connected the crown that the patient chews with.
The present invention in its “single-root” design embodiment (two and three stage) for posterior teeth incorporates an anatomically correct “head” which is inserted and embedded in the jawbone (endosseous). The abutment component of the improved implant of the present invention which connects into the “head” component in its three-stage embodiment, does so in an intimate “hand in glove” manner, providing for the proper distribution of the biting forces over the entire structure of the implant, a distinct advantage over all the prior art, and particularly over the disadvantageous biomechanical design of U.S. Pat. No. 2008/0293012 described above, while providing the proper “root” form for a posterior (molar) implant abutment. In the two-stage embodiment of the “single-root” posterior improved implant of the present invention, the abutment component is an integral part of the “head/abutment” component and so also provides for the proper distribution of loading forces on the entire implant.
Relating to U.S. App. Pat. No. US 2004/0013999 and U.S. Pat. No. US2009/0202959, the surgical guide clamps described do not allow for the preparation of the modular design and differently shaped separate “head” and “root screw” forms (components) of the present invention. Additionally, this prior art's ring guide also does not allow for the preparation of the bone at the implant site to receive separate and differently shaped forms (components) of the “head” and “root screw” stages of the present invention and is limited to preparing a standard implant form whose head is round in cross-section and of the same diameter as the rest of the implant. Additionally, the known art does not describe a free-standing embodiment of its guide clamp (not clamped to the teeth) as do some embodiments of the present invention.
A further major drawback of the entire prior art (including WO Pat. No. 2006/082610) is that they do not allow for surgical templates that allow for the placement of different mesio-distal length “heads”. As the unique design of the surgical templates provided in the present invention can be shaped in an infinite variety of shapes and dimensions, varying the length of the “head” in this dimension allows for varying the distance between the “root screw” components of a “multi-rooted” implant as well. This allows for numerous biomechanical advantages over all the prior art as it allows for the increased retention, strength, durability of the multi-root implant of the present invention over all the prior art, especially relevant in supporting an overdenture bar for a full removable denture (in the edentulous patient the mesio-distal dimension of the head can be substantially increased as there are no adjacent teeth to consider). Additionally, this particular design feature of the present invention allows for greater width of bone volume between the “root screw” components of the improved implant, a further biological advantage over the known art.
Regarding the prior art usage of standard implants with their single “root screw” design, in order to allow for a stable and durable implant form, the diameter of the implants along their entire shaft must be of sufficient girth in order to provide the necessary support for the abutment and crown which sit atop them and the forces transmitted through them (when they are placed in function) to the implant “root”(s) buried in the jawbone. Based on the above space limitations, it is obvious that in order to accommodate multi-root screws in a healthy long term biological manner, requires for these multiple “root screws” to be of a smaller diameter than the current single “root screw” design of standard implants.
In the prior art WO 2006/082610 described above, the basic template described is utilized to drill the bore shafts (for the “root screws”) of the osteotomy first. Next the more shallow and wider top portion of the osteotomy is drilled out (for the “head”) utilizing the same basic template. The “head” component is then placed first into the upper portion of the osteotomy and the “root screw” components are then inserted into the “head” by sliding them through the small holes contained within the “head” component and threading them into the bore shafts.
In various embodiments of the present invention, the entire above sequence is exactly reversed. The primary surgical template is utilized to drill out the top portion of the osteotomy first (for the “head” component). The secondary surgical template is then placed inside the top portion of the osteotomy and utilized to drill the bore shafts of the osteotomy (for the “root screw” components). The secondary surgical template is then used to check the parallelism of the bore shafts with the adjacent teeth and then utilized to insert the “root screw” components first into the osteotomy. The “head” component is then fitted down onto the “root screws” and secured in the top portion of the osteotomy to the “root screw” components already in place below it via connector screws threaded through the retention holes of the “head” or “head/abutment” component.
By necessity there is an obvious direct relation between the tools and method used to prepare the implant site for the implant's insertion and the design form of the implant to be placed within this site. In layman's terms, the “peg” must fit the “hole”. In the dental field, this fit must also be precise and reproducible in an easy manner by the dental practitioner in order to be able to achieve a high rate of success. More specifically, in the case of a multi-root implant for posterior teeth, in order to relate and assemble the components of the different stages in a three dimensional manner (along all three axes) in an accurate and precise manner within the bone preparation (osteotomy) it is of critical importance to relate the bone preparation for the “head” component with the bone shaft preparations for the “root screw” components. The prior art does not describe any design element incorporated into either the bone drills or the template it describes that would allow for a self-limiting depth (axis) control feature.
If the dentist errs in drilling by, for example, less than half a millimeter in the vertical depth (axis) of either of these two separate bone preparations, it will be impossible to insert the multiple components of the implant in a precise three dimensional manner. To make matters worse, this prior art (WO 2006/082610) does mention a small thin locking pin to be inserted into the body of the template but does not describe how one could possibly use this feature to fix the template securely in the implant site utilizing this feature in the center of the bloody implant site. It also provides no means of precisely relating the position of the template to the adjacent teeth, making the practical use of this template at the implant site very problematic.
Embodiments of the present invention do allow for just such a precise, accurate, and easily reproducible preparation of the entire osteotomy (head and root screw bone preparation segments of the osteotomy) in a three dimensional manner (as will be described in detail below) and the precise, accurate, and easily reproducible assembly of the components of the improved multi-root implant in a three dimensional manner (along all three axes) into the osteotomy, utilizing the surgical guide clamps, primary and secondary self-limiting surgical templates, and the self-limiting bone drills provided in the improved implant system of the present invention, another distinct advantage over the known art.
Embodiments of the present invention also provides for a robust, stable, and durable design of its components (root screw components and connector screws of sufficient diameter to withstand the load forces on molars, head components shaped to imitate the top root portion of the natural dentition, and abutment components which “sink” into the head component for a secure fit and proper distribution of the load forces) which should provide in the short and long term a solid multi-root molar implant the dental practitioner can rely upon and feel confident in placing in the patient's mouth over the long term.
The implant system design of the present invention allows the dentist to prepare, utilizing a kit of different shaped primary surgical templates, virtually any “head” or “head/abutment” stage bone preparation (osteotomy) he desires for the accurate placement of an almost infinite variety of “head” or “head/abutment” stage components (limited only by the number of forms provided in the kit) into any particular implant site for both “single” and “multiple” rooted implants, a very important feature based on the variability of bone volume and bone quality noted above, of the implant site from patient to patient and from site to site in each patient. This is a feature unique to the present invention and not provided for by the known art.
Reference is now made to
More specifically, a possible embodiment of the primary bone drill 61 with its unique self-limiting feature 61a which engages the circumferential template limiting flange of the primary surgical template 18 is depicted, as well as one possible embodiment of the self-limiting bore shaft finishing bone drill 66 for the final shaping of the bore shafts 74 of the final osteotomy 73.
The foregoing description of the embodiments of the invention has been presented for the purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. It should be appreciated by persons skilled in the art that many modifications, variations, substitutions, changes, and equivalents are possible in light of the above teaching. It is, therefore, to be understood that the appended claims are intended to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit of the invention.
1. An implantation system for implanting a bone implant comprising:
- a primary template for performing a bone milling procedure through a bone, wherein the template defines a bone area for milling to prepare an implantation of a head component;
- a surgical bone drill for creating a recess in a patient's bone with a form defined by the primary template, wherein the primary template and the surgical bone drill are suitable for preparing a non-circular recess having a substantially level floor;
- a secondary template for defining a bone attachment component area for drilling to prepare an implantation of at least one bone attachment component, and further for placing the at least one bone attachment component there-through; and
- a surgical jig for placing the bone implant system, comprising:
- an outer frame to hold the inner frame and arranged to allow the affixable positioning of the inner frame along a horizontal and vertical axis wherein the inner frame is arranged to removably hold and secure the primary template and the secondary template; and
- at least one clamp arranged to fixate the surgical jig on the bone;
- wherein the primary template and the secondary template both removably fit into the surgical jig.
2-44. (canceled)
45. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the surgical jig comprises at least one inner frame fastener and at least one outer frame fastener, arranged to lock the inner and outer frames, respectively, in their set positions, to carry out the bone preparation.
46. The implantation system according to claim 1, wherein the implantation system is a dental implantation system including a root screw driver suitable for inserting the bone attachment component into the bone attachment component area.
47. The implantation system according to claim 45, wherein the implantation system is a dental implantation system including a root screw driver suitable for inserting the bone attachment component into the bone attachment component area.
48. The implantation system of claim 46, wherein the secondary template has an opening with a limiting flange that is arranged to enable inserting and securing a root screw driver there-through.
49. The implantation system of claim 48, wherein the root screw driver has a self-limiting feature for providing an exact vertical depth of the bone attachment component.
50. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the clamp is a surgical clamp adapted to clamp directly into the concave undercuts of the gingival vestibules of the oral cavity.
51. The implantation system of claim 50, wherein the clamp includes one or more fixation screws for further fixing the surgical clamp.
52. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the primary template, the surgical drill, or both includes a self-limiting feature so that the depth of the non-circular recess is accurate.
53. The implantation system of claim 52, wherein the self-limiting feature of the primary template, the surgical drill, or both, provides for a depth accuracy of about 0.5 mm or less.
54. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the primary template has a circumferential limiting flange that provides a self-limiting feature for controlling the depth of the recess.
55. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the secondary template has a circumferential limiting flange that provides a self-limiting feature for controlling the depth of the bone attachment component area.
56. The implantation system of claim 1 wherein the self-limiting feature of the secondary template, the surgical drill, or both, provides for a depth accuracy of about 0.5 mm or less.
57. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the surgical jig includes:
- an insert having an access hole and one or more securing features for securing to the primary and secondary templates, wherein the insert supports the primary template during the milling step of the surgical procedure; and
- a platform having an open center wherein the platform supports the insert, and wherein the platform and insert includes a corresponding feature for securing the components together.
58. The implantation system of claim 57, wherein the clamp includes one or more means of accurately repositioning the primary and secondary templates over a second target bone area while the clamp remains clamped over an initial target bone area.
59. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the system includes a kit of different sized primary templates for preparing recesses having different cross-sectional dimensions.
60. The implantation system of claim 59, wherein the system includes a kit of different sized secondary templates that correspond with the different sized primary templates.
61. The implantation system of claim 1, wherein the system includes one or more gauges for checking the depth of a recess, for checking the levelness of a recess, or both.
62. The implantation system of claim 46 wherein the implantation system is capable of implanting a dental implant by milling the recess, wherein the recess is a distal recess; subsequently drilling bone bore holes; subsequently implanting a bone attachment components into each of the bone bore holes; and subsequently implanting a head component into the distal recess, to yield an exact and intimate placing of the head component on the at least one bone attachment components, to fit the head component's exterior proximal surface onto the distal terminal exterior surface of the bone attachment components, and to screw at least one first connector screw into a bore of the head component and engage an internal threaded bore of one of the bone attachment component.
63. An implantation system for implanting a bone implant comprising: wherein the primary template and the secondary template both removably fit into the surgical jig.
- a primary template for performing a bone milling procedure through a bone, wherein the template defines a bone area for milling to prepare an implantation of a head component;
- a surgical bone drill for creating the recess in a patient's bone with a form defined by the primary template, wherein the primary template and the surgical bone drill are suitable for preparing a non-circular recess having a substantially level floor;
- a secondary template including at least one drill guide shaft having a proximal limiting flange, for defining a bone attachment component area for drilling to prepare an implantation of at least one bone attachment component, and further for placing the at least one bone attachment component there-through; and
- a surgical jig for placing the bone implant system, comprising:
- an outer frame to hold an inner frame and arranged to allow the affixable positioning of the inner frame along a horizontal and vertical axis, wherein the inner frame is arranged to removably hold and secure the primary template and the secondary template; and
- at least one clamp arranged to fixate the surgical jig on a bone;
64. An implantation system for implanting a bone implant comprising: wherein the primary template and the secondary template both removably fit into the surgical jig.
- a primary template for performing a bone milling procedure through a bone, wherein the template defines a bone area for milling to prepare an implantation of a head component;
- a surgical bone drill for creating the recess in a patient's bone with a form defined by the primary template, wherein the primary template and the surgical bone drill are suitable for preparing a non-circular recess having a substantially level floor;
- a secondary template for defining a bone attachment component area for drilling to prepare an implantation of at least one bone attachment component, and further for placing the at least one bone attachment component there-through; and
- a surgical jig for placing the bone implant system, comprising:
- an outer frame to hold an inner frame and arranged to allow the affixable positioning of the inner frame along a horizontal and vertical axis, wherein the inner frame is arranged to removably hold and secure the primary template and the secondary template; and the inner frame can be swiveled on the outer frame to allow defining an affixable angular position of the inner frame in respect to the outer frame; and
- at least one clamp arranged to fixate the surgical jig on a bone;
International Classification: A61C 8/00 (20060101);