Ball & jacks playing cards game
The present invention is a Ball & Jacks playing card game that simulate the Ball and metal Jacks floor game using a deck measuring 2¼ inch by 3½ inch or standard size deck totaling 108 cards in which 80 cards are called Jack cards and divided into 10 suits being 8 one's, 8 two's, 8 three's, 8 four's, 8 five's, 8 six's, 8 seven's, 8 eight's, 8 nine's, and 8 ten's with 28 special cards being 8 Ball cards, 8 Throw 2 cards, 6 Wild cards, 6 Skip cards and using only pairs and straights causing the card game to be manipulative, challenging, strategic and fun for all adults and responsible age children played by 1 to 4 players.
Card games has long been a favorite past time for children and adults and a multitudes of different games have been developed over the years that are very entertaining being interesting, challenging, stimulating and fun for all types of players.
The present invention relates generally to a well known novel Ball and Metal Jacks floor game and methods of playing the same. More particularly, it relates to a simulated Ball & Jacks card game related to Ball and Metal Jacks floor game and the method of playing the same using varying poker playing card game type hands with some similar Ball and Metal Jacks techniques and additional play for 1 to 4 players.
The present invention relates to a deck of simulated Ball & Jacks playing cards totaling 108 cards having generally identical sizes of 2¼inch by 3½or standard Poker size and without suits of Jacks, Spades, Hearts Diamonds, Clubs, Ace's, Queens, Kings or Jokers.
80 of the cards are called Jack cards and divided into 10 suits of 8 one's, 8 two's, 8 three's, 8 four's, 8 five's, 8 six's, 8 seven's, 8 eight's, 8 nine's, and 8 ten's. Such numeric values of all are located on upper left side corner and lower right corner of front faces of each card with a larger numeric value of the same placed in center of said cards. Included within the 108 cards are 28 special card which are 6 Wild cards, 8 Throw 2 cards, 6 Skip cards and 8 Ball cards with front faces bearing the name thereof on each. The back faces or back sides of all 108 cards bear the same logo to be defined later on.
BACKGROUND OF THE ARTPlaying cards have been in existence for centuries. Although there are many types of playing cards that are played in many different types of games, the most common type of playing cards consists of 52 cards, divided out into four different suits of Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs. In the standard deck, each of the four suits consists of 13 cards, numbered either two through ten, or lettered A (Ace), K (King), Q (Queen), or J (Jack), which is also printed or indicated on each card. Thus each card will contain on its face a suit indication along with a number or letter indication. The King, Queen, and Jack usually also include some sort of design on the face of the card to show their level of important. Included in this deck is 2 extra Jokers with images on face which at times can be used as wild cards.
A combination of cards that one player obtains determines whether or not that player has defeated the other player or players.
For example, in the game of Poker the ranking hands from high to low is in this order: Straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pairs and a pair. Each player may ultimately receive five cards. The player who obtains the highest hand win the game. For example, a player having two pairs, which could be two nines and two fours in any suit will beat a pair of two kings in any suite, though three of a kind in any suite will beat both two pairs and a pair. However, the player with five cards that all contain Clubs, commonly known as a flush, will defeat the player with the same three of a kind as describe above.
Ball and Metal Jacks: The method of playing ball and metal jacks have been around for nearly a hundred years played by children and adults around the world. The method of playing the game required a ball 1 to 1½ inches in diameter and 10-12 metal jacks shaped like stars. The game is played on a hard surface floor requiring players to get on their knees or sit on the floor to play the game. It can be played by any number of players, normally children or teenagers and some time adult assistant. There are 10 levels to Ball and Jacks and play start from 1st level, 2nd level on through 10 levels. The object of the game is to first toss the metal jacks onto the floor in such a manner that do not touch each other. Then the rubber ball is tossed upwards, normally no more than one to two feet. The player quickly pick up first level jack, which is 1 metal jack from the ten while allowing the ball to bounce only once then catching the ball before it can bounce a second time in the same hand that hold the metal jack. Then place the jack(s) in the other empty hand and continue play. If the player is successful they continue the play by doing the same for the next nine jacks one at a time. That is tossing the ball upward while quickly picking up 2 jacks, allowing the ball to bounce once and catching the ball in the same hand as the two jacks. This is repeated with 3 jacks, then 4 jacks through 10 jacks. All 10 jacks must be picked up in the same hand while catching the rubber ball in the same hand with the 10 jacks. A player cannot touch another jack or cause another jack(s) to move during any play or that player is out and must repeat the same level until successfully played. Points are determined by the number of games successfully played in a given time.
Publication number U.S. Pat. No. 6,318,725 “Game Jacks” inventor: “Emmanuel Saint-Victor” is yet, another game which is similar to Ball and Metal Jacks floor game. This invention relates to four six-sided Jacks and a ball, specifically to a kind of Jacks marked with words, letters, numbers, and suits attributes so that the Jacks can be used during the game where the markings showings on the upper surfaces of the Jacks after being thrown will instruct the player either to follow the pinnacle of the game or to do some other activities. The game begins by holding all four trapezoidal Jacks in one hand. Turn hand over and gently drop Jacks onto playing surface. The object of the game is to drop the ball pick up the Jacks, then catch the ball with the same hand. Let the ball hit the surface only once. Begin game by picking up only one Jack, then two, then three, then four. The rule of the game is to do the repetition of this numerically increasing activity for side A, then side B, then side C, then side D.
It is easy to see that most adults will not sit on the floor nor do they want to play the above games for lack of skill and interest in the way the game is played and that they have always been considered child like games. Even poker and many other card games requiring many different suits are hard to play for responsible age children and limit the play for adult fun. It is easily to see that a simulating Ball & Jacks playing card game will remove the use of a rubber ball and metal jacks or any other apparatus to be thrown on the floor and will greatly promote the game for more interesting play for responsible children and adults alike.
SUMMARY AND OBJECTS OF THE INVENTIONThe prior Ball and Jacks child's floor game and inadequacies have been resolved by the present invention. It is the object of the present invention to make a simulated Ball & Jacks playing cards game that is challenging, strategic, fun and exciting for the entire family and the professional for 1 to 4.
It is the object of the invention to remove the play of original Ball and metal Jacks floor and child's game from the floor to a simulated Ball & Jacks playing cards game where different cards represent the Ball, Jacks, throws, Skips, and Wild cards for much easier play.
It is the object of the invention to have a special deck of 108 cards measuring 2¼ inch by 3¼ or standard Poker size with 80 of the cards being called Jack cards and divided into 10 suits being 8 one's, 8 two's, 8 three's, 8 four's, 8 five's, 8 six's, 8 seven's, 8 eight's, 8 nine's, and 8 ten's with 28 special cards being of 8 Ball cards, 8 Throw 2 cards, 6 Skip cards and 6 Wild cards. Jack cards face values are added together along with wild card values and ball cards values to add up to highest points per player's hand per game to become winner after 10 levels of play.
Also the object of the invention is that 8 Ball Cards have a Ball located on top left and bottom right corners of cards with the word “BALL” being larger and located in the middle of Card representing a rubber ball and must be matched with a Jack level card to win the hand.
It is the object of the invention that each of the 10 suits represent levels of play such as the 1 Jack card represent the first level, 2 representing the second level on thru 10 levels of play and that a Ball card and a Jack level card must be matched together in a player's hand to end a level of play or game and that player must say “Ball Jack”.
Jack cards are recognizable by pointed star called Jacks located in upper left corner and lower right corners of cards with a smaller number of that card suit located within and a larger numeric value of the same number being in the center of each card. Jack cards represent the original metal jacks.
Also the object of the invention is that the name on all eight THROW 2 cards when thrown to any player will cause that player to have to throw away two cards from their hand plus lose a play unless holding 1 card or no cards at which time a player pull either 3 or 4 cards.
Also the object of the invention is that six SKIP cards when thrown on any player will cause that player to be skipped over.
Also the object of the invention is that their are six Wild cards which their uses are to stand in for missing numbers and numbers of the same kind.
It is the object of the invention that some poker type resemblance of hands be used in Ball & Jacks playing card game to promote a scoring game through play, spreads and points.
It is the object of the invention that spreads such as pairs and straights are a main part of Ball & Jacks playing cards game. Pairs of at least two cards with the same face values such as “99”. Any amount of pairs after a pair has been spread such as three of a kind or four of a kind may be spread all together but a pair or more must be played before wild cards can hit that particular suit. All pairs can be hit up to 14 times depending on how cards are received.
It is the object of the invention that at least three cards being a straight must be spread before being hit by a Wild cards. Straights can be hit up to 13 times depending on cards pulled.
It is the object of the invention that no more than 3 cards are dealt to each player at start of game and 4th card is pulled from deck or the card the dealer flips and place face up on surface. Points are counted by adding the total numerical value of each card made into spreads by each player to reach a total count for that hand or the win.
The complete simulating Ball & Jacks playing card game and other features and play will be further understood as the game is described in the accompanying drawings and detailed description of the invention.
Located in upper left and lower right corners of cards
The present invention relates to a simulated Ball & Jacks playing card game that can be played with a special deck totaling 108 cards. 80 of the cards are called Jack cards and divided into 10 suits
Use of Ball cards, Skip cards, Wild card and Throw 2 cards, points and values are as follow beginning with
The Ball cards represent the rubber ball in Ball and Metal Jacks floor game and Jack cards represent 10 metal jacks which there are 10 levels of Ball & Jacks play. A Ball card must be matched together with a Jack level card
Ball cards are a deduction of 20 points in a losing player's hand. More to be explain further on in game play.
The object of Ball & Jacks playing card game is that 10 levels of play must be played. Each level ending with a player having at least one ball card and one level card. Each level and play begin on first level being level 1 and move to level 2, level 3 and finally thru 10th level with
No more than 3 cards are dealt to each player at start of game and 4th card is pulled from deck. Points are counted by adding the total numeric value of each card made into spreads by each player through each hand. For example: a pair of 9's will be added as (9+9)=18, 3 of a kind (3+3+3)=9, a straight (7+8+9+10)=34. With wild card it will be 2+2+2+wild card 10+(wild card face value is 2). Therefore 2+2+2+(10+2=12)=18 points. Same use of wild cards for straights.
When spreads are made they can only be hit by the player owning the hand. No other player can hit another player's spread unless there are no more cards left in the deck or no more hits to be made by a player in playing order at which time the hand is repeated. However, players can spread the same spreads.
The object of the game is for players to make spreads from their own hands trying to achieve the highest points count to win a hand or game while trying to confuse, trick, manipulate and take away advantages of other players.
To Start the Actual GameA number of players are chosen, 2-4 and a dealer are selected by highest card drawn by each player. Some one in or out of the game is chosen to keep scores of each of players hands. After chosen, the dealer prepare for the deal by first shuffling the deck of 108 cards to properly mix all the cards. This formulation of cards from here on will be referred to as the deck. The highest points collected by a player at the end of the 10th level is the winner.
What make Ball Jacks different from other card games are the number of cards dealt. The dealer deal each player 3 cards only. Reason being is because of the quick wearing down of the deck based on number of players and the amount of cards being pulled from the deck which will become clear further on. From here on pulling from the deck will be referred to as pulling, plucking, pluck or plucked.
The dealer shuffle and deal the first card from top of deck always to player left of the dealer then to second player, third player, fourth player until finally, fifth card or last card going to the dealer if five players are playing. After three Jack cards are dealt to all players the dealer now flip a top Jack card from the deck and place this Jack card down face up on the playing table with the deck placed next to it.
Next, the player left of the dealer look at their hand and determined if they can make a spread using the Jack card placed down from the deck. The player can either take it or pull from the deck. The same goes for following players pulling from the deck or receiving discarded Jack cards from a player. A player can make a strategic play by taking either a Jack card from the deck or the Jack card placed down to make a spread or looking to make a spread or make hits to themselves now or later on. If they choose to take the face up Jack card or pull from the deck the player must discard a Jack card from their hand no matter what card it may be, preferably an unwanted Jack card, leaving 3 cards or what ever cards remaining after making a spread(s) or hits, if possible. No player can make spread(s) or make hits to spread(s) until their turn and then only to their own hands. The purpose of this is to catch other players with as many cards and high card as you can in their hands which will cause a large deduction in their point scores if a legal player call “Ball Jack.” If this happen all other players must subtract all value Jack cards and Special cards being Ball cards (20 pts.) and Wild cards (10 pts.) in their hands from spreads already made, if any, and the results or remaining cards are their total point score for that hand. If they have no points to subtract from, their losses are minus their point, written down and deducted from earlier points.
A player, when his turn come and having the Ball and the right Jack level card, can lay down their hand while saying “Ball Jack” or they can determine to hold and say nothing looking possibly to get more hits and spreads for higher points by pulling from the deck or taken the discarded card. However, they still must discard a card. This can be a good or bad move.
Hitting with wild cards: A player can make as many spreads as they can using wilds cards to substitute for all Jack cards except Ball or Jack level cards. No other value Jack card(s) including Wild Cards can be used in any combination to replace a Jack level card. Players can only hit their own spreads and not their opponents.
There will be many times in the game when a player has made spreads, hit themselves with card(s) from their hand or hit themselves with cards pulled from the deck leaving themselves holding no cards at all. The game is not over nor is the player out of the game. Jack level play for any player does not end until a
When a player has no cards to throw out after finishing their spreads and hits they must wait until their next turn and pull four cards from the deck as a fresh hand. This is an advantage in scoring more points. The fourth card serve as a pull card from the deck thus 4 cards are pulled from the deck one at a time. The player now play the game as though it just started. That is, make more spreads, hits and discard the unwanted card if any. A player may take a discarded card instead of pulling four cards from the deck also if they think this card can add to their points.
Throw 2 Card: Another great strategy of the game is the use of
However, if a player hold no cards at all when a Throw 2 card is thrown to them they are not skipped but must honor the Throw 2 card play. The player have to pull four cards from the deck. The first two cards are place down face up on the pile or table honoring the throw 2 play. Then player pull remaining two cards from the deck making spreads or hits, if any, then discharge one card, if any. If a player discard a card, the next player has an option to take only the last discarded card by that player or pull from the deck. If no card to discard after all hits, then the play moves to the next player to pull from the deck.
Often a player will hold 3 cards when a throw 2 card is thrown on them. This time they discard 2 cards and the play pass them. They do not pull from the deck nor discharge a card. They resume play next turn by pulling from the deck 4 cards. First card goes to pile and player draw 3 more, make spreads and hits and discard a card, if possible.
Discarded Cards: When ever a player pull a card, receive or draw a Throw 2 card, receive or draw a wild card or skip card or any card, they do not have to make spreads or hits at that time but can use any card(s) to their advantage by holding and attempting to build up points by trying to make as many spreads or hits as they can. But they must discard a card. As long as a player pull from the deck they must discard a card no matter what the card is.
End of game or Jack level play: There are only one way a Jack level hand and game may End is when “Ball Jack” is called. This is when a player has matched a Ball card with the proper Jack level card. If not, the level is repeated until it is accomplished. The game is over when all 10 levels have been played.
Running out of deck cards: If “ball jacks” are not called while playing a level and run out of deck cards the play continue until no spreads or hits can be played from next inline player. The only time players can make hits to other player's hand(s) is at the end of play or game and when inline players can no longer hit their own spreads, then all players from left to right can now hit any player with remaining cards in their hand from left to right, in order, until no hits can be made by any player. Then remaining cards in their hands are subtracted from their spreads and hits then counted and scored. If at the end of a Jack level play cards are collected, shuffled and the same Jack level is repeated.
When the 10th level has been reached, calling Ball Jack can end the game. If no Ball Jack is called the game continue until Ball Jack is called. Highest scorer wins the game. Ball Jacks playing card Game could take hours to play.
1. A method for playing a simulated Ball & Jacks playing card game for 1-4 players comprising a decks totaling 108 cards measuring 2¼ inch by 3½ or standard poker card size wherein,
- a. 80 cards out of the 108 cards are called Jack level cards and worth face value and is divided into 10 suits of 8 ones, 8 twos, 8 threes, 8 fours, 8 fives, 8 sixes, 8 sevens, 8 eights, 8 nines, and 8 tens and represent 10 levels of play and each card in each suit has a Jack symbol in the form of a star located on each with smaller numbers representing each suit being centered within each Jack symbol and located in upper left and lower right corners on cards with larger numbers of same suits located in center of each with remaining 28 cards out of the same 108 cards called Special cards and;
- b. 8 Ball cards having front faces with a design around inside edge of cards curving beneath a Ball located in upper left and lower right corners of cards with the word BALL written in large letters and centered in middle of cards in which any one ball card matched together with a Jack level card is called Ball Jack and must be called ball jack by player holding such a hand causing this ball card and any ball card(s) in same hand to be worth 20 points each and Jack level card worth 20 points plus face value of level card and face value of other cards held in same hand with cards in losing hands added and subtracted from total score and;
- c. any player can call Ball Jack directly after a deal and before any play is made with first caller given the Jack level but no player can make spreads nor call “Ball Jack” before their turn after first card has been played by player left of dealer and;
- d. 8 throw 2 cards with front faces having a design around inside edge of card circling beneath a letter and number being T2 located in upper left and lower right corners with the word THROW 2 written in large letters and centered in middle of cards and can be thrown to any other player from any direction causing a player to discard two cards from their hand, change position of play plus lose a play and;
- e. 6 wild cards that can only be used as substitute cards only after spreads of straights and pairs have been played and is worth 10 points plus face value of Jacks cards in which wild cards are replacing and where as the 6 Wild cards have front faces having a design around edge of card circling beneath a W located in upper left and lower right corners with the word “WILD written in large letters centered in middle of cards and;
- f. 6 skip cards with front faces having a design around edge of card circling beneath the letters being SK located in upper left and lower right corners with the word SKIP written in large letters and centered in middle of cards where as when thrown to any opposing player from any direction cause that player to lose a play by being skipped over, change position of play and;
- g. a deal of 3 cards only and a game with only straights and pairs where as 3 cards straights can be hit up to 13 times with wild cards, a minimum of 1 pair can be hit by wild cards up to 14 times, players allowed only to hit their own spreads, Jack cards counted face value, scores counted through out each level of play and highest score win game after 10 levels of play.
2. A method for playing a simulating Ball & Jacks playing card game in accordance with claim 1g comprising the methods where as 3 cards are originally dealt to each player and player left of dealer and following players have the choice to take dealer's 4th card laid down face up or take 4th card from the deck making spreads, hits and possibly leaving 3, 2 or no cards in hand where as in any case a player must either discard a card or having no cards to discard must hold until next play or turn when player now pull 4 cards and resume play because holding no cards does not end the hand because only calling ball jack can end a hand or game or the deck run out of cards, in which case, that jack level is repeated.
3. A method for playing a simulating Ball & Jacks playing card game in accordance with claim 1c, throw 2 cards, comprising the methods;
- a. a player holding no cards must pull 4 cards from the deck, make spreads or hits and discard a card and,
- b. a player having no cards when a throw 2 card is thrown on them is not passed but must immediately pull 4 cards from the deck giving first two top cards from deck face up on the pile or surface then pull remaining 2 cards for their own hand making spreads, hits, if any, then discarding 1 card, if any, and;
- c. a player holding 1 card when a throw 2 card is thrown on them must discard the 1 cards but owe the pile 1 more card so the player immediately pull 3 card giving the first 1 card to the pile while holding 2 cards in hand making spreads or hits and discarding 1 card, if any, and;
- d. a player holding 2 cards when a throw 2 card is thrown on them must discard the 2 cards only and pull no card until next turn where as play move to next player which if they can use either card must take both cards and;
- e. if a player is holding 3 cards when a throw 2 card is thrown to them must throw away 2 cards and hold until next play at which time player draw one card.
Type: Application
Filed: Oct 17, 2013
Publication Date: Apr 23, 2015
Inventor: Bobby E. Ward, SR. (Pollocksville, NC)
Application Number: 13/998,270
International Classification: A63F 1/00 (20060101);