The construction of a chimeric Pestivirus by the identification of selected regions in the 3′NTR of the viral RNA genome is described where additional RNA sequences can be stably inserted. These sequence insertions in the viral RNA genome were stable in replication and capable of forming infectious, RNase resistant virus particles. This chimeric Pestivirus with a 3′NTR insertion can be utilized as a quality control material in analytical assays for RNA targets, including external, internal controls, quantitative standards in PCR and NAT nucleic acid assays.
An RNA virus has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material, and infects host cells from bacteria, plants or animals, such as livestock and humans. The major criteria of how RNA viruses are classified are the sense and organization of the viral genome that determines the mode of viral RNA replication, including whether the viral RNA genome has positive (message) or negative sense, whether it is single or double stranded, and whether it is non-segmented or segmented.
Regulatory agencies often require that assays for detection of nucleic acids utilize quality control materials, including standards, calibrators and controls (Molecular Diagnostic Methods for Infectious Diseases; Approved Guideline, 2nd ed., Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, vol 26 (8), 2006). Quality control materials insure optimum performance and reliability of test results, including nucleic acid test (NAT) assays. Laboratories are required to demonstrate that assays for detection of viral RNA function properly as intended and are not affected by inhibition or other forms of interference. Controls for qualitative assays provide assurance of true negative and positive results while minimizing the chance for false positive and false negative results. In quantitative assays controls help ensuring accuracy of results. Validation and verification panels are frequently used to check if diagnostic assays or systems (hardware, software and reagents) perform as intended. A panel consists of more than one vial of material useful to improve or check, verify or validate the performance or quality of a diagnostic assay. A panel can, for example, be made from a dilution series that contains different concentrations of an analyte. Calibrators are used to calibrate and recalibrate a diagnostic system, usually after an element of the diagnostic system was changed (e.g. new lot of reagents) or after a predetermined time interval.
Ideally, the quality control material is as similar as possible in structure and morphology to the target analyte so both behave the same when tested. If NAT controls, calibrators or standards behave like a patient sample on different diagnostic systems, they are considered “commutable” amongst these systems. Commutability is a key property of quality control materials that is especially important for calibrators and standards. The quality control material, however, should still be able to generate a signal that is distinguishable from that of the target analyte. Typically, viral RNA assays may have external run controls (positive or negative control) (EC), various types of internal controls (IC), or internal quantification or quantitation standards (QS), as well as calibrators. Internal and external control concepts are further described in CLSI Guideline MM3-A2 and U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,183,084 B2 and 7,192,745.
While PCR and other NAT techniques can test both DNA and RNA, there are technical challenges especially with quality control for RNA assays: 1) RNA is generally more labile than DNA, presenting additional technical difficulties for analytical RNA assays as compared to DNA assays. Naked RNA is sensitive to degradation through RNases, ubiquitously present RNA digesting enzymes. RNases can be found almost everywhere in the environment, however, they are especially prevalent in animal cells and fluids. In order to fully quality control all steps of an RNA assay, it is best to protect the RNA of the quality control material from potential degradation. An intact naturally occurring RNA virus, which does protect its RNA inside the virus, may be used as a calibrator or external positive run control, as long as its RNA sequence contains the primer and probe regions of the target virus. It may not be combined, however, with the test sample to be used as an internal control or quantitative standard, because it would cause a false positive signal. 2) It is desirable that a RNA quality control material should be capable of monitoring the entire diagnostic process and serve as a “full process control”, including nucleic acid isolation, reverse transcription, amplification and detection. 3) The use of materials potentially infectious for humans is not desirable in a diagnostic kit due to safety concerns and shipping regulations. 4) Internal Quality Standards (IQS) like Internal Controls (IC) and internal Quantification or Quantitation standards (QS) materials often can not be obtained from naturally occurring sources. The term “QS” is used in the literature as abbreviation for Quantification Standard, Quantitation Standard, internal Quantification Standard or internal Quantitation Standard, essentially all describing the same type of standard (see Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI Guideline MM3-A2 for details of QS use). This is particularly true for any IQS used as a “competitive” control, which utilizes the same primer sequence as the target RNA, but can be distinguished by a probe sequence different from the target sequence. Such IQS materials usually need to be artificially created. 5) RNA itself is not as amenable to recombinant genetic engineering as DNA and usually requires a DNA intermediate. While it is known to transcribe RNA sequences from recombinant DNA sequences, it is difficult to package and protect these RNA transcript sequences from degradation by RNases.
One approach to solve the issues of RNA instability for quality control materials for RNA viral testing has been the use of “armored RNA,” recombinant RNA packaged in MS2 bacteriophage (e.g., see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,677,124, and 7,033,749). Armored RNA has a single strand of MS2 RNA containing a recombinant heterologous RNA encapsidated by MS2 bacteriophage proteins to form a pseudo-viral particle.
Armored RNA offers several advantages over naked RNA as a quality control material: 1) It is stable, non-infectious and RNase resistant, and 2) It is useful both as a positive control, an internal control (IC) and quantification standard (QS), and an extraction control. Armored RNA has been useful for the quantification of RNA viruses such as HIV and HCV from human blood. Armored RNA also is utilized as a high titer HCV surrogate material, since it is not possible to grow all different HCV subtypes in culture.
Armored RNA has several disadvantages for use as a quality control material in analytical assays. Ideally, quality control materials should react like the tested analyte in an assay in order to monitor meaningfully all aspects of the procedure. The structure and infected host for armored RNA, however, is very different from that of many animal RNA viruses, e.g. HCV or HIV. A bacteriophage, which infects bacteria, is genetically distant to animal or other eukaryotic viruses. MS2 bacteriophage is not detergent sensitive, because it has a protein coat instead of a lipid bilayer. Many diagnostically relevant enveloped viruses causing harm to humans and livestock (e.g. HIV, Pestiviruses, West Nile Virus (WNV) or HCV) possess detergent sensitive outer envelopes. Because the armored RNA protein coat is very different biochemically from the lipid envelope of these animal viruses, the MS2 bacteriophage particles may behave differently from the targeted animal viral particles in analytical assays. It is conceivable that an Armored RNA QS used to monitor a reaction would fail to indicate that HIV had been destroyed by detergent which contaminated a blood donor test sample. In this case the result could be a false negative blood screening result for HIV resulting in the transfusion of HIV positive CD4 blood cells to several recipients. Armored RNA has never been shown to be commutable, meaning that it behaves like the virus it is supposed to mimic as a quality control. 4) Recovery efficiency of RNA with the most commonly used silica based sample preparation methods is to a certain degree dependent on the length of the RNA. Most human RNA viruses, such as HCV, HIV or WNV, have about three times longer RNA genomes than armored RNA.
Although armored RNA has been useful as a control in analytical assays, it would be preferable to have a quality control material for in vitro diagnostic assays that more closely resembles the targeted animal or human RNA virus than a bacteriophage derived pseudo-viral particle. It would be preferable to have quality control material that is structurally and morphologically similar to the target RNA virus and thus behaves more like e.g. HCV, West Nile Virus (WNV) or HIV viruses. Finally, it would be preferable to have the option of being able to insert heterologous sequences into replication competent viruses.
Chimeric RNA viruses that are similar in structure to the virus being tested would be an ideal quality control material for RNA assays if they were genetically stable and could be grown in culture. In this method, a region of a targeted virus is inserted into the genome of another virus to form a chimeric virus. By testing for the inserted target region, the chimeric virus can function as a quality control material.
In designing a stable viral chimera, it is important to identify a point of insertion in the compact viral genome that does not interfere with the viability of the virus. It is known that the choice of the target region to be inserted, as well as the site for the insertion can dramatically affect chimeric RNA viral functions, especially RNA replication, packaging of the RNA genome, virion stability, and virus infectivity. If the chimeric viral RNA replicates improperly, spontaneous sequence changes, such as deletions or frameshifts, may occur during replication in the RNA sequence of the virus chimera to form useless sequence revertants or pseudo-revertants. The ultimate genomic sequence of the revertant virus is unpredictable and may exclude part or parts of the applied insert. Unstable chimeric RNA virus, therefore, is usually not useful as a quality control material in an analytical RNA assay.
Examples of positive-strand ssRNA chimeras are known that utilize the 5′ nontranslated region (5′NTR) and the open reading frame (ORF). Martin disclosed chimeric GBV-B/HCV (U.S. Pat. No. 7,141,405; US2006/0160067; US2006/0105365). Ilya et al. disclosed chimeric Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus and Sindbis virus (WO 2007/002793). Hong et al. describe HCV/BVDV chimeric constructs where the Npro protease gene is replaced (U.S. Pat. No. 6,326,137). Nam et al. disclosed HCV/BVDV constructs involving exchange of structural genes, especially E1, E2 or C. (U.S. Pat. No. 7,009,044). Rice and Kolykhalov (U.S. Pat. No. 6,127,116) disclosed that functional HCV clones can be used for the assay of HCV by constructing chimeric viruses using components of the IRES, proteases, RNA helicase, polymerase, or 3′NTR to create chimeric derivatives of BVDV whose productive replication is dependent on one or more of these HCV elements. None of these examples, however, disclosed stable Pestivirus RNA chimeras with insertion within the 3′NTR.
While the general concept of chimeric RNA viral constructs is known, no functional examples are provided in the prior art that utilize intentional insertion of heterologous sequences within the 3′NTR of a Pestivirus to obtain a chimeric virus that is replication stable and forms infectious viral particles at titers comparable to that of a wild type virus.
Rice et al. disclosed a concept of constructing BVDV chimeras with inserted sequences from HCV (WO 99/55366; see also Frolov et al., 1998, RNA 4, 1418-1435). No data were given, however, that showed their chimeric constructs involving the 3′NTR were genetically stable. In Example 5 (WO 99/55366), Rice et al described a tandem 3′NTR construct where an HCV 3′NTR insert was placed downstream of the ORF and immediately followed by the intact 3′NTR of BVDV (
Recently, progress has been made in the development of (copy) cDNA clones of full-length BVDV genomes. These so-called “infectious BVDV cDNA clones” allow the in vitro transcription of infectious BVDV RNA genomes (Meyers, et al., J. Virology, 1996, 70: 8606-8613, erratum in J. Virol. 1997, 7 (2): 1735; Vassilev, et al., J. Virology, 1997, 71: 471-478; U.S. Pat. No. 6,001,613).
There is a need in RNA viral testing of Flaviviridae and other RNA viruses to have viral quality control material that is similar in genomic composition and virion composition to the RNA virus being tested.
There is a need in nucleic acid test assays (NAT) for QC materials, standards, calibrators, reference materials, validation and verification material that behave like the target material.
There is a need for such RNA viral quality control materials to be stable in sequence, to be replication stable and to be resistant to degradation by RNases.
It would be useful to have a known region within the 3′NTR of a Flaviviridae/Pestivirus virus defined that allows the stable insertion of heterologous sequences.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThis invention provides the identification of the location of a region within the 3′NTR of the genomic RNA of a Flaviviridae member, the Pestivirus BVDV, where a heterologous RNA sequence can be inserted to generate stable viral RNA chimeras and stable chimeric virus particles. Similar to the wild-type BVDV virus particles, the chimeric virus particles with a heterologous insertion in the 3′NTR of the viral RNA genome are sequence stable, replication-competent, resistant to RNases, and infectious.
Useful and stable Pestivirus RNA chimeras are constructed from an understanding of the viral RNA genome to identify areas within the 3′NTR for stable insertion of heterologous sequences. In this invention, a defined area within the 3′NTR of the genomic RNA of a Flaviviridae member, the Pestivirus BVDV, is used to create a stable chimeric virus, which was demonstrated to be useful in an analytical viral assay. A stable chimeric Pestivirus can be utilized similar to the ways in which armored RNA is used in diagnostic and analytical assays. Current armored RNA applications are known, and also have been described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,677,124, and 7,033,749 and their dependent patents. Unlike armored RNA, however, the chimeric Pestivirus is viral quality control material that is similar in genomic composition and virion composition to the RNA virus being tested.
In this invention we used our current understanding of the detailed “signal” function of the different elements of the 3′NTR of Pestivirus genomic RNA to generate a stable replication competent BVDV chimera containing a heterologous sequence within the 3′NTR of the genomic RNA. In a preferred embodiment, the heterologous insertion is made within the 3′ NTR variable region (3′V). Most preferably, the insertion is made in a defined sequence region located downstream of the UGApos.cons. box (Isken et al., 2004). This insertion site is located downstream of the region that was experimentally shown with the BVDV DI9c replicon RNA (Isken et al., 2004) to form the SLstop(SLIII) structure and that is proposed by RNA folding programs such as mfold 3-1 (˜zukerm/export/) to form SLstop (SLIII) with the genomic RNA of all other Pestivirus members. The insertion site is located upstream of the region that was experimentally shown with the BVDV DI9c replicon RNA to form the SLII structure and that is proposed by the RNA folding program mfold 3-1 to fold SLII with the genomic RNA of all other Pestivirus members. (Grassmann, C., Yu, H., Isken, O., and Behrens, S.-E. (2005). Hepatitis C virus and the related bovine viral diarrhea virus considerably differ in the functional organization of the 5′ non-translated region: implications for the viral life cycle. Virology 333: 349-366; Isken, O., Grassmann, C. W., Sarisky, R. T., Kann, M., Zhang, S., Grosse, F., Kao, P. N., and Behrens, S.-E. (2003). Members of the NF90/NFAR protein group are involved in the life cycle of a positive-strand RNA virus. EMBO J. 22: 5655-5665; Isken, O., Grassmann, C. W., Yu, H., and Behrens, S.-E. (2004). Complex signals in the genomic 3′ non-translated region of bovine viral diarrhea virus coordinate translation and replication of the viral RNA. RNA 10: 1637-52; Isken, O., Baroth, M., Grassmann, C. W., Weinlich, S., Ostareck, D. H., Ostareck-Lederer, A. and Behrens, S.-E. (2007). Nuclear factors are involved in hepatitis C virus RNA replication. RNA 13: 1675-1692.)
The location of the UGApos.cons. box is conserved in the genomes of all Pestivirus 3′NTRs (Becher, et al., J. Virology, 1998, 72 (6): 5165-73; Isken, et al., 2003; Isken, et al., 2004). Given the general structural alignment of the UGApos.cons. box, the stem-loop structures SLstop (SLIII), SLII and SLI, and other structural elements within the 3′NTR of Pestivirus, the construction of chimeric virus is not only applicable to the Pestivirus BVDV but to all Pestivirus members.
This invention provides RNA viral chimeras with insertions in the 3′NTR as quality control material, including use as controls, standards and calibrators in RNA viral analytical NAT assays.
Table 1 shows virus titers obtained for BVDV-non-CP7 and BVDV-non-CP7+cloning site chimera at three days post infection (1st re-infection).
Table 2 shows virus titers obtained for BVDV-non-CP7 and the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera at three days post transfection of viral RNA into MDBK cells. Moreover, virus titers are shown at three days post infection of MDBK cells measured in the course of several re-infection experiments with virus-containing supernatant as indicated. Up to seven re-infection experiments were performed.
Table 3 shows the data for growth curves shown in
Table 4 shows the non-infectivity data obtained for the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV-5′NTR chimera at various times and at three different temperatures of treatment with indicated concentrations of β-propiolactone. Immunofluorescence data (IF) measuring viral replication are indicated as +(viral replication detectable) and −(no viral replication detectable due to inactivation by the indicated concentration of β-propiolactone).
Table 5 shows the determination of the titer of the HCV signal of a Pestivirus BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera culture. Positive HCV signal was obtained using real-time PCR amplification for two Pestivirus RNA chimeras (BVDV-nonCP7-HCV 5′NTR, K4 and K8) and an HCV control. K4 and K8 Pestivirus RNA chimeras both showed an early Ct high titer HCV signal, indicating successful integration of the HCV 5′NTR into BVDV.
Table 6 shows the HCV signal obtained using real-time PCR amplification for two Pestivirus RNA chimeras and an HCV control with and without reverse transcriptase (RT) Results of a reverse transcriptase (RT) based PCR demonstrated that Pestivirus RNA chimera HCV signal was derived from RNA, not DNA.
Table 7 shows the resistance of the Pestivirus chimera BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR to ribonuclease (RNase) digestion. Ct values are shown for two Pestivirus RNA chimeras and an HCV control without RNase treatment, and when RNase was present before or after extraction.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTIONRNA viruses are prevalent human and animal pathogens. Analytical NAT assays have been developed to allow detection of RNA viruses in infected individuals. A large group of RNA viruses are the positive-strand ssRNA viruses (Baltimore Group IV), which have their viral genome directly utilized as an mRNA. Positive-strand ssRNA viruses include many families of viruses that severely impact health and function in livestock and humans, such as the common cold virus (Rhinovirus), Poliovirus, the Hepatitis A and C viruses, the Dengue and Yellow fever viruses, and the SARS virus. Currently, safe and reliable analytical assays for the detection of RNA viruses are needed, including quality control materials for these assays.
The family Flaviviridae in Group IV includes three known genera, two of which affect humans. The genus Flavivirus includes, for example, Yellow fever virus, West Nile virus, Dengue fever virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, Tick-borne encephalitis virus, and Japanese encephalitis virus. The genus Hepacivirus includes the Hepatitis C viruses (HCVs). The third genus Pestivirus affects livestock, and includes Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV), Border Disease Virus (BDV) and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV). While each Flaviviridae member has a definitive host (cell) tropism and disease specifics, each also shares a significant degree of structural relatedness for the family Flaviviridae. In particular, each such member has a similar virus morphology and high degree of conservation of the genomic organization.
Recognition of the genomic structural similarities within the Flaviviridae family has allowed the opportunity of cross-utilization of intact Flaviviridae viral genomes for research and medical diagnosis purposes. For example, BVDV has been widely accepted as a surrogate virus for HCV inactivation studies. HCV infects humans, but, so far, only certain genomic subtypes or hybrid forms of these subtypes grow well in cell culture. The genome structure of BVDV, however, is generally similar to that of HCV, and BVDV does not infect humans. The use of a genome of a surrogate virus as quality control (QC) material in analytical assays, however, is not always applicable. Quality control materials for diagnostic RNA nucleic acid tests (target or signal amplification based) are often based on purified “naked” RNA or surrogate materials like Armored RNA. It would be preferable to have a quality control material that is as similar as possible to the target analyte so that all steps of the analytical process are mimicked as closely as possible.
The genome of the members of the Flaviviridae family is a single stranded, non-segmented RNA ranging in length from about 10 kb to 16 kb. The viral RNA contains a long open reading frame (ORF) encoding at least three major viral structural proteins and at least six nonstructural proteins. The ORF is flanked by 5′ and 3′-nontranslated regions (5′NTR and 3′NTR) that range in length from about 100 to several hundred nucleotides (Lindenbach et al., Flaviviridae: the viruses and their Replication, in Fields virology, 5th ed., Knipe et al., eds., Lippincott, 2007, p1101-52).
There is complexity in the functions of the Flaviviridae RNA. The viral RNA genome interacts with the host cell translation machinery to serve as a messenger RNA for the translation of viral proteins, as well as functioning as a template for viral RNA replication. Both the 5′NTR and 3′NTR are rich in defined RNA structure motifs known to be important for both the viral RNA translation and viral RNA replication functions (Lindenbach et al., see above). Along both processes, the NTRs are believed to functionally interact with each other as well as with host-cell encoded regulatory factors, such as the NFAR proteins (Isken et al., 2003; 2004; 2007). The 3′NTR of Flaviviridae is generally composed of a variable (less conserved) region (3′V) and a constant (conserved) region (3′C) (Deng and Brock, 1993). With different members of each Flaviviridae genus, the 3′C was shown to contain RNA elements that are essential for viral RNA replication while parts of the 3′V region were indicated to be dispensable for replication (reviewed by Isken and Behrens, 2006, in Molecular Biology of the Flavivirus; Horizonbioscience, p 101-134). Detailed investigations of the 3′V region of the BVDV genome revealed that 3′V, as a whole, is not dispensable for viral replication and that it acts as an important modulator of the viral translation and replication process (Isken et al., 2003; Isken et al. 2004).
The 3′NTRs of pestiviruses have a length of approximately 190-230 nucleotides and display a high degree of similarity between the different virus members. The 3′V portion of the Pestivirus 3′NTR has defined recognizable regions. Structurally, while there is sequence heterogeneity between different Pestivirus strains, the pestiviral 3′V region generally forms two thermodynamically unstable stem-loop structures, termed SLstop (also SLIII) and SLII. It also contains at least one copy of a 12 nucleotide consensus sequence designated as a UGA box motif (Isken et al 2003; 2004; Pankratz et al., 2005, J Virol. 79:9119-27). Further, there is conservation within the pestiviral (and all Flaviviridae) 3′V regarding the presence of so-called pseudo-stop codons. The pseudo-stop codons are nucleotide triplets in the 3′V region of the 3′NTR that resemble translational stop codons, which are present ‘in frame’ (following the translational triplet code) with the viral open reading frame. Mutational and structural analysis showed that the integrity of the 3′V region and the presence of UGA boxes and pseudo-stop codons are important for the binding of the NFAR host proteins and for accurate termination of translation of the viral RNA, respectively. In summary, these factors were demonstrated to represent essential determinants of the viral RNA replication process (Isken et al, 2003; Isken et al., 2004).
The structurally complex and conserved 5′NTR and 3′NTR of Flaviviridae present target regions that may be utilized for the detection of these RNA viruses in analytical assays. This is particularly true for analytical methods based on target amplification, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or transcript mediated amplification (TMA). The 5′ NTR of the genus Flavivirus has here been commonly used as a target sequence for assays like HCV (Nolte F S, Green A M, Fiebelkorn K R, Caliendo A M, Sturchio C, Grunwald A, Healy M. Clinical evaluation of two methods for genotyping hepatitis C virus based on analysis of the 5′ noncoding region. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 April; 41(4):1558-64.) or West Nile virus (WNV). (Detection, Validation and Quantification of West Nile Virus RNA by the Alternative NAT WNV Assay V. Shyamala, S. Pichuantes, B. Jaitner, D. Madriaga, P. Arcangel, J. Cottrell, S. Nguyen, H. Huang, A. Medina-Selby, D. Coit, C. McCoin, D. Chien, B. Phelps. AABB Poster 2003 (—5. pdf)
The detection of Group IV animal viruses uses known nucleic acid amplification techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification (NASBA), Transcription-Mediated Amplification (TMA), other nucleic acid amplification technologies. Also signal amplification technologies like bDNA, can be used in medical research and in clinical diagnosis. Modern NAT testing allows sensitive detection of small amounts of RNA or DNA from viruses, bacteria and other cells or tissues. NAT testing usually consist of a series of sequential steps: sample preparation (purification and concentration of RNA or DNA), amplification of DNA (e.g. by PCR or TMA) and detection (e.g. by using signal generating fluorescence probes, bound free separation and detection of amplicon or gel band analysis). In the case of RNA, an additional reverse transcription step converting RNA into cDNA is required before amplification. Meaningful quality control of NAT assays requires monitoring of every step of this process. Typically, external and internal controls are used to quality control NAT assays.
One embodiment provides for the formation of stable virus chimeras by insertion of donor heterologous sequences into the 3′ nontranslated region (3′NTR) of the RNA genome of the Flaviviridae Pestivirus. The chimeric RNA genomes of the Flaviviridae Pestivirus are sequence stable, replication competent, infectious and the genome encoded and assembled chimeric virus particles are RNase resistant.
The heterologous insert can be located within the Pestivirus 3′NTR. In a preferred embodiment, the insertion is within the 3′ variable region (3′V) of the 3′NTR. Most preferably, the heterologous insert of the chimera is located between two stem-loop structures (SLSTOP and SLII) within the 5′-terminal portion of the 3′NTR of the Pestivirus RNA. The 3′NTR of the Pestivirus chimera viral RNA contains pseudo stop-codons. The 3′NTR of the Pestivirus chimera viral RNA contains binding sites for the NF/N FAR proteins. The 3′NTR of the Pestivirus chimera viral RNA contains at least one UGA box motif, preferably the UGApos.cons. motif.
These Pestivirus chimeras may be utilized as quality control materials in analytical RNA assays, including use as external positive controls (EC or PC), internal quality standards (IQS), internal controls (IC), internal quantification standards (QS), parallel complementary controls (PCC), calibrators, standards and in validation and verification panels. IC and QS are also referred to as IQS, since they can be the same substance. A difference between IC and QS is the way the signal generated by the substance is analyzed. The invention is useful for any detection assays including but not limited to target amplification technologies (e.g., PCR, TMA, NASBA, etc.) and signal amplification technologies (e.g., bDNA, etc.).
The same Pestivirus chimera can be used as EC, PC, calibrator or standard. This includes but is not limited to: standards traceable to an SI unit (e.g. mol), international standards, national standards (e.g. those provided by national measurement standards laboratories which establish standards for a country or organization like NIST in the USA or PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesantalt) in Germany) reference standards, certified reference materials, certified reference standards, JCTLM (Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine) approved materials, higher order reference materials and WHO standards (e.g. a WHO standard for HCV NAT assays). This substance contains target analyte sequences
An RNA assay using e.g. a Pestivirus Chimera positive control and a Pestivirus Chimera QS would require two different chimeras. The inserted sequence would be different for the PC control material and QS control material.
An external control (EC), e.g. a positive control (PC), utilizes a composition that is the same or very similar to the target analyte sequence, but is assayed separately in an independent reaction from the target analyte sample. The EC or PC quality controls the same sequence as the target. In PCR, NASBA, TMA or other amplification technologies, an amplification product is formed identical or similar to the target, and the measurement signal generated is identical to the target signal. The external run control's purpose is to verify the EC test results fall within a predetermined acceptance criteria. The EC or PC are an integral part of a nucleic acid detection system (e.g. a PCR based diagnostic system) quality control and can be supplied as part of a reagent kit. See e.g. package insert for Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test, Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV Test, ABBOTT RealTime HIV-1 test (69-6672/R1) or ABBOTT RealTime HCV test (69-6675/R1). These type of controls are, however, not necessarily part of a kit and can also be supplied as independent external run controls (e.g. OptiQual controls by AcroMetrix). Substances useful as external run control can also be used as calibrators for quantitative assays. While positive and negative controls indicate the general performance of the assay and allow a decision on reliability, calibrators help to measure the correct quantity of an analyte (e.g. the amount of HIV-1 in a patient's blood). Control and calibrator concepts for NAT assays are well known and have been described in e.g. ISO standard 17511:2003 and Section III G. of FDA's (1999) “Guidance for Industry In the Manufacture and Clinical Evaluation of In Vitro Tests to Detect Nucleic Acid Sequences of Human Immunodeficiency Viruses Types 1 and 2” and CLSI Guideline MM3-A2 Section 11.4
Internal Quality Standards like Internal Controls (IC) and internal Quantification Standards (QS) are used as follows according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI Guideline MM3-A2, Section 7: “Inhibition of a nucleic acid test results from the presence of substances that lead to a failure to achieve a positive signal. Interference of a nucleic acid test results in a reduction in assay performance leading to a false-negative or false-positive result. Inhibitors of amplification can be detected by the use of internal control templates, also referred to as recovery templates, or simply, internal controls. The control template can be added to the sample either prior to, or after sample preparation. If it is added prior to sample preparation, it can also serve as a control for the nucleic acid extraction.” Due to its resistance to RNase degradation this invention can be added prior to sample preparation and serve as a control for the nucleic acid extraction. It could be even useful as a full process control including even earlier steps than sample preparation like sample collection and sample transport. The same guideline specifies a number of different control types useful for “Detection of Inhibitors and Interfering Substances” (Section 7.1, CLSI Guideline MM3-A2). A RNA virus chimera described in this invention can be used to provide the substances useful to serve as the internal controls described in the guideline. These controls are known in the art also as “unmodified target controls” (section 7.1.1., CLSI Guideline MM3-A2), “modified target controls” (section 7.1.2) and “Heterologous Internal Controls” (section 7.1.3, CLSI Guideline MM3-A2).
Internal quality standards (IQS) like IC or QS, are assayed simultaneously in the same reaction vessel as the target analyte. A negative patient result (e.g. for HIV or HCV) is only reported as “negative” or as “target not detected” if the IC or QS result falls within an acceptable range. In case the IQS results falls outside of the acceptance range the result is considered invalid and the sample should be retested.
An internal quantification standard (QS) is a type of IQS that allows precise quantification of the target analyte even in the presence of inhibitors. Both QS and Internal control (IC) generate signals distinguishable from the target signal. In the case of PCR, the amplification product and the generated signal are different and distinguishable from the target signal. IC and QS are used to detect and compensate (QS) for inhibition. They help to distinguish between a true negative and a false negative result. QS and IC sequences are often synthetic materials since they are usually designed to be different from the target, however, they should still behave like the target anayte (e.g. a virus) and go through the entire diagnostic process from sample preparation to detection. Ideally an IQS would in addition also monitor sample collection and transport.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,183,084 B2 and U.S. Pat. No. 7,192,745 describe a specialized type of internal quality control. The parallel complementary control (PCC) has the same thermodynamic properties as the target amplicon and therefore behaves in PCR like the target nucleic acid. The parallel complementary control provides one component to ensure an IQS behaves like the target analyte, however as a piece of naked RNA it would not be resistant to degradation by RNases when added into e.g. human plasma. To fully achieve that the PCC behaves like the target analyte during sample preparation, it needs to be encapsulated in a particle that behaves like the target analyte and can be added to the patient sample without being degraded. This invention is useful to provide RNase resistant parallel complementary internal controls formulated in a patient sample like matrix.
The chimeric RNA genome of the chimeric Pestivurs is useful to provide the RNA based internal controls and quantification standards described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,192,745.
This invention can further be used as a standard for the quantification of RNA as described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,183,084 B2 and further provide an RNase resistant form of a parallel complementary QS as described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,192,745.
Quantification Standards are commonly used in commercial NAT assay kits. Two examples are the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test kit or Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV Test kit. The QS material is described in the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test (P/N: 03542998 190) package insert (5/2007 Doc Rev. 1.0) as “HIV-1 QS (HIV-1 Quantification Standard). An HCV QS is used with the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV Test and described in the package insert.
Two different Pestivirus chimeras could be used as a RNase resistant QS (Chimera Roche-1) and a positive control and a calibrator material (Chimera Roche-2) for the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test. Chimera Roche-2 would contain a heterologous HIV sequence detectable by the assay. Two additional chimeras would be required for the same purpose for the Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV Test kit (Chimera Roche-3 as HCV PC and Chimera Roche-4 as HCV QS).
Internal Controls are commonly used in commercial NAT assay kits. The Pestivirus chimeras could serve as an internal control (IC) for the detection of inhibition as used in the ABBOTT RealTime HIV-1 test kit (69-6672/R1) or ABBOTT RealTime HCV test kit (69-6675/R1). The Abbott Internal Controls are described in the package insert under “Reagents” List No. 2G31Y for the HIV-1 test and List No. 4J86Y for the HCV test. The IC target sequence for both tests was derived from the hydroxypyruvate reductase gene from Cucurbita pepo and delivered as an Armored RNA particle in negative human plasma. A Pestivirus RNA chimera could be used to provide the same sequence from the hydroxypyruvate reductase gene from Cucurbita pepo. A Pestivirus RNA chimera based internal control would mimic the target analyte better than Armored RNA, because it resembles HIV and HCV more than the MS2 bacteriophage.
A Pestivirus chimera could be used as a RNase resistant IC (Chimera Abbott-1) and a separate Pestivirus-HIV Chimera could be provided to serve as low and high positive control in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80) (Chimera Abbott-2). Chimera Abbott-2 could also be used as calibrator material in the Abbott realTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70). One additional Pestivirus-HCV chimera (Chimera Abbott-3) would be required for controls and calibrators of the ABBOTT RealTime HCV test. Unlike the Roche TaqMan assays, which use separate Quantification Standards sequences for their HIV and HCV assay, the Abbott realTime PCR assays, use a common IC sequence for their HIV-1 and HCV assays.
The Pestivirus chimeras can be used as IC, QS, positive control and calibrator in commercial RNA NAT assays. For example, the chimeric RNA genome of the chimeric Pestivirus can be used as Positive control and calibrator in commercial RNA NAT assays. A second chimera would be required to serve as IC or QS. These controls can be packaged together or separate from the other required reagents. The materials can be lot specific or lot independent.
A modified cDNA of BVDV (type-1) strain CP7 was generated as a starting material for all subsequent procedures (Becher et al., 2000 J. Virol. 74: 7884-7894). The modification was performed such that the CP7 insert (Tautz et al., J Virol. 1996 November; 70(11):7851-8) was removed to create a cDNA containing plasmid that encoded a BVDV “non-CP7” RNA biotype (M. Behrens, unpublished data). A similar construct was published earlier by Makoschey et al., (Vaccine, 2004, Sep. 3; 22(25-26):3285-94.) The complete sequence of the cDNA for the BVDV-non-CP7 is given as SEQ ID NO: 1.
The plasmid encoding the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA was linearized by restriction digestion with the restriction endonuclease SmaI. In vitro transcripts were generated by run-off transcription using SP6 RNA polymerase. The viral RNA was generated by in vitro transcription using SP6 RNA polymerase. The in vitro generated BVDV-non-CP7 RNAs were transfected into Marbin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cells using standard protocols. Three (3) days post transfection, the cell culture supernatant was collected and used to either titrate the contained infectious virus particles or to re-infect other MDBK cells. Three days after re-infection, virus titers were determined and the cells examined for a cytopathic effect using standard procedures (Tautz et al., J. Virology, 1996, 70 (11):7851-8). Thus, the non-cytopathic nature of the generated virus was confirmed. The titrations revealed that 5×106 to 5×107 infectious virus particles were detectable per ml of cell culture supernatant (see also Table 1 and Table 2, data for BVDV-non-CP7).
Example 2 Generation of Chimeric BVDV-Non-CP7 cDNAsThe plasmid including the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA (SEQ ID NO: 1) was then used to introduce the HCV 5′NTR sequence (HCV Con1 cDNA; Lohmann et al., 1999) within the BVDV 3′NTR to obtain a functional chimeric viral sequence (BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR).
For that purpose, a synthetic DNA fragment was generated commercially. This DNA fragment corresponded to the ClaI (initiating at pos. 11047 of the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA sequence)/SmaI (initiating at pos.12264 of BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA sequence) fragment of the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA (SEQ ID NO:1), but also included an HCV 5′NTR insert (Con 1 subtype 1 b isolate; Lohmann et al., 1999, Science. Jul. 2: 285 (5424): 110-3) flanked by two restriction sites (SnaBI and PacI) and an additional TAA trinucleotide. The cDNA sequence of the HCV 5′NTR is given in SEQ ID NO: 2. This heterologous insert was positioned such that in corresponding RNA transcripts it was located between the UGApos.cons. box and the SLII stem-loop structure in the 3′V of the BVDV non-CP7 3′NTR (see
Using standard recombinant cloning techniques, the respective ClaI/SmaI fragment was cloned into the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA (SEQ ID NO:1) containing plasmid that was cut with the same restriction sites. Performing several independent ligations and screening of several hundred clones yielded recombinant plasmids encoding the chimeric cDNA. The resultant chimeric cDNA clone was termed BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR cDNA (SEQ ID NO: 3). It thus encoded a heterologous sequence at position 12134, i.e., essentially two novel restriction sites and the HCV 5′NTR (SEQ ID NO: 2) placed within the sequence encoding the BVDV 3′NTR to yield the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera (SEQ ID NO: 3,
Applying the same strategy, an insert encoding two restriction sites, SnaBI and PacI) was introduced into the BVDV-non-CP7 cDNA containing plasmid (SEQ ID NO: 1) at the same position (insertion at position 12134). This construct was termed BVDV-non-CP7+cloning site, and the cDNA sequence is given in SEQ ID No: 4.
The correctness of the respective inserts was verified by restriction analysis of the cDNA encoding plasmids and sequencing as shown in
Several individually isolated cDNA plasmids encoding either BVDV-non-CP7 (SEQ ID NO: 1), the BVDV-non-CP7+cloning site chimera (SEQ ID NO: 4), or the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera (SEQ ID NO: 3) were grown in E. coli. The plasmids were prepared using standard procedures and the authenticity of the inserts was verified by DNA sequencing. The overall stabilities of the plasmids through several passages in E. coli were verified by performing restriction analysis using multiple restriction enzymes and sequencing.
Example 4 The Pestivirus BVDV Chimeric RNAs are Replication Competent and Generate Infectious Virus Particles at Similar Titers as the Original BVDV-Non-CP7 RNAThe plasmids encoding the chimeric cDNAs were linearized with the restriction endonuclease SmaI. In vitro transcription was performed with SP6 RNA polymerase using standard protocols. The viral RNA then was transfected into Marbin Darby bovine kidney cells (MDBK) using standard procedures. Three (3) days post transfection, the virus titer contained in the cell culture supernatant was measured by a standard titration protocol. The transfection supernatant was then used to re-infect cells and to re-harvest and re-titrate virus at 3 day intervals. As shown in Table 1, the virus titers obtained after the initial transfection and re-infection were found to be similar with experiments that were performed with the RNAs of BVDV-non-CP7 and two BVDV-non-CP7+cloning site chimeras (K17 and K25), respectively.
As shown in Table 2 (line 1) similar virus titers to those found in Table 1 were also obtained with transfection and first re-infection experiments when the BVDV-non-CP7 and the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera were tested, respectively. As also shown in Table 2, similar virus titers were found throughout subsequent re-infection experiments up to 7 re-infection passages) for the BVDV-non-CP7 and the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera, respectively
To test for viral protein synthesis, cells that were infected with virus (see above) were investigated by immunofluoresence (IF) to detect newly synthesized NS3 protein. IF-detectable synthesis of NS3 protein unambiguously indicated RNA replication. Protein synthesis that occurred by translation of the viral RNA within the cell was not detectable. In other words, only if the RNA amplified would sufficient protein be synthesized and thus become detectable by IF testing (Behrens et al., 1998; J Virol. 1998 March; 72(3):2364-72). We detected NS3 synthesis with both chimeras(BVDV-nonCP7+cloning site and BVDV-nonCP7-HCV 5′NTR), as well as with the BVDV-non-CP7 throughout all of the performed transfection/infection experiments that are shown in Tables 1 and 2. In sum, these results showed that following transfection of the RNAs into host cells, the Pestivirus chimeras BVDV-non-CP7+cloning sites and BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR showed identical rates of viral protein synthesis and of infectious viral particle formation.
Example 5 Growth of BVDV-Non-CP7 and the BVDV-Non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR ChimeraThe growth characteristics of the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera was compared with that of the BVDV-non-CP7. As shown in
The Pestivirus BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′ NTR chimera was passaged (performing subsequent re-infection experiments) for up to seven times (several weeks), without loss of titer (see Table 2; see Example 4). As shown in Table 2, measuring the virus titers after seven passages revealed no significant differences in the titer of the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera with respect to the titer of BVDV-non-CP7 (commonly, average titers of 5×107/ml cell culture supernatant were measured). These findings allowed stable manufacturing of larger amounts (>I liter) of virus in culture.
To determine the stability of the genomic sequence of the BVDV non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera, after three passages as well as after seven passages, total viral RNA was isolated from the infected cells (using a standard procedure; Behrens et al., 1998; J Virol. 1998 March; 72(3):2364-72.) and the BVDV 3′NTR amplified by RT-PCR. After cloning of the PCR fragments (cloning site BamHI, XbaI), five different clones were sequenced. The clones generated from the 3rd passage showed no nucleotide exchanges (data not shown). The clones generated from the 7th passage showed very few changes: Two of five clones that were obtained after the 7th passage displayed one nucleotide exchange within the HCV insert, while two clones showed mutations within the genomic BVDV sequence, and one clone showed no changes.
Inactivation experiments of the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR virus particles were performed. The culture supernatant of BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR infected MDBK cells (7th re-infection, virus titer approximately 1×108 per ml) was incubated with various concentrations of β-propiolactone for various times at three different temperatures (4° C., 25° C. and 37° C.) as indicated in Table 4. The β-propiolactone is a protein-modifying agent known to react with amides of the NH3 group of lysine or arginine. Following incubation, the culture supernatants were titrated and tested by immunofluoresence (IF, see Example 4) to detect viral RNA replication, and thus detection of infectious virus for the cultured cells. The data obtained are shown in Table 4. When infectious virus was detectable throughout several titrations (12×1:5 steps), it was scored as (+)-IF. When no infectious virus was detectable throughout several titrations (12×1:5 steps), it was scored (−)-IF. As shown below, when the culture supernatant was incubated at 0.03% β-propiolactone at 37° C. for 120 min, the Pestivirus chimeric virus was inactivated, while there was no toxicity for the cultured cells.
Two DNA plasmid BVDV chimera clones (K4 and K8) expected to contain the HCV 5′NTR sequence were transcribed into full length viral RNA. MDBK cells were transfected with viral RNA and cultured. The cells produced infectious viral particles, which were subsequently harvested and tested for containing the expected HCV 5′NTR RNA sequence (see Example 3).
Viral RNA was extracted from clone K4 and K8 supernatant, as well as a HCV control, using the QIAamp Virus MinElute Kit (QIAGEN). Reverse transcription real time PCR was performed using the Roche TaqMan HCV ASR. K4 and K8 BVDV-HCV chimeras showed high titer HCV signals indicating successful integration of the HCV 5′NTR into BVDV (Table 5). Based on the observed Ct values it was estimated both chimeras produced a signal equivalent to about 300 million HCV IU/mL. One IU has previously been estimated to be roughly equivalent to 2.63 viral particles. The estimated titer of 7.8E+08 virus particles/mL is higher than the observed 9.30E+07 infectious particles/mL (Table 2) because only about one in 10 viral particles is infectious. HCV patient samples rarely exceed 10 million IU/mL.
It should be noted that International Units (IU) are a different unit of measure than the previously mentioned “infectious particles” in Table 2. The HCV control showed the expected value.
We tested whether the positive HCV signal in Example 6 was generated from RNA or an unlikely DNA contamination from the cDNA plasmid encoding the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera RNA. The BVDV-nonCP7-HCV 5′NTR K4 and K8 chimera samples were extracted using a QIAamp Virus MinElute Kit (QIAGEN). PCR amplifications were performed using two separate preparations of the TaqMan One-Step RT-PCR Master Mix Reagents (ABI) and a reverse transcription PCR was performed using an HCV PCR assay based on real time detection. One master mix was prepared with no reverse transcriptase (RT), while the other master mix contained the reverse transcriptase enzyme. The RT enzyme is required for converting RNA into cDNA, which can be used during PCR by a thermostable DNA polymerase as substrate for amplification. RNA is no substrate for the DNA polymerase. Without the RT, it was expected if RNA were the source of the HCV signal, no DNA template would be made, and thus no amplification by DNA polymerase could occur. However without RT, if DNA were the source of the HCV signal, it would serve as the template for DNA polymerase and a HCV signal would be generated.
BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimera samples were prepared with both master mixes, and run on the same 96-well plate on the ABI 7300. As shown in Table 6, the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimera samples and HCV samples only amplified when the reverse transcriptase (RT) was present. This allowed the conclusion that the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimera samples contain RNA, not DNA. Also, the HCV control signal originated as expected from RNA.
We tested to determine whether the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimera RNA was resistant to RNase degradation because its RNA was protected within an intact virion, or if it existed as non-encapsulated, free RNA vulnerable to enzymatic digestion with RNase.
The two BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5′NTR chimeras K4 and K8 and an HCV control were tested under two conditions. In one experiment, an RNase digest was done prior to extraction (QIAamp Virus MinElute Kit (QIAGEN)). Loss of signal in PCR amplification would indicate free, unprotected RNA. In a second control condition, no RNase was added to the HCV-BVDV chimera samples before extraction. If the chimeric RNA was non-encapsulated, the RNase digest would degrade the free RNA. This degradation would either eliminate the HCV signal completely, or shift the Ct to a significantly higher value.
As shown in Table 7, the Ct values for the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimeras K4 and K8 did not significantly change after RNase treatment, indicating the RNA is encapsulated, and therefore protected from RNA degradation. To control RNase digestion was working, we extracted the HCV RNA and treated it with RNase prior to amplification. The HCV signal was eliminated completely, confirming the RNase digest was working as expected.
The performance of a known HCV calibrator (AcroMetrix OptiQuant HCV) consisting of intact naturally occurring HCV virions in plasma was compared with the performance of a BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimeric HCV calibrator, which also consisted of intact virions in plasma. First, a value assignment of the 0.05% β-propiolactone inactivated BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR stock material in plasma was conducted using an HCV Acrometrix Primary Standard (APS). The HCV APS is metrologically traceable to the Second HCV WHO Standard (NIBSC code: 96/798). The BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimera sample was diluted to the same levels as the OptiQuant HCV panel members: 5E6, 5E5, 5E4, 5E3, 5E2, 5E1 IU/ml. The OptiQuant HCV panel had also been value assigned using the HCV APS. RNA extraction for the calibrators was performed using the QIAamp Virus MinElute Kit (QIAGEN) on the automated QIAcube instrument (QIAGEN). Real-time PCR was performed using a reverse transcription PCR HCV assay based on real time detection.
As shown in
In this experiment the HCV signal generated with the BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR chimera functioned as QS for a quantitative West Nile Virus (WNV) assay. Four replicates of a WNV panel at 1E6, 1E5, 1E4, and 1E3 copies/ml were extracted using the Qiagen QIAcube with the Qiagen QIAamp MinElute Virus Spin Kit. 19.4 μl of BVDV at a concentration of 1E4 IU/ml was added as an internal quantification standard (QS) to the carrier RNA solution following the MinElute sample extraction protocol. 12.34 μl of the RNA eluate was amplified using WNV assay reagents, which also contained HCV-5′NTR primers and probes. The PCR reaction was run on an Applied Biosystems, ABI PRISM 7300. The data were analyzed using the Applied Biosystems Sequence Detection Software version 1.4.
The results of the linear regression analysis are shown in
This experiment demonstrated usefulness of a BVDV chimera as an internal Quantification Standard (QS) in a quantitative NAT assay. The calibration curve for a quantitative WNV assay was generated by subtracting the WNV Ct value from the QS (BVDV-non-CP7-HCV 5 NTR) Ct and plotting the difference in Ct against the known WNV concentration in copies/mL (cp/mL).
Example 12 Generation of a cDNA or Plasmid from Purified Chimeric Pesitvirus RNADonis and Vassilev described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,001,613 the generation of plasmid containing the cDNA of BVDV and producing infectious BVDV. The same methods and more recent methods known in the art can be used to purify viral RNA from the pestivirus-chimera and use the purified RNA to generate cDNA of this chimera. The cDNA can be cloned into a plasmid. The cDNA or plasmid would be useful as the starting point for generating new virus as described in Examples 3 and 4.
1. A chimeric viral RNA sequence comprising: a first virus RNA sequence from Pestivirus, and a second RNA sequence located within a 3′ NTR of the first Pestivirus RNA sequence downstream of a 5′ UGA box, wherein the chimeric viral RNA sequence is stable in RNA replication and forms a ribonuclease resistant viral particle.
2.-30. (canceled)
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 18, 2014
Publication Date: Feb 4, 2016
Inventors: Erhard Ralf SCHOENBRUNNER (Charlestown, MA), Sven-Erik Behrens (Halle)
Application Number: 14/575,043