Apparatus and Process for delivering molten steel to a continuous casting mold
Apparatus and Process for delivering molten steel to a continuous casting mold with high inclusion removal capability and high mold pool flow optimization potential includes a tundish with a novel design and a metal distributor comprising a main chamber body connected to a vacuum device and tubes for metal exchange between the tundish, the distributor and the casting mold. At least one of the tubes has gas injection devices to perform gas lifting functions. The new design of the tundish enables it to receive all the steel in a ladle without leaving any heel and refining the steel to an extremely low inclusion level. The distributor is able to achieve an effective hydrostatic head relative to the mold metal level of the order of 10−2 m or below in the submerged entry nozzle and obtain fully filled and stable flow with low disturbance inside the SEN and therefore is able to deliver the molten steel at low velocities at SEN exits with minimum turbulent disturbance and high flow, thermal and chemical homogeneity over the entire metal bath in the mold. The invention also makes it possible to leave no heels in either the tundish or the distributor when they are replaced. The invention is particularly useful for thin slab and strip casting processes where mold flow control is critical to the casting process.
In conventional continuous casting of steel, a tundish positioned above the mold is used to slow down steel poured from a ladle. From the tundish, steel flows through submerged immersion nozzles (SEN) to the casting mold and solidifies while being pulled out from the mold.
The principal role of a tundish is flow modification and control. Some refining functionalities may be needed with inclusion removal as the main focus. Currently, due to its inherent deficiencies resulting from its relative position between the ladle and the mold, no tundish can perform ideally in either flow control or in inclusion removal.
For the flow control or optimization, capability of the current tundish system is seriously impaired due to the fact that there exists a large hydrostatic head in the tundish relative to the steel pool in the mold. Stop rods and sliding gates must be used to regulate the steel flow rates. As a result, chaotic pressure field inside the SEN and disturbing flow streams at SEN exits are created. Flow field inside the mold is greatly impacted because of this chaotic flow pattern inside and in the nearby area of the SEN as well as the deep flow penetration and large meniscus fluctuation. Such flow distribution in the mold makes optimization of the flow and thermal fields in the mold for improved casting extremely difficult. This is particularly important when near net shape casting such as strip casting and high speed casting with great emphasis on stable and profitable production is concerned. To fundamentally change this situation, improvements in shape change or internal structure modification of the current tundish system can hardly be sufficient since the root cause is the chaotic flow state inside the SEN resulting from the high hydrostatic pressure in the tundish. Such situation also limits the use and the effectiveness of the more advanced SEN designs with variable exit opening shapes and dimensions needed for the optimized steel delivery to the mold. Furthermore, the chaotic and multi-phase flow inside the SEN also promotes the aggregation and precipitation of the inclusions along the phase interfaces and makes the SEN clogging more severe.
For the inclusion removal, significant efforts have been devoted to improve both the design and the process of the tundish. However, since it needs frequent replacement and repair, the size and weight of a tundish can not be too large. This limits the possibility of creating sufficient inclusion removal conditions in the tundish for inclusions to collide and aggregate and grow large enough to float out of the steel bath. Such shortcomings cannot be fundamentally improved with any internal flow control devises or filters.
Since the inclusion removal capability of the tundish is low, usually, the required inclusion level is obtained in refining stages before the melt is teemed into the tundish. The role of the tundish is then to avoid inclusion formation due to entrapment of ladle slag or re-oxidation. State of the art of current tundish technologies is to use slag detection devises to detect the beginning of slag entrapment and then stop the teeming process. A heel of residual steel up to 5% of the total heat is left in the ladle and dumped with slag. This inevitably reduces metal yield and profitability of the process.
The current tundish systems are particularly weak in removing inclusions with sizes smaller than 20 μm which in many cases, particularly for those steel grades with total oxygen content below 10-20 ppm, makes up the majority of the oxygen content. The reason is discussed below.
For small inclusions in a turbulent flow field, its removal from the bulk body of the liquid usually takes the path from inside the liquid to the surface or the interfaces between the liquid and foreign objects such as lining walls or flow control devices. Since the micro inclusions in the molten steel rise very slowly, it takes a long time for them to reach the top slag. e.g., for an oxide of 30 μm, it takes more than 10 minutes to rise a distance of 0.3 meters. It is then not practical to remove inclusions smaller than 30 μm in a conventional tundish by floatation only. To remove these micro inclusions, measures must be taken to promote their collision and aggregate with larger inclusions so that their rising velocity can be increased and they can float out the steel in a short time.
A great amount of work has been done on the collision and growth of micro inclusions in a turbulent flow field. The general conclusion from these studies is that the overall collision, aggregate and growth rate of micro inclusions are greater for larger inclusion sizes, higher turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate which represents the eddy activity intensity in the flow and longer inclusion transit time in the tundish.
Some note is needed for the effect of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate E. The higher its value, the longer will the small inclusions' trajectory be, and the more possibly will inclusion collision occur. It should be noted that ε used in this case is only from thermal dissipation of the small eddies whose sizes are close to the Kolmogorov micro length scale, lλ. It should not include the energy losses resulting from flow variations caused by objects larger than lλ, such as surface wave movement, collisions and frictions with walls or flow control devices. In most of the tundishes, lλ, is in the range of 30-300 μm.
Calculated results from the above well established theory indicate, in order to achieve significant removal of small size inclusions, the two most necessary conditions should be:
- The minimum effective collision and growth time of inclusions is 500 seconds with some additional time for floatation.
- The turbulent flow field in the tundish has a relatively homogeneous distribution of ε over the path of inclusion movement, and the value of ε is greater than 0.005 m2/s3, but lower than a certain value to prevent the breakup of the newly formed large inclusions.
These conditions can be hardly found in any existing tundishes.
To meet the conditions for micro inclusion removal and in the mean time open up ways to optimize steel delivery to the mold, a fundamentally novel approach is used in this invention that is revolutionary as compared with existing tundish systems. In this invention, a tundish positioned on the side of the mold has a novel internal design to create the needed conditions for enhanced inclusion removal, and a metal distributor positioned above both the tundish and the mold and based on a vacuum enhanced gas lifting process is used to deliver steel from the tundish to the mold with steady and well distributed flow features that are needed for the advanced continuous casting of steel.
This invention is pertaining to the molten steel delivery system from the ladle to the mold of a continuous caster in the steel industry. The new delivery system is fundamentally different from the conventional ones. It targets the challenges faced by the current systems, has components that are tasks specific, and as a whole, delivers cleaner steel to the mold with steady, consistent and well-distributed flows in both SEN and in mold for improved casting process and quality at a lower cost.
As shown in
The distributor 11 is a relatively small and enclosed vessel. It transfers liquid steel from the tundish 1 to the mold 13 with at least one conduit acting as a lifting tube 8, one or more conduits as down tube 9 for steel to flow back to the tundish to maintain a constant metal level in the distributor and at least one submerged entry nozzles (SEN) 12 to consistently deliver steel to the mold 13 with desired flowrate and flow pattern at minimum turbulent disturbance. The lifting tube 8 may have a gas injection device 36 at its bottom to obtain enhanced lifting effect. The distributor 11 has a connecting port 14 for a vacuum devise so that pressure above its metal bath can be reduced and controlled to assist the automatic metal level control and the transfer of steel from tundish 1 to distributor 11.
Tundish 1 is positioned on the side of the mold as shown in
The zone B, which has one or more narrow channels 32, is the zone of inclusion growth and removal. The argon-blowing devices 6 blow argon from the bottom in the narrow channels, and produce gas-liquid two phase plumes 33 with free surfaces 34, which have adequate turbulent dissipation rate needed for high collision and growth rates of the inclusions. As shown in
After zone B, molten steel will enter zone C for further inclusion removal. Additional argon blowing devices 6 in the bottom help grown inclusion particles float up. The particles of size larger than 20 μm should be able to rise to above a height of 200-300 mm. The opening 37 on the bottom of wall 7 between zone C and zone D is 100-200 mm high from the floor. The lower portion of the steel bath that pass through to the zone D has a very low inclusion level that proceeds further to the distributor and then to the mold.
The forth zone, zone D, is the clean steel zone which is the reservoir to hold the refined molten steel and deliver it to the mold through the distributor. Oxygen in the form of oxide inclusions in this zone could reach a level below 10 ppm as a result of the high collision and growth rates of the micro inclusions in the Zone B, and the maximum size of inclusions could be as small as 10 μm, as a result of the combined effects of the long transit time and the design of the separation wall with the opening 37 to prevent larger inclusions from getting into the Zone D. In the zone D, a desired feature would be a heating device 38, a plasma flame generator for example so that steel in the tundish can be kept at a temperature that is optimal for delivery to the mold. To help this, low heat capacity insulation linings can be used for the tundish walls. An emergency drainage 10 is provided at the lowest location of the tundish bottom to empty the tundish when it is necessary. The emptied steel can be fed back to Zone A after the casting restarts instead of being treated as scraped melt.
The distributor 11 transfers the clean steel from the tundish to the mold and, as shown in
The lifting tube 8 raises the liquid steel from the tundish 1 to the distributor 11 for delivery to the mold 13. To lift the liquid steel from the tundish to the distributor, pressure inside the distributor is first lowered with the vacuum device 14 so that steel will fill the lifting tube 8. In the case there is no gas lifting devices used, steel level in the tundish is kept at a height slightly higher than that in the mold to create the steel flow from the tundish to the mold. In the case argon-blowing device 36 is used at or near the bottom of the lifting tube, argon blowing into the steel inside the lifting tube 8 plays major role in creating the steel flow. The buoyancy effect of the gas phase raises the height of the gas-liquid column flow in the lifting tube 8 and draws the steel into the lifting tube and then the distributor chamber, as shown in
The distributor 11 is a shallow container, and a vacuum devise 14 lowers its inner pressure to below one atmosphere. The height difference between steel at the location where it enters the distributor from the lifting tube and steel inside the SEN determines the effective hydrostatic pressure, ΔHEff. The steady flow that results from the lifting effect of injected argon, in combination with the low hydrostatic pressure, leads to a desired optimal speed and flow condition without turbulent fluctuations inside the SEN and at the SEN exits into the mold, which is vital for the flow pattern in the mold, and consequently the quality of casting.
Around the area of the down tube 9 in the distributor 11, a refractory wall 39 is built. The height difference between the SEN opening and the top of the wall 39 determines the height of the steel bath above the SEN. The height difference, ΔHC, adds another measure for control of the effective hydrostatic pressure and the flow rates of the steel.
Another design feature of the distributor is the dams 22 which are used in the distributor to guide the metal flow so that, for multiple SENs, molten steel takes the same flow length to reach each one of them
The main body of the distributor 11 shown in
With the features of this new unique metal delivery system, the tundish can be positioned at the same level as the mold and has a much greater metal holding capacity and service life. This reduces the required height of the shop building, and also makes the operations of the casting station more flexible and smooth. Since fewer components that are either easily worn or damaged such as the sliding gate or sitting bricks are used in the tundish, process stoppage caused by the failure of these components will be reduced.
The unique design of two containers, namely the tundish and the distributor, with the lifting and down tubes in between, facilitates the control of the depth of the steel bath in the distributor before the steel enters the mold. The hydrostatic pressure of the steel flow is now determined in the distributor, instead of the tundish. With the reservoir bank wall in the down flow area, the bath depth is accurately maintained. The vacuum level above the bath in the distributor, and the lifting gas flowrate are adjusted according to the needs of the casting process. With these enhanced flow control measures in the distributor and in the SEN, improved flow patterns can be obtained in the mold for better casting process control and casting quality.
Detailed Description of the Preferred EmbodimentReferring to the drawings, as shown in
Referring again to the drawings with the side view of the casting station shown in
All the argon blowing devices 6 are kept at blowing state from shortly before the first ladle starts teeming and are creating the wide fan-shaped bubbly plumes shown in
The driving forces of the flow in the channels are mainly from three sources, namely, the higher metal level in the receiving zone A, the momentum from the down pour stream of the ladle 15 and the buoyancy of the bubbly plumes which are adjusted in the way that their sprout heights decrease along the length of the channels so that steel is driven to flow along the channels.
With the refining done in the tundish 1, clean metal is first transferred into the distributor 11 and then to the mold 13. Similar to the preparation of the tundish 1, the operation of the distributor is different when it is a start up of a new distributor. In this case, the preheated new distributor 11 is moved into the working position with the vacuum devise started and the openings of the SEN 12 blocked with melt-away seals. Before lowering the distributor to the desired height, the argon blowing device 36 at the bottom of the lifting tube that is still out of the molten steel is started to flush out the air inside the distributor. With the air inside the distributor mostly removed, the distributor is further lowered to the working position with all the conduits in the set depths in the mold or in the tundish. Steel is then moving up the lifting tube 8 into the distributor 11 under the combined effect of vacuum and the gas lifting and fill the down tube 9 and the SEN 12. The seal used to block steel flow at the bottom of the SEN 12 is made of the same grade steel as the casting and has a thickness that gives a melting away time required to just fully fill the SEN 12 so that a gradual and steady initial steel stream is created at the start of the casting. Once the casting process reaches the stable state, steel flow rates inside lifting tube 8, down tube 9 and SEN 12 are controlled and adjusted at the required level with several means, including the vacuum level inside the distributor 11, argon flow rate inside the lifting tube 8 and vertical position of the tundish 1. Plug rods or sliding gates are not necessary for either SEN 12 or lifting tube 8. In some situations, removable plugs can be used to block openings of SEN, lifting tube and down tube to prevent air entry.
An example of the control of metal levels in the distributor and in all the conduits such as the lifting tube as well as the control of the steel flowrate to the mold is given here with the set up shown in
An example of the detailed steel transfer process is shown in
Steel transfer rates are determined by the casting speed and controlled with several measures such as the liquid fraction α inside the lifting tube 8 or injected argon flowrate and the diameter of the lifting tube 8. For two different cases with a casting rate of 100 and 250 tons/hour, respectively, the following data may reflect the system operation conditions:
casting rate=100 ton/hr(14.3 m3/hr=0.004 m3/s): Case-1,
- Inner diameter of the lifting tube=0.12 m
- Inner cross sectional area of the lifting tube=0.01131 m2
- Standard argon flowrate ˜0.0003 m3/s=18 NL/min
- Gas void fraction=1−α=0.2
- Steel flow superficial velocity inside SEN=0.35 m/s
casting rate=250 ton/hr(35.7 m3/hr=0.01 m3/s) Case-2,
- Inner diameter of the lifting tube=0.15 m
- Inner cross sectional area of the lifting tube=0.0177 m2
- Standard argon flowrate ˜0.007 m3/s=40 NL/min
- Gas void fraction=1−α=0.35
- Steel flow superficial velocity inside SEN=0.57 m/s
1. Apparatus for refining steel to low inclusion content and delivering the clean steel to a continuous casting machine, comprising: (a) a container for receiving steel from a ladle, and removing inclusions from steel, positioned on the side of the mold of the continuous casting machine, (b) a second container for delivering steel to a mold of a casting machine, connected to a vacuum device and having means to transfer the steel back to the first container and maintain the depth of its steel bath accurately, (c) conduits for exchanging steel between the first and the second container, and between the second container and the mold.
2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the first container is a tundish having at least one internal part with openings at their bottom for dividing the said container into separate zones.
3. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein argon stifling devices are installed in at least one zone of the tundish for creating a flow field with the adequate turbulent energy dissipation rate and increased transit time of steel.
4. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the second container is a distributor connected to a vacuum device to reduce its inner pressure to below the atmospheric level, has exits on the bottom to connect with submerged entry nozzles, and has a bottom surface that is tilted up towards the mold side so that steel flows back to the tundish when casting stoppage occurs.
5. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein conduits are installed in the area of the tundish's final zone where inclusions are mostly removed, and connected at the other end to the distributor to act as flow paths for the molten steel between the tundish and the distributor.
6. The apparatus of claim 5, wherein one or more conduits have gas injection devises at the bottom for creating bubbly gas-liquid flow inside the conduits and metal communication between the tundish, the distributor and the mold.
7. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein the distributor further comprises a small reservoir which is made around the top of the down tubes with the top surface of the reservoir bank being higher than the bottom surface where steel enters the SEN.
8. A method of delivering molten steel from a ladle to a mold of a continuous casting machine, comprising steps of receiving steel from the ladle to a first container positioned on the side of the mold whereby all the steel plus some slag in the ladle can be poured into the container, passing steel through the first container whereby the content of non-metallic inclusions in the steel is reduced, transferring the cleaner steel from the first container to a second container positioned above the mold, and delivering the steel from the second container to the mold.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein the steel is received from the ladle by a tundish having more than one zones.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein steel flows past at least an inclusion removal zone in the tundish with a flow field with the adequate turbulent energy dissipation rate distribution and long inclusion transit time, and a floatation zone with means promoting inclusions flow up to the steel surface.
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the inclusion removal zone comprises flow channels with gas blowing devices at the bottom to create a series of fan-shaped bubbly plumes to provide efficient inclusion collide, agglomerate and float-up conditions.
12. The method of claim 11, wherein clean steel after being refined in the inclusion removal zone is transferred to a distributor having a sloped bottom surface, a vacuum device, and conduits for steel flow between the tundish and the mold.
13. The method of claim 12, wherein the clean steel is transferred to the distributor by one or more lifting tubes as a result of the vacuum maintained in the distributor above the mold.
14. The method of claim 12, wherein the clean steel is transferred to the distributor by one or more lifting tubes having gas injection devises at the bottom to enhance the vacuum lifting effect.
15. The method of claim 12, wherein the distributor has one or more than one conduits acting as down tubes to let steel flow back to the tundish and control the depth of the molten steel inside the distributor.
16. The method of claim 8, wherein conditions of steel flowing from the second container to the mold is controlled and adjusted by means of vacuum pressure in the container, the vertical positions of the second and the first containers, the gas flow rate inside the lifting tube and the depths of the molten steel inside the first and the second containers.
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 22, 2014
Publication Date: Feb 25, 2016
Applicant: MOLTENIDEAS LLC (Commerce Twp, MI)
Inventor: Xiaoyan Li (Commerce Twp, MI)
Application Number: 14/466,014