The present invention refers to a modular system for fast connection of habitable modules (2) based on coupling standardized shipping containers to adjusted receiving structures (3). This system is based on a connecting plate system (1), habitable modules (2), a receiving structure (3), an alveolar structure (7) to connect said receiving structure (3) and automatic systems for transport, lifting, docking and coupling. The present invention refers also to a method of fast connection of habitable modules (2) within this modular structure.
The present patent application refers to multidisciplinary technical fields of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and particularly concerns a connecting plate (1) for infrastructural connection of habitable modules (2), based on a coupling system of standardized shipping containers to structures adapted to receive them (receiving structures, also known as motherboard (3)), including all specific and necessary systems of transportation, lifting (4), docking and coupling.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONPresently, mobility is a key element of global economy. Every day, people and all kinds of objects are moved to and from all parts of the world, however what is considered to be habitable space is not one of these movable items. The present invention allows for a habitable module (2) to be seen as a tradable good, separable, easily transportable and exportable, solving many difficulties arising from the natural itineration of people, companies, institutions as well as their respective spaces and goods, through introduction of a system that allows for the use of shipping containers normalized for transportation by sea, and which are also used in commercial air transport, as housing solution with high mobility and sustainability.
In addition, different cultures have different needs regarding space to live or to work, and these are the main limitations to the integration of itinerant people in countries of destination. On the other hand, the customization of these spaces involves considerable costs for employers and requires time that is always scarce in the context of the dynamics that result from the current processes of internationalization. Identical limitations contribute to increased costs of individual mobility (independent professionals, artists, researchers, consultants, etc.) during stays of variable duration, far from the usual place of residence, which often implies or associates to efficiency losses, increase of costs and time, additional equipment transportation, etc. Also cultural and leisure travelling activities face difficulties arising from the practical impossibility of moving the habitable space, leading to occasional speculation of available local spaces or even, when this is too scarce, to preventing event planning (sports games, concerts, religious pilgrimage, etc.).
The present invention refers to an ancient need, expressed in several moments of recent history, to achieve low-cost mobile housing. The first references and patents identified refer to similar solutions to the invention herein proposed, are found in 1947 (U.S. Pat. No. 2,499,498), during post-war period, mentioning a solution of habitable modules for mounting structures in height, by crane. This solution, both ingenious and inventive, lacked universality of its infrastructural support and the module itself did not correspond to our current standardized shipping containers. Since then, other solutions were tested without, however, being successfully implemented (CA718143, U.S. Pat. No. 3,388,512, U.S. Pat. No. 3,541,744, U.S. Pat. No. 3,733,763). In all these solutions, habitable modules were not standardised containers and therefore not universal, in addition they raised issues of practical implementation, complex and unsolved, related with handling mechanisms and connection between modules and the receiving structure/infrastructure. More recently a solution was disclosed (EP1395715 B1) of habitable modules but which, by it's nature, do not fit the global and transversal market that the present invention suits, since the habitable modules are not standardised containers and the generic solution generates low-income due to its limitations of technical nature ranging from the maximum general dimensioning of the present invention to its infrastructural feasibility as evolutionary model.
The present provided invention has goals and ambitions well precise and defined. The present invention provides a means to change the paradigm of housing, by introducing “mobility factor” in a universal, cross-sectional and economic way, in various housing related markets. What makes this solution unique, in a completely new and innovative way, is the systematic way through which it addresses, from a technical, urban and social point of view, the natural difficulties arising from the use of known solutions for housing mobility.
Starting with the option of standardized shipping containers as structural elements and as a structuring factor of the invention which ensures the universality of the provided solution. The large number of unused containers existing throughout the world ensures easy and affordable access to raw materials.
The receiving motherboard (3) structures, prepared to receive habitable modules (2), ensure variety of solutions and consequent adaptability to multiple cultures, territories and geographies, in addition to a wide variety of markets. Even though motherboard (3) structures can be built with any structural material (common or not) existent in the market, they are preferably designed as metallic structures and therefore dismantable, reusable and evolutionary by enhancing the sustainability of the overall provided solution.
The connecting plate (1) makes it possible to solve a common problem in this market which is the optimization of the infrastructural operation together with the high alternation of habitable modules (2) between housing locations. Its accurate location both in the habitable module (2) and in the actual receiving structure motherboard (3) reinforce the already mentioned universality and make it easy, fast and convenient for its infrastructural coupling/decoupling, handling and subsequent use. In addition, the connecting plate, besides plugging each connection, includes closing lids or caps (6) on the female module which, after disconnecting, ensures total sealing and protection of the infrastructures during transport.
The alveolar structure is the physical space wherein all these elements come together, in a precise and structured way to ensure the functioning of the system and the general objectives of the invention.
The proposed system aims to enable and facilitate, as previously mentioned, this same mobility, using adapted shipping containers to housing/trade/services purposes and integrable in docking structures—designated by motherboard (3)—by simplifying the process of infrastructural connection (manual or automatic) in a universal and economical way.
In this case, a system which is based on the existence of infrastructured structures able to receive containers adapted to liveable spaces, incorporating them through connections of the male/female type and resort, whenever the height of docking requires, a lifting system (4) through an adapted crane or other.
Creation of liveable structures with high mobility and low costs of circulation and displacement, as intended, depends on its quick, efficient and safe installation, in which all relevant infrastructures are contemplated. This specific coupling connection between housing modules (2) and the motherboard (3) is described in the following paragraphs.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONFor providing several services to the habitable module (2) the need came for developing a connecting solution that would guarantee a few essential parameters:
- Speed, economy and ease of installation, as principles that are on the basis of the high mobility of the project.
- Effectiveness, representing the immediate availability of services and their low interruption probability.
- Safety, in order to meet the most demanding standard requirements applied for habitable areas.
- Easy repair in any point of the globe, in order to provide the invention with an universality consistent with the objectives of the project.
The term “mobile housing” includes not only the housing itself, but also offices and warehouses, among other types of habitable spaces.
The term “habitable module” refers to standard maritime containers adapted and intended to be attached to motherboard receiving structures, in accordance with the constraints herein described, where adaptation is understood as the inclusion of female connecting plates (9) (11) and door openings (16) in local and specific designated ranges.
The term ‘motherboard’ (3) identifies a receiving structure and includes the building set and all the structural, infrastructural, technical and architectural elements required, in each context, necessary for the proper functioning of the habitable module (2) when properly coupled and docked.
The term “connecting plate” (1) refers to the set of interface infrastructural elements comprising it, grouped in male-female modules (8) (9) (10) (11), on a fixed and universal basis, enabling the coupling/decoupling to be easy, fast, safe and economic for any habitable module (2) to motherboard structures (3).
The term “alveolar structure” (7) refers to the area of structural delivery for the “habitable module” (2) to the motherboard structure (3) which also includes all attachments/infrastructural connections, spatial and docking related (15) between both.
In this context, we developed a system of connecting plates (1) for quick attachment of multiple infrastructures, facilities and services to be provided, which are required for optimizing the operation of habitable modules (2). The coupling/uncoupling of the above mentioned plates between the habitable module (2) and the motherboard (3) uses a set of complementary parts of male-female type (8) (9) (10) (11) that assembles the corresponding infrastructural connections and a method for coupling (manual or automatic) that connects/disconnects after horizontal displacement movement.
For technical and safety reasons, the infrastructural connections are divided into two groups, both in correspondence between habitable module (2) and motherboard (3).
Thus, the provided system in the present patent application comprises:
An upper connecting plate (1), comprising two modules, with one male (8) and one female (9), comprising connections both for supply of electricity (35) and for data network (35), as well as a link for exhaustion purposes (33), including an output of sanitary facilities and another one from the kitchen area (34) (
A lower connecting plate (1), comprising two modules, one male (10) and one female (11), comprising sanitary water supply (28), hot water (29) (30) and cold water (31) (32) for heating/cooling and independently draining of black wastewater (26) and wastewater containing soap (27) (
In both modules space is provided for eventual future connections.
These connecting plates (1) were developed from scratch, using robust materials and industrial components, universal and easy to replace.
The connecting plate's body (1) is built with a conical format in order to allow the fitting, manual or automatic, coordinated with the installation of the Habitable Module on the motherboard (3) which is performed, by its turn, resorting a stacking machine or stacker (36), a lifting machine or lift (37) or a crane (38) among other similar available systems (
The whole system is designed to withstand frequent travelling and displacement, in different climates, even extreme, and long periods of permanence.
2—Habitable Module
3—Motherboard (receiving structure)
4—Lifting System
5—Means of transport
6—Closing lids
7—Alveolar structure
8—Upper male module
9—Upper female module
10—Lower male module
11—Lower female module
14—Travelling winch
15—Docking system
16—Door Openings
17—Gap between the doors and vertical axes which define the width of the habitable module in the engaged position.
18—Door Width
19—Door Height
20—Distance from female modules (9) (11) to the base of habitable module (2)
21—40 mm
22—Vertical Distance between the female modules (9) and
23—Reversible Opening Doors
24—Outer wall thickness
26—Independent Drainage of black wastewater
27—Waste Water containing soap
28—Domestic hot water supply
29—Hot Water
30—Hot Water
31—Cold Water
32—Cold Water
33—Exhaustion Exit
34—Ventilation Entry
35—Electricity Supply and connection to computing data
36—Stacking machine
37—Lifting machine
39—Inside space
40—Outside space
41—Support structure for connecting plates
42—Micro-adjustment parts
43—Adjustment parts (worm)
44—Rim which defines the dimension of the plate
45—Core of female connecting plates
46—560 mm
47—40 mm
48—80 mm
49—89 m
50—95 mm
51—55 mm
52—50 mm
53—110 mm
54—145 mm
55—160 mm
56—170 mm
57—175 mm
58—296 mm
59—Complete Habitable Module
60—Transport of habitable module
61—Coupling of habitable module
62—Use of habitable module
65—Door Width
66—Door Height
67—Support pins
68—Motherboard aligned with technical area
69—Sliding Doors
70—58 mm
71—58 mm
72—42 mm
73—Folding Balcony
74—Original doors as shutters
Connecting Plate (1)—This is the part which allows for the physical infrastructural connection between the Motherboard and the housing module.
Habitable Module (2)—This is the adapted shipping container with universal fitting for the Motherboard structure.
Motherboard (3)—This is the adapted modular structure corresponding to the common areas of a building containing the infrastructures which enable the use of habitable module and the respective fittings with universal positioning and sizing.
Lifting System (4)—This is the mechanism that allows the handling of habitable module for its placement and fitting in Motherboard structure.
Male modules (8) (10) belonging to connecting plates (1) with their respective support structure (41) and adjusting parts (42) (43).
Infrastructural scheme which, depending both on the variant of motherboard (3) in question, just as on other factors (geographical, cultural, etc.), may be considered with other solutions as long as they do not change the settings of the connecting plate (1) or, ultimately, comprise adapters.
The sanitary piping (26) (27), water supply (28) and climate control (29) (30) (31) (32) in the lower male module (10) and the ventilation connections (34), exhaustion (33) electricity and data (35) for the upper male module (8) with indication of respective piping to ensure use and flexibility.
Door openings (23), on the left and on the right, to allow adaptability to different solutions of housing modules (2).
Besides a sealer (15), it also includes a winch with engine (14) of free positioning to pull the housing module up to the fitting position and a docking hook (15) to match a corresponding hook in the habitable module (2).
In the upper connecting plate (1) (8) (9) there are connections to supply electricity, data network (35), sanitary facility ventilation outlet (33) and exhaust from the kitchen area (34).
On the lower connecting plate (1) (10) (11) there are connections for supply of sanitary water (28), hot water (29) with re-entry (30) and cold water (31) with re-entry (32) to heat/cool and independently drain black wastewater (26) and soap wastewater (27).
Each one of corresponding connections is axis referenced to a set of dimensions expressed in the figure. Following measures are to be considered: 560 mm (46); 40 mm (47); 80 mm (48); 89 mm (49); 95 mm (50); 55 mm (51); 50 mm (52); 110 mm (53); 145 mm (54); 160 mm (55); 170 mm (56); 175 mm (57); 296 mm (58); 58 mm (70); 58 mm (71); 42 mm (72).
For automatic operation of the system, preference goes for a lift (37) with telescopic “palette” to perform the horizontal displacement. Depending on the specific solution for the lift, it may be required previous placement of rollers in the habitable module (2) or on the motherboard itself (3).
For manual and economic operation, it should be considered a crane (38), using a winch with engine (14) to perform the horizontal displacement of the module for housing (2) after alignment with the alveolar structure (7). Depending on the specific solution for the crane, it may be required previous placement of rollers (12) in the habitable module (2) or on the motherboard itself (3).
Referring to the figures, some embodiments are described below, which will now be described in more detail, not limiting, however, the scope of the present application.
Each connecting plate (1) comprises two complementary parts: a female module, applied in mobile element (“habitable module”) and a male module, installed in the adapted receiving structure (motherboard). Modules may be constructed in stainless steel DIN A2, polymeric material, or any other material with similar characteristics of resistance and resilience, being isolated according to standard IP68, so as to ensure the conservation of its components in extreme conditions of weather, temperature and humidity. Security of the modules will be provided by locks of universal type.
The connection enabled by this plate comprises a set of sequential prior steps, relying on external systems to operate, from the arrival of the “habitable module” to the motherboard frame. In a simple way, its sequence is herein described:
1—Positioning the carrier (truck or other) (5) in a location accessible to the installation of the habitable module (2) on the motherboard (3).
2—Activation of the means of installation (stacker) (36), lift (37), crane (38) or other means suitable for lifting) for displacing the habitable module (2) up to the coupling site, aligning it with the corresponding alveolar structure on the motherboard (3).
3—Horizontal displacement of the habitable module (2) on the rollers themselves or the respective rail (13) of the motherboard support (3) (depending on the lifting system used) until the final position for subsequent coupling and docking.
4—Structural mounting (docking) of the container to motherboard (3).
5—Coupling of the infrastructural modules after (or synchronized in the case of automatic connection) the horizontal displacement of the habitable module (2) towards the structure of the motherboard (3).
Within each module are, as previously mentioned, elements for quick connection of infrastructures.
The female modules are placed on the side of the habitable module (2) and the male modules on the side of the motherboard (3), forming a set of 2 connecting plates which are divided into upper connecting plate and lower connecting plate for technical reasons. These are described in more detail below.
In the upper connecting plate, comprising two modules—one male (8) and one female (9), are the previously mentioned connections for the electricity supply (35), connection to the data network (35) and corresponding connections to exhaust (9) and ventilation (9), comprising an output from the toilet and another one from the kitchen area (
For the transmission of electrical power and data, universal multi-coupler connectors with cover are used, comprising within its interior.
- 1. Electrical supply: Single-phase current of 6.9 kVA of apparent power, transmitted through three pins of copper of 3 mm in diameter.
- 2. Data network: two connectors RJ-45.
- 3. Coupling and respective fitting involves applying axial force, wherein undocking is performed in the opposite way, after unlocking its own systems in each one of the connections.
For the ventilation and exhaust services, galvanized steel plate pipes are used (from the “spiro” type with the lid comprising or being made of the same material):
- 1. Ventilation: two sets of circular couplings, preferably of 102 and 152 mm of diameter as maximum calibre to the fix network motherboard.
- 2. Connectors are built from galvanized steel, inox steel or any other material with identical features regarding resistance and resilience, besides being compatible with the remaining infrastructural elements existent on the motherboard. Sealing is accomplished by radial adjustment of high precision between the exterior surface of the mail part and the interior surface of the female part. Coupling is achieved through applying axial force, followed by rotation and uncoupling, reverting the process.
In the lower connecting plate, composed by two modules—a male (10) and a female (11) one, comprehending the previously described supply connections for hot and cold water, sanitary water, hot and cold water for climate control (including re-entry) and connection to the wastewater collecting system comprising an outlet for black wastewater and another one for soap wastewater (
For the supply of these services, current market universal solutions are used according to what is next described:
- 1. Water supply: raccords or fast connecting elements in stainless steel DIN A4, with diameter 25 mm and for pressure ranges up to 16 bar.
- 2. Leak-tightness is assured by stainless steel spherical valves DIN A4 in its interior, based on sealers of fluorcarbon.
- 3. Coupling is accomplished by axial force and decoupling is also performed axially, in reverse direction, under a coaxial bushing located on the female part.
- 4. Wastewater: coupling based on the principle of “storz”, with locking mechanism.
Connections are circular, built upon galvanized steel and are based on sealers of neoprene rubber. The system comprises two distinct connecting elements, preferably with a diameter of 75 and 100 mm. Connection is performed by attachment and rotation, and disconnection is achieved by the opposite procedure.
Lids are from class IP68 and have closing and locking mechanisms of universal type. In its dimensioning, part of the space was reserved to accomodate future infrastructural needs in case the developments of the project or if the technology so dictates.
Connecting elements or connectors are built in galvanized steel, stainless steel or any other material with identical features in terms of resistance and resilience and also compatible with the remaining infrastructural elements on the motherboard. Sealing is accomplished by radial adjustment of high precision between the exterior surface of the male part and the interior surface of the female part. Coupling is achieved through applying axial force, followed by rotation and uncoupling is achieved by reverting the process.
Above mentioned connections are processed in a semi-automatic manner or even manual, synchronized with the horizontal displacement of the container, through simple mechanical systems, being equally possible to perform the whole process in an automatic way, whenever this is economically viable.
On the other hand, as soon as the habitable module (2) reaches its definitive position for fitting and docks to the motherboard (3), its structural fixation is also assured, allowing for the manual access to infrastructural connections for verification, access to meters, resolution of eventual coupling defects and activation of valves and switches, for starting full use of the container. A master key for the existing locks of female modules allows for the opening of the respective access doors. The sequence of manual intervention is the following:
- 1. Electricity supply: connection of single-phase differential switch located on the motherboard.
- 2. Water supply: connection anchorage ball located on motherboard.
- 3. Wastewater: Connection of two sphere valves located on the motherboard.
- 4. Ventilation: connection of two butterfly valves located on the motherboard, using stairs fixed on its structure for an easier access.
- 5. Once connections are completed, the container is ready to be used.
For a global management of motherboard (3) structures, it should be created a specific “site” for the effect, providing services regarding the verification of online availability and marking alveolar structures, but also of logistic support for displacement of habitable modules (2) between different motherboard (3) structures.
1. A system of connecting plates for fast coupling and decoupling of a habitable module (2) to receiving structures (3), comprising:
- an upper connecting plate (1) comprising two modules, a male (8) and a female (9), comprising supplying connections;
- a lower connecting plate (1) comprising two modules, a male (10) and a female (11), comprising supplying connections;
- closing lids (6) on the female module which, after undocking, seal and protect associated infrastructures entirely.
2. The system of connecting plates according to claim 1 characterized in that connection between the plates is performed by high precision radial adjustment between an external surface of the male modules and an interior surface of the female modules.
3. The system of connecting plates according to claim 1, characterized in that a body of the connecting plates has a conical shape thereby allowing for a manual, automatic or robotized fitting, capable of being coordinated with settling containers in the receiving structure (3).
4. The system of connecting plates according to claim 1, characterized in that a location of the female modules (9) (11) within the habitable module (2) has precise ranges, which are defined in a vertical axis and defined by a base of the habitable module, and wherein the female modules are centered on the vertical axis.
5. The system of connecting plates according to claim 1, characterized in that a location of the male modules (8)(10) on the receiving structure (3) has precise ranges which are defined in function of a vertical axis defined by a base of the habitable module (2) and, for the male modules (8)(10), an axis with a center of the habitable module, always in reference to infrastructural courette (64).
6. The system of connecting plates according to claim 1, characterized in that a door location is defined from vertical axes which define a width of the habitable module when in a fitting position (17).
7. A modular structure for fast connection of habitable modules comprising:
- the system of connecting plates according to claim 1;
- habitable modules (2);
- a receiving structure;
- an alveolar structure (7) for connecting to the receiving structure;
- at least one automatic system of transport, lifting (4), docking and coupling.
8. The modular structure for fast connection of habitable modules according to claim 7, characterized in that the alveolar structure (7) comprises a hydraulic interface.
9. The modular structure for fast connection of habitable modules according to claim 7, further comprising a service connection characterized in that the service connection is circular, built from galvanized steel and based on neoprene rubber sealers, being performed by attachment and rotation, whereas disconnection occurs in an opposite way.
10. The modular structure for fast connection of habitable modules according to claim 7 characterized in that it the structures (3) comprise reusable and detachable metallic materials.
11. The modular structure for fast connection of habitable modules according to claim 10 characterized in that the reusable and detachable metallic materials are containers.
12. A method for fast connection of habitable modules in the modular structure according to claim 7, comprising: wherein the sequence of steps is repeatable.
- (i) collection and transport (60) of the habitable module to the location where the habitable module is to be used;
- (ii) coupling (61);
- (iii) use (62),
- (iv) uncoupling;
- (v) collecting and lifting,
13. The method for fast connection of habitable modules in the modular structure according to claim 12 characterized in that:
- the habitable module (2) is positioned in order to be collected by part of the automatic system (4) and comprises placement of rollers (12) underneath the habitable module (2) for subsequent sliding, within rails (13) until the habitable module reaches the alveolar structure (7).
- the automatic system (4) holds the habitable module (2) and effects its vertical displacement up to alignment with the alveolar structure (7).
- the automatic system (4), after synchronization with the support rails (13) of a support of the habitable module (2) of the structure (3) effects horizontal displacement of the habitable module with aid of a winch with engine (14).
- the habitable module (2) effects an infrastructural connection through the connecting plate (1) and respective docking (15), when displacement is completed;
- reverting displacement of the habitable module (2) and collecting the lifting system after undocking and decoupling from the structure (3), with subsequent positioning of the habitable module (2) in a transport means.
14. The method for fast connection of habitable modules in the modular structure according to claim 12 characterized in that steps (i) through (v) are repeated at least once.
Type: Application
Filed: Sep 23, 2015
Publication Date: Dec 7, 2017
Application Number: 15/513,813