A rehabilitative and/or exercise machine that has a frame with attachments to multiple independent bidirectional resistance devices (pneumatic, hydraulic, spring actuated, pulley system, cam, or any other resistance devices) used by the arms and/or legs to provide resistance against movement of the user's appendages in two substantially opposed directions. The resistance devices may have a mechanism such as one or more valves, brakes, springs, or the like that control bi-directional resistance. The action of the arms and/or legs in bi-directional resistance offers near full body exercise of the agonist/antagonist muscles using flexion and extension action of the larger muscle groups in a gait pattern, simultaneously. Hand engaging members attach to the arm resistance devices and foot engaging members attach to the leg resistance devices. The unit may include an attached inclined backboard, mat, bench, or cushion to fully or partially support the user, such as for the user to sit or lay on. The unit may have separate adjustment mechanisms for adjusting the height and/or length of the various portions of the unit to adjust the range of motion of the appendages. The unit may have devices to monitor pulse, oxygen flow and other vital signs.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/336,861, filed on May 16, 2016. The disclosure of the provisional applications are expressly incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the InventionThis invention relates to exercise devices, and, more particularly, relates to devices having multiple resistance elements permitting the user to exercise his or her arms and/or legs synchronously in full or nearly full range of motion without the influence of gravity.
Description of the Prior ArtThere are two major reasons people don't exercise. The most common objection is the time it takes for a workout, typically at least 45-60 minutes, performed three or more times per week. The second most common objection to exercise is the lack of results from engaging in an exercise program.
Safety concerns about exercise in general also limit or altogether preclude many from exercise, including those who: have heart conditions; have balance problems; have dizziness and occasionally lose consciousness; have bone or joint pain made worse by weight-bearing activity; or have neuropathy made worse by weight-bearing activity.
However, the importance of exercise is universally recognized. Moreover, the wider/fuller the range of motion through which a user's appendages are put during exercise, the more benefit is realized. Some of the benefits of full range of motion during exercise include muscles becoming far stronger, not just in the bottom of the range of motion but throughout the entire range of motion, muscle size increases throughout the entire muscle, fat stores decrease, joints are strengthened throughout the entire range of motion, not in just one particular range of motion, less work (weight and intensity) is needed to strengthen a muscle during a full range of motion, and greater efficient load can be imposed on the muscle(s) (using less weight) during full range of motion.
The best exercise for the body is it to engage the most muscle groups in the highest active intensity for the shortest time, until complete fatigue. The more muscles that are engaged, the more the heart pumps blood, the more the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, the greater the volume of oxygen (VO2). The more muscles that are engaged, the less time it takes to reach maximum anaerobic threshold (the point of anaerobic metabolism) and the sooner the striated muscles and cardio-respiratory system reaches fatigue. The most successful cardio-respiratory exercise is one that activates the most muscle groups to reach maximum fatigue as rapidly as possible.
To improve muscle function, tone, strength, and endurance the muscles must be overloaded to the point of fatigue. An overloaded muscle requires more mitochondrial activity, more oxygen consumption, and increased efficient metabolism through anaerobic glycolysis. The longer time spent in muscle overload (past the level of maximum anaerobic threshold), the more oxygen/carbon dioxide is exchanged and the more glucose is used. Therefore, the goal of effective exercise is to bring total cardio-respiratory overload as fast as possible. This can best be done by engaging large muscle mass with bi-directional resistance, through near-complete ranges of motion, while involving both sides of the body synchronously.
In some approaches, such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,750,735, 6,500,099, and 4,949,954, the user is limited in the range of motion provided by the exercise machine. In particular, the exercise machines described in the prior art generally limit the user to extension of one set of limbs during exercise. Other approaches, such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,104,363 and 4,684,126, require the user to remain in a seated position and still limits the range of motion provided during exercise. There is an unmet need in the art for an exercise machine that allows a user to have a full range of motion in both the arms and the legs at the same time so as to allow for high intensity interval training or equivalent exercise, for which the current art does not provide.
Maximum aerobic capacity is the maximum rate of oxygen consumed and is measured as VO2 Max. VO2 Max reflects the aerobic physical condition of the individual.
VO2 Max is affected by: the ability of the lungs to transfer maximum oxygen through inspiration and maximum carbon dioxide through expiration, the efficiency of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in peripheral tissues, the ability of the heart to pump maximum blood volume through the lungs and peripherally through the body, the condition of the circulatory system, the condition of the muscles and peripheral tissues, and the autonomic nervous system control.
Maximum anaerobic capacity is the maximal amount of energy released by anaerobic metabolism. Enhanced anaerobic metabolism causes: improved efficiency of the lactic acid cycle, mobilization and burning of fats, increased metabolic efficiency such that both metabolic rate and caloric burning is more efficient 24 hours per day (not merely while exercising—this is the “after-burn” affect), more efficient use of sugar and glycogen (stored sugar) for energy, maximization of muscular development, maximization of cardiovascular-pulmonary stamina, enhanced regeneration of adenosine triphospate (ATP) and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in muscle tissue, and mitochondrial growth throughout muscle cells.
The more muscles that are activated into fatigue the more calories are burned. The more the muscles that are activated the more oxygen is required by them. The more the muscles that are activated the more sugar the body burns as fuel. The more the muscles that are activated the more likely the body moves into anaerobic metabolism, increasing the efficiency of mitochondrial function at the cellular level.
The greater the muscle mass that is activated, the greater will be the caloric burn quantity and rate. The highest muscle activation comes from stretching under resistance. The further the muscle moves through its range of motion, the greater the muscle is activated. The greater the resistance and stretch on the muscle, the greater the muscle strength gained (both in the striated and cardiac muscles) during the anabolic repair phase. The prior art previously only allowed for range of motion in one set of limbs, thereby only allowing for muscle activation in fewer than desired muscle groups.
Exercise is a physical/mechanical stress that causes a catabolic phase (tissue breakdown), followed by a longer anabolic phase (tissue repair), lasting hours or days. Efficient exercise tears down striated muscle and cardiac muscle, forcing the body to rebuild and repair. When exercise is efficient, the body rebuilds tissue such that the functional capacity of the muscle is more efficient than it was before the exercise was performed and the oxygen delivery system is improved (VO2 max).
With proper exercise, body strength is increased and physical stamina improves until a physiological limit is reached at about 32 years of age. After the physiological limit has been reached, no greater gains can be made in physiology. However, with a proper exercise routine, strength and stamina can be maintained for decades as body metabolism and other factors of health are maintained. The greater the catabolic breakdown of the muscle through proper exercise and the greater the opportunity to complete the anabolic repair cycle, the more efficient the muscles become. Exercising multiple muscle groups at the same time allows for greater catabolic breakdown of the muscles thereby allowed for a greater opportunity to complete the anabolic repair cycle, leading for more efficient muscles.
The complete cycle of exercise begins with a strenuous exercise. Ideally, the catabolic phase begins during the exercise activity and then continues, and then the anabolic phase begins and continues until full recovery and rebuilding from the workout is completed, up to 48 hours later. In an efficient exercise routine, the anabolic phase is not interrupted by an early catabolic phase, but it often is when a person exercises too frequently—a condition known as overtraining. In a high intensity, short duration catabolic exercise phase, the anabolic recovery phase may take up to 48 hours for completion.
High intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions are highly intense, short duration workouts in which a person quickly reaches maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and then approaches their anaerobic threshold, to the point of muscle fatigue and in attempt to satisfy the growing oxygen debt.
HIIT is a short duration exercise (sprint-like bursts of activity). HIIT is the most effective way to condition the physical body, while low intensity, long duration exercise (jogging, treadmill, elliptical, cycling) usually makes a person weak, tired, hungry, irritable and older faster. Consider the health and physique of a sprinter versus that of a long-distance runner.
The most effective high intensity interval training will cause the body to reach its anaerobic threshold quickly. The exercise goal of HIIT is to continue in anaerobic metabolism as long as possible, until complete fatigue. In summary, high intensity interval training (engaging in short bursts of rapid activity (30-90 second bursts)), using the most muscle mass, to the point of complete fatigue, is the most effective form of exercise. The prior art fails to disclose exercise machines that allow for the most effective high intensive interval training because they generally only use a smaller number of muscle groups at a time.
HIIT produces the greatest hormonal and other metabolic effects that can be derived from any exercise, burns body fat, burns sugar, builds lean body mass, and continues metabolic processes up to 24-48 hours later.
HIIT has at least two novel features: Firstly, unlike walking or moderate intensity aerobic training, efficient HI IT involves the activation of large muscle mass. Secondly, this large muscle mass activation is associated with a very high glycogen breakdown-turnover which means improved muscle glucose uptake.
The principal benefits of HIIT are that: the cardio-respiratory system will be strengthened; the risk of heart attacks and strokes will reduce; circulation will improve; functional muscular strength will improve; weight loss will occur more readily, food cravings will be reduced; hormonal balance will improve; muscles will be toned; fat reserves will be metabolized; energy will improve; aerobic and anaerobic fitness will improve, fasting insulin levels will decrease; insulin sensitivity will increase; abdominal and subcutaneous fat will reduce; and total exercise time will decrease.
As little as six sessions of HIIT over two weeks, or a total of only approximately 15 minutes of very intense exercise (a cumulative energy expenditure of roughly 600 kJ or 143 kcal), has been shown to increase oxidative capacity in skeletal and cardiac muscle and significantly improve performance in activities that rely on aerobic energy metabolism.
Most people who exercise over-train. Because of their exercise routine, people are either in an ongoing catabolic phase or an incomplete anabolic phase. That is, they are stuck in a catabolic phase and cannot begin the anabolic phase needed to recover and repair, or they are stuck in an anabolic phase in which their body is working desperately in an attempt to complete recovery from the previous catabolic workouts. But they do not complete the anabolic recovery phase before their next workout. In either case, most people over-train and continue exercising while they are not fully recovered.
Overtraining and excessive exercise are metabolic stressors that advance the catabolic damages of aging. More than just a few minutes in a catabolic phase without a complete anabolic repair phase is over-training. A person cannot over-exercise themselves into better health. It takes very little exercise volume to maximize cardio-respiratory fitness, fat loss, strength gain, and metabolic efficiency.
The “plateau” is the phase of exercise when the body approaches the zone of causing greater catabolic stress than anabolic repair. When a person reaches a plateau, exercise should not continue until the anabolic cycle is completed. Objective measurements must be used to determine when the plateau has been reached (heart rate recovery). Continuing to exercise beyond the plateau will only make a person tired, hungry, and irritable, have more pain, waste more time, expose them to injury, and age faster.
In an effective exercise program, a person will just reach plateau but never overdo the exercise routine.
Therefore, the most effective exercise routine is to engage as many muscles, safely, through their complete range of motion, in a synchronized pattern, with adequate resistance, as vigorous as possible, to complete fatigue.
However, there has heretofore not been proposed an exercise machine that can provide such an effective workout. Therefore, it is a principle object of this invention to provide an exercise device adapted to simultaneously, or synchronously, exercise the arms and legs in near complete range of motion with resistance in the flexion/extension planes.
The main objective is to exercise the arms and legs in near complete range of motion with resistance in the flexion/extension planes. A second objective is to activate the muscles so that muscular fatigue can be reached quickly. A third objective is to allow for a non-weight bearing way to exercise large groups of muscles. A forth objective is to provide a synchronized movement of the arms and legs in a gait-like pattern. A fifth objective is to rehabilitate the arms and leg muscles and joints through near complete range of motion with adjustable resistance. A sixth objective is to offer one of the safest ways to exercise, almost eliminating any risk of injury.
It is also an object this invention to activate the muscles so that muscular fatigue can be reached quickly.
Another object of this invention is to allow for a way to exercise large groups of muscles without the user bearing any weight.
A further object of this is to provide a synchronized movement of the arms and legs in a gait-like pattern, synchronizing the nervous system.
A still further object of this invention is to rehabilitate the arms and leg muscles and joints through near complete range of motion with adjustable resistance.
It is yet a further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which allows for a free, not rigid, range of motion of the limbs.
It is yet a further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which allows for a full body, non-weight bearing exercise.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which offers purely operator-induced exercise because the exerciser is supine and using only muscular action, not gravity, to facilitate exercise.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which offers the greatest effect to the cardio-respiratory systems by utilizing the largest muscle groups in all four limbs in near-complete range of motion through resistance.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which provides high intensity interval training exercise.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device through which a user reaches cardio-respiratory fatigue.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which activates more than one muscle group at one time.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which increases cardio-respiratory output.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which increases aerobic metabolism.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which increases anaerobic metabolism.
It is an even further object of this invention to provide an exercise device which offers the shortest time to achieve a full body exercise.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe foregoing objectives, among others, are achieved through an exercise apparatus which allows for near-complete joint range of motion in active and resistant movements. An embodiment of the present invention is directed to an exercise machine comprising a base, a first pair of bi-directional resistance elements, each comprising a first end and a second end, the first end of each resistance element of the first pair of resistance elements pivotally attached to a support in such a manner as to imbue each element with a substantially free range of motion, the second end of each resistance element of the first pair of resistance elements comprising a foot-engagement member, and a second pair of bi-directional resistance elements, each comprising a first end and a second end, the first end of each resistance element of the second pair of resistance elements pivotally attached to the support in such a manner as to imbue each such element with a substantially free range of motion, each resistance element of the second pair of resistance elements comprising a hand-engagement member.
The following description is of a preferred and other embodiments presently contemplated for carrying out the invention. This description is not to be taken in a limiting sense, but is made merely for the purpose of describing one or more embodiments of the invention. The scope of the invention should be determined with reference to the claims.
By “substantially free range of motion” is meant freedom to rotatingly move about a connection in any direction of movement brought about by the appendage with which the resistance element is associated while the exercise device is in use.
An embodiment of the present invention is illustrated in
Hingedly attached to frame/base 12 are a first pair of resistance elements 26, which may be any type of apparatus that presents resistance to the user in both flexion and extension, such as hydraulic or pneumatic rams, spring-like members, frictional resistance mechanisms, pulleys, cams, and/or the like. In the case of a hydraulic or pneumatic ram, the resistance elements may be comprised of an inner rod 28 and outer cylinder 30.
The first pair of resistance elements (each denoted by the reference numeral “26”) each have a first end 32 and second end 34. The first ends 32 of the first pair of resistance elements 26 are attached to the upper platform level side 20 and second platform side 22 through the use of pivot joints 36 such as ball and socket joints or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion. Joints 36 should be constructed and arranged in such a manner as to imbue each such element with a substantially free range of motion in any direction of movement brought about by the user's appendage with which the resistance element is associated while the exercise device is in use. Joints 36 may, in one or more embodiments, be adjustably connected to upper section 16 so as to permit adjustment of the position of resistance element 26 relative to the user, to accommodate different sized users and/or different exercise modalities. By providing such an adjustment of the connection position of joints 36 to base 12 relative to the user, the distance of the connection points of joints 36 from the user can be adjusted. Additional mounting points may be provided on the frame/base 12. A user may also adjust the resistance provided by the first pair resistance elements 26 through the use of a valve or methods currently known or to be discovered.
Second ends 34 of the first pair of resistance elements 26 have associated therewith foot engaging members 38 adapted to engage the user's feet during use of the device. Structure for removably securing the user's feet to the foot engaging members 38, such as straps 40, may be provided as well.
Hingedly attached to frame/base 12 are a second pair of resistance elements 42, which may be any type of apparatus that presents resistance to the user in both flexion and extension, such as hydraulic or pneumatic rams, spring-like members, frictional resistance mechanisms, pulleys, cams, and/or the like. In the case of a hydraulic or pneumatic ram, the resistance elements may be comprised of an inner rod 44 and outer cylinder 46, or vice versa.
The second pair of resistance elements (each denoted by the reference numeral “42”) each have a first end 48 and second end 50. The first ends 48 of the second pair of resistance elements 42 are attached to the lower section 14 through the use of a pivot joints 52 such as ball and socket members or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion. Joints 52 should be constructed and arranged in such a manner as to imbue each such element with a substantially free range of motion in any direction of movement brought about by the user's appendage with which the resistance element is associated while the exercise device is in use. Joints 52 may, in one or more embodiments, be adjustably connected to lower section 14 so as to permit adjustment of the position of resistance element 42 relative to the user, to accommodate different sized users and/or different exercise modalities. Joints 52 should be constructed and arranged in such a manner as to imbue each such element with a substantially free range of motion in any direction of movement brought about by the user's appendage with which the resistance element is associated while the exercise device is in use.
Second ends of the second pair of resistance elements 42 have associated therewith hand engaging members 54 adapted to be engaged by a user's feet during use of the device. Structure for removably securing the user's hands to the foot engaging members (not shown), such as straps, may be provided as well. As shown in
In the preferred embodiment, each resistance element 26, 42 is independent and bidirectional and can provide resistance in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, pneumatics, hydraulics, springs, and any other apparatus, now known or currently unknown, that resists the pushing or pulling forces exerted by the user. The action of the arms and legs in bi-directional resistance offers near full body exercise of the agonist/antagonist muscles using flexion and extension action of the larger muscle groups in a gait pattern, simultaneously.
The unit may include an attached inclined or horizontal support, mat, cushion or the like for the exerciser to lay on. The unit may have an adjustment mechanism for height of the leg settings and for the length of the arm settings in accord to reach maximal limb range of motion. The unit may include one or more devices to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen flow (VO2 max), body temperature and the like.
For one version of a rehabilitation use of the invention, a person lays on their back, straps their feet in foot engaging members 38 using the straps 40, holds onto the hand engaging members 52, and moves their arms and legs against resistance in near-complete range of motion. In one version of an exercise use of the invention, a person lays on their back, straps their feet in foot engaging members 38 using the straps 40, holds onto the hand engaging members 52, and pumps their arms and legs against bi-directional resistance in near-complete range of motion until cardio-respiratory fatigue is reached.
The unit allows for near-complete joint range of motion in active and resistant movements. That is, for example, the following magnitude of movements can be achieved in the following joints: elbow flexion: 0-150 degree movement, shoulder flexion: 0-180 degree movement, knee flexion: 0-100 degree movement, hip flexion: 0-120 degree movement. These ranges represent what is essentially free range of movement for all four limbs, thereby providing a full body workout engaging multiple muscle groups.
An alternative embodiment is shown in
The unit may include one or more devices to monitor such things as heart rate, oxygen flow (VO2 max), blood pressure, and temperature or any newly developed health monitoring devices.
In another embodiment, base 12 or 112, or a base comprised simply of a flat plate or the like (not shown) (e.g., steel), which is heavy enough to remain in place while the device is in use, to which is connected resistance elements 26, 42, may be constructed and arranged to be placed on or mounted to a surface such as a wall or floor.
In embodiments, a back support structure may be employed to support the user either on the ground/floor or above the ground/floor. Such a support may be connected to bases 12/112 or be independent thereof.
In another embodiment, the arm or leg resistance elements, or all of them, may be movably connected to the base to permit extended appendage movement by larger (i.e., taller) users. In one embodiment shown in
In another embodiment, as illustrated in
In various embodiments the support 124 extends higher than the support 123, relative to the frame/base 212, such that when the first pair of resistance elements 126 is hingedly connected to the support 124, and the second pair of resistance elements 142 is hingedly connected to the support 123, the resistance elements 126, 142 do not come in contact with one another during use. In the alternative, the resistance elements 126, 142 may be capable of being switched, in which the first pair of resistance elements 126 are hingedly connected to the support 123, and the second pair of resistance elements 142 are hingedly connected to the support 124. In either configuration the difference in height between the support 124 and the support 123 is such that the resistance elements 126, 142 do not come in contact with one another during use.
The first pair of resistance elements 126, may be any type of apparatus that presents resistance to the user in both flexion and extension, such as hydraulic or pneumatic rams, spring-like members, frictional resistance mechanisms, pulleys, cams, and/or the like. In the case of a hydraulic or pneumatic ram, the resistance elements may be comprised of an inner rod 128 and outer cylinder 130.
The first pair of resistance elements (each denoted by the reference numeral “126”) each has a first end 132 and a second end 134. When attached to the support 124, the first ends 132 of the first pair of resistance elements 126 are attached to the first upper platform 118 through the use of pivot joints 136 such as ball and socket joints or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion. Joints 136 may, in one or more embodiments, be adjustably connected so as to permit adjustment of the position of resistance element 126 relative to the user, to accommodate different sized users and/or different exercise modalities. The adjustability of the connection position allows for the distance from the connection points of the joints 136 relative to the user to be altered to the preference of the user. The user may also be able to adjust the resistance provided by the first pair of resistance elements 126.
The adjustability of the distance of the connection points of the joints 136 relative to the user may be achieved through any suitable locking structure, such as aligned holes 1125 through which may be passed a removable locking pin 1127. As seen in
The second ends 134 of the first pair of resistance elements 126 have associated therewith foot engaging members 138 adapted to engage the user's feet during use of the device. The foot engaging members 138 are capable of removably securing the user's feet to the foot engaging members 138. The ability of removably securing the user's feet may be achieve through any suitable securing structure, currently known or unknown, such that when the exercise apparatus 100 is in use the user's feet remain fixed to the foot engaging members 138. In various embodiments, the securing ability may be provided by at least a portion of the foot engaging member 138 enveloping the user's foot. The foot engaging member 138 may comprise multiple components, of a variety of differing materials, configured in a variety of manners. In one or more embodiments, the foot engaging member 138 may include a base portion, a webbing or strap portion, and a heel portion. In other embodiments, not shown, the foot engaging member 138 may include various other components such as to allow the foot engaging member 138 to removably secure the user's foot. In one or more embodiments, the foot engaging members 138 may be removable and replaceable with a differently configured foot engaging member 138.
Hingedly attached to the frame/base 212 are a second pair of resistance elements 142, which may be any type of apparatus that presents resistance to the user in both flexion and extension, such as hydraulic or pneumatic rams, spring-like members, frictional resistance mechanisms, pulleys, cams, and/or the like. In the case of hydraulic or pneumatic ram, the resistance elements may be comprised of an inner rod 144 and an outer cylinder 146, or vice versa.
The second pair of resistance elements (each denoted by the reference numeral “142”) each has a first end 148 and a second end 150. When attached to the support 123, the first ends 148 of the second pair of resistance elements 142 are attached to the second upper platform 119 through the use of pivot joints 152 such as ball and socket members or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion. Joints 152 may, in one or more embodiments, be adjustably connected so as to permit adjustment of the position of resistance element 142 relative to the user, to accommodate different sized users and/or different exercise modalities. The adjustability of the connection position allows for the distance from the connection points of the joints 142 relative to the user to be altered to the preference of the user. The user may also be able to adjust the resistance provided by the second pair of resistance elements 142.
The adjustability of the distance of the connection points of the joints 152 relative to the user may be achieved through any suitable locking structure, such as aligned holes 1125 through which may be passed a removable locking pin 1127. As seen in
Second ends of the second pair of resistance elements 142 have associated therewith hand engaging members 154 adapted to be engaged by the user's hands during use of the device. The hand engaging members 154 can be a handle 156 or a grip, or any other known or unknown hand engaging configuration or structure. The hand engaging members 154 may comprise multiple components, of a variety of differing materials, configured in a variety of manners. In one or more embodiments, the hand engaging members 154 may be removable and replaceable with a differently configured hand engaging member 154. One or more hand engaging members 154 may be of a fixed structure, and one or more hand engaging members 154 may have at least of a portion that is flexible, the flexible structure may include but is not limited to fabric.
In an embodiment, each resistance element 126, 142, is independent and bidirectional and can provide resistance in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, pneumatics, hydraulics, springs, pulleys, cams, and any other apparatus, now known or currently unknown, that resists the pushing or pulling forces exerted by the user. The action of the arms and legs in bi-directional movement while being resisted by the resistance elements in both directions offers near full body exercise of the agonist/antagonist muscles using flexion and extension action of the larger muscle groups in a gait pattern, simultaneously.
In the current embodiment, the bench 170 is elevated from the frame/base 212 by one or more supports 121, 122. In various other embodiments, the bench 170 may rest on the frame/base 212. In the current embodiment, one way to use the exercise apparatus 100 allows the person lay their back on the bench 170, place their feet in the foot engaging members 138, hold onto the hand engaging members 154, and move their arms and legs against resistance in near-complete range of motion.
The unit allows for near-complete joint range of motion in active and resistant movements. That is, for example, the following magnitude of movements can be achieved in the following joints: elbow flexion: 0-150 degree movement, shoulder flexion: 0-180 degree movement, knee flexion: 0-100 degree movement, hip flexion: 0-120 degree movement. These ranges represent what is essentially free range of movement for all four limbs, thereby providing a full body workout engaging multiple muscle groups.
In various embodiments, the frame/base 212 may include one or more removable locking pins 1127. When utilized, the removable locking pins 1127 may allow for the frame/base 212 to pivotally fold from an extended position, as shown in
In various embodiments, the supports 121, 122, may allow for various portions of the bench 170 to be elevated in various degrees. In the preferred embodiment, the range of degree variation can allow for the bench 170 to form any angle between 90 to 180 degrees. In various other embodiments, the bench 170 may form and an angle greater than 180 degrees. By providing for variation in the angle of the bench 170, the position of the resistance elements 126, 142 relative to the user are able to be altered, thus allowing the user to focus of differing muscle groups.
In another embodiment, as illustrated in
The resistance elements 226, 242, may be any type of apparatus that presents resistance to the user in both flexion and extension, such as hydraulic or pneumatic rams, spring-like members, frictional resistance mechanisms, pulleys, cams, and/or the like. In the case of a hydraulic or pneumatic ram, the resistance elements 226, 242, may be comprised of an inner rod 228, 244, and outer cylinder 230, 246, respectively.
The resistance elements 242 each have a first end 248 and a second end 250. The first end 248 of the pair of resistance elements 242 are attached to the upper platform 219 through the use of pivot joints 252 such as ball and socket joints or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion. The user may be able to adjust the resistance provided by the pair of resistance elements 242. In the alternative, the resistance elements 242 are capable of attaching to the lower platform 218, wherein the connection may be made through the use of pivot joints 236 such as ball and socket or other structure permitting substantially free range of motion.
In this embodiment, as shown in
In this embodiment, the upper platform 219 and the lower platform 218 are configured in a cross-brace fashion with hinges at either end to attach the resistance elements 226, 224. In various embodiments, either one or both of the upper platform 219 and the lower platform 218 may span the entire width of the support structure 224. For instance, in the embodiment shown in
Second ends 250 of the pair of resistance elements 242 have associated therewith hand engaging members 254 adapted to be engaged by the user's hands during use of the device. The hand engaging members 254 can be a handle 256 or a grip, or any other known or unknown hand engaging configuration or structure. The hand engaging members 254 may comprise multiple components, of a variety of differing materials, configured in a variety of manners. In one or more embodiments, the hand engaging members 254 may be removable and replaceable with a differently configured hand engaging member 254. One or more hand engaging members 254 may be of a fixed structure, and one or more hand engaging members 254 may have at least of a portion that is flexible, the flexible structure may include but is not limited to fabric.
In another embodiment, as shown in
In the preferred embodiment, the resistance elements 226, 242, are independent and bidirectional and can provide resistance in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, pneumatics, hydraulics, springs, pulleys, cams, and any other apparatus, now known or currently unknown, that resists the pushing or pulling forces exerted by the user.
In the current embodiment, the bench 270 is elevated from the frame/base 312 by one or more supports 221, 222. In various other embodiments, the bench 270 may rest on the frame/base 212.
One method of using the exercise apparatus 1000 allows for the person to lay on their back on the bench 270, place their feet in either a foot engaging member 238, as shown in
The unit allows for near-complete joint range of motion in active and resistant movements. That is, for example, the following magnitude of movements can be achieved in the following joints: elbow flexion: 0-150 degree movement, and shoulder flexion: 0-180 degree movement. These ranges represent what is essentially free range of movement, thereby providing a workout engaging multiple muscle groups.
In differing embodiments, as shown in
In various embodiments, the frame/base 312 may include wheels 223 either fixed, or removably attached. The wheels 223 allow for the exercise apparatus 1000 to be pivotally-lifted and moved without having to fully lift the exercise apparatus 1000. Thereby allowing the user to move and position the exercise apparatus 1000 on any suitable floor space.
In various embodiments, the supports 224 may allow for various portions of the bench 270 to be elevated to various fixed positions, such as can be seen in
The adjustability of the various portions of the bench 270 may help provide comfort for the user by allowing the user to engage the exercise apparatus 1000 in various positions. By enabling the user to engage the exercise apparatus 1000 in various positions, the user is able to position themselves in a suitable position to better focus on differing muscle groups. For instance, if the user wishes to focus on their shoulders, the bench 270 will optimally be flat in a 180 degree position. If the user wishes to focus on their biceps and/or triceps, the bench 270 will optimally be positioned between 90 to 120 degrees. However, the optimal position for various users may vary based upon the individual preference of the user.
In various embodiments, as seen in
The resistance element 700 is connected to a connecting apparatus 710, which is itself connected to a foot engaging member 438. The resistance element 800 is connected to a connecting apparatus 810, which is itself connected to a hand engaging member 456. The connecting apparatus 710, 810, may be of any suitable structure to connect the foot engaging member 438 or the hand engaging member 456 to resistance element 700, 800. In various embodiments the connecting apparatus 710, 810, may be either a rigid material, like a metal, plastic, or other suitable bar composition, or may be flexible, like a wire, nylon, or other suitable cable-like structure. Different choice of connection apparatus 710, 810, may be suitable dependent on, among other things, the choice of the resistance element 700, 800. For example, when employing pulleys the connection apparatus 710, 810, best suited will likely be a flexible structure, such as but not limited to a cable.
The resistance elements 700, 800, may be formed through a combination of multiple different varieties of resistance elements. For example, if a pulley is selected the user may also choose to attach a cam device to provide increased resistance for the pulley. The combination of a pulley and cam device may form one unitary resistance element 700, 800. By allowing for different variety of resistance mechanisms to be combined to form one unitary resistance element 700, 800, the user will be further enabled to vary the level of resistance created.
Benefits, other advantages, and solutions to problems have been described above with regard to specific embodiments of the present invention. However, the benefits, advantages, solutions to problems, and any element(s) that may cause or result in such benefits, advantages, or solutions to become more pronounced are not to be construed as a critical, required, or essential feature or element of any or all the claims. The invention is defined solely by the appended claims including any amendments made during the pendency of this application and all equivalents of those claims as issued. While the invention has been described in its preferred form or embodiment with some degree of particularity, it is understood that this description has been given only by way of example and that numerous changes in the details of construction, fabrication, and use, including the combination of structural arrangement and sizes of features, may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
1. An exercise apparatus comprising:
- a base having a first base side and a second base side, and a platform having a first platform side and a second platform side, the base and platform being connected by one or more supports;
- a first pair of resistance elements, each having a first end and a second end, the pair of resistance elements pivotally attached to the first and second base sides at the first end and further comprising a foot plate connected to each resistance element at the second end, each resistance element providing resistance against linear movement; and
- a second pair of resistance elements, each having a first end and a second end, the resistance elements pivotally attached to the first and second platform sides at the first end and further comprising a hand engaging member attached to the resistance element at the second end, each resistance element providing resistance against linear movement.
2. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the first and second pair of resistance elements are pneumatic cylinders.
3. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the first and second pair of resistance elements are hydraulic cylinders.
4. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the first and second pair of resistance elements are spring actuated.
5. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the first and second pair of resistance elements comprise a pulley system.
6. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the first and second pair of resistance elements further comprise a valve to control bi-directional resistance.
7. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the base is trapezoidal.
8. The exercise apparatus of claim 1 wherein the base is a cube.
9. An exercise apparatus for permitting simultaneous exercise of left and right arms, and left and right legs, of a user, the apparatus comprising:
- a frame;
- first and second arm resistance elements, each arm resistance element defining a hand engaging member connected to a proximal end thereof, distal ends of the first and second arm resistance elements being connected to a first support structure defined by the frame;
- first and second leg resistance elements, each leg resistance element defining a foot engaging member connected to a proximal end thereof, distal ends of the first and second leg resistance elements being connected to a second support structure defined by the frame; and
- a bench for supporting the user, the bench being connected to the frame by at least one further support structure.
10. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the support structure for the bench defines aligned holes with removable locking pin for adjusting the configuration of the bench.
11. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the first support structure is elevated higher relative to the base than the second support structure.
12. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the first support structure is farther from the bench relative to the second support structure.
13. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the frame defines a removable locking pin allowing for folding of the frame.
14. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the first support structure defines aligned holes for adjusting the distance of the first and second arm resistance elements relative to the bench.
15. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the second support structure defines aligned holes for adjusting the distance of the first and second leg resistance elements relative to the bench.
16. The exercise apparatus of claim 9, wherein the support structure for connecting the first and second leg resistance elements is the same support structure for supporting the bench.
17. An exercise apparatus for permitting simultaneous exercise of left and right arms, of a user, the apparatus comprising:
- a frame;
- first and second arm resistance elements, each arm resistance element defining a hand engaging member connected to a proximal end thereof, distal ends of the first and second arm resistance elements being connected to a support structure defined by the frame; and
- a bench for supporting the user, the bench being connected to the frame by at least one further support structure.
18. The exercise apparatus of claim 17, wherein the support structure for the bench defines aligned holes and removable locking pin for adjusting the configuration of the bench.
19. The exercise apparatus of claim 17, wherein the frame defines a removable locking pin allowing for folding of the frame.
20. The exercise apparatus of claim 17, wherein the frame includes at least one wheel for pivotally-lifting and moving of the exercise apparatus.
Type: Application
Filed: May 16, 2017
Publication Date: Mar 1, 2018
Inventor: Peter Lind (Salem, OR)
Application Number: 15/597,027