Therapeutic Multi-Use Pillow System

The present invention relates generally to a therapeutic pillow or cushion and the process of creating a cushioned and supportive surface. This article of manufacture and process have been designed to provide comfort, decrease pain, promote healthy alignment of the musculoskeletal system and promote satisfying rest by allowing the head, neck and shoulders of the user to rest in the most natural position. The present invention includes a process of modifying foam-type material to create a cushioned and supportive surface which has a variety of uses including but not limited to a pillow or cushion. The article of manufacture is comprised of a plurality of columnal sections of a foam-type material conjoined together in an organized arrangement by a flexible network system and further supported by a fabric encasement.

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Provisional application No. 62/591,777, filed on Nov. 29, 2017


Not Applicable


Head and neck pain costs individuals billions of dollars per year, between over the-counter medication, medical appointments, diagnostic services, medical procedures, lost earnings and productivity. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that 3% of the population suffers from chronic daily tension headaches. The Migraine Research Foundation reports that migraine headaches are an extraordinarily prevalent neurological disease, affecting 39 million men, women and children in the United States. Millions of people are diagnosed with concussions every year. The many causes of head and neck pain include injuries, arthritis, inflammation, musculoskeletal system disturbances, fibromyalgia and degenerative disease. Chronic pain is a serious problem and disturbs the sleep of a large portion of our population. Some individuals who suffer from head or neck pain will benefit from medical procedures, medication or surgery, but for many the pain is chronic and the need exists for more options in providing comfort. The present invention is intended to meet such a need by providing a comfortable and supportive surface that allows the head, neck and shoulders of the user to rest in the most natural position, promoting rest which is essential for healing. The present invention's ability to flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user's body alleviates pressure and promotes healthy alignment of the musculoskeletal system.

The current market has very few pillow options available that address the problem of head and neck pain. The available options are problematic for a large number of individuals, in that they are designed to correct a specific ailment or condition. This results in a pre-formed, molded or rigid surface, which can cause discomfort for many users and has the potential to cause painful pressure points, due to their design or due to their “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Foam-type material, such as memory foam is a popular choice in pillow material. Poor airflow and heat retention is a common complaint associated with this material and can be further exacerbated by the typical pillow surface that is slab shaped or a randomly filled encasement. The present invention's unique design and structure address this and provide for increased airflow.

Numerous pillows exist which provide a comfortable surface, but these pillows lack sufficient structure to support the weight of the head, neck and shoulders which is essential for comfort, healing and satisfying rest. The present invention has been designed to provide a cushioned and supportive surface for the benefit of the user.


The present invention addresses a need that exists for improved and alternative options for therapeutic pillows that are cushioned and supportive and an improved process for creating a surface that is cushioned and supportive. The present invention provides a therapeutic benefit by design as it is able to provide comfort, decrease pain and promote satisfying rest by providing a cushioned and supportive surface which promotes healthy alignment of the musculoskeletal system and allows the head, neck and shoulders of the user to rest in the most natural position. The present invention provides a process of modifying a foam-type material to create a cushioned and supportive surface which has a variety of uses, including but not limited to a pillow or cushion.

The present invention produces a cushioned and supportive surface comprised of a plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material 15, conjoined together in an organized arrangement by a flexible network system 18 and further supported by an encasement 25 of lightweight, durable and breathable fabric. This creates a pillow surface that is not pre-formed, molded or rigid, as is problematic with some therapeutic pillows currently available in the marketplace. Instead, it creates a cushioned and supportive surface that allows the head, neck and shoulders of the user to rest in the most natural position due to its ability to flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an embodiment in accordance with the present invention 100;

FIG. 2 is a perspective view of FIG. 1 illustrating the fabric encasement;

FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a columnal section of foam type material in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 5 is a side view of FIG. 4;

FIG. 6 is a top view of FIG. 4;

FIG. 7 is a perspective view of a length of flexible fabric 14 configured to form an embodiment of the flexible network system 18 in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 8 is an assembled view of FIG. 7;

FIG. 9 is a perspective view of another embodiment in accordance with the present invention 200;

FIG. 10 is a perspective view of yet another embodiment in accordance with the present invention 300;

FIG. 11 is a perspective view of yet another embodiment of the present invention 400.

FIG. 12 is a perspective view of yet another embodiment of the present invention 500.


It will be apparent to those skilled in the technological area to which this invention pertains that features shown and the embodiments provided of the present invention are readily adapted and can be modified without departing from the scope of the present invention. It is intent of the inventor that the present invention covers these modifications, including but not limited to, modification in size, shape, function, application and use, which are clearly communicated herein. It is to be understood that various features and aspects of the present invention can be combined, substituted for one another, added to or removed, and continue to form an embodiment that falls within the scope of the present invention.

The present invention is foremost developed as therapeutic in that is has been intentionally designed to be beneficial and health-giving by providing a surface that provides comfort, support and reduces pain or discomfort. The objective of the present invention it to provide comfort and support, in order to promote health and reduce pain, which is immeasurably valuable to the user who suffers pain or discomfort or spends a large amount of time in a sitting position or lying in a bed.

It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that by the present invention has been intentionally designed to be multi-functional and can accommodate the need of the individual user who prefers to sleep in the supine position as well as the user who prefers side sleeping. It can accommodate an individual in a sitting position or be used as a supportive cushion. The present invention can be used as support for a wounded limb or for the torso. It can be utilized as a head support for a user of a specialized chair or bed. While the present invention would be most recognized as being beneficial as a pillow, with modification of size, scale, height, thickness, density, shape, compressibility or quality, it can also serve as a suitable and beneficial surface as a mattress, travel pillow, seat cushion or medical support pillow. The current invention is not limited to the afore-mentioned uses and is capable of being utilized in various practices which require similar cushion, with an emphasis on a surface that is comfortable and cushioned and also support.

The present invention is a pillow system which refers to the organized collection of components which have been assembled to work in unison for the benefit of the user.

The present invention serves most obviously as a pillow, however, included in this present invention is the process of creating a cushioned and supportive surface by the modification of foam-type material. This unique process produces a new method for utilizing foam-type material in a way that is not obvious and produces an article of manufacture that is both cushioned and supportive and fills and unmet need that exists in the market

The present invention can be utilized as a standard pillow for the average user, but it will be of greater value to one who suffers discomfort or pain. Modification to the pillow or the process can be accomplished during manufacture or the pillow can be manufactured in such a way that the individual user can modify the pillow to their personal preference by access through a zipper or other system of closure. [0029] The Therapeutic Multi-Use Pillow System is designed to provide comfort and support and it is these combined aspects together for which this pillow has been designed. This has been accomplished by providing a very cushioned and supportive surface and a process to create a very cushioned and supportive surface that is able to flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user due to the unique network formed by the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material 15, a flexible network system 18 comprised of a flexible fabric 14 and a fabric encasement 25 which serves as additional element of support. This combination provides a cushioned and comfortable surface with a sufficiently supportive structure. This pillow provides a therapeutic benefit to an individual user who suffers from pain or discomfort and can be potentially be helpful for the user who experiences pain caused by poor alignment of the musculoskeletal system, headaches, concussions, nerve sensitivity or other head or neck injuries. The unique design of the present invention and its ability to provide a cushioned and supportive surface would be beneficial in relieving pressure on important nerves and muscles which can lead to less pain, fewer headaches, and due to its ability to promote improved alignment, can potentially allow for more improved function of the circulatory system, allowing for better blood flow and for the respiratory system with more open airways. An added benefit of these improvements is the potential for reduced snoring.

The current invention provides a surface that is not pre-formed, molded or rigid but instead is flexible, cushioned and able to conform and adapt to the user. The process of conjoining the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material 15 produces a multi-faceted surface that enables increased cushioning and becomes part of a network of support. The present invention has been purposely designed in such a way that a modification in the scale, number or size of the columnal foam-type material sections, density, thickness or quality of foam-type material selected has the ability to meet the unique needs of the user and provide comfort and support according to their unique needs without deviating from the intent of the inventor. The present invention is intended to be susceptive of supporting the user's head, neck and shoulders in a variety of different presentations according to the preference of the user.

The multi-faceted surface of the present invention allows the head, neck and shoulders of the user to rest in the most natural position due to its ability to flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user. The weight of the user is supported by numerous points of meaningful contact created by the multi-faceted surface which functions to equally distribute the weight of the user. Each columnal section of foam-type material 15 responds and conforms to the user by the pressure exerted or applied to that specific columnal foam section 15. The flexible network system 18 functions to distribute the weight to the adjacent columnal foam sections 15 which results in a more equal distribution of weight.

The material chosen for the columnal sections of foam 15 should be selected from a material group that is characteristically able to absorb shock, flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user, and once pressure is removed, have the ability to recover its preused shape, size and firmness. Such material should be thermally responsive and able to conform or adapt to the user in response to their body heat. This foam-type material will recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness when not in use and when no pressure is exerted against it.

Viscoelastic foam, which is often referred to as memory foam, is one of many materials suitable for the formation of the columnal sections of foam-type material 15 of the current invention. It's ability to absorb shock, flex, bend, conform, adapt, and when not in use, has the ability to recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness makes it an ideal selection in material. There are many choices available in foam-type materials including polyurethane type foam, vinyl-type foam, gel-infused foams as well as foam material blends. Variations also exist in thickness, density, compressibility and quality. The foam utilized in the present invention can be any variation or combination thereof and hereafter will simply be referred to as foam for clarity and ease of description. The details provided regarding foam are merely an example of the desirable characteristics and are not intended to be limiting.

In several embodiments, the drawings of the present invention will show the columnal sections of foam 15 have been modified by creating interruptions 16, 17 along the top and bottom length of the columnal section of foam 15. These interruptions 16,17 allow for increased flexibility of each columnal section of foam 15 and can be accomplished by cuts 16, notches 17, nicks, or by removing small portions of the foam material along the length of the section. These interruptions 16,17 along the length of the columnal sections of foam 15 further contribute to the multi-faceted surface of the pillow, allow for increased flexibility of each columnal section of foam 15 and promote increased airflow between the user and the pillow which decreases unwanted heat retention. Care should be taken that these interruptions 16,17 should not be so extreme or deep as the affect the structural integrity of the columnal section of foam 15.

A flexible fabric 14 is used to conjoin the columnal sections of foam 15 and should be chosen from a fabric group that is characteristically able to expand and contract without damage to the fabric. Elastic or a similar flexible fabric are a desirable choice for conjoining the columnal sections of foam 15. The length, width and elasticity of the flexible fabric 14 is subject to the preference of the user and the desired shape, size and use of the pillow for which it will be utilized. These details are merely an example of the desirable characteristics and are not intended to be limiting.

The flexible fabric 14 is configured in such a way as to form a flexible network 18 of adjacent rings 24 which will receive the columnal sections of foam material 15 and hold them in an organized arrangement. For the sake of description, the configuration of the flexible fabric 14 will be referred to as the flexible network system 18. The columnal sections of foam 15 are placed through these rings 24 which will hold them in an organized arrangement adjacent to one another. This flexible network system 18 conjoins the columnal sections of foam 15 and at the same time, allows for flexing and bending of both the flexible network system 18 and each of the columnal sections of foam 15. The flexible network system 18 and the conjoined columnal sections of foam 15 are able to flex and bend independently, as well as in unison with the adjacent columnal sections of foam 15. This flexible system 18 further allows the sections of columnal foam 15 to conform and adapt to the user, providing increased support and producing a more cushioned surface area.

The rings 24 of the flexible network system 18 should fit snug around the columnal section of foam 15 but should have sufficient allowance for the flexible network system 18 to flex and to bend while holding the columnal sections of foam 15 in an organized arrangement. The method of sewing the flexible fabric to form the flexible network system 18 is a simple and readily available method and has been used merely as an example. It is not intended to limit other methods of forming a flexible network system 18.

A fabric encasement 25 surrounds the pillow system and provides an additional element of support by preventing the flexible network system 18 and plurality of columnal sections of foam 15 from extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use. The fabric for this encasement 25 should be selected from a fabric group that is durable, lightweight and breathable. 100% cotton can be durable, lightweight and breathable. A breathable fabric is beneficial in promoting airflow between the user and the pillow which helps to reduce unwanted heat retention from the foam-type material. The fabric chosen must be durable enough to provide support, but lightweight enough to allow the pillow to flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user, as well as promote airflow. These are merely examples of desirable characteristics and are not intended to be limiting.

The encasement 25 should be sufficiently sized to encase the pillow with sufficient surplus fabric to allow the pillow to flex and bend, while at the same time prevent the flexible network system 15 and the columnal sections of foam 15 to extend beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use. It should not be tight fitting, but instead just loose fitting enough to allow for the pillow system to flex and bend.

The encasement 25 can be completely enclosed during the process of manufacture, or an enclosure system such as a zipper can be placed along one side which would allow for the ability to open and close the encasement 25 as desired. This would be beneficial, due to the modifications that the present invention accommodates and would also be beneficial for more simplified cleaning purposes. Columnal sections of foam 15 could be added, removed or exchanged as needed, according to the preference of the user. Columnal sections of foam 15 in varying thickness, density, compressibility or quality could be exchanged or combined. A thin zipper is a typical and desirable method of closure, but is merely an example and not meant to be limiting.

FIGS. 1-3 are a perspective view of an embodiment of the present invention 100 which is comprised of fourteen columnal sections of foam 15, three portions of flexible network system 18 and the fabric encasement 25. (Two portions of the flexible network system 18 are located beneath the fabric encasement 25 in FIG. 1) The fabric encasement 25 in FIG. 1 has been limited to the left side of the drawing and has been omitted in FIG. 3 in order to reveal the substructure of the pillow. The portion of flexible network system 18 appearing in the foreground of FIG. 3 is located near the front edge of the pillow for illustration purposes only. FIG. 1 illustrates a more proper and beneficial placement.

For the embodiment presented in FIGS. 1-3, the columnal sections of foam 15 chosen will have an average density between 3-8 pounds with 3 pound density being a lower quality of foam and 8 pound density being a higher quality of foam. In order to form a more typical and standard sized pillow, each columnal section of foam 15 would measure approximately 20 inches in length, 1.5 inches-1.75 inches in width and have a height of 2 inches-3 inches. These dimensions may vary depending on the preference of the user and the particular application. In this particular embodiment interruptions 16,17 have been made at regular intervals along the length of the columnal section of foam 15.

The flexible fabric 14 utilized to form the flexible network system 18 in this particular embodiment is a length of approximately 40-50 inches of ⅛ inch braided elastic which is a desirable choice for a standard pillow as it is sufficiently strong yet is thin, flexible and is not likely to interfere with the comfort of the pillow surface as it will blend in with the multifaceted surface of the pillow. It is desirable to form the portions of flexible network system so that they blend in with the surface are of the pillow. These details are merely examples of desirable choices for this embodiment and are not meant to be limiting.

The fabric encasement 25 for this particular embodiment should be sufficiently sized to encase the pillow system with sufficient surplus fabric to allow the pillow to flex and bend without extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use. The exact dimensions of the encasement will vary based on the size of the columnal shaped sections of foam 15 as well as configuration of the flexible network system 18. A desirable feature would be for a system of closure such as a zipper along one side of the encasement which would allow the pillow to be opened and closed as desired. These details are merely examples of the desirable characteristics and are not intended to be limiting.

FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a columnal section of foam 15 which illustrates cuts and/or nicks 16 as well as notches 17 of foam which have been removed along the length of the columnal section of foam 15 in accordance with the present invention. These interruptions 16, 17 allow for increased flexion, increased airflow and they contribute to the multi-faceted surface of the pillow. These interruptions 16, 17 can be spaced at regular intervals as shown in FIGS. 4-6, they can be spaced randomly or they can be omitted entirely as seen in FIG. 9.

FIG. 5 is a side view of FIG. 4.

FIG. 6 is a top view of FIG. 4.

FIG. 7 is a perspective view of a length of flexible fabric 14 that has been configured to form an embodiment of a portion of the flexible network system 18 accordance with the present invention and features three separate and adjacent rings 24 which will receive a desired number of columnal sections of foam 15. The rings 24 function to hold a desired number of columnal shaped foam sections 15 in an organized arrangement. These rings 24 can be configured to be lose fitting or tight fitting according to the user preference. A loose fitting ring 24 will result in a surface with greater flexion. Rings 24 that are configured in a tight configuration will result in a less flexible surface.

FIG. 8 is an assembled view of FIG. 7. In this embodiment of a portion of flexible network system 18, a simple seam has been made across the portion where the ends of the flexible fabric overlap to connect 19. A simple seam has been made across the connecting points 21 to enclose each ring 24. Stitching has been completed along the overlapping portions of flexible fabric 22 which will cause the rings to have shared sides 22. These shared sides 22 will hold the columnal sections of foam 15 in a close adjacent arrangement to one another in accordance with the present invention. In this particular embodiment, the center ring 24 is larger than the rings on either side and may hold a greater number of columnal sections of foam 15 which is one of many optional modifications.

FIG. 9 is a perspective view of another embodiment 200 in accordance with the present invention. This embodiment features four columnal sections of foam 15 and four portions of the flexible network system 18. This embodiment does not feature interruptions 16, 17 along the length of the columnal sections of foam 15 as is seen in some embodiments. The fabric encasement 25 has been omitted from this drawing for the purpose of illustrating the entire assembled embodiment 200.

FIG. 10 is a perspective view of another embodiment 300 in accordance with the present invention with six columnal sections of foam material 15 and two portions of the flexible network system 18. The fabric encasement 25 has been omitted from this drawing for the purpose of illustrating the entire assembled embodiment 300.

FIG. 9 and FIG. 10 are embodiments that feature a single layer of columnal sections of foam material 15. The dimensions of these embodiments will vary according to the dimensions of the columnal sections of foam 15. A single layer of columnal sections of foam 15 does not limit the dimensions of the embodiment as an individual may choose to utilize columnal sections of foam material 15 that vary in height. Modifications of size, scale, height, thickness, density, shape, compressibility or quality will affect the dimension of the assembled embodiment.

FIG. 11 is a perspective view of yet another embodiment 400 in accordance with the present invention with twenty one columnal sections of foam 15 and four portions of the flexible network system 18. The fabric encasement 25 has been omitted from this drawing for the purpose of illustrating the entire assembled embodiment 400.

FIG. 12 is a perspective view of yet another embodiment 500 in accordance with the present invention with eight columnal sections of foam 15. This embodiment has been modified to feature a void along the front length and features irregular dimensions in order to be susceptive of the user's neck. The fabric encasement 25 has been omitted from this drawing for the purpose of illustrating the entire assembled embodiment 500.

These embodiments are representative of modifications that the present invention can accommodate utilizing the organized arrangement of columnal sections of foam material 15, conjoined with a flexible fabric 14 and encased in fabric 24.

The present invention may be further defined as follows: A flexible pillow system comprising: a plurality of columnal sections of foam material 15; a flexible fabric 14 that has been configured into a flexible network system 18 in order to conjoin the plurality of columnal sections of foam material 15; and a fabric encasement 24.

These components assembled together form a top surface, an opposing bottom surface, a front length and opposing rear length and two opposing ends.

Each separate columnal section of foam material 15 has a top length and opposing bottom length, two side lengths and two opposing ends.

These columnal sections of foam material 15 are selected from a material group that are now known or hereafter developed and are characterized by their ability to absorb shock, flex, bend, conform and adapt to the user, and when not in use have the ability to recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness.

The columnal sections of foam material 15 may or may not have interruptions 16,17 along the length of the columnal section of foam 15 which may be comprised of any combination of cuts/nicks 16, notches 17 or voids where material has been removed, which may be spaced equidistantly or at random.

The plurality of columnal sections of foam material 15 are conjoined by a flexible fabric. This flexible fabric 14 has been configured to create a flexible network system 18 of adjacent rings 24 in order to receive the plurality of columnal sections of foam material 15 by inserting a desired number of columnal sections of foam material 15 through each ring 24.

The entire flexible pillow system is encased 25 in a fabric which functions as an external supporting structure for the pillow and is sufficiently sized in order to encase the pillow with sufficient surplus fabric as to allow the pillow bend and flex while at the same time preventing the pillow from extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use. This fabric encasement may further feature a system of closure which allows for the encasement to be readily opened and closed.

A method for making a cushioned and supportive surface comprising the steps of: Selecting a foam-type material from a material group that is characterized by it's ability to absorb shock, flex, bend, adapt and conform in response to body heat and pressure, and when not in use it has the ability to recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness;

Cutting the foam material into columnal shaped sections 15 with a top length and opposing bottom length; two side lengths; and two opposing ends;
Creating interruptions 16, 17 as desired along the length of the columnal sections of foam comprised of cuts/nicks 16, notches 17 or removing portions of the foam like material;
Configuring a length of flexible fabric 14 to create a flexible network system 18 comprised of adjacent rings 24 that will receive a plurality of columnal sections of foam material 15 and hold them in an organized arrangement adjacent to one another;
Conjoining the plurality of columnal shaped sections of foam material 15 by placing a desired number of columnal shaped sections of foam material 15 through the rings 24 of the flexible network system 18;
Creating an encasement 25 from a lightweight, durable and breathable fabric in order to encase the conjoined columnal sections of foam material 15;
Creating a closure feature along the side of the encasement 25 as desired which will provide the ability to readily open and close the encasement 25;
Placing the plurality of conjoined columnal sections of foam material 15 into an encasement 25 that has been made with sufficient surplus fabric as to allow the pillow to bend and flex while at the same time preventing the pillow from extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use.
The present invention has been designed to accommodate various modifications without departing from the scope the invention or the intent of the inventor.


1. A flexible pillow system comprising: a plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material in an organized arrangement; a flexible fabric which conjoins the columnal sections of foam-type material; and a fabric encasement.

2. The flexible pillow system of claim 1. wherein the flexible pillow system is comprised of a plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material in an organized arrangement, conjoined by a flexible fabric which has been configured to form a flexible network system and encased in fabric; together these form a top surface, an opposing bottom surface, a front length and opposing rear length and two opposing ends.

3. The flexible pillow system of claim 1. wherein each separate columnal section of foam-type material has a top length and opposing bottom length, two side lengths and two opposing ends.

4. The flexible pillow system of claim 1, wherein the columnal sections of foam-type material are selected from a material group that are now known or hereafter developed and are characterized by their ability to absorb shock, flex, bend, adapt, conform in response to body heat and pressure and when not in use have the ability to recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness.

5. The flexible pillow system of claim 1, wherein the columnal sections of foam-type material have interruptions along the length of the columnal section of foam-type material which may be comprised of cuts, nicks, notches or voids where material has been removed, which may be spaced equidistantly or at random.

6. The flexible pillow system of claim 1, wherein the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material are conjoined by a flexible fabric which holds them in an organized arrangement.

7. The flexible pillow system of claim 6, wherein the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material are conjoined by a flexible fabric which has been configured to create a flexible network system of adjacent rings in order to receive the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material by inserting a desired number of columnal sections of foam-type material through the rings.

8. The flexible pillow system of claim 1, wherein the flexible pillow system is encased in a fabric which functions as an external supporting structure for the pillow and is sufficiently sized in order to encase the pillow with sufficient surplus fabric as to allow the pillow to bend and flex while at the same time preventing the pillow from extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use.

9. The flexible pillow system of claim 8, further comprising that the fabric encasement has a system of closure which allows for the encasement to be readily opened and closed.

10. A process for making a cushioned and supportive surface comprising the steps of;

Selecting a foam-type material from a material group that is characterized by it's ability to absorb shock, flex, bend, adapt and conform in response to body heat and pressure and when not in use it has the ability to recover to its pre-used shape, size and firmness;
Cutting the foam-type material into columnal shaped sections with a top length and opposing bottom length, two side lengths, and two opposing end;
Configuring a length of flexible fabric to create a flexible network system comprised of adjacent rings that will receive the plurality of columnal sections of foam-type material and hold them in an organized arrangement adjacent to one another;
Conjoining the plurality of columnal shaped sections of foam-type material by placing the desired number of columnal shaped sections of foam-type material through the adjacent rings of the flexible network system;
Placing the plurality of conjoined columnal sections of foam-type material into an encasement that has been made with sufficient surplus fabric as to allow the pillow bend and flex while at the same time preventing the pillow from extending beyond the dimensions of the constructed pillow when not in use;

11. The method of claim 10, further creating interruptions along the length of the columnal sections of foam-type material comprised of cuts, nicks, notches or removing portions of the foam-type material which may be spaced equidistantly or at random;

12. The method of claim 10, further selecting a fabric for the encasement from a fabric group that is characteristically lightweight, durable and breathable;

13. The method of claim 10, wherein adding a system of closure to the encasement providing the ability to readily open and close the encasement.

Patent History
Publication number: 20190159614
Type: Application
Filed: Oct 31, 2018
Publication Date: May 30, 2019
Inventor: Rachel Elizabeth Foti (Schenectady, NY)
Application Number: 16/177,104
International Classification: A47G 9/10 (20060101);