A wireless programmable digital chess clock having to a housing, a display mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to display time associated with a first player's clock and operatively arranged to display time associated with a second player's clock, a first switch mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to stop the first player's clock and start the second player's clock when activated; a second switch mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to stop the second player's clock and start the first player's clock when activated, a microcontroller operatively arranged to set and control the first and second players' clocks, and, a near field communication module, in communication with microcontroller, and operatively arranged to receive signals from an external transmitting device, where the signals are used to set the time on the first and second players' clocks.
The disclosure relates generally to chess clocks, more particularly to digital chess clocks, and, even more specifically, to a digital chess clock capable of being programmed and set via wireless communication.
REFERENCE TO COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING APPENDIXThe present application includes a computer program listing appendix. The appendix contains an ASCII text function of the computer program listing or sample file input data, which files are herein incorporated by reference in their entireties, as follows:
A chess game can take a very long time to play. This is not surprising when one considers that the total number of possible chess games is larger than the number of atoms in the universe. In the mid-19th century, chess matches were long, tedious affairs. Players would sometimes try to win by simply outlasting their opponents. Chess games could last for many hours. In the famous Staunton vs. Saint Amant match of 1843, the average length of each game was approximately nine hours. The twenty-first game of this match took 66 moves and 14.5 hours to complete. These delays ultimately resulted in the creation and evolution of timers and clocks to speed up and control the game, as described in a chronological history by Bill Wall on his webpage http://billwall.phpwebhosting.com/articles/Chess%20clocks2.htm, summarized, copied and paraphrased in part herebelow.
After a famous chess tournament in 1851, the London International Tournament, players were criticized for playing too slowly. This lead to the use of sandglasses to time chess games in tournaments. When it was the first player's turn, the sand in the glass would be allowed to flow. When it was the second player's turn, the first player's sandglass would be set on its side, and the sandglass of the second player would be allowed to flow. Sandglasses were first used for time control at London in 1862 in a match between Adolf Anderssen and Ignac von Kolisch. The time control was 24 moves in two hours. Sandglasses weren't ideal for timing chess games. Temperature and humidity affected the sand flow, so there was little accuracy in the time. Also, an opponent could accidently turn up the wrong end of the sandglass or even mistakenly turn his opponent's sandglass.
Tassilo von Heydebrand and der Lasa (1818-1889), a German chess master and chess historian, was one of the first persons to propose that each player's time should be limited by way of separate clocks.
The first mechanical chess clock (tumbling stop clock) was invented by Thomas Bright Wilson (1843-1915) of Manchester, England in 1883, with advice from Joseph Henry Blackburne. The first time that game clocks were used in a chess tournament was in the London 1883 tournament. The time control was 15 moves in two hours, and a player forfeited if he failed to make the requisite number of moves during the time period. The time piece comprised two balanced clocks on a seesaw beam so that when one was tilted, it stopped and the other started. The tumbling-clock was manufactured by Fattonini & Sons of Bradford, England.
The first patent for a chess clock was issued in 1884 to Amandus Schierwater of Liverpool. These clocks were being used by 1886 in most tournaments. In 1886, Schierwater and Frisch of Liverpool patented a chess clock that showed the ordinary time, but registered on separate dials the period occupied by the players. It also indicated the number of moves in a game and whose turn it was to play. The expiration of time was indicated by the ringing of a bell.
In 1894, tumbler chess clocks were used during the Steinitz-Lasker match for the World Championship in New York.
In 1894, a German firm made a chess clock where the clocks were fixed upon a stand, not movable, where a lever was pushed down that stopped one clock and started the other. This clock was made by Gustav Herzog of Leipzig.
In 1895, Theodore Grosse patented a chess timing device using two pendulum clocks with magnets to restrain the inactive pendulum.
The Jaques “Chess Timing Clock” was introduced in the 1890s and sold for 21 shillings.
In 1899, the “flag” mounted on the chess clock was invented by H. D. B. Meijer of Holland. The flag was suspended and arranged for pivoting about the 11:57 graduation on the clock face and was raised as the minute hand forced it up as it approached 12 o'clock. This made it easier to see the time run out when the flag fell. It took about 20 years before the use of flags became common.
In 1900, the present day push-button clock was first perfected by Veenhoff in Groningen, the Netherlands.
In 1950, Borcherdt GmbH or BHB, was established in Germany and became the leading manufacturer of chess clocks in the world. The company lasted until 1989.
In 1964, the first electronic chess clock was manufactured by a Russian firm, the Kiev Relay and Automatic Works.
In 1973, Bruce Chaney created the first digital chess clock for an undergraduate electrical engineering course at Cornell University. One of the problems with analog clocks with “falling flags” was that, in a close game between two players close to each other in playing strength, and especially in a blitz game, it was possible that both player flags would fall in successive moves, and neither player would notice which flag fell first. Digital clocks solved this problem, as the clocks could be programmed to freeze when one player ran out of time. Also, the clocks could be programmed to sound an alarm or provide some other visual indication (e.g., a blinking display) when one player ran out of time.
In 1975, U.S. Pat. No. 4,062,180 was issued to Joseph Meshi and Jeffrey Ponsor for a microprocessor-based digital chess clock.
In 1985, the first DGT (Digital Games Technology) digital chess clock was built by Ben Bulsink.
In 1988, Bobby Fischer filed a patent application for a new type of digital chess clock that gives each player a fixed period of time at the start of the game and then adds a small amount of time after each move. He used his Fischer clock in his 1992 match with Boris Spassky. Prior to the match, a working model had never been constructed. A Fischer chess clock was made for the event in five days.
In 1995, U.S. Pat. No. 5,420,830 was issued to Frank Camaratta, Jr. and William Goichberg for a chess clock with a delay feature. The purpose of the delay feature is to avoid having games decided simply because one player ran out of time. With a delay, the player clocks don't start to decrement until a set time delay has occurred. For example, with a 5 second delay, the clock delays for 5 seconds before starting to decrement. Time delays, or time increments, are now used in time controls for most organized chess tournaments worldwide.
Today, analog chess clocks, replete with their “falling red flags” are rarely used in tournament chess. Digital chess clocks are now ubiquitous. This is partly due to the fact that the rules of chess to be applied in tournaments by both the United States Chess Federation and The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE), (The World Chess Federation), favor the use of digital chess clocks in tournament play. Most, if not all, national chess federations favor the use of digital chess clocks in tournaments as well.
Since more people play chess than any other game on the planet, it should be no surprise that there have been, and now are, a number of digital chess clock manufacturers and associated models of digital chess clocks. These include Saitek, Garde, ZmartFun, Chronos, Excalibur, Visual-Tek, Leap, and Digital Game Technology DGT). Some of these companies offer several clock models (DGT offers twelve different digital chess clock models at the present time.)
Unfortunately, digital chess clocks are notoriously difficult to set. Instruction manuals for clocks from the manufacturers listed above are typically 10-24 pages in length. Manufacturers recognize this problem, and some have taken steps to make the clocks easier to set. For example, some manufacturers have programmed certain “pre-sets” (often referred to as programs) to accommodate certain common time controls used in tournaments, such as “blitz” (5 minutes per player), or other common time controls. Some, such as Ruhla (manufacturer of the Garde clock), have included a paper label on the rear of its clocks to list the many pre-programmed time settings. And Visual-Tek's clock has a text menu display to help users through the time setting process.
Compounding the issue is the fact that there are myriad time control settings for chess games and tournament play. These time controls, or modes, not only include the time each player has to complete a game, but also an associated time delay or increment associated with each move. It is likely that a tournament chess player will have to reset his clock before every tournament.
Examples of various time modes/controls used in timing chess games include sudden death, simple delay, Bronstein delay, and Fischer delay, each of which is described herebelow:
Sudden death: In this mode, each player's clock is set for a specific time period (e.g., 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 50 minutes, etc.) (Each player may have the same amount of time, or one player may have more or less time than his opponent.) If a player runs out of time before he checkmates his opponent, he loses the game. Typically, each player's clock counts down from a certain number until the display reaches zero, at which point the displays may freeze, or flash/blink, or an alarm may sound to indicate that one player has run out of time.
Simple delay: In this mode, the clock is set for a particular delay. For example, one popular time delay is five (5) seconds. In this mode, when a player hits his button, his clock is stopped. Five seconds later, his opponent's clock begins to decrement. The time associated with the delay is not accumulated. A player either uses all or some of his delay time, but doesn't get to “bank it” or accumulate it to use at another point in the game. This mode is popular among chess players and in tournaments since it guarantees that a player will always have five (5) seconds to make each move. Prior to the implementation of the delay mode, many chess players lamented losing on time, as it was very difficult when in time trouble to concentrate both on the board and on the clock. These days, almost all serious chess players have developed an innate sense of how long they have to move when playing a game with a five (5) second delay. It should be appreciated that the net effect of a simple delay time mode is exactly the same as that of the Bronstein mode described infra, where the difference is that in simple time delay, the delay occurs prior to a move being made whereas in Bronstein mode the delay is added after the fact.
Fischer: In this mode, a specified time increment is added to a player's clock before he makes his move. Time can be accumulated, so if the player moves within the delay period, his remaining time actually increases. For example, if the delay time is five seconds, and a player has four seconds left on his clock, as soon as his opponent moves, he receives the increment and has nine seconds to make a move. If he takes two seconds to move, on the start of his next move he has seven seconds. There is also a variant of this time control that adds the delay after a player makes his move (Fischer after), so the delay is added to the player's remaining time and is available for his next move. If, however, time runs out during his move, the game ends without the delay time being added. This variant prevents the player who is in time-trouble to take advantage of the extra-time.
Bronstein: In this mode, the increment is always added after the move. But unlike Fischer, the maximum increment is not always added. If a player expends more than the specified increment, then the entire increment is added to the player's clock. But if a player has moved faster than the time increment, only the exact amount of time expended by the player is added. For example, if the delay is five seconds, the player has ten seconds left in his clock before his turn and during his turn he spends three seconds, after he presses the clock button to indicate the end of his turn, his clock increases by only three seconds (not five).
In addition to these delay settings, many tournament games are divided into two or more time periods. For example, both players may have two hours in a first time period to make 40 moves each, one hour in a second time period to make 20 moves each, and then enter into a thirty minute sudden death third time period to finish a game. This is but one example of a multiple time period tournament chess game. There are and endless number of possibilities for the number and length of time periods in a tournament chess game.
Part of the reason that digital chess clocks are so hard to set has to do with the manufacturer's desire to keep costs down by minimizing the number of parts in the clock. As shown in
The complexity involved in setting and programming various digital chess clocks is mind-boggling. For example, the 48 page instruction manual for the Chronos clock instructs that to turn the clock on you press the center button, and to turn it off you press and hold the center button, then press either the first player button or the second player button five times. But the 10 page introductory document that accompanies the instruction manual further explains that there are actually four ways to turn the clock on as follows:
- “Turn on with neither play switch pressed:
- This selects user modes 1 to 4.
- “Turn on with neither play switch pressed:
Turn on with left play switch pressed:
- This selects user modes 5 to 8.
Turn on with right play switch pressed:
- This selects user modes 9 to 12.
Turn on with both play switches pressed:
- This selects all modes.”
And these are just the instructions for turning the clock on and off. The clock has 70+ modes of operation, which are individually selected by additional sequenced button pushes after the clock is turned on.
- This selects all modes.”
Some clocks, such as the DGT 2000 model from DGT Projects BV, have a separate on/off switch located on the bottom of the clock housing. Instead of player push buttons atop the housing, this clock uses a rocker arm to start and stop the respective clocks. It has separate push buttons on the front of the housing to select one of thirty two different options, or pre-programmed settings, and instructions to manually change the settings by specific keystrokes. This clock can also be used in a byo-yomi mode which is used to time a game of Shogi (Japanese Chess.) The instruction manual for this clock is 48 pages long, albeit in 6 languages.
The DGT 3000 model also has an on/off button on the bottom of its housing, and is laden with more features than the DGT 2000 models. Moreover, this clock can be used to time non-chess games such as Scrabble. The instruction manual for this feature-laden clock is 120 pages long, albeit in 6 languages.
Suffice it to say that setting a digital chess clock is somewhat complicated. Even among the twelve different models of DGT clocks, each has its own separate instruction manual and there are differences in the way individual models are set. Even the “easy Game Timer” from DGT has a 27 page instruction manual! And this clock uses entirely different types of switches and programming methodology than other DGT models (including the use of a 4-way control button on the face of the housing.)
The Saitek Competition Game Clock (and various other Saitek models) also used a 4-way control pad to set the clock, as well as ancillary slide switches to control power, sound and light. This clock, no longer manufactured, included a 20 page manual.
ZmartFun Electronics, assignee of the present patent application, manufactures an LED digital chess clock, model ZMF-II, and an LCD digital chess clock, model ZMF-Pro. Both models use the above described method of setting and programming the clock using sequenced button pushes to send appropriate signals to the microcontroller.
The Garde digital chess clock manufactured in Germany by Ruhla came in two versions: the “Basic” model and the “Tournament” model. Both included 20 preprogrammed time control settings and a number of electrical switches recessed in the base of the wood housing. Programming of these clocks was done totally with the recessed switches. Again, programming was so involved that the manufacturer actually applied an adhesive instruction label to the rear wall of the clock housing to aid in programming and setting the clock.
The VTEK300 advanced digital chess clock from VisualTek, Inc. attempts to solve some of the problems in programming and setting chess clocks by including some features purportedly not found in other clocks. For example, the user is able to navigate a menu that includes “recent settings” and also includes the ability to display the time control and period being played on the display in addition to the time on each player's clock. Unfortunately, this clock still relies on sequenced button pushes and a lengthy instruction manual (11 pages), although its menu navigation system is arguably an improvement over other similar menu driven clocks.
The inevitable result of this complexity in design and function of present day digital chess clocks is that, quite often, tournament start times are delayed because of players who do not know, or cannot remember, how to set even the clocks they own, while others resort to instruction manuals to set their clocks. Some mistakenly believe that the tournament director should know how to set every make and model of clock (even though the rules of chess clearly assign responsibility for correctly setting the clock on the players.) Almost comically, it is commonplace at some tournaments to find adult players scrambling to find young children to help them set their clocks, since children and scholastic players seem more adept at setting chess clocks than adults. Some older players have even been heard to opine that most digital chess clocks are harder to set than the clocks on 1980s era VCRs (which exhibited the so-called blinking twelve problem—displays that constantly blinked 12:00 because owners couldn't figure out how to set the clock.)
The problem is such that one chess club, in England, has actually resorted to posting instructions on its website to assist its members in setting their clocks: http://www.brightonandhovechessclub.org/setting-clocks-for-matches.
Thus, there is a long-felt need for a digital chess clock that is easy to set. There is a long-felt need for a method of setting a digital chess clock that is very fast. There is a long-felt need for a method of setting a plurality of digital chess clocks quickly. Finally, there is a long-felt need for a chess clock that may be programmed and set wirelessly, and for a digital chess clock that may be set wirelessly using near-field communication of signals from an external device, such as a mobile phone, computer, or other portable electronic device.
SUMMARYAccording to aspects illustrated herein, there is provided a wireless programmable digital chess clock, comprising a housing, a display mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to display time associated with a first player's clock and operatively arranged to display time associated with a second player's clock, a first switch mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to stop the first player's clock and start the second player's clock when activated, a second switch mounted in the housing and operatively arranged to stop the second player's clock and start the first player's clock when activated, a microcontroller operatively arranged to set and control the first and second players' clocks, and, a near field communication module, in communication with the microcontroller, and operatively arranged to receive signals from an external transmitting device, where the signals are used to set the time on the first and second players' clocks.
According to aspects illustrated herein, there is also provided a wireless programmable digital chess clock assembly, comprising a programmable digital chess clock and a mobile device operatively arranged to communicate wirelessly with the chess clock to program and set the clock.
A primary object of the invention is to provide a digital chess clock which is easy to program and set.
Another object of the invention is to provide a digital chess clock which may be set wirelessly from a mobile device.
These and other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become readily apparent upon a review of the following detailed description of the invention, in view of the drawings and appended claims.
Various embodiments are disclosed, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying schematic drawings in which corresponding reference symbols indicate corresponding parts, in which:
At the outset, it should be appreciated that like drawing numbers on different drawing views identify identical, or functionally similar, structural elements. It is to be understood that the claims are not limited to the disclosed aspects.
Furthermore, it is understood that this disclosure is not limited to the particular methodology, materials and modifications described and as such may, of course, vary. It is also understood that the terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular aspects only, and is not intended to limit the scope of the claims.
Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood to one of ordinary skill in the art to which this disclosure pertains. It should be understood that any methods, devices or materials similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the practice or testing of the example embodiments. The assembly of the present disclosure could be driven by hydraulics, electronics, and/or pneumatics. It should be appreciated that the term “substantially” is synonymous with terms such as “nearly,” “very nearly,” “about,” “approximately,” “around,” “bordering on,” “close to,” “essentially,” “in the neighborhood of,” “in the vicinity of,” etc., and such terms may be used interchangeably as appearing in the specification and claims. It should be appreciated that the term “proximate” is synonymous with terms such as “nearby,” “close,” “adjacent,” “neighboring,” “immediate,” “adjoining,” etc., and such terms may be used interchangeably as appearing in the specification and claims. The term “approximately” is intended to mean values within ten percent of the specified value.
Moreover, as used herein, “and/or” is intended to mean a grammatical conjunction used to indicate that one or more of the elements or conditions recited may be included or occur. For example, a device comprising a first element, a second element and/or a third element, is intended to be construed as any one of the following structural arrangements: a device comprising a first element; a device comprising a second element; a device comprising a third element; a device comprising a first element and a second element; a device comprising a first element and a third element; a device comprising a first element, a second element and a third element; or, a device comprising a second element and a third element.
The term “time control” as used in the present disclosure is intended to mean the format and rules which define the time allowed to play a particular game of chess. For example, each player must make a certain number of moves, all moves, or all remaining moves in an allotted period of time, theses factors being specified in advance to the players by a tournament director. In a non-sudden death time control, if both players complete the required moves in the allotted time, a new period begins. Each such time period is called a time control. Time controls appear in tournament publicity as number of moves (#), slash (/), time in minutes: #/mm. For instance, if each player must make 40 moves in 1½ hours, this is abbreviated 40/90. In a sudden death time control, the designation “SD” is used. For example, 40/120 SD/60 indicates that 40 moves must be made by each player in two hours (120 minutes) followed by the rest of the moves in the game in one hour (60 minutes). If the time control indicates a delay (pause) time, the abbreviation d/# is used, where # is the delay time in seconds. For example, d/5 indicates a time delay of 5 seconds, which means that the clock display will pause for 5 seconds before starting to decrement. If the time control indicates an incremental (added) time, the abbreviation inc/# (or +#) is used, where the added time # is the incremental time in seconds. For example, inc/30 or +30 indicates an incremental time of 30 seconds, which means that 30 seconds will be added to a player's clock at the conclusion of a move, once the player touches her sensor button.
The terms “wireless communication” and “wireless signal” as used in the present disclosure are intended to mean telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over part or all of the communication path. The term is intended to include, but not be limited to, near field communication, Bluetooth® communication, and communication over a WiFi network.
The term “touch sensor” as used in the present disclosure is intended to mean a type of equipment that captures and records physical touch of a device and/or object. It enables a device or object to detect touch, typically by a human user or operator. It is intended to include capacitive switches.
The term “mobile device” as used in the present disclosure is intended to mean a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.
Adverting now to the Figures,
The wireless programmable digital chess clock of the present invention is shown in a perspective view in
Chip 16 is connected to antenna ANT, capacitor C1, resistors R1, R2 and R3. The chip is powered by a 3V direct current supply. In addition to receiving information for setting the clock from the mobile device, the NFC module is also operatively arranged to transmit data about a chess game being played, or just played, back to the mobile device. For example, in analyzing a chess game that has been played, a player and her coach may find it useful to know how much time a player spent on each move in the game. It should be appreciated that the NT3H2111 chip has an onboard memory to store the elapsed time information (time for each move) for the clock. The memory is cleared whenever the clock is turned off. To extract the clock information from the clock, the user/player would bring his mobile device close to the clock, and the time for each move would be transmitted to his mobile device.
Adverting now to
With reference to
Adverting now to
Microcontroller 200 is shown in
Adverting to
Adverting to
To set the time on the clock, a user would touch software application icon 151 on mobile device 150, as shown on
If a user sought to set the time controls for a chess tournament, she would tap chess tournament tab 162, as shown in
With respect to setting the number of moves permitted in a first, second or third time control, as indicated above, it should be appreciated that the clock itself can keep track of the number of moves made by each player, simply by counting the number of times a player hits her respective sensor button. This counting is performed by the microcontroller. The clock is operatively arranged to freeze the display should a player “not make time control”, i.e., not make the required number of moves within a preset time control period. It is also possible that the players are playing on a sensory chess board in communication with the clock, and that the board is operatively arranged to count the moves as well. In such a configuration, the time, the number of moves, and the time controls settings can be transmitted to a personal computer, which can also indicate if a player loses on time for not making the time control.
Finally, it should be appreciated that many chess players play repeatedly in a number of different tournaments, with each tournament having its own time control. The software application of the present invention, although not shown in the drawings, includes a drop-down list of stored/saved “favorites” of frequently used settings, thereby allowing the player to save time in selecting a setting for a particular tournament.
It will be appreciated that various aspects of the disclosure above and other features and functions, or alternatives thereof, may be desirably combined into many other different systems or applications. Various presently unforeseen or unanticipated alternatives, modifications, variations, or improvements therein may be subsequently made by those skilled in the art which are also intended to be encompassed by the following claims.
- 10 housing
- 11 housing
- first player clock display
- 21 first player clock display
- second player clock display
- 31 second player clock display
- first player touch sensor
- 41 first player touch sensor
- 50 second player touch sensor
- 51 second player touch sensor
- 60 first player LED indicator
- 70 second player LED indicator
- 80 central power switch
- 81 on/off switch
- 82 enter button
- 83 “minus” button
- 84 “plus” button
- 85 sound button
- 100 wireless programmable chess clock
- 101 top surface of housing
- 102 display
- 103 first player display
- 104 second player display
- 105 first player touch sensor
- 106 second player touch sensor
- 107 first player LED indicator
- 108 second player LED indicator
- 109 top housing member
- 110 front surface of housing
- 111 base of housing
- 112 first foot on base
- 113 second foot on base
- 114 third foot on base
- 115 fourth foot on base
- 116 battery compartment door
- 117 speaker
- 118 display housing member
- 119 sensor buttons housing member
- 120 base housing member
- 140 hand of player holding mobile device
- 145 wireless NFC signals transmitted from mobile device to clock
- 150 mobile device
- 151 software application icon
- 152 chess board
- 153 chess table
- 154 first player
- 155 second player
- 156 chess pieces
- 160 near field communication tag
- 161 near field communication chip
- 170 voltage regulator
- 171 voltage regulator chip
- 190 battery life monitor circuit
- 180 clock oscillator circuit
- 181 Real-time clock/calendar chip
- 200 microcontroller
- C1 100 pF capacitor
- C2 12 pF capacitor
- C3 12 pF capacitor
- LED1 light emitting diode
- LED2 light emitting diode
- Q1 quartz crystal oscillator (32.768 kHz)
- R1 2.2 kΩ resistor
- R2 2.2 kΩ resistor
- R3 2.2 kΩ resistor
- R4 2.2 kΩ resistor
- R5 2.2 kΩ resistor
- R6 2.2 kΩ resistor
1. A wireless programmable digital chess clock, comprising:
- a housing;
- a display mounted in said housing and operatively arranged to display time associated with a first player's clock and operatively arranged to display time associated with a second player's clock;
- a first switch mounted in said housing and operatively arranged to stop said first player's clock and start said second player's clock when activated;
- a second switch mounted in said housing and operatively arranged to stop said second player's clock and start said first player's clock when activated;
- a microcontroller operatively arranged to set and control said first and second players' clocks; and,
- a near field communication module, in communication with said microcontroller, and operatively arranged to receive signals from an external transmitting device, where said signals are used to set the time on said first and second players' clocks.
2. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said external transmitting device is a mobile device operatively arranged to transmit said signals when instructed to do so by a software application running on said mobile device.
3. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said signals include a time delay setting for each clock to be used in the playing of a chess game.
4. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 3 wherein the time delay is selected from the group consisting of Simple, Fischer, and Bronstein.
5. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said signals include a time increment setting for each clock to be used in the playing of a chess game.
6. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said first switch is a push button.
7. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said second switch is a push button.
8. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said first switch is a touch sensor.
9. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1 wherein said second switch is a touch sensor.
10. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 1, further comprising a memory chip in communication with said microcontroller, said memory chip operatively arranged to save the amount of time used by each player for each move in a chess game.
11. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 10, wherein said microcontroller is operatively arranged to transmit in real time, the time remaining on each player's clock to an external device.
12. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 10 wherein said microcontroller is operatively arranged to transmit both the number of moves made by each player, and the time for each move, to an external device.
13. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 11, wherein said external device is a computer.
14. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 12, wherein said external device is a computer.
15. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 11, wherein said transmission of time is done wirelessly.
16. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 11, wherein said transmission of of time is done via a cable.
17. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 12, wherein said transmission of time and moves is done wirelessly.
18. The wireless programmable digital chess clock recited in claim 12, wherein said transmission of time and moves is done via a cable.
19. A wireless programmable digital chess clock assembly, comprising:
- a programmable digital chess clock; and,
- a mobile device operatively arranged to communicate wirelessly with said chess clock to program and set the clock.
Type: Application
Filed: May 16, 2018
Publication Date: Nov 21, 2019
Inventor: Roberto Socorregut (Miami, FL)
Application Number: 15/981,213