An MSP platform provides contingent healthcare worker recruiting and shift assignation in a multilayered process of job order broadcasting, competency matching, proposals from healthcare agencies aka vendors, screening, compliance management, and onboard of each candidate. Each staff profile submitted has to go through multilayered review, approval, and orientation process. Additionally, each healthcare worker's calendar, credential, and compliance have to be managed across multiple employers to prevent scheduling conflict and compliance violations, and guaranteeing full visibility of all healthcare workers across the entire supply chain. MSPs (Managed Service Providers) have the ability to service a large number of facilities on whose behalf the MSPs generate job orders for contingent workforce, and manage fulfillment using suppliers (aka vendors) mapped to the facility being serviced. The supplier ecosystem is a cohesive block that may be shared across all MSPs, and several such MSP ecosystems should be allowed to coexist in the system. Suppliers can be tiered by geography allowing a large vendor network to track demand from one or more healthcare facilities across a single location or a group of vendor locations. Additionally, a facility that is part of an MSP should also be able to work directly with all suppliers either in conjunction with or independent of an MSP. Both long term assignments referred to as ‘Travel’ position, and on-demand shift assignments referred to as ‘Day-to-day’ position are serviceable under this centrally available software commonly referred to as ‘Software as a Service’.
The invention relates to methods and a managed service provider (MSP) system for managing collaborative credentialing, compliance, and scheduling of contingent healthcare workers by multiple MSPs and healthcare facilities. More particularly, the invention relates to automatically fulfilling job requisitions, either travel or day-to-day workers, by employing services of suppliers available across the MSP system.
DISCUSSION OF THE RELATED ARTThe traditional credentialing, compliance, and scheduling systems operate independently, and without an integrated process spanning the healthcare facility's stakeholders, the suppliers' stakeholders, and the healthcare workers. Such systems may be addressing the needs of a single healthcare facility in isolation without taking into account the overall demand, thereby creating an architecture that is built on simple data-exchange mechanism failing to see the overarching demand and availability in the context of the ecosystem. When workers are onboard one or more healthcare facilities, then the system for identifying their real-time availability is also not integrated. Lacking this level of cohesion and visibility, the current systems disenfranchise workers as well as process participants, which leads to inconsistent and incomplete credentialing and compliance, with added disadvantage of taking longer fill-cycles not in line with the hiring timeline and objectives of a healthcare facility.
Existing systems lack ability to create and manage shared supplier pool that can be dynamically configured within minutes to serve any group of healthcare facilities or MSPs. Systems also lack automated features to enable outsourcing of contingent staffing to an MSP, especially for healthcare systems that own several hospitals; additionally, such systems lack the ability to create facility-specific configurations that vary from facility to facility. Accommodating each facility's unique circumstances and needs are therefore cumbersome, people intensive, and also lack a common communications platform with automated follow-ups, accountability, and life-cycle tracking of both the job order or the healthcare worker.
Existing systems also are not capable of automating process flows for engaging and alerting all stakeholders when posting, proposing, and onboard of a worker. This is because the worker, or candidate, profile has to flow through several layered steps that require collaboration between several stakeholders across both healthcare facility and suppliers. Typically the existing processes do not have a process fabric to seamlessly transition a worker profile across various stakeholders responsible for different organizations functions; these steps are job postings, responses, screening, interview scheduling, offer acceptance and contract compliance, credentialing, health record audits, HR acceptance, Health Services acceptance, facility and departmental orientation scheduling, and orientation delivery. With so many stakeholders, there is also a need to communicate all errors, omissions, and exceptions during this multitier process, and maintain its history.
With absence of a cohesive process across stakeholders and contributors, the ability to collect historical evidence for corroborating effectiveness of each individual step is absent. This is a serious drawback for harvesting lifecycle events for gaining operational intelligence that could be useful in optimization of core operations. Systems also lack real-time monitoring and alerting about non-compliance or non-employability, which are essential for patient safety and adhering to state regulations.
Existing systems also lack real-time scheduling features across multiple employers. The ecosystem of suppliers is not provided the tools to manage, monitor, and allocate workers across multiple employers. A major drawback of such systems is inability to take automated actions without manual intervention—for example, a shift that is announced automatically via VoIP (Voice-over-IP) or SMS (text messaging) would not be feasible in the absence of real-time calendaring; to assume that it is possible to do this without real-time information is to break all etiquette of communication and basically spam the suppliers and their workers with a deluge of irrelevant notifications about an opportunity that the worker is unable to fill.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThus, a majority of healthcare facilities require contingent staff to ensure correct patient to healthcare worker ratio to avoid risks associated with being short staffed or overworked workers. Depending on the type of service a healthcare worker provides, however, regulatory organizations mandate who can provide direct service to patients. These regulatory requirements warrant credentialing, background, and health compliance verifications to ensure patient and healthcare worker safety, and avoid lawsuits when there is patient injury or death. It is often required to reproduce the compliance stance at a given point in history as proof of proper governance in hiring contingent workforce. In summary, a healthcare worker cannot provide services until the worker is properly whetted, oriented, and continuously tracked for any compliance violation.
For example, an expiring license, certification, or immunization would be considered out of compliance, and the healthcare worker has to replace the expiring document or prevented from providing patient care. Therefore, each such healthcare worker, after receiving clearance, has to be put into a qualified worker pool for a specific facility—only those workers who are in this pool can provide services at the said facility.
Real-time availability information is also important for creating multidimensional searchable view based on 5 key dimensions for informed on-demand shift provisioning—this dynamic view is constructed using department, job class, shift type, shift date, and worker availability and compliance. When this level of information is not easily available, it is impossible to create rich collaboration experience.
An MSP system for contingent staffing has 8 major components: (1) Ability to setup multiple MSP organizations, each servicing a number of healthcare facilities, which manage unique business relationships between healthcare facility and suppliers, (2) An ecosystem of suppliers and their healthcare workers shared across all MSPs. (3) A collaboration platform for all MSPs to coordinate with, and on-behalf-of, each healthcare facility serviced by MSP—ability to publish jobs across suppliers and receive automated candidate proposals, (4) An integrated workflow for various approvers/coordinators in the onboard of a candidate to include following steps—screening, interview scheduling, offer acceptance and contract compliance, credentialing, health record audits, HR acceptance, Health Services acceptance, facility and departmental orientation scheduling, and orientation delivery, (5) A tracking mechanism for all contingent staff for managing their employment lifecycle, history, and real-time compliance information, (6) Real-time virtual calendar of contract staff across multiple employers for day-to-day on-demand shift scheduling, (7) Multi-dimensional scheduling view to instantly schedule the most eligible candidate, and (8) Automated timecard generation, with mobile clock-in/clock-out.
The disclosed embodiments include a method for creating an MSP's Supplier (aka. Agency) ecosystem. The supplier ecosystem is shared with other MSPs. This effectively creates a marketplace between MSPs and suppliers. Each supplier can create its individual locations, and group such locations into national and regional hierarchies. Such groups belong to the same EIN (Employer Identification Number), which enables tracking of business operations at local, national, or regional level.
The suppliers are mapped to customers. Such customers are healthcare facilities created and uniquely configured. In some embodiments, the method creates departments specific to a healthcare facility. The method also creates job-classes mapped to specific departments. No other job classes can be used for onboarding healthcare workers if the job class has not been mapped to the department. The method also creates shift types unique to a facility and its departments, which represent start of shift, end of shift, total hours, and total permissible mealtime/breaks. All timecards and scheduling functions use shift types.
The method also creates unique credentialing steps later used for creating a dynamic checklist-menu during the compliance audit and HR acceptance processes. The method also creates unique health compliance steps later used for creating a dynamic checklist-menu during the compliance audit and health services acceptance processes. The method also creates performance evaluation criteria specific to a healthcare facility. The method also creates profile elements specific to a healthcare facility. The profile elements are mapped to specific job classes for dynamic profile-menu creation ensuring that unrelated profile elements remain hidden in the menu. The method also identifies dynamically those elements that require an accompanying document to be verified and approved during onboard.
Each agency has its administrators that create healthcare workers' profiles and a virtual calendar in the staff pool. An agency Administrator electronically submits all credential and health compliance documents. Profile elements that can be submitted include Licenses, Certificates, Identification, Education, Employment History, References, Skills/Specialty Assessment Worksheet, Confidentiality and HIPAA Form, Yearly Competency Assessment, Background Verification (EPLS/SAM, Medi-Cal License Suspension and Ineligible Provider Check, NSOPW, OIG, any additional background checks desired), Physical Exam Results, Medical Questionnaire, Immunizations Records (Mumps, Rubella, Rubeola, Varicella, TDAP, Hep B, Influenza), 10 Panel Drug Test, Drug and Alcohol Policy, FIT Test, TB Screening (PPD Skin Test, QuantiFERON Test, Chest X-Ray), TB Questionnaire, and additional profile data as required by each healthcare facility. Because a healthcare worker may be employed by several agencies, each agency maintains a separate profile for healthcare worker as the profile is a portfolio of documents that the agency guarantees to be accurate, authentic, and validated by the submitting agency. Each profile entry has meta-data describing each document's validity and expiry period.
The Agency Administrator also manages the virtual calendar for each day-to-day worker. The virtual calendar is accessible by all agencies and healthcare facilities where the healthcare worker is employed. The calendar viewed by an agency, however, displays only those shifts that are contracted through the agency. The calendar viewed by a healthcare facility displays only those shifts that are pertaining to the facility. All other calendar entries are obfuscated.
The method creates compliance managers with responsibility for verifying all compliance related documents for specific set of healthcare facilities and its suppliers. The intersection of authorized healthcare facilities and authorized suppliers is the scope of access for the compliance manager.
The method also creates job orders, or requisitions, for electronic broadcast to suppliers. Broadcast of job orders can be limited to selected suppliers, can be sent to all suppliers in a single broadcast, or may be sent in batches on a deferred basis. Deferring allows responses from preferred vendors first.
The method is used by agency administrators to respond to a job order by proposing one or more candidates best suited for the job order. Job order is surfaced in the supplier's requisition queue, from where the Agency Administrator can select a specific job order and propose a viable candidate for the job by using an automated search for matching all qualified healthcare workers. The search shows all constraints in the context of the job order, compliance violations, and history of past and current proposals for each candidate along with their current onboard status with various healthcare facilities. This prevents over subscription of healthcare worker and avoids unnecessary withdrawals for an over-extended worker.
On proposing a candidate, the Agency Administrator can monitor the job order in the requisition queue as the candidate moves through various stages of the onboard process at the facility where proposed, therefore experiencing complete transparency in the entire onboard process. Additionally, the Agency Administrator receives alerts during onboard for additional documents, errors and omissions, interview date, offer acceptance, orientation dates, and alerts for cancelled or denied orders.
Responses for a job order are received by the MSP Staffing Manager. The responses may be from one or more suppliers, and each supplier may propose one or more healthcare workers. The MSP or facility-side response queue is called the Onboard Queue. Each entry in Onboard Queue represents one response, and each response follows a collaborative workflow, as disclosed below.
A method for an MSP Staffing Manager starts the first step of the collaborative onboard process by screening the candidate for fitment after which the candidate profile is forwarded to the interview step. While forwarding, the MSP Staffing Manager can provide the name of the interviewer, typically a department manager. If there are more candidates for a job order, then the additional candidates are held as backup. The Agency Administrator is informed when the candidate is selected for onboard, and all other candidates are moved in the backup queue for the agency from where such profiles may either be left as backup or recalled by the Agency Administrator for proposing to other healthcare facilities.
The candidate profile after successful screening is moved to the Department Manager, Interviewer, and Queue. Upon review of the screening document, the interviewer electronically sends an interview date to both the healthcare worker and the agency employing the healthcare worker. Upon completing the interview, a candidate is either approved or denied. An approval forwards the candidate to the next stage of onboard.
The candidate profile after successful interview is moved to the compliance manager queue. The compliance manager has two distinct queues. One for receiving all credentials required by HR and the other for receiving all health documents required by Health Services. A dynamic view is generated for the compliance manager, wherein all documents marked relevant for credentialing in the context of the healthcare facility are laid out in a tiled fashion in the top-half of the view with the ability to download and verify each document separately or as one consolidated document. For the bottom half, another dynamic view is generated, wherein both the credentialing checklist-menu and the health checklist-menu is laid out in a tiled fashion in the bottom-half of the compliance manager view with ability to check-mark each step as verified. If the profile could not be verified due to omission, negligence, illegible documents, or expired documents, then an automated notification with relevant comments are sent to the Agency Administrator for remedial action, and the profile is marked in the Compliance Manager Queue as ‘Agency Alerted’. In response to this alert, the Agency Administrator certifies taking remedial action to address all deficiencies, which in turn marks the profile in the compliance manager queue as ‘Agency Responded’ and shows the response received.
The candidate profile after checklist approval is moved to the HR Administrator and Health Services Administrator queues. Both HR and Health Services personnel verify and approve each candidate in a manner similar to the compliance manager using identical user interface and software logic, except that both HR and Health Services personnel may also revert a profile back to the compliance manager for further investigation.
The candidate profile after checklist approval is moved to the orientation scheduling step in the collaborative workflow. The orientation schedule is copied from a modifiable template, updated for the current requisition, and sent to both the healthcare worker and its Agency Administrator. The orientation schedule consists of dates, time, and reporting instructions. Soon after orientation is completed, the candidate is verified for successfully completing all the assigned orientation steps.
The candidate profile after Orientation checklist approval is moved to the final step in the collaborative workflow where the contract's start and end date may be altered and alerted to both the agency and the candidate. The conclusion of this final step stages the candidate in the facility's staff pool for tracking the contract history, real-time compliance, performance evaluation, and several other attributes of a healthcare worker with respect to his/her employment with the facility. On conclusion of the contract period as specified in the job order, if this candidate is resubmitted for a new job order in the future, then the entire onboard process for this healthcare worker may be either repeated, bypassed, or certain steps may be selectively bypassed depending on the length of time that the worker has not worked at the same facility or in the same department.
A method is used by the MSP Staffing Manager for searching, inviting, and confirming shifts from available compliant-healthcare workers using a 5 dimensional drilldown approach to include Departments, Job Class, Shift Types, Date, and time intersection, and displaying the 5 dimensional data for multi-department, multi-class, multi-shift type, multi-date, and multi-worker selection. This view is derived from existing shift allocations attached to job orders for the healthcare facility and virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem, wherein each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
An additional method is used by the MSP Staffing Manager for searching, inviting, and confirming shifts from available compliant-healthcare workers by constructing date specific vertical swim-lanes grouped by department. This view is derived from the virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem. Each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
An additional method is used by the MSP Staffing Manager for searching, inviting, and confirming shifts from available compliant-healthcare workers by constructing date specific horizontal swim-lanes by available staff. This view is used for distributing a multiday order between candidates by mix-and-match, with automated VoIP based interaction to confirm multiday availability. This view is derived from the virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem. Each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
The accompanying drawings are included to provide further understanding of the invention and constitute a part of the specification. The drawings listed below illustrate embodiments of the invention and, together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention, as disclosed by the claims and their equivalents.
Aspects of the invention are disclosed in the accompanying description. Alternate embodiments of the present invention and their equivalents are devised without parting from the spirit or scope of the present invention. It should be noted that like elements disclosed below are indicated by like reference numbers in the drawings.
The process of ensuring healthcare worker compliance and credentialing is fraught with inefficiencies, errors, omissions, visibility, and poor tracking. This is because of the fact that there are many participants in the process of identifying, screening, and assigning shifts to healthcare worker. The complexity of interactions is explained below.
Complexity of Electronic Record Keeping, Credentialing, and Compliance
The credentialing and compliance repertoire is very extensive. A subset of this profile is shown in
Complexity in Chain-Of-Approval and Accountability
Complexity in Deriving Business Metrics for Business and Process Optimization
Contingent staffing spend is attributed to various cost centers in healthcare facilities. C-suite requires visual representation to assess the impact of contingent staffing on organizations performance measure from various metrics, chiefly cost, time-to-onboard, job-order turnaround, supplier performance, risk, patient-to-staff ratio, shortage of specific skill set, patient satisfaction, etc. These metrics derived by mining the data provide insight into various parameters that could be adjusted to improve quality, cost, and risks.
Complexity of Scheduling On-Demand Day-To-Day Staff
The most difficult situation arises when Day-to-Day shifts are required to be filled. Without a virtual calendar capturing all assignments of a staff across multiple employers, vacations, non-availability, and other types of schedule blocks, there is no visibility into the worker's availability. The only option in this case is to broadcast the shifts across a wide network, which disincentivizes the suppliers, as the effort required in contacting, confirming, reciprocating back with an available resource could be met with a rejection when there are several respondents. The market is therefore disdainful about participating in such random markets, which causes serious availability issues for healthcare facilities, as too few suppliers want to play in this market.
MSP platform 100 includes the following key elements. First is the ability to create and configure MSPs 106 that receive the privilege of establishing their presence in the platform and use the services of the platform to serve healthcare facilities 102 by managing their contingent staffing operations. A healthcare facility 102 can be its own MSP, or a group of facility (example: a hospital system) can also create its own MSP or use services of an outside MSP entity.
Another ability is one by the MSP 106 to create and configure customers. Each customer is uniquely configurable so as have services vary in behavior dynamically at run-time without requiring programmatic changes. These customizable configurations 400 are shown in
The MSP 106 creates and configures suppliers 202 as either independent location, or creates a multi-location supplier. Each such supplier is identified as either providing TRAVEL healthcare workers (meaning 1-14 weeks of contract) or providing DAY-TO-DAY healthcare workers (meaning On-Demand as the need arises, contract period is open ended), or providing both types of contingent workforce. Suppliers 202 can add themselves and expand their locations within the MSP platform 100 through self-registration. All suppliers 202 are visible to all MSPs 106 and to all healthcare facilities 102 even when a specific MSP has added a particular supplier to the ecosystem.
Each supplier location has the ability to add workers to its pool that will be then proposed to various job orders originating from the healthcare facilities. For each worker 204, the supplier 202 has to supply credentialing and compliance information as shown in
MSPs 106 have the ability to do mapping between the hospitals and the supplier locations that service them. This restricts the number of suppliers based on the preferred vendor list approved by the healthcare facility.
At its core the MSP platform 100 has a powerful Collaborative Onboard Platform that allows MSP 106 or its constituent facilities to request for healthcare workers 204 with either TRAVEL or DAY-TO-DAY contracts. This Onboard Platform brokers all requests for healthcare workers using Job-Orders, and then engages all stakeholders who have to review and approve the candidates. Additionally the platform 100 prevents collision between suppliers that propose the same candidate to a facility. The platform 100 also prevents suppliers from overcommitting the worker by alerting the supplier on overlapping contracts and shifts.
All healthcare workers 204 that have been qualified and successfully added to a facility's pool are then available to be scheduled for long term or short-term assignments based on their designation as either TRAVEL or DAY-TO-DAY workers. The DAY-TO-DAY scheduling platform is at the core of MSP platform 100 for providing automated scheduling using multidimensional day-to-day scheduling wherein hundreds of shifts for the entire healthcare facility 102 can be scheduled in minutes by consulting the virtual calendar for each qualified worker that completed onboard for day-to-day contracts.
MSP platform 100 encapsulates and hides the complexity involved in publishing and fulfilling a job order for a healthcare worker 204 to a large supplier network of ecosystems 104. MSP platform 100 also receives and processes the candidates through a complex onboard process. As disclosed in
As shown in collaborative onboard process flow bar 600, the process may be broken into 7 segments. These segments may be screening, interview, offer, MSP check, facility check, orientation and completion. After going through these segments, then a healthcare worker is ready for assignment to shifts within MSP platform 100.
Once a job-order is created to onboard a new healthcare worker in step 602, it is staged both in the MSP's Job-Order Queue and Supplier's Job-Order Queue from where the supplier 202 will propose eligible candidates along with a screening document. These actions occur in the search, match, and propose process embodied in step 604.
The submitted candidates will be staged in the Screening Queue 606where the MSP or facility position controller will review the screening document and approve or deny a proposed candidate. If more than one candidate is offered for a job-order, then when a candidate is selected, other candidate profiles are marked as backup profiles and put into holding pattern for reconsideration should the original candidate chosen for onboard is no longer available or fails to meet the onboard requirements. On successful screening, the candidate is moved to the next stage of the process, which is the interview segment of process 600. A list of interviewers or department managers are listed for their authorized departments, and the candidate is moved into the Interviewer Queue 608. Position-Controller can post additional information while forwarding the candidate profile to the Interview Queue.
The interviewer will electronically send a specific interview date. Email, VoIP, and text are available channels. The interviewer completes the interview, posts the results of the interview, and forwards the candidate profile to the MSP/ Facility Offer Queue 610.
Offer Queue 610 includes a two-step process. First the offer is signed and sent by the facility officer with signing authority. The supplier acknowledges the offer by counter signing it. The offer step provides a chat session for facilitating negotiations and additional terms. On completion of the Offer segment of process 600, the candidate profile is forwarded for credentialing and compliance verification to the Compliance Manager's Audit Queue 612.
In the audit segment of process 600, the compliance manager will verify all submitted documents for accuracy, errors, omissions, and validity, before approving the candidate profile to be sent to the facility HR and Health teams for final review and approval. The audit segment is made up of two steps. One step is for documents relevant to the facility's HR team, and the other for the facility's Health Services team. On approval of all documents in the audit steps, the profile is moved to two queues, HR and Health Queues 614.
In the HR and Health Queues 614, the facility's HR and Health Services team will do one final review to ensure that all facility related credentialing and health compliance rules are observed. Any anomalies are brought to the attention of Compliance Manager by reverting the profile back to Compliance Manager Queue 612. When the profile meets all the facility requirements then it is sent to the Orientation Queue 616.
In the Orientation Queue 616, the education services and/or the MSP Staffing Admin will create an orientation schedule from a pre-existing orientation template and send it to the suppler and the candidate. At this time, the profile is moved to Orientation Verification Queue 618. While in the orientation queue 616, the results of the orientation are posted in the MSP platform 100 for each orientation segment of process 600 completed, and when all steps are marked as done then the profile is moved to the final segment.
In the final segment of process 600, the profile is marked as completed. Any notes that need to be captured about the candidate are also posted, and the candidate is then moved to the qualified staff pool 620 for the facility along with the complete history of onboard and related notes from all the assessors.
Actions pertaining screening queue 606 are disclosed.
Upon a successful interview, the healthcare worker profile is approved, which automatically forwards the profile to the offer segment of process 600.
Once the offer segment is completed, the profile is transferred to the compliance manager queue 612 for credentialing and health compliance. This may be an optional compliance step, which is only shown if the option is turned on. This feature dynamically inserts HR Audit and Health Audit (Health) steps. These are the credentialing and health compliance steps performed by an intervening compliance manager and available on demand.
Similar to the compliance manager login portal, MSP platform 100 also includes portals for a facility's HR and health services team for validating adherence to the facility's internal rules. The approval process used by the HR and health service personnel is identical to the compliance manager functions. Thus, these steps are skipped here for brevity.
After all documents are reviewed and approved, the next segment of process 600 is to schedule the healthcare worker 204 to attend orientation.
Once in orientation queue 618, the MSP Staffing Manager, or another stakeholder, will create an orientation schedule 2402 as shown. The schedule is automatically created from the template earlier created for the healthcare facility 102 as part of the facility configuration. The schedule and all its elements are editable. When the dates are updated, the schedule is sent over to supplier 202 and healthcare worker 204. Referring to
Upon successful completion of orientation, the healthcare worker profile is staged for the final approval segment. When the onboard is marked completed, the healthcare worker 204 is added to the qualified staff pool as shown in
Thus, the disclosed embodiments provide an automated process to begin, plan, and track the identification and certification of a healthcare worker. Each segment of process 600 is tracked so that the position of the healthcare worker profile within the MSP platform 100 is known. Further, information is provided in a uniform format across all entities.
MSP platform 100 also may be used as a collaborative scheduling platform that allows multiday scheduling. This method of scheduling day-to-day shifts provides a 5-dimensional matrix making it very easy to schedule shifts for an entire facility on simply one single screen. As shown in
This same mechanism can be used for travel staff (as against day-to-day staff) as well. The only difference is that the travel staff is instantly confirmed as they are pre-booked for a specific contract period, whereas the day-to-day staff is requested for reciprocating with a confirmation by either the healthcare worker or its supplier representative.
The MSP platform 100 also enables single day scheduling, or the daily view. This method of scheduling day-to-day shifts provides a 3-dimensional matrix making it very easy to schedule shifts for an entire facility by dynamically creating a single screen. As shown in
This same mechanism can be used for travel staff (as against day-to-day staff) as well. The only difference is that the travel staff is instantly confirmed as they are pre-booked for a specific contract period, whereas the day-to-day staff is requested for reciprocal confirmation by either the healthcare worker or its supplier representative.
The MSP platform 100 also enables VoIP-enabled multiday scheduling. In this method of scheduling, a multidimensional search on healthcare workers is performed based on department, job class, shift-type, and one or more dates as shown. This feature is different from the multiday scheduling discussed earlier where a calendar based availability screen is created for the entire staff pool qualified for the shift. In the current VoIP-based scenario, the available staff is shown based on dates and other parameters provided, which keeps the view limited in scope, and contextualized to specific parameters.
When the entire shift period matches the healthcare worker availability in the worker's virtual calendar, the related slot is represented by a green checkmark 3408. A worker has a single virtual calendar shared across all employers, and this prevents scheduling conflicts. If the entire shift period is undeclared or unspecified for availability, then such slots are depicted by a question mark 3410 implying that the candidate may be available and needs to be contacted for confirmation before allocating the candidate to the shift. If a worker is already unavailable because of leave or blocked by another fully or partially overlapping shift then the corresponding cell is shown as blank 3412 meaning unavailable. When multiple candidates are available to fill a multiday shift, then the days can be distributed among several healthcare workers. This is done on the facility side by removing specific days by clicking on the check mark or the question mark in each cell, which excludes the day from being allocated to the healthcare worker. In this fashion, opportunities can be fairly distributed.
A phone icon 3414 is provided against an available healthcare worker if all corresponding slots are checked. If there are any question marks, then those days need to be first removed. The MSP platform 100 can directly contact either the candidate or its representative supplier via VoIP. The VoIP logic automatically announces all the parameters of the shift along with the name of the candidate selected, and the recipient of the call can respond by either declining or accepting the shift by appropriately punching the right options announced on their phone keypad. When multiple suppliers 202 are processing the same order over VoIP, and if the job-order is designated as BID then multiple candidates can be queued in the facility's day-to-day queue; from these submissions only the order-provided number of workers can be CONFIRMED or GUARANTEED while sending an automated declination to others. If the order type is either CONFIRMED or GUARANTEED, then acceptance of any day within a multiday day-to-day job order is awarded on first come first serve basis and all new acceptances blocked as soon as the shift limit for a specific day is met.
These figures highlight the provision for sending manual invites. Manual invites are helpful to suppliers 202 by providing facility-like features in declining certain days for certain employees. This feature helps in distributing shifts across multiple healthcare workers 204 while also providing the ability to decline candidates that were available at the time of multiday day-to-day job-order creation, but are no longer available at the time of accepting the shift.
When multiple suppliers are processing the same order, and if the job-order is designated as BID, then multiple candidates can be queued in the facility's day-to-day queue. From these submissions, only the order-provided number of workers can be selected while sending an automated declination to others.
If the order type is either CONFIRMED or GUARANTEED, then acceptance of any day within a multiday day-to-day job order is awarded on first come first serve basis and all new acceptances are blocked as soon as the shift limit for a specific day is met.
It is not always necessary to send manual invites or use VoIP. A multiday day-to-day job order without candidates can be send using the BROADCAST mechanism. In this case, the suppliers can fill the candidates of their choice from all available healthcare workers. Regardless of whether broadcast was used or workers invited by name, the AVAILABLE slot shown in the figures above always scans the system to check for new availability. Therefore, these types of orders are considered to be real-time orders as the order is constantly aware about the changing availability across the ecosystem regardless of which supplier is seeing the job order. Each candidate in the AVAILABLE pool is tagged with a PROPOSE button. A PROPOSE is identified on the MSP side with a different color, such as a yellow background, to indicate the proposed candidate 3502 was in response to a broadcasted job-order, or was offered in place of another worker originally named in the job order. However, the AVAILABLE tab only shows the workers who have completed onboard with a specific hospital associated with the order and the onboard was done in the context of the supplier. This creates a dedicated relationship between the supplier and the healthcare facility in the context of the named candidate such that no other supplier can propose the same candidate.
Thus, the disclosed embodiments allow for scheduling across multiple facilities, suppliers and pools of healthcare workers. Information on shifts and filled slots is updated instantaneously. A healthcare facility may use the disclosed view screen to select and notify candidates of available shifts. Several suppliers may access the same screens such that the scheduling information is consistent throughout the system. Conflicts are avoided using the disclosed platform.
System 3800 may include local area networks (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) shown as network 3806 and wireless network 3810. Gateway 3808 is configured to connect remote or different types of networks together, as well as client computing devices 3812-3818 and server computing devices 3802-3804.
Client computing devices 3812-3818 may include any device capable of receiving and sending data over a network, such as wireless network 3810. Devices 3812-3818 may include portable devices such as cellular telephones, smart phones, radio frequency-enabled devices, personal digital assistants, handheld computers, tablets, laptop computers, wearable computers and the like. Devices 3812-3818 also may include any computing device that connects to a network using a wired communications medium such as personal computers, multiprocessor systems, microprocessor-based or programmable consumer electronics, network personal computers and the like.
Client computing devices 3812-3818 also may be web-enabled client devices that include a browser application configured to receive and to send web pages, web-based messages and the like. The browser application may be configured to receive and display graphic, text, multimedia, or the like, employing virtually any web based language, including a wireless application protocol messages (WAP), or the like. In one embodiment, the browser application may be enabled to employ one or more of Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML), Wireless Markup Language (WML), WMLScript, JavaScript, Standard Generalized Markup Language (SMGL), HyperText Markup Language (HTML), eXtensible Markup Language (XML), or the like, to display and send information.
Client computing devices 3812-3818 also may include at least one other client application that is configured to receive content from another computing device, including, without limit, server computing devices 3802-3804. The client application may include a capability to provide and receive textual content, multimedia information, or the like. The client application may further provide information that identifies itself, including a type, capability, name, or the like. In one embodiment, client devices 3812-3818 may uniquely identify themselves through any of a variety of mechanisms, including a phone number, mobile identification number (MIN), an electronic serial number (ESN), mobile device identifier, network address, such as IP (Internet Protocol) address, media access control (MAC) layer identifier, or other identifier. The identifier may be provided in a message, or the like, sent to another computing device.
Client computing devices 3812-3818 may also be configured to communicate a message, such as through email, short message service (SMS), multimedia message service (MMS), instant messaging (IM), internet relay chat (IRC), Mardam-Bey's IRC (mIRC), Jabber, or the like, to another computing device.
Client devices 3812-3818 may further be configured to include a client application that enables the user to log into a user account that may be managed by another computing device. Such a user account, for example, may be configured to enable the user to receive emails, send/receive IM messages, SMS messages, access selected web pages, download scripts, applications, or a variety of other content, or perform a variety of other actions over a network. Management of messages or otherwise accessing and/or downloading content, may also be performed without logging into the user account. Thus, a user of client devices 3812-3818 may employ any of a variety of client applications to access content, read web pages, receive/send messages, or the like.
In one embodiment, for example, the user may employ a browser or other client application to access a web page hosted by a Web server implemented as server computing device 3802. Messages received by client computing devices 3812-3818 may be saved in non-volatile memory, such as flash and/or PCM, across communication sessions and/or between power cycles of client computing devices 3812-3818.
Wireless network 3810 may be configured to couple client devices 3814-3818 to network 3806. Wireless network 3810 may include any of a variety of wireless sub-networks that may further overlay stand-alone ad-hoc networks, and the like, to provide an infrastructure-oriented connection for client devices 3814-3818. Such sub-networks may include mesh networks, Wireless LAN (WLAN) networks, cellular networks, and the like. Wireless network 3810 may further include an autonomous system of terminals, gateways, routers, and the like connected by wireless radio links, and the like. These connectors may be configured to move freely and randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily, such that the topology of wireless network 3810 may change rapidly.
Wireless network 3810 may further employ a plurality of access technologies including 2nd (2G), 3rd (3G), 4th (4G), 5th (5G) and the like generation radio access for cellular systems, WLAN, Wireless Router (WR) mesh, and the like. Access technologies such as 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and future access networks may enable wide area coverage for mobile devices, such as client devices 3814-3818 with various degrees of mobility. For example, wireless network 3810 may enable a radio connection through a radio network access such as global system for mobile communication (GSM), general packet radio services (GPRS), enhanced data GSM environment (EDGE), WEDGE, Bluetooth, high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS), Wi-Fi, Zigbee, wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), and the like. In essence, wireless network 3810 may include virtually any wireless communication mechanism by which information may travel between client devices 3802-3804 and another computing device, network, and the like.
Network 3806 is configured to couple one or more servers depicted in
Computing device 3900 includes optical storage 3902, central processing unit (CPU) 3904, memory module 3906, display interface 3914, audio interface 3916, input devices 3918, input/output (I/0) processor 3920, bus 3922, non-volatile memory 3924, various other interfaces 3926-3928, network interface card (NIC) 3930, hard disk 3932, power supply 3934, transceiver 3936, antenna 3938, haptic interface 3940, and global positioning system (GPS) unit 3942. Memory module 3906 may include software such as operating system (OS) 3908, and a variety of software application programs and/or software modules/components 3910-3912. Such software modules and components may be stand-alone application software or be components, such as DLL (Dynamic Link Library) of larger application software.
Computing device 3900 may also include other components not shown in
Optical storage device 3902 may include optical drives for using optical media, such as CD (Compact Disc), DVD (Digital Video Disc), and the like. Optical storage devices 3902 may provide inexpensive ways for storing information for archival and/or distribution purposes.
Central processing unit (CPU) 3904 may be the main processor for software program execution in computing device 3900. CPU 3904 may represent one or more processing units that obtain software instructions from memory module 3906 and execute such instructions to carry out computations and/or transfer data between various sources and destinations of data, such as hard disk 3932, I/0 processor 3920, display interface 3914, input devices 3918, non-volatile memory 3924, and the like.
Memory module 3906 may include RAM (Random Access Memory), ROM (Read Only Memory), and other storage means, mapped to one addressable memory space. Memory module 3906 illustrates one of many types of computer storage media for storage of information such as computer readable instructions, data structures, program modules or other data. Memory module 3906 may store a basic input/output system (BIOS) for controlling low-level operation of computing device 3900. Memory module 3906 may also store OS 3908 for controlling the general operation of computing device 3900. It will be appreciated that OS 3908 may include a general-purpose operating system such as a version of UNIX, or a specialized client-side and/or mobile communication operating system. OS 3908 may, in turn, include or interface with a Java virtual machine (JVM) module that enables control of hardware components and/or operating system operations via Java application programs.
Memory module 3906 may further include one or more distinct areas (by address space and/or other means), which can be utilized by computing device 3900 to store, among other things, applications and/or other data. For example, one area of memory module 3906 may be set aside and employed to store information that describes various capabilities of computing device 3900, a device identifier, and the like. Such identification information may then be provided to another device based on any of a variety of events, including being sent as part of a header during a communication, sent upon request, or the like.
One common software application is a browser program that is generally used to send/receive information to/from a web server. In one embodiment, the browser application is enabled to employ handheld device markup language (HDML), wireless markup language (WML), WMLScript, JavaScript, standard generalized markup language (SMGL), hypertext markup language (HTML), eXtensible markup language (XML), and the like, to display and send a message. Any of a variety of other web based languages may also be employed. In one embodiment, using the browser application, a user may view an article or other content on a web page with one or more highlighted portions as target objects.
Display interface 3914 may be coupled with a display unit 3990, such as liquid crystal display (LCD), gas plasma, light emitting diode (LED), or any other type of display unit that may be used with computing device 3900. Display unit 3990 coupled with display interface 3914 may also include a touch sensitive screen arranged to receive input from an object such as a stylus or a digit from a human hand. Display interface 3914 may further include interface for other visual status indicators, such light emitting diodes (LED), light arrays, and the like. Display interface 3914 may include both hardware and software components. For example, display interface 3914 may include a graphic accelerator for rendering graphic-intensive outputs on the display unit. In one embodiment, display interface 3914 may include software and/or firmware components that work in conjunction with CPU 3904 to render graphic output on the display unit.
Audio interface 3916 is arranged to produce and receive audio signals such as the sound of a human voice. For example, audio interface 3916 may be coupled to a speaker and microphone to enable communication with a human operator, such as spoken commands, and/or generate an audio acknowledgement for some action.
Input devices 3918 may include a variety of device types arranged to receive input from a user, such as a keyboard, a keypad, a mouse, a touchpad, a touch-screen (described with respect to display interface 3914), a multi-touch screen, a microphone for spoken command input (describe with respect to audio interface 3916), and the like.
I/O processor 3920 is generally employed to handle transactions and communications with peripheral devices such as mass storage, network, input devices, display, and the like, which couple computing device 3900 with the external world. In small, low power computing devices, such as some mobile devices, functions of the I/O processor 3920 may be integrated with CPU 3904 to reduce hardware cost and complexity. In one embodiment, I/O processor 3920 may the primary software interface with all other device and/or hardware interfaces, such as optical storage 3902, hard disk 3932, interfaces 3926-3928, display interface 3914, audio interface 3916, and input devices 3918.
An electrical bus 3922 internal to computing device 3900 may be used to couple various other hardware components, such as CPU 3904, memory module 3906, I/0 processor 3920, and the like, to each other for transferring data, instructions, status, and other similar information.
Non-volatile memory 3924 may include memory built into computing device 3900, or portable storage medium, such as USB drives that may include PCM arrays, flash memory including NOR and NAND flash, pluggable hard drive, and the like. In one embodiment, portable storage medium may behave similarly to a disk drive. In another embodiment, portable storage medium may present an interface different than a disk drive, for example, a read-only interface used for loading/supplying data and/or software.
Various other interfaces 3926-3928 may include other electrical and/or optical interfaces for connecting to various hardware peripheral devices and networks, such as IEEE 1394 also known as FireWire, Universal Serial Bus (USB), Small Computer Serial Interface (SCSI), parallel printer interface, Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART), Video Graphics Array (VGA), Super VGA (SVGA), and the like.
Network interface card (NIC) 3930 may include circuitry for coupling computing device 3900 to one or more networks, and is generally constructed for use with one or more communication protocols and technologies including, but not limited to, global system for mobile communication (GSM), code division multiple access (CDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA), user datagram protocol (UDP), transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP), SMS, general packet radio service (GPRS), WAP, ultra-wide band (UWB), IEEE 802.16 Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax), SIP/RTP, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, UMTS, HSDPA, WCDMA, WEDGE, or any of a variety of other wired and/or wireless communication protocols.
Hard disk 3932 is generally used as a mass storage device for computing device 3900. In one embodiment, hard disk 3932 may be a Ferro-magnetic stack of one or more disks forming a disk drive embedded in or coupled to computing device 3900. Alternatively, hard drive 3932 may be implemented as a solid-state device configured to behave as a disk drive, such as a flash-based hard drive. In yet another embodiment, hard drive 3932 may be a remote storage accessible over network interface 3930 or another interface 3926, but acting as a local hard drive.
Power supply 3934 provides power to computing device 3900. A rechargeable or non-rechargeable battery may be used to provide power. The power may also be provided by an external power source, such as an AC adapter or a powered docking cradle that supplements and/or recharges a battery.
Transceiver 3936 generally represents transmitter/receiver circuits for wired and/or wireless transmission and receipt of electronic data. Transceiver 3936 may be a stand-alone module or be integrated with other modules, such as NIC 3930. Transceiver 3936 may be coupled with one or more antennas for wireless transmission of information.
Antenna 3938 is generally used for wireless transmission of information, for example, in conjunction with transceiver 3936, NIC 3930, and/or GPS 3942. Antenna 3938 may represent one or more different antennas that may be coupled with different devices and tuned to different carrier frequencies configured to communicate using corresponding protocols and/or networks. Antenna 3938 may be of various types, such as omni-directional, dipole, slot, helical, and the like.
Haptic interface 3940 is configured to provide tactile feedback to a user of computing device 3900. For example, the haptic interface may be employed to vibrate computing device 3900, or an input device coupled to computing device 3900. For example, when a message is received by device 3900 or another event occurs, the device may vibrate to alert the user.
Global positioning system (GPS) unit 3942 can determine the physical coordinates of computing device 3900 on the surface of the Earth, which typically outputs a location as latitude and longitude values. GPS unit 3942 can also employ other geo-positioning mechanisms, including, but not limited to, triangulation, assisted GPS (AGPS), E-OTD, CI, SAI, ETA, BSS or the like, to further determine the physical location of computing device 3900 on the surface of the Earth. It is understood that under different conditions, GPS unit 3942 can determine a physical location within millimeters for computing device 3900. In other cases, the determined physical location may be less precise, such as within a meter or significantly greater distances. In one embodiment, however, a mobile device represented by computing device 3900 may, through other components, provide other information that may be employed to determine a physical location of the device, including for example, a MAC address.
Using instructions stored in memory module 3906, device 3900 may read the instructions to have CPU 3904 execute the functions specified in the instructions. These functions are disclosed in greater detail by
It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications and variations can be made in the disclosed embodiments of the disclosed device and associated methods without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. Thus, it is intended that the present invention covers the modifications and variations of the embodiments disclosed above provided that the modifications and variations come within the scope of any claims and their equivalents.
1. A computerized method for scheduling healthcare workers using a managed service provider (MSP) platform, the method comprising:
- providing a central processing unit for retrieving, obtaining, storing, and analyzing healthcare worker profiles and healthcare facility schedules, wherein the central processing unit executes instructions stored in a database and causes the storage and retrieval of healthcare worker profiles and healthcare facility schedules in a memory, wherein the central processing unit executes instructions stored in a database and causes analysis of healthcare worker profiles and healthcare facility schedules;
- communicatively connecting the central processing unit to at least two entities, wherein the first entity is a healthcare worker's electronic device and the second entity is the healthcare facility's electronic device, wherein the communicative connection is obtained through a wireless network that is used for bi-directional communication between the healthcare worker and healthcare facility;
- identifying shifts at a healthcare facility;
- indicating criteria for the shifts, wherein a shift is a fixed block of time for a specific day of the week;
- causing the central processing unit to electronically analyze and evaluate profiles of healthcare workers to match the criteria;
- showing the matched healthcare workers on a display screen; and
- contacting the matched healthcare workers using the wireless network.
2. The method of claim 9, further comprising the central processing unit causing the display of a Virtual Calendar on one or more electronic devices, wherein the virtual calendar tracks availability of a healthcare worker and shift allocations across multiple staffing agencies and healthcare facilities, wherein the virtual calendar is directly tied to at least one job order, including information related to a job order, wherein the Virtual Calendar further provides real-time status of a healthcare worker availability allowing the MSP platform to have real-time capabilities in selecting, inviting and confirming candidates using automated job publication or VoIP, the real-time capabilities further allow the MSP platform to determine whether appropriate resources are available across a supplier ecosystem to handle contingencies when there is a no show of a regular healthcare employee or if the census change requires more healthcare workers to be assigned.
3. The method of claim 10, wherein the Virtual Calendar is used by a healthcare facility to manage each regular as well as contracted employee.
4. The method of claim 10, wherein the Virtual Calendar is accessible by all staffing agencies and healthcare facilities where the healthcare worker is employed, however the calendar viewed by an agency displays only those shifts that are contracted through the agency, and the calendar viewed by a healthcare facility displays only those shifts that are pertaining to the healthcare facility, thereby obfuscating all virtual calendar entries from the agency and healthcare facility that do not pertain to them.
5. The method of claim 9, further comprising a Staffing Manager, wherein the Staffing Manager uses a 5 dimensional drilldown approach to include departments, job class, shift types, date, and time intersection, and displays the 5 dimensional data for multi-department, multi-class, multi-shift type, multi-date, and multi-worker selection to provide a view derived from existing shift allocations attached to job orders for the healthcare facility and virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem, wherein each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
6. The method of claim 9, further comprising a Staffing Manager, wherein the Staffing Manager searches, invites, and confirms based on constructing date specific horizontal swim-lanes by available staff to provide a view used for distributing a multiday order between candidates by mix-and-match, with automated VoIP based interaction to confirm multiday availability, wherein the view is derived from the virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem, and wherein each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
7. The method of claim 9, further comprising a Staffing Manager, wherein the Staffing Manager searches, invites, and confirms based on constructing date specific vertical swim-lanes grouped by department to provide a view derived from the virtual calendars of healthcare workers across the entire supplier ecosystem, wherein each shift has a backing timecard accessible by healthcare worker using mobile device.
8. The method of claim 9, further comprising a Staffing Manager, wherein the Staffing Manager creates an orientation schedule for the matched healthcare worker.
9. The method of claim 16, wherein the central processing unit presents a drop down menu on the display screen for each interviewer listed on the orientation schedule, wherein the drop down menu provides the option to either recommend or deny the healthcare worker.
10. The method of claim 16, wherein the Staffing Manager stages the healthcare worker's profile for final approval segment once the healthcare worker successfully completes the orientation.
11. The method of claim 18, wherein the orientation is designated as successful if at least ⅔rd majority of the interviewers that have interviewed the healthcare worker have recommended the healthcare worker for next stage of the hiring process.
12. The method of claim 19, wherein the next stage of hiring process is the onboarding of the healthcare worker.
13. The method of claim 20, wherein onboarding includes verification of healthcare workers' background, healthcare workers' credentialing, and compliance with required policies and procedures of the healthcare facility.
14. The method of claim 20, wherein the healthcare worker is added to the qualified staff pool once onboarding is marked completed.
15. The method of claim 15, wherein a swim lane is a 3-dimensional view that is organized by various departments at a healthcare facility.
16. The method of claim 9, wherein the electronic analysis and evaluation of profiles of healthcare workers further comprises using a compliance manager to dynamically determine if the healthcare worker is compliant to the required policies and procedures of the healthcare facility.
17. The method of claim 24, wherein the compliance manager approves the healthcare worker to work a shift at the healthcare facility only if the healthcare worker is compliant with the required policies and procedures of the healthcare facility.
18. The method of claim 24, wherein the compliance further performs the steps of:
- dynamically generating a complete list of all required credentials, wherein the list of requirements is specifically configured for each healthcare facility, that are needed for approval of a healthcare worker,
- comparing the complete required list of credentials and health compliance documents with a subset of credentials and health compliance documents already received by the healthcare facility,
- identifying the missing set of credentials and health compliance documents based on the comparison performed, and
- alerting an agency responsible for the healthcare worker to submit only those credentials and health compliance documents that are deemed missing and would make the list complete for approval.
19. The method of claim 19, wherein the compliance manager approves the healthcare worker if the status of the healthcare worker's license, certifications, and health compliance is current to date.
20. The method of claim 19, wherein the compliance manager approves the healthcare worker if healthcare worker's background verification meets the healthcare facility's criterion.
Type: Application
Filed: Sep 9, 2019
Publication Date: Jan 2, 2020
Inventor: Nadir Gulzar (Fremont, CA)
Application Number: 16/564,891