Accelerated treatment of COVID-19 and SAR's type viruses

Inhalation Via Nebulized Aerosol of Designed solution mixture of 1.8 to 3.7% Hypertonic saline 70 to 85% Ethanol as solvent alternating with 10 milliliters 50 to 90% Theobromine alternatively I.V. Theobromine “c7H8N4O2” infusion alternating with inhaled nebulized exogenous Pulmonary surfactant replacement. The inhalation alternating as an I.V. solution or 1.8% to 2.2% hypertonic solution in Theobromine as 450 mg to 650 mg. in Ethanol, twice daily for advanced COVID-19, SARS patients.

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Any nebulizer cup of any medical nebulizer is able to generate the present invention mixture/solution for inhalation, this as aerosolized particles of the mixture/solution as herein proposed for inhalation. The present invention is a detailed description of a mixture/solution used specifically for the COVID_19 and SARs viral infectious disease that impacts and initially gains entry via the airway route and does; conceptually by this inventor researcher, challenges such viral infectivity by and in this route both initially and during the disease process.

Clearly many type medical nebulizers' may be used however those that generate greater density of smaller aerosol particles meaning aerosol particles nebulized being sizes below 3 microns and below with a carrier stream of oxygen rich air density below 1.30 to 1.28 g/liter would be optimal as found below as gaseous mixture as in oxygen, air, along with specific helium dilutions as seen in and applied in a prior patent US No: 10,300,226 B2., as example at 25% oxygen mixed with 30% helium as “25% O2:30% He” would effect a gaseous mixture density of


a. [Density of Compound by Mass and Molar Fraction Each Gas]

This lower gas mixture density powering the nebulizer, would enhance depth of penetration in the airways, conceptually to the level of the terminal bronchioles, and there by active diffusion into the alveolar clusters to combat the viral damages at that level of the airways. As inhaled aerosol of said mixture/solution being the present inventions first embodiment, said fluid is conceived for nebulization as found in the abstract being-hypertonic saline at 1.8 to 3.7% in a volume of 10 milliliters (“ml”) of a 50 to 90% Theobromine, said solution mixture itself all dissolved in 5 to 10 ml of a 70 to 85% Ethanol as solvent. This as the first and main embodiment of the present invention-this-fluid-is a high percentage of ethanol solution having hypertonic salt and theobromine to decrease the irritation of the inhaled aerosol to the patient such it will achieve several goals.

Theobromine added to cytoprotecting of the pulmonary type 2 cells, this as surfactant is being damaged by the COVID-19 and SARS viral material causing lung compliance problems, requiring greater opening pressures thereby making breathing spontaneously harder to breathe. Equally theobromine inhibiting phosphodiesterase enzymes that degrade the second messenger, cAMP which regulates intracellular calcium and antagonism of adenosine receptors, Choi O. H., Shamim M. T., Padgett W. L., Daly J. W. (1988). “Caffeine and theophylline analogues, Adenosine receptor antagonist and as phosphodiesterase inhibitors.” Life Sci 43, 387-398.

As such theobromine to the mixture/solution would allow a reduction of a progressive alveolar capillary blocking syndrome sadly common in respiratory distress syndromes also seen in “Hyaline membrane disease.” Equally greater penetration of said aerosolized particles below 3 microns in diameter of the stated mixture solution of hypertonic salt dissolved in theobromine and ethanol tends to travels farther into the deeper recess of the airways in the lung, by two main principals.' First, the nebulized particles being smaller than 3 microns and secondly the lower carrier gas mixtures density each allow for farther travel into the depth of the airways. Equally the evaporated hypertonic ethanol is aerosolized as smaller particles archiving a greater travel per tidal volume of air inhaled, second the evaporated ethanol exists as vaporized hypertonic salt impacting the airways reducing coughing by just usage of either hypertonic salt and or ethanol individually as either would elicit irritation as coughing activity that would prohibit depth and increased deposition of the nebulized hypertonic ethanol from achieving its goals of depth of penetration and spread within the airways. In addition, allowing greater diminishing of particle size of said aerosol to allow greater deposits of aerosolized ethanol at each branched airway sub-division within the airways. Along with the 10 milliliters 50 to 90% Theobromine in 5 to 10 additional milliliters of Ethanol mixed with hypertonic saline as solvent solution. Both ethanol and NaCl designed to deconstruct the viral load and inhibit further colonization and hopefully if applied early enough prevent any colonization. Alternating the hypertonic saline in solution with Ethanol is usage of theobromine as added diluent, this as Theobromine “a purine” was added for several reasons first, to increase the surfactant production of the lungs this for cytoprotective pneumocyte type 2 cells by allowing surfactant production or increasing its effects while easing the work of breathing and decreasing the damaging effect of less oxygen diffusion by the SARS and or COVID-19 viral particles colonizing withing the lung fields.

As an additional and a second embodiment of the present invention giving with or separate from nebulized inhalation of the mixture/solution—an Alternating IV solution for advancing debilitating patients of COVID-19 and or SARS., the secondary embodiment below as herein presented. As the rate of infection timed is inconclusive in these viral infectious diseases, as such theobromine may also be used alternatively via I. V. infusion at 600 to 650 mg over a two- to four-hour period to further increases surfactant production in those who have dyspnea and patient reflected 02 saturations below 89% to 91% oxygen saturation. Addition of pulmonary surfactant by this route, via nebulization has immediate benefits, as lung surfactant makes it easier for oxygen to penetrate the lung surface lining and move into the blood. Without the lung surfactant it would be extremely hard to breathe, and transfer of oxygen through the surface that lines the lungs would be very difficult. Normally surfactant is produced by the fetus prior to birth setting the stage for lungs to breathe properly as in prematurity of newborns lung surfactant is given as needed replacement as “respiratory distress syndrome” often occurs without it being replaced this is where breathing is labored and oxygen diffusion is hampered similarly to COVID-19.


It is this inventors research, as seen in surface deconstruction and destruction of this cornaviruses “COVID-19” contacting surfaces where upon contact with the ethanol 70% or higher percentages and hypertonic saline the ‘COVID-19’ virus is eliminated upon contact. A is seen when ethanol contacts surface viral material, this in as short times postulated as under 45 seconds. It is a main thrust of this present invention to provide safe inhalation of aerosolized ethanol alcohol at 70 to 85% as solvent to hypertonic saline that would first provide protection against rapid colonization decreasing both the viral load and be a first line of prophylaxis to those with high exposure and or in contact with those carrying said virus, as seen by hospital staff. Or those in close quarters with those who are asymptomatic yet still are infected as seen in young children and early teens. It is postulated by this researcher that clinics could be set up in short time to provide such aerosolization via either this patient or via a hand held nebulizer using ethanol at this percentage said herein.

“Ethanol alcohol, as an alcohol an organic alcohol, its molecular formula is C2H5OH. Ethanol is an important industrial chemical; it is used as a solvent. in the synthesis of other organic chemicals. Ethanol is the intoxicating ingredient of many alcoholic beverages such as be wine. and distilled spirits. Ethanol is called grain alcohol because it is often made from grains, such as corn (maize), wheat, rye, and barley. First grain is boiled in water to produce the mash, which is incubated with maize.

Fermentation typically yields a solution only about 12-15 percent alcohol because higher concentrations being toxic to the yeast cells used to ferment.

Usage of ethanol alcohol 70 to 85 percent via techniques to aerosolize this organic alcohol for inhalation safely to combat the spread of the current COVID-19 pandemic by deconstructing the viral load and preventing and inhibiting colonization of said viral material. Coronavirus is unique in the fact that it has spikes above, that surround its bulk ma composition. This inventor postulates as such each spike provides protection against foreign; foreign to this virus, drugs and antiviral chemicals designed to inhibit, deconstruct or destroy these viruses conceptualized as COVID-19 and Co-SAR bulk structure. The hypertonicity of the solution 1.8 to 3.7% NaCl as solute will it is conceptualized destroying the whole as carrier structure of the virus by deconstructing the spike protein by directly denaturing its protein coat[ing]. It is so far as knowledge has been gained in this COVID-19 structure, is postulated that cell transmission is achieved post entry by the viral coronal having spikes invaginating into the hosts cell membrane and securing an attachment that allows entry within the host cell conscripting its internal machinery to reproduce its structures. The focus is that the salt herein NaCl within the ethanol will not completely dissolve but will stay suspended within the carrier stream but would slightly dissociate becoming cations and anions and would deconstruct the viral material upon contact. Equally NaCl as the dissociated salt wet with ethanol would adhere and contact the viral material within the airways; the predominate route of entrance of these viruses. As such Sodium chloride (NaCl) is soluble in water (360 g/1) while only sparingly soluble in ethanol (0.65 g/l, likely NaCl would dissolve more easily in water but would not dissolve to any appreciable extent in ethanol.

Nebulized Impact on COVID-19:

As such the viral spike[s] will post entry into the airways first attach and invaginate into a host cell over the first two days, transferring the viral material into the host to invade and mass produce-via replication-its destructive to the hosts biochemical cellular machinery which elicits a cytokine cascade that may well destroy the hosts organs and or elicit a cytokine storm that is the cause of much morbidly and mortality in the critically ill patients having succumbed to the virus load and immunity response to such load. As the main transmission of this virus is known to be via inhalation and contact to the oral nasopharyngeal region as initial route down further into the airways accessing the lungs of its host. Upon contact and implantation then colonizing and growing in short period to increase its viral load to the host causing biochemical cascades of protective mechanism to protect the host which sadly end up causing greater damage then assistance.

The benefit of the inhaled ethanol is several fold. First, it is known that ethanol, even isotonic ethanol, tends to inhibits superoxide anion; while this has benefit in and of itself it is not the primary benefit. What is the main benefit is gross inhibition of viral load and colonization this achieved via the ethanol's′ also causing cell expansion, this by ethanol being an isotonic media, as ethanol functions as hypertonic to the cell causing expansion and rupture as the hypertonic salt, being 2× that of physiological saline. As such should the viral load via its spikes invaginate the host cells within the airway, such cells intra-airway are initially; it is hypothesized to be first, to engorge the cell with fluid then to extend the cell membranes barriers then burst, ruptured by the ethanol and hypertonic salt inhaled and deposited within the airway. Additionally in later COVID-19, SARs progression states-in patients who have had the viral already colonized, the usage of intravenous solution conceptually would affect the same damage to the virus even though already fully colonized in the blood and cell stream. Equally as ethanol has less dialectic than water, together, as solution usage of the hypertonic saline will promote ionic bonding between the sodium ion and the PO3 from the dna backbone causing extraction of those cells already conscripted by COVID-19 causing disruption and decay of the conscripted viral host cells reversing the time sequence of the viral load allowing more destruction of the viral load even post merging with the hosts cells. Without this method of attack upon the COVID-19 disease, the conscription and merging will be unchallenged typically causing infiltration and inflammation to the lung and its delicate alveolar-capillary membrane with combined resulting pneumonias and oxygen diffusion blockades. Leading to increasing hypoxia; low oxygen levels in blood, and cardiac, kidney, and brain complications requiring supplemental oxygen and if unchallenged quickly, sadly leading to respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support to prolong life and limb. It is conceptualized that as ethanol is oxidized—oxidation process of ethanol results in the loss of hydrogen. Which together with the NaCl split is conceived as being a ionophore acting specifically increasing the ion permeability of the cell membrane thus endocytosis should well be disrupted by the Na and or Cl invaginating the lipid barrier of the cell membrane post viral merging during colonization of the COVID-19 or SARS virus, this increasing, by binding to the host cellular machinery, said mixture/solution now damaging the receptor activity of the spike protein even post cell endocytosis. Perhaps equally by lowering the alveolar type two cells pH the production of surfactant now by the mixture/solution theobromine as addition of surfactant is desired and should well be increased by the addition of theobromine as stated herein.

Equally these COVID-19 and CO-SAR viruses, while may secondarily impact airways diameters by reflex inflammation via biochemical cascade from cytokine storms primarily target critical alveolar capillary membranes this increasing oxygen diffusion barriers. Sadly adding semi to full pneumonic process which block and tend to decrease oxygen levels, dangerously increasing both morbidity and mortality. As in all conditions affecting one's airway diameters leading to the impeding of normal required airflow dynamics with associative increased work of breathing. Here however in COVID-19 and SARs additional viral damage the hypoxia; low level of oxygen in blood, is compounded by the effects of alveolar capillary blocking by the damaged done by the virus upon the Pneumocyte Type 2 cells, as conceived by the main researcher, immediately decreasing surfactant production levels and causing infiltrates and fibroses to the alveolar clusters that allow gas diffusion of both oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Major impact is via the SARS CoV-2 virus initial entry is via the airways either directly into the tracheobronchial tree or colonization post nasopharyngeal implantation it is the airways are impacted first over certain time span; mostly in advanced cases hours the migration tends down one airways with colonization the lungs later, many with pulmonary infiltrates, the surfactant and theobromine are therefore used to cryoprotect the alveolar type 2 cells and their ability to create surfactant. As such blocking such needed oxygen diffusion to the cells of the body, heart, brain, kidneys and causing greater needed airway pressures to open the lungs, such effects present cascades of problems. While the ethanol is utilized to deconstruct it is also together with the hypertonic saline used to directly damage the invading viral envelope.

DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Mixture/Solution Composition as Below

Designed solution mixture of 1.8 to 3.7% Hypertonic saline in 70 to 85% Ethanol as solvent said solution mixture added one treatment with one without alternating along with 10 milliliters 50 to 90% Theobromine for Inhalation alternatively composition as I.V. Theobromine “C7H8N4O2” infusion alternating with inhaled nebulized exogenous Pulmonary surfactant replacement. The inhalation also conceptually used for individuals more symptomatic, alternating as an I.V. solution, however with a limit of 1.8% to 2.2% hypertonic solution in 70 to 85% Ethanol along with Theobromine; different than inhaled compositions whereas IV solution used as 450 mg to 650 mg. intermittently per day said IV having 50 to 150 ml of 70 to 85% Ethanol dissolved in one and one half liters solution twice daily for advanced COVID-19, SARS patients.


1. I claim a specifically designed solution-mixture used either inhaled and or intravenous route as a treatment of Acute and or Chronic respiratory distress brought on by invasion by COVID-19 and or SAR's type viruses, and or any associated sub-variants arising and or secondary bacterial infection as treatment.

2. I claim the usage of a uniquely designed for less dense gaseous mixture composed of the herein “oxygen enriched air mixed with helium” gases for purposes of providing aerosolization of the solution-mixture and medicines achieving greater depth of penetration in medical and non-medical aerosol administration usage by inhalation.

3. I claim dependent upon claim 2 the greater ability of surfactant replacement by usage of less dense oxygen rich air with helium to provide greater spread in shorter times for usage in those with airways disease by damaged surfactant pools or by deficient surfactant pools, making it harder to breath due to greater surface tension in those individuals effected by dysfunction or deficient surfactant pools.

4. I claim dependent upon claim 1 above, said solution mixture may be used for any individual presenting with ARDS (“Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome”) or CRDS (“Chronic Respiratory Distress Syndrome”) caused by any viral and or secondary bacterial condition, this as a medical treatment.

5. I claim as dependent upon claim 4 above said solution mixture used as a prophylactic for COVID-19 variant's that arise in the course of transmission variables and or other circumstance's that cause viral mutations to arise in the course of this pandemic and or any other endemic or pandemic state of being.

6. I claim the usage of theobromine as both a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to modify cytokine storms while simultaneously effecting bronchodilation of airway reduction diameters affected by diseases the like as COPD and or Asthma and or Emphysema.

7. I claim as dependent claim from claim no. 6 the unique usage of theobromine, either as liquid or powder form for purpose of as cough and cough reflex suppressant that controls coughing without interference with central nervous system regulations as other cough suppressants cause and providing greater suppression and being safer by limiting or removing side effects as seen by other cough suppressants.'

8. I claim as dependent upon claim No. 1 the usage of a less dense oxygen enriched helium gaseous mixture to effect greater tidal volume of air entry into breathing disabled individual's who have respiratory distress either acute or chronic.

9. I claim as dependent claim upon claim No. 4, above the usage of oxygen enriched air with helium mix as a mixture of gases for improving and providing greater depth of aerosolized medication for assisting in breathing, Drugs as antibiotics and or airway diameter openers and or exogenous surfactant replacement administration.

10. I claim as dependent claim of No. 7 above, the greater benefits above the current arts had by usage of theobromine singularly and in the solution-mixture in application to the airways and lung fields by inhalation, it being both a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and methylxanthine.

11. I claim as dependent claim of No. 10 above, the greater benefits above the arts in use of theobromine in the solution-mixture, either singularly or in combination by the theobromine additive as a methylxanthine and as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor allows for a milder relaxation of the inflammatory airway diameter constriction.

12. I claim as dependent claim of No. 11 above, usage of inhaled theobromine in airway dysfunction and or disease additionally combatting the cytokine cascades commonly seen in COVID-19 and SAR's variants.' This where a steroid drug or other anti-inflammatory drug and or medicine would simply not due in enough time and have negative side effects. Certainly not by the inhalation route.

13. I claim as independent claim a method of attack upon the COVID-19 disease, as a treatment, the only direct airway treatment available to date, that challenges the conscription and merging of COVID-19-of all variant's arising-typically causing infiltration and inflammation to the both airways and lungs as its delicate alveolar-capillary membrane with combined resulting pneumonias and oxygen diffusion blockades.

14. I claim as extension and dependent upon claim No. 11, above the selection of theobromine in the solution-mixture and as single ingredient used as aerosol or in I.V. route would allow several benefits other airway chemicals and or drugs that would not be able to achieve as this present invention does.

15. I claim as extension of claim No. 2, above the usage of oxygen enriched air mixed with helium” gases to allow easier breathing in those with respiratory problems as seen in patients having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (“C.O.P.D.”) and or those individuals for whatever reasons; medical or surgical have difficulty in generating good inspiratory negative draw.

Patent History
Publication number: 20220226330
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 13, 2021
Publication Date: Jul 21, 2022
Inventor: Monicka C. Jones (Brooklyn, NY)
Application Number: 17/300,895
International Classification: A61K 31/522 (20060101); A61K 9/00 (20060101); A61P 31/14 (20060101);