Methodology and Algorithms for Protecting Centrifugal and Axial Compressors from Surge and Choke

This disclosure describes a novel methodology for anti-surge and anti-choke control systems protecting centrifugal and axial compressors. The methodology, based on Buckingham's π-theorem for compressors, presents compressor performance maps in dimensionless rectangular π-term coordinates that are independent of compressor inlet conditions, fluid molecular weight and rotational speed. The full range of compressor operating points from surge to choke is monitored and controlled when surge and choke limits are available. This is accomplished by converting rectangular coordinates presented in π-terms to polar coordinates, and then converting them to a controlled variable used in the closed-loop controllers. The methodology provides control algorithms for variable speed compressors, variable geometry compressors equipped with inlet guide vanes or stator vanes that exhibit displacement of surge and choke limits. The methodology most accurately estimates the location of the operating point relative to its limit in polar coordinates if only the surge or choke limit is available. The presented protection methods are applicable to any known types of dynamic compressors for industrial, commercial, jet engines, turbochargers.

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The present invention generally relates to methods for protecting dynamic compressors from surge and choke using controlled variables obtained from converted compressor performance maps provided by compressor manufacturers or experimentally obtained during commissioning for use in control systems. More specifically, it relates to methods that most accurately estimates the operating point position relative to surge and choke limits by polar conversion to ensure most efficient compressor operation using conventional PID control.


There are two restrictions on the operation of centrifugal and axial compressors caused by different phenomena: at relatively low flow rates—surge; and at relatively high flow rates, a choke or a stone wall. These conditions must be taken into account in the design so that they can be prevented. Close-loop proportional-integral-derivative controllers are commonly used to regulate anti-surge valves to protect compressors from surge, and to regulate IGV inlet guide vanes or outlet valves to prevent compressor choking.

Both surge and choke are fluid mechanics phenomena that occur in compressors under certain circumstances. Then the theory of fluid mechanics is the basis for ensuring dynamically stable compressor operation. Fluid mechanics problems are too complex to be solved analytically, so their behavior must be verified experimentally. Since dynamically unstable compressor operation due to surge or rapid efficiency drops due to choking can occur at different rotational speeds, inlet pressures, inlet temperatures and different molecular weights of fluids (in industrial applications), the principle of similarity and dimensional analysis are used. The goal of similarity and dimensional analysis is to reduce the number and complexity of process parameters that affect a given physical phenomenon, in the case of compressors, the compressor performance can be displayed in dimensionless rectangular coordinates, chosen so that the process parameters at the compressor inlet, such as pressure, temperature and gas composition, are irrelevant. In other words, any particular operating point on the dimensionless compressor map defines the corresponding prototypes regardless of inlet conditions, gas composition, and even rotational speed. To find such dimensionless coordinates for compressors, the implicit functional relationship of all parameters involved in operation of the compressors can be analyzed in accordance with Buckingham's π-theorem. The first most common π-term characterizing the compressor performance is the Mach number of the incoming or outgoing flow, depending on the location of the flow meter, which is very often replaced by the term “corrected mass flow rate” used as the horizontal coordinate on compressor maps. The second most common the π-term is the ratio of the total outlet pressure to the total inlet pressure used as the vertical coordinate on the compressor maps.

Since the axial velocity of the continuous flow of fluid entering or leaving the compressor is involved in the Mach number calculations, the choice of flow meter is of great importance. Microturbines, vortex meters, acoustic flow meters and other devices, that generate signals proportional to the axial velocity of the fluid, can be used in applications where the molecular weight of the fluid does not change. Differential pressure flow meters such as orifices. Venturi tubes, Venturi nozzles, annubars and etc. are required for applications where the molecular weight of the fluid changes and there is no molecular weight measurement.

There are various compressor protection algorithms for determining the position of the operating point in relation to the surge or choke line, represented in dimensionless rectangular coordinates. However, none of these rectangular coordinate methods can simultaneously determine the position of the operating point relative to the surge and choke lines in order to reproduce the full operating range, defined as the continuous value from the surge limit to the choke limit. Compressor performance curves in the plane are geometrically limited to perpendicularly oriented lines to reproduce such a range in rectangular coordinates. In addition, compressor operation can be described as moving the operating point towards surge or choke limits along the performance curves, or from curve to curve in the terms of a radius from some imaginary center point. Such movements are more like movements in polar coordinates than in rectangular ones. Therefore, polar coordinates seem to be the most appropriate choice in a context where the operating point in question is inherently tied to a direction and length from a center point on a plane. To demonstrate significant progress over existing compressor protection methods, the entire area between the surge and choke limiting lines must be converted from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. This invention describes the procedure for such a conversion.

A polar coordinate system in a plane consists of a fixed center point of the pole or zero point and rays emanating from that point. In the polar coordinate system selected in present invention, each point on a plane has a pair of polar coordinates: the radial coordinate r is the distance between the pole and the designated point, and φ (or α, or γ) is the angular coordinate, measured as the polar angle from the vertical axis to the radial coordinate r.

To convert a constant speed performance curve from a rectangular coordinate system to a polar coordinate system, it is necessary to make the assumption that each point on the performance curve in the new coordinate system is approximately the same distance from the center point. Or at least the radial coordinate of the surge point and the radial coordinate of the choke point, defined as the intersection points of the performance curve with the surge and choke lines, are the same.

However, a compressor control system using proportional-integral-derivative controllers requires further conversion of the two-dimensional representation into a numeric string of the one-dimensional controlled variable CV. In general, if the full operating point range from surge limit to choke limit is specified, then the controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller can be calculated relative to the surge limit from the equation below:

CV ( % ) = 100 % · CV - CV surge _ limit CV choke _ limit - CV surge _ limit ( 1 )

For the controller protecting the compressor from choking, the controlled variable CV (%) in percent is calculated relative to the choke limit:

CV ( % ) = 100 · CV choke _ limit - CV CV choke _ limit - CV surge _ limit ( 2 )

The close-loop PID controller continuously calculates the error value ER as the difference between the desired setpoint SP (%) in percent and the input value of the controlled variable CV (%) in percent to tune the control output:

ER=SP (%)−CV (%)  (3)

For an anti-surge controller, the desired SP (surge protection margin) is usually 10% or less.

For an anti-choke controller, the desired SP (choke protection margin) is usually 5% or more.

In a case of the polar coordinate system, the controlled, variable CV becomes the polar angle φ of the operating point with respect to its radial coordinate r. The controlled variable CV (%) for a surge protection controller is calculated relative to the surge unlit at the constant radial coordinate r as the polar angle φ of the operating point minus the polar angle of the surge point φsurge, divided by the full range, defined as subtracting the polar angle of the surge point to φsurge from the polar angle of the choke point φchoke:

CV ( % ) = 100 % · φ - φ surge φ choke - φ surge "\[LeftBracketingBar]" r ( 4 )

The controlled variable CV (%) for a choke protection controller can be calculated relative to the choke limit for at the constant radial coordinate r as the polar angle of the choke point minus the polar angle of the operating point, divided by the full range, defined as subtracting the polar angle of the surge point from the polar angle of the choke point:

CV ( % ) = 100 % · φ choke - φ φ choke - φ surge "\[LeftBracketingBar]" r ( 5 )

Variable geometry compressors equipped with the IGV inlet guide vanes or stator vanes in axial compressors may exhibit surge and choke lines shift in response to blades opening. Since this displacement is still expressed in π-term coordinates, an IGV correction function can be applied to the π-term coordinate of the Mach number as a function of the position of the input guide vanes before converting the rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. The controlled variable CV (%) can then be calculated.

Most industrial compressors are selected to operate at or near maximum efficiency. For this reason, compressor maps often have surge lines and no choke lines, but instead have maximum flow endpoints on constant speed performance curves. Compressor testing to determine choke points during commissioning may be process limited. In such, cases, where the full range of compressor operation, defined from surge limit to choke limit, is not available, only compressor surge protection is required. To this end, each surge point on the surge line assumes a constant polar angle. Assigning a constant polar angle to the surge points, requires adjusting one of the two π-term coordinates, for instance, the Mach number becomes a function of the π-term coordinate of the pressure ratio, or vice versa, before converting the rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. In the case of maximum flow endpoints, the controlled variable CV (%) for the surge protection controller can be calculated relative to the surge limit as the polar angle of the operating point minus the constant (as polar angle of the surge points), divided by the specified operating range, defined as subtracting the constant from the polar angle of the maximum flow endpoint.

The controlled variable CV (%), when only surge points collected during commissioning are available and no compressor performance maps are presented, can be calculated for the surge protection controller relative to the surge limit as the polar angle of the operating point minus a constant that defines the polar angle of the surge points divided by this constant.

It is important to note that selecting 10% as the desired setpoint when only surge limits are present will denote a safety margin relative to the surge limit and cannot be equal to the safety margin as a percentage of the compressor's full operating range.

The conversion methods described are applicable to any shape of compressor performance curves, from a slight slope of an almost horizontal line to relatively straight vertical lines.


The present invention proposes novel algorithms for practical use in control systems that protect dynamic compressors from surging and choking.

The rectangular to polar conversion reproduces the entire range of operating points with the most accurate positioning of the operating points relative to surge and choke limits, effectively protecting the compressors from both surge and choke.

The invention provides the most realistic representation of the compressor operation in a wide range, regardless of changes in input conditions, molecular weight, rotation speed, position of the imide vanes.

The new surge and choke protection algorithms presented in the invention, when only surge points or only choke points are present, are the most understood in compressor control practice.

The invention proposes new algorithms for calculating controlled variables CV (%) that are nearly linear, which makes the tuning of the PID controllers very precise.


FIG. 1 schematically shows the input and outlet signals; gas properties at the compressor inlet.

FIG. 2 shows the different shapes of the compressor performance curves.

FIG. 3 depicts the operating point in the π-term coordinates between the surge and choke limits on a constant speed line, with rays emanating from the pole indicating possible movements.

FIG. 4 shows a set, of hypothetical constant speed performance curves with operating point, surge and choke limits.

FIG. 5 depicts the effect of transformation by plotting polar coordinates r and φ on the rectangular coordinates.

FIG. 6 represents the correlation between the controlled variable CV (%) and the polytropic efficiency of the compressor.

FIG. 7 schematically shows two dynamic compressors 14 and 15 in series.

FIG. 8 shows three sets of four hypothetical constant speed performance curves for three different IGV positions.

FIG. 9 describes the IGV function.

FIG. 10 reflects the effect of transforming the horizontal axis using the IGV function.

FIG. 11 depicts the effect of transformation by plotting polar coordinates r and φ on the rectangular coordinates for variable geometry compressors.

FIG. 12 shows a set of hypothetical constant speed performance curves with operating point, surge line, and maximum flow points with rays emanating from the pole indicating the polar coordinate α of the surge points.

FIG. 13 represents the modified compressor map with a constant angular coordinate α.

FIG. 14 depicts the effect of transforming by plotting polar coordinates r and α on rectangular coordinates with only surge limit available.

FIG. 15 shows the most common surge line shape in rectangular coordinates when the horizontal axis is the π-term Mach number at outlet of the compressor.

FIG. 16 depicts a modified surge line in polar coordinates with a constant angular coordinate γ.

FIG. 17 shows a set of hypothetical performance curves for a constant speed, variable geometry compressor with surge line and maximum flow endpoints.

FIG. 18 shows the effect of transforming the horizontal axis using the IGV function and the rays emanating from the pole, indicating the polar coordinate α of the surge points.

FIG. 19 shows a modified surge line with constant polar coordinate a for variable geometry compressors.

FIG. 20 depicts the effect of transformation by plotting polar coordinates r and α on rectangular coordinates for variable geometry compressors for which only surge limit is available.


FIG. 1 shows a schematic diagram of dynamic compressor 1 and most common input signals: measured flow rate 2, static inlet pressure 3, static inlet temperature 4, static output pressure 5, static output temperature 6, rotational speed 7, position of the inlet guide vanes or stator vanes 8; fluid properties 9, 10, 11; calculated axial fluid velocities 12, 13 used in control algorithms.

There are a number of dimensionless groups (π-terms) that can be obtained from Buckingham's π-theorem applied to compressors, but the most commonly chosen π-terms are Mach number Π1, and compressor total pressure ratio Π2. Both of these π-terms are used in present invention. The performance of dynamic compressors may be described by following quantities:

  • m Fluid mass flow
  • N Rotor rotational speed, usually measured as revolution per minute (RPM)
  • V Axial fluid velocity at the compressor inlet or outlet depending on the location of the flow meter
  • α The speed of sound at the inlet or outlet of the compressor
  • Mw Fluid molecular weight
  • k Specific heat ratio
  • Z Fluid compressibility factor
  • R0 Universal gas constant
  • ρ Density of fluid at the compressor inlet (or outlet)
  • D Linear dimension of a compressor or piping characteristic
  • Pt_in Total or stagnation pressure at compressor inlet
  • Tt_in Total or stagnation temperature at compressor inlet
  • Pt_out Total or stagnation pressure at compressor outlet
  • Tt_out Total or stagnation temperature at compressor outlet


V = 4 · m ρ · π · D 2 V = V in and ρ = ρ in ( 6 )

if the flow meter located at the inlet, V=Vout and ρ=ρout if the flow meter located at the outlet; π is a mathematical constant of approximately 3.14; D is the diameter of the cross-section area at compressor inlet (Din2) or outlet (Dout2).

For compressor inlet:

ρ in = Mw · P t _ in Z in · R 0 · T t _ in ( 7 ) a in = k in · R 0 · T t _ in Mw ( 8 ) k in = C P C v ( 9 )

Mach number at compressor inlet:

Π 1 _in = V in a in ( 10 )

Mach number at compressor outlet:

Π 1 _ out = V out a out ( 11 )

Compressor pressure ratio (total to total):

Π 2 = P t _ out P t _ in ( 12 )

And then:

T t _ in = T i n · ( 1 + k - 1 2 · Π 1 _ in 2 ) ( 13 )

where Tin—static temperature at the compressor inlet in absolute units.

T t _ out = T out · ( 1 + k - 1 2 · Π 1 _ out 2 ) ( 14 )

where Tout—static temperature at the compressor outlet in absolute units.

For incompressible flow:

P t _ in = P i n · ( 1 + k 2 · Π 1 _ in 2 ) ( 15 )

where Pin—static pressure at the compressor inlet in absolute units, Π1_out—Mach number at compressor inlet ≤0.3.

P t _ out = P o u t · ( 1 + k 2 · Π 1 _ out 2 ) ( 16 )

where Pout—static pressure at the compressor outlet in absolute units, Π1_out—Mach number at compressor outlet ≤0.3.

Whenever the Mach number in the stream exceeds about 0.3, the stream becomes compressible and the density of the fluid can no longer be considered as constant.

For compressible flow:

P t _ in = P i n · ( 1 + k - 1 2 · Π 1 _ in 2 ) k k - 1 ( 17 )

where Pin—static pressure at the compressor inlet in absolute units, Π1_in—Mach number at compressor inlet >0.3.

P t _ out = P o u t · ( 1 + k - 1 2 · Π 1 _ out 2 ) k k - 1 ( 18 )

where Pout—static pressure at the compressor outlet in absolute units, Π1_out—Mach number at compressor outlet >0.3.

The relationship between the Mach numbers at the inlet and outlet of the compressor, given that Zin≅Zout and kin≅kout, follows from the equation:

Π 1 _ in = D out 2 D in 2 · Π 1 _ out · ( Π 2 ) ( 1 - n - 1 2 · n ) ( 19 )

Where n is the polytropic exponent, which can be calculated using the equation:

n = ( 1 - ( T t _ out T t _ in ) ( P t _ out P t _ in ) ) ( - 1 ) ( 20 )

With a moderate change in friction in the system, n changes insignificantly and can be taken in calculations as a constant.

In applications where differential pressure meters are used the inlet Mach number Π1_in can be calculated from the equation:

Π 1 _ in = 4 · Const π · D in 2 · k in · Δ P in P in ( 21 )

where ΔPin—is the pressure drop across of the flow meter at the inlet to the compressor, Pin is the static pressure at the compressor inlet in absolute units, Const is the flow meter constant, π is a mathematical constant of approximately 3.14, Din—internal diameter of the inlet pipe.

Typical performance curves of dynamic variable speed compressors without guide vanes are shown in FIG. 2 in π-terms, with shape of the curves varying from slope to horizon for compressors with a nominal compression ratio of about 1.1 to 2.5, intermediate curves for compressors with a nominal compression ratio of 2.5 to 6.0, and relatively straight vertical lines, for compressors with compression ratio higher than 6.0. It should be noted that compressors equipped with guide vanes can have relatively vertical lines at a compression ratio of about 1.1 to 2.5 with the blades closed. FIG. 3 displays a constant speed performance curve in the π-term coordinates: Π1_in, is the Mach number at compressor inlet, and (Π2−1) is the compressor pressure ratio (total to total) minus one; operating point between surge point A and choke point B; rays emanating from the zero point, indicating possible movements of the operating point; rsurge is the radial coordinate and φsurge is the angular coordinate of the surge point; rchoke is the radial coordinate and φchoke is the angular coordinate of the choke point. The technique of converting the constant speed performance curve from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates is based on the assumption that the distance from the zero point to the surge point A and the distance from zero point to the choke point B are equal. To equalize two unequal radial coordinates, a polar conversion factor P is entered. The distance from the zero point to the surge point A can then be calculated using the polar conversion factor:

rsurge=√{square root over ((Π2−1)A2+(P·Π1_in)A2)}  (22)

where (Π2−1)A and (Π1_in)A—coordinates of the surge point A.

The distance from the zero point to the choke point B can also be calculated using the polar conversion factor:

rchoke=√{square root over ((Π2−1)B2+(P·Π1_in)B2)}  (23)

2−1)B and (Π1_in)B—coordinates of the choke point B.

From the two equations (22) and (23), assuming rsurge=rchoke the polar conversion factor P for the AB constant speed performance curve can be calculated as:

P = ( Π 2 - 1 ) A 2 - ( Π 2 - 1 ) B 2 ( Π 1 _ in ) B 2 - ( Π 1 _ in ) A 2 ( 24 )

FIG. 4 shows a set of hypothetical constant speed performance curves with points A1, A2, A3 . . . An−1, An and An+1 as surge points; and points B1, B2, B3 . . . . Bn−1, Bn and Bn+1 as choke points. Performance curves may differ from each another, but curves formed by the same compressor, operating in a moderately narrow range with little change in system friction, should be correlated in shape. For this reason, the polar conversion factor P shouldn't change much. However, the polar conversion factor must be calculated for each given curve shown in FIG. 4. Then the arithmetic means or average of polar conversion factors, the sum of the polar conversion factors divided by total number of curves in the set (n+1), must be used to convert a rectangular coordinate system in a polar coordinate system.

P mean _ average = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + + P n - 1 + P n + P n + 1 n + 1 ( 25 )

In an imaginary two-dimension polar coordinate system on the plane, each point corresponds to a pair of polar coordinates (r, φ). The operating point, located on the constant speed curve AnBn as shown in FIG. 4, has a radial coordinate rop and an angular coordinate φop, which is measured from the vertical axis (Π2−1). An example of the polar conversion of the constant speed performance curves and positioning of the operating point on the AnBn, curve of FIG. 4 is shown in FIG. 5, where the new modified constant speed curves and the operating point on the line AnBn are shown in the polar coordinates plotted on the rectangular coordinates with the vertical axis as the radial coordinate r, and the horizontal axis as the angular coordinate φ. The polar coordinates plotted on the rectangular coordinates, as shown in FIG. 5, illustrate the transformation effect, where the compressor performance curves are straightened and can now be approximated by horizontal lines, and the shaded area surrounded by the surge and choke limiting lines defines the dynamically stable area of the compressor operation.

The equations for calculating of a pair of polar coordinates (r, φ) for each point are shown below:

r = ( Π 2 - 1 ) 2 + ( P mean _ average · Π 1 _ in ) 2 ( 26 ) φ = ARCTAN ( P mean _ average · Π 1 _ in ( Π 2 - 1 ) ) ( 27 )

Where ARCTAN is the inverse mathematical function of the tangent function used to obtain an angle from any of the trigonometric angular relations.

The functions shown below in tabular form in TABLE 1 with sorted rows and columns of characteristic data represent the polar angles of the surge and choke points as functions of the radial coordinate r as an argument.

TABLE 1 Radial Polar angle of Polar angle of coordinate surge point choke point 1 (r)1 surge)1 choke)1 INPUT (rop) → 2 (r)2 surge)2 choke)2 3 (r)3 surge)3 choke)3 n − 1 (r)n−1 surge)n−1 choke)n−1 n (r)n surge)n choke)n n + 1 (r)n+1 surge)n+1 choke)n+1 OUT1 (φsurge) OUT2 (φchoke)

The definition of the functions is taken from FIG. 5 when the shaded area is crossed by the horizontal lines r at the indicated surge and choke points used to populate TABLE 1.

It should be noted that all points other than those inserted in the rows and columns can be considered interpolated values. Linear interpolation is applied to a specific value between the two values listed in the table, which can be achieved by geometric reconstruction of a straight line between two adjacent points in the table.

The use of table functions is that the input to the table is the radial coordinate of the operating point rop calculated from to the equation (26), and the outputs are the angular coordinates φsurge and φchoke of the surge and choke points. The graphical definition of the functions is shown in FIG. 5 where the shaded area crossed by the horizontal line rop and the angular coordinates φsurge and φchoke are the projections of the surge and choke points onto the horizontal axis φ with the operating point φop between them as the calculated value according to the equation (27). Therefore, the controlled variable CV (%) in percent for surge protection is calculated as:

C V ( % ) = 100 % · φ op - φ surge φ choke - φ surge "\[RightBracketingBar]" r op ( 28 )

and for chock protection:

C V ( % ) = 100 % · φ choke - φ op φ choke - φ surge "\[RightBracketingBar]" r op ( 29 )

The shape of the constant speed performance curves can change from compressor to compressor or as the compressor operating range expands. However, the conversion method represented by equations (26) and (27) is applicable to any shape of performance curve. The compressor performance curves shown in FIG. 2, which have significant shape variations, will still be straightened when plotted in rectangular coordinates r versus φ, and the appearance of the modified constant speed performance curves can be approximated by horizontal lines.

The generalized correlation between the controlled variable CV (%) in percent and the polytropic efficiency of the compressor ηp in percent covering entire operating range from surge to choke limits, is shown in FIG. 6. The offset, between CV(ηp_max)—the compressor's maximum polytropic efficiency point and CV(ηp_op) of the operating point can be used in PID controllers as a controlled variable to balance the load between the compressors operating in parallel or in series.

FIG. 7 shows a schematic diagram of two dynamic compressors 14 and 15 installed in series, the second compressor 15 having a side stream inlet flow. The input signals shown in FIG. 7: rotational speed 24, static pressure at the inlet of the first compressor 16, static temperature at the inlet of the first compressor 17, measured flow rate at the inlet of the first compressor 18, calculated mass flow rate of the first compressor 19, static inlet pressure of the second compressor 20, static inlet temperature of the second compressor 21, measured side stream flow rate entering the second compressor 22, calculated mass flow of the side stream entering the second compressor 23, static output pressure 25, static output temperature 26.

The total mass flow mtotal through the second compressor 15 is then calculated as the sum of the mass flow m1 through the first compressor 14 plus the side stream mass flow m2 entering between compressors:

mtotal=m1+m2  (30)

To protect the second compressor, the Mach number (Π1_in)2_total for the second stage must be used, which is calculated from the total mass flow mtotal, assuming that this mass flow passes through the inlet of the second compressor. For differential pressure meters, taking into account that compressibility factors and specific heat ratios of the first and second compressors are equal Z1≅Z2 and k1≅k2 the Mach number (Π1_in)2_total can be calculated as:

( Π 1 _ in ) 2 _ total = D 1 2 D 2 2 · ( Π 2 ) 1 ( n - 1 2 · n - 1 ) · ( Π 1 _ in ) 1 + ( Π 1 _ in ) 2 ( 31 )

Where D1 is the diameter of the cross-section area at the inlet of the first compressor; D2—cross-section diameter at the inlet of the second compressor; (Π2)1—pressure ratio across the first compressor, calculated according to equation (12); n is the polytropic exponent of the first compressor, it can be taken as a constant or calculated by equation (20); (Π1_in)1—Mach number at the inlet of the first compressor and (Π1_in)2—Mach number of the side stream of the second compressor, both calculated according to equation (21).

In many cases, variable geometry compressors with the IGV inlet guide vanes or stator vanes in axial compressors are used. Compressors of this type can have performance drift depending on the blades opening. The effect of IGV opening on the compressor performance is shown in FIG. 8 for three hypothetical sets of constant speed performance curves representing three arbitrary selected IGV opening positions 0%, 50% and 100% in coordinates Π1_in relative to (Π2−1). Each set consists of four curves for demonstrative purposes. Lines A1B1, A2B2, A3B3 and A4B4 represent constant speed performance curves at 0% IGV position; lines A′1B′1, A2′B′2, A′3B′3 and A′4B′4 represent constant speed performance curves at 50% IGV position; and lines A″1B″1, A″2B″2, A″3B″3 and A″4B″4 represent constant speed performance curves at 100% IGV position.

FIG. 8 graphically illustrates a technique for adapting three separate surge limiting lines of three different IGV positions into one common surge line. Points A3, A′3 and A″3 in the FIG. 8 refer to the same compressor speed selected as the assumed design operating speed. The points are chosen as an example to obtain the function ƒ(IGV) of the inlet guide vanes to modify the n-term coordinate of the Mach number. The shift of the surge points A3, A′3 and A″3 to the left while keeping their (Π2−1) coordinates unchanged, denotes the new positions of the surge points A3com, A′3com and A″3com, which form one common surge line.

Dividing the coordinates of the surge points A3com, A′3com and A″3com into the values of the coordinates of the surge points A3, A′3 and A″3, respectively, reveals the method for constructing the IGV function:

f ( I G V ) = ( Π 1 _ in ) A _ com ( Π 1 _ in ) A ( 32 )

FIG. 9 shows the position of the inlet guide vanes IGV as a percentage relative to the IGV function and depicts the technique, for calculating the IGV function. The function shown below in tabular form in TABLE 2 with two columns of characteristic data for an IGV position as the argument from 0% to 100% and the function ƒ(IGV) of all available surge points of design operating speed to plot the expected common surge line.

TABLE 2 IGV position function % ƒ(IGV) 1  0% ( 1 _ in ) 0 % _ com ( 1 _ in ) 0 % INPUT (IGV) → 2  10% ( 1 _ in ) 10 % _ com ( 1 _ in ) 10 %  50% ( 1 _ in ) 50 % _ com ( 1 _ in ) 50 % i-1  90% ( 1 _ in ) 90 % _ com ( 1 _ in ) 90 % i 100% ( 1 _ in ) 100 % _ com ( 1 _ in ) 100 % OUTPUT (ƒ(IGV)

The result of applying the inlet guide vanes function to three sets of constant speed performance curves for three IGV opening positions in FIG. 8 is presented in FIG. 10, which shows one combined set of all constant speed, performance curves in the ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in if coordinate relative to the (Π2−1) coordinate. Where all surge points can be approximated by a single surge line, and also all choke points can be aligned to form a choke line.

The same method of converting constant speed performance curves from rectangular to polar coordinates can now be applied to compressors with IGVs, provided that the π-term coordinate Π1_in is replaced by the new coordinate ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in. An equal distance statement stating that the distance from the zero point to the surge point A, and the distance from zero point to the choke point B for each performance curve in FIG. 10 is still required for coordinate conversion. To equalize the two unequal radial coordinates of the surge and choke points, it is also necessary to calculate the polar conversion factor P.

The distance from the zero point to each surge point A can then be calculated as:

rsurge=√{square root over ((Π2−1)A2+(P·ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)A2)}  (33)

where (Π2−1)A and (ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)A—coordinates of the surge points A.

The distance from the zero point to each choke point B can be calculated as:

rchoke=√{square root over ((Π2−1)B2+(P·ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)B2)}  (34)

where (Π2−1)B and (ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)B—coordinates of the choke points B.

From the two equations (33) and (34), by assigning rsurge=rchoke, the polar conversion factor P for each constant speed performance curve AB can be calculated as:

P = ( Π 2 - 1 ) A 2 - ( Π 2 - 1 ) B 2 ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) B 2 - ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) A 2 ( 35 )

After the polar conversion factors have been calculated for each curve, it is necessary to calculate the arithmetic means or average of the polar conversion factors, the sum of the polar conversion factors divided by the total number of curves in the sets (m+1):

P mean _ average = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + + P m - 1 + P m + P m + 1 m + 1 ( 36 )

FIG. 11 illustrates the transformation effect, where the polar coordinates r and φ are plotted again in rectangular coordinates with straightened compressor performance curves, and the shaded area bounded by the surge and choke limiting lines defines the compressor operating area. The operating point in FIG. 11 is defined by the radial coordinate rop and the angular coordinate φop. As before in this invention, each point in the two-dimension polar coordinate system on the plane has a pair of polar coordinates (r, φ), but the equations for calculating the polar coordinates (r, φ) with respect to the IGV function are adjusted as shown below:

r = ( Π 2 - 1 ) 2 + ( P mean _ average · f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) 2 ( 37 ) φ = ARCTAN ( P mean _ average · f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ( Π 2 - 1 ) ) ( 38 )

TABLE 1 can now be filled with surge and choke points taken from FIG. 11. After calculating the radial coordinate rop of the operating point, the angular coordinates to φsurge and φchoke can be obtained from TABLE 1. This is graphically shown in FIG. 11 with the projections of the surge point φsurge and the choke point φchoke on the horizontal axis φ, and the calculated angular coordinates φop of the operating point between them. The controlled variable CV (%) in percent can then be calculated for surge protection using equation (28), and for choke protection from equation (29).

A hypothetical compressor map is shown in FIG. 12 in π-term coordinates Π1_in and Π2−1) without choke line, where A points are still the surge points and B points are the maximum flow endpoints on each performance curve. In this case, when the full range of compressor operation, defined from surge limit to choke limit, is not available, the controlled variable CV (%) can only be calculated for the surge protection.

The rays emanating from the zero point in FIG. 12 indicate the angular coordinates of all surge points from the polar angle α_A1 of the first surge point A1 to the polar angle α_An+1 of the last surge point An+1, Then FIG. 13 shows modified compressor map, where each surge point on the surge line now has the same angular coordinate. This is achieved by replacing the π-term Mach number coordinate Π1_in, with the coordinate (Π1_in)Corr, which is the corrected Mach number as a function of the π-term (Π2−1) obtained from surge points by the formula:

1_in)A=(Π2−1)A  (39)

The function shown below in tabular form in TABLE 3 with two columns of characteristic data, where (Π1_in)A is the argument and (Π2−1)A is the function derived from FIG. 13 for surge points.

TABLE 3 π-term Mach 2 − 1) number as function 1 1_in)A1 2 − 1)A1 INPUT (Π1_in) → 2 1_in)A2 2 − 1)A2 3 1_in)A3 2 − 1)A3 n − 1 1_in)An-1 2 − 1)An-1 n 1_in)An 2 − 1)An n + 1 1_in)An+1 2 − 1)An+1 OUTPUT (Π1_in)Corr

The same technique of converting constant speed performance curves from rectangular to polar coordinates can now be applied to compressors with only the surge limit line, provided that the n-term coordinate Π1_in is replaced by the new coordinate (Π1_in)Corr.

To equalize the two unequal radial coordinates of the surge and maximum flow endpoint, it is also necessary to calculate the polar conversion factor P.

The distance from the zero point to each surge point A can then be calculated as:

rsurge=√{square root over ((Π2−1)A2+(P·(Π1_in)Corr)A2)}  (40)

where (Π2−1)A and ((Π1_in)Corr)A—coordinates of the surge points A.

The distance from the zero point to each maximum flow endpoint B can be calculated as:

rmax_flow=√{square root over ((Π2−1)B2+(P·(Π1_in)Corr)B2)}  (41)

where (Π2−1)B and ((Π1_in)Corr)B—coordinates of the maximum flow points B.

From the two equations (40) and (41), setting that rsurge=rmax_flow, the polar conversion factor P for each AB constant speed performance curve can be calculated as:

P = ( Π 2 - 1 ) A 2 - ( Π 2 - 1 ) B 2 ( ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ) B 2 - ( ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ) A 2 ( 42 )

The arithmetic means or average of the polar conversion factors, the sum of the polar conversion factors divided by the total number of curves can be calculated using the equation (25).

FIG. 14 illustrates the effect of polar transformation by displaying a radial coordinate r and an angular coordinate α in rectangular coordinates. FIG. 14 shows the straitened performance curves and the shaded area bounded by a surge line on one side, defined as a vertical line with a constant angular coordinate, and a line, connecting the endpoints on the other side.

The equations for calculating of a pair of polar coordinates (r, α) are shown below:

r = ( Π 2 - 1 ) 2 + ( P mean _ average · ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ) 2 ( 43 ) α = ARCTAN ( P mean _ average · ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ( Π 2 - 1 ) ) ( 44 )

TABLE 4 is populated with surge points and maximum flow endpoints taken from FIG. 14, where the surge points polar angle column is constant. After calculating the radial coordinate rop of the operating point, the angular coordinates αconst and αmax_flow are obtained from TABLE 4.

TABLE 4 Radial Polar angle of Polar angle of coordinate surge point maximum flow point 1 (r)1 αconst max_flow)1 INPUT (rop) → 2 (r)2 αconst max_flow)2 3 (r)3 αconst max_flow)3 n − 1 (r)n-1 αconst max_flow)n-1 n (r)n αconst max_flow)n n + 1 (r)n+1 αconst max_flow)n+1 OUT1 (αconst) OUT2 (αmax_flow)

Graphically it is shown in FIG. 14 with the constant coordinate of the surge points (angular coordinate αconst) and the projection of the maximum flow endpoint (angular coordinates αmax_flow) onto the horizontal a axis with the calculated operating point (angular coordinates αop) between them.

The controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller in the case of maximum flow endpoints can be calculated relative to the surge limit as the polar angle of the operating point αop minus the constant αconst (polar angle of the surge points) divided by the specified operating range up to maximum flow line, defined as subtracting the constant from the polar angle of the maximum flow endpoint αmax_flow:

C V ( % ) = 100 % · α op - α const α max _ flow - α const "\[RightBracketingBar]" r op ( 45 )

It can be assumed that the hypothetical compressor map, shown in FIG. 12 in π-term coordinates Π1_in and (Π2−1) has only surge points A obtained during commissioning. The rays emanating from the zero point in FIG. 12 still indicate the angular coordinates of all surge points, from the polar angle α_A1 of the surge point A1 to the polar angle α_An+1 of the surge point An+1. Similarly, the surge line and surge points may be presented in a corrected Mach number coordinate (Π1_in)Corr as the function of n-term coordinates (Π2−1) in FIG. 13, where each surge point on the surge line has the same polar angle. The corrected Mach number coordinate (Π1_in)Corr still can be found from the equation (38), and TABLE 3 with two columns of characteristic data obtained from surge points is still applicable when only surge points are available. In the absence of performance curves, the calculation of the polar conversion factor P would be impossible. A pair of polar coordinates (r, α) can be calculated from equation (43) and (44) with the parameter Pmean_average equal to one:

r = ( Π 2 - 1 ) 2 + ( ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ) 2 ( 46 ) α = ARCTAN ( ( Π 1 _ in ) Corr ( Π 2 - 1 ) ) ( 47 )

The controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller can be calculated as the polar angle of the operating point αop minus constant αconst the polar angle of the surge points, divided by the polar angle of the surge points:

C V ( % ) = 100 % · α op - α const α const ( 48 )

If surge points are collected during commissioning with a flow meter located downstream of the compressor, the n-term Mach number is calculated as the Mach number at the outlet of the compressor. FIG. 15 shows surge line and surge points A in the π-term coordinates Π1_out and (Π2−1), as they are obtained from field tests without performance curves. Very often, for a Mach number calculated at the outlet of the compressor, starting from a nominal compression ratio of about 4.0 to 5.0 and above, the surge line can become vertical. In this case, there are two ways to calculate the percentage controlled variable CV (%). The first uses equation (19), which links the Mach numbers at the compressor inlet and outlet by changing Π1_out to Π1_in.

The second uses the π-term coordinate Π1_out, but the π-term coordinate (Π2−1) is replaced with a new corrected coordinate so that each surge point has the same polar angle. This is achieved by replacing the π-term coordinate (Π2−1) with the coordinate (Π2−1)Corr, which is a function of the π-term Mach number Π1_out obtained from surge points by the formula:

2−1)A=(Π1_out)A  (49)

FIG. 15 shows a surge line with angular coordinates of all surge points from the polar angle γ_A1 of the first surge point A1 to the polar angle γ_An+1 of the last surge point An+1. FIG. 16 shows the modified surge line in rectangular coordinates, but with surge points having the same polar angle or the polar coordinate γconst. The function shown below in tabular form in TABLE 5 with two columns of characteristic data, where the coordinate (Π2−1)A is the argument and (Π1_out)A is the function, are obtained from surge points in FIG. 15.

In the absence of compressor characteristic curves, the polar radius r can be calculated from the equation below:

r=√{square root over (((Π2−1)Corr)2+(Π1_out)2)}  (50)

and the angular coordinate γ can be calculated using the equation:

γ = ARCTAN ( Π 1 _ out ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) ( 51 )

The controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller can be calculated as the polar angle of the operating point γop, minus constant γconst the polar angle of the surge points, divided by the polar angle of the surge points:

C V ( % ) = 100 % · γ op - γ const γ const ( 52 )

TABLE 5 1_out) π-term (Π2 − 1) as function 1 2 − 1)A1 1_out)A1 2 2 − 1)A2 1_out)A2 INPUT (Π2 − 1) → 3 2 − 1)A3 1_out)A3 n − 1 2 − 1)An−1 1_out)An−1 n 2 − 1)An 1_out)An n + 1 2 − 1)An+1 1_out)An+1 OUTPUT ((Π2 − 1)Corr)

The effect of the IGV opening on compressor performance is shown in FIG. 17, similar to that shown in FIG. 8, with the difference that B points represent the endpoints of the maximum flow. Therefore, FIG. 17 represents a case where a hypothetical compressor map is shown in Tc-teen coordinates Π1_in and (Π2−1) with surge line but no choke line; with three sets of constant speed performance curves representing three IGV opening positions of 0%, 50% and 100%, and each of them consists of four curves. Likewise, lines A1B1, A2B2, A3B3 and A4B4 refer to constant speed performance curves at 0% IGV position; lines A′1B′1, A2′B′2, A′3B′3 and A′4B′4 to constant speed performance curves at 50% IGV; and lines A″1B″1, A″2B″2, A″3B″3 and A′4B″4 for constant speed performance curves at 100% IGV. Since the surge points are identical to those shown in FIG. 8, and do not change their positions, the IGV function shown in TABLE 2 can be used.

FIG. 18 shows the result of applying the inlet guide vanes function to three sets of constant speed performance curves with one common surge line in coordinates ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in and (Π2−1). Again, in the absence of a choke line, the control variable CV (%) can only be calculated for surge protection. The rays emanating from the zero point in FIG. 18 indicate the angular coordinates of all surge points from the polar angle α_A1 corn of the surge point A1com to the polar angle α_A″4com of the surge point A″4com.

FIG. 19 shows a modified compressor map, which is a modification of the compressor map shown in FIG. 18, where the π-term coordinate (Π2−1) is replaced with a new corrected coordinate such that each surge point has the same polar angular. This is achieved in the same way as before, replacing the π-term coordinate (Π2−1) with the coordinate (Π2−1)Corr, but as a function of the π-term Mach number ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in of the surge points shown in FIG. 18. The corrected coordinate (Π2−1)Corr is calculated for each surge point using the formula:

2−1)A=(ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)A  (53)

The same method of converting constant speed performance curves from rectangular to polar coordinates can now be applied to compressors with the IGV and the endpoints of the maximum flow. An equal distance statement for each performance curve that declares the distance from the zero point to the surge point A and from the zero point to the maximum flow endpoint B, as well as the calculation of the polar conversion factor P, are still required for polar conversion.

The distance from the zero point to each surge point A can then be calculated as:

rsurge=√{square root over ((Π2−1)Corr)A2+(P·∫(IGV)·Π1_in)A2)}  (54)

where ((Π2−1)Corr)A and (ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)A—coordinates of the surge points A.

The distance from the zero point to each maximum flow endpoint B can be calculated as:

rmax_flow=√{square root over ((Π2−1)Corr)B2+(P·∫(IGV)·Π1_in)B2)}  (55)

where ((Π2−1)Corr)B and (ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in)B—coordinates of the maximum flow points B.

From the two equations (54) and (55), setting rsurge=rmax_flow, the polar conversion factor P for each AB constant speed performance curve can be calculated as:

P = ( ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) A 2 - ( ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) B 2 ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) B 2 - ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) A 2 ( 56 )

The arithmetic mean Pmean_average can be calculated from the formula (36) as the sum of the polar conversion factors divided by the total number of curves in the sets. As before, in a two-dimension polar coordinate system on the plane, each point corresponds to a pair of polar coordinates (r, α), but equations for calculating the polar coordinates (r, α) must be adjusted as shown below:

r = ( ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) 2 + ( P mean _ average · f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) 2 ( 57 ) α = ARCTAN ( P mean _ average · f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) ( 58 )

FIG. 20 illustrates a polar transformation, where the polar coordinates r and α are plotted in rectangular coordinates, the performance curves are flattened, and the shaded area surrounded by the surge limiting line and the maximum flow line, defines the compressor operating area.

TABLE 6 is populated with surge points and maximum flow endpoints taken from FIG. 20, where the polar angle of the surge points is constant, and the polar angles of the maximum flow endpoints marked with a symbol (▪) are defined as the points of intersection of the r coordinates with the maximum flow line at points (B)1, (B)2, (B)3 . . . (B)n−1, (B)n and (B)n+1.

The radial coordinates rop and αop of the operating point can be calculated from equations (57) and (58). The angular coordinates αconst and αmax_flow are obtained from TABLE 6.

TABLE 6 Radial Polar angle Polar angle of coordinate of surge point maximum flow point 1 (r)1 αconst max_flow)(B)1 2 (r)2 αconst max_flow)(B)2 INPUT (rop) → 3 (r)3 αconst max_flow)(B)3 n − 1 (r)n-1 αconst max_flow)(B)n−1 N (r)n αconst max_flow)(B)n n + 1 (r)n+1 αconst max_flow)(B)n+1 OUT1 (αconst) OUT2 (αmax_flow)

Graphically it is shown in FIG. 20 with the constant surge point coordinate (angular coordinates αconst) and, the projection of the maximum flow endpoint (angular coordinates αmax_flow) onto the horizontal axis α with the calculated operating point (angular coordinates αop) between them. The controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller in the case of a variable geometry compressor with surge line and maximum flow endpoints can be calculated relative to the surge limit from equation (45).

It can now be assumed that only surge points A in FIG. 17 are known. In the same way, the displacement of the surge points A3, A′3 and A″3 to the left with unchanged (Π2−1) coordinates denote the new positions of the surge points A3com, A′3com and A″3com on the line defined as the expected common surge line. The IGV function can still be calculated by dividing the coordinates of the surge points A3com, A′3com and A″3com by the coordinates of the surge points A3, A′3 and A″3, respectively. And TABLE 2 again can be populated with characteristic data representing the IGV position from 0% to 100%, and a function ƒ(IGV) obtained for all available surge points by forming the expected common surge line.

In absence of the performance curves the rays emanating from the zero point in FIG. 18 still indicate the angular coordinates of all surge points from the polar angle α_A1 com of the surge point A1com to the polar angle α_A″4com of the surge point A″4com. Surge points A still have the equal polar angle in the π-term coordinates ƒ(IGV)·Π1_in and (Π2−1)Corr in FIG. 19. In the case when only surge points are present, the polar radius r can be calculated from equation (57) and the angular coordinate α can be calculated from equation (58), where the parameter Pmean_average is equal to one:

r = ( ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) 2 + ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ) 2 ( 59 ) α = ARCTAN ( f ( I G V ) · Π 1 _ in ( Π 2 - 1 ) Corr ) ( 60 )

And then the controlled variable CV (%) in percent for the surge protection controller can be calculated from equation (48).


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19. A method for controlling the operation of a centrifugal or axial compressor equipped with automatic control systems that continuously calculate system parameters, said method comprising:

reading one or more input signals from one or more sensors;
converting a compressor performance map comprising one or more surge points which define a first boundary condition into a compressor flow function in rectangular coordinates of flow Mach number and total pressure ratio;
applying said compressor flow function to each of said one or more surge points;
converting said one or more surge points of said first boundary condition to polar coordinates at a constant angle;
measuring an operating point of the centrifugal or axial compressor via said input signals from said one or more sensors;
calculating a control variable in polar coordinates;
calculating an error value from a difference between a set point and said control variable in polar coordinates; and
sending a control signal to a compressor control mechanism such that said control variable is moved closer to said set point to reduce said error value.

20. The method of claim 19, wherein said compressor flow function comprises a total pressure ratio function; and

applying said total pressure ratio function to each of said one or more surge points to define an altered coordinate of flow Mach number.

21. The method of claim 19, wherein said compressor flow function comprises a flow Mach number function; and

applying said flow Mach number function to each of said one or more surge points to define an altered coordinate of total pressure ratio.

22. The method of claim 19, wherein said compressor control mechanism comprises a mechanism selected from the group consisting of an anti-surge valve and an outlet valve.

23. A method for controlling the operation of a centrifugal or axial compressor equipped with automatic control systems that continuously calculate system parameters, said method comprising:

reading one or more input signals from one or more sensors;
converting a compressor performance map comprising one or more choke points which define a second boundary condition into a compressor flow function in rectangular coordinates of flow Mach number and total pressure ratio;
applying said compressor flow function to each of said one or more choke points;
converting said one or more choke points of said second boundary condition to polar coordinates at a constant angle;
measuring an operating point of the centrifugal or axial compressor via said input signals from said one or more sensors;
calculating a control variable in polar coordinates;
calculating an error value from a difference between a set point and said control variable in polar coordinates; and
sending a control signal to a compressor control mechanism such that said control variable is moved closer to said set point to reduce said error value.

24. The method of claim 23, wherein said compressor flow function comprises a total pressure ratio function; and

applying said total pressure ratio function to each of said one or more choke points to define an altered coordinate of flow Mach number.

25. The method of claim 23, wherein said compressor flow function comprises a flow Mach number function; and

applying said flow Mach number function to each of said one or more choke points to define an altered coordinate of total pressure ratio.

26. The method of claim 23, wherein said compressor control mechanism comprises a mechanism selected from the group consisting of an outlet valve, a variable inlet guide vane controller, and a variable stator vane controller.

Patent History
Publication number: 20230038837
Type: Application
Filed: Sep 5, 2022
Publication Date: Feb 9, 2023
Inventor: Roman Bershader (Marietta, GA)
Application Number: 17/903,002
International Classification: F04D 27/02 (20060101);