Feline Spirit Board

A spirit board for use with a living animal Oracle planchette.

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The present invention relates to a message device and more particularly to a message device in which messages are indicated by factors beyond the conscious control of the player.


This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/288,849 filed Dec. 13, 2021, entitled “Feline Spirit Board”, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

Feline Spirit Board

The present invention relates to a message device and more particularly to a message device in which messages are indicated by factors beyond the conscious control of the player. In all cases, the operator is not in physical communication with the device when the device is used to make up a message. Some physical contact may be necessary for the operator to place the animal on the board, but which is constructed in such a way that the person having such physical contact will be able to allow the indicator to find its own position without conscious influence by the operator. The operator will necessarily need knowledge to interpret the symbols of the board and actions by the animal used to indicate, and act about or interact with the symbols.

Spirit boards, talking boards, and sometimes called Ouija® boards, have been known for over 100 years. A spirit board is typically a flat board with the letters of the alphabet arrayed in two semi-circles above the numbers 0 through 9; the words “yes” and “no” in the uppermost corners, “goodbye” at the bottom; accompanied by a “planchette,” a teardrop- or heart-shaped device, usually with a small window in the body, used to maneuver about the board. The idea was that two or more people would sit around the board, place their finger tips on the planchette, pose a question, and watch, dumbfounded, as the planchette moved from letter to letter, spelling out the answers seemingly of its own accord. Even today, some researchers believe that the human operator's non-conscious moves the planchette about the hoard through the force of the human operators, while other psychologists that believe spirit boards may offer a link between the known and the unknown. Interestingly, the first patent (446,054) for an Ouija® board as described above offers no explanation as to how the device works, it simply asserts that it does.

Another aspect of this invention involves communication by, and sometimes with, non-human animals (although one embodiment of the invention involves human babies and toddlers). Attempts to communicate between humans and other desired species have been made for many years, including communication between apes and humans, dolphins and humans, and whales and humans. Success was reached with chimpanzees with symbols (Savage-Rumbaugh, et. al., Language Learning in Two Species of Ape, Neuroscience and Biobehavior Reviews, Vol. 9, pp. 653-665 (1985)). Further, pet owners have communicated with their pets for many years as well.

Finally, cats are revered in cultures around the world and there is precedence for belief in the spiritual power of a cat. Some people have become convinced that it is possible to harness this sensitivity and use it in a very personal way. Specifically, a cat and a human together could pierce the veil of this world and gain a look into the infinite possibilities and insights that lay beyond.

It has been said that cats are creatures that walk between the worlds, existing in the spirit world at the same time as the world of the living.

Some have asserted animals have actively warned humans about threats. For example, twice the inventor's cat woke the inventor in the middle of the night: once because the neighbor's house was on fire and no one was aware; the other time years later, a huge raccoon had broken into the inventor's apartment while the inventor was sleeping

The inventor began experiments and made her cat, Byron, the tools the cat would need for the invention as an animal Oracle (herein, sometimes an animal (both human and non-human) oracle is simply called an “Oracle”). In this invention, the Oracle is the living planchette and the supplicant (or sometimes referred to as the “user”) is/are the persons asking the questions of the spirit board and interpreting the answers communicated by the animal Oracle. The invention incorporates symbols and images that have meaning to both the Oracle and the supplicant.

After extensive study into spirit boards, the inventor thought it fitting that the cat itself, or another living being, be the planchette, since it was originally used for automatic writing, wherein a spirit moves the device to indicate letters or numbers, and, in some cases, words (such as months, days of the week, yes, no, hello and goodbye). Planchettes are usually heart-shaped indicators we're accustomed to seeing with spirit boards. With this invention, and in contrast to the spirit boards before it, the Oracle would be the vessel, the indicator of the spirit world and user's energy, as well as the Oracle's own energy.

The invention includes distilled observations of a cat's interactions with the board to create a system that can be used by anyone (and any animal, including, but not limited to a cat). These observations are a guide for new Oracles and their humans to help attune each to the other. More sensitivity between the two will enable a more complete exchange of information during each session.


FIG. 1 shows the front view of the preferred embodiment of the invention, including the preferred symbols and placements of each.


For many years people have sought amusement, entertainment, enlightenment or enjoyment from devices such as diving rods, dowsing rods, spirit boards, and other such devices. The invention relates to responsive indicator for amusement and study to see what images, symbols and areas of the invention the medium, preferably a cat, chooses or happens to locate and interact, or independently, act on the location. Although the preferred embodiment comprises a cat for the Feline Spirit Board, other animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates, such other mammals (including humans), fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, mollusks, arthropods, and annelids.

A drawing of the preferred embodiment of the board is included in this application. The preferred embodiment of the board is a flexible fabric, such as a blanket. However, many materials can be used, including but not limited to water resistant materials (such as plastics) for ease of cleaning or water resistance. Other embodiments of the board include pillows, sheets, tiles, clothing, playpens for children, cages for animals, floors, and other suitable structures where the animal medium can select or otherwise settle and interact with the symbols of the board.

Detailed Description and Instructions

In order to use the invention, the message surface, preferably made of a pliable material, is placed on any surface that is known to be favored by the Oracle, such as the living room floor, the couch, or anyplace receiving strong, direct sunlight. Although sunlight is not required, it may help. The user's bed is a very good spot—things that are close to the user's body frequently carry psychic and emotional traces. If the vibrations are weak and the user's animal needs help to focus its own untamed powers in a more precise scope, the user should try staring at the board where it lies, while showing no interest in their Oracle's whereabouts. Warming the board itself in the dryer, if the board is made of a fabric, may attract attention of the Oracle.

A session may begin with a particular question, or the surface may be left out for the Oracle to access at will. The mood of your Oracle will affect the efficacy of the session, so for younger cats it is suggested playtime prior to any spirit interactions. A mellow, comfortable Oracle yields the most consistent readings.

The positioning of the Oracle on the board adds layers to the understanding and gives the human more opportunity to hone specifics.

For example:

If the Oracle is sprawled out, touching more than one symbol, the enthusiasm of the sprawl is frequently a signal of their perception of the importance of all of those symbols affecting each other. The longer the contact, the more time the user has to consider all of the options indicated by the Oracle.

If the Oracle is very tidy in its choice of seat and covers only one symbol, image, or word, than the message is very clear and straightforward. Only that particular symbol need be consulted.

If the Oracle settles and begins to groom, the outlook is likely good. If the Oracle tends towards a more furious pace in their grooming, that is frequently a sign that the issue needs serious attention and committed action.

If the Oracle falls asleep on the board, let them rest. The more time an Oracle has to claim the board as its own, the deeper the readings will become.

Detailed Description of the FIGURE and the Board Elements

On each corner of the Oracle's spirit board there is a prey animal. These animals represent the four elements.

These elements can express the mood of the information that is forthcoming, as well as the mood of the Oracle itself, depending of the mercurial nature of the animal Oracle.


Earth=The Mouse. Grounded in homely or essential needs and desires.
Air=The Bird. Soaring in matters of the intellect, study, and deep reflection.
Fire=The Moth. A flame with passion, spirit; quick movement towards goals and decisive action.
Water=The Fish. Submerged in emotion, the subconscious desires; nurturing and fertile with inspiration and creativity.

If the Oracle begins or ends their session with pausing by, walking through, or settling on one or more of these images, then the user should infer that the elements indicated hold sway in the matter concerning that user.

In the center of each side are words, one per side. These words represent suggested actions. Specifically, they allow the Oracle to answer briefly if it desires. If the Oracle passes over or sits/sprawls on the words during a session, they often are conveying an urgency or call to swift action in addition to the other information given.

The Sides/Words:

Stalk=Approach cautiously and with total focus for success.
Rest=A timeout is required for clarity and self-care.
Purr=Take time to enjoy your accomplishments. Remember contented gratitude.
Fang=Silence is complicity. Nip the offense in the bud—this cannot be tolerated.

In the center of the board is a circle with five images on it. Each of these images is symbolic of pathways that can be taken toward resolution or current situations that have an influence on the user's state of being. As the user becomes more skilled in their interpretations, the user may find that the symbols can also refer to their past in order to inform their future.

The Symbols:

The Spring (fishbowl):

Inside of you, tap into nourishment, creativity, and reflection; trust your inner vision, your inner voice. You have worlds within you, let your strengths guide and inform your actions.

The Sunspot (window):

Recharge; self-care is a good way to spend this time. You may be spending too much time on others, work, or distracted by the world. Take the time to do what fills your soul. Once you are filled the next step will become clear.

The Hunter's Blind (potted plant):

The view from behind the blind allows laser focus, free of other distractions. This may be what you are needing. Observation and study, research on your goal; these can never go amiss. Come prepared, do the homework, and you will have mastery.

The High Place (bookcase):

There is no substitute for perspective. When in a rut, take a high place to refresh your thinking. There is no problem or irritant that cannot be overcome by reviewing it from a new angle. There is always more to consider. Problems approached from a high place are always more likely to be vanquished.

The Gordian Yarn (ball of yarn):

What seems like a paradox may be easily unraveled. Keep an open mind. There are times when the long way will be more satisfying and bring the desired result. Or perhaps the exercise itself is the point of your efforts. In work and play there can be goals: one of them can be the process itself.

In the preferred embodiment, the message device for communication between an animal and humans comprises: a message surface (1); said surface having an outer portion (2), a middle portion (3), and a center. (4) Said surface having a plurality of symbols, said symbols arranged in a series of concentric boundaries generally radiating from said center. Said animal serving as a planchette; and, said symbols that can be selected and indicated by said animal planchette. The animal is preferably a mammal. The symbols may comprise words and images, wherein the words comprise purr (5), fang (6), rest (7) and stalk. (8) The images may comprise a mouse (9), a bird (10), a moth (11), a fish (12), a fishbowl (13), a window (14), a potted plant (15), a bookcase (16), and a ball of yarn. (17) Additionally, the center image may be of an animal, including, but not limited to a feline (18) or human. However, the words and images may be different than those listed in order to fit the needs of the Oracle and the user.

In the preferred embodiment, the words and images are positioned according to FIG. 1, wherein the feline image is circumscribed by images of a fishbowl, a window, a potted plant, a bookcase, and a ball of yarn. In turn, these images may be circumscribed the words: purr, fang, rest, stalk. Finally, these words may be circumscribed in the preferred embodiment by the generally circumscription of the images of a mouse, a bird, a moth, and a fish, which in FIG. 1 are placed in the corners of the trapezoidal surface.

As noted herein, each symbol (both words and images) have specific meanings.

Oracles Who Work in Teams

It is common when a user has more than one Oracle living in the same house for a Team Session or Pards Prognostication to organically occur. As in all things mystical, the results will vary depending on the mood and depth of relationship shared between the animal Oracles (preferably cats). When a Team Session occurs, positioning is very important. The user should make note of all the symbols that are accessed while the two or more Oracles mingle together or stay separated during the reading. The choice of the Oracles to lie together will signal the depth of concern or urgency of the response. Separation will signify the complexity of the given situation and the user should consider a need to carefully take each element into account before acting.

Remember, every cat and every human are different, so not all the suggestions for interpretation work the same for everyone. The symbols themselves will remain the same, but the depth of the meaning and layer of personal potency will build with time. The more time a user spends communing with their animal Oracle, the better able the user will be to find their own more exacting meanings and methods.


1. A message device for communication between an animal and humans comprising:

a message surface;
said surface having an outer portion, a middle portion, and a center;
said surface having a plurality of symbols, said symbols arranged in a series of concentric boundaries generally radiating from said center;
said animal serving as a planchette; and
said symbols that can be selected and indicated by said animal planchette.

2. The message device of claim 1, wherein said animal is a mammal.

3. The message device of claim 2, wherein said symbols comprise words and images.

4. The message device of claim 3, wherein said words comprise: purr, fang, rest, stalk.

5. The message device of claim 3, wherein said images comprise: mouse, bird, moth, fish, fishbowl, window, plant, bookcase, yarn.

6. The message device of claim 2, wherein said center has an image of an animal.

7. The message device of claim 6, wherein said image of an animal is a feline.

8. The message device of claim 6, wherein said image of an animal is a human.

9. The message device of claim 7, wherein said feline image is circumscribed by said images of fishbowl, window, plant, bookcase, yarn; and said images of fishbowl, window, plant, bookcase, yarn are circumscribed by said words purr, fang, rest, stalk and said images mouse, bird, moth, fish.

10. The message device of claim 9, wherein each symbol comprises a unique meaning.

11. A message device for communication between an animal and humans comprising:

a message surface;
said surface having an outer portion, a middle portion, and a center;
said surface having plurality of symbols, said symbols arranged in a series of concentric boundaries generally radiating from said center;
said center comprising an image of a feline;
said feline image circumscribed by symbols comprising fishbowl, window, plant, bookcase, yarn in a first and inner concentric boundary;
said first and inner concentric boundary circumscribed by said words purr, fang, rest, stalk in a second and middle concentric boundary;
said second and middle concentric boundary circumscribed by said images mouse, bird, moth, fish;
said animal serving as a planchette; and
said symbols that can be selected and indicated by said animal planchette.

12. The message device of claim 11, wherein said animal is a mammal.

13. The message device of claim 11, wherein each symbol comprises a unique meaning.

Patent History
Publication number: 20230182002
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 13, 2022
Publication Date: Jun 15, 2023
Inventor: Cohen Jessica (Berkeley, CA)
Application Number: 18/080,672
International Classification: A63F 9/18 (20060101); A63F 3/00 (20060101); A63F 9/06 (20060101);